Geant4 9.6.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
No Matches
G4QNucleus Class Reference

#include <G4QNucleus.hh>

+ Inheritance diagram for G4QNucleus:

Public Member Functions

 G4QNucleus ()
 G4QNucleus (G4int nucPDG)
 G4QNucleus (G4LorentzVector p, G4int nucPDG)
 G4QNucleus (G4QContent nucQC)
 G4QNucleus (G4QContent nucQC, G4LorentzVector p)
 G4QNucleus (G4int z, G4int n, G4int s=0)
 G4QNucleus (G4int z, G4int n, G4int s, G4LorentzVector p)
 G4QNucleus (G4QNucleus *right, G4bool cop3D=false)
 G4QNucleus (const G4QNucleus &right, G4bool cop3D=false)
 ~G4QNucleus ()
const G4QNucleusoperator= (const G4QNucleus &right)
G4bool operator== (const G4QNucleus &right) const
G4bool operator!= (const G4QNucleus &right) const
G4int GetPDG () const
G4int GetZ () const
G4int GetN () const
G4int GetS () const
G4int GetA () const
G4int GetDZ () const
G4int GetDN () const
G4int GetDS () const
G4int GetDA () const
G4int GetMaxClust () const
G4double GetProbability (G4int bn=0) const
G4double GetMZNS () const
G4double GetTbIntegral ()
G4double GetGSMass () const
G4QContent GetQCZNS () const
G4int GetNDefMesonC () const
G4int GetNDefBaryonC () const
G4double GetDensity (const G4ThreeVector &aPos)
G4double GetRho0 ()
G4double GetRelativeDensity (const G4ThreeVector &aPosition)
G4double GetRelWSDensity (const G4double &r)
G4double GetRelOMDensity (const G4double &r2)
G4double GetRadius (const G4double maxRelativeDenisty=0.5)
G4double GetOuterRadius ()
G4double GetDeriv (const G4ThreeVector &point)
G4double GetFermiMomentum (G4double density)
G4QHadronGetNextNucleon ()
void SubtractNucleon (G4QHadron *pNucleon)
void DeleteNucleons ()
G4LorentzVector GetNucleons4Momentum ()
std::vector< G4double > constGetBThickness ()
G4bool EvaporateBaryon (G4QHadron *h1, G4QHadron *h2)
void EvaporateNucleus (G4QHadron *hA, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayDibaryon (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAntiDibaryon (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayIsonucleus (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayMultyBaryon (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAntiStrange (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAlphaBar (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAlphaDiN (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAlphaAlpha (G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
G4int SplitBaryon ()
G4int HadrToNucPDG (G4int hPDG)
G4int NucToHadrPDG (G4int nPDG)
G4bool Split2Baryons ()
void ActivateBThickness ()
G4double GetBThickness (G4double b)
G4double GetThickness (G4double b)
void InitByPDG (G4int newPDG)
void InitByQC (G4QContent newQC)
void IncProbability (G4int bn)
void Increase (G4int PDG, G4LorentzVector LV=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
void Increase (G4QContent QC, G4LorentzVector LV=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
void Reduce (G4int PDG)
void CalculateMass ()
void SetMaxClust (G4int maxC)
void InitCandidateVector (G4QCandidateVector &theQCandidates, G4int nM=45, G4int nB=72, G4int nC=117)
void PrepareCandidates (G4QCandidateVector &theQCandidates, G4bool piF=false, G4bool gaF=false, G4LorentzVector LV=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
G4int UpdateClusters (G4bool din)
G4QNucleus operator+= (const G4QNucleus &rhs)
G4QNucleus operator-= (const G4QNucleus &rhs)
G4QNucleus operator*= (const G4int &rhs)
G4bool StartLoop ()
G4bool ReduceSum (G4ThreeVector *vectors, G4ThreeVector sum)
void SimpleSumReduction (G4ThreeVector *vectors, G4ThreeVector sum)
void DoLorentzBoost (const G4LorentzVector &theBoost)
void DoLorentzRotation (const G4LorentzRotation &theLoRot)
void DoLorentzBoost (const G4ThreeVector &theBeta)
void DoLorentzContraction (const G4LorentzVector &B)
void DoLorentzContraction (const G4ThreeVector &theBeta)
void DoTranslation (const G4ThreeVector &theShift)
G4int RandomizeBinom (G4double p, G4int N)
G4double CoulombBarGen (const G4double &rZ, const G4double &rA, const G4double &cZ, const G4double &cA)
G4double CoulombBarrier (const G4double &cZ=1, const G4double &cA=1, G4double dZ=0., G4double dA=0.)
G4double FissionCoulombBarrier (const G4double &cZ, const G4double &cA, G4double dZ=0., G4double dA=0.)
G4double BindingEnergy (const G4double &cZ=0, const G4double &cA=0, G4double dZ=0., G4double dA=0.)
G4double CoulBarPenProb (const G4double &CB, const G4double &E, const G4int &C, const G4int &B)
std::pair< G4double, G4doubleChooseImpactXandY (G4double maxImpact)
void ChooseNucleons ()
void ChoosePositions ()
void ChooseFermiMomenta ()
void InitDensity ()
void Init3D ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4QHadron
 G4QHadron ()
 G4QHadron (G4LorentzVector p)
 G4QHadron (G4int PDGcode, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
 G4QHadron (G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
 G4QHadron (G4QContent QC, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
 G4QHadron (G4int PDG, G4double m, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4double m, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4int PDG, G4LorentzVector p, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4LorentzVector p, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4QParticle *pPart, G4double maxM)
 G4QHadron (const G4QHadron &right)
 G4QHadron (const G4QHadron *right)
 G4QHadron (const G4QHadron *right, G4int ColC, G4ThreeVector Pos, G4LorentzVector Mom)
virtual ~G4QHadron ()
const G4QHadronoperator= (const G4QHadron &right)
G4bool operator== (const G4QHadron &right) const
G4bool operator!= (const G4QHadron &right) const
G4int GetPDGCode () const
G4int GetQCode () const
G4QPDGCode GetQPDG () const
G4double GetSpin () const
G4LorentzVector Get4Momentum () const
G4ThreeVector Get3Momentum () const
G4double GetEnergy () const
G4QContent GetQC () const
G4double GetMass () const
G4double GetMass2 () const
G4double GetWidth () const
G4int GetNFragments () const
G4int GetCharge () const
G4int GetStrangeness () const
G4int GetBaryonNumber () const
const G4ThreeVectorGetPosition () const
G4double GetBindingEnergy ()
G4double GetFormationTime ()
std::list< G4QParton * > GetColor ()
std::list< G4QParton * > GetAntiColor ()
void SetQPDG (const G4QPDGCode &QPDG)
void SetPDGCode (const G4QPDGCode &PDG)
void Set4Momentum (const G4LorentzVector &aMom)
void SetQC (const G4QContent &newQC)
void SetNFragments (const G4int &nf)
void NegPDGCode ()
void MakeAntiHadron ()
void SetPosition (const G4ThreeVector &aPosition)
void IncrementCollisionCount (G4int aCount)
void SplitUp ()
G4QPartonPairSplitInTwoPartons ()
G4QPartonGetNextParton ()
G4QPartonGetNextAntiParton ()
void SetBindingEnergy (G4double aBindE)
void Boost (const G4LorentzVector &theBoost)
void Boost (const G4ThreeVector &B)
void LorentzRotate (const G4LorentzRotation &rotation)
void SetFormationTime (G4double fT)
G4double RandomizeMass (G4QParticle *pPart, G4double maxM)
G4bool TestRealNeutral ()
G4bool DecayIn2 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom)
G4bool CorMDecayIn2 (G4double corM, G4LorentzVector &fr4Mom)
G4bool CorEDecayIn2 (G4double corE, G4LorentzVector &fr4Mom)
G4bool RelDecayIn2 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double maxCost=1., G4double minCost=-1.)
G4bool CopDecayIn2 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double cop)
G4bool DecayIn3 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &t4Mom)
G4bool RelDecayIn3 (G4LorentzVector &fh4M, G4LorentzVector &sh4M, G4LorentzVector &th4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double maxCost=1., G4double minCost=-1.)
G4bool CopDecayIn3 (G4LorentzVector &fh4M, G4LorentzVector &sh4M, G4LorentzVector &th4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double cosp)
void Init3D ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetParameters (G4double fN=.1, G4double fD=.05, G4double cP=4., G4double mR=1., G4double nD=.8 *CLHEP::fermi)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from G4QHadron
G4LorentzVector theMomentum

