Geant4 10.7.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
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27// P. Arce, June-2014 Conversion neutron_hp to particle_hp
29#ifndef G4ParticleHPLegendreTable_h
30#define G4ParticleHPLegendreTable_h 1
32#include <fstream>
35#include "globals.hh"
36#include "G4ios.hh"
41 public:
43 {
44 nCoeff=0;
45 theCoeff = 0;
46 theRep = 0;
47 theEnergy = 0.0;
48 theTemp = 0.0;
49 }
50 ~G4ParticleHPLegendreTable(){if(theCoeff!=0) delete [] theCoeff;}
53 {
54 if(&aSet!=this)
55 {
56 theRep = aSet.theRep;
57 theEnergy = aSet.theEnergy;
58 theTemp = aSet.theTemp;
59 theManager = aSet.theManager;
60 nCoeff = aSet.nCoeff;
61 if(theCoeff!=0) delete [] theCoeff;
62 theCoeff = new G4double[nCoeff];
63 for(G4int i=0; i<nCoeff; i++)
64 {
65 theCoeff[i] = aSet.theCoeff[i];
66 }
67 }
68 }
70 inline void Init(std::istream & aDataFile)
71 {
72 G4double eNeu, coeff;
73 G4int nPoly;
74 aDataFile >> eNeu >> nPoly;
75 eNeu *= CLHEP::eV;
76 Init(eNeu, nPoly);
77 for(G4int l=0; l<nPoly; l++)
78 {
79 aDataFile >> coeff;
80 SetCoeff(l+1, coeff);
81 }
82 }
84 inline void Init(G4double e, G4int n)
85 {
86 nCoeff = n+1;
87 theCoeff = new G4double[nCoeff];
88 for(G4int i=0; i<nCoeff; i++) theCoeff[i] = 0;
89 theCoeff[0]=1.;
90 theEnergy = e;
91// G4cout << "G4ParticleHPLegendreTable::Init called "<<e<<" "<<n<<G4endl;
92 }
93 inline void SetEnergy(G4double energy){ theEnergy = energy; }
94 inline void SetTemperature(G4double temp){ theTemp = temp; }
95 inline void SetCoeff(G4int l, G4double coeff) {theCoeff[l]=coeff;}
96 inline void SetRepresentation(G4int aRep) {theRep = aRep;}
98 inline G4double GetCoeff(G4int l) {return theCoeff[l];}
99 inline G4double GetEnergy(){return theEnergy;}
100 inline G4double GetTemperature(){return theTemp;}
101 inline G4int GetNumberOfPoly() {return nCoeff;}
102 inline G4int GetRepresentation() {return theRep;}
103 inline const G4InterpolationManager & GetManager() {return theManager;}
104 private:
106 G4int theRep;
107 G4double theEnergy;
108 G4double theTemp;
109 G4int nCoeff;
110 G4InterpolationManager theManager; // knows the interpolation between stores
111 G4double * theCoeff;
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
void SetCoeff(G4int l, G4double coeff)
void operator=(const G4ParticleHPLegendreTable &aSet)
void Init(G4double e, G4int n)
void Init(std::istream &aDataFile)
const G4InterpolationManager & GetManager()