CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.h
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
TestTrack Class Reference

#include <TestTrack.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for TestTrack:

Public Member Functions

 TestTrack (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
 ~TestTrack ()
StatusCode initialize ()
StatusCode execute ()
StatusCode finalize ()
void reset ()
void reset_hit ()
void reset_cluster_1d ()
void reset_cluster_2d ()
void reset_map ()
void reset_track ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file TestTrack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TestTrack()

TestTrack::TestTrack ( const std::string & name,
ISvcLocator * pSvcLocator )

Definition at line 46 of file TestTrack.cxx.

46 :
47 Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator){
49 declareProperty("selGoodDigi",m_selGoodDigi=1);
50 declareProperty("minDigiTime",m_minDigiTime=-8875);
51 declareProperty("maxDigiTime",m_maxDigiTime=-8562);
52 declareProperty("minQDigi",myQMin=0.0);
53 declareProperty("LUTfile", lutfile = "/bes3fs/cgemCosmic/data/CGEM_cosmic_look_up_table_from_17_to_17.root");
54 declareProperty("align_flag", align_flag = false);

◆ ~TestTrack()

TestTrack::~TestTrack ( )

Definition at line 59 of file TestTrack.cxx.

59 {
60 // delete m_SvcCgem;
61 // delete f;
62 // delete Tdigi;
63 // delete anode;
64 // delete tree;
65 // delete output;
66 delete lutreader;

Member Function Documentation

◆ execute()

StatusCode TestTrack::execute ( )

cout << "1D_CLUSTER index " << clusterid << " or " << ncluster << " layer " << layerid << " sheet " << sheetid << " view " << cluster_1d_view[ncluster] << endl; cout << " from " << flagB << " to " << flagE << endl; cout << "hits: ";

cout << "2D_CLUSTER index " << clusterid << " or " << ncluster << " layer " << layerid << " sheet " << sheetid << " view " << cluster_2d_view[ncluster] << endl; cout << " idx " << flagB << " idv " << flagE << endl;

cout << "track id " << track->trackId() << endl; cout << "dr " << track->helix(0) << endl; cout << "phi0 " << track->helix(1) << endl; cout << "dz " << track->helix(3) << endl; cout << "tanL " << track->helix(4) << endl;

Definition at line 440 of file TestTrack.cxx.

