Geant4 10.7.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
No Matches
ptwXY.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <nf_utilities.h>
#include <ptwX.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  ptwXYPoint_s
struct  ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo
struct  ptwXYOverflowPoint_s
struct  ptwXYPoints_s


#define ptwXY_minimumSize   10 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */
#define ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize   4 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */
#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax   20
#define ptwXY_minAccuracy   1e-14
#define ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax   1 << 16
#define ClosestAllowXFactor   10
#define ptwXY_union_fill   1 /* If filling, union is filled with y value of first ptw. */
#define ptwXY_union_trim   2 /* If trimming, union in only over common domain of ptw1 and ptw2. */
#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints   4 /* If true, union calls ptwXY_mergeClosePoints with eps = 4 * DBL_EPSILON. */


typedef enum ptwXY_dataFrom_e ptwXY_dataFrom
typedef enum ptwXY_group_normType_e ptwXY_group_normType
typedef enum ptwXY_sigma_e ptwXY_sigma
typedef enum ptwXY_interpolation_e ptwXY_interpolation
typedef enum ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX
typedef struct ptwXYPoint_s ptwXYPoint
typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback) (double x, double *y, void *argList)
typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_applyFunction_callback) (ptwXYPoint *point, void *argList)
typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_getValue_callback) (void *argList, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
typedef struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s ptwXYOverflowPoint
typedef struct ptwXYPoints_s ptwXYPoints


enum  ptwXY_dataFrom_e { ptwXY_dataFrom_Unknown , ptwXY_dataFrom_Points , ptwXY_dataFrom_Overflow }
enum  ptwXY_group_normType_e { ptwXY_group_normType_none , ptwXY_group_normType_dx , ptwXY_group_normType_norm }
enum  ptwXY_sigma_e { ptwXY_sigma_none , ptwXY_sigma_plusMinus , ptwXY_sigma_Minus , ptwXY_sigma_plus }
enum  ptwXY_interpolation_e {
  ptwXY_interpolationLinLin , ptwXY_interpolationLinLog , ptwXY_interpolationLogLin , ptwXY_interpolationLogLog ,
  ptwXY_interpolationFlat , ptwXY_interpolationOther
enum  ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e {
  ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_empty , ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_lessThan , ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_equal , ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_between ,


ptwXYPointsptwXY_new (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_setup (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int userFlag)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_create (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *xy, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *Xs, double const *Ys, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_copy (ptwXYPoints *dest, ptwXYPoints *src)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_clone (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_cloneToInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolationTo, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_slice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index1, int64_t index2, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_xSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_xMinSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_xMaxSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_interpolation ptwXY_getInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
char const * ptwXY_getInterpolationString (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_getStatus (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int ptwXY_getUserFlag (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
void ptwXY_setUserFlag (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int userFlag)
double ptwXY_getAccuracy (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_setAccuracy (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double accuracy)
double ptwXY_getBiSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double biSectionMax)
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size)
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_clear (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_release (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_free (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t ptwXY_length (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength (ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *xy)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *x, double const *y)
nfu_status ptwXY_deletePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t i1, int64_t i2)
ptwXYPointptwXY_getPointAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
ptwXYPointptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
nfu_status ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index, double *x, double *y)
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint)
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint, double eps, int *closeIsEqual, ptwXYPoint **closePoint)
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y, double eps, int override)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int length, double *xs, double *ys)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int length, double *xys)
nfu_status ptwXY_appendXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYPairAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, const char side, double *slope)
double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
double ptwXY_getXMin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
double ptwXY_getXMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getYMin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getYMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_clip (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double yMin, double yMax)
nfu_status ptwXY_thicken (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, int sectionSubdivideMax, double dxMax, double fxMax)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_thin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double accuracy, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_trim (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_union (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int unionOptions)
nfu_status ptwXY_scaleOffsetXAndY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xScale, double xOffset, double yScale, double yOffset)
nfu_status ptwXY_abs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_neg (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)
nfu_status ptwXY_add_double (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_sub_doubleFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_sub_fromDouble (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_mul_double (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_div_doubleFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_div_fromDouble (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_mod (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double m, int pythonMod)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_binary_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double v1, double v2, double v1v2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_add_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_sub_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_mul_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_mul2_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_div_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int safeDivide)
nfu_status ptwXY_pow (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double p)
nfu_status ptwXY_exp (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double a)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_convolution (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int mode)
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double lowerEps, double upperEps, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_toOtherInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double accuracy, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate (double w, double w1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double w2, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_toUnitbase (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_fromUnitbase (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_getXArray (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_dullEdges (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double lowerEps, double upperEps, int positiveXOnly)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeClosePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double epsilon)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *ptwX, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2)
nfu_status ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, int epsilonFactor, double epsilon)
nfu_status ptwXY_mutualifyDomains (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double lowerEps1, double upperEps1, int positiveXOnly1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double lowerEps2, double upperEps2, int positiveXOnly2)
nfu_status ptwXY_copyToC_XY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index1, int64_t index2, int64_t allocatedSize, int64_t *numberOfPoints, double *xy)
nfu_status ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXAndY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double **xs, double **ys)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_valueTo_ptwXY (double x1, double x2, double y, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1 (double accuracy, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createGaussian (double accuracy, double xCenter, double sigma, double amplitude, double xMin, double xMax, double dullEps, nfu_status *status)
void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double oldLength)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createFromFunction (int n, double *xs, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double accuracy, int checkForRoots, int biSectionMax, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createFromFunction2 (ptwXPoints *xs, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double accuracy, int checkForRoots, int biSectionMax, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_applyFunction (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXY_applyFunction_callback func, void *argList, int checkForRoots)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_fromString (char const *str, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, char **endCharacter, nfu_status *status)
void ptwXY_showInteralStructure (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, FILE *f, int printPointersAsNull)
void ptwXY_simpleWrite (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, FILE *f, char *format)
void ptwXY_simplePrint (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, char *format)
nfu_status ptwXY_f_integrate (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *value)
double ptwXY_integrate (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateDomain (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_normalize (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1)
double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_groupOneFunction (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *groupBoundaries, ptwXY_group_normType normType, ptwXPoints *ptwX_norm, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_groupTwoFunctions (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, ptwXPoints *groupBoundaries, ptwXY_group_normType normType, ptwXPoints *ptwX_norm, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_groupThreeFunctions (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY3, ptwXPoints *groupBoundaries, ptwXY_group_normType normType, ptwXPoints *ptwX_norm, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_runningIntegral (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateWithFunction (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double xMin, double xMax, int degree, int recursionLimit, double tolerance, nfu_status *status)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ClosestAllowXFactor

#define ClosestAllowXFactor   10

Definition at line 25 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax

#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax   20

Definition at line 22 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_minAccuracy

#define ptwXY_minAccuracy   1e-14

Definition at line 23 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize

#define ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize   4 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */

Definition at line 21 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_minimumSize

#define ptwXY_minimumSize   10 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */

Definition at line 20 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax

#define ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax   1 << 16

Definition at line 24 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_union_fill

#define ptwXY_union_fill   1 /* If filling, union is filled with y value of first ptw. */

Definition at line 31 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints

#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints   4 /* If true, union calls ptwXY_mergeClosePoints with eps = 4 * DBL_EPSILON. */

Definition at line 33 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_union_trim

#define ptwXY_union_trim   2 /* If trimming, union in only over common domain of ptw1 and ptw2. */

Definition at line 32 of file ptwXY.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ptwXY_applyFunction_callback

typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_applyFunction_callback) (ptwXYPoint *point, void *argList)

Definition at line 66 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback

typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback) (double x, double *y, void *argList)

Definition at line 65 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_dataFrom

◆ ptwXY_getValue_callback

typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_getValue_callback) (void *argList, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)

Definition at line 67 of file ptwXY.h.

◆ ptwXY_group_normType

◆ ptwXY_interpolation

◆ ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX

◆ ptwXY_sigma

typedef enum ptwXY_sigma_e ptwXY_sigma

◆ ptwXYOverflowPoint

◆ ptwXYPoint

typedef struct ptwXYPoint_s ptwXYPoint

◆ ptwXYPoints

typedef struct ptwXYPoints_s ptwXYPoints

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ptwXY_dataFrom_e


Definition at line 27 of file ptwXY.h.

enum ptwXY_dataFrom_e ptwXY_dataFrom
@ ptwXY_dataFrom_Overflow
Definition: ptwXY.h:27
@ ptwXY_dataFrom_Points
Definition: ptwXY.h:27
@ ptwXY_dataFrom_Unknown
Definition: ptwXY.h:27

◆ ptwXY_group_normType_e


Definition at line 28 of file ptwXY.h.

enum ptwXY_group_normType_e ptwXY_group_normType
@ ptwXY_group_normType_dx
Definition: ptwXY.h:28
@ ptwXY_group_normType_none
Definition: ptwXY.h:28
@ ptwXY_group_normType_norm
Definition: ptwXY.h:28

◆ ptwXY_interpolation_e


Definition at line 35 of file ptwXY.h.

enum ptwXY_interpolation_e ptwXY_interpolation
@ ptwXY_interpolationFlat
Definition: ptwXY.h:36
@ ptwXY_interpolationLinLog
Definition: ptwXY.h:35
@ ptwXY_interpolationLogLog
Definition: ptwXY.h:35
@ ptwXY_interpolationLinLin
Definition: ptwXY.h:35
@ ptwXY_interpolationOther
Definition: ptwXY.h:36
@ ptwXY_interpolationLogLin
Definition: ptwXY.h:35

◆ ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e


Definition at line 57 of file ptwXY.h.

enum ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX
@ ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_equal
Definition: ptwXY.h:57
@ ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_empty
Definition: ptwXY.h:57
@ ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_between
Definition: ptwXY.h:58
@ ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_lessThan
Definition: ptwXY.h:57
@ ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_greater
Definition: ptwXY.h:58

◆ ptwXY_sigma_e


Definition at line 34 of file ptwXY.h.

enum ptwXY_sigma_e ptwXY_sigma
@ ptwXY_sigma_plusMinus
Definition: ptwXY.h:34
@ ptwXY_sigma_none
Definition: ptwXY.h:34
@ ptwXY_sigma_plus
Definition: ptwXY.h:34
@ ptwXY_sigma_Minus
Definition: ptwXY.h:34

Function Documentation

◆ ptwXY_abs()

nfu_status ptwXY_abs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 19 of file

19 {
21 int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
22 ptwXYPoint *p;
23 ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
25 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
27 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = std::fabs( p->y );
28 for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = std::fabs( o->point.y );
29 return( ptwXY->status );
@ nfu_Okay
Definition: nf_utilities.h:25
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

◆ ptwXY_add_double()

nfu_status ptwXY_add_double ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 40 of file

40{ return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, 1., value ) ); }
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)

◆ ptwXY_add_ptwXY()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_add_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 138 of file

138 {
140 ptwXYPoints *sum;
142 if( ptwXY1->length == 0 ) {
143 sum = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status ); }
144 else if( ptwXY2->length == 0 ) {
145 sum = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ); }
146 else {
147 sum = ptwXY_binary_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, 1., 1., 0., status );
148 }
149 return( sum );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_binary_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double v1, double v2, double v1v2, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93

Referenced by MCGIDI_target_heated_read(), and ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate().

◆ ptwXY_appendXY()

nfu_status ptwXY_appendXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1062 of file

1062 {
1064 int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1065 ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom;
1067 if( ptwXY->length != 0 ) {
1068 double xMax = ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom( ptwXY, &dataFrom );
1069 if( xMax >= x ) return( nfu_XNotAscending );
1070 }
1072 if( nonOverflowLength < ptwXY->allocatedSize ) { /* Room at end of points. Also handles the case when length = 0. */
1073 ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength].x = x;
1074 ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength].y = y; }
1075 else {
1076 if( ptwXY->overflowLength == ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize ) {
1077 ptwXYPoint newPoint = { x, y };
1078 return( ptwXY_coalescePoints( ptwXY, ptwXY->length + ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, &newPoint, 0 ) ); }
1079 else { /* Add to end of overflow. */
1080 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint = &(ptwXY->overflowPoints[ptwXY->overflowLength]);
1082 overflowPoint->prior = ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior;
1083 overflowPoint->next = overflowPoint->prior->next;
1084 overflowPoint->index = ptwXY->length;
1085 overflowPoint->prior->next = overflowPoint;
1086 overflowPoint->next->prior = overflowPoint;
1087 overflowPoint->point.x = x;
1088 overflowPoint->point.y = y;
1089 ptwXY->overflowLength++;
1090 }
1091 }
1092 ptwXY->length++;
1093 return( nfu_Okay );
@ nfu_XNotAscending
Definition: nf_utilities.h:26
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
ptwXYOverflowPoint * overflowPoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:100

◆ ptwXY_applyFunction()

nfu_status ptwXY_applyFunction ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXY_applyFunction_callback  func,
void *  argList,
int  checkForRoots 

Definition at line 146 of file

146 {
148 int64_t i, originalLength = ptwXY1->length, notFirstPass = 0;
149 double y1, y2 = 0;
150 nfu_status status;
151 ptwXYPoint p1, p2;
153 checkForRoots = checkForRoots && ptwXY1->biSectionMax;
154 if( ptwXY1->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY1->status );
157 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
158 for( i = originalLength - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
159 y1 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
160 if( ( status = func( &(ptwXY1->points[i]), argList ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
161 p1 = ptwXY1->points[i];
162 if( notFirstPass ) {
163 if( ( status = ptwXY_applyFunction2( ptwXY1, y1, y2, &p1, &p2, func, argList, 0, checkForRoots ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
164 }
165 notFirstPass = 1;
166 p2 = p1;
167 y2 = y1;
168 }
169 ptwXY_update_biSectionMax( ptwXY1, (double) originalLength );
170 return( status );
@ nfu_invalidInterpolation
Definition: nf_utilities.h:27
@ nfu_otherInterpolation
Definition: nf_utilities.h:29
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double oldLength)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90

Referenced by ptwXY_pow().

◆ ptwXY_areDomainsMutual()

nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2 

Definition at line 257 of file

257 {
259 nfu_status status;
260 int64_t n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length;
261 ptwXYPoint *xy1, *xy2;
263 if( ( status = ptwXY1->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
264 if( ( status = ptwXY2->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
265 if( n1 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
266 if( n2 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
267 if( n1 < 2 ) {
268 status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
269 else if( n2 < 2 ) {
270 status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
271 else {
272 xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, 0 );
273 xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, 0 );
274 if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
275 if( xy2->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
276 else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
277 if( xy1->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual;
278 }
280 if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
281 xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, n1 - 1 );
282 xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, n2 - 1 );
283 if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
284 if( xy1->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
285 else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
286 if( xy2->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual;
287 }
288 }
289 }
290 return( status );
@ nfu_domainsNotMutual
Definition: nf_utilities.h:28
@ nfu_tooFewPoints
Definition: nf_utilities.h:28
@ nfu_empty
Definition: nf_utilities.h:28
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)

Referenced by ptwXY_binary_ptwXY(), ptwXY_div_ptwXY(), and ptwXY_mutualifyDomains().

◆ ptwXY_binary_ptwXY()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_binary_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
double  v1,
double  v2,
double  v1v2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 108 of file

108 {
110 int64_t i;
112 double y;
113 ptwXYPoints *n;
114 ptwXYPoint *p;
116 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
117 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
118 if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
119 if( ( *status = ptwXY_areDomainsMutual( ptwXY1, ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
120 if( ( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) || ( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) ) {
121 *status = nfu_invalidInterpolation;
122 if( ( ptwXY1->interpolation != ptwXY2->interpolation ) ) return( NULL );
123 }
124 if( ( n = ptwXY_union( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status, unionOptions ) ) != NULL ) {
125 for( i = 0, p = n->points; i < n->length; i++, p++ ) {
126 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, p->x, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
127 p->y = v1 * p->y + v2 * y + v1v2 * y * p->y;
128 }
129 }
130 return( n );
132 if( n ) ptwXY_free( n );
133 return( NULL );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_union(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int unionOptions)
nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2)
#define ptwXY_union_fill
Definition: ptwXY.h:31
#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:33
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Referenced by ptwXY_add_ptwXY(), ptwXY_mul_ptwXY(), and ptwXY_sub_ptwXY().

◆ ptwXY_clear()

nfu_status ptwXY_clear ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 536 of file

536 {
538 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
540 ptwXY->length = 0;
541 ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
542 ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
543 ptwXY-> = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
544 return( nfu_Okay );

Referenced by ptwXY_clip(), ptwXY_copy(), and ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs().

