BOSS 7.1.1
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
PipiJpsi Class Reference

#include <PipiJpsi.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PipiJpsi:

Public Member Functions

 PipiJpsi (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file PipiJpsi.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PipiJpsi()

PipiJpsi::PipiJpsi ( const std::string & name,
ISvcLocator * pSvcLocator )

Definition at line 64 of file PipiJpsi.cxx.

64 :
65 Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator) {
66 //Declare the properties
67 declareProperty("Vr0cut", m_vr0cut=1.0);
68 declareProperty("Vz0cut", m_vz0cut=5.0);
69 declareProperty("TrackCosThetaCut",m_cosThetaCut=0.93);
70 declareProperty("PipiDangCut",m_pipi_dang_cut=0.98);
72 declareProperty("CheckDedx", m_checkDedx = true);
73 declareProperty("CheckTof", m_checkTof = true);
75 declareProperty("Subsample", m_subsample_flag=false);
76 declareProperty("Trigger", m_trigger_flag=false);
77 declareProperty("DistinEMuon", m_distin_emuon=2.0);
79 declareProperty("EventRate", m_eventrate=false);
80 declareProperty("ChanDet", m_chan_det=1);

Member Function Documentation

◆ execute()

StatusCode PipiJpsi::execute ( )

Print trigger information once:

Definition at line 287 of file PipiJpsi.cxx.

