Geant4 11.1.1
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
This is the complete list of members for G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46, including all inherited members.
calculateNNAngularSlope(G4double energyCM, G4int iso) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
deltaProduction(const G4int isospin, const G4double pLab) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | protected |
elastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
elasticNNLegacy(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | protected |
etaNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
etaNToPiPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
etaPrimeNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
ICrossSections() | G4INCL::ICrossSections | inline |
NDeltaToDeltaLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NDeltaToDeltaSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NDeltaToNLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NDeltaToNN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NDeltaToNNKKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NDeltaToNSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbToL2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbToLpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbToNKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbToNKb2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbToNKbpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbToS2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKbToSpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKToNK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKToNK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NKToNKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NLToNS(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToMissingStrangeness(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNDelta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNDeltaEta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNDeltaOmega(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNLK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNLKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNNEta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNNEtaExclu(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNNEtaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNNKKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNNOmega(Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNNOmegaExclu(Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNNOmegaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNSK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToNSKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NNToxPiNN(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToLK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToLKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToMissingStrangeness(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToNKKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToSK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NpiToSKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NSToNL(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NSToNS(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
NYelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
omegaNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
omegaNToPiPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
p_pimToSmKp(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
p_pimToSzKz(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
p_pizToSzKp(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
piNToDelta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
piNToEtaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
piNToEtaPrimeN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
piNToOmegaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
piNToxPiN(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
spnPiMinusPHE(const G4double x) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | protected |
spnPiPlusPHE(const G4double x) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | protected |
total(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2) | G4INCL::CrossSectionsINCL46 | virtual |
~ICrossSections() | G4INCL::ICrossSections | inlinevirtual |