Garfield++ 4.0
A toolkit for the detailed simulation of particle detectors based on ionisation measurement in gases and semiconductors
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Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include <cmath>
2#include <iostream>
3#include <string>
4#include <algorithm>
5#include <limits>
7#include <TH1F.h>
8#include <TAxis.h>
9#include <TGraph.h>
10#include <TLatex.h>
13#include "Garfield/Medium.hh"
14#include "Garfield/Plotting.hh"
17namespace {
19int FindIndex(const std::vector<double>& fields, const double field,
20 const double eps) {
22 if (fields.empty()) return -1;
23 const int n = fields.size();
24 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
25 const double sum = fabs(fields[i]) + fabs(field);
26 const double tol = std::max(eps * sum, Garfield::Small);
27 if (fabs(fields[i] - field) < tol) return i;
28 }
29 return -1;
32bool NonZero(const std::vector<double>& v) {
34 constexpr double tol = 1.e-10;
35 return std::any_of(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), [](double x){ return fabs(x) > tol; });
40namespace Garfield {
42ViewMedium::ViewMedium() : ViewBase("ViewMedium") {}
45 if (!m) {
46 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetMedium: Null pointer.\n";
47 return;
48 }
50 m_medium = m;
53void ViewMedium::SetRangeE(const double emin, const double emax,
54 const bool logscale) {
55 if (emin >= emax || emin < 0.) {
56 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetRangeE: Incorrect range.\n";
57 return;
58 }
60 m_eMin = emin;
61 m_eMax = emax;
62 m_logE = logscale;
65void ViewMedium::SetRangeB(const double bmin, const double bmax, const bool logscale) {
66 if (bmin >= bmax || bmin < 0.) {
67 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetRangeB: Incorrect range.\n";
68 return;
69 }
71 m_bMin = bmin;
72 m_bMax = bmax;
73 m_logB = logscale;
76void ViewMedium::SetRangeA(const double amin, const double amax, const bool logscale) {
77 if (amin >= amax || amin < 0.) {
78 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetRangeA: Incorrect range.\n";
79 return;
80 }
82 m_aMin = amin;
83 m_aMax = amax;
84 m_logA = logscale;
87void ViewMedium::SetRangeY(const double ymin, const double ymax,
88 const bool logscale) {
89 if (ymin >= ymax || ymin < 0.) {
90 std::cerr << m_className << "::SetRangeY: Incorrect range.\n";
91 return;
92 }
94 m_yMin = ymin;
95 m_yMax = ymax;
96 m_logY = logscale;
100 std::cerr << m_className << "::PlotElectronCrossSections: Not implemented.\n";
103void ViewMedium::Draw() {
105 if (m_yPlot.empty()) return;
106 auto canvas = GetCanvas();
107 canvas->cd();
109 // Find the x and y ranges.
110 const double xmin = m_xPlot.front();
111 const double xmax = m_xPlot.back();
112 double ymin = m_yMin;
113 double ymax = m_yMax;
114 if (m_autoRangeY) {
115 ymin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
116 ymax = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
117 for (const auto& plot : m_yPlot) {
118 ymin = std::min(ymin, *std::min_element(plot.cbegin(), plot.cend()));
119 ymax = std::max(ymax, *std::max_element(plot.cbegin(), plot.cend()));
120 }
121 const double dy = 0.05 * fabs(ymax - ymin);
122 ymin = std::max(0., ymin - dy);
123 ymax += dy;
124 }
125 auto frame = canvas->DrawFrame(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
126 // Set the axis labels.