287 {
289 //std::cout << "execute()" << std::endl;
291 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
292 log << MSG::INFO << "in execute()" << endreq;
293 m_cout_all ++;
294 StatusCode sc=StatusCode::SUCCESS;
295 //save the events passed selection to a new file
296 setFilterPassed(false);
298 SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(eventSvc(),"/Event/EventHeader");
299 if(!eventHeader){
300 log << MSG::ERROR << "EventHeader not found" << endreq;
301 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
302 }
303 int run(eventHeader->runNumber());
304 int event(eventHeader->eventNumber());
305 if(event%1000==0) cout << "run: " << run << " event: " << event << endl;
307 SmartDataPtr<EvtRecEvent> evtRecEvent(eventSvc(), "/Event/EvtRec/EvtRecEvent");
308 if(!evtRecEvent){
309 log << MSG::ERROR << "EvtRecEvent not found" << endreq;
310 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
311 }
312 log << MSG::DEBUG <<"ncharg, nneu, tottks = "
313 << evtRecEvent->totalCharged() << " , "
314 << evtRecEvent->totalNeutral() << " , "
315 << evtRecEvent->totalTracks() <<endreq;
317 SmartDataPtr<EvtRecTrackCol> evtRecTrkCol(eventSvc(), "/Event/EvtRec/EvtRecTrackCol");
318 if(!evtRecTrkCol){
319 log << MSG::ERROR << "EvtRecTrackCol" << endreq;
320 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
321 }
323 if(m_trigger_flag){
324 SmartDataPtr<TrigData> trigData(eventSvc(),EventModel::Trig::TrigData);
325 if (!trigData) {
326 log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find Trigger Data for physics analysis" << endreq;
327 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
328 }
329 /// Print trigger information once:
330 log << MSG::DEBUG << "Trigger conditions: " << endreq;
331 for(int i=0; i < 48; i++){
332 log << MSG::DEBUG << "i:" << i << " name:" << trigData->getTrigCondName(i) << " cond:" << trigData->getTrigCondition(i) << endreq;
333 }
334 // test event rate
335 int m_trig_tot(0), m_trig_which(-1);
336 if(m_eventrate){
337 for(int j=0; j<16; j++){
338 if(trigData->getTrigChannel(j)){
339 m_trig_tot ++;
340 m_trig_which = j+1;
341 }
342 }
343 if(m_trig_tot==1 && m_trig_which==m_chan_det) m_cout_everat++;
344 return sc;
345 }
346 }
348 m_cout_col ++;
349 if(evtRecEvent->totalCharged()<3 || evtRecTrkCol->size()<3 || evtRecEvent->totalTracks()>99 || evtRecTrkCol->size()>99) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
350 m_cout_charge ++;
352 // Asign four-momentum with KalmanTrack
353 Vint iGood; iGood.clear();
354 int m_num[4]={0,0,0,0}; // number of different particles: pi+, pi-, l+, l-
355 int nCharge = 0;
356 m_pion_matched = 0; m_lep_matched = 0;
357 HepLorentzVector m_lv_pionp, m_lv_pionm, m_lv_lepp, m_lv_lepm, m_lv_ele, m_lv_pos, m_lv_mum, m_lv_mup;
359 for(int i = 0; i < evtRecEvent->totalCharged(); i++){
360 EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk=evtRecTrkCol->begin() + i;
361 if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcKalTrackValid()) continue;
362 RecMdcKalTrack* mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcKalTrack();
364 m_vx0 = mdcTrk->x();
365 m_vy0 = mdcTrk->y();
366 m_vz0 = mdcTrk->z();
367 m_vr0 = mdcTrk->r();
368 if(fabs(m_vz0) >= m_vz0cut) continue;
369 if(m_vr0 >= m_vr0cut) continue;
370 iGood.push_back(i);
371 nCharge += mdcTrk->charge();
372 if(mdcTrk->p()<1.0){ if((*itTrk)->isEmcShowerValid()) m_pion_matched ++; }
373 else{ if((*itTrk)->isEmcShowerValid()) m_lep_matched ++; }
375 if(mdcTrk->charge()>0){
376 if(mdcTrk->p()<1.0){
378 // Warning: for ones who do not modify the DstMdcKalTrack package, the following p4() function cannot be used, you should get momentum from MdcKalTrack, then calculate the energy by yourself
