BOSS 7.0.9
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
BesView Class Reference

#include <BesView.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for BesView:

Public Member Functions

 BesView ()
virtual ~BesView ()
virtual void SetViewType (EBESViewType ViewType, Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void SetViewTypeBare (EBESViewType ViewType, Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void DefaultRange ()
virtual void ClearPad ()
virtual void DrawLabel ()
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual Int_t GetRSign (Float_t Phi)
virtual void UpdateView (Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Double_t *pw, Double_t *pn)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Double_t *pn, Double_t *pw)
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
void SetZoomRatio (Double_t ratio)
Double_t GetZoomRatio ()
EBESViewType GetViewType ()
Float_t GetMarkerSize ()
void View3D ()
void ViewXY ()
void ViewZR ()
void ZoomIn ()
void ZoomOut ()
void Center ()
void Move (Int_t px, Int_t py)
void Front3D ()
void Side3D ()
void Top3D ()
void SetPhiRange (Float_t PhiMin=0, Float_t PhiMax=180)
void Reset ()
void Refresh ()
void SetMarkerSize (Float_t size)
Bool_t GetVisCgemGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisCgemLayers ()
Bool_t GetVisCgemXStrips ()
Bool_t GetVisCgemVStrips ()
void SetVisCgemGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisCgemLayers (Bool_t input)
void SetVisCgemXStrips (Bool_t input)
void SetVisCgemVStrips (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisMdcGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcTubes ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcWires ()
void SetVisMdcGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcTubes (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcWires (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisTofGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTofEast ()
Bool_t GetVisTofBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisTofWest ()
Float_t GetVisZoom ()
void SetVisTofGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisZoom (Float_t input)
Bool_t GetVisEmcGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcEast ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcWest ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcSide ()
void SetVisEmcGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcSide (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisMucGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMucEast ()
Bool_t GetVisMucBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisMucWest ()
Bool_t GetVisMucStrips ()
void SetVisMucGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucStrips (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisFull3DCgem ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DMdc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DTof ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DEmc ()
Bool_t GetVisFull3DMuc ()
void SetVisFull3DCgem (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DMdc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DTof (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DEmc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisFull3DMuc (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisBeamPipe ()
Bool_t GetVisZRPlaneOnXY ()
Bool_t GetVisAxis ()
void SetVisBeamPipe (Bool_t input)
void SetVisZRPlaneOnXY (Bool_t input)
void SetVisAxis (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisCgemHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisCgemHitsXStrip ()
Bool_t GetVisCgemHitsVStrip ()
Bool_t GetVisCgemHitsClusters ()
void SetVisCgemHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisCgemHitsXStrip (Bool_t input)
void SetVisCgemHitsVStrip (Bool_t input)
void SetVisCgemHitsClusters (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisMdcHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMdcHits ()
void SetVisMdcHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMdcHits (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisTofHitsWest ()
void SetVisTofHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTofHitsWest (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsWest ()
Bool_t GetVisEmcHitsSide ()
void SetVisEmcHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsWest (Bool_t input)
void SetVisEmcHitsSide (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsEast ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsBarrel ()
Bool_t GetVisMucHitsWest ()
void SetVisMucHitsGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsEast (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsBarrel (Bool_t input)
void SetVisMucHitsWest (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetVisTracksGlobal ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksMdc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksTof ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksEmc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksMuc ()
Bool_t GetVisTracksExt ()
void SetVisTracksGlobal (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksMdc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksTof (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksEmc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksMuc (Bool_t input)
void SetVisTracksExt (Bool_t input)
Bool_t GetFishEyeStatus ()
Bool_t GetFishEye ()
void SetFishEye (Bool_t input=0)
void PrintCurrent ()
virtual void Centered ()
virtual void Front ()
virtual void Side ()
virtual void Top ()
virtual void ZoomMove ()
virtual void AdjustScales (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option)
virtual void DrawClass ()
virtual TObject * DrawClone (Option_t *option)
virtual void Dump ()
virtual void Inspect ()
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option)
virtual void SetLineAttributes ()
virtual void SetZoomFactor (Double_t factor)
virtual Double_t GetZoomFactor ()
BesStatusGetStatusCurrent ()
BesStatusGetStatus3D ()
BesStatusGetStatusXY ()
BesStatusGetStatusZR ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BesTView
 BesTView ()
 BesTView (Int_t system)
 BesTView (const Float_t *rmin, const Float_t *rmax, Int_t system=1)
 BesTView (const Double_t *rmin, const Double_t *rmax, Int_t system=1)
virtual ~BesTView ()
virtual void AxisVertex (Double_t ang, Double_t *av, Int_t &ix1, Int_t &ix2, Int_t &iy1, Int_t &iy2, Int_t &iz1, Int_t &iz2)
virtual void DefinePerspectiveView ()
virtual void DefineViewDirection (const Double_t *s, const Double_t *c, Double_t cosphi, Double_t sinphi, Double_t costhe, Double_t sinthe, Double_t cospsi, Double_t sinpsi, Double_t *tnorm, Double_t *tback)
virtual void DrawOutlineCube (TList *outline, Double_t *rmin, Double_t *rmax)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void ExecuteRotateView (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void FindScope (Double_t *scale, Double_t *center, Int_t &irep)
virtual Int_t GetDistancetoAxis (Int_t axis, Int_t px, Int_t py, Double_t &ratio)
Double_t GetDview () const
Double_t GetDproj () const
Double_t GetExtent () const
Bool_t GetAutoRange ()
Double_t GetLatitude ()
Double_t GetLongitude ()
Double_t GetPsi ()
virtual void GetRange (Float_t *min, Float_t *max)
virtual void GetRange (Double_t *min, Double_t *max)
Double_t * GetRmax ()
Double_t * GetRmin ()
TSeqCollection * GetOutline ()
Double_t * GetTback ()
Double_t * GetTN ()
Double_t * GetTnorm ()
Int_t GetSystem ()
void GetWindow (Double_t &u0, Double_t &v0, Double_t &du, Double_t &dv) const
Double_t GetWindowWidth () const
Double_t GetWindowHeight () const
virtual void FindNormal (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t &zn)
virtual void FindPhiSectors (Int_t iopt, Int_t &kphi, Double_t *aphi, Int_t &iphi1, Int_t &iphi2)
virtual void FindThetaSectors (Int_t iopt, Double_t phi, Int_t &kth, Double_t *ath, Int_t &ith1, Int_t &ith2)
Bool_t IsClippedNDC (Double_t *p) const
Bool_t IsPerspective () const
Bool_t IsViewChanged () const
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
virtual void NDCtoWC (const Double_t *pn, Double_t *pw)
virtual void NormalWCtoNDC (const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
virtual void NormalWCtoNDC (const Double_t *pw, Double_t *pn)
virtual void PadRange (Int_t rback)
void ResizePad ()
virtual void SetAutoRange (Bool_t autorange=kTRUE)
virtual void SetAxisNDC (const Double_t *x1, const Double_t *x2, const Double_t *y1, const Double_t *y2, const Double_t *z1, const Double_t *z2)
void SetDefaultWindow ()
void SetDview (Double_t dview)
void SetDproj (Double_t dproj)
void SetLatitude (Double_t latitude)
void SetLongitude (Double_t longitude)
void SetPsi (Double_t psi)
virtual void SetOutlineToCube ()
virtual void SetParallel ()
virtual void SetPerspective ()
virtual void SetRange (const Double_t *min, const Double_t *max)
virtual void SetRange (Double_t x0, Double_t y0, Double_t z0, Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t z1, Int_t flag=0)
virtual void SetSystem (Int_t system)
virtual void SetView (Double_t longitude, Double_t latitude, Double_t psi, Int_t &irep)
void SetViewChanged (Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
void SetWindow (Double_t u0, Double_t v0, Double_t du, Double_t dv)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
virtual void WCtoNDC (const Double_t *pw, Double_t *pn)
void MoveFocus (Double_t *center, Double_t dx, Double_t dy, Double_t dz, Int_t nsteps=10, Double_t dlong=0, Double_t dlat=0, Double_t dpsi=0)
virtual void MoveViewCommand (Char_t chCode, Int_t count=1)
void MoveWindow (Char_t option)
virtual void AdjustScales (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void Centered3DImages (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void Centered ()
virtual void FrontView (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void Front ()
virtual void ZoomIn ()
virtual void ZoomOut ()
virtual void ZoomView (TVirtualPad *pad=0, Double_t zoomFactor=1.25)
virtual void UnzoomView (TVirtualPad *pad=0, Double_t unZoomFactor=1.25)
virtual void RotateView (Double_t phi, Double_t theta, TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void SideView (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void Side ()
virtual void TopView (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void Top ()
virtual void ToggleRulers (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void ShowAxis ()
virtual void ToggleZoom (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
virtual void ZoomMove ()
virtual void Zoom ()
virtual void UnZoom ()
 ClassDef (BesTView, 2)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BesTView
enum  { kPerspective = BIT(6) }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BesTView
static void AdjustPad (TVirtualPad *pad=0)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BesTView
 BesTView (const BesTView &)
 Set to TRUE after ExecuteRotateView.
BesTViewoperator= (const BesTView &)
void ResetView (Double_t longitude, Double_t latitude, Double_t psi, Int_t &irep)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BesTView
Double_t fLatitude
Double_t fLongitude
Double_t fPsi
Double_t fDview
Double_t fDproj
Double_t fUpix
Double_t fVpix
Double_t fTN [16]
Double_t fTB [16]
Double_t fRmax [3]
Double_t fRmin [3]
Double_t fUVcoord [4]
Double_t fTnorm [16]
Double_t fTback [16]
Double_t fX1 [3]
Double_t fX2 [3]
Double_t fY1 [3]
Double_t fY2 [3]
Double_t fZ1 [3]
Double_t fZ2 [3]
Int_t fSystem
TSeqCollection * fOutline
Bool_t fDefaultOutline
Bool_t fAutoRange
Bool_t fChanged