127 if (m_xaxis == Axis::E) {
128 frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("electric field [V/cm]");
129 } else if (m_xaxis == Axis::B) {
130 frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("magnetic field [T]");
131 } else if (m_xaxis == Axis::Angle) {
132 frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("angle between #bf{E} and #bf{B} [rad]");
133 } else {
134 std::cerr << m_className << "::Draw: Invalid x axis.\n";
135 return;
136 }
137 auto yaxis = frame->GetYaxis();
138 switch (m_par[0]) {
139 case Parameter::VelocityE:
140 case Parameter::VelocityB:
141 case Parameter::VelocityExB:
142 yaxis->SetTitle("drift velocity [cm/ns]");
143 canvas->SetTitle("Drift velocity");
144 break;
145 case Parameter::LongitudinalDiffusion:
146 case Parameter::TransverseDiffusion:
147 yaxis->SetTitle("diffusion coefficient [#kern[-0.1]{#sqrt{cm}}#kern[0.1]{]}");
148 canvas->SetTitle("Diffusion");
149 break;
150 case Parameter::Townsend:
151 case Parameter::Attachment:
152 if (std::all_of(m_par.cbegin(), m_par.cend(), [](Parameter p) {
153 return p == Parameter::Townsend; })) {
154 yaxis->SetTitle("#it{#alpha} [1/cm]");
155 canvas->SetTitle("Multiplication");
156 } else if (std::all_of(m_par.cbegin(), m_par.cend(), [](Parameter p) {
157 return p == Parameter::Attachment; })) {
158 yaxis->SetTitle("#it{#eta} [1/cm]");
159 canvas->SetTitle("Attachment");
160 } else {
161 yaxis->SetTitle("#it{#alpha}, #it{#eta} [1/cm]");
162 canvas->SetTitle("Multiplication and attachment");
163 }
164 break;
165 case Parameter::LorentzAngle:
166 yaxis->SetTitle( "Angle between #bf{v} and #bf{E} [rad]");
167 canvas->SetTitle("Lorentz angle");
168 break;
169 default:
170 break;
171 }
172 yaxis->SetTitleOffset(0);
173 gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
174 canvas->Update();
176 const unsigned int nPlots = m_yPlot.size();
177 // Set colours.
178 std::vector<short> cols(nPlots, 0);
179 if (m_colours.empty()) {
180 auto it = std::find(m_q.cbegin(), m_q.cend(), Charge::Electron);
181 if (it != m_q.cend()) {
182 cols[std::distance(m_q.cbegin(), it)] = kOrange - 3;
183 }
184 it = std::find(std::next(it), m_q.cend(), Charge::Electron);
185 if (it != m_q.cend()) {
186 cols[std::distance(m_q.cbegin(), it)] = kGreen + 3;
187 }
188 it = std::find(m_q.cbegin(), m_q.cend(), Charge::Hole);
189 if (it != m_q.cend()) {
190 cols[std::distance(m_q.cbegin(), it)] = kRed + 1;
191 }
192 it = std::find(m_q.cbegin(), m_q.cend(), Charge::Ion);
193 if (it != m_q.cend()) {
194 cols[std::distance(m_q.cbegin(), it)] = kRed + 1;
195 }
196 } else {
197 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPlots; ++i) {
198 cols[i] = m_colours[i % m_colours.size()];
199 }
200 }
201 // Set legend.
202 std::vector<std::string> labels = m_labels;
203 labels.resize(nPlots, "");
204 if (nPlots > 1 && m_labels.empty()) {
205 bool allEqual = std::equal(m_q.begin() + 1, m_q.end(), m_q.begin());
206 if (!allEqual) {
207 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPlots; ++i) {
208 if (m_q[i] == Charge::Electron) {
209 labels[i] = "electrons";
210 } else if (m_q[i] == Charge::Hole) {
211 labels[i] = "holes";
212 } else {
213 labels[i] = "ions";
214 }
215 }
216 }
217 allEqual = std::equal(m_par.begin() + 1, m_par.end(), m_par.begin());
218 if (!allEqual) {
219 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPlots; ++i) {
220 if (!labels[i].empty()) labels[i] += ", ";
221 switch (m_par[i]) {
222 case Parameter::VelocityE:
223 labels[i] += "#it{v}_{#it{E}}";
224 break;
225 case Parameter::VelocityB:
226 labels[i] += "#it{v}_{#it{B}#kern[0.1]{t}}";
227 break;
228 case Parameter::VelocityExB:
229 labels[i] += "#it{v}_{#it{E}#kern[0.05]{#times}#it{B}}";
230 break;
231 case Parameter::LongitudinalDiffusion:
232 labels[i] += "#it{D}_{L}";
233 break;
234 case Parameter::TransverseDiffusion:
235 labels[i] += "#it{D}_{T}";
236 break;
237 case Parameter::Townsend:
238 labels[i] += "#alpha";
239 break;
240 case Parameter::Attachment:
241 labels[i] += "#eta";
242 break;
243 case Parameter::LorentzAngle:
244 labels[i] += "Lorentz angle";
245 }
246 }
247 }
248 }
249 TGraph graph;
250 TLatex latex;
251 double xsize = 0., ysize = 0.;
252 for (const auto& label : labels) {
253 latex.SetText(0, 0, label.c_str());
254 xsize = std::max(xsize, latex.GetXsize());
255 ysize = std::max(ysize, latex.GetYsize());
256 }
257 // Convert to NDC.