440 {
442 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
444 // if(event%1000==0) cout << "--------->TestTrack::execute " << event << endl;
445 reset();
447 //interface to event data service
448 ISvcLocator* svcLocator = Gaudi::svcLocator();
449 StatusCode sc=svcLocator->service("EventDataSvc", m_evtSvc);
450 if (sc.isFailure())
451 cout<<"Could not accesss EventDataSvc!"<<endl;
452 // -------------------------
453 //retrieve CGEM hits from TDS
454 SmartDataPtr<CgemDigiCol> aDigiCol(m_evtSvc,"/Event/Digi/CgemDigiCol");
455 if(!aDigiCol)
456 cout<<"Could not retrieve CGEM digi collection"<<endl;
457 nhit = aDigiCol->size();
458 // cout << "total hit " << nhit << endl;
460 // loop on hits
461 int ihit=0;
463 CgemDigiCol::iterator iDigiCol;
464 for(iDigiCol=aDigiCol->begin(); iDigiCol!=aDigiCol->end(); iDigiCol++)
465 {
466 const Identifier ident = (*iDigiCol)->identify();
467 int strip = CgemID::strip(ident);
468 int layer = CgemID::layer(ident);
469 int sheet = CgemID::sheet(ident);
470 int view = 1;
471 bool is_xstrip = CgemID::is_xstrip(ident);
472 if(is_xstrip == true) view = 0;
473 double charge = (*iDigiCol)->getCharge_fc();
474 double time = (*iDigiCol)->getTime_ns();
476 hit_strip[ihit] = strip;
477 hit_layer[ihit] = layer;
478 hit_sheet[ihit] = sheet;
479 hit_view[ihit] = view;
480 hit_t[ihit] = time;
481 hit_q[ihit] = charge;
483 anode = m_SvcCgem->getReadoutPlane(layer, sheet);
484 if(view == 1) hit_length[ihit] = anode->getVStripLength(strip);
485 else hit_length[ihit] = anode->getLength();
487 int channel = lutreader->GetChannel(layer, sheet, view, strip);
488 int roc = lutreader->GetROC(layer, sheet, view, strip);
489 int feb = lutreader->GetFEB(layer, sheet, view, strip);
490 int tiger = lutreader->GetTIGER(layer, sheet, view, strip);
491 int chip = lutreader->GetChip(layer, sheet, view, strip);
492 int quality = lutreader->GetQuality(layer, sheet, view, strip);
494 hit_channel[ihit] = channel;
495 hit_roc[ihit] = roc;
496 hit_feb[ihit] = feb;
497 hit_tiger[ihit] = tiger;
498 hit_chip[ihit] = chip;
499 hit_quality[ihit] = quality;
501 if(selDigi(iDigiCol, m_selGoodDigi)==true) {
502 hit_selgooddigi[ihit] = 1;
504 // cout << "HIT " << ihit << " strip " << strip << " layer " << layer << " sheet " << sheet << " view " << view << endl;
505 // map strips to hits (maybe more hits for the same strip)
506 std::map<int, std::vector < int > > *map_strip_to_hit = GetStripToHitMap(layer, sheet, view);
507 std::map<int, std::vector < int > >::iterator it1 = map_strip_to_hit->find(strip);
508 if (it1 != map_strip_to_hit->end()) {
509 it1->second.push_back(ihit);
510 }
511 else {
512 std::vector< int > hitlist;
513 hitlist.push_back(ihit);
514 std::pair<int, std::vector < int> > pair(strip, hitlist);
515 map_strip_to_hit->insert(pair);
516 }
517 }
518 // --------------------------------------------------------
519 ihit++;
520 }
524 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
525 //retrieve CGEM clusters from TDS
526 SmartDataPtr<RecCgemClusterCol> aClusterCol(m_evtSvc,"/Event/Recon/RecCgemClusterCol");
527 if(!aClusterCol)
528 cout<<"Could not retrieve CGEM cluster collection"<<endl;