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file BesView.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BesView()

BesView::BesView ( )

◆ ~BesView()

BesView::~BesView ( )

Definition at line 73 of file BesView.cxx.

73 {
74 //
75 // BesView default destructor
76 if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView default dtor called" << endl;
78 delete fLabel;
80 delete fStatus3D;
81 delete fStatusXY;
82 delete fStatusZR;
83 delete fStatusCurrent;

Member Function Documentation

◆ AdjustScales()

virtual void BesView::AdjustScales ( TVirtualPad *  pad = 0)

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 271 of file BesView.h.

virtual void AdjustScales(TVirtualPad *pad=0)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1737

◆ Center()

void BesView::Center ( )

Definition at line 475 of file BesView.cxx.

475 {
476 //
477 // Center view
478 //if ( fViewType & k3DView ){
479 //this->Centered();
480 //} else {
481 Double_t xrange, yrange;
482 xrange = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1();
483 yrange = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1();
484 gPad->Range(-xrange/2, -yrange/2, xrange/2, yrange/2);
485 gPad->Modified();
487 //Long Peixun's update: Set view center
488 ViewCenter[0] = ViewCenter[1] = 0.0;
489 //}

Referenced by BesClient::ExecuteEvent(), BesClient::HandleButtons(), and SetViewType().

◆ Centered()

virtual void BesView::Centered ( )

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 265 of file BesView.h.

virtual void Centered()
Definition: BesTView.h:176

◆ ClearPad()

void BesView::ClearPad ( )

Definition at line 354 of file BesView.cxx.

354 {
355 //
356 // Clear current without deleting this view
357 //
358 // Probably this doesn't work for the postscript output
359 // Look at TPad::Clear() for more details
360 if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView::ClearPad called" << endl;
361 if ( gPad->GetListOfPrimitives() ) gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Clear();

Referenced by SetViewType().

◆ DefaultRange()

void BesView::DefaultRange ( )

Definition at line 88 of file BesView.cxx.

90 SetRange(-1.0*m_BesR, -1.0*m_BesR, -0.5*m_BesZ, m_BesR, m_BesR, 0.5*m_BesZ);
91 fMarkerSize = 0.1; //Long Peixun's update: Reset marker size here
virtual void SetRange(const Double_t *min, const Double_t *max)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1454

Referenced by SetViewType(), and SetZoomRatio().

◆ Delete()

virtual void BesView::Delete ( Option_t *  option)

Definition at line 272 of file BesView.h.

272{ BesTView::Delete(option); }

◆ DrawClass()

virtual void BesView::DrawClass ( )

Definition at line 273 of file BesView.h.

273{ BesTView::DrawClass(); }

◆ DrawClone()

virtual TObject * BesView::DrawClone ( Option_t *  option)

Definition at line 274 of file BesView.h.

274{ return BesTView::DrawClone(option); }

◆ DrawLabel()

void BesView::DrawLabel ( )

Definition at line 677 of file BesView.cxx.

677 {
678 //
679 // Draw label for current view
681 fLabel->SetX1(-0.9);
682 fLabel->SetX2(-0.6);
683 fLabel->SetY1(-0.9);
684 fLabel->SetY2(-0.78);
686 switch (fViewType) {
687 case k3DView:
688 fLabel->SetLabel("3D View");
689 break;
690 case kXYView:
691 fLabel->SetLabel("XY View");
692 break;
693 case kZRView:
694 fLabel->SetLabel("ZR View");
695 break;
696 //Long Peixun's update: CGEM Unfolded display for each layer
697 case kCgemUFView0:
698 fLabel->SetLabel("CGEM Layer0");
699 break;
700 case kCgemUFView1:
701 fLabel->SetLabel("CGEM Layer1");
702 break;
703 case kCgemUFView2:
704 fLabel->SetLabel("CGEM Layer2");
705 break;
706 }
707 fLabel->Draw("BR,NDC,SAME");
710 /*
711 switch (fViewType) {
712 case k3DView:
713 fLabel->DrawPaveLabel(0.02,0.02,0.17,0.09, "3D View", "BR,NDC,SAME");
714 break;
715 case kXYView:
716 //fLabel->SetLabel("XY View");
717 fLabel->DrawPaveLabel(0.02,0.02,0.17,0.09, "XY View", "BR,NDC,SAME");
718 break;
719 case kZRView:
720 fLabel->DrawPaveLabel(0.02,0.02,0.17,0.09, "ZR View", "BR,NDC,SAME");
721 break;
722 }
723 */
@ kCgemUFView2
Definition: BesStatus.h:20
@ kCgemUFView0
Definition: BesStatus.h:18
@ kXYView
Definition: BesStatus.h:15
@ k3DView
Definition: BesStatus.h:14
@ kCgemUFView1
Definition: BesStatus.h:19
@ kZRView
Definition: BesStatus.h:16

Referenced by SetViewType().

◆ Dump()

virtual void BesView::Dump ( )

Definition at line 277 of file BesView.h.

277{ BesTView::Dump(); }

◆ ExecuteEvent()

void BesView::ExecuteEvent ( Int_t  event,
Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 366 of file BesView.cxx.

366 {
367 //
368 // Execute mouse events
369 if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView::ExecuteEvent called" << endl;
371 // Editor mode
372 if (gROOT->GetEditorMode()) {
373 gPad->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py);
374 return;
375 }
377 if (gBesCursor->GetType() == kBesHand) {
379 gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
380 static Double_t xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x0, y0;
381 Double_t dx, dy, x, y;
382 switch (event) {
384 case kButton1Down:
385 // Remember position of pointer
386 xmin = gPad->GetX1();
387 ymin = gPad->GetY1();
388 xmax = gPad->GetX2();
389 ymax = gPad->GetY2();
390 x0 = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
391 y0 = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py);
392 break;
394 case kButton1Motion:
395 gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
397 case kButton1Up:
398 // Set new pad range
399 x = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
400 y = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py);
401 dx = -(x - x0);
402 dy = -(y - y0);
403 //((ZPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kTRUE);
404 gPad->Range(xmin+dx, ymin+dy, xmax+dx, ymax+dy);
405 //((ZPad*)gPad)->SetNoAspect(kFALSE);
406 gPad->Modified();
407 //Long Peixun's update: Set view center
408 ViewCenter[0] = (xmin + xmax) / 2 + dx;
409 ViewCenter[1] = (ymin + ymax) / 2 + dy;
410 break;
412 default:
413 gPad->SetCursor(kMove);
414 }
415 }
416 else if (gBesCursor->GetType() == kBesPick){
418 gPad->SetCursor(kPointer);
420 if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
421 ExecuteRotateView(event, px, py);
422 }
423 }
@ kBesHand
Definition: BesCursor.h:15
@ kBesPick
Definition: BesCursor.h:14
R__EXTERN BesCursor * gBesCursor
Definition: BesCursor.h:40
Double_t x[10]
EBESCursorType GetType()
Definition: BesCursor.h:32
virtual void ExecuteRotateView(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:745
double y[1000]

Referenced by BesCircle2D::ExecuteEvent(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), BesPolygon2D::ExecuteEvent(), Emc2DCrystal::ExecuteEvent(), Mdc2DWire::ExecuteEvent(), Muc2DStrip::ExecuteEvent(), and Tof2DScin::ExecuteEvent().

◆ Front()

virtual void BesView::Front ( )

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 266 of file BesView.h.

266{ BesTView::Top(); }
virtual void Top()
Definition: BesTView.h:180

Referenced by Front3D(), BesClient::HandleButtons(), and SetViewType().

◆ Front3D()

void BesView::Front3D ( )

Definition at line 83 of file BesView.h.