258 xsize /= (gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1());
259 ysize /= (gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1());
261 const double lm = gPad->GetLeftMargin();
262 const double rm = 1. - gPad->GetRightMargin();
263 const double tm = 1. - gPad->GetTopMargin();
264 const double bm = gPad->GetBottomMargin();
265 double xLabel = lm + 0.1 * (rm - lm);
266 if (m_par[0] == Parameter::LongitudinalDiffusion ||
267 m_par[0] == Parameter::TransverseDiffusion) {
268 xLabel = rm - 0.1 * (rm - lm) - xsize;
269 }
270 double yLabel = tm - 0.1 * (tm - bm);
271 const double colrange = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors() / double(nPlots);
272 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPlots; ++i) {
273 int col = cols[i] > 0 ? cols[i] : gStyle->GetColorPalette(i * colrange);
274 graph.SetLineColor(col);
275 graph.SetMarkerColor(col);
276 graph.DrawGraph(m_xPlot.size(),
277, m_yPlot[i].data(), "L");
278 graph.SetMarkerStyle(20 + i);
279 if (!m_xGraph[i].empty()) {
280 graph.DrawGraph(m_xGraph[i].size(),
281 m_xGraph[i].data(), m_yGraph[i].data(), "P");
283 }
284 if (labels[i].empty()) continue;
285 latex.SetTextColor(col);
286 latex.DrawLatexNDC(xLabel, yLabel, labels[i].c_str());
287 yLabel -= 1.5 * ysize;
288 }
289 if (m_logX && xmin > 0.) {
290 canvas->SetLogx(1);
291 } else {
292 canvas->SetLogx(0);
293 }
294 if (m_logY && ymin > 0. && !m_autoRangeY) {
295 canvas->SetLogy(1);
296 } else {
297 canvas->SetLogy(0);
298 }
299 gPad->Update();
302void ViewMedium::ResetY() {
303 m_yPlot.clear();
304 m_par.clear();
305 m_q.clear();
306 m_xGraph.clear();
307 m_yGraph.clear();
310void ViewMedium::ResetX(const Axis xaxis) {
312 double xmin = 0., xmax = 0.;
313 bool logx = false;
314 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
315 xmin = m_eMin;
316 xmax = m_eMax;
317 logx = m_logE;
318 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
319 xmin = m_bMin;
320 xmax = m_bMax;
321 logx = m_logB;
322 } else if (xaxis == Axis::Angle) {
323 xmin = m_aMin;
324 xmax = m_aMax;
325 logx = m_logA;
326 } else {
327 m_xaxis = Axis::None;
328 return;
329 }
331 if (m_autoRangeX) {
332 // Get the field grid.
333 std::vector<double> efields;
334 std::vector<double> bfields;
335 std::vector<double> bangles;
336 m_medium->GetFieldGrid(efields, bfields, bangles);
337 if (xaxis == Axis::E && !efields.empty()) {
338 if (efields.front() > 0. && efields.back() > 10. * efields.front()) {
339 logx = true;
340 xmin = efields.front() / 1.5;
341 xmax = efields.back() * 1.5;
342 } else {
343 logx = false;
344 const double dx = 0.05 * fabs(efields.back() - efields.front());
345 xmin = std::max(0., efields.front() - dx);
346 xmax = efields.back() + dx;
347 }
348 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B && !bfields.empty()) {
349 logx = false;
350 const double dx = 0.05 * fabs(bfields.back() - bfields.front());
351 xmin = std::max(0., bfields.front() - dx);
352 xmax = bfields.back() + dx;
353 } else if (xaxis == Axis::Angle && !bangles.empty()) {
354 logx = false;
355 const double dx = 0.05 * fabs(bangles.back() - bangles.front());
356 xmin = std::max(0., bangles.front() - dx);
357 xmax = std::min(TwoPi, bangles.back() + dx);
358 }
359 }
361 constexpr unsigned int nX = 1000;
362 m_xPlot.assign(nX, 0.);
363 if (logx) {
364 m_xPlot[0] = xmin;
365 const double r = pow(xmax / xmin, 1. / (nX - 1));
366 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nX; ++i) {
367 m_xPlot[i] = m_xPlot[i - 1] * r;
368 }
369 } else {
370 const double dx = (xmax - xmin) / (nX - 1);
371 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nX; ++i) {
372 m_xPlot[i] = xmin + i * dx;
373 }
374 }
375 m_logX = logx;
376 m_xaxis = xaxis;
379void ViewMedium::PlotDiffusion(const Axis xaxis, const Charge charge,
380 const bool same) {
382 if (!m_medium) {
383 std::cerr << m_className << "::PlotDiffusion: Medium is not defined.\n";
384 return;
385 }
386 if (xaxis != m_xaxis) {
387 ResetX(xaxis);
388 ResetY();
389 } else if (!same) {
390 ResetY();
391 } else if (!m_par.empty()) {