Detailed Description

Definition at line 51 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ G4QNucleus() [1/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( )

Definition at line 65 of file

65 : G4QHadron(), Z(0), N(0), S(0), dZ(0), dN(0), dS(0), maxClust(0),
66 theNucleons(),currentNucleon(-1),
67 rho0(1.), radius(1.), Tb(), TbActive(false), RhoActive(false)
69 probVect[0]=mediRatio;
70 for(G4int i=1; i<256; i++) {probVect[i] = 0.;}
71#ifdef pardeb
72 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(1) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
73 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:66
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:52
G4DLLIMPORT std::ostream G4cout

Referenced by BindingEnergy(), CoulBarPenProb(), DecayAntiStrange(), EvaporateNucleus(), PrepareCandidates(), and SubtractNucleon().

◆ G4QNucleus() [2/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( G4int  nucPDG)

Definition at line 109 of file

109 :
110 G4QHadron(nucPDG), maxClust(0), theNucleons(),
111 currentNucleon(-1), rho0(1.), radius(1.), Tb(), TbActive(false), RhoActive(false)
113 if(nucPDG==22) nucPDG=90000000;
114 InitByPDG(nucPDG);
115 G4LorentzVector p(0.,0.,0.,GetGSMass());
116 Set4Momentum(p);
117#ifdef pardeb
118 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(3) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
119 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<", 4M="<<p<<G4endl;
void Set4Momentum(const G4LorentzVector &aMom)
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:187
void InitByPDG(G4int newPDG)
G4double GetGSMass() const
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:82

◆ G4QNucleus() [3/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( G4LorentzVector  p,
G4int  nucPDG 

Definition at line 123 of file

123 :
124 G4QHadron(nucPDG, p), maxClust(0), theNucleons(),
125 currentNucleon(-1), rho0(1.), radius(1.), Tb(), TbActive(false), RhoActive(false)
127 InitByPDG(nucPDG);
128 Set4Momentum(p);
129#ifdef pardeb
130 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(4) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
131 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<", 4M="<<p<<G4endl;

◆ G4QNucleus() [4/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( G4QContent  nucQC)

Definition at line 155 of file

155 :
156 G4QHadron(nucQC), dZ(0), dN(0), dS(0), maxClust(0), theNucleons(), currentNucleon(-1),
157 rho0(1.), radius(1.), Tb(), TbActive(false), RhoActive(false)
159 static const G4double mPi0 = G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();
160#ifdef debug
161 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Construction By QC="<<nucQC<<G4endl;
163 probVect[0]=mediRatio;
164 for(G4int i=1; i<256; i++) {probVect[i] = 0.;}
165 G4int u=nucQC.GetU()-nucQC.GetAU();
166 G4int d=nucQC.GetD()-nucQC.GetAD();
167 S = nucQC.GetS()-nucQC.GetAS(); // a#of LAMBDA's in the nucleus
168 G4int du= d-u; // isotopic shift
169 G4int b =(d+u+S)/3; // baryon number
170 Z = (b-S-du)/2; // protons
171 N = Z+du; // neutrons
172 SetQC(nucQC);
173#ifdef debug
174 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ConstructionByQC: N="<<N<<",Z="<<Z<<",S="<<S<<G4endl;
176 G4int nucPDG=90000000+S*1000000+Z*1000+N;
177 G4QPDGCode nQPDG(nucPDG);
178#ifdef debug
179 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ConstructionByQC: nQPDG="<<nQPDG<<G4endl;
181 G4double mass=nQPDG.GetNuclMass(Z,N,S);
182 if(nucPDG==90000000)
183 {
184 if(nucQC.GetTot()) mass=mPi0;
185 else mass=0.;
186 }
187#ifdef debug
188 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ConstructionByQC: mass="<<mass<<G4endl;
190 SetQPDG(nQPDG);
191#ifdef debug
192 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ConstructionByQC: nQPDG set"<<G4endl;
194 G4LorentzVector p(0.,0.,0.,mass);
195 Set4Momentum(p);
196 SetNFragments(0);
197#ifdef pardeb
198 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(6) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
199 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:64
G4int GetAD() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:193
G4int GetU() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:189
G4int GetS() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:191
G4int GetAS() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:194
G4int GetD() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:190
G4int GetTot() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:183
G4int GetAU() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:192
void SetNFragments(const G4int &nf)
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:188
void SetQC(const G4QContent &newQC)
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:186
void SetQPDG(const G4QPDGCode &QPDG)
G4double GetMass()

