CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.f
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#ifndef RootEventData_TRecCgemTrack_H
2#define RootEventData_TRecCgemTrack_H 1
4#include "TObject.h"
5#include <vector>
7using namespace std;
9class TRecCgemTrack : public TObject {
16 //Get
17 const Int_t trackId() const { return m_trackId; }
18 const Double_t helix(Int_t i) const { return m_helix[i]; }
19 const Int_t charge() const;
20 const Double_t pxy() const;
21 const Double_t px() const;
22 const Double_t py() const;
23 const Double_t pz() const;
24 const Double_t p() const;
25 const Double_t theta() const;
26 const Double_t phi() const;
27 const Double_t x() const;
28 const Double_t y() const;
29 const Double_t z() const;
30 const Double_t r() const;
31 const Int_t stat() const { return m_stat; }
32 const Double_t chi2() const { return m_chi2; }
33 const Int_t ndof() const { return m_ndof; }
34 const Double_t err(Int_t i) const { return m_err[i];}
35 const Int_t nhits( ) const { return m_nhits; }
36 // vector<Int_t> vecHits() const { return m_vecHits ; }
37 //Get rec
38 const Double_t vx0( void ) const { return m_vx0; }
39 const Double_t vy0( void ) const { return m_vy0; }
40 const Double_t vz0( void ) const { return m_vz0; }
41 const Double_t fiTerm( void ) const { return m_fiTerm; }
43 //Set
44 void setTrackId(const Int_t trackId ) { m_trackId = trackId; }
45 void setHelix(const Double_t helix[5]) {
46 for(Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) m_helix[i] = helix[i];
47 }
48 void setStat(const Int_t stat ) { m_stat = stat; }
49 void setChi2(const Double_t chi ) { m_chi2 = chi; }
50 void setNdof(const Int_t ndof ) { m_ndof = ndof; }
52 void setErr(const Double_t er[15] ) {
53 for (Int_t i=0;i<15;i++) m_err[i] = er[i];
54 }
56 void setNhits(const Int_t nh ) { m_nhits=nh; }
57 // void setVecHits(vector<Int_t>& vecHits) { m_vecHits = vecHits; }
58 //Set rec
59 void setVX0(Double_t vx0) { m_vx0 = vx0; }
60 void setVY0(Double_t vy0) { m_vy0 = vy0; }
61 void setVZ0(Double_t vz0) { m_vz0 = vz0; }
62 void setFiTerm(Double_t fiterm) { m_fiTerm = fiterm;}
63 void setTRecCgemTrack(const TRecCgemTrack *cgemTrk){
64 for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
65 m_helix[i]=cgemTrk->helix(i);
66 }
67 for(int i=0;i<15;i++){
68 m_err[i]=cgemTrk->err(i);
69 }
70 m_trackId=cgemTrk->trackId();
71 m_stat=cgemTrk->stat();
72 m_chi2=cgemTrk->chi2();
73 m_ndof=cgemTrk->ndof();
74 m_vx0=cgemTrk->vx0();
75 m_vy0=cgemTrk->vy0();
76 m_vz0=cgemTrk->vz0();
77 m_fiTerm =cgemTrk->fiTerm();
78 }
79 private:
80 Int_t m_trackId; // Track Id Wensp add 2005-10-19
81 Double_t m_helix[5];// 5 track parameters
82 Int_t m_stat; // Track Fit Quality
83 Double_t m_chi2;
84 Int_t m_ndof;
85 Double_t m_err[15]; // Error Matrix
86 Int_t m_nhits; // number of total hits contained
87 // vector<Int_t> m_vecHits; // Hit list of the track wensp Add 2005-10-20
89 //Rec
90 Double_t m_vx0; // The coordinate of pivot(cm)
91 Double_t m_vy0; //
92 Double_t m_vz0; //
93 Double_t m_fiTerm; // phi angle value at track terminated point
95 ClassDef(TRecCgemTrack,3)
const Double_t phi() const
const Double_t y() const
const Double_t x() const
const Double_t r() const
const Double_t pz() const
const Double_t py() const
const Double_t pxy() const
const Double_t px() const
const Double_t p() const
const Double_t z() const
const Int_t charge() const
const Double_t theta() const