379 m_lv_pionp = mdcTrk->p4(xmass[2]);
380 m_num[0] ++;
381 }
382 else{
384 m_lv_pos = mdcTrk->p4(xmass[0]);
386 m_lv_mup = mdcTrk->p4(xmass[1]);
387 m_num[2] ++;
388 }
389 }
390 else{
391 if(mdcTrk->p()<1.0){
393 m_lv_pionm = mdcTrk->p4(xmass[2]);
394 m_num[1] ++;
395 }
396 else{
398 m_lv_ele = mdcTrk->p4(xmass[0]);
400 m_lv_mum = mdcTrk->p4(xmass[1]);
401 m_num[3] ++;
402 }
403 }
404 }
406 int nGood = iGood.size();
407 log << MSG::DEBUG << "With KalmanTrack, ngood, totcharge = " << nGood << " , " << nCharge << endreq;
408 if(nGood<3 || nGood>4) return sc;
409 m_cout_nGood ++;
411 m_ep_ratio = 0;
412 for(int i=0; i< evtRecEvent->totalTracks(); i++){
413 EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk=evtRecTrkCol->begin() + i;
414 if(!(*itTrk)->isEmcShowerValid()) continue;
415 RecEmcShower *emcTrk = (*itTrk)->emcShower();
416 m_ep_ratio += emcTrk->energy();
417 }
419 if(m_ep_ratio > m_distin_emuon){
420 m_lv_lepp = m_lv_pos;
421 m_lv_lepm = m_lv_ele;
422 }
423 else{
424 m_lv_lepp = m_lv_mup;
425 m_lv_lepm = m_lv_mum;
426 }
428 HepLorentzVector m_lv_lab(0.04,0,0,3.686);
429 if(nGood==4){
430 if(nCharge) return sc;
431 m_event_flag = 4;
432 }
433 else{
434 if(m_num[0]>1 || m_num[1]>1 || m_num[2]>1 || m_num[3]>1) return sc;
435 if(m_num[0]==0){
436 if(nCharge != -1) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
437 m_lv_pionp = m_lv_lab - m_lv_pionm - m_lv_lepp - m_lv_lepm;
438 if(m_lv_pionp.vect().cosTheta()>m_cosThetaCut)return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
439 m_event_flag = 0;
440 }
441 if(m_num[1]==0){
442 if(nCharge != 1) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
443 m_lv_pionm = m_lv_lab - m_lv_pionp - m_lv_lepp - m_lv_lepm;
444 if(m_lv_pionm.vect().cosTheta()>m_cosThetaCut)return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
445 m_event_flag = 1;
446 }
447 if(m_num[2]==0){
448 if(nCharge != -1) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
449 m_lv_lepp = m_lv_lab - m_lv_pionp - m_lv_pionm - m_lv_lepm;
450 if(m_lv_lepp.vect().cosTheta()>m_cosThetaCut)return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
451 m_event_flag = 2;
452 }
453 if(m_num[3]==0){
454 if(nCharge != 1) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
455 m_lv_lepm = m_lv_lab - m_lv_pionp - m_lv_pionm - m_lv_lepp;
456 if(m_lv_lepm.vect().cosTheta()>m_cosThetaCut)return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
457 m_event_flag = 3;
458 }
459 }
460 m_cout_mom ++;
462 // With momentum method calculate the invariant mass of Jpsi
463 // actually we use the recoil mass
464 HepLorentzVector m_lv_recoil, m_lv_jpsi;
465 m_lv_recoil = m_lv_lab - m_lv_pionp - m_lv_pionm;
466 m_lv_jpsi = m_lv_lepp + m_lv_lepm;
468 m_mass_twopi = (m_lv_pionp + m_lv_pionm).m();
469 m_mass_recoil = m_lv_recoil.m();
470 m_mass_jpsi = m_lv_jpsi.m();
472 // Jpsi mass cut
473 if( m_mass_recoil < 3.05 || m_mass_recoil > 3.15 ) return sc;
474 if( m_mass_jpsi < 3.0 || m_mass_jpsi > 3.2 ) return sc;
475 m_cout_recoil ++;
477 HepLorentzVector m_ttm(m_lv_jpsi + m_lv_pionp + m_lv_pionm);
478 if(m_ttm.m()>4 || m_ttm.m()<3) return sc;
480 // dangle between pions, suppress gamma convertion
481 m_pipi_dang = m_lv_pionp.vect().cosTheta(m_lv_pionm.vect());
483 m_mom_pionp = m_lv_pionp.vect().mag();
484 m_mom_pionm = m_lv_pionm.vect().mag();
485 m_mom_lepp = m_lv_lepp.vect().mag();
486 m_mom_lepm = m_lv_lepm.vect().mag();
487 m_trans_ratio_lepp = m_lv_lepp.vect().perp()/m_lv_lepp.vect().mag();
488 m_trans_ratio_lepm = m_lv_lepm.vect().perp()/m_lv_lepm.vect().mag();
489 m_trans_ratio_pionp = m_lv_pionp.vect().perp()/m_lv_pionp.vect().mag();