83 {
84 this->View3D();
85 this->Front(); } // *MENU*
virtual void Front()
Definition: BesView.h:266
void View3D()
Definition: BesView.h:75

◆ GetFishEye()

Bool_t BesView::GetFishEye ( )

Definition at line 251 of file BesView.h.

251{ return fFishEye; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleButtons(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetFishEyeStatus()

Bool_t BesView::GetFishEyeStatus ( )

Definition at line 250 of file BesView.h.

250{ return fStatusCurrent->fFishEye; }
Bool_t fFishEye
visibility flag for Ext Tracks
Definition: BesStatus.h:127

Referenced by BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetMarkerSize()

Float_t BesView::GetMarkerSize ( )

Definition at line 72 of file BesView.h.

72{ return fMarkerSize;}

Referenced by BesMarker2D::Paint().

◆ GetObjectInfo()

char * BesView::GetObjectInfo ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 
) const

Definition at line 869 of file BesView.cxx.

869 {
870 //
871 // Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py).
872 Double_t pw[3];
873 Double_t Pndc[3] = { gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px), gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py), 0};
874 BesView* view = dynamic_cast<BesView*>(gPad->GetView());
875 if (view) view->NDCtoWC(Pndc, pw); //Long Peixun's update: check view pointer before call function
876 //cout << gPad->GetName() << endl;
878 //
879 // Converts from pixel coordinates to world
880 // coordinates of according view
882 static char info[64];
883 if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
884 sprintf(info, "z=%-.3fmm, r=%-.3fmm", pw[2], pw[1]);
885 return info;
886 } else {
887 sprintf(info, "x=%-.3fmm, y=%-.3fmm", pw[0], pw[1]);
888 return info;
889 }
sprintf(cut,"kal_costheta0_em>-0.93&&kal_costheta0_em<0.93&&kal_pxy0_em>=0.05+%d*0.1&&kal_pxy0_em<0.15+%d*0.1&&NGch>=2", j, j)
virtual void NDCtoWC(const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
Definition: BesView.cxx:794

Referenced by BesClient::ExecuteEvent(), BesCircle2D::GetObjectInfo(), BesGeoTrack::GetObjectInfo(), BesMarker2D::GetObjectInfo(), BesPolygon2D::GetObjectInfo(), Emc2DCrystal::GetObjectInfo(), Mdc2DWire::GetObjectInfo(), Muc2DStrip::GetObjectInfo(), and Tof2DScin::GetObjectInfo().

◆ GetRSign()

Int_t BesView::GetRSign ( Float_t  Phi)

Definition at line 621 of file BesView.cxx.

621 {
622 //
623 // Get sign of the R coordinate (ZR view)
624 // for a given phi (in radians)
625 Int_t Sign;
627 // Convert to deg, because phi range is given in degrees
628 Float_t Phi2 = (Phi - 2*TMath::Pi()*Int_t(Phi/(2*TMath::Pi())))
629 * 180./TMath::Pi();
630 if ( Phi2 < 0 ) Phi2 += 360;
631 if ( Phi2 >= fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMin && Phi2 < fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMax ) {
632 Sign = 1;
633 } else {
634 Sign = -1;
635 }
636 return Sign;
double Phi(RecMdcKalTrack *trk)
Float_t fPhiRangeMin
flags for fish eye view
Definition: BesStatus.h:131

Referenced by ZHelix::SetPoints().

◆ GetStatus3D()

BesStatus * BesView::GetStatus3D ( )

Definition at line 287 of file BesView.h.

287{ return fStatus3D; };

Referenced by BesClient::SaveMyConfig().

◆ GetStatusCurrent()

BesStatus * BesView::GetStatusCurrent ( )

Definition at line 286 of file BesView.h.

286{ return fStatusCurrent; };

Referenced by BesClient::LoadMyConfig(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetStatusXY()

BesStatus * BesView::GetStatusXY ( )

Definition at line 288 of file BesView.h.

288{ return fStatusXY; };

Referenced by BesClient::SaveMyConfig().

◆ GetStatusZR()

BesStatus * BesView::GetStatusZR ( )

Definition at line 289 of file BesView.h.

289{ return fStatusZR; };

Referenced by BesClient::SaveMyConfig().

◆ GetViewType()

◆ GetVisAxis()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisAxis ( )

Definition at line 175 of file BesView.h.

175{ return fStatusCurrent->fAxis; }
Bool_t fAxis
visibility flag for ZRPlaneOnXY
Definition: BesStatus.h:81

Referenced by BesGeometry::Draw2DXY(), BesGeometry::Draw2DZR(), BesClient::HandleButtons(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisBeamPipe()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisBeamPipe ( )

Definition at line 173 of file BesView.h.

173{ return fStatusCurrent->fBeamPipe; }
Bool_t fBeamPipe
visivility flag for full 3D Muc
Definition: BesStatus.h:79

Referenced by BesGeometry::Draw2DXY(), BesGeometry::Draw2DZR(), BesGeometry::Draw3D(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisCgemGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemGlobal ( )

Definition at line 101 of file BesView.h.

101{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemGlobal; }
Bool_t fCgemGlobal
Definition: BesStatus.h:35

◆ GetVisCgemHitsClusters()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemHitsClusters ( )

Definition at line 185 of file BesView.h.

185{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsClusters; }
Bool_t fCgemHitsClusters
Definition: BesStatus.h:87

◆ GetVisCgemHitsGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemHitsGlobal ( )

Definition at line 182 of file BesView.h.

182{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsGlobal; }
Bool_t fCgemHitsGlobal
visibility flag for axis
Definition: BesStatus.h:84

◆ GetVisCgemHitsVStrip()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemHitsVStrip ( )

Definition at line 184 of file BesView.h.

184{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsVStrip; }
Bool_t fCgemHitsVStrip
Definition: BesStatus.h:86

◆ GetVisCgemHitsXStrip()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemHitsXStrip ( )

Definition at line 183 of file BesView.h.

183{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsXStrip; }
Bool_t fCgemHitsXStrip
Definition: BesStatus.h:85

◆ GetVisCgemLayers()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemLayers ( )

Definition at line 102 of file BesView.h.

102{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemLayers; }
Bool_t fCgemLayers
Definition: BesStatus.h:36

◆ GetVisCgemVStrips()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemVStrips ( )

Definition at line 104 of file BesView.h.

104{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemVStrips; }
Bool_t fCgemVStrips
Definition: BesStatus.h:38

◆ GetVisCgemXStrips()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisCgemXStrips ( )

Definition at line 103 of file BesView.h.

103{ return fStatusCurrent->fCgemXStrips; }
Bool_t fCgemXStrips
Definition: BesStatus.h:37

◆ GetVisEmcBarrel()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcBarrel ( )

Definition at line 136 of file BesView.h.

136{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcBarrel; }
Bool_t fEmcBarrel
visivility flag for Emc east EC
Definition: BesStatus.h:57

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::Draw(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcEast()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcEast ( )

Definition at line 135 of file BesView.h.

135{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcEast; }
Bool_t fEmcEast
visivility flag for global Emc
Definition: BesStatus.h:56

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::Draw(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcGlobal ( )

Definition at line 134 of file BesView.h.

134{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcGlobal; }
Bool_t fEmcGlobal
visibility flag for Tof west EC
Definition: BesStatus.h:55

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::Draw(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcHitsBarrel()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsBarrel ( )

Definition at line 213 of file BesView.h.

213{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsBarrel; }
Bool_t fEmcHitsBarrel
visibility flag for Emc Hits East
Definition: BesStatus.h:105

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Emc2DCrystal::Paint(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcHitsEast()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsEast ( )

Definition at line 212 of file BesView.h.

212{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsEast; }
Bool_t fEmcHitsEast
visibility flag for global Emc Hits
Definition: BesStatus.h:104

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Emc2DCrystal::Paint(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcHitsGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsGlobal ( )

Definition at line 211 of file BesView.h.

211{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsGlobal; }
Bool_t fEmcHitsGlobal
visibility flag for Tof Hits West
Definition: BesStatus.h:103

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Emc2DCrystal::Paint(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcHitsSide()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsSide ( )

Definition at line 215 of file BesView.h.

215{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsSide; }
Bool_t fEmcHitsSide
visibility flag for Emc Hits West
Definition: BesStatus.h:107

Referenced by Emc2DCrystal::DistancetoPrimitive(), Emc2DCrystal::Paint(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcHitsWest()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcHitsWest ( )

Definition at line 214 of file BesView.h.

214{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsWest; }
Bool_t fEmcHitsWest
visibility flag for Emc Hits Barrel
Definition: BesStatus.h:106

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Emc2DCrystal::Paint(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcSide()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcSide ( )

Definition at line 138 of file BesView.h.