◆ G4QNucleus() [5/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( G4QContent  nucQC,
G4LorentzVector  p 

Definition at line 203 of file

203 :
204 G4QHadron(nucQC,p), dZ(0), dN(0), dS(0), maxClust(0), theNucleons(), currentNucleon(-1),
205 rho0(1.), radius(1.), Tb(), TbActive(false), RhoActive(false)
207#ifdef debug
208 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::(LV)Construction By QC="<<nucQC<<G4endl;
210 probVect[0]=mediRatio;
211 for(G4int i=1; i<256; i++) {probVect[i] = 0.;}
212 Set4Momentum(p);
213 G4int u=nucQC.GetU()-nucQC.GetAU();
214 G4int d=nucQC.GetD()-nucQC.GetAD();
215 S = nucQC.GetS()-nucQC.GetAS(); // a#of LAMBDA's in the nucleus
216 G4int du= d-u; // isotopic shift
217 G4int b =(d+u+S)/3; // baryon number
218 Z = (b-S-du)/2; // protons
219 N = Z+du; // neutrons
220 SetQC(nucQC);
221#ifdef debug
222 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::(LV)ConstructionByQC: N="<<N<<",Z="<<Z<<",S="<<S<<G4endl;
224 G4QPDGCode nPDG(90000000+S*1000000+Z*1000+N);
225 SetQPDG(nPDG);
226 SetNFragments(0);
227#ifdef pardeb
228 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(7) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
229 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;

◆ G4QNucleus() [6/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( G4int  z,
G4int  n,
G4int  s = 0 

Definition at line 77 of file

77 :
78 G4QHadron(90000000+s_value*1000000+z*1000+n), Z(z),N(n),S(s_value), dZ(0),dN(0),dS(0), maxClust(0),
79 theNucleons(), currentNucleon(-1), rho0(1.), radius(1.),
80 Tb(), TbActive(false), RhoActive(false)
82 probVect[0]=mediRatio;
83 for(G4int i=1; i<256; i++) {probVect[i] = 0.;}
84#ifdef debug
85 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Construction By Z="<<z<<",N="<<n<<",S="<<s_value<<G4endl;
87 SetZNSQC(z,n,s_value);
88 G4QPDGCode nQPDG(90000000+S*1000000+Z*1000+N); // Not necessary (? look above)
89#ifdef debug
90 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ConstructionByZNS: nQPDG="<<nQPDG<<G4endl;
92 G4double mass=nQPDG.GetNuclMass(Z,N,S);
93#ifdef debug
94 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ConstructionByZNS: mass="<<mass<<G4endl;
96 SetQPDG(nQPDG); // Not necessary (? look above)
97#ifdef debug
98 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ConstructionByZNS: nQPDG set"<<G4endl;
100 G4LorentzVector p(0.,0.,0.,mass);
101 Set4Momentum(p);
102 SetNFragments(0);
103#ifdef debug
104 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(2) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
105 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;

◆ G4QNucleus() [7/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( G4int  z,
G4int  n,
G4int  s,
G4LorentzVector  p 

Definition at line 135 of file

135 :
136 G4QHadron(90000000+s_value*1000000+z*1000+n,p), Z(z),N(n),S(s_value), dZ(0),dN(0),dS(0), maxClust(0),
137 theNucleons(), currentNucleon(-1), rho0(1.),radius(1.),
138 Tb(), TbActive(false), RhoActive(false)
140 probVect[0]=mediRatio;
141 for(G4int i=1; i<256; i++) {probVect[i] = 0.;}
142 Set4Momentum(p);
143 SetNFragments(0);
144 G4int ZNS=Z+N+S;
145 G4QPDGCode nPDG(90000000+S*1000000+Z*1000+N);
146 SetQPDG(nPDG);
147 G4QContent nQC(N+ZNS,Z+ZNS,S,0,0,0);
148 SetZNSQC(z,n,s_value);
149#ifdef pardeb
150 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(5) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
151 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;

◆ G4QNucleus() [8/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( G4QNucleus right,
G4bool  cop3D = false 

Definition at line 233 of file

233 : currentNucleon(-1)
235 Z = right->Z;
236 N = right->N;
237 S = right->S;
238 dZ = right->dZ;
239 dN = right->dN;
240 dS = right->dS;
241 maxClust = right->maxClust;
242 for(G4int i=0; i<=maxClust; i++) probVect[i] = right->probVect[i];
243 probVect[254] = right->probVect[254];
244 probVect[255] = right->probVect[255];
245 Tb = right->Tb;
246 TbActive = right->TbActive;
247 RhoActive = right->RhoActive;
248 Set4Momentum (right->Get4Momentum());
249 SetQPDG (right->GetQPDG());
250 SetQC (right->GetQC());
251 SetNFragments (right->GetNFragments());
252 rho0 = right->rho0;
253 radius = right->radius;
254 if(cop3D)
255 {
256 G4int nn=right->theNucleons.size();
257 for(G4int i=0; i<nn; ++i)
258 {
259 G4QHadron* nucleon = new G4QHadron(right->theNucleons[i]);
260 theNucleons.push_back(nucleon);
261 }
262 }
263#ifdef pardeb
264 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(8) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
265 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;
G4LorentzVector Get4Momentum() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:79
G4int GetNFragments() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:174
G4QContent GetQC() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:173
G4QPDGCode GetQPDG() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:172

◆ G4QNucleus() [9/9]

G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus ( const G4QNucleus right,
G4bool  cop3D = false 

Definition at line 269 of file

269 :
270 G4QHadron(), currentNucleon(-1)
272 Z = right.Z;
273 N = right.N;
274 S = right.S;
275 dZ = right.dZ;
276 dN = right.dN;
277 dS = right.dS;
278 maxClust = right.maxClust;
279 for(G4int i=0; i<=maxClust; i++) probVect[i] = right.probVect[i];
280 probVect[254] = right.probVect[254];
281 probVect[255] = right.probVect[255];
282 Tb = right.Tb;
283 TbActive = right.TbActive;
284 RhoActive = right.RhoActive;
285 Set4Momentum (right.Get4Momentum());
286 SetQPDG (right.GetQPDG());
287 SetQC (right.GetQC());
289 rho0 = right.rho0;
290 radius = right.radius;
291 if(cop3D)
292 {
293 G4int nn=right.theNucleons.size();
294 for(G4int i=0; i<nn; ++i)
295 {
296 G4QHadron* nucleon = new G4QHadron(right.theNucleons[i]);
297 theNucleons.push_back(nucleon);
298 }
299 }
300#ifdef pardeb
301 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Constructor:(9) N="<<freeNuc<<", D="<<freeDib<<", W="<<clustProb
302 <<", R="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;