490 m_trans_ratio_pionm = m_lv_pionm.vect().perp()/m_lv_pionm.vect().mag();
492 Hep3Vector m_boost_jpsi(m_lv_recoil.boostVector());
493 HepLorentzVector m_lv_cms_lepp(boostOf(m_lv_lepp,-m_boost_jpsi));
494 HepLorentzVector m_lv_cms_lepm(boostOf(m_lv_lepm,-m_boost_jpsi));
495 m_cms_lepm = m_lv_cms_lepm.vect().mag();
496 m_cms_lepp = m_lv_cms_lepp.vect().mag();
497 log << MSG::DEBUG << "jpsi four momentum in cms " << m_lv_cms_lepp + m_lv_cms_lepm <<endreq;
499 m_inv_mass = m_ttm.m();
500 m_tot_e = m_ttm.e();
501 m_tot_px = m_ttm.px();
502 m_tot_py =;
503 m_tot_pz = m_ttm.pz();
504 m_run = run;
505 m_event = event;
506 HepLorentzVector m_lv_book(0,0,0,0); // assume one track is missing
507 for(m_index=0; m_index<4; m_index++){
508 switch(m_index){
509 case 0: m_lv_book = m_lv_pionp;
510 break;
511 case 1: m_lv_book = m_lv_pionm;
512 break;
513 case 2: m_lv_book = m_lv_lepp;
514 break;
515 case 3: m_lv_book = m_lv_lepm;
516 break;
517 default: m_lv_book.setE(2008);
518 }
519 m_cos_theta[m_index] = m_lv_book.vect().cosTheta();
520 m_phi[m_index] = m_lv_book.vect().phi();
521 m_four_mom[m_index][0] = m_lv_book.e();
522 m_four_mom[m_index][1] = m_lv_book.px();
523 m_four_mom[m_index][2] =;
524 m_four_mom[m_index][3] = m_lv_book.pz();
525 }
527 if(m_subsample_flag) setFilterPassed(true);
528 else if(m_mass_recoil>3.08 && m_mass_recoil<3.12 && m_mass_jpsi>3.0 && m_mass_jpsi<3.2 && m_cms_lepp<1.7 && m_cms_lepp>1.4 && m_cms_lepm<1.7 && m_cms_lepm>1.4 && m_event_flag==4 && m_pipi_dang<m_pipi_dang_cut) setFilterPassed(true);
529 //cout << "passed" << endl;
531 //MC information
532 SmartDataPtr<Event::McParticleCol> mcParticleCol(eventSvc(), "/Event/MC/McParticleCol");
533 if(m_run<0){
534 int m_numParticle(0), m_true_pid(0);
535 if(!mcParticleCol){
536 log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not retrieve McParticelCol" << endreq;
537 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
538 }
539 else{
540 bool psipDecay(false);
541 int rootIndex(-1);
542 Event::McParticleCol::iterator iter_mc = mcParticleCol->begin();
543 for (; iter_mc != mcParticleCol->end(); iter_mc++){
544 if ((*iter_mc)->primaryParticle()) continue;
545 if (!(*iter_mc)->decayFromGenerator()) continue;
546 //if ( ((*iter_mc)->mother()).trackIndex()<3 ) continue;
547 if ((*iter_mc)->particleProperty()==100443){
548 psipDecay = true;
549 rootIndex = (*iter_mc)->trackIndex();
550 }
551 if (!psipDecay) continue;
552 int mcidx = ((*iter_mc)->mother()).trackIndex() - rootIndex;
553 int pdgid = (*iter_mc)->particleProperty();
554 m_pdgid[m_numParticle] = pdgid;
555 m_motheridx[m_numParticle] = mcidx;
556 m_numParticle ++;
558 //if(!(*iter_mc)->leafParticle()) continue;
559 if((*iter_mc)->particleProperty() == 211) m_true_pionp = (*iter_mc)->initialFourMomentum().vect().mag();
560 if((*iter_mc)->particleProperty() == -211) m_true_pionm = (*iter_mc)->initialFourMomentum().vect().mag();
561 }
562 m_idxmc = m_numParticle;
563 }
564 }
566 m_tuple1->write();
567 m_tuple8->write();
570 // next is good photon selection
571 Vint iGam; iGam.clear();
572 for(int i = evtRecEvent->totalCharged(); i< evtRecEvent->totalTracks(); i++) {
573 EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk=evtRecTrkCol->begin() + i;
574 if(!(*itTrk)->isEmcShowerValid()) continue;
575 RecEmcShower *emcTrk = (*itTrk)->emcShower();
576 Hep3Vector emcpos(emcTrk->x(), emcTrk->y(), emcTrk->z());
577 // find the nearest charged track
578 double dthe = 200.;
579 double dphi = 200.;
580 double dang = 200.;
581 for(int j = 0; j < evtRecEvent->totalCharged(); j++) {
582 EvtRecTrackIterator jtTrk = evtRecTrkCol->begin() + j;
583 if(!(*jtTrk)->isExtTrackValid()) continue;