529 int nclu = aClusterCol->size();
530 //cout << "total cluster " << nclu << endl;
531 if(nclu > MAXNOFCLUSTERS) {
532 std::cout << "nclu " << nclu << std::endl;
534 }
536 int nclusterx = 0;
537 int nclusterv = 0;
538 int nclusterxv = 0;
540 int tmp_cluster_L1_S1 = -1;
541 int tmp_cluster_L2_S1 = -1;
542 int tmp_cluster_L2_S2 = -1;
543 double tmp_charge_L1_S1 = 0.;
544 double tmp_charge_L2_S1 = 0.;
545 double tmp_charge_L2_S2 = 0.;
547 ncluster = 0;
549 RecCgemClusterCol::iterator iClusterCol;
550 for(iClusterCol=aClusterCol->begin(); iClusterCol!=aClusterCol->end(); iClusterCol++)
551 {
553 if(ncluster==MAXNOFCLUSTERS) break;
555 int flag = (*iClusterCol)->getflag(); // 0=x 1=v 2=xv
556 int clusterid = (*iClusterCol)->getclusterid();
557 int trkid = (*iClusterCol)->getTrkId();
558 int layerid = (*iClusterCol)->getlayerid();
559 int sheetid = (*iClusterCol)->getsheetid();
560 double edep = (*iClusterCol)->getenergydeposit();
561 double phi = (*iClusterCol)->getrecphi();
562 double v = (*iClusterCol)->getrecv();
563 double z = (*iClusterCol)->getRecZ();
564 double phi_cc = (*iClusterCol)->getrecphi_CC();
565 double v_cc = (*iClusterCol)->getrecv_CC();
566 double z_cc = (*iClusterCol)->getRecZ_CC();
567 double phi_tpc = (*iClusterCol)->getrecphi_mTPC();
568 double v_tpc = (*iClusterCol)->getrecv_mTPC();
569 double z_tpc = (*iClusterCol)->getRecZ_mTPC();
570 double a_tpc = 0; //(*iClusterCol)->getparamA_mTPC(); CHECK
571 double b_tpc = 0; //(*iClusterCol)->getparamB_mTPC(); CHECK
573 if(sheetid == -1) {
574 ncluster++;
575 continue; // CHECK HACK FOR NOW
576 }
578 // anode mid gap radius
579 anode = m_SvcCgem->getReadoutPlane(layerid, sheetid);
580 double anode_mid_gap = anode->getMidRAtGap();
582 // beginning and ending flags
583 // if 2D cluster --> they are the x & v 1D clusters
584 // if 1D cluster --> they are the first and last contigous strips
585 int flagB = (*iClusterCol)->getclusterflagb();
586 int flagE = (*iClusterCol)->getclusterflage();
587 // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1D cluster
588 // positions CC & uTPC
589 if(flag==0 || flag == 1) {
590 cluster_1d_ID[ncluster] = clusterid;
591 // time & charge
592 cluster_1d_t[ncluster] = 0; // CHECK
593 cluster_1d_q[ncluster] = edep;
594 // layer/sheet/view
595 cluster_1d_layerid[ncluster] = layerid;
596 cluster_1d_sheetid[ncluster] = sheetid;
597 cluster_1d_view[ncluster] = flag;
598 cluster_1d_r[ncluster] = anode_mid_gap;
599 cluster_1d_phi[ncluster] = phi;
600 cluster_1d_phi_cc[ncluster] = phi_cc;
601 cluster_1d_phi_tpc[ncluster] = phi_tpc;
602 cluster_1d_v[ncluster] = v;
603 cluster_1d_v_cc[ncluster] = v_cc;
604 cluster_1d_v_tpc[ncluster] = v_tpc;
605 cluster_1d_a_tpc[ncluster] = a_tpc;
606 cluster_1d_b_tpc[ncluster] = b_tpc;
607 // from strip1 to strip2
608 cluster_1d_strip1[ncluster] = flagB;
609 cluster_1d_strip2[ncluster] = flagE;
610 int size = flagE - flagB + 1;
611 cluster_1d_size[ncluster] = size;
613 // get the hits
614 std::map<int, std::vector < int > > *read_map_strip_to_hit = GetStripToHitMap(layerid, sheetid, flag);
615 std::map<int, std::vector < int > >::iterator it2;
616 /**