◆ ~G4QNucleus()

G4QNucleus::~G4QNucleus ( )

Definition at line 341 of file

343 for_each(theNucleons.begin(),theNucleons.end(),DeleteQHadron());

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateBThickness()

void G4QNucleus::ActivateBThickness ( )

Definition at line 3991 of file

3993 static const G4double aT= .0008; // pred exponent parameter
3994 static const G4double sT= .42; // slope parameter
3995 static const G4double pT=-.26; // power parameter
3996 static const G4double db= .1; // step in b (fm)
3997 // @@ make better approximation for light nuclei
3998 G4double A = GetA(); // atomic weight
3999 G4double B = aT*A*A; // predexponent (no units)
4000 G4double D = sT*std::pow(A,pT); // b^2 slope (fm^-2)
4001 G4double C = A*D/pi/std::log(1.+B); // Norm for plane density (fm^-2)
4002 G4double mT= C*B/(1+B); // Max (b=0) b-thickness
4003 G4double T = mT; // Current b-thickness
4004 mT/=1000.; // Min b-thickness (@@ make 1000 a parameter)
4005 G4double b = 0.;
4006 while(T>mT)
4007 {
4008 //Tb->push_back(T); // Fill the thickness vector starting with b=0
4009 Tb.push_back(T); // Fill the thickness vector starting with b=0
4010 b+=db; // increment impact parameter
4011 G4double E=B*std::exp(-D*b*b); // b-dependent factor
4012 T=C*E/(1.+E); // T(b) in fm^-2
4013 }
4014 TbActive=true; // Flag of activation
4015} // End of "ActivateBThickness"
G4int GetA() const
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:73
const G4double pi

Referenced by GetBThickness(), GetTbIntegral(), and GetThickness().

◆ BindingEnergy()

G4double G4QNucleus::BindingEnergy ( const G4double cZ = 0,
const G4double cA = 0,
G4double  dZ = 0.,
G4double  dA = 0. 

Definition at line 3418 of file

3421 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass(); // Mass of neutron
3422 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass(); // Mass of proton
3423 if(!cZ && !cA) return Z*mProt+N*mNeut-GetGSMass(); // Total binding energy far all
3424 G4double GSM=GetGSMass();
3425 G4int iZ=static_cast<int>(cZ);
3426 G4int cN=static_cast<int>(cA-cZ);
3427 G4int sZ=iZ;
3428 G4int sN=cN;
3429 if(delZ||dA)
3430 {
3431 G4int dz=static_cast<int>(delZ);
3432 G4int dn=static_cast<int>(dA-delZ);
3433 GSM=G4QNucleus(Z-dz,N-dn,S).GetGSMass();
3434 sZ-=dz;
3435 sN-=dn;
3436 }
3437 return G4QNucleus(Z-sZ,N-sN,S).GetGSMass()+G4QNucleus(iZ,cN,0).GetGSMass()-GSM;
3438} // End of "BindingEnergy"

Referenced by Init3D().

◆ CalculateMass()

void G4QNucleus::CalculateMass ( )

Definition at line 142 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

CLHEP::HepLorentzVector G4LorentzVector

◆ ChooseFermiMomenta()

void G4QNucleus::ChooseFermiMomenta ( )

Definition at line 3773 of file

3775 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass(); // Mass of proton
3776 static const G4double mProt2= mProt*mProt;
3777 //static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass(); // Mass of neutron
3778 static const G4double third= 1./3.;
3779 G4int i=0;
3780 G4double density=0.; // Prototype of density for Loop calc
3781 G4int theA=GetA(); // Atomic weight of the nucleus
3782 G4int am1=theA-1; // The last index in the Loop
3783 G4ThreeVector* momentum = new G4ThreeVector[theA]; // Temporary array for nucleon's moms
3784 G4ThreeVector sumMom(0.,0.,0.); // Sum of all momenta for mom-conserv
3785#ifdef debug
3786 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ChooseFermiMomentum is called for Z="<<Z<<", N="<<N<<G4endl;
3788 for(i=0; i<theA; i++) // momenta for all, including the last, in case we swap nucleons
3789 {
3790 density=GetDensity(theNucleons[i]->GetPosition());// density around nucleon i
3791 G4double ferm = GetFermiMomentum(density); // module of momentum for nucleon i
3792 G4ThreeVector mom(0.,0.,0.); // proto 3vector for nucleon momentum
3793 G4double rn3=pow(G4UniformRand(),third); // Spherical randomization
3794 G4ThreeVector dir(0.,0.,0.); // proto 3vector for the momDirection
3795 if( i == am1) dir=-sumMom.unit(); // try to compensate the mom noncons.
3796 else dir=G4RandomDirection(); // free randomization for i < A-1
3797 if(theNucleons[i]->GetPDGCode() == 2212) // the nucleon is a proton
3798 {
3799 G4double eMax = sqrt(ferm*ferm+mProt2)-CoulombBarrier();
3800 if(eMax>mProt) mom=sqrt(eMax*eMax - mProt2)*rn3*dir; // 3D proton momentum
3801#ifdef debug
3802 else G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::ChooseFermM: FailToGetProtonMomentum,p=0"<<G4endl;
3804 }
3805 else mom=ferm*rn3*dir; // 3-vector for the neutron momentum
3806 momentum[i]= mom;
3807 sumMom+= mom;
3808#ifdef debug
3809 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ChooseFermiMomentum: for i="<<i<<", candidate mom="<<mom<<G4endl;
3811 }
3812 if(theA > 2) SimpleSumReduction(momentum, sumMom); // Reduse momentum nonconservation
3813 //G4double bindEn=BindingEnergy()/theA;
3814 G4int thisPDG=GetPDG();
3815 G4double rMp=G4QPDGCode(thisPDG-1000).GetMass(); // Residual for the proton
3816 G4double rMn=G4QPDGCode(thisPDG-1).GetMass(); // Residual for the neutron
3817 G4double rMp2=rMp*rMp;
3818 G4double rMn2=rMn*rMn;
3819 //G4double rM=rMn;
3820 G4double rM2=rMn2;
3821 G4double thisM=GetGSMass();
3822#ifdef debug
3823 G4LorentzVector sum(0.,0.,0.,0.);
3825 for(i=0; i< theA ; i++ )
3826 {
3827 if(theNucleons[i]->GetPDGCode() == 2212)
3828 {
3829 //rM=rMp;
3830 rM2=rMp2;
3831 }
3832 else
3833 {
3834 //rM=rMn;
3835 rM2=rMn2;
3836 }
3837 G4ThreeVector curMom = momentum[i];
3838 G4double energy = thisM-std::sqrt(rM2+curMom.mag2()); // @@ update after splitting
3839 G4LorentzVector tempV(curMom,energy);
3840#ifdef debug
3841 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ChooseFermiMomentum: FINALLY for i="<<i<<", 4mom="<<tempV<<G4endl;
3842 sum+=tempV;
3844 theNucleons[i]->Set4Momentum(tempV);
3845 }
3846#ifdef debug
3847 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ChooseFermiMomentum: FINALLY sum4M="<<sum<<G4endl;
3849 delete [] momentum;
3850} // End of ChooseFermiMomenta
G4ThreeVector G4RandomDirection()
G4DLLIMPORT std::ostream G4cerr
#define G4UniformRand()
Definition: Randomize.hh:53
double mag2() const
G4int GetPDGCode() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:170
const G4ThreeVector & GetPosition() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:182
void SimpleSumReduction(G4ThreeVector *vectors, G4ThreeVector sum)
G4int GetPDG() const
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:69
G4double GetFermiMomentum(G4double density)
G4double GetDensity(const G4ThreeVector &aPos)
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:90
G4double CoulombBarrier(const G4double &cZ=1, const G4double &cA=1, G4double dZ=0., G4double dA=0.)

Referenced by Init3D().

◆ ChooseImpactXandY()

pair< G4double, G4double > G4QNucleus::ChooseImpactXandY ( G4double  maxImpact)

Definition at line 3551 of file

3553 G4double x=1.;
3554 G4double y=1.;
3555 do
3556 {
3557 x = G4UniformRand();
3558 x = x+x-1.;
3559 y = G4UniformRand();
3560 y = y+y-1.;
3561 }
3562 while(x*x+y*y > 1.);
3563 std::pair<G4double, G4double> theImpactParameter;
3564 theImpactParameter.first = x*maxImpact;
3565 theImpactParameter.second = y*maxImpact;
3566 return theImpactParameter;
3567} // End of "ChooseImpactXandY"

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ ChooseNucleons()

void G4QNucleus::ChooseNucleons ( )

Definition at line 3570 of file

3572#ifdef debug
3573 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ChooseNucleons: Nucleons search is started"<<rho0<<G4endl;
3575 G4int protons =0;
3576 G4int nucleons=0;
3577 G4int theA=GetA();
3578 while (nucleons < theA)
3579 {
3580 if(protons<Z && G4UniformRand() < G4double(Z-protons)/G4double(theA-nucleons) )
3581 {
3582 protons++;
3583 nucleons++;
3584 G4QHadron* proton = new G4QHadron(2212);
3585 theNucleons.push_back(proton);
3586 }
3587 else if ( (nucleons-protons) < N )
3588 {
3589 nucleons++;
3590 G4QHadron* neutron = new G4QHadron(2112);
3591 theNucleons.push_back(neutron);
3592 }
3593 else G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::ChooseNucleons not efficient"<<G4endl;
3594 }
3595 return;
3596} // End of ChooseNucleons
@ neutron

Referenced by Init3D().

◆ ChoosePositions()

void G4QNucleus::ChoosePositions ( )

Definition at line 3599 of file

3601 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
3602 static const G4double mProt2= mProt*mProt;
3603 static const G4double third= 1./3.;
3604#ifdef debug
3605 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::ChoosePositions: is called"<<G4endl;
3607 G4int i=0; // nucleon index
3608 G4int theA=GetA(); // cashed value of A
3609 G4int lastN=theA-1; // cashed value of A-1 (theLastNucleon index)
3610 G4ThreeVector aPos(0.,0.,0.); // Prototype of the nucleon position
3611 G4double rPos=0.; // Radius of the nucleon position
3612 G4ThreeVector delta(0.,0.,0.); // Prototype of the distance between nucleons
3613 G4ThreeVector* places= new G4ThreeVector[theA]; // Vector of 3D positions
3614 G4bool freeplace= false; // flag of free space available
3615 G4double nucDist2= nucleonDistance*nucleonDistance; // @@ can be a common static
3616 G4double maxR= GetRadius(0.01); // there are cond no nucleons at this density
3617 G4ThreeVector sumPos(0.,0.,0.); // Vector of the current 3D sum
3618 G4ThreeVector minPos(0.,0.,0.); // Minimum nucleon 3D position
3619 G4double mirPos=maxR; // Proto MinimumRadius of the nucleonPosition
3620 G4int failCNT=0; // Counter of bad attempts
3621 G4int maxCNT=27; // Limit for the bad attempts
3622 while( i < theA && maxR > 0.) // LOOP over all nucleons
3623 {
3624 rPos = maxR*pow(G4UniformRand(),third); // Get random radius of the nucleon position
3625 G4double density=rPos*rPos; // Density at R (temporary squared radius)
3626 if(theA<17) density=GetRelOMDensity(density); // Oscilator model (M.K.?)
3627 else density=GetRelWSDensity(rPos); // Wood-Saxon model
3628#ifdef debug
3629 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::ChoosePositions: i="<<i<<", pos="<<aPos<<", dens="<<density<<G4endl;
3631 if(G4UniformRand()<density) // Try this position with frequency ~Density
3632 {
3633 // @@ Gaussian oscilator distribution is good only up to He4 (s-wave). Above: p-wave
3634 // (1+k*(r^2/R^2)]*exp[-r^2/R^2]. A=s+p=4+3*4=16 (M.K.) So Li,Be,C,N,O are wrong
3635 if(i==lastN) aPos=-rPos*sumPos.unit(); // TheLast tries toCompensate CenterOfGravity
3636 else aPos=rPos*G4RandomDirection(); // It uses the standard G4 function
3637 freeplace = true; // Imply that there is a free space
3638 for(G4int j=0; j<i && freeplace; j++) // Check that there is no overlap with others
3639 {
3640 delta = places[j] - aPos; // Distance to nucleon j
3641 freeplace= delta.mag2()>nucDist2; // If false break the LOOP
3642 }
3643 // protons must at least have binding energy of CoulombBarrier (@@ ? M.K.), so
3644 // assuming Fermi Energy corresponds to Potential, we must place protons such
3645 // that the Fermi Energy > CoulombBarrier (?)
3646 // @@ M.K.: 1. CoulBar depends on aPos; 2. Makes Isotopic assymetry (!); 3. Perform.
3647 G4int nucPDG= theNucleons[i]->GetPDGCode();
3648#ifdef debug
3649 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::ChoosePositions: frpl="<<freeplace<<", nucPDG="<<nucPDG<<G4endl;
3651 if(freeplace && nucPDG == 2212) // Free Space Protons
3652 {
3653 G4double pFermi=GetFermiMomentum(GetDensity(aPos));
3654 G4double eFermi= sqrt(pFermi*pFermi+mProt2)-mProt; // Kinetic energy
3655 if (eFermi <= CoulombBarrier()) freeplace=false;
3656 }
3657 if(rPos<mirPos)
3658 {
3659 mirPos=rPos;
3660 minPos=aPos;
3661 }
3662 if( freeplace || failCNT > maxCNT )
3663 {
3664 if( failCNT > maxCNT ) aPos=minPos;
3665#ifdef debug
3666 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::ChoosePos:->> fill N["<<i<<"], R="<<aPos<<", f="<<failCNT<<G4endl;
3668 places[i]=aPos;
3669 sumPos+=aPos;
3670 ++i;
3671 failCNT=0;
3672 mirPos=maxR;
3673 }
3674 else ++failCNT;
3675 }
3676 }
3677#ifdef debug
3678 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::ChoosePositions: Out of the positioning LOOP"<<G4endl;
3680 if(theA > 2) ReduceSum(places,sumPos); // Reduce the CM shift (equal weights)
3681#ifdef debug
3682 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::ChoosePositions: The reduced summ is made"<<G4endl;
3684 for(i=0; i<theA; i++) theNucleons[i]->SetPosition(places[i]);
3685 delete [] places;
3686#ifdef debug
3687 G4cout << "G4QNucleus::ChoosePositions: The positions are defined for A="<<theA<<G4endl;
3689} // End of ChoosePositions
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:67
void SetPosition(const G4ThreeVector &aPosition)
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:189
G4double GetRelOMDensity(const G4double &r2)
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:95
G4double GetRelWSDensity(const G4double &r)
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:93
G4double GetRadius(const G4double maxRelativeDenisty=0.5)
G4bool ReduceSum(G4ThreeVector *vectors, G4ThreeVector sum)