584 RecExtTrack *extTrk = (*jtTrk)->extTrack();
585 if(extTrk->emcVolumeNumber() == -1) continue;
586 Hep3Vector extpos = extTrk->emcPosition();
587 // double ctht = extpos.cosTheta(emcpos);
588 double angd = extpos.angle(emcpos);
589 double thed = extpos.theta() - emcpos.theta();
590 double phid = extpos.deltaPhi(emcpos);
591 thed = fmod(thed+CLHEP::twopi+CLHEP::twopi+pi, CLHEP::twopi) - CLHEP::pi;
592 phid = fmod(phid+CLHEP::twopi+CLHEP::twopi+pi, CLHEP::twopi) - CLHEP::pi;
594 if(fabs(thed) < fabs(dthe)) dthe = thed;
595 if(fabs(phid) < fabs(dphi)) dphi = phid;
596 if(angd < dang) dang = angd;
597 }
598 if(dang>=200) continue;
599 double eraw = emcTrk->energy();
600 dthe = dthe * 180 / (CLHEP::pi);
601 dphi = dphi * 180 / (CLHEP::pi);
602 dang = dang * 180 / (CLHEP::pi);
603 m_dthe = dthe;
604 m_dphi = dphi;
605 m_dang = dang;
606 m_eraw = eraw;
607 // if(eraw < m_energyThreshold) continue;
608 // if((fabs(dthe) < m_gammaThetaCut) && (fabs(dphi)<m_gammaPhiCut) ) continue;
609 // good photon cut will be set here
610 iGam.push_back((*itTrk)->trackId());
611 }
612 // Finish Good Photon Selection
613 m_nGam = iGam.size();
614 log << MSG::DEBUG << "num Good Photon " << m_nGam << " , " <<evtRecEvent->totalNeutral()<<endreq;
615 m_tuple2->write();
617 //
618 // check dedx infomation
619 //
620 if(m_checkDedx) {
621 int m_dedx_cout(0);
622 for(int i = 0; i < nGood; i++) {
623 EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk = evtRecTrkCol->begin() + iGood[i];
624 if(!(*itTrk)->isMdcDedxValid())continue;
625 RecMdcKalTrack *mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcKalTrack();
626 RecMdcDedx *dedxTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcDedx();
628 m_ptrk = mdcTrk->p();
629 m_chie = dedxTrk->chiE();
630 m_chimu = dedxTrk->chiMu();
631 m_chipi = dedxTrk->chiPi();
632 m_chik = dedxTrk->chiK();
633 m_chip = dedxTrk->chiP();
634 m_ghit = dedxTrk->numGoodHits();
635 m_thit = dedxTrk->numTotalHits();
636 m_probPH = dedxTrk->probPH();
637 m_normPH = dedxTrk->normPH();
639 m_tuple3->write();
640 }
641 }
643 //
644 // check TOF infomation
645 //
646 if(m_checkTof) {
647 int m_endcap_cout(0), m_layer1_cout(0), m_layer2_cout(0);
648 for(int i = 0; i < nGood; i++) {
649 EvtRecTrackIterator itTrk = evtRecTrkCol->begin() + iGood[i];
650 if(!(*itTrk)->isTofTrackValid()) continue;
652 RecMdcKalTrack *mdcTrk = (*itTrk)->mdcKalTrack();
653 SmartRefVector<RecTofTrack> tofTrkCol = (*itTrk)->tofTrack();
655 double ptrk = mdcTrk->p();
657 for( SmartRefVector<RecTofTrack>::iterator iter_tof = tofTrkCol.begin() ;iter_tof != tofTrkCol.end(); iter_tof++ ) {
658 TofHitStatus *status = new TofHitStatus;
659 status->setStatus((*iter_tof)->status());
660 if(!(status->is_barrel())){//endcap
661 if( !(status->is_counter()) ) continue; // ?
662 if( status->layer()!=0 ) continue;//layer1
663 double path = (*iter_tof)->path(); // ? the unit is cm
664 double tof = (*iter_tof)->tof(); // the unit is ns/100
665 double ph = (*iter_tof)->ph();
666 double rhit = (*iter_tof)->zrhit();
667 double qual = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->quality();
668 double cntr = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->tofID();
669 double texp[5];
670 for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
671 double gb = xmass[j]/ptrk;
672 double beta = sqrt(1+gb*gb);
673 texp[j] = path*beta/velc; // the unit here is ns
674 }
675 m_cntr_etof = cntr;
676 m_ptot_etof = ptrk;
677 m_path_etof = path;
678 m_ph_etof = ph;
679 m_rhit_etof = rhit;
680 m_qual_etof = qual;
681 m_tof_etof = tof;
682 m_te_etof = tof - texp[0];
683 m_tmu_etof = tof - texp[1];