138{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcSide; }
Bool_t fEmcSide
visivility flag for Emc west EC
Definition: BesStatus.h:59

Referenced by Emc2DCrystal::DistancetoPrimitive(), Emc2DCrystal::Paint(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisEmcWest()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisEmcWest ( )

Definition at line 137 of file BesView.h.

137{ return fStatusCurrent->fEmcWest; }
Bool_t fEmcWest
visivility flag for Emc barrel
Definition: BesStatus.h:58

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::Draw(), EmcROOTGeo::SetVisEmcDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisFull3DCgem()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DCgem ( )

Definition at line 160 of file BesView.h.

160{ return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DCgem; }
Bool_t fFull3DCgem
visivility flag for Muc strips
Definition: BesStatus.h:71

◆ GetVisFull3DEmc()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DEmc ( )

Definition at line 163 of file BesView.h.

163{ return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DEmc; }
Bool_t fFull3DEmc
visivility flag for full 3D Tof
Definition: BesStatus.h:74

Referenced by EmcROOTGeo::SetDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisFull3DMdc()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DMdc ( )

Definition at line 161 of file BesView.h.

161{ return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMdc; }
Bool_t fFull3DMdc
Definition: BesStatus.h:72

Referenced by MdcROOTGeo::SetDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisFull3DMuc()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DMuc ( )

Definition at line 164 of file BesView.h.

164{ return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMuc; }
Bool_t fFull3DMuc
visivility flag for full 3D Emc
Definition: BesStatus.h:75

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::SetDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisFull3DTof()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisFull3DTof ( )

Definition at line 162 of file BesView.h.

162{ return fStatusCurrent->fFull3DTof; }
Bool_t fFull3DTof
visivility flag for full 3D Mdc
Definition: BesStatus.h:73

Referenced by BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMdcGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcGlobal ( )

Definition at line 112 of file BesView.h.

112{ return fStatusCurrent->fMdcGlobal; }
Bool_t fMdcGlobal
Definition: BesStatus.h:42

Referenced by MdcROOTGeo::Draw(), MdcROOTGeo::SetVisMdcDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMdcHits()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcHits ( )

Definition at line 194 of file BesView.h.

194{ return fStatusCurrent->fMdcHits; }
Bool_t fMdcHits
visibility flag for global Mdc Hits
Definition: BesStatus.h:92

Referenced by MdcROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMdcHitsGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcHitsGlobal ( )

Definition at line 193 of file BesView.h.

193{ return fStatusCurrent->fMdcHitsGlobal; }
Bool_t fMdcHitsGlobal
Definition: BesStatus.h:91

Referenced by MdcROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), MdcROOTGeo::SetVisMdcHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMdcTubes()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcTubes ( )

Definition at line 113 of file BesView.h.

113{ return fStatusCurrent->fMdcTubes; }
Bool_t fMdcTubes
visibility flag for global Mdc
Definition: BesStatus.h:43

Referenced by MdcROOTGeo::Draw(), MdcROOTGeo::DrawHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMdcWires()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMdcWires ( )

Definition at line 114 of file BesView.h.

114{ return fStatusCurrent->fMdcWires; }
Bool_t fMdcWires
visibility flag for Mdc main tubes
Definition: BesStatus.h:44

Referenced by MdcROOTGeo::Draw(), Mdc2DWire::ExecuteEvent(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucBarrel()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucBarrel ( )

Definition at line 149 of file BesView.h.

149{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucBarrel; }
Bool_t fMucBarrel
visivility flag for Muc east EC
Definition: BesStatus.h:65

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::Draw(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucEast()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucEast ( )

Definition at line 148 of file BesView.h.

148{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucEast; }
Bool_t fMucEast
visivility flag for global Muc
Definition: BesStatus.h:64

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::Draw(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucGlobal ( )

Definition at line 147 of file BesView.h.

147{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucGlobal; }
Bool_t fMucGlobal
visivility flag for Emc side
Definition: BesStatus.h:63

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::Draw(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucHitsBarrel()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsBarrel ( )

Definition at line 226 of file BesView.h.

226{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsBarrel; }
Bool_t fMucHitsBarrel
visibility flag for Muc Hits East
Definition: BesStatus.h:113

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::DrawHits(), Muc2DStrip::Paint(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucHitsEast()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsEast ( )

Definition at line 225 of file BesView.h.

225{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsEast; }
Bool_t fMucHitsEast
visibility flag for global Muc Hits
Definition: BesStatus.h:112

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::DrawHits(), Muc2DStrip::Paint(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucHitsGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsGlobal ( )

Definition at line 224 of file BesView.h.

224{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsGlobal; }
Bool_t fMucHitsGlobal
visibility flag for Emc Hits Side
Definition: BesStatus.h:111

Referenced by Muc2DStrip::DistancetoPrimitive(), MucROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Muc2DStrip::Paint(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucHitsWest()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucHitsWest ( )

Definition at line 227 of file BesView.h.

227{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsWest; }
Bool_t fMucHitsWest
visibility flag for Muc Hits Barrel
Definition: BesStatus.h:114

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::DrawHits(), Muc2DStrip::Paint(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucStrips()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucStrips ( )

Definition at line 151 of file BesView.h.

151{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucStrips; }
Bool_t fMucStrips
visivility flag for Muc west EC
Definition: BesStatus.h:67

Referenced by Muc2DStrip::DistancetoPrimitive(), Muc2DStrip::Paint(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisMucWest()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisMucWest ( )

Definition at line 150 of file BesView.h.

150{ return fStatusCurrent->fMucWest; }
Bool_t fMucWest
visivility flag for Muc barrel
Definition: BesStatus.h:66

Referenced by MucROOTGeo::Draw(), MucROOTGeo::SetVisMucDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofBarrel()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofBarrel ( )

Definition at line 123 of file BesView.h.

123{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofBarrel; }
Bool_t fTofBarrel
visibility flag for Tof east EC
Definition: BesStatus.h:50

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::Draw(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofEast()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofEast ( )

Definition at line 122 of file BesView.h.

122{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofEast; }
Bool_t fTofEast
visibility flag for global Tof
Definition: BesStatus.h:49

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::Draw(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofGlobal ( )

Definition at line 121 of file BesView.h.

121{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofGlobal; }
Bool_t fTofGlobal
visibility flag for Mdc wires
Definition: BesStatus.h:48

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::Draw(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofHitsBarrel()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsBarrel ( )

Definition at line 202 of file BesView.h.

202{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsBarrel; }
Bool_t fTofHitsBarrel
visibility flag for Tof Hits East
Definition: BesStatus.h:98

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Tof2DScin::Paint(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofHitsEast()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsEast ( )

Definition at line 201 of file BesView.h.

201{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsEast; }
Bool_t fTofHitsEast
visibility flag for global Tof Hits
Definition: BesStatus.h:97

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Tof2DScin::Paint(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofHitsGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsGlobal ( )

Definition at line 200 of file BesView.h.

200{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsGlobal; }
Bool_t fTofHitsGlobal
visibility flag for Mdc Hits
Definition: BesStatus.h:96

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Tof2DScin::Paint(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofHitsWest()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofHitsWest ( )

Definition at line 203 of file BesView.h.

203{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsWest; }
Bool_t fTofHitsWest
visibility flag for Tof Hits Barrel
Definition: BesStatus.h:99

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::DrawHits(), BesGeoTrack::ExecuteEvent(), Tof2DScin::Paint(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofHits(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTofWest()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTofWest ( )

Definition at line 124 of file BesView.h.

124{ return fStatusCurrent->fTofWest; }
Bool_t fTofWest
visibility flag for Tof barrel
Definition: BesStatus.h:51

Referenced by TofROOTGeo::Draw(), TofROOTGeo::SetVisTofDetector(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTracksEmc()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksEmc ( )

Definition at line 238 of file BesView.h.

238{ return fStatusCurrent->fTracksEmc; }
Bool_t fTracksEmc
visibility flag for Tof Tracks
Definition: BesStatus.h:121

Referenced by BesEvent::DrawTracks(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTracksExt()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksExt ( )

Definition at line 240 of file BesView.h.

240{ return fStatusCurrent->fTracksExt; }
Bool_t fTracksExt
visibility flag for Muc Tracks
Definition: BesStatus.h:123

Referenced by BesEvent::DrawTracks(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTracksGlobal()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksGlobal ( )

Definition at line 235 of file BesView.h.

235{ return fStatusCurrent->fTracksGlobal; }
Bool_t fTracksGlobal
visibility flag for Muc Hits West
Definition: BesStatus.h:118

Referenced by BesEvent::DrawTracks(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTracksMdc()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksMdc ( )

Definition at line 236 of file BesView.h.