392 if (m_par[0] != Parameter::TransverseDiffusion &&
393 m_par[0] != Parameter::LongitudinalDiffusion) {
394 ResetY();
395 }
396 }
397 const unsigned int nX = m_xPlot.size();
398 std::array<std::vector<double>, 2> ypl;
399 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) ypl[i].assign(nX, 0.);
401 double ex = m_efield;
402 double ctheta = cos(m_angle);
403 double stheta = sin(m_angle);
404 double bx = m_bfield * ctheta;
405 double by = m_bfield * stheta;
406 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nX; ++i) {
407 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
408 ex = m_xPlot[i];
409 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
410 bx = m_xPlot[i] * ctheta;
411 by = m_xPlot[i] * stheta;
412 } else {
413 bx = m_bfield * cos(m_xPlot[i]);
414 by = m_bfield * sin(m_xPlot[i]);
415 }
416 double dl = 0., dt = 0.;
417 if (charge == Charge::Electron) {
418 if (!m_medium->ElectronDiffusion(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, dl, dt)) continue;
419 } else if (charge == Charge::Hole) {
420 if (!m_medium->HoleDiffusion(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, dl, dt)) continue;
421 } else {
422 if (!m_medium->IonDiffusion(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, dl, dt)) continue;
423 }
424 ypl[0][i] = dl;
425 ypl[1][i] = dt;
426 }
428 std::array<std::vector<double>, 2> xgr;
429 std::array<std::vector<double>, 2> ygr;
431 std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> grid;
432 int ie = 0, ib = 0, ia = 0;
433 if (GetGrid(grid, ie, ib, ia, xaxis)) {
434 const auto nPoints = xaxis == Axis::E ? grid[0].size() :
435 xaxis == Axis::B ? grid[1].size() : grid[2].size();
436 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nPoints; ++j) {
437 double x = 0., y = 0.;
438 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
439 ie = j;
440 x = m_medium->UnScaleElectricField(grid[0][j]);
441 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
442 ib = j;
443 x = grid[1][j];
444 } else if (xaxis == Axis::Angle) {
445 ia = j;
446 x = grid[2][j];
447 }
448 if (charge == Charge::Electron) {
449 if (m_medium->GetElectronTransverseDiffusion(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
450 xgr[1].push_back(x);
451 ygr[1].push_back(m_medium->ScaleDiffusion(y));
452 }
453 if (m_medium->GetElectronLongitudinalDiffusion(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
454 xgr[0].push_back(x);
455 ygr[0].push_back(m_medium->ScaleDiffusion(y));
456 }
457 } else if (charge == Charge::Hole) {
458 if (m_medium->GetHoleTransverseDiffusion(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
459 xgr[1].push_back(x);
460 ygr[1].push_back(m_medium->ScaleDiffusion(y));
461 }
462 if (m_medium->GetHoleLongitudinalDiffusion(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
463 xgr[0].push_back(x);
464 ygr[0].push_back(m_medium->ScaleDiffusion(y));
465 }
466 } else {
467 if (m_medium->GetIonTransverseDiffusion(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
468 xgr[1].push_back(x);
469 ygr[1].push_back(m_medium->ScaleDiffusion(y));
470 }
471 if (m_medium->GetIonLongitudinalDiffusion(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
472 xgr[0].push_back(x);
473 ygr[0].push_back(m_medium->ScaleDiffusion(y));
474 }
475 }
476 }
477 }
479 const std::array<Parameter, 2> pars = {Parameter::LongitudinalDiffusion,
480 Parameter::TransverseDiffusion};
481 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
482 if (!NonZero(ypl[i])) continue;
483 m_yPlot.push_back(std::move(ypl[i]));
484 m_par.push_back(pars[i]);
485 m_q.push_back(charge);
486 m_xGraph.push_back(std::move(xgr[i]));
487 m_yGraph.push_back(std::move(ygr[i]));
488 }
489 Draw();
492void ViewMedium::PlotVelocity(const Axis xaxis, const Charge charge,
493 const bool same) {
495 if (!m_medium) {
496 std::cerr << m_className << "::PlotVelocity: Medium is not defined.\n";
497 return;
498 }
499 if (xaxis != m_xaxis) {
500 ResetX(xaxis);
501 ResetY();
502 } else if (!same) {
503 ResetY();
504 } else if (!m_par.empty()) {
505 if (m_par[0] != Parameter::VelocityE &&