684 m_tpi_etof = tof - texp[2];
685 m_tk_etof = tof - texp[3];
686 m_tp_etof = tof - texp[4];
688 m_tuple4->write();
689 }
690 else {//barrel
691 if( !(status->is_counter()) ) continue; // ?
692 if(status->layer()==1){ //layer1
693 double path=(*iter_tof)->path(); // ?
694 double tof = (*iter_tof)->tof();
695 double ph = (*iter_tof)->ph();
696 double rhit = (*iter_tof)->zrhit();
697 double qual = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->quality();
698 double cntr = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->tofID();
699 double texp[5];
700 for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
701 double gb = xmass[j]/ptrk;
702 double beta = sqrt(1+gb*gb);
703 texp[j] = path*beta/velc;
704 }
706 m_cntr_btof1 = cntr;
707 m_ptot_btof1 = ptrk;
708 m_path_btof1 = path;
709 m_ph_btof1 = ph;
710 m_zhit_btof1 = rhit;
711 m_qual_btof1 = qual;
712 m_tof_btof1 = tof;
713 m_te_btof1 = tof - texp[0];
714 m_tmu_btof1 = tof - texp[1];
715 m_tpi_btof1 = tof - texp[2];
716 m_tk_btof1 = tof - texp[3];
717 m_tp_btof1 = tof - texp[4];
719 m_tuple5->write();
720 }
722 if(status->layer()==2){//layer2
723 double path=(*iter_tof)->path(); // ?
724 double tof = (*iter_tof)->tof();
725 double ph = (*iter_tof)->ph();
726 double rhit = (*iter_tof)->zrhit();
727 double qual = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->quality();
728 double cntr = 0.0 + (*iter_tof)->tofID();
729 double texp[5];
730 for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
731 double gb = xmass[j]/ptrk;
732 double beta = sqrt(1+gb*gb);
733 texp[j] = path*beta/velc;
734 }
736 m_cntr_btof2 = cntr;
737 m_ptot_btof2 = ptrk;
738 m_path_btof2 = path;
739 m_ph_btof2 = ph;
740 m_zhit_btof2 = rhit;
741 m_qual_btof2 = qual;
742 m_tof_btof2 = tof;
743 m_te_btof2 = tof - texp[0];
744 m_tmu_btof2 = tof - texp[1];
745 m_tpi_btof2 = tof - texp[2];
746 m_tk_btof2 = tof - texp[3];
747 m_tp_btof2 = tof - texp[4];
749 m_tuple6->write();
750 }
751 }
753 delete status;
754 }
755 } // loop all charged track
756 } // check tof
759 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
EvtRecTrackCol::iterator EvtRecTrackIterator
const double xmass[5]
Definition Gam4pikp.cxx:50
const double velc
Definition Gam4pikp.cxx:51
std::vector< int > Vint
Definition Gam4pikp.cxx:52
static long m_cout_col(0)
static long m_cout_everat(0)
static long m_cout_charge(0)
static long m_cout_nGood(0)
static long m_cout_recoil(0)
static long m_cout_mom(0)
IMessageSvc * msgSvc()
double x() const
double z() const
double energy() const
double y() const
const Hep3Vector emcPosition() const
const int emcVolumeNumber() const
double probPH() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:66
double chiE() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:59
int numTotalHits() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:65
int numGoodHits() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:64
double normPH() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:67
double chiPi() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:61
double chiK() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:62
double chiMu() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:60
double chiP() const
Definition DstMdcDedx.h:63
const double y() const
const double z() const
static void setPidType(PidType pidType)
const double r() const
const double p() const
const HepLorentzVector p4() const
const int charge() const
const double x() const
bool is_barrel() const
unsigned int layer() const
void setStatus(unsigned int status)
bool is_counter() const
_EXTERN_ std::string TrigData
Definition EventModel.h:68
float ptrk
const float pi
Definition vector3.h:133

