Geant4 9.6.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
This is the complete list of members for G4QHadron, including all inherited members.
Boost(const G4LorentzVector &theBoost) | G4QHadron | |
Boost(const G4ThreeVector &B) | G4QHadron | inline |
CopDecayIn2(G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double cop) | G4QHadron | |
CopDecayIn3(G4LorentzVector &fh4M, G4LorentzVector &sh4M, G4LorentzVector &th4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double cosp) | G4QHadron | |
CorEDecayIn2(G4double corE, G4LorentzVector &fr4Mom) | G4QHadron | |
CorMDecayIn2(G4double corM, G4LorentzVector &fr4Mom) | G4QHadron | |
DecayIn2(G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom) | G4QHadron | |
DecayIn3(G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &t4Mom) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron() | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4LorentzVector p) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4int PDGcode, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.)) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.)) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4QContent QC, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.)) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4int PDG, G4double m, G4QContent QC) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4double m, G4QContent QC) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4int PDG, G4LorentzVector p, G4QContent QC) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4LorentzVector p, G4QContent QC) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(G4QParticle *pPart, G4double maxM) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(const G4QHadron &right) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(const G4QHadron *right) | G4QHadron | |
G4QHadron(const G4QHadron *right, G4int ColC, G4ThreeVector Pos, G4LorentzVector Mom) | G4QHadron | |
Get3Momentum() const | G4QHadron | inline |
Get4Momentum() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetAntiColor() | G4QHadron | inline |
GetBaryonNumber() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetBindingEnergy() | G4QHadron | inline |
GetCharge() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetColor() | G4QHadron | inline |
GetEnergy() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetFormationTime() | G4QHadron | inline |
GetMass() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetMass2() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetNextAntiParton() | G4QHadron | |
GetNextParton() | G4QHadron | |
GetNFragments() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetPDGCode() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetPosition() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetQC() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetQCode() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetQPDG() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetSpin() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetStrangeness() const | G4QHadron | inline |
GetWidth() const | G4QHadron | |
IncrementCollisionCount(G4int aCount) | G4QHadron | inline |
Init3D() | G4QHadron | |
LorentzRotate(const G4LorentzRotation &rotation) | G4QHadron | inline |
MakeAntiHadron() | G4QHadron | inline |
NegPDGCode() | G4QHadron | inline |
operator!=(const G4QHadron &right) const | G4QHadron | inline |
operator=(const G4QHadron &right) | G4QHadron | |
operator==(const G4QHadron &right) const | G4QHadron | inline |
RandomizeMass(G4QParticle *pPart, G4double maxM) | G4QHadron | |
RelDecayIn2(G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double maxCost=1., G4double minCost=-1.) | G4QHadron | |
RelDecayIn3(G4LorentzVector &fh4M, G4LorentzVector &sh4M, G4LorentzVector &th4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double maxCost=1., G4double minCost=-1.) | G4QHadron | |
Set4Momentum(const G4LorentzVector &aMom) | G4QHadron | inline |
SetBindingEnergy(G4double aBindE) | G4QHadron | inline |
SetFormationTime(G4double fT) | G4QHadron | inline |
SetNFragments(const G4int &nf) | G4QHadron | inline |
SetPDGCode(const G4QPDGCode &PDG) | G4QHadron | inline |
SetPosition(const G4ThreeVector &aPosition) | G4QHadron | inline |
SetQC(const G4QContent &newQC) | G4QHadron | inline |
SetQPDG(const G4QPDGCode &QPDG) | G4QHadron | |
SplitInTwoPartons() | G4QHadron | |
SplitUp() | G4QHadron | |
TestRealNeutral() | G4QHadron | inline |
theMomentum | G4QHadron | protected |
~G4QHadron() | G4QHadron | virtual |