◆ ptwXY_clip()

nfu_status ptwXY_clip ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  yMin,
double  yMax 

Definition at line 25 of file

25 {
27 This function acts oddly for xy = [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 3, -2 ], [ 4, 1 ] ] and yMin = 0.2, why???????
28 This function probably only works for linear, linear interpolation (mainly because of ptwXY_clip2).
30 int64_t i, j, n;
31 double x2, y2;
32 nfu_status status;
33 ptwXYPoints *clipped;
34 ptwXYPoint *points;
36 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
38 n = ptwXY1->length;
39 if( n > 0 ) {
40 i = 0;
41 if( ptwXY_getYMax( ptwXY1 ) < yMin ) i = 1;
42 if( ptwXY_getYMin( ptwXY1 ) > yMax ) i = 1;
43 if( i == 1 ) return( ptwXY_clear( ptwXY1 ) );
44 }
45 if( n == 1 ) {
46 y2 = ptwXY1->points[0].y;
47 if( y2 < yMin ) {
48 ptwXY1->points[0].y = yMin; }
49 else if( y2 > yMax ) {
50 ptwXY1->points[0].y = yMax;
51 } }
52 else if( n > 1 ) {
53 if( ( clipped = ptwXY_new( ptwXY1->interpolation, &(ptwXY1->interpolationOtherInfo),
54 ptwXY1->biSectionMax, ptwXY1->accuracy, n, 10, &status, ptwXY1->userFlag ) ) == NULL )
55 return( ptwXY1->status = status );
56 for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
57 x2 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
58 y2 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
59 if( y2 < yMin ) {
60 if( i > 0 ) {
61 points = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( clipped, clipped->length - 1 );
62 if( points->y > yMin ) {
63 if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMin, points->x, points->y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
64 }
65 }
66 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, x2, yMin ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
67 j = i;
68 for( i++; i < n; i++ ) if( !( ptwXY1->points[i].y < yMin ) ) break;
69 if( i < n ) {
70 x2 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
71 y2 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
72 if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMin, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
73 if( y2 > yMax ) {
74 if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMax, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
75 } }
76 else if( j != n - 1 ) {
77 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, ptwXY1->points[n - 1].x, yMin ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
78 }
79 i--; }
80 else if( y2 > yMax ) {
81 if( i > 0 ) {
82 points = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( clipped, clipped->length - 1 );
83 if( points->y < yMax ) {
84 if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMax, points->x, points->y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
85 }
86 }
87 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, x2, yMax ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
88 j = i;
89 for( i++; i < n; i++ ) if( !( ptwXY1->points[i].y > yMax ) ) break;
90 if( i < n ) {
91 x2 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
92 y2 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
93 if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMax, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
94 if( y2 < yMin ) {
95 if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMin, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
96 } }
97 else if( j != n - 1 ) {
98 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, ptwXY1->points[n - 1].x, yMax ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
99 }
100 i--; }
101 else {
102 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
103 }
104 }
105 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( clipped ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
106 ptwXY1->length = clipped->length; /* The squeamish may want to skip the next few lines. */
107 clipped->length = n;
108 n = ptwXY1->allocatedSize;
109 ptwXY1->allocatedSize = clipped->allocatedSize;
110 clipped->allocatedSize = n;
111 points = clipped->points;
112 clipped->points = ptwXY1->points;
113 ptwXY1->points = points;
114 ptwXY_free( clipped );
115 }
117 return( ptwXY1->status );
120 ptwXY_free( clipped );
121 return( ptwXY1->status = status );
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
double ptwXY_getYMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_clear(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getYMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94

◆ ptwXY_clone()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 208 of file

208 {
210 return( ptwXY_slice( ptwXY, 0, ptwXY->length, ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, status ) );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_slice(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index1, int64_t index2, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status)

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::GIDI_settings_processedFlux(), GIDI_settings_processedFlux::operator=(), ptwXY_add_ptwXY(), ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(), ptwXY_fromUnitbase(), ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(), ptwXY_mul_ptwXY(), ptwXY_sub_ptwXY(), ptwXY_thin(), ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation(), ptwXY_toUnitbase(), ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

◆ ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolationTo,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 215 of file

215 {
217 ptwXYPoints *n1;
219 if( interpolationTo == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) {
220 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
221 return( NULL );
222 }
223 if( ( n1 = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) != NULL ) {
225 n1->interpolation = interpolationTo;
226 switch( interpolationTo ) {
228 n1->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = linLinInterpolationString; break;
230 n1->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = linLogInterpolationString; break;
232 n1->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = logLinInterpolationString; break;
234 n1->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = logLogInterpolationString; break;
236 n1->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = flatInterpolationString; break;
237 case ptwXY_interpolationOther : /* Does not happen, but needed to stop compilers from complaining. */
238 break;
239 }
242 }
243 return( n1 );
void * nfu_free(void *p)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
char const * interpolationString
Definition: ptwXY.h:70
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71

Referenced by ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation().

◆ ptwXY_coalescePoints()

nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  size,
ptwXYPoint newPoint,
int  forceSmallerResize 

Definition at line 469 of file

469 {
471 int addNewPoint;
472 int64_t length = ptwXY->length + ( ( newPoint != NULL ) ? 1 : 0 );
474 ptwXYPoint *pointsFrom, *pointsTo;
476 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
477 if( ptwXY->overflowLength == 0 ) return( nfu_Okay );
479 if( size < length ) size = length;
480 if( size > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
481 if( ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, size, forceSmallerResize ) != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
482 }
483 pointsFrom = &(ptwXY->points[ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY ) - 1]);
484 pointsTo = &(ptwXY->points[length - 1]);
485 while( last != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) {
486 addNewPoint = 0;
487 if( newPoint != NULL ) {
488 if( ( pointsFrom >= ptwXY->points ) && ( pointsFrom->x > last->point.x ) ) {
489 if( newPoint->x > pointsFrom->x ) addNewPoint = 1; }
490 else {
491 if( newPoint->x > last->point.x ) addNewPoint = 1;
492 }
493 if( addNewPoint == 1 ) {
494 *pointsTo = *newPoint;
495 newPoint = NULL;
496 }
497 }
498 if( addNewPoint == 0 ) {
499 if( ( pointsFrom >= ptwXY->points ) && ( pointsFrom->x > last->point.x ) ) {
500 *pointsTo = *pointsFrom;
501 pointsFrom--; }
502 else {
503 *pointsTo = last->point;
504 last = last->prior;
505 }
506 }
507 pointsTo--;
508 } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
509 while( ( newPoint != NULL ) && ( pointsFrom >= ptwXY->points ) ) {
510 if( newPoint->x > pointsFrom->x ) {
511 *pointsTo = *newPoint;
512 newPoint = NULL; }
513 else {
514 *pointsTo = *pointsFrom;
515 pointsFrom--;
516 }
517 pointsTo--;
518 } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
519 if( newPoint != NULL ) *pointsTo = *newPoint;
520 ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
521 ptwXY-> = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
522 ptwXY->length = length;
523 ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
524 return( nfu_Okay );
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)

Referenced by ptwXY_appendXY(), ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1(), ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints(), ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose(), ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

◆ ptwXY_convolution()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_convolution ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status,
int  mode 

Definition at line 96 of file

96 {
98* Currently, only supports linear-linear interpolation.
100* This function calculates c(y) = integral dx f1(x) * f2(y-x)
103 int64_t i1, i2, n1, n2, n;
104 ptwXYPoints *f1 = ptwXY1, *f2 = ptwXY2, *convolute;
105 double accuracy = ptwXY1->accuracy, yMin, yMax, c, y, dy;
107 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
108 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
111 if( ( ptwXY1->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) || ( ptwXY2->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) ) return( NULL );
112 *status = nfu_Okay;
114 n1 = f1->length;
115 n2 = f2->length;
117 if( ( n1 == 0 ) || ( n2 == 0 ) ) {
118 convolute = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, 1., accuracy, 0, 0, status, 0 );
119 return( convolute );
120 }
122 if( ( n1 == 1 ) || ( n2 == 1 ) ) {
123 *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
124 return( NULL );
125 }
127 if( accuracy < ptwXY2->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY2->accuracy;
128 n = n1 * n2;
129 if( mode == 0 ) {
130 mode = 1;
131 if( n > 1000 ) mode = -1;
132 }
133 if( n > 100000 ) mode = -1;
134 if( ( convolute = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, 1., accuracy, 400, 40, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
136 yMin = f1->points[0].x + f2->points[0].x;
137 yMax = f1->points[n1 - 1].x + f2->points[n2 - 1].x;
139 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, yMin, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
141 if( mode < 0 ) {
142 dy = ( yMax - yMin ) / 400;
143 for( y = yMin + dy; y < yMax; y += dy ) {
144 if( ( *status = ptwXY_convolution2( f1, f2, y, yMin, &c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
145 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, y, c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
146 } }
147 else {
148 for( i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++ ) {
149 for( i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++ ) {
150 y = yMin + ( f1->points[i1].x - f1->points[0].x ) + ( f2->points[i2].x - f2->points[0].x );
151 if( y <= yMin ) continue;
152 if( y >= yMax ) continue;
153 if( ( *status = ptwXY_convolution2( f1, f2, y, yMin, &c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
154 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, y, c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
155 }
156 }
157 }
158 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, yMax, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
159 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( convolute ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
160 for( i1 = convolute->length - 1; i1 > 0; i1-- ) {
161 if( ( *status = ptwXY_convolution3( convolute, f1, f2, convolute->points[i1 - 1].x, convolute->points[i1 - 1].y,
162 convolute->points[i1].x, convolute->points[i1].y, yMin ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
163 }
165 return( convolute );
168 ptwXY_free( convolute );
169 return( NULL );
@ nfu_unsupportedInterpolation
Definition: nf_utilities.h:28

◆ ptwXY_copy()

nfu_status ptwXY_copy ( ptwXYPoints dest,
ptwXYPoints src 

Definition at line 148 of file

148 {
150 int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( src );
151 ptwXYPoint *pointFrom, *pointTo;
152 ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(src->overflowHeader);
154 if( dest->status != nfu_Okay ) return( dest->status );
155 if( src->status != nfu_Okay ) return( src->status );
157 ptwXY_clear( dest );
159 if( dest->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString != NULL ) {
161 }
162 }
163 dest->interpolation = ptwXY_interpolationLinLin; /* This and prior lines are in case interpolation is 'other' and ptwXY_reallocatePoints fails. */
164 if( dest->allocatedSize < src->length ) ptwXY_reallocatePoints( dest, src->length, 0 );
165 if( dest->status != nfu_Okay ) return( dest->status );
166 dest->interpolation = src->interpolation;
170 return( dest->status = nfu_mallocError );
171 } }
172 else {
174 }
177 dest->userFlag = src->userFlag;
178 dest->biSectionMax = src->biSectionMax;
179 dest->accuracy = src->accuracy;
181 pointFrom = src->points;
182 o = src->;
183 pointTo = dest->points;
184 i = 0;
185 while( o != overflowHeader ) {
186 if( i < nonOverflowLength ) {
187 if( pointFrom->x < o->point.x ) {
188 *pointTo = *pointFrom;
189 i++;
190 pointFrom++; }
191 else {
192 *pointTo = o->point;
193 o = o->next;
194 } }
195 else {
196 *pointTo = o->point;
197 o = o->next;
198 }
199 pointTo++;
200 } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
201 for( ; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, pointFrom++, pointTo++ ) *pointTo = *pointFrom;
202 dest->length = src->length;
203 return( dest->status );
@ nfu_mallocError
Definition: nf_utilities.h:25
nfu_status ptwXY_clear(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double minFractional_dx
Definition: ptwXY.h:92

◆ ptwXY_copyToC_XY()

nfu_status ptwXY_copyToC_XY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index1,
int64_t  index2,
int64_t  allocatedSize,
int64_t *  numberOfPoints,
double *  xy 

Definition at line 424 of file

424 {
426 int64_t i;
427 double *d = xys;
428 nfu_status status;
429 ptwXYPoint *pointFrom;
431 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
432 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
434 if( index1 < 0 ) index1 = 0;
435 if( index2 > ptwXY->length ) index2 = ptwXY->length;
436 if( index2 < index1 ) index2 = index1;
437 *numberOfPoints = index2 - index1;
438 if( allocatedSize < ( index2 - index1 ) ) return( nfu_insufficientMemory );
440 for( i = index1, pointFrom = ptwXY->points; i < index2; i++, pointFrom++ ) {
441 *(d++) = pointFrom->x;
442 *(d++) = pointFrom->y;
443 }
445 return( nfu_Okay );
@ nfu_insufficientMemory
Definition: nf_utilities.h:25

◆ ptwXY_create()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_create ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int64_t  length,
double const *  xy,
nfu_status status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 108 of file

110 {
112 ptwXYPoints *ptwXY;
114 if( primarySize < length ) primarySize = length;
115 if( ( ptwXY = ptwXY_new( interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, primarySize,
116 secondarySize, status, userFlag ) ) != NULL ) {
117 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setXYData( ptwXY, length, xy ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
118 ptwXY = ptwXY_free( ptwXY );
119 }
120 }
121 return( ptwXY );
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *xy)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Referenced by MCGIDI_target_heated_read(), and ptwXY_fromString().

◆ ptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int64_t  length,
double const *  Xs,
double const *  Ys,
nfu_status status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 126 of file

128 {
130 int i;
131 ptwXYPoints *ptwXY;
133 if( primarySize < length ) primarySize = length;
134 if( ( ptwXY = ptwXY_new( interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, primarySize,
135 secondarySize, status, userFlag ) ) != NULL ) {
136 for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
137 ptwXY->points[i].x = Xs[i];
138 ptwXY->points[i].y = Ys[i];
139 }
140 ptwXY->length = length;
141 }
143 return( ptwXY );

◆ ptwXY_createFromFunction()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createFromFunction ( int  n,
double *  xs,
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback  func,
void *  argList,
double  accuracy,
int  checkForRoots,
int  biSectionMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 40 of file

41 {
43 int64_t i;
44 double x1, y1, x2, y2, eps = ClosestAllowXFactor * DBL_EPSILON;
45 ptwXYPoints *ptwXY;
46 ptwXYPoint *p1, *p2;
48 *status = nfu_Okay;
49 if( n < 2 ) { *status = nfu_tooFewPoints; return( NULL ); }
50 for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
51 if( xs[i-1] >= xs[i] ) *status = nfu_XNotAscending;
52 }
53 if( *status == nfu_XNotAscending ) return( NULL );
55 x1 = xs[0];
56 if( ( *status = func( x1, &y1, argList ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
57 if( ( ptwXY = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, biSectionMax, accuracy, 500, 50, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
58 for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
59 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose( ptwXY, x1, y1, eps, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
60 x2 = xs[i];
61 if( ( *status = func( x2, &y2, argList ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
62 if( ( *status = ptwXY_createFromFunctionBisect( ptwXY, x1, y1, x2, y2, func, argList, 0, checkForRoots, eps ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
63 x1 = x2;
64 y1 = y2;
65 }
66 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose( ptwXY, x2, y2, eps, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
68 if( checkForRoots ) {
69 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
70 for( i = ptwXY->length - 1, p2 = NULL; i >= 0; i--, p2 = p1 ) { /* Work backward so lower points are still valid if a new point is added. */
71 p1 = &(ptwXY->points[i]);
72 if( p2 != NULL ) {
73 if( ( p1->y * p2->y ) < 0. ) {
74 if( ( *status = ptwXY_createFromFunctionZeroCrossing( ptwXY, p1->x, p1->y, p2->x, p2->y, func, argList, eps ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
75 }
76 }
77 }
78 }
80 return( ptwXY );
83 ptwXY_free( ptwXY );
84 return( NULL );
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y, double eps, int override)
#define ClosestAllowXFactor
Definition: ptwXY.h:25
Definition: templates.hh:66

Referenced by nf_Legendre_to_ptwXY(), and ptwXY_createFromFunction2().

◆ ptwXY_createFromFunction2()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createFromFunction2 ( ptwXPoints xs,
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback  func,
void *  argList,
double  accuracy,
int  checkForRoots,
int  biSectionMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 89 of file

90 {
92 return( ptwXY_createFromFunction( (int) xs->length, xs->points, func, argList, accuracy, checkForRoots, biSectionMax, status ) );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createFromFunction(int n, double *xs, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double accuracy, int checkForRoots, int biSectionMax, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwX.h:26
double * points
Definition: ptwX.h:29

◆ ptwXY_createGaussian()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createGaussian ( double  accuracy,
double  xCenter,
double  sigma,
double  amplitude,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
double  dullEps,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 566 of file

567 {
569 int64_t i;
570 ptwXYPoints *gaussian, *sliced;
571 ptwXYPoint *point;
573 if( ( gaussian = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1( accuracy, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
574 for( i = 0, point = gaussian->points; i < gaussian->length; i++, point++ ) {
575 point->x = point->x * sigma + xCenter;
576 point->y *= amplitude;
577 }
578 if( ( gaussian->points[0].x < xMin ) || ( gaussian->points[gaussian->length - 1].x > xMax ) ) {
579 if( ( sliced = ptwXY_xSlice( gaussian, xMin, xMax, 10, 1, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
580 ptwXY_free( gaussian );
581 gaussian = sliced;
582 }
584 return( gaussian );
587 ptwXY_free( gaussian );
588 return( NULL );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xSlice(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1(double accuracy, nfu_status *status)

◆ ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1 ( double  accuracy,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 492 of file

492 {
494 int64_t i, n;
495 ptwXYPoint *pm, *pp;
496 double x1, y1, x2, y2, accuracy2, yMin = 1e-10;
497 ptwXYPoints *gaussian;
499 if( accuracy < 1e-5 ) accuracy = 1e-5;
500 if( accuracy > 1e-1 ) accuracy = 1e-1;
501 if( ( gaussian = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, 1., accuracy, 200, 100, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
502 accuracy2 = accuracy = gaussian->accuracy;
503 if( accuracy2 > 5e-3 ) accuracy2 = 5e-3;
505 x1 = -std::sqrt( -2. * G4Log( yMin ) );
506 y1 = yMin;
507 x2 = -5.2;
508 y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
509 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( gaussian, x1, y1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
510 gaussian->accuracy = 20 * accuracy2;
511 if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
512 x1 = x2;
513 y1 = y2;
514 x2 = -4.;
515 y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
516 gaussian->accuracy = 5 * accuracy2;
517 if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
518 x1 = x2;
519 y1 = y2;
520 x2 = -1;
521 y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
522 gaussian->accuracy = accuracy;
523 if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
524 x1 = x2;
525 y1 = y2;
526 x2 = 0;
527 y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
528 if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
530 n = gaussian->length;
531 if( ( *status = ptwXY_coalescePoints( gaussian, 2 * n + 1, NULL, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
532 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( gaussian, 0., 1. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
533 pp = &(gaussian->points[gaussian->length]);
534 for( i = 0, pm = pp - 2; i < n; i++, pp++, pm-- ) {
535 *pp = *pm;
536 pp->x *= -1;
537 }
538 gaussian->length = 2 * n + 1;
540 return( gaussian );
543 ptwXY_free( gaussian );
544 return( NULL );
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
Definition: G4Exp.hh:179
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
Definition: G4Log.hh:226
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)

Referenced by ptwXY_createGaussian().