236{ return fStatusCurrent->fTracksMdc; }
Bool_t fTracksMdc
visibility flag for global Tracks
Definition: BesStatus.h:119

Referenced by BesEvent::DrawTracks(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTracksMuc()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksMuc ( )

Definition at line 239 of file BesView.h.

239{ return fStatusCurrent->fTracksMuc; }
Bool_t fTracksMuc
visibility flag for Emc Tracks
Definition: BesStatus.h:122

Referenced by BesEvent::DrawTracks(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisTracksTof()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisTracksTof ( )

Definition at line 237 of file BesView.h.

237{ return fStatusCurrent->fTracksTof; }
Bool_t fTracksTof
visibility flag for Mdc Tracks
Definition: BesStatus.h:120

Referenced by BesEvent::DrawTracks(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetVisZoom()

Float_t BesView::GetVisZoom ( )

Definition at line 125 of file BesView.h.

125{ return fStatusCurrent->fZoom; }
Float_t fZoom
Definition: BesStatus.h:135

◆ GetVisZRPlaneOnXY()

Bool_t BesView::GetVisZRPlaneOnXY ( )

Definition at line 174 of file BesView.h.

174{ return fStatusCurrent->fZRPlaneOnXY; }
Bool_t fZRPlaneOnXY
visibility flag for beam pipe
Definition: BesStatus.h:80

Referenced by BesGeometry::Draw2DXY(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ GetZoomFactor()

virtual Double_t BesView::GetZoomFactor ( )

Definition at line 285 of file BesView.h.

285{ return fZoomFactor; }

◆ GetZoomRatio()

Double_t BesView::GetZoomRatio ( )

Definition at line 70 of file BesView.h.

70{ return fExtentDefault/GetExtent(); }
Double_t GetExtent() const
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1124

Referenced by SetZoomRatio(), BesClient::UpdateBesInputFields(), ZoomIn(), and ZoomOut().

◆ Inspect()

virtual void BesView::Inspect ( )

Definition at line 278 of file BesView.h.

278{ BesTView::Inspect(); }

◆ Move()

void BesView::Move ( Int_t  px,
Int_t  py 

Definition at line 428 of file BesView.cxx.

428 {
430 /*
431 Double_t p[3], pw[3];
432 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
433 pw[i] = 0.5*(fRmin[i]+fRmax[i]);
434 }
435 cout << "pw " << pw[0] << " " << pw[1] << " " << pw[2] << endl;
436 WCtoNDC(pw, p);
437 cout << "p " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl;
439 p[0] += (gPad->PixeltoX(0) - gPad->PixeltoX(px));
440 p[1] += (gPad->PixeltoY(0) - gPad->PixeltoY(py));
441 cout << "p " << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2] << endl;
442 NDCtoWC(p, pw);
443 cout << "pw " << pw[0] << " " << pw[1] << " " << pw[2] << endl;
445 MoveFocus(&pw[0], fRmax[0]-fRmin[0], fRmax[1]-fRmin[1], fRmax[2]-fRmin[2]);
446 gPad->Modified();
447 gPad->Update();
448 */
449 if (!gPad) return; //Long Peixun's update: check pad pointer before move
451 //
452 // Move (px, py in pixel coordinates)
453 Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, x, y, x0, y0;
454 x1 = gPad->GetX1();
455 y1 = gPad->GetY1();
456 x2 = gPad->GetX2();
457 y2 = gPad->GetY2();
458 x0 = gPad->PixeltoX(0);
459 y0 = gPad->PixeltoY(0);
460 x = gPad->PixeltoX(px);
461 y = gPad->PixeltoY(py);
462 dx = -(x - x0);
463 dy = -(y - y0);
465 gPad->Range(x1+dx, y1+dy, x2+dx, y2+dy);
466 gPad->Modified();
468 //Long Peixun's update: Set view center
469 ViewCenter[0] = (x1 + x2) / 2 + dx;
470 ViewCenter[1] = (y1 + y2) / 2 + dy;

Referenced by BesClient::ExecuteEvent(), and BesClient::HandleButtons().

◆ NDCtoWC() [1/2]

void BesView::NDCtoWC ( const Double_t *  pn,
Double_t *  pw 

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 826 of file BesView.cxx.

826 {
827 //
828 // Transform back from NDCs
829 Double_t p[3];
830 p[0] = pn[0];
831 p[1] = pn[1];
832 p[2] = pn[2];
834 if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
835 Double_t r;
836 if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
837 Double_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
838 pvWC[0] = +4;
839 pvWC[1] = 0;
840 pvWC[2] = 0;
841 BesTView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
842 p[0] = TMath::Sign((pn[0] - pvNDC[0])*(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]),
843 pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
844 p[1] = TMath::Sign((pn[1] - pvNDC[1])*(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]),
845 pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
846 } else {
847 r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(p[0],2)
848 +TMath::Power(p[1],2));
849 p[0] *= r;
850 p[1] *= r;
851 }
852 }
853 BesTView::NDCtoWC(p, pw);
virtual void WCtoNDC(const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1607
virtual void NDCtoWC(const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1177

◆ NDCtoWC() [2/2]

void BesView::NDCtoWC ( const Float_t *  pn,
Float_t *  pw 

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 794 of file BesView.cxx.

794 {
795 //
796 // Transform back from NDCs
797 Float_t p[3];
798 p[0] = pn[0];
799 p[1] = pn[1];
800 p[2] = pn[2];
802 if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
803 Float_t r;
804 if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
805 Float_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
806 pvWC[0] = +4;
807 pvWC[1] = 0;
808 pvWC[2] = 0;
809 BesTView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
810 p[0] = TMath::Sign((pn[0] - pvNDC[0])*(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]),
811 pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
812 p[1] = TMath::Sign((pn[1] - pvNDC[1])*(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]),
813 pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
814 } else {
815 r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(p[0],2)
816 +TMath::Power(p[1],2));
817 p[0] *= r;
818 p[1] *= r;
819 }
820 }
821 BesTView::NDCtoWC(p, pw);

Referenced by BesCircle2D::DistancetoPrimitive(), and GetObjectInfo().

◆ PrintCurrent()

void BesView::PrintCurrent ( )

Definition at line 262 of file BesView.h.

262{ fStatusCurrent->Print(); }

◆ Refresh()

void BesView::Refresh ( )

Definition at line 915 of file BesView.cxx.

917 //Reset status instances of views
918 fStatus3D->Default(k3DView);
919 fStatusXY->Default(kXYView);
920 fStatusZR->Default(kZRView);
922 //Refresh status instances of views
923 switch (fViewType)
924 {
925 case k3DView:
926 fStatus3D->Transfer(fStatusCurrent, 1);
927 break;
928 case kXYView:
929 fStatusXY->Transfer(fStatusCurrent, 1);
930 break;
931 case kZRView:
932 fStatusZR->Transfer(fStatusCurrent, 1);
933 break;
934 }
936 this->UpdateView(1);
937 gPad->Update();
void Transfer(BesStatus *right, Bool_t set)
Definition: BesStatus.cxx:511
void Default(EBESViewType type)
Definition: BesStatus.cxx:38
virtual void UpdateView(Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
Definition: BesView.cxx:657

Referenced by BesVisDisplay::Refresh().

◆ Reset()

void BesView::Reset ( )

Definition at line 894 of file BesView.cxx.

894 {
895 //
896 // reset view to default values
898 // reset status instances of views
899 fStatus3D->Default(k3DView);
900 fStatusXY->Default(kXYView);
901 fStatusZR->Default(kZRView);
902 fZoomFactor = 1.2;
904 // reset current status instance tp fViewType
905 fStatusCurrent->Default(fViewType);
907 // reset phirange
908 // this->SetPhiRange(0,180);
909 this->UpdateView(1);
910 gPad->Update();

Referenced by BesClient::HandleButtons(), and BesVisDisplay::Reset().

◆ SetDrawOption()

virtual void BesView::SetDrawOption ( Option_t *  option)

Definition at line 281 of file BesView.h.

281{ BesTView::SetDrawOption(option); }

◆ SetFishEye()

void BesView::SetFishEye ( Bool_t  input = 0)

Definition at line 252 of file BesView.h.

252 {
253 if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
254 fFishEye = 0;
255 fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = 0;
256 } else {
257 fFishEye = input;
258 fStatusCurrent->fFishEye = input;
259 }
260 } // *TOGGLE*

Referenced by BesClient::HandleButtons(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ SetLineAttributes()

virtual void BesView::SetLineAttributes ( )

Definition at line 282 of file BesView.h.

282{ BesTView::SetLineAttributes(); }

◆ SetMarkerSize()

void BesView::SetMarkerSize ( Float_t  size)

Definition at line 98 of file BesView.h.

98{ fMarkerSize = size; }

◆ SetPhiRange()

void BesView::SetPhiRange ( Float_t  PhiMin = 0,
Float_t  PhiMax = 180 

Definition at line 641 of file BesView.cxx.

