Geant4 11.2.2
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
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26// particle_hp -- source file
27// J.P. Wellisch, Nov-1996
28// A prototype of the low energy neutron transport model.
30// 080718 As for secondary photons, if its mean value has a value of integer,
31// then a sampling of multiplicity that based on Poisson Distribution
32// is not carried out and the mean is used as a multiplicity.
33// modified by T. Koi.
34// 080721 Using ClearHistories() methodl for limiting the sum of secondary energies
35// modified by T. Koi.
36// 080901 bug fix of too many secnodaries production in nd reactinos by T. Koi
38// P. Arce, June-2014 Conversion neutron_hp to particle_hp
39// V. Ivanchenko, May-2023 Basic revision of particle HP classes
50#include "Randomize.hh"
51#include "G4Poisson.hh"
52#include "G4Proton.hh"
56 toBeCached val;
57 fCache.Put(val);
59 if (G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetPHCUsePoisson()) {
60 theMultiplicityMethod = G4HPMultiPoisson;
61 } else {
62 theMultiplicityMethod = G4HPMultiBetweenInts;
63 }
68 delete theDist;
71void G4ParticleHPProduct::Init(std::istream& aDataFile, const G4ParticleDefinition* projectile)
73 aDataFile >> theMassCode >> theMass >> theIsomerFlag >> theDistLaw >> theGroundStateQValue
74 >> theActualStateQValue;
75 theGroundStateQValue *= CLHEP::eV;
76 theActualStateQValue *= CLHEP::eV;
77 theYield.Init(aDataFile, CLHEP::eV);
78 theYield.Hash();
79 if (theDistLaw == 0) {
80 // distribution not known, use E-independent, isotropic
81 // angular distribution
82 theDist = new G4ParticleHPIsotropic;
83 }
84 else if (theDistLaw == 1) {
85 // Continuum energy-angular distribution
86 theDist = new G4ParticleHPContEnergyAngular(projectile);
87 }
88 else if (theDistLaw == 2) {
89 // Discrete 2-body scattering
90 theDist = new G4ParticleHPDiscreteTwoBody;
91 }
92 else if (theDistLaw == 3) {
93 // Isotropic emission
94 theDist = new G4ParticleHPIsotropic;
95 }
96 else if (theDistLaw == 4) {
97 // Discrete 2-body recoil modification not used for now.
98 // theDist = new G4ParticleHPDiscreteTwoBody;
99 // the above is only temporary;
100 // recoils need to be addressed properly
101 }
102 // else if(theDistLaw == 5)
103 // {
104 // charged particles only, to be used in a later stage. @@@@
105 // }
106 else if (theDistLaw == 6) {
107 // N-Body phase space
108 theDist = new G4ParticleHPNBodyPhaseSpace;
109 }
110 else if (theDistLaw == 7) {
111 // Laboratory angular energy paraetrisation
112 theDist = new G4ParticleHPLabAngularEnergy;
113 }
114 else {
115 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
116 "distribution law unknown to G4ParticleHPProduct");
117 }
118 if (theDist != nullptr) {
119 theDist->SetQValue(theActualStateQValue);
120 theDist->Init(aDataFile);
121 }
126 if (theDist == nullptr) {
127 fCache.Get().theCurrentMultiplicity = 0;
128 return 0;
129 }
131 G4double mean = theYield.GetY(anEnergy);
132 if (mean <= 0.) {
133 fCache.Get().theCurrentMultiplicity = 0;
134 return 0;
135 }
136 G4int multi = (theMultiplicityMethod == G4HPMultiPoisson) ?
137 (G4int)G4Poisson(mean) : G4lrint(mean);
139#ifdef G4VERBOSE
140 if (G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetDEBUG())
141 G4cout << "G4ParticleHPProduct::GetMultiplicity code=" << theMassCode << " M=" << theMass
142 << " multi=" << multi << " mean=" << mean << G4endl;
144 fCache.Get().theCurrentMultiplicity = multi;
146 return multi;
151 if (theDist == nullptr) {
152 return nullptr;
153 }
154 auto result = new G4ReactionProductVector;
156 theDist->SetTarget(fCache.Get().theTarget);
157 theDist->SetProjectileRP(fCache.Get().theProjectileRP);
159 theDist->ClearHistories();
161 for (G4int i = 0; i < multi; ++i) {
162 tmp = theDist->Sample(anEnergy, theMassCode, theMass);
163 if (tmp != nullptr) {
164 result->push_back(tmp);
165#ifdef G4VERBOSE
166 if (G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetDEBUG())
167 G4cout << "multi=" << multi << " i=" << i << " G4ParticleHPProduct::Sample "
168 << tmp->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << " E=" << tmp->GetKineticEnergy()
169 << G4endl;
171 }
172 }
173 if (multi == 0) {
174 tmp = theDist->Sample(anEnergy, theMassCode, theMass);
175 delete tmp;
176 }
177 return result;
@ G4HPMultiPoisson
@ G4HPMultiBetweenInts
G4long G4Poisson(G4double mean)
Definition G4Poisson.hh:50
std::vector< G4ReactionProduct * > G4ReactionProductVector
double G4double
Definition G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition G4Types.hh:85
#define G4endl
Definition G4ios.hh:67
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
value_type & Get() const
Definition G4Cache.hh:315
void Put(const value_type &val) const
Definition G4Cache.hh:321
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
static G4ParticleHPManager * GetInstance()
G4ReactionProductVector * Sample(G4double anEnergy, G4int nParticles)
void Init(std::istream &aDataFile, const G4ParticleDefinition *projectile)
G4int GetMultiplicity(G4double anEnergy)
G4double GetY(G4double x)
void Init(std::istream &aDataFile, G4int total, G4double ux=1., G4double uy=1.)
G4double GetKineticEnergy() const
const G4ParticleDefinition * GetDefinition() const
void SetProjectileRP(G4ReactionProduct *aIncidentParticleRP)
virtual G4ReactionProduct * Sample(G4double anEnergy, G4double massCode, G4double mass)=0
void SetTarget(G4ReactionProduct *aTarget)
virtual void Init(std::istream &aDataFile)=0
int G4lrint(double ad)
Definition templates.hh:134