Referenced by Init3D().

◆ CoulBarPenProb()

G4double G4QNucleus::CoulBarPenProb ( const G4double CB,
const G4double E,
const G4int C,
const G4int B 

Definition at line 3441 of file

3443{// = A.Lepretre et al, Nucl.Phys., A390 (1982) 221-239 =
3444 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass(); // Mass of neutron
3445 static const G4double dNeut= mNeut+mNeut; // DiMass of neutron
3446 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass(); // Mass of proton
3447 static const G4double dProt= mProt+mProt; // DiMass of proton
3448 static const G4double mDeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0); // Mass of deuteron
3449 //static const G4double mTrit= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,2,0); // Mass of tritium
3450 //static const G4double mHel3= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,1,0); // Mass of Helium 3
3451 //static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0); // Mass of alpha
3452 static const G4double wellDebth=40.; //@@ Should be jus binding energy @@ done
3453 // @@ --- Temporary 1 ---> close the OverBarrierReflection for all
3454 //return 1.;
3455 // ^^^^^^^---> End of Themporary 1
3456 // @@ --- Temporary 2 ---> close the OverBarrierReflection for fragments and mesons
3457 //if(E<CB) return 0.;
3458 //if(B!=1) return 1.;
3459 if(B<1 || B>2) return 1.;
3460 if(C>B+1)
3461 {
3462#ifdef debug
3463 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QN::CBPP:SubtractedChrg="<<C<<" >SubtractedBaryonNmbr="<<B<<G4endl;
3465 return 1.;
3466 }
3467 // ^^^^^^^---> End of Themporary 2
3468 //G4double nA=GetA();
3469 //G4double nA=GetA()-B;
3470 //if(nA==40) G4cout<<"G4QN::CBPP:Z="<<GetZ()<<",C="<<C<<",B="<<B<<G4endl;
3471 //else return 1.; // @@@@@ Over barrier reflection is closed @@@ !!! @@@
3472 // Li6 C12 Al27
3473 //else if(nA<7||nA>8&&nA<12||nA>16&&nA<40) return 1.;// "OverBarrierReflection is closed"
3474 //else if(nA>8&&nA<12||nA>16&&nA<40) return 1.; // "OverBarrierReflection is closed" Cond
3475 //else if(nA<12||nA>16&&nA<40) return 1.; // "OverBarrierReflection is closed" Condition
3476 //else if(nA<12||nA>16) return 1.; // "OverBarrierReflection is closed" Condition
3477 //else if(nA<12) return 1.; // @@@@@ Over barrier reflection is closed @@@ !!! @@@
3478 //if(B+B>Z+N+S) return 1.;
3479 //G4double wD=wellDebth*B;
3480 G4double wD=wellDebth;
3481 //G4double wD=0.;
3482 // @@ --- Temporary 3 ---> close the OverBarrierReflection for mesons
3483 //if(!B) wD=0.;
3484 // ^^^^^^^---> End of Themporary 3
3485 G4double GSM=GetGSMass();
3486#ifdef debug
3487 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::CBPenProb:GSM="<<GSM<<",Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<",C="<<C<<",B="<<B<<G4endl;
3489 if(2>3);
3490 // @@ Temporary "Mass Barrier for mesons" @@ __________________
3491 //else if(!B) wD=40.;
3492 // @@ End of Temporary^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
3493 ////else if(nA<7&&B>0) wD=0.; // Only Coulomb Barrier can reflect !!!
3494 ////else if((nA<12||nA>16)&&B>0) wD=0.;// Only CoulombB can reflect !!! O16 E-dep of gamA
3495 ////else if((nA<12||nA>27)&&B>0) wD=0.;// Only CoulombB can reflect !!! O16 E-dep of gamA
3496 ////else if(nA<9&&B>0) return 1.;// Only CoulombBarrier can reflect !!! O16 E-dep of gamA
3497 ////else if(B>0) wD=0.; // Only Coulomb Barrier can reflect !!!
3498 ////else if(B==1) wD=0.;
3499 else if(B==1&&C==1) wD=G4QNucleus(Z-1,N,S).GetGSMass()+mProt-GSM;
3500 else if(B==1&&C==0) wD=G4QNucleus(Z,N-1,S).GetGSMass()+mNeut-GSM;
3501 ////else if(B==1&&C==0) wD=0.;
3502 ////else if(B>1) return 1.;
3503 ////else if(B>1) wD=0.;
3504 ////else if(B==2) wD=0.;
3505 else if(B==2)
3506 {
3507 if (!C) wD=G4QNucleus(Z,N-2,S).GetGSMass()+dNeut-GSM;
3508 else if(C==1) wD=G4QNucleus(Z-1,N-1,S).GetGSMass()+mDeut-GSM;
3509 else if(C==2) wD=G4QNucleus(Z-2,N,S).GetGSMass()+dProt-GSM;
3510 // @@ Temporary "Local B=2 Anti Virial factor" @@ __________________
3511 wD=80.; // 40 MeV per each nucleon
3512 //wD=wD/2;
3513 // @@ End of Temporary^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
3514 }
3515 ////else if(B>2) wD=0.;
3516 ////else if(B>2) return 1.;
3517 ////else if(B==3) wD=0.;
3518 //else if(B==3&&C==1) wD=G4QNucleus(Z-1,N-2,S).GetGSMass()+mTrit-GSM;
3519 ////else if(B==3&&C==1) wD=0.;
3520 //else if(B==3&&C==2) wD=G4QNucleus(Z-2,N-1,S).GetGSMass()+mHel3-GSM;
3521 ////else if(B>3) wD=0.;
3522 ////else if(B==4) wD=0.;
3523 //else if(B==4&&C==2) wD=G4QNucleus(Z-2,N-2,S).GetGSMass()+mAlph-GSM;
3524 ////else if(B>4) wD=0.;
3525 ////else if(B>4) return 1.;
3526 //else if(B>4)wD=G4QNucleus(Z-C,N-B+C,S).GetGSMass()+G4QNucleus(C,B-C,S).GetGSMass()-GSM;
3527 if(wD<0.) wD=0.;
3528#ifdef debug
3529 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::CBPenProb: wD="<<wD<<",E="<<E<<",CB="<<CB<<G4endl;
3531 // @@ Temporary "Virial factor" @@ __________________
3532 wD=wD+wD;
3533 // @@ End of Temporary^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
3534 G4double sR=0.;
3535 G4double CBD=CB+wD;
3536 G4double ED=E+wD;
3537 if(CBD<0.) return 1.;
3538 if(ED<=0.) return 0.;
3539 //if(nA<27) sR=sqrt(wD/ED);
3540 //else sR=sqrt(CBD/ED);
3541 sR=sqrt(CBD/ED);
3542 //sR=sqrt(wD/ED);
3543#ifdef debug
3544 G4cout<<"G4QN::CBPP:s="<<sR<<",E="<<E<<",w="<<wD<<",CB="<<CB<<",B="<<B<<",C="<<C<<G4endl;
3546 if(sR>=1.) return 0.;
3547 return 1.-sR*sR*sR;
3548} // End of "CoulBarPenProb"
G4double GetNuclMass(G4int Z, G4int N, G4int S)

Referenced by EvaporateBaryon().

◆ CoulombBarGen()

G4double G4QNucleus::CoulombBarGen ( const G4double rZ,
const G4double rA,
const G4double cZ,
const G4double cA 

Definition at line 3358 of file

3361 static const G4double third=1./3.;
3362 G4double ca=cA; // @@ can be integer
3363 if(cA < 0.) ca=-cA;
3364#ifdef debug
3365 if(rA < 0.) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucl::CoulombBarGen: NucleusA="<<rA<<", Z="<<rZ<<G4endl;
3367 G4double ra=rA; // @@ can be integer
3368 if(rA < 0.) ra=-rA;
3369 G4double zz=rZ*cZ;
3370 // Naitive CHIPS radius: CB={1.46=200(MeV)/137}*z*Z/{R=1.13}*((a*z)**1/3+A**1/3) (?)
3371 //G4double cb=1.29*zz/(pow(rA,third)+pow(cA,third));
3372 //double cb=zz/(pow(rA,third)+pow(ca,third)+.1);
3373 G4double cb=1.29*zz/(pow(ra,third)+pow(ca,third)+.1); //CHIPS like potential
3374 // Geant4 solution for protons is practically the same:
3375 // G4double cb=1.263*Z/(1.0 + pow(rA,third));
3376 // @@ --- Temporary "Lambda/Delta barrier for mesons"
3377 //if(!cA) cb+=40.;
3378 // --- End of Temporary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
3379#ifdef debug
3380 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::CoulBG:rA="<<cA<<",rZ="<<cZ<<",cA="<<cA<<",cZ="<<cZ<<",C="<<cb<<G4endl;
3382 return cb;
3383} // End of "CoulombBarier"

Referenced by CoulombBarrier(), and G4QLowEnergy::PostStepDoIt().

◆ CoulombBarrier()

G4double G4QNucleus::CoulombBarrier ( const G4double cZ = 1,
const G4double cA = 1,
G4double  dZ = 0.,
G4double  dA = 0. 

Definition at line 3386 of file

3389 G4double rA=GetA()-cA;
3390 if (dA != 0.) rA-=dA;
3391#ifdef debug
3392 if(rA<0.) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucl::CoulombBarrier: NucleusA="<<rA<<", rZ="<<cZ<<G4endl;
3394 G4double rZ=Z-cZ;
3395 if(delZ != 0.) rZ-=delZ;
3396#ifdef debug
3397 if(rA<0.) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucl::CoulombBarrier: NucleusA="<<rA<<", rZ="<<cZ<<G4endl;
3399 return CoulombBarGen(rZ, rA, cZ, cA);
3400} // End of "CoulombBarier"
G4double CoulombBarGen(const G4double &rZ, const G4double &rA, const G4double &cZ, const G4double &cA)

Referenced by ChooseFermiMomenta(), ChoosePositions(), EvaporateBaryon(), EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and SplitBaryon().