641 {
642 //
643 // Set phi range for ZR view
644 if ( gDebug ) cout << "BesView::SetPhiRange called" << endl;
646 fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMin = PhiMin;
647 fStatusCurrent->fPhiRangeMax = PhiMax;
649 // Update view
650 if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
651 //gEvent->AddBACPadTowerZR();
652 UpdateView(0);
R__EXTERN BesGeometry * gBesGeometry
Definition: BesGeometry.h:108
#define PhiMax
#define PhiMin
Float_t fPhiRangeMax
Definition: BesStatus.h:132

◆ SetViewType()

void BesView::SetViewType ( EBESViewType  ViewType,
Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE 

Definition at line 96 of file BesView.cxx.

96 {
97 //
98 // Set type of view
100 // check the state of the component before change and copy current status to respective status
101 if (fViewType & k3DView) { fStatus3D->Transfer(fStatusCurrent, 0); }
102 else if (fViewType & kXYView) { fStatusXY->Transfer(fStatusCurrent, 0); }
103 else if (fViewType & kZRView) { fStatusZR->Transfer(fStatusCurrent, 0); }
105 fViewType = ViewType;
106 ClearPad();
108 // Set view direction properly
109 Int_t iret;
110 if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
111 //cout << "SetViewType 3D" << endl;
112 //
113 // 3D view
115 // remember my previous state, set parallel first anyway, then choose perspective or not
116 Int_t iPerspective = 0;
118 if (IsPerspective()) iPerspective = 1;
120 // copy 3D status to current status
121 fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatus3D,1);
123 // Geometry exist ?
124 if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
126 // set view
127 if ( resetview ) {
128 //SetView(0, 90, 270, iret);
129 this->Front();
130 this->Center();
132 DefaultRange();
133 //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) this->ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
134 //Long Peixun's update: Using SetZoomRatio instead of ZoomView
135 SetZoomRatio(fStatus3D->fZoom);
137 //Long Peixun's update: don't reset marker size
138 //fMarkerSize = 0.1;
139 }
141 // Draw geometry
143 //cout << "is there any problem after update from root's version 4.03 to 4.04" << endl; //Long Peixun remove
144 gBesGeometry->Draw("3D,SAME");
145 //this->SetParralel(); //comment out 2007.5.1 try to use ROOT-5.10.00
146 this->SetParallel();
147 //old version 4.0.3 have a spell mistake BesTView::SetParralel()=>SetParallel()
148 //changed by tianhl at Mon Aug 20 2007
149 if (iPerspective == 1) this->SetPerspective();
151 // Draw tracks
152 if ( gEvent )
153 {
154 gEvent->DrawTracks("");
155 }
156 //else cout << "3D gEvent does not exist " << endl;
158 } else if ( fViewType & kXYView ) {
159 //cout << "SetViewType XY" << endl;
160 //
161 // XY view
162 // =======
164 // copy XY status to current status
165 fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusXY,1);
167 // Geometry exist ?
168 if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
170 // set view
171 if ( resetview ) {
172 SetView(0, 0, 270, iret);
173 this->Center();
175 DefaultRange();
176 //DefaultRange(); //Long Peixun's update: Remove redundant DefaultRange()
177 //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) this->ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
178 //Long Peixun's update: Using SetZoomRatio instead of ZoomView
179 SetZoomRatio(fStatusXY->fZoom);
181 //Long Peixun's update: don't reset marker size
182 //fMarkerSize = 0.1;
184 }
186 /*
187 // Draw event
188 if ( gEvent ) gEvent->SetHits("XY");
189 else cout << "XY : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
190 */
192 // Draw geometry
193 gBesGeometry->Draw("XY,SAME");
195 // Draw 2D hits and tracks
196 if ( gEvent ) {
197 gEvent->DrawHits("");
198 gEvent->DrawTracks("");
199 }
200 //else cout << "XY : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
202 } else if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
203 //cout << "SetViewType ZR" << endl;
204 //
205 // ZR view
206 // =======
208 // copy ZR status to current status
209 fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusZR,1);
211 // Geometry exist ?
212 if ( !gBesGeometry ) return;
214 // set view
215 if ( resetview ) {
216 SetView(180,90,90,iret);
217 this->Center();
219 DefaultRange();
220 //DefaultRange(); //Long Peixun's update: Remove redundant DefaultRange()
221 //for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) this->ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor);
222 //Long Peixun's update: Using SetZoomRatio instead of ZoomView
223 SetZoomRatio(fStatusZR->fZoom);
225 //Long Peixun's update: don't reset marker size
226 //fMarkerSize = 0.1;
228 }
230 /*
231 // Draw event
232 if ( gEvent ) gEvent->SetHits("ZR");
233 else cout << "ZR : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
234 */
236 // Draw geometry
237 gBesGeometry->Draw("ZR,SAME");
239 // Draw hits and tracks
240 if ( gEvent ) {
241 gEvent->DrawHits("");
242 gEvent->DrawTracks("");
243 }
244 //else cout << "ZR : gEvent does not exist " << endl;
246 }
248 // Draw label
249 DrawLabel();
R__EXTERN BesEvent * gEvent
Definition: BesEvent.h:279
virtual void DrawHits(Option_t *option)
Definition: BesEvent.cxx:1060
virtual void DrawTracks(Option_t *option)
Definition: BesEvent.cxx:1072
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="3D")
Bool_t IsPerspective() const
Definition: BesTView.h:113
virtual void SetParallel()
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1433
virtual void SetView(Double_t longitude, Double_t latitude, Double_t psi, Int_t &irep)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1526
virtual void SetPerspective()
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1443
virtual void ClearPad()
Definition: BesView.cxx:354
void Center()
Definition: BesView.cxx:475
virtual void DefaultRange()
Definition: BesView.cxx:88
void SetZoomRatio(Double_t ratio)
Definition: BesView.cxx:494
virtual void DrawLabel()
Definition: BesView.cxx:677

Referenced by Side3D(), UpdateView(), View3D(), ViewXY(), and ViewZR().

◆ SetViewTypeBare()

void BesView::SetViewTypeBare ( EBESViewType  ViewType,
Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE 

Definition at line 252 of file BesView.cxx.

252 {
253 /*
254 //
255 // Set type of view
257 cout << "setviewtypeBare: start..." << endl;
258 // check the state of the component before change and copy current status to respective status
259 if ( fViewType & k3DView ){
261 fStatus3D->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
263 } else if ( fViewType & kXYView ) {
265 fStatusXY->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
267 } else if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
270 fStatusZR->Transfer(fStatusCurrent,0);
272 }
274 fViewType = ViewType;
275 ClearPad();
277 // Set view direction properly
278 Int_t iret;
279 cout << "fViewType=" << fViewType << endl;
280 if ( fViewType & k3DView ) {
281 //
282 // 3D view
284 // copy 3D status to current status
285 fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatus3D,1);
286 // Geometry exist ?
287 if ( !gGeometry ) return;
289 // set view
290 if ( resetview ) {
291 SetView(0, 90, 270, iret);
292 SetRange(-600,-600,-400,600,600,800);
294 // reset marker size
295 fMarkerSize = 0.1;
297 }
299 } else if ( fViewType & kXYView ) {
300 //
301 // XY view
302 // =======
304 // copy XY status to current status
305 fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusXY,1);
307 // Geometry exist ?
308 if ( !gGeometry ) return;
310 // set view
311 if ( resetview ) {
312 SetView(270, 0, 0, iret);
313 // SetRange(-200,-200,-200,200,200,200);
314 SetRange(-310,-310,-310,310,310,310);
315 // reset marker size
316 fMarkerSize = 0.1;
318 }
320 } else if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
322 //
323 // ZR view
324 // =======
326 // copy ZR status to current status
327 cout << "fViewType & kZRView: before transfer..." << endl;
328 fStatusCurrent->Transfer(fStatusZR,1);
329 cout << "fViewType & kZRView: after transfer..." << endl;
331 // Geometry exist ?
332 if ( !gGeometry ) return;
334 // set view
335 if ( resetview ) {
336 SetView(90, 180, 0, iret);
337 // SetRange(-130,-200,-200,270,200,200);
338 SetRange(-160,-400,-400,740,400,400);
339 // reset marker size
340 fMarkerSize = 0.1;
342 }
344 }
346 // Draw label
347 cout << "SetViewTypeBare: no drawlabel" << endl;
348 //DrawLabel();
349 */

◆ SetVisAxis()

void BesView::SetVisAxis ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 179 of file BesView.h.

179{ fStatusCurrent->fAxis = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleButtons(), BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisBeamPipe()

void BesView::SetVisBeamPipe ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 177 of file BesView.h.

177{ fStatusCurrent->fBeamPipe = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisCgemGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisCgemGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 106 of file BesView.h.

106{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemGlobal = input; }

◆ SetVisCgemHitsClusters()

void BesView::SetVisCgemHitsClusters ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 190 of file BesView.h.

190{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsClusters = input; }

◆ SetVisCgemHitsGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisCgemHitsGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 187 of file BesView.h.

187{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsGlobal = input; }

◆ SetVisCgemHitsVStrip()

void BesView::SetVisCgemHitsVStrip ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 189 of file BesView.h.

189{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsVStrip = input; }

◆ SetVisCgemHitsXStrip()

void BesView::SetVisCgemHitsXStrip ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 188 of file BesView.h.

188{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemHitsXStrip = input; }

◆ SetVisCgemLayers()

void BesView::SetVisCgemLayers ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 107 of file BesView.h.

107{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemLayers = input; }

◆ SetVisCgemVStrips()

void BesView::SetVisCgemVStrips ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 109 of file BesView.h.

109{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemVStrips = input; }

◆ SetVisCgemXStrips()

void BesView::SetVisCgemXStrips ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 108 of file BesView.h.

108{ fStatusCurrent->fCgemXStrips = input; }

◆ SetVisEmcBarrel()

void BesView::SetVisEmcBarrel ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 142 of file BesView.h.

142{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcBarrel = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcEast()

void BesView::SetVisEmcEast ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 141 of file BesView.h.

141{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcEast = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisEmcGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 140 of file BesView.h.

140{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcHitsBarrel()

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsBarrel ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 219 of file BesView.h.

219{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsBarrel = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcHitsEast()

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsEast ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 218 of file BesView.h.

218{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsEast = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcHitsGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 217 of file BesView.h.

217{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcHitsSide()

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsSide ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 221 of file BesView.h.

221{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsSide = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcHitsWest()

void BesView::SetVisEmcHitsWest ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 220 of file BesView.h.

220{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcHitsWest = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcSide()

void BesView::SetVisEmcSide ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 144 of file BesView.h.

144{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcSide = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisEmcWest()

void BesView::SetVisEmcWest ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 143 of file BesView.h.

143{ fStatusCurrent->fEmcWest = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisFull3DCgem()

void BesView::SetVisFull3DCgem ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 166 of file BesView.h.

166{ fStatusCurrent->fFull3DCgem = input; }

◆ SetVisFull3DEmc()

void BesView::SetVisFull3DEmc ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 169 of file BesView.h.

169{ fStatusCurrent->fFull3DEmc = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu().

◆ SetVisFull3DMdc()

void BesView::SetVisFull3DMdc ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 167 of file BesView.h.

167{ fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMdc = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu().

◆ SetVisFull3DMuc()

void BesView::SetVisFull3DMuc ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 170 of file BesView.h.

170{ fStatusCurrent->fFull3DMuc = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu().

◆ SetVisFull3DTof()

void BesView::SetVisFull3DTof ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 168 of file BesView.h.

168{ fStatusCurrent->fFull3DTof = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu().

◆ SetVisMdcGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisMdcGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 116 of file BesView.h.

116{ fStatusCurrent->fMdcGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMdcHits()

void BesView::SetVisMdcHits ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 197 of file BesView.h.

197{ fStatusCurrent->fMdcHits = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu().

◆ SetVisMdcHitsGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisMdcHitsGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 196 of file BesView.h.

196{ fStatusCurrent->fMdcHitsGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMdcTubes()

void BesView::SetVisMdcTubes ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 117 of file BesView.h.

117{ fStatusCurrent->fMdcTubes = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMdcWires()

void BesView::SetVisMdcWires ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 118 of file BesView.h.

118{ fStatusCurrent->fMdcWires = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucBarrel()

void BesView::SetVisMucBarrel ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 155 of file BesView.h.

155{ fStatusCurrent->fMucBarrel = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucEast()

void BesView::SetVisMucEast ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 154 of file BesView.h.

154{ fStatusCurrent->fMucEast = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisMucGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 153 of file BesView.h.

153{ fStatusCurrent->fMucGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucHitsBarrel()

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsBarrel ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 231 of file BesView.h.

231{ fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsBarrel = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucHitsEast()

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsEast ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 230 of file BesView.h.

230{ fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsEast = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucHitsGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 229 of file BesView.h.

229{ fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucHitsWest()

void BesView::SetVisMucHitsWest ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 232 of file BesView.h.

232{ fStatusCurrent->fMucHitsWest = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucStrips()

void BesView::SetVisMucStrips ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 157 of file BesView.h.

157{ fStatusCurrent->fMucStrips = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisMucWest()

void BesView::SetVisMucWest ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 156 of file BesView.h.

156{ fStatusCurrent->fMucWest = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofBarrel()

void BesView::SetVisTofBarrel ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 129 of file BesView.h.

129{ fStatusCurrent->fTofBarrel = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofEast()

void BesView::SetVisTofEast ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 128 of file BesView.h.

128{ fStatusCurrent->fTofEast = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisTofGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 127 of file BesView.h.

127{ fStatusCurrent->fTofGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofHitsBarrel()

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsBarrel ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 207 of file BesView.h.

207{ fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsBarrel = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofHitsEast()

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsEast ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 206 of file BesView.h.

206{ fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsEast = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofHitsGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 205 of file BesView.h.

205{ fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofHitsWest()

void BesView::SetVisTofHitsWest ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 208 of file BesView.h.

208{ fStatusCurrent->fTofHitsWest = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTofWest()

void BesView::SetVisTofWest ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 130 of file BesView.h.

130{ fStatusCurrent->fTofWest = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTracksEmc()

void BesView::SetVisTracksEmc ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 245 of file BesView.h.

245{ fStatusCurrent->fTracksEmc = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTracksExt()

void BesView::SetVisTracksExt ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 247 of file BesView.h.

247{ fStatusCurrent->fTracksExt = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTracksGlobal()

void BesView::SetVisTracksGlobal ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 242 of file BesView.h.

242{ fStatusCurrent->fTracksGlobal = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTracksMdc()

void BesView::SetVisTracksMdc ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 243 of file BesView.h.

243{ fStatusCurrent->fTracksMdc = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTracksMuc()

void BesView::SetVisTracksMuc ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 246 of file BesView.h.

246{ fStatusCurrent->fTracksMuc = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisTracksTof()

void BesView::SetVisTracksTof ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 244 of file BesView.h.

244{ fStatusCurrent->fTracksTof = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetVisZoom()

void BesView::SetVisZoom ( Float_t  input)

Definition at line 131 of file BesView.h.

131{ fStatusCurrent->fZoom = input; }

◆ SetVisZRPlaneOnXY()

void BesView::SetVisZRPlaneOnXY ( Bool_t  input)

Definition at line 178 of file BesView.h.

178{ fStatusCurrent->fZRPlaneOnXY = input; }

Referenced by BesClient::HandleViewOptionMenu(), and BesClient::SetState().

◆ SetZoomFactor()

virtual void BesView::SetZoomFactor ( Double_t  factor)

Definition at line 284 of file BesView.h.

284{ fZoomFactor = factor; };

◆ SetZoomRatio()

void BesView::SetZoomRatio ( Double_t  ratio)

Definition at line 494 of file BesView.cxx.

496 //Long Peixun's update: Move pad and let Pad center be ViewCenter
497 Double_t dx = (ratio / GetZoomRatio() - 1) * ViewCenter[0];
498 Double_t dy = (ratio / GetZoomRatio() - 1) * ViewCenter[1];
500 DefaultRange();
501 fMarkerSize *= ratio; //Long Peixun's update: Should set marker size
502 ZoomView(gPad, ratio);
504 //Long Peixun's update: Move pad and let Pad center be ViewCenter
505 Double_t newx1 = gPad->GetX1() + dx;
506 Double_t newy1 = gPad->GetY1() + dy;
507 Double_t newx2 = gPad->GetX2() + dx;
508 Double_t newy2 = gPad->GetY2() + dy;
509 gPad->Range(newx1, newy1, newx2, newy2);
510 gPad->Modified();
511 ViewCenter[0] = (newx1 + newx2) / 2;
512 ViewCenter[1] = (newy1 + newy2) / 2;
514 //yzhang TEMP FIXME
515 fStatusCurrent->fZoom = ratio;
516 fStatusXY->fZoom = ratio;
517 fStatusZR->fZoom = ratio;
518 fStatus3D->fZoom = ratio;
virtual void ZoomView(TVirtualPad *pad=0, Double_t zoomFactor=1.25)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1778
Double_t GetZoomRatio()
Definition: BesView.h:70

Referenced by BesClient::ExecuteReturn(), SetViewType(), and BesClient::UpdateStatus().

◆ Side()

virtual void BesView::Side ( )

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 267 of file BesView.h.

