CGEM BOSS 6.6.5.h
BESIII Offline Software System
No Matches
RecEmcShower.h File Reference
#include "GaudiKernel/ContainedObject.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ObjectVector.h"
#include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
#include "EmcRecEventModel/RecEmcFraction.h"
#include "EmcRecEventModel/RecEmcCluster.h"
#include "EmcRecEventModel/RecEmcDataType.h"
#include "DstEvent/DstEmcShower.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  RecEmcShower


typedef map< RecEmcID, RecEmcShower, less< RecEmcID > > RecEmcShowerMap
typedef vector< RecEmcShowerRecEmcShowerVec
typedef ObjectVector< RecEmcShowerRecEmcShowerCol


ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const RecEmcShower &aShower)


const CLID & CLID_RecEmcShower

Typedef Documentation

◆ RecEmcShowerCol

typedef ObjectVector<RecEmcShower> RecEmcShowerCol

Definition at line 171 of file RecEmcShower.h.

◆ RecEmcShowerMap

Definition at line 169 of file RecEmcShower.h.

◆ RecEmcShowerVec

typedef vector<RecEmcShower> RecEmcShowerVec

Definition at line 170 of file RecEmcShower.h.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

ostream & operator<< ( ostream & os,
const RecEmcShower & aShower )

Definition at line 326 of file RecEmcShower.cxx.

328 RecEmcFractionMap::const_iterator pFractionMap;
329 RecEmcFractionMap::const_iterator ciFractionMap3x3;
330 RecEmcFractionMap::const_iterator ciFractionMap5x5;
332 os<<"------------------RecEmcShower:"<<endl;
333 os<<"Track id: "<<aShower.trackId()<<", number of hits: "<<aShower.getSize()
334 <<", status: "<<aShower.status()<<", shower id: "<<aShower.getShowerId()
335 <<", cluster id: "<<aShower.getClusterId()<<", module: "<<aShower.module()
336 <<", time: "<<aShower.time()<<endl;
337 os<<"Energy: "<<<<", de: "<<aShower.dE()
338 <<", eseed: "<<aShower.eSeed()
339 <<", e3x3: "<<aShower.e3x3()<<", e5x5: "<<aShower.e5x5()
340 <<", eall: "<<aShower.getEAll()<<", elepton: "<<aShower.getELepton()<<endl;
341 os<<"Position: "<<aShower.position()
342 <<", theta: "<<aShower.theta()<<", phi: "<<aShower.phi()
343 <<"\ndx: "<<aShower.dx()<<", dy: "<<aShower.dy()<<", dz: "<<
344 <<", dtheta: "<<aShower.dtheta()<<", dphi: "<<aShower.dphi()<<endl;
345 os<<"Second moment: "<<aShower.secondMoment()
346 <<", lat moment: "<<aShower.latMoment()
347 <<", a20 moment: "<<aShower.a20Moment()
348 <<", a42 moment: "<<aShower.a42Moment()<<endl;
349 os<<"Error matrix: \n"<<aShower.errorMatrix()<<endl;
351 if(aShower.getSize()>0) {
352 os<<"Fraction Map: "<<endl;
353 for(pFractionMap=aShower.Begin();
354 pFractionMap!=aShower.End();
355 pFractionMap++){
356 os<< (pFractionMap->second);
357 }
358 }
360 RecEmcFractionMap fracMap = aShower.getFractionMap3x3();
361 if(fracMap.size()>0) {
362 os<<"Fraction Map 3x3: "<<endl;
363 for(ciFractionMap3x3=fracMap.begin();
364 ciFractionMap3x3!=fracMap.end();
365 ciFractionMap3x3++){
366 os<< (ciFractionMap3x3->second);
367 }
368 }
370 fracMap = aShower.getFractionMap5x5();
371 if(fracMap.size()>0) {
372 os<<"Fraction Map 5x5: "<<endl;
373 for(ciFractionMap5x5=fracMap.begin();
374 ciFractionMap5x5!=fracMap.end();
375 ciFractionMap5x5++){
376 os<< (ciFractionMap5x5->second);
377 }
378 }
380 os<<endl;
382 return os;
map< RecEmcID, RecEmcFraction, less< RecEmcID > > RecEmcFractionMap
double dy() const
HepPoint3D position() const
int status() const
double latMoment() const
double a42Moment() const
double eSeed() const
double dphi() const
double theta() const
int module() const
double e3x3() const
double dz() const
double phi() const
double dx() const
double secondMoment() const
int trackId() const
HepSymMatrix errorMatrix() const
double e5x5() const
double time() const
double a20Moment() const
double energy() const
double dE() const
double dtheta() const
RecEmcFractionMap::const_iterator End() const
RecEmcFractionMap getFractionMap5x5() const
RecEmcID getClusterId() const
RecEmcID getShowerId() const
RecEmcEnergy getELepton() const
RecEmcFractionMap::const_iterator Begin() const
unsigned int getSize() const
RecEmcEnergy getEAll() const
RecEmcFractionMap getFractionMap3x3() const

Variable Documentation

◆ CLID_RecEmcShower

const CLID& CLID_RecEmcShower

Definition at line 361 of file EventModel.cxx.

Referenced by RecEmcShower::classID().