◆ finalize()

StatusCode PipiJpsi::finalize ( )

Definition at line 763 of file PipiJpsi.cxx.

763 {
765 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
766 log << MSG::INFO << "in finalize()" << endmsg;
767 if(m_eventrate) cout << "all event: " << m_cout_all << endl << "only channel " << m_chan_det << ": " << m_cout_everat << endl;
768 cout << "all event: " << m_cout_all << endl << "all collection point is OK: " << m_cout_col << endl << "charged tracks >=3: " << m_cout_charge << endl << "good charged tracks [3,4]: " << m_cout_nGood << endl << "after momentum assign: " << m_cout_mom << endl << "after recoild mass cut: " << m_cout_recoil << endl;
769 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

◆ initialize()

StatusCode PipiJpsi::initialize ( )

Definition at line 84 of file PipiJpsi.cxx.

84 {
85 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
87 log << MSG::INFO << "in initialize()" << endmsg;
89 StatusCode status;
91 NTuplePtr nt1(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/vxyz");
92 if ( nt1 ) m_tuple1 = nt1;
93 else {
94 m_tuple1 = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE1/vxyz", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "ks N-Tuple example");
95 if ( m_tuple1 ) {
96 status = m_tuple1->addItem ("vx0", m_vx0);
97 status = m_tuple1->addItem ("vy0", m_vy0);
98 status = m_tuple1->addItem ("vz0", m_vz0);
99 status = m_tuple1->addItem ("vr0", m_vr0);
100 }
101 else {
102 log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple1) << endmsg;
103 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
104 }
105 }
107 NTuplePtr nt2(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/photon");
108 if ( nt2 ) m_tuple2 = nt2;
109 else {
110 m_tuple2 = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE1/photon", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "ks N-Tuple example");
111 if ( m_tuple2 ) {
112 status = m_tuple2->addItem ("dthe", m_dthe);
113 status = m_tuple2->addItem ("dphi", m_dphi);
114 status = m_tuple2->addItem ("dang", m_dang);
115 status = m_tuple2->addItem ("eraw", m_eraw);
116 status = m_tuple2->addItem ("nGam", m_nGam);
117 }
118 else {
119 log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple2) << endmsg;
120 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
121 }
122 }
125 if(m_checkDedx) {
126 NTuplePtr nt3(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/dedx");
127 if ( nt3 ) m_tuple3 = nt3;
128 else {
129 m_tuple3 = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE1/dedx", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "ks N-Tuple example");
130 if ( m_tuple3 ) {
131 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("ptrk", m_ptrk);
132 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("chie", m_chie);
133 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("chimu", m_chimu);
134 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("chipi", m_chipi);
135 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("chik", m_chik);
136 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("chip", m_chip);
137 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("probPH", m_probPH);
138 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("normPH", m_normPH);
139 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("ghit", m_ghit);
140 status = m_tuple3->addItem ("thit", m_thit);
141 }
142 else {
143 log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple3) << endmsg;
144 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
145 }
146 }
147 } // check dE/dx
149 if(m_checkTof) {
150 NTuplePtr nt4(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/tofe");
151 if ( nt4 ) m_tuple4 = nt4;
152 else {
153 m_tuple4 = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE1/tofe",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "ks N-Tuple example");
154 if ( m_tuple4 ) {
155 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("ptrk", m_ptot_etof);
156 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("cntr", m_cntr_etof);
157 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("path", m_path_etof);
158 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("ph", m_ph_etof);
159 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("rhit", m_rhit_etof);
160 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("qual", m_qual_etof);
161 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("tof", m_tof_etof);
162 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("te", m_te_etof);
163 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("tmu", m_tmu_etof);
164 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("tpi", m_tpi_etof);
165 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("tk", m_tk_etof);
166 status = m_tuple4->addItem ("tp", m_tp_etof);
167 }
168 else {
169 log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple4) << endmsg;
170 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
171 }
172 }
173 } // check Tof:endcap
177 if(m_checkTof) {
178 NTuplePtr nt5(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/tof1");
179 if ( nt5 ) m_tuple5 = nt5;
180 else {
181 m_tuple5 = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE1/tof1", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "ks N-Tuple example");
182 if ( m_tuple5 ) {
183 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("ptrk", m_ptot_btof1);
184 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("cntr", m_cntr_btof1);
185 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("path", m_path_btof1);
186 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("ph", m_ph_btof1);
187 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("zhit", m_zhit_btof1);
