Geant4 11.2.2
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
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26// INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
27// Alain Boudard, CEA-Saclay, France
28// Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege, Belgium
29// Jean-Christophe David, CEA-Saclay, France
30// Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA-Saclay, France, and Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland
31// Sylvie Leray, CEA-Saclay, France
32// Davide Mancusi, CEA-Saclay, France
36#include "globals.hh"
38/** \file G4INCLCrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances.hh
39 * \brief Multipion and mesonic Resonances cross sections
40 *
41 * \date 4th February 2014
42 * \author Jean-Christophe David
43 */
49//#include <limits>
51namespace G4INCL {
52 /// \brief Multipion and mesonic Resonances cross sections
55 public:
58 /// \brief new elastic particle-particle cross section
59 virtual G4double elastic(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
61 /// \brief new total particle-particle cross section
62 virtual G4double total(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
64 /// \brief Cross section for X pion production - piN Channel (modified due to the mesonic resonances)
65 virtual G4double piNToxPiN(const G4int xpi, Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
67 /// \brief Cross sections for mesonic resonance production - piN Channel
68 virtual G4double piNToEtaN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
69 virtual G4double piNToOmegaN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
70 virtual G4double piNToEtaPrimeN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
72 /// \brief Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - piN Channel
73 virtual G4double etaNToPiN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
74 virtual G4double omegaNToPiN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
75 virtual G4double etaPrimeNToPiN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
77 /// \brief Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - pipiN Channel
78 virtual G4double etaNToPiPiN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
80 /// \brief Cross section for Eta production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel
81 virtual G4double NNToNNEta(Particle const * const particle1, Particle const * const particle2);
83 /// \brief Cross section for Eta production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel
84 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaExclu(Particle const * const particle1, Particle const * const particle2);
86 /// \brief Cross section for Omega production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel
87 virtual G4double NNToNNOmega(Particle const * const particle1, Particle const * const particle2);
89 /// \brief Cross section for Omega production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel
90 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaExclu(Particle const * const particle1, Particle const * const particle2);
92 /// \brief Cross section for X pion production - NN Channel
93 virtual G4double NNToxPiNN(const G4int xpi, Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
95 /// \brief Cross section for X pion production - NNEta Channel
96 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
98 /// \brief Cross section for N-Delta-Eta production - NNEta Channel
99 virtual G4double NNToNDeltaEta(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
101 /// \brief Cross section for X pion production - NNOmega Channel
102 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
104 /// \brief Cross section for N-Delta-Eta production - NNOmega Channel
105 virtual G4double NNToNDeltaOmega(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
108 protected:
109 /// \brief Maximum number of outgoing pions in NN collisions
110 static const G4int nMaxPiNN;
112 /// \brief Maximum number of outgoing pions in piN collisions
113 static const G4int nMaxPiPiN;
115 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s11pz
117 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s01pp
119 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s01pz
121 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s11pm
123 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s12pm
125 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s12pp
127 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s12zz
129 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s02pz
131 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s02pm
133 /// \brief Horner coefficients for s12mz
136 /// \brief One over threshold for s11pz
137 static const G4double s11pzOOT;
138 /// \brief One over threshold for s01pp
139 static const G4double s01ppOOT;
140 /// \brief One over threshold for s01pz
141 static const G4double s01pzOOT;
142 /// \brief One over threshold for s11pm
143 static const G4double s11pmOOT;
144 /// \brief One over threshold for s12pm
145 static const G4double s12pmOOT;
146 /// \brief One over threshold for s12pp
147 static const G4double s12ppOOT;
148 /// \brief One over threshold for s12zz
149 static const G4double s12zzOOT;
150 /// \brief One over threshold for s02pz
151 static const G4double s02pzOOT;
152 /// \brief One over threshold for s02pm
153 static const G4double s02pmOOT;
154 /// \brief One over threshold for s12mz
155 static const G4double s12mzOOT;
158 /// \brief Internal function for pion cross sections
159 G4double piMinuspToEtaN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
161 G4double piMinuspToOmegaN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
163// G4double piPluspOnePi(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
164// G4double piMinuspOnePi(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
165// G4double piPluspTwoPi(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
166// G4double piMinuspTwoPi(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
168 /// \brief Cross section for One (more) pion production - piN entrance channel
169// virtual G4double piNOnePi(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
171 /// \brief Cross section for Two (more) pion production - piN entrance channel
172// virtual G4double piNTwoPi(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
174 /// \brief Cross section for Three (more) pion production - piN entrance channel
175 ///virtual G4double piNThreePi(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
177 /// \brief Isotopic Cross section for Eta production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel
178 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso);
180 /// \brief Isotopic Cross section for Eta production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel
181 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaExcluIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso);
183 /// \brief Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNEta channel
184 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaOnePi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
185 /// \brief Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNEta channel
186 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaOnePiOrDelta(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
187 /// \brief Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NNEta channel
188 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaTwoPi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
189 /// \brief Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NNEta channel
190 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaThreePi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