267{ BesTView::Side(); }
virtual void Side()
Definition: BesTView.h:179

◆ Side3D()

void BesView::Side3D ( )

Definition at line 858 of file BesView.cxx.

858 {
859 //
860 // set side view for 3D
862 this->SetViewType(k3DView,1);
863 Int_t iret;
864 this->SetView(0,90,270,iret);
virtual void SetViewType(EBESViewType ViewType, Bool_t resetview=kFALSE)
Definition: BesView.cxx:96

◆ Top()

virtual void BesView::Top ( )

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 268 of file BesView.h.

268{ BesTView::Front(); }
virtual void Front()
Definition: BesTView.h:177

◆ Top3D()

void BesView::Top3D ( )

Definition at line 87 of file BesView.h.

87 {
88 this->View3D();
89 Int_t iret;
90 this->SetView(-90,90,270,iret);
92 // this->Top();
93 } // *MENU*

◆ UpdateView()

void BesView::UpdateView ( Bool_t  resetview = kFALSE)

◆ View3D()

void BesView::View3D ( )

Definition at line 75 of file BesView.h.

75{ SetViewType(k3DView,1); } // *MENU*

Referenced by BesVisDisplay::Draw3D(), Front3D(), and Top3D().

◆ ViewXY()

void BesView::ViewXY ( )

Definition at line 76 of file BesView.h.

76{ SetViewType(kXYView,1); } // *MENU*

Referenced by BesVisDisplay::Draw2DXY().

◆ ViewZR()

void BesView::ViewZR ( )

Definition at line 77 of file BesView.h.

77{ SetViewType(kZRView,1); } // *MENU*

Referenced by BesVisDisplay::Draw2DZR().

◆ WCtoNDC() [1/2]

void BesView::WCtoNDC ( const Double_t *  pw,
Double_t *  pn 

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 761 of file BesView.cxx.

761 {
762 //
763 // Transform world coordinates to
764 // normalised device coordinates.
765 // This method was taken from BesTView
766 // and extended by FishEye view
767 BesTView::WCtoNDC(pw, pn);
769 if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
770 Double_t r, s;
771 if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
772 Double_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
773 pvWC[0] = +4;
774 pvWC[1] = 0;
775 pvWC[2] = 0;
776 BesTView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
777 pn[0] = TMath::Sign(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[0] - pvNDC[0])),
778 pn[0] - pvNDC[0]) + pvNDC[0];
779 pn[1] = TMath::Sign(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[1] - pvNDC[1])),
780 pn[1] - pvNDC[1]) + pvNDC[1];
781 } else {
783 r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(pn[0],2)
784 +TMath::Power(pn[1],2));
785 s = TMath::Sqrt(r)/r;
786 pn[0] *= s;
787 pn[1] *= s;
788 }
789 }
XmlRpcServer s
Definition: HelloServer.cpp:11

◆ WCtoNDC() [2/2]

void BesView::WCtoNDC ( const Float_t *  pw,
Float_t *  pn 

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 728 of file BesView.cxx.

728 {
729 //
730 // Transform world coordinates to
731 // normalised device coordinates.
732 // This method was taken from BesTView
733 // and extended by FishEye view
734 BesTView::WCtoNDC(pw, pn);
735 //cout << "fFishEye " << fFishEye << endl;
737 if ( fStatusCurrent->fFishEye == kTRUE ) {
738 Float_t r, s;
739 if ( fViewType & kZRView ) {
740 Float_t pvWC[3], pvNDC[3];
741 pvWC[0] = +4;
742 pvWC[1] = 0;
743 pvWC[2] = 0;
744 BesTView::WCtoNDC(pvWC, pvNDC);
745 pn[0] = TMath::Sign(Double_t(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[0] - pvNDC[0]))),
746 Double_t(pn[0] - pvNDC[0])) + pvNDC[0];
747 pn[1] = TMath::Sign(Double_t(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(pn[1] - pvNDC[1]))),
748 Double_t(pn[1] - pvNDC[1])) + pvNDC[1];
749 } else {
750 r = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(pn[0],2)
751 +TMath::Power(pn[1],2));
752 s = TMath::Sqrt(r)/r;
753 pn[0] *= s;
754 pn[1] *= s;
755 }
756 }

Referenced by BesPolygon2D::DistancetoPrimitive(), BesCircle2D::Paint(), BesMarker2D::Paint(), BesPolygon2D::Paint(), and Mdc2DWire::Paint().

◆ ZoomIn()

void BesView::ZoomIn ( )

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 523 of file BesView.cxx.

523 {
524 //
525 // Magnify
526 //Long Peixun's update: Move pad and let Pad center be ViewCenter
527 Double_t dx = (fZoomFactor - 1) * ViewCenter[0];
528 Double_t dy = (fZoomFactor - 1) * ViewCenter[1];
530 fMarkerSize = fMarkerSize * fZoomFactor;
531 ZoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor); // dont use ZoomView as it is not base on center
533 fStatusCurrent->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
534 fStatusXY->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
535 fStatusZR->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
536 fStatus3D->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
538 //Long Peixun's update: Move pad and let Pad center be ViewCenter
539 Double_t newx1 = gPad->GetX1() + dx;
540 Double_t newy1 = gPad->GetY1() + dy;
541 Double_t newx2 = gPad->GetX2() + dx;
542 Double_t newy2 = gPad->GetY2() + dy;
543 gPad->Range(newx1, newy1, newx2, newy2);
544 gPad->Modified();
545 ViewCenter[0] = (newx1 + newx2) / 2;
546 ViewCenter[1] = (newy1 + newy2) / 2;
548 //Double_t scale[3], center[3];
549 //Int_t irep;
550 //FindScope(&scale[0], &center[0], irep);
551 //cout << "scale " << scale[0] << " " << scale[1] << " " << scale[2] << endl;
552 //cout << "center " << center[0] << " " << center[1] << " " << center[2] << endl;
554 //Double_t extent = GetExtent();
555 //cout << extent << endl;
556 //cout << GetZoomRatio() << endl;
558 /*
559 Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
560 x1 = gPad->GetX1();
561 y1 = gPad->GetY1();
562 x2 = gPad->GetX2();
563 y2 = gPad->GetY2();
565 Double_t dx = (gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1())*(1-1/fZoomFactor);
566 Double_t dy = (gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1())*(1-1/fZoomFactor);
568 gPad->Range(x1+dx/2, y1+dy/2, x2-dx/2, y2-dy/2);
569 gPad->Modified();
570 */

Referenced by BesClient::ExecuteEvent(), and BesClient::HandleButtons().

◆ ZoomMove()

virtual void BesView::ZoomMove ( )

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 270 of file BesView.h.

virtual void ZoomMove()
Definition: BesTView.h:181

◆ ZoomOut()

void BesView::ZoomOut ( )

Reimplemented from BesTView.

Definition at line 575 of file BesView.cxx.

575 {
576 //
577 // Demagnify
578 //Long Peixun's update: Move pad and let Pad center be ViewCenter
579 Double_t dx = (1 / fZoomFactor - 1) * ViewCenter[0];
580 Double_t dy = (1 / fZoomFactor - 1) * ViewCenter[1];
582 fMarkerSize = fMarkerSize / fZoomFactor;
583 UnzoomView(gPad, fZoomFactor); // dont use ZoomView as it is not base on center
585 fStatusCurrent->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
586 fStatusXY->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
587 fStatusZR->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
588 fStatus3D->fZoom = GetZoomRatio();
590 //Long Peixun's update: Move pad and let Pad center be ViewCenter
591 Double_t newx1 = gPad->GetX1() + dx;
592 Double_t newy1 = gPad->GetY1() + dy;
593 Double_t newx2 = gPad->GetX2() + dx;
594 Double_t newy2 = gPad->GetY2() + dy;
595 gPad->Range(newx1, newy1, newx2, newy2);
596 gPad->Modified();
597 ViewCenter[0] = (newx1 + newx2) / 2;
598 ViewCenter[1] = (newy1 + newy2) / 2;
600 //Double_t extent = GetExtent();
601 //cout << extent << endl;
602 //cout << GetZoomRatio() << endl;
604 /*
605 Double_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
606 x1 = gPad->GetX1();
607 y1 = gPad->GetY1();
608 x2 = gPad->GetX2();
609 y2 = gPad->GetY2();
611 Double_t dx = (gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1())*(fZoomFactor-1);
612 Double_t dy = (gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1())*(fZoomFactor-1);
614 gPad->Range(x1-dx/2, y1-dy/2, x2+dx/2, y2+dy/2);
615 gPad->Modified();
616 */
virtual void UnzoomView(TVirtualPad *pad=0, Double_t unZoomFactor=1.25)
Definition: BesTView.cxx:1770

Referenced by BesClient::ExecuteEvent(), and BesClient::HandleButtons().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: