CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.i
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
4#include <string>
5#include <vector>
6#include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>
7#include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
8#include <CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h>
9#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
11using namespace std;
12using namespace CLHEP;
16 public:
17 CgemGeoReadoutPlane(int iLayer, int iSheet,
18 double rx, double rv,
19 double phi_min, double dX_strip, double dV,
20 double w, double zmin, double L,
21 int NXStrip, int NVStrip,
22 double Xpitch, double XstripWidth, double Vpitch, double VstripWidth, double stereoAngle,
23 double midROfGap, double outROfGap);
26 void print();
28 int getLayerId() {return m_iLayer;};
29 int getSheetId() {return m_iSheet;};
30 double getRX() {return m_RX;};
31 double getRV() {return m_RV;};
32 double getPhimin() {return m_Phimin;};
33 double getXmin() {return m_Xmin;};
34 double getWidth() {return m_W;};
35 double getZmin() {return m_Zmin;};
36 double getLength() {return m_L;};
37 double getXPitch() {return m_XPitch;};
38 double getVPitch() {return m_VPitch;};
39 double getStereoAngle() {return m_StereoAngle;};
40 double getMidRAtGap() {return m_MidRGap;};
41 double getVmax() {return m_Vmax;};
42 int getNXstrips() const { return m_NXstrips; };
43 int getNVstrips() const { return m_NVstrips; };
45 bool OnThePlane(double phi, double z) const;// check (phi,z) in the sensitive area or not
47 double getX(double phi) const;// X with m_Xmin as origin
48 int getXStripID(double phi) const;// -1: beyond start, -2: beyond end
49 int getXStripID(double x, double y) const;// -1: beyond start, -2: beyond end, -3: x=y=0
50 int getXStripID(G4ThreeVector pos) const; // -1: beyond start, -2: beyond end, -3: x=y=0
51 int getClosestXStripID(double phi, double& dist) ; // dist to the border of the closest strips, <0 inside of the strip, >0 outside of the strip
52 int getClosestVStripID(G4ThreeVector pos, double& dist) const;// dist to the border of the closest strips, <0 inside of the strip, >0 outside of the strip
53 double getDist2ClosestXStripCenter(double phi, int& id) ; // distance to the center of the closest strip
54 double getDist2ClosestVStripCenter(G4ThreeVector pos, int& id) ;// distance to the center of the closest strip
55 void getStripID(G4ThreeVector pos, int& X_ID, int& V_ID) const; // get the closest XID/VID
56 void getFiredStripID(G4ThreeVector pos1, G4ThreeVector pos2, vector<int>& vecXID, vector<int>& vecVID) const;
58 double getVFromLocalXZ(double x,double zeta, bool checkRange=true) const;// input: local X, Zeta @ X plane with (phi_min_strip,-L/2) as origin, output: local V @ V plane
59 double getVFromPhiZ(double phi, double z, bool checkRange=true) const;
60 double getVFromPhiZ_nearPhiMin(double phi, double z, bool checkRange=true) const;
61 double getVInNextSheetFromV(double v, double phiminNext) const {
62 double dPhi = phiminNext-m_Phimin;// assume the next m_Phimin_strip is the same
63 while(dPhi<=0) dPhi+=CLHEP::twopi;
64 while(dPhi>CLHEP::twopi) dPhi-=CLHEP::twopi;
65 //cout<<"getVInNextSheetFromV: dphi = "<<dPhi<<endl;
66 double dX = dPhi*m_Rmid;
67 return v-dX*cos(m_StereoAngle);
68 }
69 int getVIDFromV(double V) const; // -1: beyond start, -2: beyond end
70 int getVIDInNextSheetFromVID(int vID, double phimin_next) const;
72 double getPhiMin_strip() const {return m_Phimin_strip+m_Phimin;}
73 double getCentralXFromXID(int X_ID) const
74 { //X_ID=X_ID-m_NXstrips*m_iSheet;
75 return (X_ID+0.5)*m_XPitch+m_Xmin_strip;
76 }// central X with m_Xmin as origin
77 double getPhiFromXID(int X_ID) const; /* from -pi to pi */
78 double getCentralVFromVID(int V_ID) const
79 {
80 //V_ID=V_ID-m_NVstrips*m_iSheet;
81 return (V_ID+0.5)*m_VPitch+m_Vmin_strip;
82 }
83 double getVStripLength(int V_ID) const
84 {
85 double vStripLegth(0.);
86 if(V_ID>=0&&V_ID<m_NVstrips)
87 {
88 double V=getCentralVFromVID(V_ID);
89 double Lz=V/fabs(sin(m_StereoAngle));
90 if(Lz<=m_L)
91 {
92 vStripLegth=Lz/cos(m_StereoAngle);
93 }
94 else if(V/cos(m_StereoAngle)<=m_NXstrips*m_XPitch)
95 {
96 vStripLegth=m_L/cos(m_StereoAngle);
97 }
98 else vStripLegth=(m_Vtot-V)/fabs(sin(m_StereoAngle)*cos(m_StereoAngle));
99 }
100 return vStripLegth;
101 }
103 double getZFromXV(double X, double V, int checkXRange=1, int checkVRange=1) const;// X with m_Xmin as origin
104 double getZFromPhiV(double phi, double V, int checkXRange=1) const;
106 double incidentAngleX(Hep3Vector momentum, double phi) const;
107 double incidentAngleV(Hep3Vector momentum, double phi) const;
108 double dAngleAcute(double phi1, double phi2) const;
110 /* bool intersection(int iX, int iV) */
111 /* { */
112 /* double V=getCentralVFromVID(iV); */
113 /* double Xmin=(V/sin(m_StereoAngle)-m_L); */
114 /* } */
116 private:
117 int m_iLayer; // layer id: 0, 1 ,2
118 int m_iSheet; // sheet id: 0, 1
119 double m_RX; // radius (mm) for X strips
120 double m_RV; // radius (mm) for V strips
121 double m_Rmid; // middle radius (mm) for anode
122 double m_MidRGap;// middle radius of the drift region (mm)
123 double m_OutRGap;// outer radius of the drift region (mm)
124 double m_Zmin; // starting position of the readout plane in Z (mm)
125 double m_Zmax; // ending position of the readout plane in Z (mm)
126 double m_L; // length in z (mm)
128 double m_W; // width in X (mm) excluding gap area (to be connected by bands)
129 double m_Phimin; // starting position of the readout plane in phi (radian) (-pi to pi)
130 double m_Xmin; // starting position of the readout plane in X (mm) = m_Phimin*m_RX
131 double m_Phimin_strip;// position of the first strip in phi (radian) center -0.5*pitch (-pi,pi) with m_Phimin as origin
132 double m_Xmin_strip; // position of the first strip in X (mm) = m_Phimin_strip*m_Rmid (center-0.5*pitch) with m_Xmin as origin
133 double m_Phimax_strip;// position of the last strip in phi (radian) center +0.5*pitch (-pi,pi) with m_Phimin as origin
134 double m_Xmax_strip; // position of the last strip in X (mm) = m_Xmin_strip+m_XPitch*m_NXstrips (center+0.5*pitch) with m_Xmin as origin
136 //double m_Vmin;
137 double m_Vtot; // total V in the sensitive rectangle area (m_XPitch*m_NXstrips, L)
138 double m_Vmin_strip; // position of the first V strip in V (mm) center-0.5*pitch with respect to the corner of the sensitive area
139 double m_Vmax; // position of the last V strip in V (mm) center+0.5*pitch with respect to the corner of the sensitive area
141 //double m_Wdead; // dead area (mm)
143 double m_XPitch; // pitch in X (mm)
144 double m_VPitch; // pitch in V (mm)
145 double m_XstripWidth; // width of X strips (mm)
146 double m_VstripWidth; // width of V strips (mm)
147 double m_StereoAngle; // Stereo angle (rad)
148 double m_k; // +1 or -1, sign of the stereo angle
150 int m_NXstrips;
151 int m_NVstrips;
154inline bool CgemGeoReadoutPlane::OnThePlane(double phi, double z) const
156 double dPhi=phi-m_Phimin;// [0, 2pi) with m_Phimin as origin
157 while(dPhi<0) dPhi+=CLHEP::twopi;
158 while(dPhi>=2*M_PI) dPhi-=CLHEP::twopi;
159 if(dPhi>=m_Phimin_strip && dPhi<=m_Xmax_strip/m_Rmid && z>=m_Zmin && z<=m_Zmax) return true;
160 else return false;
163inline double CgemGeoReadoutPlane::getVFromLocalXZ(double x, double zeta, bool checkRange) const
165 double V = -9999.0;
166 if( (!checkRange) || (x>=0. && x<=m_NXstrips*m_XPitch && zeta>=0 && zeta<=m_L) )
167 {
168 //double X = x/m_RX*m_RV;// X at V plane
169 //if(m_StereoAngle>0) return zeta*sin(m_StereoAngle) + X*cos(m_StereoAngle);
170 //else return (zeta-m_L)*sin(m_StereoAngle)+X*cos(m_StereoAngle);
171 double z0=m_Zmax; if(m_k<0) z0=m_Zmin;
172 //return X*cos(m_StereoAngle)+((m_k-1.0)*m_L/2.0-zeta)*sin(m_StereoAngle);
173 V = x*cos(m_StereoAngle)+(z0-zeta-m_Zmin)*sin(m_StereoAngle);
174 }
175 return V;
178inline double CgemGeoReadoutPlane::getVFromPhiZ(double phi, double z, bool checkRange) const
180 double dPhi=phi-m_Phimin;
181 while(dPhi<0) dPhi+=CLHEP::twopi;
182 while(dPhi>=CLHEP::twopi) dPhi-=CLHEP::twopi;
183 double X=dPhi*m_Rmid;// X with m_Xmin as origin
184 double x=X-m_Xmin_strip;// x with m_Xmin_strip as origin
185 double zeta=z-m_Zmin;// local zeta [0,L]
186 return getVFromLocalXZ(x,zeta, checkRange);