617 cout << "1D_CLUSTER index " << clusterid << " or " << ncluster
618 << " layer " << layerid << " sheet " << sheetid
619 << " view " << cluster_1d_view[ncluster] << endl;
620 cout << " from " << flagB << " to " << flagE << endl;
621 cout << "hits: ";
622 **/
624 for(int istrip = 0; istrip < size; istrip++) {
625 int stripid = flagB + istrip;
626 it2 = read_map_strip_to_hit->find(stripid);
627 std::vector< int > hitlist = it2->second;
628 int size_hitlist = hitlist.size();
629 cluster_1d_hitindex[ncluster][istrip] = hitlist[size_hitlist-1]; // take only the first hit CHECK THIS HAS TO BE CHANGED!
630 }
631 // -----------------
632 ncluster_1d++;
633 }
634 // ----------
635 else if(flag==2 || flag==3) { // ------------------------------------- 2D - xv view
636 cluster_2d_ID[ncluster] = clusterid;
637 // time & charge
638 cluster_2d_t[ncluster] = 0; // CHECK
639 cluster_2d_q[ncluster] = edep;
640 // layer/sheet/view
641 cluster_2d_layerid[ncluster] = layerid;
642 cluster_2d_sheetid[ncluster] = sheetid;
643 if(layerid==0 && phi>0) cluster_2d_sheetid[ncluster] = 1;
644 cluster_2d_view[ncluster] = flag;
645 cluster_2d_r[ncluster] = anode_mid_gap;
646 cluster_2d_z[ncluster] = z;
647 cluster_2d_z_cc[ncluster] = z_cc;
648 cluster_2d_z_tpc[ncluster] = z_tpc;
649 cluster_2d_phi[ncluster] = phi;
650 cluster_2d_phi_cc[ncluster] = phi_cc;
651 cluster_2d_phi_tpc[ncluster] = phi_tpc;
652 // composing 2D_clusters
653 cluster_2d_idx[ncluster] = flagB;
654 cluster_2d_idv[ncluster] = flagE;
656 /** cout << "2D_CLUSTER index " << clusterid << " or " << ncluster
657 << " layer " << layerid << " sheet " << sheetid
658 << " view " << cluster_2d_view[ncluster] << endl;
659 cout << " idx " << flagB << " idv " << flagE << endl;
660 **/
662 if(flag==2) { // HACK THIS
663 // find the highest charge cluster
664 if(layerid==0) {
665 if(edep > tmp_charge_L1_S1) {
666 tmp_charge_L1_S1 = edep; tmp_cluster_L1_S1 = ncluster;
667 }
668 }
669 else if(layerid==1 && sheetid==0) {
670 if(edep > tmp_charge_L2_S1){
671 tmp_charge_L2_S1 = edep; tmp_cluster_L2_S1 = ncluster;
672 }
673 }
674 else if(layerid==1 && sheetid==1) {
675 if(edep > tmp_charge_L2_S2){
676 tmp_charge_L2_S2 = edep; tmp_cluster_L2_S2 = ncluster;
677 }
678 }
679 }
680 // -----------
681 ncluster_2d++;
682 }
683 // cluster counters
684 ncluster++;
685 if(flag == 0) {
686 nclusterx++;
687 if(layerid == 0) ncluster_1d_L1_S1_x++;
688 else if(layerid == 1) {
689 if(sheetid == 0) ncluster_1d_L2_S1_x++;
690 else ncluster_1d_L2_S2_x++;
691 }
692 }
693 else if(flag == 1) {
694 nclusterv++;
695 if(layerid == 0) ncluster_1d_L1_S1_v++;
696 else if(layerid == 1) {
697 if(sheetid == 0) ncluster_1d_L2_S1_v++;
698 else ncluster_1d_L2_S2_v++;
699 }
700 }
701 else if(flag == 2) {
702 nclusterxv++;
703 if(layerid == 0) ncluster_2d_L1_S1++;
704 else if(layerid == 1) {
705 if(sheetid == 0) ncluster_2d_L2_S1++;
706 else ncluster_2d_L2_S2++;
707 }
708 }
709 // --------
710 }
712 // std::cout << "highest charge cluster " << tmp_cluster_L1_S1 << " " << tmp_cluster_L2_S1 << " " << tmp_cluster_L2_S2 << std::endl;
713 // std::cout << "charge " << tmp_charge_L1_S1 << " " << tmp_charge_L2_S1 << " " << tmp_charge_L2_S2 << std::endl;