506 m_par[0] != Parameter::VelocityB &&
507 m_par[0] != Parameter::VelocityExB) {
508 ResetY();
509 }
510 }
511 const unsigned int nX = m_xPlot.size();
512 std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> ypl;
513 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) ypl[i].assign(nX, 0.);
515 double e0 = m_efield;
516 double b0 = m_bfield;
517 double ctheta = cos(m_angle);
518 double stheta = sin(m_angle);
520 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nX; ++i) {
521 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
522 e0 = m_xPlot[i];
523 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
524 b0 = m_xPlot[i];
525 } else {
526 ctheta = cos(m_xPlot[i]);
527 stheta = sin(m_xPlot[i]);
528 }
529 double vx = 0., vy = 0., vz = 0.;
530 if (charge == Charge::Electron) {
531 if (m_medium->ElectronVelocity(e0, 0, 0, b0 * ctheta, b0 * stheta, 0,
532 vx, vy, vz)) {
533 ypl[0][i] = fabs(vx);
534 ypl[1][i] = fabs(vy);
535 ypl[2][i] = fabs(vz);
536 }
537 } else if (charge == Charge::Hole) {
538 if (m_medium->HoleVelocity(e0, 0, 0, b0 * ctheta, b0 * stheta, 0,
539 vx, vy, vz)) {
540 ypl[0][i] = fabs(vx);
541 ypl[1][i] = fabs(vy);
542 ypl[2][i] = fabs(vz);
543 }
544 } else {
545 if (m_medium->IonVelocity(e0, 0, 0, b0 * ctheta, b0 * stheta, 0,
546 vx, vy, vz)) {
547 ypl[0][i] = fabs(vx);
548 }
549 }
550 }
551 std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> xgr;
552 std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> ygr;
554 std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> grid;
555 int ie = 0, ib = 0, ia = 0;
556 if (GetGrid(grid, ie, ib, ia, xaxis)) {
557 const auto nPoints = xaxis == Axis::E ? grid[0].size() :
558 xaxis == Axis::B ? grid[1].size() : grid[2].size();
559 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nPoints; ++j) {
560 double x = 0., y = 0.;
561 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
562 ie = j;
563 x = m_medium->UnScaleElectricField(grid[0][j]);
564 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
565 ib = j;
566 x = grid[1][j];
567 } else if (xaxis == Axis::Angle) {
568 ia = j;
569 x = grid[2][j];
570 }
571 if (charge == Charge::Electron) {
572 if (m_medium->GetElectronVelocityE(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
573 xgr[0].push_back(x);
574 ygr[0].push_back(m_medium->ScaleVelocity(y));
575 }
576 if (m_medium->GetElectronVelocityB(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
577 xgr[1].push_back(x);
578 ygr[1].push_back(fabs(m_medium->ScaleVelocity(y)));
579 }
580 if (m_medium->GetElectronVelocityExB(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
581 xgr[2].push_back(x);
582 ygr[2].push_back(fabs(m_medium->ScaleVelocity(y)));
583 }
584 } else if (charge == Charge::Hole) {
585 if (m_medium->GetHoleVelocityE(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
586 xgr[0].push_back(x);
587 ygr[0].push_back(m_medium->ScaleVelocity(y));
588 }
589 if (m_medium->GetHoleVelocityB(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
590 xgr[1].push_back(x);
591 ygr[1].push_back(fabs(m_medium->ScaleVelocity(y)));
592 }
593 if (m_medium->GetHoleVelocityExB(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
594 xgr[2].push_back(x);
595 ygr[2].push_back(fabs(m_medium->ScaleVelocity(y)));
596 }
597 } else {
598 if (m_medium->GetIonMobility(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
599 xgr[0].push_back(x);
600 ygr[0].push_back(y * m_medium->UnScaleElectricField(grid[0][ie]));
601 }
602 }
603 }
604 }
606 const std::array<Parameter, 3> pars = {Parameter::VelocityE,
607 Parameter::VelocityB,
608 Parameter::VelocityExB};
609 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
610 if (!NonZero(ypl[i])) continue;
611 m_yPlot.push_back(std::move(ypl[i]));
612 m_par.push_back(pars[i]);
613 m_q.push_back(charge);
614 m_xGraph.push_back(std::move(xgr[i]));
615 m_yGraph.push_back(std::move(ygr[i]));
616 }
617 Draw();
620void ViewMedium::Plot(const Axis xaxis, const Charge charge,
621 const Parameter par, const bool same) {
623 // Make sure the medium is set.
