49 char *path = std::getenv(
52 G4Exception(
FatalException ,
"G4LEDATA environment variable not set");
55 std::ostringstream fileName1;
56 std::ostringstream fileName2;
58 fileName1 << path <<
59 fileName2 << path <<
63 std::ifstream FL1(fileName1.str().c_str());
64 if (!FL1)
"error opening FL1 data file");
66 dummyVec1.push_back(0.);
76 if (x1 != dummyVec1.back())
78 dummyVec1.push_back(x1);
79 aVecMap1[x1].push_back(-1.);
84 if (y1 != aVecMap1[x1].back()) aVecMap1[x1].push_back(y1);
89 std::ifstream FL2(fileName2.str().c_str());
90 if (!FL2)
" error opening FL2 data file");
92 dummyVec2.push_back(0.);
102 if (x2 != dummyVec2.back())
104 dummyVec2.push_back(x2);
105 aVecMap2[x2].push_back(-1.);
108 FL2>>FL2Data[x2][y2];
110 if (y2 != aVecMap2[x2].back()) aVecMap2[x2].push_back(y2);
138 static const G4double euler= 0.5772156649;
139 static const G4int maxit= 100;
140 static const G4double fpmin = 1.0e-30;
143 if (n<0 || x<0.0 || (x==0.0 && (n==0 || n==1)))
144 G4cout <<
"*** WARNING in G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel::ExpIntFunction: bad arguments in ExpIntFunction"
147 if (n==0) ans=
149 if (x==0.0) ans=1.0/nm1;
156 for (i=1;i<=maxit;i++) {
163 if (std::fabs(del-1.0) < eps) {
169 ans = (nm1!=0 ? 1.0/nm1 : -std::log(x)-euler);
171 for (i=1;i<=maxit;i++) {
173 if (i !=nm1) del = -fact/(i-nm1);
176 for (ii=1;ii<=nm1;ii++) psi +=1.0/ii;
177 del=fact*(-std::log(x)+psi);
180 if (std::fabs(del) < std::fabs(ans)*eps)
return ans;
194 if (zTarget <=4)
return 0.;
219 G4cout <<
"*** WARNING in G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel::CalculateL1CrossSection : Proton or Alpha incident particles only. " <<
227 G4double systemMass =((massIncident*massTarget)/(massIncident+massTarget))/electron_mass_c2;
228 static const G4double zlshell= 4.15;
230 G4double screenedzTarget = zTarget-zlshell;
231 static const G4double rydbergMeV= 13.6056923e-6;
235 G4double tetal1 = (l1BindingEnergy*nl*nl)/((screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget)*rydbergMeV);
238 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" tetal1=" << tetal1<<
240 G4double reducedEnergy = (energyIncident*electron_mass_c2)/(massIncident*rydbergMeV*screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget);
244 static const G4double bohrPow2Barn=(Bohr_radius*Bohr_radius)/barn ;
246 G4double sigma0 = 8.*pi*(zIncident*zIncident)*bohrPow2Barn*std::pow(screenedzTarget,-4.);
252 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" velocityl1=" << velocityl1<<
254 static const G4double l1AnalyticalApproximation= 1.5;
255 G4double x1 =(nl*l1AnalyticalApproximation)/velocityl1;
261 G4double electrIonizationEnergyl1=0.;
266 if ( x1<=0.035) electrIonizationEnergyl1= 0.75*pi*(std::log(1./(x1*x1))-1.);
270 electrIonizationEnergyl1 =
272 {
if ( x1<=11.) electrIonizationEnergyl1 =2.*
275 G4double hFunctionl1 =(electrIonizationEnergyl1*2.*nl)/(tetal1*std::pow(velocityl1,3));
278 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" hFunctionl1=" << hFunctionl1<<
280 G4double gFunctionl1 = (1.+(9.*velocityl1)+(31.*velocityl1*velocityl1)+(49.*std::pow(velocityl1,3.))+(162.*std::pow(velocityl1,4.))+(63.*std::pow(velocityl1,5.))+(18.*std::pow(velocityl1,6.))+(1.97*std::pow(velocityl1,7.)))/std::pow(1.+velocityl1,9.);
283 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" gFunctionl1=" << gFunctionl1<<
285 G4double sigmaPSS_l1 = 1.+(((2.*zIncident)/(screenedzTarget*tetal1))*(gFunctionl1-hFunctionl1));
290 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
"sigmaPSS_l1 =" << sigmaPSS_l1<<
