Geant4 10.7.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
No Matches
G4INCLParticleTable.hh File Reference
#include "globals.hh"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "G4INCLParticleType.hh"
#include "G4INCLParticleSpecies.hh"
#include "G4INCLLogger.hh"
#include "G4INCLConfig.hh"
#include "G4INCLHFB.hh"
#include "G4IonTable.hh"
#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
#include "G4INCLGlobals.hh"
#include "G4INCLNaturalIsotopicDistributions.hh"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  G4INCL
namespace  G4INCL::ParticleTable


#define G4INCLParticleTable_hh   1


typedef G4double(* G4INCL::ParticleTable::NuclearMassFn) (const G4int, const G4int, const G4int)
typedef G4double(* G4INCL::ParticleTable::ParticleMassFn) (const ParticleType)
typedef G4double(* G4INCL::ParticleTable::SeparationEnergyFn) (const ParticleType, const G4int, const G4int)
typedef G4double(* G4INCL::ParticleTable::FermiMomentumFn) (const G4int, const G4int)


void G4INCL::ParticleTable::initialize (Config const *const theConfig=0)
 Initialize the particle table.
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getIsospin (const ParticleType t)
 Get the isospin of a particle.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getName (const ParticleType t)
 Get the native INCL name of the particle.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getShortName (const ParticleType t)
 Get the short INCL name of the particle.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getName (const ParticleSpecies &s)
 Get the native INCL name of the particle.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getShortName (const ParticleSpecies &s)
 Get the short INCL name of the particle.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getName (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Get the native INCL name of the ion.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getShortName (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Get the short INCL name of the ion.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getINCLMass (const G4int A, const G4int Z, const G4int S)
 Get INCL nuclear mass (in MeV/c^2)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getINCLMass (const ParticleType t)
 Get INCL particle mass (in MeV/c^2)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRealMass (const G4INCL::ParticleType t)
 Get particle mass (in MeV/c^2)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRealMass (const G4int A, const G4int Z, const G4int S=0)
 Get nuclear mass (in MeV/c^2)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableQValue (const G4int A1, const G4int Z1, const G4int S1, const G4int A2, const G4int Z2, const G4int S2)
 Get Q-value (in MeV/c^2)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableQValue (const G4int A1, const G4int Z1, const G4int S1, const G4int A2, const G4int Z2, const G4int S2, const G4int A3, const G4int Z3, const G4int S3)
 Get Q-value (in MeV/c^2)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableSpeciesMass (const ParticleSpecies &p)
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getMassNumber (const ParticleType t)
 Get mass number from particle type.
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getChargeNumber (const ParticleType t)
 Get charge number from particle type.
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::getStrangenessNumber (const ParticleType t)
 Get strangeness number from particle type.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNuclearRadius (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getLargestNuclearRadius (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSurfaceDiffuseness (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getMomentumRMS (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the RMS of the momentum distribution (light clusters)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSeparationEnergyINCL (const ParticleType t, const G4int, const G4int)
 Return INCL's default separation energy.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSeparationEnergyReal (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the real separation energy.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSeparationEnergyRealForLight (const ParticleType t, const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the real separation energy only for light nuclei.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getProtonSeparationEnergy ()
 Getter for protonSeparationEnergy.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNeutronSeparationEnergy ()
 Getter for neutronSeparationEnergy.
void G4INCL::ParticleTable::setProtonSeparationEnergy (const G4double s)
 Setter for protonSeparationEnergy.
void G4INCL::ParticleTable::setNeutronSeparationEnergy (const G4double s)
 Setter for protonSeparationEnergy.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getElementName (const G4int Z)
 Get the name of the element from the atomic number.
std::string G4INCL::ParticleTable::getIUPACElementName (const G4int Z)
 Get the name of an unnamed element from the IUPAC convention.
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::parseElement (std::string pS)
 Get the name of the element from the atomic number.
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::parseIUPACElement (std::string const &pS)
 Parse a IUPAC element name.
IsotopicDistribution const & G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNaturalIsotopicDistribution (const G4int Z)
G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::drawRandomNaturalIsotope (const G4int Z)
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getFermiMomentumConstant (const G4int, const G4int)
 Return the constant value of the Fermi momentum.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getFermiMomentumConstantLight (const G4int A, const G4int Z)
 Return the constant value of the Fermi momentum - special for light.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getFermiMomentumMassDependent (const G4int A, const G4int)
 Return the value Fermi momentum from a fit.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getRPCorrelationCoefficient (const ParticleType t)
 Get the value of the r-p correlation coefficient.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNeutronSkin ()
 Get the thickness of the neutron skin.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNeutronHalo ()
 Get the size of the neutron halo.
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getPionType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of pion.
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getNucleonType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of nucleon.
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getDeltaType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of delta.
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSigmaType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of sigma.
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getKaonType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of kaon.
ParticleType G4INCL::ParticleTable::getAntiKaonType (const G4int isosp)
 Get the type of antikaon.
G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::getWidth (const ParticleType t)
 Get particle width (in s)


const G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::maxClusterMass = 12
const G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::maxClusterCharge = 8
const G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::clusterTableZSize = maxClusterCharge+1
const G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::clusterTableASize = maxClusterMass+1
const G4int G4INCL::ParticleTable::clusterTableSSize = 4
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveNucleonMass = 938.2796
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveNucleonMass2 = 8.8036860777616e5
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveDeltaMass = 1232.0
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveDeltaWidth = 130.0
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectivePionMass = 138.0
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveLambdaMass = 1115.683
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveSigmaMass = 1197.45
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveKaonMass = 497.614
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveAntiKaonMass = 497.614
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveEtaMass = 547.862
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveOmegaMass = 782.65
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectiveEtaPrimeMass = 957.78
const G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::effectivePhotonMass = 0.0
G4ThreadLocal G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::minDeltaMass = 0.
G4ThreadLocal G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::minDeltaMass2 = 0.
G4ThreadLocal G4double G4INCL::ParticleTable::minDeltaMassRndm = 0.
G4ThreadLocal NuclearMassFn G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableMass = NULL
 Static pointer to the mass function for nuclei.
G4ThreadLocal ParticleMassFn G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableParticleMass = NULL
 Static pointer to the mass function for particles.
G4ThreadLocal SeparationEnergyFn G4INCL::ParticleTable::getSeparationEnergy = NULL
 Static pointer to the separation-energy function.
G4ThreadLocal FermiMomentumFn G4INCL::ParticleTable::getFermiMomentum = NULL

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ G4INCLParticleTable_hh

#define G4INCLParticleTable_hh   1

Definition at line 39 of file G4INCLParticleTable.hh.



Definition at line 34 of file G4INCLParticleTable.hh.