624 if (!m_medium) {
625 std::cerr << m_className << "::Plot: Medium is not defined.\n";
626 return;
627 }
628 if (xaxis != m_xaxis) {
629 ResetX(xaxis);
630 ResetY();
631 } else if (!same) {
632 ResetY();
633 } else if (!m_par.empty()) {
634 if (m_par[0] != Parameter::Townsend &&
635 m_par[0] != Parameter::Attachment) {
636 ResetY();
637 }
638 }
640 const unsigned int nX = m_xPlot.size();
641 std::vector<double> ypl(nX, 0.);
642 double ex = m_efield;
643 double ctheta = cos(m_angle);
644 double stheta = sin(m_angle);
645 double bx = m_bfield * ctheta;
646 double by = m_bfield * stheta;
647 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nX; ++i) {
648 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
649 ex = m_xPlot[i];
650 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
651 bx = m_xPlot[i] * ctheta;
652 by = m_xPlot[i] * stheta;
653 } else {
654 bx = m_bfield * cos(m_xPlot[i]);
655 by = m_bfield * sin(m_xPlot[i]);
656 }
657 double y = 0.;
658 if (charge == Charge::Electron) {
659 if (par == Parameter::Townsend) {
660 if (!m_medium->ElectronTownsend(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, y)) continue;
661 } else {
662 if (!m_medium->ElectronAttachment(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, y)) continue;
663 y = std::abs(y);
664 }
665 } else {
666 if (par == Parameter::Townsend) {
667 if (!m_medium->HoleTownsend(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, y)) continue;
668 } else {
669 if (!m_medium->HoleAttachment(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, y)) continue;
670 y = std::abs(y);
671 }
672 }
673 ypl[i] = y;
674 }
676 std::vector<double> xgr;
677 std::vector<double> ygr;
679 std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> grid;
680 int ie = 0, ib = 0, ia = 0;
681 if (GetGrid(grid, ie, ib, ia, xaxis)) {
682 const auto nPoints = xaxis == Axis::E ? grid[0].size() :
683 xaxis == Axis::B ? grid[1].size() : grid[2].size();
684 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nPoints; ++j) {
685 double x = 0., y = 0.;
686 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
687 ie = j;
688 x = m_medium->UnScaleElectricField(grid[0][j]);
689 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
690 ib = j;
691 x = grid[1][j];
692 } else if (xaxis == Axis::Angle) {
693 ia = j;
694 x = grid[2][j];
695 }
696 if (charge == Charge::Electron) {
697 if (par == Parameter::Townsend) {
698 if (m_medium->GetElectronTownsend(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
699 xgr.push_back(x);
700 ygr.push_back(m_medium->ScaleTownsend(exp(y)));
701 }
702 } else {
703 if (m_medium->GetElectronAttachment(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
704 xgr.push_back(x);
705 ygr.push_back(m_medium->ScaleAttachment(exp(y)));
706 }
707 }
708 } else if (charge == Charge::Hole) {
709 if (par == Parameter::Townsend) {
710 if (m_medium->GetHoleTownsend(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
711 xgr.push_back(x);
712 ygr.push_back(m_medium->ScaleTownsend(exp(y)));
713 }
714 } else {
715 if (m_medium->GetHoleAttachment(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
716 xgr.push_back(x);
717 ygr.push_back(m_medium->ScaleAttachment(exp(y)));
718 }
719 }
720 }
721 }
722 }
724 if (!NonZero(ypl)) return;
725 m_yPlot.push_back(std::move(ypl));
726 m_par.push_back(par);
727 m_q.push_back(charge);
728 m_xGraph.push_back(std::move(xgr));
729 m_yGraph.push_back(std::move(ygr));
730 Draw();
733void ViewMedium::PlotLorentzAngle(const Axis xaxis, const Charge charge,
734 const bool same) {
736 // Make sure the medium is set.