188 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("qual", m_qual_btof1);
189 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("tof", m_tof_btof1);
190 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("te", m_te_btof1);
191 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("tmu", m_tmu_btof1);
192 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("tpi", m_tpi_btof1);
193 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("tk", m_tk_btof1);
194 status = m_tuple5->addItem ("tp", m_tp_btof1);
195 }
196 else {
197 log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple5) << endmsg;
198 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
199 }
200 }
201 } // check Tof:barrel inner Tof
204 if(m_checkTof) {
205 NTuplePtr nt6(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/tof2");
206 if ( nt6 ) m_tuple6 = nt6;
207 else {
208 m_tuple6 = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE1/tof2", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "ks N-Tuple example");
209 if ( m_tuple6 ) {
210 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("ptrk", m_ptot_btof2);
211 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("cntr", m_cntr_btof2);
212 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("path", m_path_btof2);
213 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("ph", m_ph_btof2);
214 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("zhit", m_zhit_btof2);
215 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("qual", m_qual_btof2);
216 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("tof", m_tof_btof2);
217 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("te", m_te_btof2);
218 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("tmu", m_tmu_btof2);
219 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("tpi", m_tpi_btof2);
220 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("tk", m_tk_btof2);
221 status = m_tuple6->addItem ("tp", m_tp_btof2);
222 }
223 else {
224 log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple6) << endmsg;
225 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
226 }
227 }
228 } // check Tof:barrel outter Tof
230 NTuplePtr nt8(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/infmom");
231 if ( nt8 ) m_tuple8 = nt8;
232 else {
233 m_tuple8 = ntupleSvc()->book ("FILE1/infmom", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, "information with momentum method");
234 if ( m_tuple8 ) {
235 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("momlepp", m_mom_lepp );
236 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("momlepmm", m_mom_lepm );
237 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("mompionm", m_mom_pionm );
238 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("mompionp", m_mom_pionp );
239 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("pipidang", m_pipi_dang );
240 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("cmslepp", m_cms_lepp );
241 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("cmslepm", m_cms_lepm );
242 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("invtwopi", m_mass_twopi );
243 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("invjpsi", m_mass_jpsi );
244 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("recoil", m_mass_recoil);
245 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("invmass", m_inv_mass );
246 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("totene", m_tot_e );
247 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("totpx", m_tot_px );
248 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("totpy", m_tot_py );
249 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("totpz", m_tot_pz );
250 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("epratio", m_ep_ratio );
251 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("eveflag", m_event_flag );
252 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("tplepratiom", m_trans_ratio_lepm );
253 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("tplepratiop", m_trans_ratio_lepp );
254 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("tppionratiom", m_trans_ratio_pionm );
255 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("tppionratiop", m_trans_ratio_pionp );
256 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("run", m_run );
257 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("event", m_event );
258 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("ntrack", m_index, 0, 4 );
259 status = m_tuple8->addIndexedItem ("costhe", m_index, m_cos_theta );
260 status = m_tuple8->addIndexedItem ("phi", m_index, m_phi );
261 status = m_tuple8->addIndexedItem ("fourmom", m_index, 4, m_four_mom);
262 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("pionmat", m_pion_matched);
263 status = m_tuple8->addItem ("lepmat", m_lep_matched);
264 //MCtruth
265 status = m_tuple8->addItem("indexmc", m_idxmc, 0, 100);
266 status = m_tuple8->addIndexedItem("pdgid", m_idxmc, m_pdgid);
267 status = m_tuple8->addIndexedItem("motheridx", m_idxmc, m_motheridx);
268 status = m_tuple8->addItem("truepp", m_true_pionp);
269 status = m_tuple8->addItem("truepm", m_true_pionm);
270 }
271 else {
272 log << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" << long(m_tuple8) << endmsg;
273 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
274 }
275 }
277 //
278 //--------end of book--------
279 //
281 log << MSG::INFO << "successfully return from initialize()" <<endmsg;
282 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
INTupleSvc * ntupleSvc()

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