715 // set the highest charge 2D - cluster
716 if(tmp_cluster_L1_S1!=-1) cluster_2d_highest[tmp_cluster_L1_S1]=1;
717 if(tmp_cluster_L2_S1!=-1) cluster_2d_highest[tmp_cluster_L2_S1]=1;
718 if(tmp_cluster_L2_S2!=-1) cluster_2d_highest[tmp_cluster_L2_S2]=1;
720 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
721 //retrieve CGEM tracks from TDS
722 SmartDataPtr<RecMdcTrackCol> aTrackCol(m_evtSvc,"/Event/Recon/RecMdcTrackCol");
723 if(!aTrackCol) {
724 // cout<<"Could not retrieve CGEM track collection"<<endl;
725 }
726 else {
727 // cout << "total track " << aTrackCol->size() << endl;
729 RecMdcTrackCol::iterator iTrackCol;
730 for(iTrackCol=aTrackCol->begin(); iTrackCol!=aTrackCol->end(); iTrackCol++)
731 {
732 RecMdcTrack *track = *iTrackCol;
734 /**
735 cout << "track id " << track->trackId() << endl;
736 cout << "dr " << track->helix(0) << endl;
737 cout << "phi0 " << track->helix(1) << endl;
738 cout << "dz " << track->helix(3) << endl;
739 cout << "tanL " << track->helix(4) << endl;
740 **/
742 if(track->trackId() != 0) continue;
744 track_chi2 = track->chi2();
745 // cout << "chi2 " << track_chi2 << endl;
746 track_dr = track->helix(0);
747 track_phi0 = track->helix(1);
748 track_dz = track->helix(3);
749 track_tanL = track->helix(4);
751 ClusterRefVec vecclusters = track->getVecClusters();
752 track_nfitpoint = vecclusters.size(); // nof 2D clusters, NOTE! track->getNcluster() gives you the number of 1D clusters
754 // is the plane under test?
755 bool istestplane[2][2];
756 for(int ilay=0; ilay<MAXNOFLAYER; ilay++) for(int ishe=0; ishe<MAXNOFSHEET; ishe++) istestplane[ilay][ishe] = true;
758 for(int iclus=0; iclus < track_nfitpoint; iclus++) {
759 RecCgemCluster *tcluster =;
760 double phi = tcluster->getrecphi();
761 double z = tcluster->getRecZ();
762 track_clusterid[iclus] = tcluster->getclusterid();
764 track_layerid[iclus] = tcluster->getlayerid();
765 track_sheetid[iclus] = tcluster->getsheetid();
766 if(phi > 0) track_sheetid[iclus] = 1;
768 // cout << "iclus " << iclus << " track_clusterid " << track_clusterid[iclus] << " phi " << phi
769 // << " layer " << track_layerid[iclus] << " sheet " << track_sheetid[iclus] << endl;
771 istestplane[track_layerid[iclus]][track_sheetid[iclus]] = false;
772 }
774 for(int ilay=0; ilay<MAXNOFLAYER; ilay++) {
775 for(int ishe=0; ishe<MAXNOFSHEET; ishe++) {
777 // cout << "situazione ilay " << ilay << " ishe " << ishe << " istestplane " << istestplane[ilay][ishe] << endl;
779 if(istestplane[ilay][ishe] == true) {
780 track_test_layerid = ilay;
781 track_test_sheetid = ishe;
782 }
783 }
784 }
786 // cout << "UNDER TEST layer " << track_test_layerid << " sheet " << track_test_sheetid << endl;
788 // intersections - poca and intersections are computed in the aligned frame
789 double xP; double yP; double zP;
790 ComputePOCA(xP, yP, zP);
792 // L1
793 double xP1; double yP1; double zP1; double phiP1; double vP1;
794 double xP2; double yP2; double zP2; double phiP2; double vP2;
796 double angCR_xy_L1, angCR_yz_L1;
798 bool gotit1 = ComputeIntersection(0, xP1, yP1, zP1, phiP1, vP1, xP2, yP2, zP2, phiP2, vP2, angCR_xy_L1, angCR_yz_L1); //1->up 2->down