737 if (!m_medium) {
738 std::cerr << m_className << "::PlotLorentzAngle: Medium is not defined.\n";
739 return;
740 }
741 if (xaxis != m_xaxis) {
742 ResetX(xaxis);
743 ResetY();
744 } else if (!same) {
745 ResetY();
746 } else if (!m_par.empty()) {
747 if (m_par[0] != Parameter::LorentzAngle) ResetY();
748 }
750 const unsigned int nX = m_xPlot.size();
751 std::vector<double> ypl(nX, 0.);
752 double ex = m_efield;
753 double ctheta = cos(m_angle);
754 double stheta = sin(m_angle);
755 double bx = m_bfield * ctheta;
756 double by = m_bfield * stheta;
757 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nX; ++i) {
758 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
759 ex = m_xPlot[i];
760 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
761 bx = m_xPlot[i] * ctheta;
762 by = m_xPlot[i] * stheta;
763 } else {
764 bx = m_bfield * cos(m_xPlot[i]);
765 by = m_bfield * sin(m_xPlot[i]);
766 }
767 double y = 0.;
768 if (!m_medium->ElectronLorentzAngle(ex, 0, 0, bx, by, 0, y)) continue;
769 ypl[i] = y;
770 }
772 std::vector<double> xgr;
773 std::vector<double> ygr;
775 std::array<std::vector<double>, 3> grid;
776 int ie = 0, ib = 0, ia = 0;
777 if (GetGrid(grid, ie, ib, ia, xaxis)) {
778 const auto nPoints = xaxis == Axis::E ? grid[0].size() :
779 xaxis == Axis::B ? grid[1].size() : grid[2].size();
780 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nPoints; ++j) {
781 double x = 0., y = 0.;
782 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
783 ie = j;
784 x = m_medium->UnScaleElectricField(grid[0][j]);
785 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
786 ib = j;
787 x = grid[1][j];
788 } else if (xaxis == Axis::Angle) {
789 ia = j;
790 x = grid[2][j];
791 }
792 if (m_medium->GetElectronLorentzAngle(ie, ib, ia, y)) {
793 xgr.push_back(x);
794 ygr.push_back(y);
795 }
796 }
797 }
799 if (!NonZero(ypl)) return;
800 m_yPlot.push_back(std::move(ypl));
801 m_par.push_back(Parameter::LorentzAngle);
802 m_q.push_back(charge);
803 m_xGraph.push_back(std::move(xgr));
804 m_yGraph.push_back(std::move(ygr));
805 Draw();
808ViewMedium::Axis ViewMedium::GetAxis(const char xaxis) const {
810 if (std::toupper(xaxis) == 'E') {
811 return Axis::E;
812 } else if (std::toupper(xaxis) == 'B') {
813 return Axis::B;
814 } else if (std::toupper(xaxis) == 'A') {
815 return Axis::Angle;
816 }
817 return Axis::None;
820bool ViewMedium::GetGrid(std::array<std::vector<double>, 3>& grid,
821 int& ie, int& ib, int& ia,
822 const Axis xaxis) const {
824 if (!m_medium) return false;
825 m_medium->GetFieldGrid(grid[0], grid[1], grid[2]);
826 if (grid[0].empty() || grid[1].empty() || grid[2].empty()) return false;
827 constexpr double eps = 1.e-3;
828 ie = FindIndex(grid[0], m_efield, eps);
829 ib = FindIndex(grid[1], m_bfield, eps);
830 ia = FindIndex(grid[2], m_angle, eps);
831 if (xaxis == Axis::E) {
832 if (ib < 0 || ia < 0) return false;
833 } else if (xaxis == Axis::B) {
834 if (ie < 0 || ia < 0) return false;
835 } else if (xaxis == Axis::Angle) {
836 if (ie < 0 || ib < 0) return false;
837 } else {
838 return false;
839 }
840 return true;
Abstract base class for media.