◆ ptwXY_deletePoints()

nfu_status ptwXY_deletePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  i1,
int64_t  i2 

Definition at line 660 of file

660 {
662 int64_t n = ptwXY->length - ( i2 - i1 );
664 if( ( ptwXY->status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
665 if( ( i1 < 0 ) || ( i1 > i2 ) || ( i2 > ptwXY->length ) ) return( nfu_badIndex );
666 if( i1 != i2 ) {
667 for( ; i2 < ptwXY->length; i1++, i2++ ) ptwXY->points[i1] = ptwXY->points[i2];
668 ptwXY->length = n;
669 }
670 return( ptwXY->status );
@ nfu_badIndex
Definition: nf_utilities.h:26
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

◆ ptwXY_div_doubleFrom()

nfu_status ptwXY_div_doubleFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 44 of file

44 {
46 if( value == 0. ) {
47 ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero; }
48 else {
49 ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, 1. / value, 0. );
50 }
51 return( ptwXY->status );
@ nfu_divByZero
Definition: nf_utilities.h:27

◆ ptwXY_div_fromDouble()

nfu_status ptwXY_div_fromDouble ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 53 of file

53 {
55* This does not do any infilling and it should?????????
58 int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
59 ptwXYPoint *p;
60 ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
62 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
65 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) if( p->y == 0. ) ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero;
66 for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) if( o->point.y == 0. ) ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero;
67 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_divByZero ) {
68 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = value / p->y;
69 for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = value / o->point.y;
70 }
71 return( ptwXY->status );

◆ ptwXY_div_ptwXY()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_div_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status,
int  safeDivide 

Definition at line 288 of file

288 {
290 int isNAN1, isNAN2;
291 int64_t i, j, k, zeros = 0, length, iYs;
292 double x1, x2, y1, y2, u1, u2, v1, v2, y, xz, nan = nfu_getNAN( ), s1, s2;
293 ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
294 ptwXYPoint *p;
296 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
297 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
298 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
299 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
300 if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
302 return( ptwXY_div_ptwXY_forFlats( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status, safeDivide ) );
304 if( ( *status = ptwXY_areDomainsMutual( ptwXY1, ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
305 if( ( n = ptwXY_union( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status, ptwXY_union_fill | ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints ) ) != NULL ) {
306 for( i = 0, p = n->points; i < n->length; i++, p++ ) {
307 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, p->x, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
308 if( y == 0. ) {
309 if( p->y == 0. ) {
310 iYs = 0;
311 y1 = 0.;
312 y2 = 0.;
313 if( i > 0 ) {
314 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY1, p->x, '-', &s1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
315 if( *status != nfu_XOutsideDomain ) goto Err;
316 s1 = 0.;
317 }
318 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY2, p->x, '-', &s2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
319 if( s2 == 0. ) {
320 y1 = nan; }
321 else {
322 y1 = s1 / s2;
323 }
324 iYs++;
325 }
326 if( i < ( n->length - 1 ) ) {
327 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY1, p->x, '+', &s1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
328 if( *status != nfu_XOutsideDomain ) goto Err;
329 s1 = 0.;
330 }
331 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY2, p->x, '+', &s2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
332 if( s2 == 0. ) {
333 y2 = nan; }
334 else {
335 y2 = s1 / s2;
336 }
337 iYs++;
338 }
339 p->y = ( y1 + y2 ) / iYs;
340 if( nfu_isNAN( p->y ) ) zeros++; }
341 else {
342 if( !safeDivide ) {
343 *status = nfu_divByZero;
344 goto Err;
345 }
346 zeros++;
347 p->y = nan;
348 } }
349 else {
350 p->y /= y;
351 }
352 }
353 length = n->length - 1;
354 if( length > 0 ) {
355 x2 = n->points[length].x;
356 for( i = length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Find and add y zeros and NAN not currently in n's. */
357 x1 = n->points[i].x;
358 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x1, &u1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
359 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x2, &u2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
360 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY2, x1, &v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
361 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY2, x2, &v2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
362 if( u1 * u2 < 0 ) {
363 xz = ( u1 * x2 - u2 * x1 ) / ( u1 - u2 );
364 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
365 }
366 if( v1 * v2 < 0 ) {
367 if( !safeDivide ) {
368 *status = nfu_divByZero;
369 goto Err;
370 }
371 zeros++;
372 xz = ( v1 * x2 - v2 * x1 ) / ( v1 - v2 );
373 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz, nan ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
374 }
375 x2 = x1;
376 }
377 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
378 length = n->length;
379 x2 = n->points[n->length-1].x;
380 y2 = n->points[n->length-1].y;
381 isNAN2 = nfu_isNAN( y2 );
382 for( i = n->length - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Make interpolation fit accuracy. Work backwards so new points will not mess up loop. */
383 x1 = n->points[i].x;
384 y1 = n->points[i].y;
385 isNAN1 = nfu_isNAN( y1 );
386 if( !isNAN1 || !isNAN2 ) {
387 if( ( *status = ptwXY_div_s_ptwXY( n, ptwXY1, ptwXY2, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, isNAN1, isNAN2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
388 }
389 x2 = x1;
390 y2 = y1;
391 isNAN2 = isNAN1;
392 }
393 ptwXY_update_biSectionMax( n, (double) length );
394 if( zeros ) {
395 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
396 for( i = 0; i < n->length; i++ ) if( !nfu_isNAN( n->points[i].y ) ) break;
397 if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[0].y ) ) { /* Special case for first point. */
398 if( i == n->length ) { /* They are all nan's, what now? */
399 zeros = 0;
400 for( i = 0; i < n->length; i++ ) n->points[i].y = 0.; }
401 else {
402 n->points[0].y = 2. * n->points[i].y;
403 zeros--;
404 }
405 }
406 for( i = n->length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) if( !nfu_isNAN( n->points[i].y ) ) break;
407 if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[n->length - 1].y ) ) { /* Special case for last point. */
408 n->points[n->length - 1].y = 2. * n->points[i].y;
409 zeros--;
410 }
411 if( zeros ) {
412 for( i = 0; i < n->length; i++ ) if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[i].y ) ) break;
413 for( k = i + 1, j = i; k < n->length; k++ ) {
414 if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[k].y ) ) continue;
415 n->points[j] = n->points[k];
416 j++;
417 }
418 n->length = j;
419 }
420 }
421 }
422 }
423 return( n );
426 if( n ) ptwXY_free( n );
427 return( NULL );
int nfu_isNAN(double d)
@ nfu_XOutsideDomain
Definition: nf_utilities.h:26
double nfu_getNAN(void)
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double oldLength)
nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, const char side, double *slope)

◆ ptwXY_dullEdges()

nfu_status ptwXY_dullEdges ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  lowerEps,
double  upperEps,
int  positiveXOnly 

Definition at line 42 of file

42 {
44#define minEps 5e-16
46 nfu_status status;
47 double xm, xp, dx, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, sign;
48 ptwXYPoint *p;
50/* This routine can only be used for linear interpolation for the y-axes since for log interpolation, y cannot be 0.
51This needs to be fixed and documented. */
52 if( ( status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
56 if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( nfu_Okay );
58 if( lowerEps != 0. ) {
59 if( std::fabs( lowerEps ) < minEps ) {
60 sign = 1;
61 if( lowerEps < 0. ) sign = -1;
62 lowerEps = sign * minEps;
63 }
65 p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, 0 );
66 x1 = p->x;
67 y1 = p->y;
68 p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, 1 );
69 x2 = p->x;
70 y2 = p->y;
72 if( y1 != 0. ) {
73 dx = std::fabs( x1 * lowerEps );
74 if( x1 == 0 ) dx = std::fabs( lowerEps );
75 xm = x1 - dx;
76 xp = x1 + dx;
77 if( ( xp + dx ) < x2 ) {
78 if( ( status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY, xp, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
79 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xp, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
80 else {
81 xp = x2;
82 y = y2;
83 }
84 if( lowerEps > 0 ) {
85 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x1, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
86 else {
87 if( ( xm < 0. ) && ( x1 >= 0. ) && positiveXOnly ) {
88 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x1, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
89 else {
90 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xm, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
91 if( ( status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, x1, &y, xm, 0., xp, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
92 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x1, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
93 }
94 }
95 }
96 }
98 if( upperEps != 0. ) {
99 if( std::fabs( upperEps ) < minEps ) {
100 sign = 1;
101 if( upperEps < 0. ) sign = -1;
102 upperEps = sign * minEps;
103 }
105 p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, ptwXY->length - 2 );
106 x1 = p->x;
107 y1 = p->y;
108 p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, ptwXY->length - 1 );
109 x2 = p->x;
110 y2 = p->y;
112 if( y2 != 0. ) {
113 dx = std::fabs( x2 * upperEps );
114 if( x2 == 0 ) dx = std::fabs( upperEps );
115 xm = x2 - dx;
116 xp = x2 + dx;
117 if( ( xm - dx ) > x1 ) {
118 if( ( status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY, xm, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
119 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xm, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
120 else {
121 xm = x1;
122 y = y1;
123 }
124 if( upperEps < 0 ) {
125 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x2, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
126 else {
127 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xp, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
128 if( ( status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, x2, &y, xm, y, xp, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
129 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x2, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
130 }
131 }
132 }
134 return( ptwXY->status );
136#undef minEps
G4int sign(const T t)
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
#define minEps

Referenced by MCGIDI_reaction_fixDomains(), and ptwXY_mutualifyDomains().

◆ ptwXY_exp()

nfu_status ptwXY_exp ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  a 

Definition at line 43 of file

43 {
45 int64_t i, length;
46 nfu_status status;
47 double x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
49 length = ptwXY->length;
50 if( length < 1 ) return( ptwXY->status );
54 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
55 x2 = ptwXY->points[length-1].x;
56 y2 = a * ptwXY->points[length-1].y;
57 z2 = ptwXY->points[length-1].y = G4Exp( y2 );
58 for( i = length - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
59 x1 = ptwXY->points[i].x;
60 y1 = a * ptwXY->points[i].y;
61 z1 = ptwXY->points[i].y = G4Exp( y1 );
62 if( ( status = ptwXY_exp_s( ptwXY, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
63 x2 = x1;
64 y2 = y1;
65 }
66 return( status );

◆ ptwXY_f_integrate()

nfu_status ptwXY_f_integrate ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2,
double *  value 

Definition at line 34 of file

34 {
36 nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
37 double r;
39 *value = 0.;
40 switch( interpolation ) {
41 case ptwXY_interpolationLinLin : /* x linear, y linear */
42 *value = 0.5 * ( y1 + y2 ) * ( x2 - x1 );
43 break;
44 case ptwXY_interpolationLinLog : /* x linear, y log */
45 if( ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) {
46 status = nfu_badIntegrationInput; }
47 else {
48 r = y2 / y1;
49 if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
50 r = r - 1.;
51 *value = y1 * ( x2 - x1 ) / ( 1. + r * ( -0.5 + r * ( 1. / 3. + r * ( -0.25 + .2 * r ) ) ) ); }
52 else {
53 *value = ( y2 - y1 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) / G4Log( r );
54 }
55 }
56 break;
57 case ptwXY_interpolationLogLin : /* x log, y linear */
58 if( ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) ) {
59 status = nfu_badIntegrationInput; }
60 else {
61 r = x2 / x1;
62 if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
63 r = r - 1.;
64 r = r * ( -0.5 + r * ( 1. / 3. + r * ( -0.25 + .2 * r ) ) );
65 *value = x1 * ( y2 - y1 ) * r / ( 1. + r ) + y2 * ( x2 - x1 ); }
66 else {
67 *value = ( y1 - y2 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) / G4Log( r ) + x2 * y2 - x1 * y1;
68 }
69 }
70 break;
71 case ptwXY_interpolationLogLog : /* x log, y log */
72 if( ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) || ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) {
73 status = nfu_badIntegrationInput; }
74 else {
75 int i, n;
76 double a, z, lx, ly, s, f;
78 r = y2 / y1;
79 if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
80 ly = ( y2 - y1 ) / y1;
81 ly = ly * ( 1. + ly * ( -0.5 + ly * ( 1. / 3. - 0.25 * ly ) ) ); }
82 else {
83 ly = G4Log( r );
84 }
85 r = x2 / x1;
86 if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
87 lx = ( x2 - x1 ) / x1;
88 lx = lx * ( 1 + lx * ( -0.5 + lx * ( 1. / 3. - 0.25 * lx ) ) ); }
89 else {
90 lx = G4Log( r );
91 }
92 a = ly / lx;
93 if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-3 ) {
94 z = ( x2 - x1 ) / x1;
95 n = (int) a;
96 if( n > 10 ) n = 12;
97 if( n < 4 ) n = 6;
98 a = a - n + 1;
99 f = n + 1.;
100 for( i = 0, s = 0.; i < n; i++, a++, f-- ) s = ( 1. + s ) * a * z / f;
101 *value = y1 * ( x2 - x1 ) * ( 1. + s ); }
102 else {
103 *value = y1 * x1 * ( G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA( r, a + 1. ) - 1. ) / ( a + 1. );
104 }
105 }
106 break;
107 case ptwXY_interpolationFlat : /* x ?, y flat */
108 *value = y1 * ( x2 - x1 );
109 break;
111 status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
112 }
113 return( status );
static G4Pow * GetInstance()
G4double powA(G4double A, G4double y) const
Definition: G4Pow.hh:230
@ nfu_badIntegrationInput
Definition: nf_utilities.h:29

Referenced by ptwXY_integrate(), and ptwXY_runningIntegral().

◆ ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  lowerEps,
double  upperEps,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 74 of file

74 {
76 int64_t i, length;
77 double x;
79 ptwXYPoint *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *p3;
81#define minEps 5e-16
83 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
85 if( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) return( NULL );
86 *status = nfu_badInput;
87 if( ( lowerEps < 0 ) || ( upperEps < 0 ) || ( ( lowerEps == 0 ) && ( upperEps == 0 ) ) ) return( NULL );
88 if( ( lowerEps != 0 ) && ( lowerEps < minEps ) ) lowerEps = minEps;
89 if( ( upperEps != 0 ) && ( upperEps < minEps ) ) upperEps = minEps;
91 length = ptwXY->length * ( 1 + ( lowerEps == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) + ( lowerEps == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) );
92 if( ( n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, ptwXY->biSectionMax, ptwXY->accuracy, length, ptwXY->overflowLength, status, ptwXY->userFlag ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
94 p3 = ptwXY->points;
95 if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p3->x, p3->y );
96 for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++, p3++ ) {
97 if( i > 1 ) {
98 if( lowerEps > 0 ) {
99 x = ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear_eps( p2->x, -lowerEps );
100 if( x > p1->x ) {
101 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, p1->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
102 }
103 }
104 if( lowerEps == 0 ) if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p2->x, p1->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
105 if( upperEps == 0 ) if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p2->x, p2->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
106 if( upperEps > 0 ) {
107 x = ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear_eps( p2->x, upperEps );
108 if( x < p3->x ) {
109 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, p2->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
110 }
111 }
112 }
113 p1 = p2;
114 p2 = p3;
115 }
116 if( ptwXY->length > 1 ) {
117 if( ( lowerEps != 0 ) && ( p1->y != p2->y ) ) {
118 x = ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear_eps( p2->x, -lowerEps );
119 if( x > p1->x ) {
120 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, p1->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
121 }
122 }
123 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p2->x, p2->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
124 }
126 return( n );
129 ptwXY_free( n );
130 return( NULL );
132#undef minEps
@ nfu_badInput
Definition: nf_utilities.h:29
#define minEps

◆ ptwXY_free()

◆ ptwXY_fromString()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_fromString ( char const *  str,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
char **  endCharacter,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 236 of file

237 {
239 int64_t numberConverted;
240 double *doublePtr;
241 ptwXYPoints *ptwXY = NULL;
243 if( ( *status = nfu_stringToListOfDoubles( str, &numberConverted, &doublePtr, endCharacter ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
244 *status = nfu_oddNumberOfValues;
245 if( ( numberConverted % 2 ) == 0 )
246 ptwXY = ptwXY_create( interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, numberConverted, 10, numberConverted / 2, doublePtr, status, 0 );
247 nfu_free( doublePtr );
248 return( ptwXY );
@ nfu_oddNumberOfValues
Definition: nf_utilities.h:30
nfu_status nfu_stringToListOfDoubles(char const *str, int64_t *numberConverted, double **doublePtr, char **endCharacter)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_create(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *xy, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)

◆ ptwXY_fromUnitbase()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_fromUnitbase ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 331 of file

331 {
333 int64_t i, length;
334 ptwXYPoints *n;
335 ptwXYPoint *p, *p2;
336 double dx, inverseDx, xLast = 0.;
338 *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
339 if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( NULL );
340 if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
342 dx = xMax - xMin;
343 inverseDx = 1. / dx;
344 length = n->length;
345 for( i = 0, p2 = p = n->points; i < length; ++i, ++p ) {
346 p2->x = p->x * dx + xMin;
347 if( i > 0 ) {
348 if( std::fabs( p2->x - xLast ) <= 10. * DBL_EPSILON * ( std::fabs( p2->x ) + std::fabs( xLast ) ) ) {
349 --(n->length);
350 continue;
351 }
352 }
353 p2->y = p->y * inverseDx;
354 xLast = p2->x;
355 ++p2;
356 }
357 n->points[n->length-1].x = xMax; /* Make sure last point is realy xMax. */
358 return( n );

Referenced by ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate().