800 ang_xy_L1 = angCR_xy_L1;
801 ang_yz_L1 = angCR_yz_L1;
803 // L2
804 double xP3; double yP3; double zP3; double phiP3; double vP3;
805 double xP4; double yP4; double zP4; double phiP4; double vP4;
807 double angCR_xy_L2, angCR_yz_L2;
809 bool gotit2 = ComputeIntersection(1, xP3, yP3, zP3, phiP3, vP3, xP4, yP4, zP4, phiP4, vP4, angCR_xy_L2, angCR_yz_L2); //1->up 2->down
811 ang_xy_L2 = angCR_xy_L2;
812 ang_yz_L2 = angCR_yz_L2;
814 if(gotit1==false || gotit2==false) cout << "TestTrack: error in intersection calculation. Intersection on L1 " << gotit1 << ", on L2 " << gotit2 << endl;
816 // output
817 // poca
818 track_xpoca_glo = xP; track_ypoca_glo = yP; track_zpoca_glo = zP;
819 // intersections
820 // L1
821 track_x1top_glo = xP1; track_y1top_glo = yP1; track_z1top_glo = zP1; track_phi1top_loc = phiP1; track_v1top_loc = vP1;
822 track_x1bot_glo = xP2; track_y1bot_glo = yP2; track_z1bot_glo = zP2; track_phi1bot_loc = phiP2; track_v1bot_loc = vP2;
823 // L2
824 track_x2top_glo = xP3; track_y2top_glo = yP3; track_z2top_glo = zP3; track_phi2top_loc = phiP3; track_v2top_loc = vP3;
825 track_x2bot_glo = xP4; track_y2bot_glo = yP4; track_z2bot_glo = zP4; track_phi2bot_loc = phiP4; track_v2bot_loc = vP4;
826 }
829 }
830 tree->Fill();
832 event++;
834 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
Double_t time
**********Class see also m_nmax DOUBLE PRECISION m_amel DOUBLE PRECISION m_x2 DOUBLE PRECISION m_alfinv DOUBLE PRECISION m_Xenph INTEGER m_KeyWtm INTEGER m_idyfs DOUBLE PRECISION m_zini DOUBLE PRECISION m_q2 DOUBLE PRECISION m_Wt_KF DOUBLE PRECISION m_WtCut INTEGER m_KFfin *COMMON c_KarLud $ !Input CMS energy[GeV] $ !CMS energy after beam spread beam strahlung[GeV] $ !Beam energy spread[GeV] $ !z boost due to beam spread $ !electron beam mass *ff pair spectrum $ !minimum v
Definition KarLud.h:35
SmartRefVector< RecCgemCluster > ClusterRefVec
Definition RecMdcTrack.h:28
IMessageSvc * msgSvc()
Definition TestTrack.h:26
Definition TestTrack.h:22
Definition TestTrack.h:25
double getVStripLength(int V_ID) const
static int strip(const Identifier &id)
Definition CgemID.cxx:83
static int sheet(const Identifier &id)
Definition CgemID.cxx:77
static int layer(const Identifier &id)
Definition CgemID.cxx:71
static bool is_xstrip(const Identifier &id)
Definition CgemID.cxx:64
int GetChip(int ilayer, int isheet, int iview, int istrip)
int GetQuality(int ilayer, int isheet, int iview, int istrip)
int GetROC(int ilayer, int isheet, int iview, int istrip)
int GetChannel(int ilayer, int isheet, int iview, int istrip)
int GetTIGER(int ilayer, int isheet, int iview, int istrip)
int GetFEB(int ilayer, int isheet, int iview, int istrip)
const double chi2() const
Definition DstMdcTrack.h:66
const int trackId() const
Definition DstMdcTrack.h:52
const HepVector helix() const
virtual CgemGeoReadoutPlane * getReadoutPlane(int iLayer, int iSheet) const =0
double getRecZ(void) const
int getclusterid(void) const
int getlayerid(void) const
double getrecphi(void) const
int getsheetid(void) const
const ClusterRefVec getVecClusters() const
Definition RecMdcTrack.h:70
void reset()