294 G4double yl1Formula=0.4*(screenedzTarget/cNaturalUnit)*(screenedzTarget/cNaturalUnit)/(nl*velocityl1/sigmaPSS_l1);
299 G4double l1relativityCorrection = std::pow((1.+(1.1*yl1Formula*yl1Formula)),0.5)+yl1Formula;
313 if ( velocityl1 <20. )
316 L1etaOverTheta2 =(reducedEnergy* l1relativityCorrection)/((tetal1*sigmaPSS_l1)*(tetal1*sigmaPSS_l1));
322 if ( ((tetal1*sigmaPSS_l1) >=0.2) && ((tetal1*sigmaPSS_l1) <=2.6670) && (L1etaOverTheta2>=0.1e-3) && (L1etaOverTheta2<=0.866e2) )
323 universalFunction_l1 = FunctionFL1((tetal1*sigmaPSS_l1),L1etaOverTheta2);
325 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
"at low velocity range, universalFunction_l1 =" << universalFunction_l1 <<
327 sigmaPSSR_l1 = (sigma0/(tetal1*sigmaPSS_l1))*universalFunction_l1;
330 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" at low velocity range, sigma PWBA L1 CS = " << sigmaPSSR_l1<<
334 L1etaOverTheta2 = reducedEnergy/(tetal1*tetal1);
340 if ( (tetal1 >=0.2) && (tetal1 <=2.6670) && (L1etaOverTheta2>=0.1e-3) && (L1etaOverTheta2<=0.866e2) )
341 universalFunction_l1 = FunctionFL1(tetal1,L1etaOverTheta2);
343 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
"at medium and high velocity range, universalFunction_l1 =" << universalFunction_l1 <<
345 sigmaPSSR_l1 = (sigma0/tetal1)*universalFunction_l1;
348 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" sigma PWBA L1 CS at medium and high velocity range = " << sigmaPSSR_l1<<
351 G4double pssDeltal1 = (4./(systemMass *sigmaPSS_l1*tetal1))*(sigmaPSS_l1/velocityl1)*(sigmaPSS_l1/velocityl1);
355 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" pssDeltal1=" << pssDeltal1<<
357 if (pssDeltal1>1)
return 0.;
359 G4double energyLossl1 = std::pow(1-pssDeltal1,0.5);
363 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" energyLossl1=" << energyLossl1<<
366 (8.*pi*zIncident/systemMass)*std::pow(tetal1*sigmaPSS_l1,-2.)*std::pow(velocityl1/sigmaPSS_l1,-3.)*(zTarget/screenedzTarget);
370 G4double cParameterl1 =2.* coulombDeflectionl1/(energyLossl1*(energyLossl1+1.));
375 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" coulombDeflectionFunction_l1 =" << coulombDeflectionFunction_l1 <<
377 G4double crossSection_L1 = coulombDeflectionFunction_l1 * sigmaPSSR_l1;
382 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" crossSection_L1 =" << crossSection_L1 <<
384 if (crossSection_L1 >= 0)
386 return crossSection_L1 * barn;
397 if (zTarget <=13 )
return 0.;
421 G4cout <<
"*** WARNING in G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel::CalculateL2CrossSection : Proton or Alpha incident particles only. " <<
431 G4double systemMass =((massIncident*massTarget)/(massIncident+massTarget))/electron_mass_c2;
435 G4double screenedzTarget = zTarget-zlshell;
437 const G4double rydbergMeV= 13.6056923e-6;
441 G4double tetal2 = (l2BindingEnergy*nl*nl)/((screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget)*rydbergMeV);
443 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" tetal2=" << tetal2<<
445 G4double reducedEnergy = (energyIncident*electron_mass_c2)/(massIncident*rydbergMeV*screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget);
447 const G4double bohrPow2Barn=(Bohr_radius*Bohr_radius)/barn ;
449 G4double sigma0 = 8.*pi*(zIncident*zIncident)*bohrPow2Barn*std::pow(screenedzTarget,-4.);
453 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" velocityl2=" << velocityl2<<
455 const G4double l23AnalyticalApproximation= 1.25;
457 G4double x2 = (nl*l23AnalyticalApproximation)/velocityl2;
461 G4double electrIonizationEnergyl2=0.;