◆ ptwXY_getAccuracy()

double ptwXY_getAccuracy ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 372 of file

372 {
374 return( ptwXY->accuracy );

◆ ptwXY_getBiSectionMax()

double ptwXY_getBiSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 390 of file

390 {
392 return( ptwXY->biSectionMax );

◆ ptwXY_getInterpolation()

ptwXY_interpolation ptwXY_getInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 337 of file

337 {
339 return( ptwXY->interpolation );

◆ ptwXY_getInterpolationString()

char const * ptwXY_getInterpolationString ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 344 of file

344 {

◆ ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength()

◆ ptwXY_getPointAtIndex()

ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index 

Definition at line 675 of file

675 {
677 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
678 if( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= ptwXY->length ) ) return( NULL );
679 return( ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, index ) );
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)

Referenced by ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex(), ptwXY_showInteralStructure(), and ptwXY_simpleWrite().

◆ ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely()

ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index 

Definition at line 684 of file

684 {
686 int64_t i;
687 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint;
689 for( overflowPoint = ptwXY->, i = 0; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next, i++ ) {
690 if( overflowPoint->index == index ) return( &(overflowPoint->point) );
691 if( overflowPoint->index > index ) break;
692 }
693 return( &(ptwXY->points[index - i]) );

Referenced by MCGIDI_angular_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_fromTOM_pdfOfX(), ptwXY_areDomainsMutual(), ptwXY_clip(), ptwXY_dullEdges(), ptwXY_getPointAtIndex(), ptwXY_getSlopeAtX(), ptwXY_mutualifyDomains(), and ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify().

◆ ptwXY_getPointsAroundX()

ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint,
ptwXYOverflowPoint greaterThanXPoint 

Definition at line 710 of file

710 {
712 int closeIsEqual;
713 ptwXYPoint *closePoint;
715 return( ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual( ptwXY, x, lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint, 0, &closeIsEqual, &closePoint ) );
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint, double eps, int *closeIsEqual, ptwXYPoint **closePoint)

Referenced by ptwXY_getSlopeAtX(), and ptwXY_getValueAtX().

◆ ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual()

ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint,
ptwXYOverflowPoint greaterThanXPoint,
double  eps,
int *  closeIsEqual,
ptwXYPoint **  closePoint 

Definition at line 720 of file

721 {
723 int64_t overflowIndex, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
724 int64_t indexMin, indexMid, indexMax;
725 ptwXY_dataFrom xMinFrom, xMaxFrom;
726 double xMin = ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom( ptwXY, &xMinFrom ), xMax = ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom( ptwXY, &xMaxFrom );
727 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
729 ptwXYPoint *lowerPoint = NULL, *upperPoint = NULL;
731 ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint( lessThanEqualXPoint, overflowHeader, NULL );
732 ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint( greaterThanXPoint, overflowHeader, NULL );
733 if( ptwXY->length != 0 ) {
734 if( x < xMin ) {
736 if( xMinFrom == ptwXY_dataFrom_Points ) {
737 greaterThanXPoint->prior = overflowHeader;
738 greaterThanXPoint->index = 0;
739 greaterThanXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[0];
740 *closePoint = &(ptwXY->points[0]); }
741 else {
742 *greaterThanXPoint = *(overflowHeader->next);
743 *closePoint = &(overflowHeader->next->point);
744 } }
745 else if( x > xMax ) {
747 if( xMaxFrom == ptwXY_dataFrom_Points ) {
748 lessThanEqualXPoint->prior = overflowHeader->prior;
749 lessThanEqualXPoint->index = nonOverflowLength - 1;
750 lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[lessThanEqualXPoint->index];
751 *closePoint = &(ptwXY->points[lessThanEqualXPoint->index]); }
752 else {
753 *lessThanEqualXPoint = *(overflowHeader->prior);
754 *closePoint = &(overflowHeader->prior->point);
755 } }
756 else { /* xMin <= x <= xMax */
757 status = ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_between; /* Default for this condition, can only be between or equal. */
758 for( overflowPoint = overflowHeader->next, overflowIndex = 0; overflowPoint != overflowHeader;
759 overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next, overflowIndex++ ) if( overflowPoint->point.x > x ) break;
760 overflowPoint = overflowPoint->prior;
761 if( ( overflowPoint != overflowHeader ) && ( overflowPoint->point.x == x ) ) {
763 *lessThanEqualXPoint = *overflowPoint; }
764 else if( ptwXY->length == 1 ) { /* If here and length = 1, then ptwXY->points[0].x == x. */
766 lessThanEqualXPoint->index = 0;
767 lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[0]; }
768 else { /* ptwXY->length > 1 */
769 indexMin = 0;
770 indexMax = nonOverflowLength - 1;
771 indexMid = ( indexMin + indexMax ) >> 1;
772 while( ( indexMin != indexMid ) && ( indexMid != indexMax ) ) {
773 if( ptwXY->points[indexMid].x > x ) {
774 indexMax = indexMid; }
775 else {
776 indexMin = indexMid;
777 }
778 indexMid = ( indexMin + indexMax ) >> 1;
779 } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
780 if( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x == x ) {
782 lessThanEqualXPoint->index = indexMin;
783 lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMin]; }
784 else if( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x == x ) {
786 lessThanEqualXPoint->index = indexMax;
787 lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMax]; }
788 else {
789 if( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x > x ) indexMax = 0;
790 if( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x < x ) indexMin = indexMax;
791 if( ( overflowPoint == overflowHeader ) || /* x < xMin of overflow points. */
792 ( ( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x > overflowPoint->point.x ) && ( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x < x ) ) ) {
793 if( overflowPoint != overflowHeader ) lessThanEqualXPoint->prior = overflowPoint;
794 lowerPoint = &(ptwXY->points[indexMin]);
795 lessThanEqualXPoint->index = indexMin;
796 lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMin]; }
797 else {
798 lowerPoint = &(overflowPoint->point);
799 *lessThanEqualXPoint = *overflowPoint;
800 }
801 if( ( overflowPoint->next == overflowHeader ) || /* x > xMax of overflow points. */
802 ( ( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x < overflowPoint->next->point.x ) && ( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x > x ) ) ) {
803 upperPoint = &(ptwXY->points[indexMax]);
804 greaterThanXPoint->index = indexMax;
805 greaterThanXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMax]; }
806 else {
807 upperPoint = &(overflowPoint->next->point);
808 *greaterThanXPoint = *(overflowPoint->next);
809 }
810 }
811 }
812 }
813 }
815 *closeIsEqual = 0;
816 if( eps > 0 ) {
817 double absX = std::fabs( x );
819 if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_lessThan ) {
820 if( absX < std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x );
821 if( ( greaterThanXPoint->point.x - x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = 1; }
822 else if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_greater ) {
823 if( absX < std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x );
824 if( ( x - lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = -1; }
825 else if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_between ) {
826 if( ( x - lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) < ( greaterThanXPoint->point.x - x ) ) { /* x is closer to lower point. */
827 *closePoint = lowerPoint;
828 if( absX < std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x );
829 if( ( x - lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = -1; }
830 else { /* x is closer to upper point. */
831 *closePoint = upperPoint;
832 if( absX < std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x );
833 if( ( greaterThanXPoint->point.x - x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = 1;
834 } }
835 else if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_equal ) {
836 *closeIsEqual = 1;
837 }
838 }
839 return( status );
double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)

Referenced by ptwXY_getPointsAroundX(), and ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose().

◆ ptwXY_getSlopeAtX()

nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
const char  side,
double *  slope 

Definition at line 1139 of file

1139 {
1141 nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
1142 ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint;
1143 ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX legx = ptwXY_getPointsAroundX( ptwXY, x, &lessThanEqualXPoint, &greaterThanXPoint );
1144 ptwXYPoint *point;
1146 *slope = 0.;
1147 if( ( side != '-' ) && ( side != '+' ) ) return( nfu_badInput );
1149 switch( legx ) {
1153 status = nfu_XOutsideDomain;
1154 break;
1156 *slope = ( greaterThanXPoint.point.y - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y ) /
1157 ( greaterThanXPoint.point.x - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x );
1158 break;
1160 if( side == '-' ) {
1161 if( lessThanEqualXPoint.index == 0 ) {
1162 status = nfu_XOutsideDomain; }
1163 else {
1164 point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, lessThanEqualXPoint.index - 1 );
1165 *slope = ( lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y - point->y ) / ( lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x - point->x );
1166 } }
1167 else {
1168 if( lessThanEqualXPoint.index == ( ptwXY->length - 1 ) ) {
1169 status = nfu_XOutsideDomain; }
1170 else {
1171 point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, lessThanEqualXPoint.index + 1 );
1172 *slope = ( point->y - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y ) / ( point->x - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x );
1173 }
1174 }
1175 }
1177 return( status );
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint)

Referenced by ptwXY_div_ptwXY().

◆ ptwXY_getStatus()

nfu_status ptwXY_getStatus ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 351 of file

351 {
353 return( ptwXY->status );

Referenced by nf_Legendre_from_ptwXY().

◆ ptwXY_getUserFlag()

int ptwXY_getUserFlag ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 358 of file

358 {
360 return( ptwXY->userFlag );

◆ ptwXY_getValueAtX()

nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 844 of file

844 {
847 ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint;
848 ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX legx = ptwXY_getPointsAroundX( ptwXY, x, &lessThanEqualXPoint, &greaterThanXPoint );
850 *y = 0.;
851 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
852 switch( legx ) {
856 break;
858 status = nfu_Okay;
859 *y = lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y;
860 break;
862 if( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc != NULL ) {
864 lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x, lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y, greaterThanXPoint.point.x, greaterThanXPoint.point.y ); }
865 else {
866 status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, x, y, lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x, lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y,
867 greaterThanXPoint.point.x, greaterThanXPoint.point.y );
868 }
869 break;
870 }
871 return( status );

Referenced by MCGIDI_reaction_getCrossSectionAtE(), MCGIDI_sampling_ptwXY_getValueAtX(), MCGIDI_target_heated_getTotalCrossSectionAtE(), ptwXY_div_ptwXY(), ptwXY_dullEdges(), ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

◆ ptwXY_getXArray()

ptwXPoints * ptwXY_getXArray ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 24 of file

24 {
26 int64_t i, n;
27 ptwXPoints *xArray;
29 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
30 n = ptwXY->length;
32 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
33 if( ( xArray = ptwX_new( n, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
34 for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) xArray->points[i] = ptwXY->points[i].x;
35 xArray->length = n;
37 return( xArray );
ptwXPoints * ptwX_new(int64_t size, nfu_status *status)

◆ ptwXY_getXMax()

◆ ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom()

double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom 

Definition at line 1215 of file

1215 {
1217 int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1218 double xMax = nfu_getNAN( );
1220 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Unknown;
1221 if( ptwXY->overflowLength > 0 ) {
1222 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Overflow;
1223 xMax = ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior->point.x;
1224 if( ( nonOverflowLength > 0 ) ) {
1225 if( xMax < ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength-1].x ) {
1226 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1227 xMax = ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength-1].x;
1228 }
1229 } }
1230 else if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) {
1231 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1232 xMax = ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength-1].x;
1233 }
1234 return( xMax );

Referenced by ptwXY_appendXY(), ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(), and ptwXY_getXMax().

◆ ptwXY_getXMin()

◆ ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom()

double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom 

Definition at line 1182 of file

1182 {
1184 int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1185 double xMin = nfu_getNAN( );
1187 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Unknown;
1188 if( ptwXY->overflowLength > 0 ) {
1189 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Overflow;
1190 xMin = ptwXY->>point.x;
1191 if( nonOverflowLength >= 0 ) {
1192 if( xMin > ptwXY->points[0].x ) {
1193 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1194 xMin = ptwXY->points[0].x;
1195 }
1196 } }
1197 else if( nonOverflowLength > 0 ) {
1198 *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1199 xMin = ptwXY->points[0].x;
1200 }
1201 return( xMin );

Referenced by ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(), and ptwXY_getXMin().

◆ ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex()

nfu_status ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index,
double *  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 698 of file

698 {
700 ptwXYPoint *p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex( ptwXY, index );
702 if( p == NULL ) return( nfu_badIndex );
703 *x = p->x;
704 *y = p->y;
705 return( nfu_Okay );
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)

Referenced by nf_Legendre_from_ptwXY().

◆ ptwXY_getYMax()

double ptwXY_getYMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 1269 of file

1269 {
1271 int64_t i, n = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1272 ptwXYPoint *p = ptwXY->points;
1273 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint = ptwXY->;
1274 double yMax;
1276 if( ptwXY->length == 0 ) return( 0. );
1277 if( n > 0 ) {
1278 yMax = p->y;
1279 for( i = 1, p++; i < n; i++, p++ ) yMax = ( ( yMax > p->y ) ? yMax : p->y ); }
1280 else {
1281 yMax = overflowPoint->point.y;
1282 }
1283 for( ; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next )
1284 yMax = ( ( yMax > overflowPoint->point.y ) ? yMax : overflowPoint->point.y );
1285 return( yMax );

Referenced by MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), and ptwXY_clip().

◆ ptwXY_getYMin()

double ptwXY_getYMin ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 1248 of file

1248 {
1250 int64_t i, n = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1251 ptwXYPoint *p = ptwXY->points;
1252 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint = ptwXY->;
1253 double yMin;
1255 if( ptwXY->length == 0 ) return( 0. );
1256 if( n > 0 ) {
1257 yMin = p->y;
1258 for( i = 1, p++; i < n; i++, p++ ) yMin = ( ( yMin < p->y ) ? yMin : p->y ); }
1259 else {
1260 yMin = overflowPoint->point.y;
1261 }
1262 for( ; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next )
1263 yMin = ( ( yMin < overflowPoint->point.y ) ? yMin : overflowPoint->point.y );
1264 return( yMin );

Referenced by MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), and ptwXY_clip().

◆ ptwXY_groupOneFunction()

ptwXPoints * ptwXY_groupOneFunction ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXPoints groupBoundaries,
ptwXY_group_normType  normType,
ptwXPoints ptwX_norm,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 363 of file

363 {
365 int64_t i, igs, ngs;
366 double x1, y1, x2, y2, y2p, xg1, xg2, sum;
367 ptwXYPoints *f;
368 ptwXPoints *groupedData = NULL;
370 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
371 if( ( *status = groupBoundaries->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
372 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
373 if( ptwXY->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
375 ngs = ptwX_length( groupBoundaries ) - 1;
376 if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
377 if( ptwX_norm == NULL ) {
378 *status = nfu_badNorm;
379 return( NULL );
380 }
381 *status = ptwX_norm->status;
382 if( ptwX_norm->status != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
383 if( ptwX_length( ptwX_norm ) != ngs ) {
384 *status = nfu_badNorm;
385 return( NULL );
386 }
387 }
389 if( ( f = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
390 if( f->length == 0 ) return( ptwX_createLine( ngs, ngs, 0, 0, status ) );
392 if( ( groupedData = ptwX_new( ngs, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
393 xg1 = groupBoundaries->points[0];
394 x1 = f->points[0].x;
395 y1 = f->points[0].y;
396 for( igs = 0, i = 1; igs < ngs; igs++ ) {
397 xg2 = groupBoundaries->points[igs+1];
398 sum = 0;
399 if( xg2 > x1 ) {
400 for( ; i < f->length; i++, x1 = x2, y1 = y2 ) {
401 x2 = f->points[i].x;
402 if( x2 > xg2 ) break;
403 y2p = y2 = f->points[i].y;
404 if( f->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) y2p = y1;
405 sum += ( y1 + y2p ) * ( x2 - x1 );
406 }
407 }
408 if( sum != 0. ) {
409 if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_dx ) {
410 sum /= ( xg2 - xg1 ); }
411 else if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
412 if( ptwX_norm->points[igs] == 0. ) {
413 *status = nfu_divByZero;
414 goto err;
415 }
416 sum /= ptwX_norm->points[igs];
417 }
418 }
419 groupedData->points[igs] = 0.5 * sum;
420 groupedData->length++;
421 xg1 = xg2;
422 }
424 ptwXY_free( f );
425 return( groupedData );
428 ptwXY_free( f );
429 if( groupedData != NULL ) ptwX_free( groupedData );
430 return( NULL );
@ nfu_badNorm
Definition: nf_utilities.h:29
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *ptwX, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPoints * ptwX_createLine(int64_t size, int64_t length, double slope, double offset, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPoints * ptwX_free(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
int64_t ptwX_length(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwX.h:25

◆ ptwXY_groupThreeFunctions()

ptwXPoints * ptwXY_groupThreeFunctions ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY3,
ptwXPoints groupBoundaries,
ptwXY_group_normType  normType,
ptwXPoints ptwX_norm,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 528 of file

