BOSS 7.1.0
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
Event Namespace Reference


class  EmcMcHit
class  EventH
class  EventHeader
class  McParticle
class  McPrimaryParticle
class  McTrajectory
class  MdcMcHit
class  MucMcHit
class  Relation
class  RelKey
class  RelTable
class  TofMcHit
class  ZddEvent


typedef ObjectVector< EmcMcHitEmcMcHitCol
typedef ObjectList< McParticleMcParticleCol
typedef SmartRefVector< Event::McParticleMcParticleRefVec
typedef SmartRef< Event::McParticleMcParticleRef
typedef ObjectVector< McPrimaryParticleMcPrimaryParticleCol
typedef Event::RelTable< Event::McParticle, Event::MdcMcHitMcPartToMdcHitTab
typedef Event::Relation< Event::McParticle, Event::MdcMcHitMcPartToMdcHitRel
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToMdcHitRelMcPartToMdcHitList
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToMdcHitRel * > McPartToMdcHitVec
typedef Event::RelTable< Event::McParticle, Event::TofMcHitMcPartToTofHitTab
typedef Event::Relation< Event::McParticle, Event::TofMcHitMcPartToTofHitRel
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToTofHitRelMcPartToTofHitList
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToTofHitRel * > McPartToTofHitVec
typedef Event::RelTable< Event::McParticle, Event::EmcMcHitMcPartToEmcHitTab
typedef Event::Relation< Event::McParticle, Event::EmcMcHitMcPartToEmcHitRel
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToEmcHitRelMcPartToEmcHitList
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToEmcHitRel * > McPartToEmcHitVec
typedef Event::RelTable< Event::McParticle, Event::MucMcHitMcPartToMucHitTab
typedef Event::Relation< Event::McParticle, Event::MucMcHitMcPartToMucHitRel
typedef ObjectList< Event::McPartToMucHitRelMcPartToMucHitList
typedef std::vector< Event::McPartToMucHitRel * > McPartToMucHitVec
typedef ObjectVector< McTrajectoryMcTrajectoryVector
typedef ObjectVector< McTrajectoryMcTrajectoryCol
typedef ObjectList< McTrajectoryMcTrajectoryList
typedef ObjectVector< MdcMcHitMdcMcHitCol
typedef ObjectVector< MucMcHitMucMcHitCol
typedef ObjectVector< TofMcHitTofMcHitCol

Detailed Description

class EventHeader brief Essential header information of the event. It can be identified by "/Event" on the TDS.

It contains:

  • run number
  • event number

Typedef Documentation

◆ EmcMcHitCol

typedef ObjectVector<EmcMcHit> Event::EmcMcHitCol

Definition at line 132 of file EmcMcHit.h.

◆ McParticleCol

typedef ObjectList<McParticle> Event::McParticleCol

Definition at line 205 of file McParticle.h.

◆ McParticleRef

Definition at line 22 of file McPrimaryParticle.h.

◆ McParticleRefVec

typedef SmartRefVector<Event::McParticle> Event::McParticleRefVec

Definition at line 21 of file McPrimaryParticle.h.

◆ McPartToEmcHitList

Definition at line 42 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPartToEmcHitRel

◆ McPartToEmcHitTab

◆ McPartToEmcHitVec

Definition at line 43 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPartToMdcHitList

Definition at line 30 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPartToMdcHitRel

◆ McPartToMdcHitTab

◆ McPartToMdcHitVec

Definition at line 31 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPartToMucHitList

Definition at line 48 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPartToMucHitRel

◆ McPartToMucHitTab

◆ McPartToMucHitVec

Definition at line 49 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPartToTofHitList

Definition at line 36 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPartToTofHitRel

◆ McPartToTofHitTab

◆ McPartToTofHitVec

Definition at line 37 of file McRelTableDefs.h.

◆ McPrimaryParticleCol

Definition at line 96 of file McPrimaryParticle.h.

◆ McTrajectoryCol

typedef ObjectVector<McTrajectory> Event::McTrajectoryCol

Definition at line 59 of file McTrajectory.h.

◆ McTrajectoryList

Definition at line 61 of file McTrajectory.h.

◆ McTrajectoryVector

typedef ObjectVector<McTrajectory> Event::McTrajectoryVector

Definition at line 58 of file McTrajectory.h.

◆ MdcMcHitCol

typedef ObjectVector<MdcMcHit> Event::MdcMcHitCol

Definition at line 142 of file MdcMcHit.h.

◆ MucMcHitCol

typedef ObjectVector<MucMcHit> Event::MucMcHitCol

Definition at line 89 of file MucMcHit.h.

◆ TofMcHitCol

typedef ObjectVector<TofMcHit> Event::TofMcHitCol

Definition at line 100 of file TofMcHit.h.