189inline double CgemGeoReadoutPlane::getVFromPhiZ_nearPhiMin(double phi, double z, bool checkRange) const
191 double dPhi=phi-m_Phimin;
192 while(dPhi<-CLHEP::pi) dPhi+=CLHEP::twopi;
193 while(dPhi>=CLHEP::pi) dPhi-=CLHEP::twopi;
194 double X=dPhi*m_Rmid;// X with m_Xmin as origin
195 double x=X-m_Xmin_strip;// x with m_Xmin_strip as origin
196 double zeta=z-m_Zmin;// local zeta [0,L]
197 return getVFromLocalXZ(x,zeta, checkRange);
200inline int CgemGeoReadoutPlane::getVIDInNextSheetFromVID(int vID, double phimin_next) const {
201 int vId_next = -1;
202 //vID=vID-m_NVstrips*m_iSheet;
203 if( (vID>=0) && (vID<m_NVstrips) ){
204 double v = getCentralVFromVID(vID);
205 double v2 = getVInNextSheetFromV(v, phimin_next);
206 //if(v2>=0.) return floor(v2/m_VPitch);
207 vId_next = getVIDFromV(v2);// assume the next sheet with the same configuration
208 //if(m_iLayer>0) { vId_next=vId_next+(1-2*m_iSheet)*m_NVstrips;// with assumption Nsheet=2 for layerID>0 FIXME}
209 }
210 return vId_next;
213inline double CgemGeoReadoutPlane::getZFromPhiV(double phi, double V, int checkXRange) const {
214 phi = phi-m_Phimin;
215 while(phi<0) phi+=CLHEP::twopi;
216 while(phi>=CLHEP::twopi) phi-=CLHEP::twopi;
217 return getZFromXV(phi*m_Rmid, V, checkXRange);
220inline int CgemGeoReadoutPlane::getVIDFromV(double V) const{
221 double Vid = floor((V-m_Vmin_strip)/m_VPitch);
222 if(Vid<0) Vid=-1;
223 if(Vid>=m_NVstrips) Vid=-2;
224 //Vid=Vid+m_NVstrips*m_iSheet;
225 return Vid;
double sin(const BesAngle a)
Definition BesAngle.h:210
double cos(const BesAngle a)
Definition BesAngle.h:213
**********INTEGER nmxhep !maximum number of particles DOUBLE PRECISION vhep INTEGER jdahep COMMON hepevt $ !serial number $ !number of particles $ !status code $ !particle ident KF $ !parent particles $ !childreen particles $ !four momentum
Double_t phi2
Double_t x[10]
Double_t phi1
**********Class see also m_nmax DOUBLE PRECISION m_amel DOUBLE PRECISION m_x2 DOUBLE PRECISION m_alfinv DOUBLE PRECISION m_Xenph INTEGER m_KeyWtm INTEGER m_idyfs DOUBLE PRECISION m_zini DOUBLE PRECISION m_q2 DOUBLE PRECISION m_Wt_KF DOUBLE PRECISION m_WtCut INTEGER m_KFfin *COMMON c_KarLud $ !Input CMS energy[GeV] $ !CMS energy after beam spread beam strahlung[GeV] $ !Beam energy spread[GeV] $ !z boost due to beam spread $ !electron beam mass *ff pair spectrum $ !minimum v
Definition KarLud.h:35
#define M_PI
Definition TConstant.h:4
CgemGeoReadoutPlane(int iLayer, int iSheet, double rx, double rv, double phi_min, double dX_strip, double dV, double w, double zmin, double L, int NXStrip, int NVStrip, double Xpitch, double XstripWidth, double Vpitch, double VstripWidth, double stereoAngle, double midROfGap, double outROfGap)
double getVFromPhiZ(double phi, double z, bool checkRange=true) const
double getVStripLength(int V_ID) const
double incidentAngleV(Hep3Vector momentum, double phi) const
void getFiredStripID(G4ThreeVector pos1, G4ThreeVector pos2, vector< int > &vecXID, vector< int > &vecVID) const
int getVIDInNextSheetFromVID(int vID, double phimin_next) const
double getPhiMin_strip() const
double getVFromLocalXZ(double x, double zeta, bool checkRange=true) const
double getCentralXFromXID(int X_ID) const
double incidentAngleX(Hep3Vector momentum, double phi) const
double getZFromPhiV(double phi, double V, int checkXRange=1) const
double getCentralVFromVID(int V_ID) const
double getPhiFromXID(int X_ID) const
double getZFromXV(double X, double V, int checkXRange=1, int checkVRange=1) const
double getDist2ClosestXStripCenter(double phi, int &id)
int getClosestXStripID(double phi, double &dist)
int getXStripID(double phi) const
bool OnThePlane(double phi, double z) const
double getVFromPhiZ_nearPhiMin(double phi, double z, bool checkRange=true) const
int getVIDFromV(double V) const
double dAngleAcute(double phi1, double phi2) const
double getX(double phi) const
double getVInNextSheetFromV(double v, double phiminNext) const
int getClosestVStripID(G4ThreeVector pos, double &dist) const
void getStripID(G4ThreeVector pos, int &X_ID, int &V_ID) const
double getDist2ClosestVStripCenter(G4ThreeVector pos, int &id)