529 {
531 int64_t i, igs, ngs;
532 double x1, fy1, gy1, hy1, x2, fy2, gy2, hy2, fy2p, gy2p, hy2p, xg1, xg2, sum;
533 ptwXYPoints *f = NULL, *ff, *fff = NULL, *g = NULL, *gg = NULL, *h = NULL, *hh = NULL;
534 ptwXPoints *groupedData = NULL;
536 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
537 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
538 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY3 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
539 if( ( *status = groupBoundaries->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
540 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
541 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
542 if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
543 if( ptwXY3->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
545 ngs = ptwX_length( groupBoundaries ) - 1;
546 if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
547 if( ptwX_norm == NULL ) {
548 *status = nfu_badNorm;
549 return( NULL );
550 }
551 if( ( *status = ptwX_norm->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
552 if( ptwX_length( ptwX_norm ) != ngs ) {
553 *status = nfu_badNorm;
554 return( NULL );
555 }
556 }
558 if( ( ff = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY1, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
559 if( ( gg = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY2, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
560 if( ( hh = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY3, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
561 if( ( ff->length == 0 ) || ( gg->length == 0 ) || ( hh->length == 0 ) ) return( ptwX_createLine( ngs, ngs, 0, 0, status ) );
563 if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( ff, gg, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
564 if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( ff, hh, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
565 if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( gg, hh, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
566 if( ( fff = ptwXY_union( ff, gg, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
567 if( ( h = ptwXY_union( hh, fff, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
568 if( ( f = ptwXY_union( fff, h, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
569 if( ( g = ptwXY_union( gg, h, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
571 if( ( groupedData = ptwX_new( ngs, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
572 xg1 = groupBoundaries->points[0];
573 x1 = f->points[0].x;
574 fy1 = f->points[0].y;
575 gy1 = g->points[0].y;
576 hy1 = h->points[0].y;
577 for( igs = 0, i = 1; igs < ngs; igs++ ) {
578 xg2 = groupBoundaries->points[igs+1];
579 sum = 0;
580 if( xg2 > x1 ) {
581 for( ; i < f->length; i++, x1 = x2, fy1 = fy2, gy1 = gy2, hy1 = hy2 ) {
582 x2 = f->points[i].x;
583 if( x2 > xg2 ) break;
584 fy2p = fy2 = f->points[i].y;
585 if( f->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) fy2p = fy1;
586 gy2p = gy2 = g->points[i].y;
587 if( g->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) gy2p = gy1;
588 hy2p = hy2 = h->points[i].y;
589 if( h->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) hy2p = hy1;
590 sum += ( ( fy1 + fy2p ) * ( gy1 + gy2p ) * ( hy1 + hy2p ) + 2 * fy1 * gy1 * hy1 + 2 * fy2p * gy2p * hy2p ) * ( x2 - x1 );
591 }
592 }
593 if( sum != 0. ) {
594 if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_dx ) {
595 sum /= ( xg2 - xg1 ); }
596 else if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
597 if( ptwX_norm->points[igs] == 0. ) {
598 *status = nfu_divByZero;
599 goto err;
600 }
601 sum /= ptwX_norm->points[igs];
602 }
603 }
604 groupedData->points[igs] = sum / 12.;
605 groupedData->length++;
606 xg1 = xg2;
607 }
609 ptwXY_free( f );
610 ptwXY_free( g );
611 ptwXY_free( h );
612 ptwXY_free( ff );
613 ptwXY_free( gg );
614 ptwXY_free( hh );
615 ptwXY_free( fff );
616 return( groupedData );
619 ptwXY_free( ff );
620 if( fff != NULL ) ptwXY_free( fff );
621 if( gg != NULL ) ptwXY_free( gg );
622 if( hh != NULL ) ptwXY_free( hh );
623 if( f != NULL ) ptwXY_free( f );
624 if( g != NULL ) ptwXY_free( g );
625 if( h != NULL ) ptwXY_free( h );
626 if( groupedData != NULL ) ptwX_free( groupedData );
627 return( NULL );
nfu_status ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, int epsilonFactor, double epsilon)

◆ ptwXY_groupTwoFunctions()

ptwXPoints * ptwXY_groupTwoFunctions ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
ptwXPoints groupBoundaries,
ptwXY_group_normType  normType,
ptwXPoints ptwX_norm,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 435 of file

436 {
438 int64_t i, igs, ngs;
439 double x1, fy1, gy1, x2, fy2, gy2, fy2p, gy2p, xg1, xg2, sum;
440 ptwXYPoints *f = NULL, *ff, *g = NULL, *gg = NULL;
441 ptwXPoints *groupedData = NULL;
443 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
444 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
445 if( ( *status = groupBoundaries->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
446 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
447 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
448 if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
450 ngs = ptwX_length( groupBoundaries ) - 1;
451 if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
452 if( ptwX_norm == NULL ) {
453 *status = nfu_badNorm;
454 return( NULL );
455 }
456 if( ( *status = ptwX_norm->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
457 if( ptwX_length( ptwX_norm ) != ngs ) {
458 *status = nfu_badNorm;
459 return( NULL );
460 }
461 }
463 if( ( ff = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY1, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
464 if( ( gg = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY2, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
465 if( ( ff->length == 0 ) || ( gg->length == 0 ) ) {
466 ptwXY_free( ff );
467 ptwXY_free( gg );
468 return( ptwX_createLine( ngs, ngs, 0, 0, status ) );
469 }
471 if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( ff, gg, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
472 if( ( f = ptwXY_union( ff, gg, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
473 if( ( g = ptwXY_union( gg, f, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
475 if( ( groupedData = ptwX_new( ngs, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
476 xg1 = groupBoundaries->points[0];
477 x1 = f->points[0].x;
478 fy1 = f->points[0].y;
479 gy1 = g->points[0].y;
480 for( igs = 0, i = 1; igs < ngs; igs++ ) {
481 xg2 = groupBoundaries->points[igs+1];
482 sum = 0;
483 if( xg2 > x1 ) {
484 for( ; i < f->length; i++, x1 = x2, fy1 = fy2, gy1 = gy2 ) {
485 x2 = f->points[i].x;
486 if( x2 > xg2 ) break;
487 fy2p = fy2 = f->points[i].y;
488 if( f->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) fy2p = fy1;
489 gy2p = gy2 = g->points[i].y;
490 if( g->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) gy2p = gy1;
491 sum += ( ( fy1 + fy2p ) * ( gy1 + gy2p ) + fy1 * gy1 + fy2p * gy2p ) * ( x2 - x1 );
492 }
493 }
494 if( sum != 0. ) {
495 if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_dx ) {
496 sum /= ( xg2 - xg1 ); }
497 else if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
498 if( ptwX_norm->points[igs] == 0. ) {
499 *status = nfu_divByZero;
500 goto err;
501 }
502 sum /= ptwX_norm->points[igs];
503 }
504 }
505 groupedData->points[igs] = sum / 6.;
506 groupedData->length++;
507 xg1 = xg2;
508 }
510 ptwXY_free( f );
511 ptwXY_free( g );
512 ptwXY_free( ff );
513 ptwXY_free( gg );
514 return( groupedData );
517 ptwXY_free( ff );
518 if( gg != NULL ) ptwXY_free( gg );
519 // Coverity #63063
520 if( f != NULL ) ptwXY_free( f );
521 if( g != NULL ) ptwXY_free( g );
522 if( groupedData != NULL ) ptwX_free( groupedData );
523 return( NULL );

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::groupFunction().

◆ ptwXY_integrate()

double ptwXY_integrate ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 118 of file

118 {
120 int64_t i, n = ptwXY->length;
121 double sum = 0., dSum, x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, _sign = 1.;
122 ptwXYPoint *point;
124 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
125 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
126 if( ptwXY->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( 0. );
128 if( xMax < xMin ) {
129 x = xMin;
130 xMin = xMax;
131 xMax = x;
132 _sign = -1.;
133 }
134 if( n < 2 ) return( 0. );
136 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
137 for( i = 0, point = ptwXY->points; i < n; i++, point++ ) {
138 if( point->x >= xMin ) break;
139 }
140 if( i == n ) return( 0. );
141 x2 = point->x;
142 y2 = point->y;
143 if( i > 0 ) {
144 if( x2 > xMin ) {
145 x1 = point[-1].x;
146 y1 = point[-1].y;
147 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
148 if( x2 > xMax ) {
149 double yMax;
151 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &yMax, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
152 if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, y, xMax, yMax, &sum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
153 return( sum ); }
154 else {
155 if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, y, x2, y2, &sum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
156 }
157 }
158 }
159 i++;
160 point++;
161 for( ; i < n; i++, point++ ) {
162 x1 = x2;
163 y1 = y2;
164 x2 = point->x;
165 y2 = point->y;
166 if( x2 > xMax ) {
167 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
168 if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, x1, y1, xMax, y, &dSum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
169 sum += dSum;
170 break;
171 }
172 if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, x1, y1, x2, y2, &dSum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
173 sum += dSum;
174 }
176 return( _sign * sum );
nfu_status ptwXY_f_integrate(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *value)

Referenced by ptwXY_integrateDomain().

◆ ptwXY_integrateDomain()

double ptwXY_integrateDomain ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 181 of file

181 {
183 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
184 if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) return( ptwXY_integrate( ptwXY, ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ), ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ), status ) );
185 return( 0. );
double ptwXY_getXMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getXMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_integrate(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)

Referenced by ptwXY_normalize().

◆ ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x()

double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 284 of file

284 {
286 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
287 if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( 0. );
288 return( ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x( ptwXY, ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ), ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ), status ) );
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)

◆ ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x()

double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 210 of file

210 {
212 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
213 if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( 0. );
214 return( ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x( ptwXY, ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ), ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ), status ) );
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)

◆ ptwXY_integrateWithFunction()

double ptwXY_integrateWithFunction ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback  func,
void *  argList,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
int  degree,
int  recursionLimit,
double  tolerance,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 657 of file

658 {
660 int64_t i1, i2, n1 = ptwXY->length;
661 long evaluations;
662 double integral = 0., integral_, sign = -1., xa, xb;
663 ptwXY_integrateWithFunctionInfo integrateWithFunctionInfo;
664 ptwXYPoint *point;
666 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
668 if( xMin == xMax ) return( 0. );
669 if( n1 < 2 ) return( 0. );
673 if( xMin > xMax ) {
674 sign = xMin;
675 xMin = xMax;
676 xMax = sign;
677 sign = -1.;
678 }
679 if( xMin >= ptwXY->points[n1-1].x ) return( 0. );
680 if( xMax <= ptwXY->points[0].x ) return( 0. );
682 for( i1 = 0; i1 < ( n1 - 1 ); i1++ ) {
683 if( ptwXY->points[i1+1].x > xMin ) break;
684 }
685 for( i2 = n1 - 1; i2 > i1; i2-- ) {
686 if( ptwXY->points[i2-1].x < xMax ) break;
687 }
688 point = &(ptwXY->points[i1]);
690 = degree;
691 integrateWithFunctionInfo.func = func;
692 integrateWithFunctionInfo.argList = argList;
693 integrateWithFunctionInfo.interpolation = ptwXY->interpolation;
694 integrateWithFunctionInfo.x2 = point->x;
695 integrateWithFunctionInfo.y2 = point->y;
697 xa = xMin;
698 for( ; i1 < i2; i1++ ) {
699 integrateWithFunctionInfo.x1 = integrateWithFunctionInfo.x2;
700 integrateWithFunctionInfo.y1 = integrateWithFunctionInfo.y2;
701 ++point;
702 integrateWithFunctionInfo.x2 = point->x;
703 integrateWithFunctionInfo.y2 = point->y;
704 xb = point->x;
705 if( xb > xMax ) xb = xMax;
706 *status = nf_GnG_adaptiveQuadrature( ptwXY_integrateWithFunction2, ptwXY_integrateWithFunction3, &integrateWithFunctionInfo,
707 xa, xb, recursionLimit, tolerance, &integral_, &evaluations );
708 if( *status != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
709 integral += integral_;
710 xa = xb;
711 }
713 return( integral );
nfu_status nf_GnG_adaptiveQuadrature(nf_GnG_adaptiveQuadrature_callback quadratureFunction, nf_Legendre_GaussianQuadrature_callback integrandFunction, void *argList, double x1, double x2, int maxDepth, double tolerance, double *integral, long *evaluations)
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func

◆ ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x()

double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 293 of file

293 {
295 int64_t i, n = ptwXY->length;
296 double sum = 0., x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, _sign = 1., sqrt_x1, sqrt_x2, inv_apb, c;
297 ptwXYPoint *point;
299 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
301 if( ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) &&
302 ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) ) return( 0. );
304 if( n < 2 ) return( 0. );
305 if( xMax < xMin ) {
306 x = xMin;
307 xMin = xMax;
308 xMax = x;
309 _sign = -1.;
310 }
312 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
313 for( i = 0, point = ptwXY->points; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
314 if( point->x >= xMin ) break;
315 }
316 if( i == n ) return( 0. );
317 x2 = point->x;
318 y2 = point->y;
319 if( i > 0 ) {
320 if( x2 > xMin ) {
321 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, &y, point[-1].x, point[-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
322 x2 = xMin;
323 y2 = y;
324 --i;
325 --point;
326 }
327 }
328 ++i;
329 ++point;
330 sqrt_x2 = std::sqrt( x2 );
331 for( ; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
332 x1 = x2;
333 y1 = y2;
334 sqrt_x1 = sqrt_x2;
335 x2 = point->x;
336 y2 = point->y;
337 if( x2 > xMax ) {
338 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
339 x2 = xMax;
340 y2 = y;
341 }
342 sqrt_x2 = std::sqrt( x2 );
343 inv_apb = sqrt_x1 + sqrt_x2;
344 c = 2. * ( sqrt_x1 * sqrt_x2 + x1 + x2 );
345 switch( ptwXY->interpolation ) {
347 sum += ( sqrt_x2 - sqrt_x1 ) * y1 * 2.5 * c;
348 break;
350 sum += ( sqrt_x2 - sqrt_x1 ) * ( y1 * ( c + x1 * ( 1. + sqrt_x2 / inv_apb ) ) + y2 * ( c + x2 * ( 1. + sqrt_x1 / inv_apb ) ) );
351 break;
352 default : /* Only to stop compilers from complaining. */
353 break;
354 }
355 if( x2 == xMax ) break;
356 }
358 return( 2. / 15. * _sign * sum );

Referenced by ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x().

◆ ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x()

double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 219 of file

219 {
221 int64_t i, n = ptwXY->length;
222 double sum = 0., x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, _sign = 1.;
223 ptwXYPoint *point;
225 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
227 if( ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) &&
228 ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) ) return( 0. );
230 if( n < 2 ) return( 0. );
231 if( xMax < xMin ) {
232 x = xMin;
233 xMin = xMax;
234 xMax = x;
235 _sign = -1.;
236 }
238 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
239 for( i = 0, point = ptwXY->points; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
240 if( point->x >= xMin ) break;
241 }
242 if( i == n ) return( 0. );
243 x2 = point->x;
244 y2 = point->y;
245 if( i > 0 ) {
246 if( x2 > xMin ) {
247 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, &y, point[-1].x, point[-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
248 x2 = xMin;
249 y2 = y;
250 --i;
251 --point;
252 }
253 }
254 ++i;
255 ++point;
256 for( ; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
257 x1 = x2;
258 y1 = y2;
259 x2 = point->x;
260 y2 = point->y;
261 if( x2 > xMax ) {
262 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
263 x2 = xMax;
264 y2 = y;
265 }
266 switch( ptwXY->interpolation ) {
268 sum += ( x2 - x1 ) * y1 * 3 * ( x1 + x2 );
269 break;
271 sum += ( x2 - x1 ) * ( y1 * ( 2 * x1 + x2 ) + y2 * ( x1 + 2 * x2 ) );
272 break;
273 default : /* Only to stop compilers from complaining. */
274 break;
275 }
276 if( x2 == xMax ) break;
277 }
279 return( _sign * sum / 6 );

Referenced by ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x().

◆ ptwXY_interpolatePoint()

nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
double  x,
double *  y,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2 

Definition at line 30 of file

30 {
32 nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
34 if( interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( nfu_otherInterpolation );
35 if( ( x1 > x2 ) || ( x < x1 ) || ( x > x2 ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
36 if( y1 == y2 ) {
37 *y = y1; }
38 else if( x1 == x2 ) {
39 *y = 0.5 * ( y1 + y2 ); }
40 else if( x == x1 ) {
41 *y = y1; }
42 else if( x == x2 ) {
43 *y = y2; }
44 else {
45 switch( interpolation ) {
47 *y = ( y1 * ( x2 - x ) + y2 * ( x - x1 ) ) / ( x2 - x1 );
48 break;
50 if( ( x <= 0. ) || ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
51 *y = ( y1 * G4Log( x2 / x ) + y2 * G4Log( x / x1 ) ) / G4Log( x2 / x1 );
52 break;
54 if( ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
55 *y = G4Exp( ( G4Log( y1 ) * ( x2 - x ) + G4Log( y2 ) * ( x - x1 ) ) / ( x2 - x1 ) );
56 break;
58 if( ( x <= 0. ) || ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
59 if( ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
60 *y = G4Exp( ( G4Log( y1 ) * G4Log( x2 / x ) + G4Log( y2 ) * G4Log( x / x1 ) ) / G4Log( x2 / x1 ) );
61 break;
63 *y = y1;
64 break;
65 default :
67 }
68 }
69 return( status );

Referenced by ptwXY_dullEdges(), ptwXY_getValueAtX(), ptwXY_integrate(), ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x(), ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x(), ptwXY_thicken(), and ptwXY_union().

◆ ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXPoints ptwX,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 194 of file

194 {
196 int64_t i, i1, i2, lengthX = ptwX_length( ptwX );
197 double x, y, xMin, xMax;
198 ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
200 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
201 if( ( *status = ptwX->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
202 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
203 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
204 if( ptwXY->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
205 if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
206 if( ptwXY->length == 0 ) return( n );
207 xMin = ptwXY->points[0].x;
208 xMax = ptwXY->points[ptwXY->length - 1].x;
210 if( ( xMin >= ptwX->points[lengthX-1] ) || ( xMax <= ptwX->points[0] ) ) { /* No overlap. */
211 n->length = 0;
212 return( n );
213 }
215 for( i = 0; i < lengthX; i++ ) { /* Fill in ptwXY at x-points in ptwX. */
216 x = ptwX->points[i];
217 if( x <= xMin ) continue;
218 if( x >= xMax ) break;
219 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY, x, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
220 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
221 }
222 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
224 i1 = 0;
225 i2 = n->length - 1;
226 if( lengthX > 0 ) {
227 x = ptwX->points[0];
228 if( x > n->points[i1].x ) {
229 for( ; i1 < n->length; i1++ ) {
230 if( n->points[i1].x == x ) break;
231 }
232 }
234 x = ptwX->points[lengthX - 1];
235 if( x < n->points[i2].x ) {
236 for( ; i2 > i1; i2-- ) {
237 if( n->points[i2].x == x ) break;
238 }
239 }
240 }
241 i2++;
243 if( i1 != 0 ) {
244 for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ ) n->points[i - i1] = n->points[i];
245 }
246 n->length = i2 - i1;
248 return( n );
251 ptwXY_free( n );
252 return( NULL );

Referenced by ptwXY_groupOneFunction(), ptwXY_groupThreeFunctions(), and ptwXY_groupTwoFunctions().

◆ ptwXY_length()

int64_t ptwXY_length ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

◆ ptwXY_mergeClosePoints()

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeClosePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  epsilon 

Definition at line 141 of file

141 {
143 int64_t i, i1, j, k, n = ptwXY->length;
144 double x, y;
145 ptwXYPoint *p1, *p2;
147 if( n < 2 ) return( ptwXY->status );
148 if( epsilon < 4 * DBL_EPSILON ) epsilon = 4 * DBL_EPSILON;
149 if( ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
151 p2 = ptwXY->points;
152 x = p2->x;
153 for( i1 = 1, p2++; i1 < ( n - 1 ); i1++, p2++ ) { /* The first point shall remain the first point and all points close to it are deleted. */
154 if( ( p2->x - x ) > 0.5 * epsilon * ( std::fabs( x ) + std::fabs( p2->x ) ) ) break;
155 }
156 if( i1 != 1 ) {
157 for( i = i1, p1 = &(ptwXY->points[1]); i < n; i++, p1++, p2++ ) *p1 = *p2;
158 n = ptwXY->length = ptwXY->length - i1 + 1;
159 }
161 p1 = &(ptwXY->points[n-1]);
162 x = p1->x;
163 for( i1 = n - 2, p1--; i1 > 0; i1--, p1-- ) { /* The last point shall remain the last point and all points close to it are deleted. */
164 if( x - p1->x > 0.5 * epsilon * ( std::fabs( x ) + std::fabs( p1->x ) ) ) break;
165 }
166 if( i1 != ( n - 2 ) ) {
167 ptwXY->points[i1 + 1] = ptwXY->points[n - 1];
168 n = ptwXY->length = i1 + 2;
169 }
171 for( i = 1; i < n - 1; i++ ) {
172 p1 = &(ptwXY->points[i]);
173 x = p1->x;
174 y = p1->y;
175 for( j = i + 1, p2 = &(ptwXY->points[i+1]); j < n - 1; j++, p2++ ) {
176 if( ( p2->x - p1->x ) > 0.5 * epsilon * ( std::fabs( p2->x ) + std::fabs( p1->x ) ) ) break;
177 x += p2->x;
178 y += p2->y;
179 }
180 if( ( k = ( j - i ) ) > 1 ) {
181 p1->x = x / k;
182 p1->y = y / k;
183 for( p1 = &(ptwXY->points[i+1]); j < n; j++, p1++, p2++ ) *p1 = *p2;
184 n -= ( k - 1 );
185 }
186 }
187 ptwXY->length = n;
189 return( ptwXY->status );
double epsilon(double density, double temperature)

Referenced by ptwXY_union().

◆ ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs()

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int  length,
double *  xs,
double *  ys 

Definition at line 966 of file

966 {
968 return( ptwXY_mergeFrom( ptwXY, 1, length, xs, ys ) );

◆ ptwXY_mergeFromXYs()

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXYs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int  length,
double *  xys 

Definition at line 973 of file

973 {
975 int i;
976 double *xs, *p1, *p2;
977 nfu_status status;
979 if( length < 0 ) return( nfu_badInput );
980 if( length == 0 ) return( nfu_Okay );
981 if( ( xs = (double *) nfu_malloc( length * sizeof( double ) ) ) == NULL ) return( nfu_mallocError );
982 for( i = 0, p1 = xs, p2 = xys; i < length; i++, p1++, p2 += 2 ) *p1 = *p2;
983 status = ptwXY_mergeFrom( ptwXY, 2, length, xs, xys );
984 nfu_free( xs );
986 return( status );
void * nfu_malloc(size_t size)

◆ ptwXY_mod()

nfu_status ptwXY_mod ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  m,
int  pythonMod 

Definition at line 76 of file

76 {
78 int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
79 ptwXYPoint *p;
80 ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
82 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
83 if( m == 0 ) return( ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero );
85 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = ptwXY_mod2( p->y, m, pythonMod );
86 for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = ptwXY_mod2( o->point.y, m, pythonMod );
87 return( ptwXY->status );

◆ ptwXY_mul2_ptwXY()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_mul2_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 187 of file

187 {
189 int64_t i, length;
190 ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
191 int found;
192 double x1, y1, x2, y2, u1, u2, v1, v2, xz1 = 0, xz2 = 0, x;
194 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
195 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
196 if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
197 if( ( n = ptwXY_mul_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status ) ) == NULL ) return( n );
198 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) return( n );
199 if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) return( n );
200 length = n->length - 1;
201 if( length > 0 ) {
202 x2 = n->points[length].x;
203 for( i = length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Find and add y zeros not currently in n's. */
204 x1 = n->points[i].x;
205 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x1, &u1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
206 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x2, &u2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
207 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, x1, &v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
208 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, x2, &v2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
209 found = 0;
210 if( u1 * u2 < 0 ) {
211 xz1 = ( u1 * x2 - u2 * x1 ) / ( u1 - u2 );
212 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz1, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
213 found = 1;
214 }
215 if( v1 * v2 < 0 ) {
216 xz2 = ( v1 * x2 - v2 * x1 ) / ( v1 - v2 );
217 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz2, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
218 found += 1;
219 }
220 if( found > 1 ) {
221 x = 0.5 * ( xz1 + xz2 );
222 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x, &u1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
223 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, x, &v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
224 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, u1 * v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
225 }
226 x2 = x1;
227 }
229 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
230 length = n->length;
231 x2 = n->points[n->length-1].x;
232 y2 = n->points[n->length-1].y;
233 for( i = n->length - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Make interpolation fit accuracy. Work backwards so new points will not mess up loop. */
234 x1 = n->points[i].x;
235 y1 = n->points[i].y;
236 if( ( *status = ptwXY_mul2_s_ptwXY( n, ptwXY1, ptwXY2, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
237 x2 = x1;
238 y2 = y1;
239 }
240 ptwXY_update_biSectionMax( n, (double) length );
241 }
242 return( n );
245 if( n ) ptwXY_free( n );
246 return( NULL );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_mul_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)

◆ ptwXY_mul_double()

nfu_status ptwXY_mul_double ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 43 of file

43{ return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, value, 0. ) ); }

◆ ptwXY_mul_ptwXY()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_mul_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 171 of file

171 {
173 ptwXYPoints *mul;
175 if( ptwXY1->length == 0 ) {
176 mul = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ); }
177 else if( ptwXY2->length == 0 ) {
178 mul = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status ); }
179 else {
180 mul = ptwXY_binary_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, 0., 0., 1., status );
181 }
182 return( mul );

Referenced by ptwXY_mul2_ptwXY().

◆ ptwXY_mutualifyDomains()

nfu_status ptwXY_mutualifyDomains ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  lowerEps1,
double  upperEps1,
int  positiveXOnly1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
double  lowerEps2,
double  upperEps2,
int  positiveXOnly2 

Definition at line 368 of file

369 {
371 nfu_status status;
372 int64_t n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length;
373 ptwXYPoint *xy1, *xy2;
375 switch( status = ptwXY_areDomainsMutual( ptwXY1, ptwXY2 ) ) {
376 case nfu_Okay :
377 case nfu_empty :
378 return( nfu_Okay );
380 break;
381 default :
382 return( status );
383 }
390 xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, 0 );
391 xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, 0 );
392 if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
393 lowerEps1 = 0.;
394 if( xy2->y == 0. ) lowerEps2 = 0.; }
395 else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
396 lowerEps2 = 0.;
397 if( xy1->y == 0. ) lowerEps1 = 0.; }
398 else {
399 lowerEps1 = lowerEps2 = 0.;
400 }
402 xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, n1 - 1 );
403 xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, n2 - 1 );
404 if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
405 upperEps2 = 0.;
406 if( xy1->y == 0. ) upperEps1 = 0.; }
407 else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
408 upperEps1 = 0.;
409 if( xy2->y == 0. ) upperEps2 = 0.; }
410 else {
411 upperEps1 = upperEps2 = 0.;
412 }
414 if( ( lowerEps1 != 0. ) || ( upperEps1 != 0. ) )
415 if( ( status = ptwXY_dullEdges( ptwXY1, lowerEps1, upperEps1, positiveXOnly1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
416 if( ( lowerEps2 != 0. ) || ( upperEps2 != 0. ) )
417 if( ( status = ptwXY_dullEdges( ptwXY2, lowerEps2, upperEps2, positiveXOnly2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
419 return( status );
nfu_status ptwXY_dullEdges(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double lowerEps, double upperEps, int positiveXOnly)
nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2)

◆ ptwXY_neg()

nfu_status ptwXY_neg ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 34 of file

34 {
36 int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
37 ptwXYPoint *p;
38 ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
40 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
42 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = -p->y;
43 for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = -o->point.y;
44 return( ptwXY->status );

Referenced by ptwXY_sub_ptwXY().

◆ ptwXY_new()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
nfu_status status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 29 of file

30 {
32 ptwXYPoints *ptwXY = (ptwXYPoints *) nfu_calloc( sizeof( ptwXYPoints ), 1 );
34 *status = nfu_mallocError;
35 if( ptwXY == NULL ) return( NULL );
36 ptwXY_setup( ptwXY, interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, primarySize,
37 secondarySize, userFlag );
38 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) {
39 ptwXY = (ptwXYPoints *) nfu_free( ptwXY );
40 }
41 return( ptwXY );
void * nfu_calloc(size_t size, size_t n)
nfu_status ptwXY_setup(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int userFlag)

Referenced by MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), ptwXY_clip(), ptwXY_convolution(), ptwXY_create(), ptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys(), ptwXY_createFromFunction(), ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1(), ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear(), ptwXY_slice(), ptwXY_thin(), ptwXY_union(), ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXY(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

◆ ptwXY_normalize()

nfu_status ptwXY_normalize ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1)

Definition at line 190 of file

190 {
192* This function assumes ptwXY_integrateDomain checks status and coalesces the points.
195 int64_t i;
196 nfu_status status;
197 double sum = ptwXY_integrateDomain( ptwXY, &status );
199 if( status != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
200 if( sum == 0. ) {
201 status = nfu_badNorm; }
202 else {
203 for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) ptwXY->points[i].y /= sum;
204 }
205 return( status );
double ptwXY_integrateDomain(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)

◆ ptwXY_pow()

nfu_status ptwXY_pow ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  p 

Definition at line 24 of file

24 {
26 return( ptwXY_applyFunction( ptwXY, ptwXY_pow_callback, (void *) &v, 0 ) );
nfu_status ptwXY_applyFunction(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXY_applyFunction_callback func, void *argList, int checkForRoots)

◆ ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints()

nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  size 

Definition at line 439 of file

439 {
441* This is for allocating/reallocating the secondary data memory.
443 nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
445 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
447 if( size < ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize ) size = ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize; /* ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize must be > 0. */
448 if( size < ptwXY->overflowLength ) status = ptwXY_coalescePoints( ptwXY, ptwXY->length + ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, NULL, 0 );
449 if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
450 if( size != ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize ) {
451 ptwXY->overflowPoints = (ptwXYOverflowPoint *) nfu_realloc( (size_t) size * sizeof( ptwXYOverflowPoint ), ptwXY->overflowPoints );
452 if( ptwXY->overflowPoints == NULL ) {
453 ptwXY->length = 0;
454 ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
455 ptwXY->mallocFailedSize = size;
456 size = 0;
457 ptwXY->status = nfu_mallocError;
458 }
459 }
460 ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize = size; }
461 else {
462 ptwXY->status = status;
463 }
464 return( ptwXY->status );
void * nfu_realloc(size_t size, void *old)
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s ptwXYOverflowPoint
#define ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:21
int64_t mallocFailedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:97

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

◆ ptwXY_reallocatePoints()

nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  size,
int  forceSmallerResize 

Definition at line 410 of file

410 {
412* This is for allocating/reallocating the primary data memory.
414 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
416 if( size < ptwXY_minimumSize ) size = ptwXY_minimumSize; /* ptwXY_minimumSize must be > 0. */
417 if( size < ptwXY->length ) size = ptwXY->length;
418 if( size != ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
419 if( size > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) { /* Increase size of allocated points. */
420 ptwXY->points = (ptwXYPoint *) nfu_realloc( (size_t) size * sizeof( ptwXYPoint ), ptwXY->points ); }
421 else if( ( ptwXY->allocatedSize > 2 * size ) || forceSmallerResize ) { /* Decrease size, if at least 1/2 size reduction or if forced to. */
422 ptwXY->points = (ptwXYPoint *) nfu_realloc( (size_t) size * sizeof( ptwXYPoint ), ptwXY->points ); }
423 else {
424 size = ptwXY->allocatedSize; /* Size is < ptwXY->allocatedSize, but realloc not called. */
425 }
426 if( ptwXY->points == NULL ) {
427 ptwXY->length = 0;
428 ptwXY->mallocFailedSize = size;
429 size = 0;
430 ptwXY->status = nfu_mallocError;
431 }
432 ptwXY->allocatedSize = size;
433 }
434 return( ptwXY->status );
#define ptwXY_minimumSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:20
struct ptwXYPoint_s ptwXYPoint

Referenced by ptwXY_coalescePoints(), ptwXY_copy(), ptwXY_setup(), ptwXY_setXYData(), and ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs().

◆ ptwXY_release()

nfu_status ptwXY_release ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 549 of file

549 {
551* Note, this routine does not free ptwXY (i.e., it does not undo all of ptwXY_new).
555 if( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString != NULL )
557 }
560 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = NULL;
561 ptwXY->length = 0;
562 ptwXY->allocatedSize = 0;
563 ptwXY->points = (ptwXYPoint *) nfu_free( ptwXY->points );
565 ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
566 ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize = 0;
569 return( nfu_Okay );

Referenced by ptwXY_free(), and ptwXY_setup().

◆ ptwXY_runningIntegral()

ptwXPoints * ptwXY_runningIntegral ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 632 of file

632 {
634 int i;
635 ptwXPoints *runningIntegral = NULL;
636 double integral = 0., sum;
638 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
639 if( ( runningIntegral = ptwX_new( ptwXY->length, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
641 if( ( *status = ptwX_setPointAtIndex( runningIntegral, 0, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
642 for( i = 1; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) {
643 if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, ptwXY->points[i-1].x, ptwXY->points[i-1].y,
644 ptwXY->points[i].x, ptwXY->points[i].y, &sum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
645 integral += sum;
646 if( ( *status = ptwX_setPointAtIndex( runningIntegral, i, integral ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
647 }
648 return( runningIntegral );
651 if( runningIntegral != NULL ) ptwX_free( runningIntegral );
652 return( NULL );
nfu_status ptwX_setPointAtIndex(ptwXPoints *ptwX, int64_t index, double x)

Referenced by MCGIDI_angular_parseFromTOM(), and MCGIDI_fromTOM_pdfOfX().