◆ finalize()

StatusCode TestTrack::finalize ( )

Definition at line 837 of file TestTrack.cxx.

837 {
838 MsgStream log(msgSvc(),name());
839 log << MSG::INFO << "TestTrack finalize()" << endreq;
840 output->Write();
841 output->Close();
842 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

◆ initialize()

StatusCode TestTrack::initialize ( )

Definition at line 402 of file TestTrack.cxx.

402 {
403 MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
404 log << MSG::INFO << "TestTrack initialize()" << endreq;
407 // CgemGeomSvc
408 StatusCode sc;
409 sc = service("CgemGeomSvc", m_SvcCgem);
410 if(sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
411 log << MSG::ERROR << "can not use CgemGeomSvc" << endreq;
412 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
413 }
415 anode = m_SvcCgem->getReadoutPlane(0, 0);
416 anode_mid_gap_L1 = anode->getMidRAtGap();
417 anode = m_SvcCgem->getReadoutPlane(1, 0);
418 anode_mid_gap_L2 = anode->getMidRAtGap();
420 midplane = m_SvcCgem->getMidDriftPtr();
421 alignment = m_SvcCgem->getAlignPtr() ;
424 // LUT
425 lutreader = new CgemLUTReader(lutfile);
426 lutreader->ReadLUT();
428 output = new TFile("track.root", "RECREATE");
429 tree = new TTree("tree","hit, cluster and track info tree");
430 DefineHitTree();
431 DefineClusterTree();
432 DefineTrackTree();
434 event=0;
436 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
virtual CgemGeoAlign * getAlignPtr() const =0
virtual CgemMidDriftPlane * getMidDriftPtr() const =0

◆ reset()

void TestTrack::reset ( )

Definition at line 206 of file TestTrack.cxx.

206 {
207 reset_map();
210 reset_hit();
211 reset_track();
void reset_cluster_2d()
void reset_cluster_1d()
void reset_map()
void reset_track()
void reset_hit()

Referenced by execute().

◆ reset_cluster_1d()

void TestTrack::reset_cluster_1d ( )

Definition at line 236 of file TestTrack.cxx.

236 {
238 ncluster_1d = 0;
239 ncluster_1d_L1_S1_x = 0;
240 ncluster_1d_L2_S1_x = 0;
241 ncluster_1d_L2_S2_x = 0;
242 ncluster_1d_L1_S1_v = 0;
243 ncluster_1d_L2_S1_v = 0;
244 ncluster_1d_L2_S2_v = 0;
246 for(int iclu = 0; iclu < MAXNOFCLUSTERS; iclu++)
247 {
248 cluster_1d_t[iclu] = 0.;
249 cluster_1d_q[iclu] = 0.;
250 cluster_1d_r[iclu] = 0.;
251 cluster_1d_v[iclu] = 0.;
252 cluster_1d_phi[iclu] = 0.;
253 cluster_1d_v_cc[iclu] = 0.;
254 cluster_1d_phi_cc[iclu] = 0.;
255 cluster_1d_v_tpc[iclu] = 0.;
256 cluster_1d_phi_tpc[iclu] = 0.;
257 cluster_1d_a_tpc[iclu] = 0.;
258 cluster_1d_b_tpc[iclu] = 0.;
259 cluster_1d_layerid[iclu] = -1;
260 cluster_1d_sheetid[iclu] = -1;
261 cluster_1d_view[iclu] = -1;
262 cluster_1d_size[iclu] = -1;
263 cluster_1d_strip1[iclu] = -1;
264 cluster_1d_strip2[iclu] = -1;
265 for(int ihit = 0; ihit < MAXNOFHITS; ihit++) cluster_1d_hitindex[iclu][ihit] = -1;
266 }
Definition TestTrack.h:23

Referenced by reset().

◆ reset_cluster_2d()

void TestTrack::reset_cluster_2d ( )

Definition at line 272 of file TestTrack.cxx.

