Geant4 10.7.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
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29// John Allison 10th August 1998.
30// An artificial scene to find physical volumes.
34#include "G4VSolid.hh"
35#include "G4Vector3D.hh"
39(G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel,
40 const G4String& requiredPhysicalVolumeName,
41 G4int requiredCopyNo,
42 G4int verbosity):
43 fpPVModel (pPVModel),
44 fRequiredPhysicalVolumeName (requiredPhysicalVolumeName),
45 fRequiredCopyNo (requiredCopyNo),
46 fFoundDepth (0),
47 fpFoundPV (0),
48 fVerbosity (verbosity),
49 fMultipleOccurrence (false)
54void G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene::ProcessVolume (const G4VSolid&) {
56 G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPV = fpPVModel->GetCurrentPV();
58 /**************************************************
59 G4cout << "Required volume: \"" << fRequiredPhysicalVolumeName
60 << "\", copy no. " << fRequiredCopyNo << G4endl;
61 G4cout << "PhysicalVolume: \"" << pCurrentPV -> GetName ()
62 << "\", copy no. " << pCurrentPV -> GetCopyNo () << G4endl;
63 *******************************************/
65 const G4String& name = fpPVModel->GetCurrentPV() -> GetName ();
66 if (name.length() == fRequiredPhysicalVolumeName.length()) {
67 if (fRequiredPhysicalVolumeName == name) {
70 typedef std::vector<PVNodeID> PVPath;
71 const PVPath& fullPVPath = fpPVModel->GetFullPVPath();
72 G4int currentDepth = fpPVModel->GetCurrentDepth();
73 if ((fRequiredCopyNo < 0 || // I.e., ignore negative request.
74 fRequiredCopyNo == pCurrentPV -> GetCopyNo ())) {
75 // Current policy - take first one found!!
76 if (!fpFoundPV) { // i.e., if not already found.
77 fFoundFullPVPath = fullPVPath;
78 fFoundDepth = currentDepth;
79 fpFoundPV = pCurrentPV;
80 fFoundObjectTransformation = *fpCurrentObjectTransformation;
81 }
82 else {
83 if (!fMultipleOccurrence && fVerbosity > 0) {
84 fMultipleOccurrence = true;
85 G4cout << "G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene::FindVolume:"
86 << "\n Required volume \""
87 << fRequiredPhysicalVolumeName
88 << "\"";
89 if (fRequiredCopyNo >= 0) {
90 G4cout << ", copy no. " << fRequiredCopyNo << ",";
91 }
92 G4cout << " found more than once."
93 "\n This function is not smart enough to distinguish identical"
94 "\n physical volumes which have different parentage. It is"
95 "\n tricky to specify in general. This function gives you access"
96 "\n to the first occurrence only."
97 << G4endl;
98 }
99 }
100 }
101 }
102 }
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:57
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4VPhysicalVolume * GetCurrentPV() const
const std::vector< G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID > & GetFullPVPath() const
G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene(G4PhysicalVolumeModel *, const G4String &requiredPhysicalVolumeName, G4int requiredCopyNo, G4int verbosity=99)
const G4Transform3D * fpCurrentObjectTransformation