Definition: Medium.hh:13
virtual double UnScaleElectricField(const double e) const
Definition: Medium.hh:464
bool GetHoleLongitudinalDiffusion(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dl)
Get an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:321
virtual double ScaleVelocity(const double v) const
Definition: Medium.hh:465
bool GetHoleTownsend(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &alpha)
Get an entry in the table of Townsend coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:341
virtual bool HoleTownsend(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &alpha)
Ionisation coefficient [cm-1].
bool GetElectronLorentzAngle(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &lor)
Get an entry in the table of Lorentz angles.
Definition: Medium.hh:279
virtual double ScaleAttachment(const double eta) const
Definition: Medium.hh:469
virtual double ScaleDiffusion(const double d) const
Definition: Medium.hh:466
bool GetHoleAttachment(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &eta)
Get an entry in the table of attachment coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:351
virtual bool HoleVelocity(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz)
Drift velocity [cm / ns].
virtual bool ElectronLorentzAngle(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &lor)
Lorentz angle.
bool GetIonTransverseDiffusion(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dt)
Get an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:387
bool GetElectronTransverseDiffusion(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dt)
Get an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:248
virtual bool ElectronVelocity(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz)
Drift velocity [cm / ns].
virtual bool IonVelocity(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &vx, double &vy, double &vz)
Drift velocity [cm / ns].
bool GetHoleTransverseDiffusion(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dt)
Get an entry in the table of transverse diffusion coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:331
bool GetHoleVelocityExB(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along ExB.
Definition: Medium.hh:300
virtual double ScaleTownsend(const double alpha) const
Definition: Medium.hh:468
bool GetElectronAttachment(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &eta)
Get an entry in the table of attachment coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:268
virtual bool ElectronDiffusion(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &dl, double &dt)
Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients [cm1/2].
bool GetElectronVelocityE(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along E.
Definition: Medium.hh:208
void GetFieldGrid(std::vector< double > &efields, std::vector< double > &bfields, std::vector< double > &angles)
Get the fields and E-B angles used in the transport tables.
virtual bool ElectronTownsend(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &alpha)
Ionisation coefficient [cm-1].
bool GetHoleVelocityB(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along Btrans.
Definition: Medium.hh:310
bool GetElectronTownsend(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &alpha)
Get an entry in the table of Townsend coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:258
bool GetIonMobility(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &mu)
Get an entry in the table of ion mobilities.
Definition: Medium.hh:366
virtual bool ElectronAttachment(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &eta)
Attachment coefficient [cm-1].
bool GetElectronVelocityExB(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along ExB.
Definition: Medium.hh:218
bool GetElectronVelocityB(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along Btrans.
Definition: Medium.hh:228
bool GetIonLongitudinalDiffusion(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dl)
Get an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:377
virtual bool HoleDiffusion(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &dl, double &dt)
Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients [cm1/2].
bool GetElectronLongitudinalDiffusion(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &dl)
Get an entry in the table of longitudinal diffusion coefficients.
Definition: Medium.hh:238
bool GetHoleVelocityE(const size_t ie, const size_t ib, const size_t ia, double &v)
Get an entry in the table of drift speeds along E.
Definition: Medium.hh:290
virtual bool HoleAttachment(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &eta)
Attachment coefficient [cm-1].
virtual bool IonDiffusion(const double ex, const double ey, const double ez, const double bx, const double by, const double bz, double &dl, double &dt)
Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients [cm1/2].
Base class for visualization classes.
Definition: ViewBase.hh:18
std::string m_className
Definition: ViewBase.hh:78
TPad * GetCanvas()
Retrieve the canvas.
void SetRangeY(const double ymin, const double ymax, const bool logscale=false)
Set the range of the function (velocity etc.) to be plotted.
void SetRangeB(const double bmin, const double bmax, const bool logscale)
Set the limits of the magnetic field.
void SetMedium(Medium *m)
Set the medium from which to retrieve the transport coefficients.
void PlotElectronCrossSections()
void SetRangeE(const double emin, const double emax, const bool logscale)
Set the limits of the electric field.
void SetRangeA(const double amin, const double amax, const bool logscale)
Set the limits of the angle between electric and magnetic field.
DoubleAc cos(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.cpp:432
DoubleAc pow(const DoubleAc &f, double p)
Definition: DoubleAc.cpp:337
DoubleAc exp(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.cpp:377
DoubleAc fabs(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.h:615
DoubleAc sin(const DoubleAc &f)
Definition: DoubleAc.cpp:384