463 if ( x2<=0.035) electrIonizationEnergyl2= 0.75*pi*(std::log(1./(x2*x2))-1.);
467 electrIonizationEnergyl2 =
469 {
if ( x2<=11.) electrIonizationEnergyl2 =2.*
G4Exp(-2.*x2)/std::pow(x2,1.6); }
472 G4double hFunctionl2 =(electrIonizationEnergyl2*2.*nl)/(tetal2*std::pow(velocityl2,3));
474 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" hFunctionl2=" << hFunctionl2<<
476 G4double gFunctionl2 = (1.+(10.*velocityl2)+(45.*velocityl2*velocityl2)+(102.*std::pow(velocityl2,3.))+(331.*std::pow(velocityl2,4.))+(6.7*std::pow(velocityl2,5.))+(58.*std::pow(velocityl2,6.))+(7.8*std::pow(velocityl2,7.))+ (0.888*std::pow(velocityl2,8.)) )/std::pow(1.+velocityl2,10.);
479 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" gFunctionl2=" << gFunctionl2<<
481 G4double sigmaPSS_l2 = 1.+(((2.*zIncident)/(screenedzTarget*tetal2))*(gFunctionl2-hFunctionl2));
483 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" sigmaPSS_l2=" << sigmaPSS_l2<<
487 G4double yl2Formula=0.15*(screenedzTarget/cNaturalUnit)*(screenedzTarget/cNaturalUnit)/(velocityl2/sigmaPSS_l2);
489 G4double l2relativityCorrection = std::pow((1.+(1.1*yl2Formula*yl2Formula)),0.5)+yl2Formula;
497 if ( velocityl2 < 20. )
500 L2etaOverTheta2 = (reducedEnergy*l2relativityCorrection)/((sigmaPSS_l2*tetal2)*(sigmaPSS_l2*tetal2));
502 if ( (tetal2*sigmaPSS_l2>=0.2) && (tetal2*sigmaPSS_l2<=2.6670) && (L2etaOverTheta2>=0.1e-3) && (L2etaOverTheta2<=0.866e2) )
503 universalFunction_l2 = FunctionFL2((tetal2*sigmaPSS_l2),L2etaOverTheta2);
505 sigmaPSSR_l2 = (sigma0/(tetal2*sigmaPSS_l2))*universalFunction_l2;
507 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" sigma PWBA L2 CS at low velocity range = " << sigmaPSSR_l2<<
512 L2etaOverTheta2 = reducedEnergy /(tetal2*tetal2);
514 if ( (tetal2>=0.2) && (tetal2<=2.6670) && (L2etaOverTheta2>=0.1e-3) && (L2etaOverTheta2<=0.866e2) )
515 universalFunction_l2 = FunctionFL2((tetal2),L2etaOverTheta2);
517 sigmaPSSR_l2 = (sigma0/tetal2)*universalFunction_l2;
519 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" sigma PWBA L2 CS at medium and high velocity range = " << sigmaPSSR_l2<<
523 G4double pssDeltal2 = (4./(systemMass*sigmaPSS_l2*tetal2))*(sigmaPSS_l2/velocityl2)*(sigmaPSS_l2/velocityl2);
525 if (pssDeltal2>1)
return 0.;
527 G4double energyLossl2 = std::pow(1-pssDeltal2,0.5);
529 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" energyLossl2=" << energyLossl2<<
532 =(8.*pi*zIncident/systemMass)*std::pow(tetal2*sigmaPSS_l2,-2.)*std::pow(velocityl2/sigmaPSS_l2,-3.)*(zTarget/screenedzTarget);
534 G4double cParameterl2 = 2.*coulombDeflectionl2/(energyLossl2*(energyLossl2+1.));
539 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" coulombDeflectionFunction_l2 =" << coulombDeflectionFunction_l2 <<
541 G4double crossSection_L2 = coulombDeflectionFunction_l2 * sigmaPSSR_l2;
545 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" crossSection_L2 =" << crossSection_L2 <<
547 if (crossSection_L2 >= 0)
549 return crossSection_L2 * barn;
560 if (zTarget <=13)
return 0.;
586 G4cout <<
"*** WARNING in G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel::CalculateL3CrossSection : Proton or Alpha incident particles only. " <<
596 G4double systemMass =((massIncident*massTarget)/(massIncident+massTarget))/electron_mass_c2;
600 G4double screenedzTarget = zTarget-zlshell;
602 const G4double rydbergMeV= 13.6056923e-6;
606 G4double tetal3 = (l3BindingEnergy*nl*nl)/((screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget)*rydbergMeV);
608 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" tetal3=" << tetal3<<
610 G4double reducedEnergy = (energyIncident*electron_mass_c2)/(massIncident*rydbergMeV*screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget);
612 const G4double bohrPow2Barn=(Bohr_radius*Bohr_radius)/barn ;
614 G4double sigma0 = 8.*pi*(zIncident*zIncident)*bohrPow2Barn*std::pow(screenedzTarget,-4.);
618 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" velocityl3=" << velocityl3<<
620 const G4double l23AnalyticalApproximation= 1.25;
622 G4double x3 = (nl*l23AnalyticalApproximation)/velocityl3;
626 G4double electrIonizationEnergyl3=0.;
628 if ( x3<=0.035) electrIonizationEnergyl3= 0.75*pi*(std::log(1./(x3*x3))-1.);
631 if ( x3<=3.) electrIonizationEnergyl3 =
634 if ( x3<=11.) electrIonizationEnergyl3 =2.*
637 G4double hFunctionl3 =(electrIonizationEnergyl3*2.*nl)/(tetal3*std::pow(velocityl3,3));
639 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" hFunctionl3=" << hFunctionl3<<
641 G4double gFunctionl3 = (1.+(10.*velocityl3)+(45.*velocityl3*velocityl3)+(102.*std::pow(velocityl3,3.))+(331.*std::pow(velocityl3,4.))+(6.7*std::pow(velocityl3,5.))+(58.*std::pow(velocityl3,6.))+(7.8*std::pow(velocityl3,7.))+ (0.888*std::pow(velocityl3,8.)) )/std::pow(1.+velocityl3,10.);
644 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" gFunctionl3=" << gFunctionl3<<
646 G4double sigmaPSS_l3 = 1.+(((2.*zIncident)/(screenedzTarget*tetal3))*(gFunctionl3-hFunctionl3));
648 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
"sigmaPSS_l3 =" << sigmaPSS_l3<<
652 G4double yl3Formula=0.15*(screenedzTarget/cNaturalUnit)*(screenedzTarget/cNaturalUnit)/(velocityl3/sigmaPSS_l3);
654 G4double l3relativityCorrection = std::pow((1.+(1.1*yl3Formula*yl3Formula)),0.5)+yl3Formula;
662 if ( velocityl3 < 20. )
665 L3etaOverTheta2 = (reducedEnergy* l3relativityCorrection)/((sigmaPSS_l3*tetal3)*(sigmaPSS_l3*tetal3));
667 if ( (tetal3*sigmaPSS_l3>=0.2) && (tetal3*sigmaPSS_l3<=2.6670) && (L3etaOverTheta2>=0.1e-3) && (L3etaOverTheta2<=0.866e2) )
669 universalFunction_l3 = 2.*FunctionFL2((tetal3*sigmaPSS_l3), L3etaOverTheta2 );
671 sigmaPSSR_l3 = (sigma0/(tetal3*sigmaPSS_l3))*universalFunction_l3;
673 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" sigma PWBA L3 CS at low velocity range = " << sigmaPSSR_l3<<
681 L3etaOverTheta2 = reducedEnergy/(tetal3*tetal3);
683 if ( (tetal3>=0.2) && (tetal3<=2.6670) && (L3etaOverTheta2>=0.1e-3) && (L3etaOverTheta2<=0.866e2) )
685 universalFunction_l3 = 2.*FunctionFL2(tetal3, L3etaOverTheta2 );
687 sigmaPSSR_l3 = (sigma0/tetal3)*universalFunction_l3;
689 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" sigma PWBA L3 CS at medium and high velocity range = " << sigmaPSSR_l3<<
692 G4double pssDeltal3 = (4./(systemMass*sigmaPSS_l3*tetal3))*(sigmaPSS_l3/velocityl3)*(sigmaPSS_l3/velocityl3);
694 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" pssDeltal3=" << pssDeltal3<<
696 if (pssDeltal3>1)
return 0.;
698 G4double energyLossl3 = std::pow(1-pssDeltal3,0.5);
700 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" energyLossl3=" << energyLossl3<<
703 (8.*pi*zIncident/systemMass)*std::pow(tetal3*sigmaPSS_l3,-2.)*std::pow(velocityl3/sigmaPSS_l3,-3.)*(zTarget/screenedzTarget);
705 G4double cParameterl3 = 2.*coulombDeflectionl3/(energyLossl3*(energyLossl3+1.));
710 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" coulombDeflectionFunction_l3 =" << coulombDeflectionFunction_l3 <<
712 G4double crossSection_L3 = coulombDeflectionFunction_l3 * sigmaPSSR_l3;
716 if (verboseLevel>0)
G4cout <<
" crossSection_L3 =" << crossSection_L3 <<
718 if (crossSection_L3 >= 0)
720 return crossSection_L3 * barn;
740 G4cout <<
"*** WARNING in G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel::CalculateVelocity : Proton or Alpha incident particles only. " <<
747 G4double screenedzTarget = zTarget- zlshell;
749 const G4double rydbergMeV= 13.6056923e-6;
753 G4double tetali = (liBindingEnergy*nl*nl)/(screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget*rydbergMeV);
755 G4double reducedEnergy = (energyIncident*electron_mass_c2)/(massIncident*rydbergMeV*screenedzTarget*screenedzTarget);
757 G4double velocity = 2.*nl*std::pow(reducedEnergy,0.5)/tetali;
802 std::vector<double>::iterator t2 = std::upper_bound(dummyVec1.begin(),dummyVec1.end(), k);
803 std::vector<double>::iterator t1 = t2-1;
805 std::vector<double>::iterator e12 = std::upper_bound(aVecMap1[(*t1)].begin(),aVecMap1[(*t1)].end(), theta);
806 std::vector<double>::iterator e11 = e12-1;
808 std::vector<double>::iterator e22 = std::upper_bound(aVecMap1[(*t2)].begin(),aVecMap1[(*t2)].end(), theta);
809 std::vector<double>::iterator e21 = e22-1;
818 xs11 = FL1Data[valueT1][valueE11];
819 xs12 = FL1Data[valueT1][valueE12];
820 xs21 = FL1Data[valueT2][valueE21];
821 xs22 = FL1Data[valueT2][valueE22];
837 G4double xsProduct = xs11 * xs12 * xs21 * xs22;
839 if (xs11==0 || xs12==0 ||xs21==0 ||xs22==0)
return (0.);
843 sigma = QuadInterpolator( valueE11, valueE12,
893 std::vector<double>::iterator t2 = std::upper_bound(dummyVec2.begin(),dummyVec2.end(), k);
894 std::vector<double>::iterator t1 = t2-1;
896 std::vector<double>::iterator e12 = std::upper_bound(aVecMap2[(*t1)].begin(),aVecMap2[(*t1)].end(), theta);
897 std::vector<double>::iterator e11 = e12-1;
899 std::vector<double>::iterator e22 = std::upper_bound(aVecMap2[(*t2)].begin(),aVecMap2[(*t2)].end(), theta);
900 std::vector<double>::iterator e21 = e22-1;
909 xs11 = FL2Data[valueT1][valueE11];
910 xs12 = FL2Data[valueT1][valueE12];
911 xs21 = FL2Data[valueT2][valueE21];
912 xs22 = FL2Data[valueT2][valueE22];
928 G4double xsProduct = xs11 * xs12 * xs21 * xs22;
930 if (xs11==0 || xs12==0 ||xs21==0 ||xs22==0)
return (0.);
934 sigma = QuadInterpolator( valueE11, valueE12,
953 G4double value = xs1 + (xs2 - xs1)*(e - e1)/ (e2 - e1);
979 G4double a = (std::log10(xs2)-std::log10(xs1)) / (std::log10(e2)-std::log10(e1));
980 G4double b = std::log10(xs2) - a*std::log10(e2);
981 G4double sigma = a*std::log10(e) + b;
982 G4double value = (std::pow(10.,sigma));
996 G4double interpolatedvalue1 = LogLogInterpolate(e11, e12, e, xs11, xs12);
997 G4double interpolatedvalue2 = LogLogInterpolate(e21, e22, e, xs21, xs22);
998 G4double value = LogLogInterpolate(t1, t2, t, interpolatedvalue1, interpolatedvalue2);
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4double BindingEnergy() const
G4AtomicShell * Shell(G4int Z, size_t shellIndex) const
static G4AtomicTransitionManager * Instance()
static G4NistManager * Instance()
G4double GetAtomicMassAmu(const G4String &symb) const
G4double GetPDGMass() const
G4double GetPDGCharge() const
static G4Proton * Proton()
G4double CalculateL1CrossSection(G4int zTarget, G4double massIncident, G4double energyIncident)
G4double CalculateL2CrossSection(G4int zTarget, G4double massIncident, G4double energyIncident)
G4double ExpIntFunction(G4int n, G4double x)
G4double CalculateVelocity(G4int subShell, G4int zTarget, G4double massIncident, G4double energyIncident)
G4double CalculateL3CrossSection(G4int zTarget, G4double massIncident, G4double energyIncident)