272 {
274 ncluster_2d = 0;
275 ncluster_2d_L1_S1 = 0;
276 ncluster_2d_L2_S1 = 0;
277 ncluster_2d_L2_S2 = 0;
279 for(int iclu = 0; iclu < MAXNOFCLUSTERS; iclu++)
280 {
281 cluster_2d_t[iclu] = 0.;
282 cluster_2d_q[iclu] = 0.;
283 cluster_2d_r[iclu] = 0.;
284 cluster_2d_z[iclu] = 0.;
285 cluster_2d_phi[iclu] = 0.;
286 cluster_2d_z_cc[iclu] = 0.;
287 cluster_2d_phi_cc[iclu] = 0.;
288 cluster_2d_z_tpc[iclu] = 0.;
289 cluster_2d_phi_tpc[iclu] = 0.;
290 cluster_2d_layerid[iclu] = -1;
291 cluster_2d_sheetid[iclu] = -1;
292 cluster_2d_view[iclu] = -1;
293 cluster_2d_idx[iclu] = -1;
294 cluster_2d_idv[iclu] = -1;
295 cluster_2d_highest[iclu] = -1;
296 }

Referenced by reset().

◆ reset_hit()

void TestTrack::reset_hit ( )

Definition at line 214 of file TestTrack.cxx.

214 {
215 // event = 0;
216 nhit = 0;
218 for(int ihit = 0; ihit < MAXNOFHITS; ihit++) {
219 hit_strip[ihit] = -1;
220 hit_view[ihit] = -1;
221 hit_layer[ihit] = -1;
222 hit_sheet[ihit] = -1;
223 hit_length[ihit] = -1;
224 hit_channel[ihit] = -1;
225 hit_roc[ihit] = -1;
226 hit_feb[ihit] = -1;
227 hit_tiger[ihit] = -1;
228 hit_chip[ihit] = -1;
229 hit_t[ihit] = 0;
230 hit_q[ihit] = 0;
231 hit_quality[ihit] = 0;
232 hit_selgooddigi[ihit] = 0;
233 }

Referenced by reset().

◆ reset_map()

void TestTrack::reset_map ( )

Definition at line 299 of file TestTrack.cxx.

299 {
300 map_L1_S1_stripx_to_hit.clear();
301 map_L2_S1_stripx_to_hit.clear();
302 map_L2_S2_stripx_to_hit.clear();
303 map_L1_S1_stripv_to_hit.clear();
304 map_L2_S1_stripv_to_hit.clear();
305 map_L2_S2_stripv_to_hit.clear();

Referenced by reset().

◆ reset_track()

void TestTrack::reset_track ( )

Definition at line 308 of file TestTrack.cxx.

308 {
310 // parameters
311 track_dr = -9999;
312 track_phi0 = -9999;
313 track_dz = -9999;
314 track_tanL = -9999;
315 track_chi2 = 9999;
317 // clusters
318 track_nfitpoint = 0;
319 for(int iclus=0; iclus < MAXNOFFITPOINT; iclus++) {
320 track_clusterid[iclus] = -1;
321 track_layerid[iclus] = -1;
322 track_sheetid[iclus] = -1;
323 }
325 // planes under test
326 track_test_layerid = -1;
327 track_test_sheetid = -1;
329 // poca
330 track_xpoca_glo = -9999;
331 track_ypoca_glo = -9999;
332 track_zpoca_glo = -9999;
334 // intersections
335 // L1
336 track_x1top_glo = -9999;
337 track_y1top_glo = -9999;
338 track_z1top_glo = -9999;
339 track_x1bot_glo = -9999;
340 track_y1bot_glo = -9999;
341 track_z1bot_glo = -9999;
342 // L2
343 track_x2top_glo = -9999;
344 track_y2top_glo = -9999;
345 track_z2top_glo = -9999;
346 track_x2bot_glo = -9999;
347 track_y2bot_glo = -9999;
348 track_z2bot_glo = -9999;
Definition TestTrack.h:24

Referenced by reset().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: