Geant4 10.7.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
This is the complete list of members for G3toG4RotationMatrix, including all inherited members.
axis() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
axisAngle() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
col1() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
col2() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
col3() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
col4() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
colX() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
colY() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
colZ() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
compare(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
decompose(HepAxisAngle &rotation, Hep3Vector &boost) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
decompose(Hep3Vector &boost, HepAxisAngle &rotation) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
delta() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
distance2(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
distance2(const HepBoost <) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
distance2(const HepLorentzRotation <) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
eulerAngles() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
G3toG4RotationMatrix() | G3toG4RotationMatrix | |
getAngleAxis(double &delta, Hep3Vector &axis) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
getAxis() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
getDelta() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
getPhi() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
getPsi() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
getTheta() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
getTolerance() | CLHEP::HepRotation | inlinestatic |
HepRotation() | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
HepRotation(const HepRotation &m) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
HepRotation(HepRotation &&m)=default | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
HepRotation(const HepRotationX &m) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
HepRotation(const HepRotationY &m) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
HepRotation(const HepRotationZ &m) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
HepRotation(const Hep3Vector &axis, double delta) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
HepRotation(const HepAxisAngle &ax) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
HepRotation(double phi, double theta, double psi) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
HepRotation(const HepEulerAngles &e) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
HepRotation(const Hep3Vector &colX, const Hep3Vector &colY, const Hep3Vector &colZ) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
HepRotation(const HepRep3x3 &m) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
HepRotation(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double myx, double myy, double myz, double mzx, double mzy, double mzz) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inlineprotected |
howNear(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
howNear(const HepBoost <) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
howNear(const HepLorentzRotation <) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
IDENTITY | CLHEP::HepRotation | static |
inverse() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
invert() | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
isIdentity() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
isNear(const HepRotation &r, double epsilon=Hep4RotationInterface::tolerance) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
isNear(const HepBoost <, double epsilon=Hep4RotationInterface::tolerance) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
isNear(const HepLorentzRotation <, double epsilon=Hep4RotationInterface::tolerance) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
norm2() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
operator!=(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator()(int, int) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
operator()(const Hep3Vector &p) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator()(const HepLorentzVector &w) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*(const Hep3Vector &p) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*(const HepLorentzVector &w) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*(const HepRotationX &rx) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*(const HepRotationY &ry) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*(const HepRotationZ &rz) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*=(const HepRotation &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*=(const HepRotationX &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*=(const HepRotationY &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator*=(const HepRotationZ &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator<(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator<=(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator=(const HepRotation &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator=(HepRotation &&r)=default | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator=(const HepRotationX &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator=(const HepRotationY &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator=(const HepRotationZ &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator==(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator>(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator>=(const HepRotation &r) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
operator[](int) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
phi() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
phiX() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
phiY() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
phiZ() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
print(std::ostream &os) const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
psi() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
rectify() | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
rep3x3() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
rep4x4() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
rotate(double delta, const Hep3Vector &axis) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
rotate(double delta, const Hep3Vector *axis) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
rotateAxes(const Hep3Vector &newX, const Hep3Vector &newY, const Hep3Vector &newZ) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
rotateX(double delta) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
rotateY(double delta) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
rotateZ(double delta) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
row1() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
row2() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
row3() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
row4() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
rowX() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
rowY() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
rowZ() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
rxx | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
rxy | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
rxz | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
ryx | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
ryy | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
ryz | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
rzx | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
rzy | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
rzz | CLHEP::HepRotation | protected |
set(const Hep3Vector &axis, double delta) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
set(const HepAxisAngle &ax) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
set(double phi, double theta, double psi) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
set(const HepEulerAngles &e) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
set(const Hep3Vector &colX, const Hep3Vector &colY, const Hep3Vector &colZ) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
set(const HepRotationX &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
set(const HepRotationY &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
set(const HepRotationZ &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
set(const HepRep3x3 &m) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
setAxis(const Hep3Vector &axis) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
setDelta(double delta) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
setPhi(double phi) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
setPsi(double psi) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
SetRotationMatrixByCol(const G4ThreeVector &Col1, const G4ThreeVector &Col2, const G4ThreeVector &Col3) | G3toG4RotationMatrix | |
SetRotationMatrixByRow(const G4ThreeVector &Row1, const G4ThreeVector &Row2, const G4ThreeVector &Row3) | G3toG4RotationMatrix | |
setRows(const Hep3Vector &rowX, const Hep3Vector &rowY, const Hep3Vector &rowZ) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
setTheta(double theta) | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
setTolerance(double tol) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inlinestatic |
theta() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
thetaX() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
thetaY() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
thetaZ() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | |
transform(const HepRotation &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
transform(const HepRotationX &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
transform(const HepRotationY &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
transform(const HepRotationZ &r) | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
tt() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
tx() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
ty() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
tz() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
xt() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
xx() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
xy() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
xz() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
yt() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
yx() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
yy() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
yz() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
zt() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
zx() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
zy() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
zz() const | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |
~G3toG4RotationMatrix() | G3toG4RotationMatrix | |
~HepRotation() | CLHEP::HepRotation | inline |