191 /// \brief Cross section for direct 4-pion production - NNEta channel
192 virtual G4double NNToNNEtaFourPi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
195 /// \brief Isotopic Cross section for Omega production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel
196 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso);
198 /// \brief Isotopic Cross section for Omega production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel
199 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaExcluIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso);
201 /// \brief Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNOmega channel
202 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaOnePi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
203 /// \brief Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNOmega channel
204 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaOnePiOrDelta(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
205 /// \brief Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NNOmega channel
206 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaTwoPi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
207 /// \brief Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NNOmega channel
208 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaThreePi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
209 /// \brief Cross section for direct 4-pion production - NNOmega channel
210 virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaFourPi(Particle const * const part1, Particle const * const part2);
213 /// \brief Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - elastic Channel
214 virtual G4double etaNElastic(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
215 virtual G4double omegaNElastic(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
218 /// \brief Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - inelastic Channel
219 virtual G4double omegaNInelastic(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
221 /// \brief Cross sections for omega-induced 2Pi emission on nucleon
222 virtual G4double omegaNToPiPiN(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2);
224 };
Cross sections used in INCL Multipions.
double G4double
Definition G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition G4Types.hh:85
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaExcluIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
Isotopic Cross section for Omega production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double piNToEtaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance production - piN Channel.
static const G4double s11pmOOT
One over threshold for s11pm.
virtual G4double etaNElastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - elastic Channel.
virtual G4double omegaNToPiPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for omega-induced 2Pi emission on nucleon.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
Cross section for One (more) pion production - piN entrance channel.
virtual G4double omegaNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for OmegaN->PiN.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaExclu(Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
Cross section for Omega production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNDeltaEta(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for N-Delta-Eta production - NNEta Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaTwoPi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaOnePiOrDelta(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double piNToxPiN(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for X pion production - piN Channel (modified due to the mesonic resonances)
virtual G4double etaNToPiPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - pipiN Channel.
virtual G4double piNToOmegaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for PiN->OmegaN.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaThreePi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double omegaNInelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - inelastic Channel.
static const G4int nMaxPiNN
Maximum number of outgoing pions in NN collisions.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
Isotopic Cross section for Omega production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel.
static const G4double s12ppOOT
One over threshold for s12pp.
virtual G4double NNToNNEta(Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
Cross section for Eta production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel.
static const G4double s11pzOOT
One over threshold for s11pz.
virtual G4double elastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
new elastic particle-particle cross section
virtual G4double etaPrimeNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for EtaPrimeN->PiN.
virtual G4double total(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
new total particle-particle cross section
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaExcluIso(const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
Isotopic Cross section for Eta production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for X pion production - NNOmega Channel.
virtual G4double NNToxPiNN(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for X pion production - NN Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaExclu(Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
Cross section for Eta production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaOnePiOrDelta(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double etaNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - piN Channel.
virtual G4double omegaNElastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
static const G4double s01ppOOT
One over threshold for s01pp.
virtual G4double piNToEtaPrimeN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for PiN->EtaPrimeN.
static const G4double s12zzOOT
One over threshold for s12zz.
static const G4double s02pzOOT
One over threshold for s02pz.
static const G4int nMaxPiPiN
Maximum number of outgoing pions in piN collisions.
static const G4double s12mzOOT
One over threshold for s12mz.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaFourPi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 4-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaThreePi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaTwoPi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NNEta channel.
static const G4double s02pmOOT
One over threshold for s02pm.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmega(Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
Cross section for Omega production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaFourPi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 4-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaOnePi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNEta channel.
static const G4double s12pmOOT
One over threshold for s12pm.
G4double piMinuspToEtaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Internal function for pion cross sections.
static const G4double s01pzOOT
One over threshold for s01pz.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaxPi(const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for X pion production - NNEta Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNDeltaOmega(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for N-Delta-Eta production - NNOmega Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaOnePi(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNOmega channel.
G4double piMinuspToOmegaN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections used in INCL Multipions.