◆ ptwXY_scaleOffsetXAndY()

nfu_status ptwXY_scaleOffsetXAndY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xScale,
double  xOffset,
double  yScale,
double  yOffset 

Definition at line 481 of file

481 {
483 int64_t i1, length = ptwXY->length;
484 ptwXYPoint *p1;
485 nfu_status status;
487 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
488 if( xScale == 0 ) return( nfu_XNotAscending );
490 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
492 for( i1 = 0, p1 = ptwXY->points; i1 < length; i1++, p1++ ) {
493 p1->x = xScale * p1->x + xOffset;
494 p1->y = yScale * p1->y + yOffset;
495 }
497 if( xScale < 0 ) {
498 int64_t length_2 = length / 2;
499 ptwXYPoint tmp, *p2;
501 for( i1 = 0, p1 = ptwXY->points, p2 = &(ptwXY->points[length-1]); i1 < length_2; i1++ ) {
502 tmp = *p1;
503 *p1 = *p2;
504 *p2 = tmp;
505 }
506 }
508 return( ptwXY->status );

◆ ptwXY_setAccuracy()

double ptwXY_setAccuracy ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  accuracy 

Definition at line 379 of file

379 {
381 if( accuracy < ptwXY_minAccuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY_minAccuracy;
382 if( accuracy < ptwXY->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY->accuracy;
383 if( accuracy > 1 ) accuracy = 1.;
384 ptwXY->accuracy = accuracy;
385 return( ptwXY->accuracy );
#define ptwXY_minAccuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:23

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

◆ ptwXY_setBiSectionMax()

double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  biSectionMax 

Definition at line 397 of file

397 {
399 if( biSectionMax < 0 ) {
400 biSectionMax = 0; }
401 else if( biSectionMax > ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax ) {
402 biSectionMax = ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax;
403 }
404 ptwXY->biSectionMax = biSectionMax;
405 return( ptwXY->biSectionMax );
#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:22

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

◆ ptwXY_setup()

nfu_status ptwXY_setup ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 46 of file

47 {
49 ptwXY->status = nfu_Okay;
50 ptwXY->typeX = ptwXY_sigma_none;
51 ptwXY->typeY = ptwXY_sigma_none;
52 ptwXY->interpolation = interpolation;
55 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = NULL;
56 switch( interpolation ) {
58 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = linLinInterpolationString; break;
60 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = linLogInterpolationString; break;
62 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = logLinInterpolationString; break;
64 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = logLogInterpolationString; break;
66 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = flatInterpolationString; break;
67 case ptwXY_interpolationOther : /* For ptwXY_interpolationOther, interpolationOtherInfo and interpolationString must be defined. */
68 if( interpolationOtherInfo == NULL ) {
70 else {
71 if( interpolationOtherInfo->interpolationString == NULL ) {
73 else {
74 if( ( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = strdup( interpolationOtherInfo->interpolationString ) ) == NULL ) {
75 ptwXY->status = nfu_mallocError;
76 }
77 }
78 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc = interpolationOtherInfo->getValueFunc;
79 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = interpolationOtherInfo->argList;
80 }
81 }
82 ptwXY->userFlag = 0;
83 ptwXY_setUserFlag( ptwXY, userFlag );
85 ptwXY_setBiSectionMax( ptwXY, biSectionMax );
87 ptwXY_setAccuracy( ptwXY, accuracy );
89 ptwXY->length = 0;
90 ptwXY->allocatedSize = 0;
91 ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
92 ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize = 0;
93 ptwXY->mallocFailedSize = 0;
95 ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint( &(ptwXY->overflowHeader), &(ptwXY->overflowHeader), &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) );
97 ptwXY->points = NULL;
98 ptwXY->overflowPoints = NULL;
100 ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, primarySize, 0 );
101 ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints( ptwXY, secondarySize );
102 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) ptwXY_release( ptwXY );
103 return( ptwXY->status );
double ptwXY_setAccuracy(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double accuracy)
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size)
void ptwXY_setUserFlag(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int userFlag)
double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double biSectionMax)
ptwXY_sigma typeX
Definition: ptwXY.h:86
ptwXY_sigma typeY
Definition: ptwXY.h:86

Referenced by ptwXY_new().

◆ ptwXY_setUserFlag()

void ptwXY_setUserFlag ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 365 of file

365 {
367 ptwXY->userFlag = userFlag;

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

◆ ptwXY_setValueAtX()

nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y 

◆ ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose()

nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y,
double  eps,
int  override 

Definition at line 883 of file

883 {
885 int closeIsEqual;
886 int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY ), i;
887 nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
889 ptwXYPoint *point = NULL, newPoint = { x, y };
890 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, *p, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
891 ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint;
892 ptwXYPoint *closePoint = NULL;
894 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
896 legx = ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual( ptwXY, x, &lessThanEqualXPoint, &greaterThanXPoint, eps, &closeIsEqual, &closePoint );
897 switch( legx ) {
901 if( closeIsEqual ) {
902 if( !override ) return( status );
903 point = closePoint;
905 x = point->x; }
906 else {
907 if( ( legx == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_greater ) && ( nonOverflowLength < ptwXY->allocatedSize ) ) {
908 point = &(ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength]); }
909 else {
910 if( ptwXY->overflowLength == ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize )
911 return( ptwXY_coalescePoints( ptwXY, ptwXY->length + ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, &newPoint, 0 ) );
912 overflowPoint = &(ptwXY->overflowPoints[ptwXY->overflowLength]);
914 overflowPoint->prior = greaterThanXPoint.prior;
915 overflowPoint->index = 0; }
916 else { /* Between or greater and must go in overflow area. */
917 if( legx == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_greater ) {
918 overflowPoint->prior = overflowHeader->prior;
919 overflowPoint->index = ptwXY->length; }
920 else {
921 overflowPoint->prior = lessThanEqualXPoint.prior;
922 if( != NULL ) {
923 if( lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x < x )
924 overflowPoint->prior = lessThanEqualXPoint.prior->next;
925 i = 1; }
926 else {
927 for( p = overflowHeader->next, i = 1; p != overflowHeader; p = p->next, i++ )
928 if( p->point.x > x ) break;
929 }
930 overflowPoint->index = lessThanEqualXPoint.index + i;
931 }
932 }
933 overflowPoint->next = overflowPoint->prior->next;
934 overflowPoint->prior->next = overflowPoint;
935 overflowPoint->next->prior = overflowPoint;
936 point = &(overflowPoint->point);
937 for( overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next; overflowPoint != overflowHeader; overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next ) {
938 overflowPoint->index++;
939 }
940 ptwXY->overflowLength++;
941 }
942 }
943 break;
945 point = ptwXY->points; /* ptwXY_minimumSize must be > 0 so there is always space here. */
946 break;
948 if( closeIsEqual && !override ) return( status );
949 if( == NULL ) {
950 point = &(ptwXY->points[lessThanEqualXPoint.index]); }
951 else {
952 point = &(lessThanEqualXPoint.prior->next->point);
953 }
954 break;
955 }
956 if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
957 point->x = x;
958 point->y = y;
959 if( legx != ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_equal ) ptwXY->length++;
960 }
961 return( status );

Referenced by ptwXY_createFromFunction(), and ptwXY_setValueAtX().

◆ ptwXY_setXYData()

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  length,
double const *  xy 

Definition at line 597 of file

597 {
599 nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
600 int64_t i;
601 ptwXYPoint *p;
602 double const *d = xy;
603 double xOld = 0.;
605 if( length > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
606 status = ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, length, 0 );
607 if( status != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
608 }
609 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < length; i++, p++ ) {
610 if( i != 0 ) {
611 if( *d <= xOld ) {
612 status = nfu_XNotAscending;
613 ptwXY->status = nfu_XNotAscending;
614 length = 0;
615 break;
616 }
617 }
618 xOld = *d;
619 p->x = *(d++);
620 p->y = *(d++);
621 }
622 ptwXY-> = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
623 ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
624 ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
625 ptwXY->length = length;
626 return( ptwXY->status = status );

Referenced by ptwXY_create().

◆ ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs()

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  length,
double const *  x,
double const *  y 

Definition at line 631 of file

631 {
633 nfu_status status;
634 int64_t i;
635 ptwXYPoint *p;
636 double xOld = 0.;
638 if( ( status = ptwXY_clear( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
639 if( length > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
640 if( ( status = ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, length, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
641 }
642 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < length; i++, p++, x++, y++ ) {
643 if( i != 0 ) {
644 if( *x <= xOld ) {
645 status = ptwXY->status = nfu_XNotAscending;
646 length = 0;
647 break;
648 }
649 }
650 xOld = *x;
651 p->x = *x;
652 p->y = *y;
653 }
654 ptwXY->length = length;
655 return( status );

◆ ptwXY_setXYPairAtIndex()

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYPairAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1098 of file

1098 {
1100 int64_t i, ip1;
1101 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, *pm1, *pp1;
1103 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
1105 if( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= ptwXY->length ) ) return( nfu_badIndex );
1106 for( overflowPoint = ptwXY->, i = 0; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next, i++ ) {
1107 if( overflowPoint->index >= index ) break;
1108 }
1109 ip1 = i;
1110 pm1 = pp1 = overflowPoint;
1111 if( overflowPoint->index == index ) { /* Note, if overflowPoint is header, then its index = -1. */
1112 pp1 = overflowPoint->next;
1113 ip1++;
1114 }
1115 if( ( pp1 != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) && ( pp1->index == ( index + 1 ) ) ) { /* This if and else check that x < element[index+1]'s x values. */
1116 if( pp1->point.x <= x ) return( nfu_badIndexForX ); }
1117 else {
1118 if( ( ( index + 1 ) < ptwXY->length ) && ( ptwXY->points[index + 1 - ip1].x <= x ) ) return( nfu_badIndexForX );
1119 }
1120 if( overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) pm1 = overflowPoint->prior;
1121 if( ( pm1 != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) && ( pm1->index == ( index - 1 ) ) ) { /* This if and else check that x > element[index-1]'s x values. */
1122 if( pm1->point.x >= x ) return( nfu_badIndexForX ); }
1123 else {
1124 if( ( ( index - 1 ) >= 0 ) && ( ptwXY->points[index - 1 - i].x >= x ) ) return( nfu_badIndexForX );
1125 }
1126 if( ( overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) && ( overflowPoint->index == index ) ) {
1127 overflowPoint->point.x = x;
1128 overflowPoint->point.y = y; }
1129 else {
1130 index -= i;
1131 ptwXY->points[index].x = x;
1132 ptwXY->points[index].y = y;
1133 }
1134 return( nfu_Okay );
@ nfu_badIndexForX
Definition: nf_utilities.h:26

◆ ptwXY_showInteralStructure()

void ptwXY_showInteralStructure ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
FILE *  f,
int  printPointersAsNull 

Definition at line 253 of file

253 {
255 int64_t i, n = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
256 ptwXYPoint *point = ptwXY->points;
257 ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint;
259 fprintf( f, "status = %d interpolation = %d length = %d allocatedSize = %d\n",
260 (int) ptwXY->status, (int) ptwXY->interpolation, (int) ptwXY->length, (int) ptwXY->allocatedSize );
261 fprintf( f, "userFlag = %d biSectionMax = %.8e accuracy = %.2e minFractional_dx = %.6e\n",
262 ptwXY->userFlag, ptwXY->biSectionMax, ptwXY->accuracy, ptwXY->minFractional_dx );
263 fprintf( f, "interpolationString = %s\n", ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString );
264 fprintf( f, "getValueFunc is NULL = %d. argList is NULL = %d.\n",
265 ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc == NULL, ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList == NULL );
266 fprintf( f, " overflowLength = %d overflowAllocatedSize = %d mallocFailedSize = %d\n",
267 (int) ptwXY->overflowLength, (int) ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, (int) ptwXY->mallocFailedSize );
268 fprintf( f, " Points data, points = %20p\n", ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : (void*)ptwXY->points ) );
269 for( i = 0; i < n; i++, point++ ) fprintf( f, " %14.7e %14.7e\n", point->x, point->y );
270 fprintf( f, " Overflow points data; %20p\n", ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : (void*)&(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) );
271 for( overflowPoint = ptwXY->; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next ) {
272 fprintf( f, " %14.7e %14.7e %8d %20p %20p %20p\n", overflowPoint->point.x, overflowPoint->point.y, (int) overflowPoint->index,
273 (void*) ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : overflowPoint ), (void*) ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : overflowPoint->prior ),
274 (void*) ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : overflowPoint->next ) );
275 }
276 fprintf( f, " Points in order\n" );
277 for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) {
278 point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex( ptwXY, i );
279 fprintf( f, " %14.7e %14.7e\n", point->x, point->y );
280 }
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)

◆ ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints()

◆ ptwXY_simplePrint()

void ptwXY_simplePrint ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
char *  format 

Definition at line 298 of file

298 {
300 ptwXY_simpleWrite( ptwXY, stdout, format );
void ptwXY_simpleWrite(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, FILE *f, char *format)

◆ ptwXY_simpleWrite()

void ptwXY_simpleWrite ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
FILE *  f,
char *  format 

Definition at line 285 of file

285 {
287 int64_t i;
288 ptwXYPoint *point;
290 for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) {
291 point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex( ptwXY, i );
292 fprintf( f, format, point->x, point->y );
293 }

Referenced by ptwXY_simplePrint().

◆ ptwXY_slice()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_slice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index1,
int64_t  index2,
int64_t  secondarySize,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 248 of file

248 {
250 int64_t i, length;
251 ptwXYPoints *n;
253 *status = nfu_badSelf;
254 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
256 *status = nfu_badIndex;
257 if( index2 < index1 ) return( NULL );
258 if( index1 < 0 ) index1 = 0;
259 if( index2 > ptwXY->length ) index2 = ptwXY->length;
261 length = index2 - index1;
262 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
263 if( ( n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY->interpolation, &(ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo), ptwXY->biSectionMax,
264 ptwXY->accuracy, length, secondarySize, status, ptwXY->userFlag ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
266 *status = n->status = ptwXY->status;
267 for( i = index1; i < index2; i++ ) n->points[i - index1] = ptwXY->points[i];
268 n->length = length;
269 return( n );
@ nfu_badSelf
Definition: nf_utilities.h:27

Referenced by ptwXY_clone().

◆ ptwXY_slopeOffset()

nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  slope,
double  offset 

Definition at line 25 of file

25 {
27 int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
28 ptwXYPoint *p;
29 ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
31 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
33 for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = slope * p->y + offset;
34 for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = slope * o->point.y + offset;
35 return( ptwXY->status );

Referenced by ptwXY_add_double(), ptwXY_div_doubleFrom(), ptwXY_mul_double(), ptwXY_sub_doubleFrom(), and ptwXY_sub_fromDouble().

◆ ptwXY_sub_doubleFrom()

nfu_status ptwXY_sub_doubleFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 41 of file

41{ return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, 1., -value ) ); }

◆ ptwXY_sub_fromDouble()

nfu_status ptwXY_sub_fromDouble ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 42 of file

42{ return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, -1., value ) ); }

◆ ptwXY_sub_ptwXY()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_sub_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 154 of file

154 {
156 ptwXYPoints *diff;
158 if( ptwXY1->length == 0 ) {
159 diff = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status );
160 if( ( *status = ptwXY_neg( diff ) ) != nfu_Okay ) diff = ptwXY_free( diff ); }
161 else if( ptwXY2->length == 0 ) {
162 diff = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ); }
163 else {
164 diff = ptwXY_binary_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, 1., -1., 0., status );
165 }
166 return( diff );
nfu_status ptwXY_neg(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

◆ ptwXY_thicken()

nfu_status ptwXY_thicken ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
int  sectionSubdivideMax,
double  dxMax,
double  fxMax 

Definition at line 144 of file

144 {
146 double x1, x2 = 0., y1, y2 = 0., fx = 1.1, x, dx, dxp, lfx, y; /* fx initialized so compilers want complain. */
147 int64_t i, notFirstPass = 0;
148 int nfx, nDone, doLinear;
149 nfu_status status;
152 if( ( sectionSubdivideMax < 1 ) || ( dxMax < 0. ) || ( fxMax < 1. ) ) return( nfu_badInput );
153 if( sectionSubdivideMax > ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax ) sectionSubdivideMax = ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax;
154 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
155 for( i = ptwXY1->length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
156 x1 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
157 y1 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
158 if( notFirstPass ) {
159 dx = ptwXY_thicken_linear_dx( sectionSubdivideMax, dxMax, x1, x2 );
161 if( x1 == 0. ) {
162 doLinear = 1; }
163 else {
164 fx = x2 / x1;
165 if( fx > 0. ) {
166 lfx = G4Log( fx );
167 if( fxMax == 1. ) {
168 nfx = sectionSubdivideMax; }
169 else {
170 nfx = ( (int) ( lfx / G4Log( fxMax ) ) ) + 1;
171 if( nfx > sectionSubdivideMax ) nfx = sectionSubdivideMax;
172 }
173 if( nfx > 0 ) fx = G4Exp( lfx / nfx );
174 doLinear = 0;
175 if( dx < ( fx - 1 ) * x1 ) doLinear = 1; }
176 else {
177 doLinear = 1;
178 }
179 }
180 x = x1;
181 dxp = dx;
182 nDone = 0;
183 while( 1 ) {
184 if( doLinear ) {
185 x += dx; }
186 else {
187 dx = ptwXY_thicken_linear_dx( sectionSubdivideMax - nDone, dxMax, x, x2 );
188 if( dx <= ( fx - 1 ) * x ) {
189 dxp = dx;
190 doLinear = 1;
191 continue;
192 }
193 dxp = ( fx - 1. ) * x;
194 x *= fx;
195 }
196 if( ( x2 - x ) < 0.05 * std::fabs( dxp ) ) break;
197 if( ( status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY1->interpolation, x, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
198 if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY1, x, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
199 nDone++;
200 } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
201 }
202 notFirstPass = 1;
203 x2 = x1;
204 y2 = y1;
205 }
206 return( status );
#define ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:24

◆ ptwXY_thin()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_thin ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  accuracy,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 211 of file

211 {
213 int64_t i, j, length = ptwXY1->length;
214 ptwXYPoints *thinned = NULL;
215 double y1, y2, y3;
216 char *thin = NULL;
218 if( length < 3 ) return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ) ); /* Logic below requires at least 2 points. */
219 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
220 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
221 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
222 if( accuracy < ptwXY1->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY1->accuracy;
223 if( ( thinned = ptwXY_new( ptwXY1->interpolation, &(ptwXY1->interpolationOtherInfo),
224 ptwXY1->biSectionMax, accuracy, length, ptwXY1->overflowLength, status, ptwXY1->userFlag ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
226 thinned->points[0] = ptwXY1->points[0]; /* This sections removes middle point if surrounding points have the same y-value. */
227 y1 = ptwXY1->points[0].y;
228 y2 = ptwXY1->points[1].y;
229 for( i = 2, j = 1; i < length; i++ ) {
230 y3 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
231 if( ( y1 != y2 ) || ( y2 != y3 ) ) {
232 thinned->points[j++] = ptwXY1->points[i - 1];
233 y1 = y2;
234 y2 = y3;
235 }
236 }
237 thinned->points[j++] = ptwXY1->points[length - 1];
239 if( ptwXY1->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) { /* Now call ptwXY_thin2 for more thinning. */
240 length = thinned->length = j;
241 if( ( thin = (char *) nfu_calloc( 1, (size_t) length ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
242 if( ( *status = ptwXY_thin2( thinned, thin, accuracy, 0, length - 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
243 for( j = 1; j < length; j++ ) if( thin[j] != 0 ) break;
244 for( i = j + 1; i < length; i++ ) {
245 if( thin[i] == 0 ) {
246 thinned->points[j] = thinned->points[i];
247 j++;
248 }
249 }
250 nfu_free( thin );
251 }
252 thinned->length = j;
254 return( thinned );
257 ptwXY_free( thinned );
258 if( thin != NULL ) nfu_free( thin );
259 return( NULL );

◆ ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
double  accuracy,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 153 of file

153 {
155* This function only works when 'ptwXY->interpolation == interpolationTo' or when interpolationTo is ptwXY_interpolationLinLin.
157 ptwXYPoints *n1;
158 interpolation_func func = NULL;
160 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
161 if( ptwXY->interpolation == interpolationTo ) {
162 *status = nfu_Okay;
163 return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ); }
164 else {
165 if( interpolationTo == ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) {
166 switch( ptwXY->interpolation ) {
168 func = ptwXY_LogLogToLinLin; break;
170 func = ptwXY_LinLogToLinLin; break;
172 func = ptwXY_LogLinToLinLin; break;
174 if( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc != NULL ) func = ptwXY_otherToLinLin;
175 break;
176 case ptwXY_interpolationLinLin : /* Stops compilers from complaining. */
178 break;
179 }
180 }
181 }
183 if( func == NULL ) return( NULL );
185 *status = nfu_Okay;
186 if( ( n1 = ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation( ptwXY, interpolationTo, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
187 if( accuracy < ptwXY->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY->accuracy;
188 n1->accuracy = accuracy;
192 *status = ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation2( n1, ptwXY, func );
195 if( *status != nfu_Okay ) n1 = ptwXY_free( n1 );
196 return( n1 );
@ nfu_unsupportedInterpolationConversion
Definition: nf_utilities.h:27
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolationTo, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status(* interpolation_func)(ptwXYPoints *desc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depth)

◆ ptwXY_toUnitbase()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_toUnitbase ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 306 of file

306 {
308 int64_t i;
309 ptwXYPoints *n;
310 ptwXYPoint *p;
311 double xMin, xMax, dx, inverseDx;
313 *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
314 if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( NULL );
315 if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
317 xMin = n->points[0].x;
318 xMax = n->points[n->length-1].x;
319 dx = xMax - xMin;
320 inverseDx = 1. / dx;
321 for( i = 0, p = n->points; i < n->length; i++, p++ ) {
322 p->x = ( p->x - xMin ) * inverseDx;
323 p->y = p->y * dx;
324 }
325 n->points[n->length-1].x = 1.; /* Make sure last point is realy 1. */
326 return( n );

Referenced by ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate().

◆ ptwXY_trim()

nfu_status ptwXY_trim ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 315 of file

315 {
317c Remove extra zeros at beginning and end.
320 int64_t i, i1, i2;
321 nfu_status status;
323 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
324 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
325 for( i1 = 0; i1 < ptwXY->length; i1++ ) {
326 if( ptwXY->points[i1].y != 0 ) break;
327 }
328 if( i1 > 0 ) i1--;
329 for( i2 = ptwXY->length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2-- ) {
330 if( ptwXY->points[i2].y != 0 ) break;
331 }
332 i2++;
333 if( i2 < ptwXY->length ) i2++;
334 if( i2 > i1 ) {
335 if( i1 > 0 ) {
336 for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ ) ptwXY->points[i - i1] = ptwXY->points[i];
337 }
338 ptwXY->length = i2 - i1; }
339 else if( i2 < i1 ) { /* Remove all zeros between endpoints. */
340 ptwXY->points[1] = ptwXY->points[ptwXY->length - 1];
341 ptwXY->length = 2;
342 }
344 return( nfu_Okay );

◆ ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify()

nfu_status ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
int  epsilonFactor,
double  epsilon 

Definition at line 295 of file

295 {
297 nfu_status status;
298 int64_t n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length;
299 double sum, diff;
300 ptwXYPoint *xy1, *xy2;
302 epsilon = std::fabs( epsilon ) + std::fabs( epsilonFactor * DBL_EPSILON );
304 if( ( status = ptwXY1->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
305 if( ( status = ptwXY2->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
306 if( n1 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
307 if( n2 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
308 if( n1 < 2 ) {
309 status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
310 else if( n2 < 2 ) {
311 status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
312 else {
313 xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, 0 );
314 xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, 0 );
315 if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
316 if( xy2->y != 0. ) {
317 sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
318 diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
319 if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
320 status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
321 else {
322 xy1->x = xy2->x;
323 }
324 } }
325 else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
326 if( xy1->y != 0. ) {
327 sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
328 diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
329 if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
330 status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
331 else {
332 xy2->x = xy1->x;
333 }
334 }
335 }
337 if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
338 xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, n1 - 1 );
339 xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, n2 - 1 );
340 if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
341 if( xy1->y != 0. ) {
342 sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
343 diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
344 if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
345 status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
346 else {
347 xy2->x = xy1->x;
348 }
349 } }
350 else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
351 if( xy2->y != 0. ) {
352 sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
353 diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
354 if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
355 status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
356 else {
357 xy1->x = xy2->x;
358 }
359 }
360 }
361 }
362 }
363 return( status );

Referenced by ptwXY_groupThreeFunctions(), and ptwXY_groupTwoFunctions().

◆ ptwXY_union()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_union ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status,
int  unionOptions 

Definition at line 349 of file

349 {
351 int64_t overflowSize, i, i1 = 0, i2 = 0, n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length, length;
352 int fillWithFirst = unionOptions & ptwXY_union_fill, trim = unionOptions & ptwXY_union_trim;
353 ptwXYPoints *n;
354 double x1 = 0., x2 = 0., y1 = 0., y2 = 0., y, biSectionMax, accuracy;
356 if( ( *status = ptwXY1->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
357 if( ( *status = ptwXY2->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
358 *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
359 if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
361* Many other routines use the fact that ptwXY_union calls ptwXY_coalescePoints for ptwXY1 and ptwXY2 so do not change it.
363 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
364 if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
366 if( ( n1 == 1 ) || ( n2 == 1 ) ) {
367 *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
368 return( NULL );
369 }
370 if( trim ) {
371 if( n1 > 0 ) {
372 if( n2 > 0 ) {
373 if( ptwXY1->points[0].x < ptwXY2->points[0].x ) {
374 while( i1 < n1 ) { // Loop checking, 11.05.2015, T. Koi
375 if( ptwXY1->points[i1].x >= ptwXY2->points[0].x ) break;
376 if( fillWithFirst ) {
377 if( i1 < ( ptwXY1->length - 1 ) ) {
378 x1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
379 y1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
380 x2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].x;
381 y2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].y;
382 }
383 }
384 i1++;
385 } }
386 else {
387 while( i2 < n2 ) { // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
388 if( ptwXY2->points[i2].x >= ptwXY1->points[0].x ) break;
389 i2++;
390 }
391 }
392 if( ptwXY1->points[n1-1].x > ptwXY2->points[n2-1].x ) {
393 while( i1 < n1 ) { // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
394 if( ptwXY1->points[n1-1].x <= ptwXY2->points[n2-1].x ) break;
395 n1--;
396 } }
397 else {
398 while( i2 < n2 ) { // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
399 if( ptwXY2->points[n2-1].x <= ptwXY1->points[n1-1].x ) break;
400 n2--;
401 }
402 } }
403 else {
404 n1 = 0;
405 } }
406 else {
407 n2 = 0;
408 }
409 }
410 overflowSize = ptwXY1->overflowAllocatedSize;
411 if( overflowSize < ptwXY2->overflowAllocatedSize ) overflowSize = ptwXY2->overflowAllocatedSize;
412 length = ( n1 - i1 ) + ( n2 - i2 );
413 if( length == 0 ) length = ptwXY_minimumSize;
414 biSectionMax = ptwXY1->biSectionMax;
415 if( biSectionMax < ptwXY2->biSectionMax ) biSectionMax = ptwXY2->biSectionMax;
416 accuracy = ptwXY1->accuracy;
417 if( accuracy < ptwXY2->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY2->accuracy;
418 n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY1->interpolation, NULL, biSectionMax, accuracy, length, overflowSize, status, ptwXY1->userFlag );
419 if( n == NULL ) return( NULL );
421 for( i = 0; ( i1 < n1 ) && ( i2 < n2 ); i++ ) {
422 y = 0.;
423 if( ptwXY1->points[i1].x <= ptwXY2->points[i2].x ) {
424 n->points[i].x = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
425 if( fillWithFirst ) {
426 y = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
427 if( i1 < ( ptwXY1->length - 1 ) ) {
428 x1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
429 y1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
430 x2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].x;
431 y2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].y; }
432 else {
433 y1 = 0.;
434 y2 = 0.;
435 }
436 }
437 if( ptwXY1->points[i1].x == ptwXY2->points[i2].x ) i2++;
438 i1++; }
439 else {
440 n->points[i].x = ptwXY2->points[i2].x;
441 if( fillWithFirst && ( ( y1 != 0. ) || ( y2 != 0. ) ) ) {
442 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY1->interpolation, ptwXY2->points[i2].x, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
443 ptwXY_free( n );
444 return( NULL );
445 }
446 }
447 i2++;
448 }
449 n->points[i].y = y;
450 }
452 y = 0.;
453 for( ; i1 < n1; i1++, i++ ) {
454 n->points[i].x = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
455 if( fillWithFirst ) y = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
456 n->points[i].y = y;
457 }
458 for( ; i2 < n2; i2++, i++ ) {
459 n->points[i].x = ptwXY2->points[i2].x;
460 if( fillWithFirst && trim && ( n->points[i].x <= x2 ) ) {
461 if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY1->interpolation, n->points[i].x, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
462 ptwXY_free( n );
463 return( NULL );
464 }
465 }
466 n->points[i].y = y;
467 }
468 n->length = i;
470 if( unionOptions & ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints ) {
471 if( ( *status = ptwXY_mergeClosePoints( n, 4 * DBL_EPSILON ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
472 ptwXY_free( n );
473 return( NULL );
474 }
475 }
476 return( n );
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeClosePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double epsilon)
#define ptwXY_union_trim
Definition: ptwXY.h:32

Referenced by ptwXY_binary_ptwXY(), ptwXY_div_ptwXY(), ptwXY_groupThreeFunctions(), and ptwXY_groupTwoFunctions().

◆ ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate ( double  w,
double  w1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  w2,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 363 of file

363 {
365* Should we not be checking the interpolation members???????
367 int64_t i;
368 ptwXYPoints *n1 = NULL, *n2 = NULL, *a = NULL, *r = NULL;
369 ptwXYPoint *p;
370 double f, g, xMin, xMax;
372 *status = nfu_XOutsideDomain;
373 if( w <= w1 ) {
374 if( w < w1 ) return( NULL );
375 return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ) );
376 }
377 if( w >= w2 ) {
378 if( w > w2 ) return( NULL );
379 return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status ) );
380 }
381 if( ( n1 = ptwXY_toUnitbase( ptwXY1, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
382 if( ( n2 = ptwXY_toUnitbase( ptwXY2, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
383 f = ( w - w1 ) / ( w2 - w1 );
384 g = 1. - f;
385 for( i = 0, p = n1->points; i < n1->length; i++, p++ ) p->y *= g;
386 for( i = 0, p = n2->points; i < n2->length; i++, p++ ) p->y *= f;
387 if( ( a = ptwXY_add_ptwXY( n1, n2, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
389 xMin = g * ptwXY1->points[0].x + f * ptwXY2->points[0].x;
390 xMax = g * ptwXY1->points[ptwXY1->length-1].x + f * ptwXY2->points[ptwXY2->length-1].x;
391 if( ( r = ptwXY_fromUnitbase( a, xMin, xMax, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
392 ptwXY_free( n1 );
393 ptwXY_free( n2 );
394 ptwXY_free( a );
395 return( r );
398 if( n1 != NULL ) ptwXY_free( n1 );
399 if( n2 != NULL ) ptwXY_free( n2 );
400 if( a != NULL ) ptwXY_free( a );
401 return( NULL );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_add_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_toUnitbase(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_fromUnitbase(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)

◆ ptwXY_update_biSectionMax()

void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  oldLength 

Definition at line 31 of file

31 {
33 ptwXY1->biSectionMax = ptwXY1->biSectionMax - 1.442695 * G4Log( ptwXY1->length / oldLength ); /* 1.442695 = 1 / std::log( 2. ) */
34 if( ptwXY1->biSectionMax < 0 ) ptwXY1->biSectionMax = 0;

Referenced by ptwXY_applyFunction(), ptwXY_div_ptwXY(), and ptwXY_mul2_ptwXY().

◆ ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXAndY()

nfu_status ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXAndY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double **  xs,
double **  ys 

Definition at line 450 of file

450 {
452 int64_t i1, length = ptwXY_length( ptwXY );
453 double *xps, *yps;
454 ptwXYPoint *pointFrom;
455 nfu_status status;
457 if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
458 if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
460 if( ( *xs = (double *) malloc( length * sizeof( double ) ) ) == NULL ) return( nfu_mallocError );
461 if( ( *ys = (double *) malloc( length * sizeof( double ) ) ) == NULL ) {
462 free( *xs );
463 *xs = NULL;
464 return( nfu_mallocError );
465 }
467 for( i1 = 0, pointFrom = ptwXY->points, xps = *xs, yps = *ys; i1 < length; ++i1, ++pointFrom, ++xps, ++yps ) {
468 *xps = pointFrom->x;
469 *yps = pointFrom->y;
470 }
472 return( nfu_Okay );
int64_t ptwXY_length(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

◆ ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXY()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXY ( double  x1,
double  x2,
double  y,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 477 of file

477 {
479 ptwXYPoints *n;
481 *status = nfu_XNotAscending;
482 if( x1 >= x2 ) return( NULL );
483 *status = nfu_Okay;
484 if( ( n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax, ptwXY_minAccuracy, 2, 0, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
485 ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x1, y );
486 ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x2, y );
487 return( n );

◆ ptwXY_xMaxSlice()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xMaxSlice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMax,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 326 of file

326 {
328 double xMin = 0.9 * xMax - 1;
330 if( xMax < 0 ) xMin = 1.1 * xMax - 1;
331 if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) xMin = ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY );
332 return( ptwXY_xSlice( ptwXY, xMin, xMax, secondarySize, fill, status ) );
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xSlice(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_getXMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

◆ ptwXY_xMinSlice()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xMinSlice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 315 of file

315 {
317 double xMax = 1.1 * xMin + 1;
319 if( xMin < 0 ) xMax = 0.9 * xMin + 1;
320 if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) xMax = ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY );
321 return( ptwXY_xSlice( ptwXY, xMin, xMax, secondarySize, fill, status ) );
double ptwXY_getXMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

◆ ptwXY_xSlice()

ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xSlice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 274 of file

274 {
276 int64_t i, i1, i2;
277 double y;
278 ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
280 if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
282 if( ( ptwXY->length == 0 ) || ( ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ) >= xMax ) || ( ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ) <= xMin ) ) {
283 n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY->interpolation, &(ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo), ptwXY->biSectionMax,
284 ptwXY->accuracy, 0, secondarySize, status, ptwXY->userFlag ); }
285 else {
286 if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
287 if( ( n->points[0].x < xMin ) || ( n->points[n->length - 1].x > xMax ) ) {
288 if( fill && ( n->points[n->length - 1].x > xMax ) ) {
289 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( n, xMax, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
290 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xMax, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
291 }
292 if( fill && ( n->points[0].x < xMin ) ) {
293 if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( n, xMin, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
294 if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xMin, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
295 }
296 ptwXY_coalescePoints( n, n->length + n->overflowAllocatedSize, NULL, 0 );
297 for( i1 = 0; i1 < n->length; i1++ ) if( n->points[i1].x >= xMin ) break;
298 for( i2 = n->length - 1; i2 > 0; i2-- ) if( n->points[i2].x <= xMax ) break;
299 i2++;
300 if( i1 > 0 ) {
301 for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ ) n->points[i- i1] = n->points[i];
302 }
303 n->length = i2 - i1;
304 }
305 }
306 return( n );
309 if( n != NULL ) ptwXY_free( n );
310 return( NULL );
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::groupFunction(), ptwXY_createGaussian(), ptwXY_xMaxSlice(), and ptwXY_xMinSlice().