Geant4 11.2.2
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
This is the complete list of members for G4NistManager, including all inherited members.
BuildMaterialWithNewDensity(const G4String &name, const G4String &basename, G4double density=0.0, G4double temp=NTP_Temperature, G4double pres=CLHEP::STP_Pressure) | G4NistManager | |
ConstructNewGasMaterial(const G4String &name, const G4String &nameNist, G4double temp, G4double pres, G4bool isotopes=true) | G4NistManager | inline |
ConstructNewIdealGasMaterial(const G4String &name, const std::vector< G4String > &elm, const std::vector< G4int > &nbAtoms, G4bool isotopes=true, G4double temp=NTP_Temperature, G4double pressure=CLHEP::STP_Pressure) | G4NistManager | inline |
ConstructNewMaterial(const G4String &name, const std::vector< G4String > &elm, const std::vector< G4int > &nbAtoms, G4double dens, G4bool isotopes=true, G4State state=kStateSolid, G4double temp=NTP_Temperature, G4double pressure=CLHEP::STP_Pressure) | G4NistManager | inline |
ConstructNewMaterial(const G4String &name, const std::vector< G4String > &elm, const std::vector< G4double > &weight, G4double dens, G4bool isotopes=true, G4State state=kStateSolid, G4double temp=NTP_Temperature, G4double pressure=CLHEP::STP_Pressure) | G4NistManager | inline |
FindElement(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
FindMaterial(const G4String &name) const | G4NistManager | inline |
FindOrBuildElement(G4int Z, G4bool isotopes=true) | G4NistManager | inline |
FindOrBuildElement(const G4String &symb, G4bool isotopes=true) | G4NistManager | inline |
FindOrBuildMaterial(const G4String &name, G4bool isotopes=true, G4bool warning=false) | G4NistManager | inline |
FindOrBuildSimpleMaterial(G4int Z, G4bool warning=false) | G4NistManager | inline |
FindSimpleMaterial(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetA27(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetAtomicMass(G4int Z, G4int N) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetAtomicMassAmu(const G4String &symb) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetAtomicMassAmu(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetElement(size_t index) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetICRU90StoppingData() | G4NistManager | |
GetIsotopeAbundance(G4int Z, G4int N) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetIsotopeMass(G4int Z, G4int N) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetLOGAMU(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetLOGZ(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetMaterial(size_t index) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetMeanIonisationEnergy(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetNistElementNames() const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetNistFirstIsotopeN(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetNistMaterialNames() const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetNominalDensity(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetNumberOfElements() const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetNumberOfMaterials() const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetNumberOfNistIsotopes(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetTotalElectronBindingEnergy(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetVerbose() const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetZ(const G4String &symb) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetZ13(G4double Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
GetZ13(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
Instance() | G4NistManager | static |
ListMaterials(const G4String &) const | G4NistManager | inline |
PrintElement(G4int Z) const | G4NistManager | inline |
PrintElement(const G4String &) const | G4NistManager | |
PrintG4Element(const G4String &) const | G4NistManager | |
PrintG4Material(const G4String &) const | G4NistManager | |
SetDensityEffectCalculatorFlag(const G4String &, G4bool) | G4NistManager | |
SetDensityEffectCalculatorFlag(G4Material *, G4bool) | G4NistManager | |
SetVerbose(G4int) | G4NistManager | |
~G4NistManager() | G4NistManager |