◆ DecayAlphaAlpha()

void G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 7665 of file

7667 static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);
7668 static const G4double aaGSM= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(4,4,0);
7669 static const G4double eps=0.003;
7670 G4int qPDG = qH->GetPDGCode(); // PDG Code of the decayin dialpha
7671 if(qPDG!=90004004)
7672 {
7673 delete qH;
7674 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha: qPDG="<<qPDG<<G4endl;
7675 // throw G4QException("***G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha: Not Be8 state decais in 2 alphas");
7677 ed << "Not Be8 state decais in 2 alphas: qPDG=" << qPDG << G4endl;
7678 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
7679 FatalException, ed);
7680 }
7681 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the Dibaryon
7682 G4double qM=q4M.m();
7683#ifdef debug
7684 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAlAl: *Called* PDG="<<qPDG<<",M="<<qM<<q4M<<">"<<aaGSM<<G4endl;
7686 //if(qM>aaGSM+.01) // @@ Be8*->gamma+Be8 (as in evaporation) @@ gamma cooling
7687 if(2>3)
7688 {
7689 G4int fPDG = 22;
7690 G4int sPDG = 90004004;
7691 G4double fMass= 0.;
7692 G4double sMass= aaGSM;
7693 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7694 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass); // Mass is random since probab. time
7695 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
7696 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7697 {
7698 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
7699 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
7700 }
7701 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
7702 {
7703 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNuc::DecayAlphaAlpha:gPDG="<<fPDG<<"(gM="<<fMass<<")+PDG="
7704 <<sPDG<<"(sM="<<sMass<<")="<<sum<<" > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7705 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayAlphAlph: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7706 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha:g+diAlph DecayIn2 didn't succeed");
7707 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7708 return;
7709 }
7710#ifdef debug
7711 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha: *DONE* gam4M="<<f4Mom<<", aa4M="<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
7713 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st alpha
7714 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7715 qH->Set4Momentum(s4Mom);
7716 q4M=s4Mom;
7717 }
7718 G4int fPDG = 90002002;
7719 G4int sPDG = 90002002;
7720 G4double fMass= mAlph;
7721 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7722 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7723 G4double sum=fMass+fMass;
7724 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7725 {
7726 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
7727 s4Mom=f4Mom;
7728 }
7729 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
7730 {
7731 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNucl::DecayAlphaAlpha:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")*2="<<sum
7732 <<" > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7733 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayAlphAlph: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7734 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha: diAlpha DecayIn2 didn't succeed");
7735 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7736 return;
7737 }
7738#ifdef debug
7739 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha: *DONE* fal4M="<<f4Mom<<", sal4M="<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
7741 delete qH;
7742 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st alpha
7743 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7744 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd alpha
7745 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7746} // End of DecayAlphaAlpha
@ FatalException
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *comments)
std::ostringstream G4ExceptionDescription
Definition: globals.hh:76

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DecayAlphaBar()

void G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 7414 of file

7416 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
7417 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
7418 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
7419 static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);
7420 static const G4double mTrit= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,2,0);
7421 static const G4double mHe3 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,1,0);
7422 static const G4double eps=0.003;
7423 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the Alpha-Baryon
7424 G4double qM = q4M.m(); // Mass of Alpha-Baryon
7425 G4int qPDG = qH->GetPDGCode(); // PDG Code of the decayin Alpha-Baryon
7426 G4QContent qQC = qH->GetQC(); // PDG Code of the decaying Alpha-Bar
7427#ifdef debug
7428 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar: *Called* PDG="<<qPDG<<",4M="<<q4M<<qQC<<G4endl;
7430 G4int totS=qQC.GetStrangeness(); // Total Strangeness (L)
7431 G4int totC=qQC.GetCharge(); // Total Charge (p)
7432 G4int totBN=qQC.GetBaryonNumber(); // Total Baryon Number (A)
7434 if ( ( (!totS && !totC) || totC == totBN || totS == totBN)
7435 && totBN > 1) DecayMultyBaryon(qH,evaHV);
7436 else if(qPDG==92001002||qPDG==92002001||qPDG==91003001||qPDG==91001003||qPDG==93001001)
7437 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7438 else if(qPDG==92000003||qPDG==92003000||qPDG==93000002||qPDG==93002000)
7439 {
7440 G4int fPDG = 3122; // 1st Prototype for 2L+3n case
7441 G4double fMass= mLamb;
7442 G4int sPDG = 2112;
7443 G4double sMass= mNeut;
7444 if (qPDG==92003000) // "2L+3p" case
7445 {
7446 sPDG = 2212;
7447 sMass= mProt;
7448 }
7449 else if(qPDG==93000002) // "2n+3L" case
7450 {
7451 fPDG = 2112;
7452 fMass= mNeut;
7453 sPDG = 3122;
7454 sMass= mLamb;
7455 }
7456 else if(qPDG==93002000) // "2p+3L" case
7457 {
7458 fPDG = 2212;
7459 fMass= mProt;
7460 sPDG = 3122;
7461 sMass= mLamb;
7462 }
7463 G4double tfM=fMass+fMass;
7464 G4double tsM=sMass+sMass+sMass;
7465 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tfM);
7466 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tsM);
7467 G4double sum=tfM+tsM;
7468 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7469 {
7470 f4Mom=q4M*(tfM/sum);
7471 s4Mom=q4M*(tsM/sum);
7472 }
7473 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
7474 {
7475 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QNuc::DecAlB:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")*2="<<2*fMass<<",s="
7476 <<sPDG<<"(sM="<<sMass<<")*3="<<3*sMass<<"="<<sum<<">M="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7477 //G4cerr<<"***G4QN::DecayAlphaBar: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7478 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar: DecayIn2 didn't succeed for 3/2");
7479 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7480 return;
7481 }
7482#ifdef debug
7483 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecAlB:*DONE*, fPDG="<<fPDG<<f4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
7485 delete qH;
7486 G4LorentzVector rf4Mom=f4Mom/2;
7487 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,rf4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
7488 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7489 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7490 G4LorentzVector rs4Mom=s4Mom/3;
7491 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,rs4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
7492 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7493 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7494 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7495 }
7496 else if(qPDG==90004001||qPDG==90001004)
7497 {
7498 G4int fPDG = 90002001; // Prototype for "He3+2p" case
7499 G4double fMass= mHe3;
7500 G4int sPDG = 2212;
7501 G4double sMass= mProt;
7502 if (qPDG==90001004) // "t+2n" case
7503 {
7504 fPDG = 90001002;
7505 fMass= mTrit;
7506 sPDG = 2112;
7507 sMass= mNeut;
7508 }
7509 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7510 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
7511 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
7512 G4double sum=fMass+sMass+sMass;
7513 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7514 {
7515 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
7516 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
7517 t4Mom=s4Mom;
7518 }
7519 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom))
7520 {
7521 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QNuc::DecAlB:fPDG="<<fPDG<<",M="<<fMass<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<",sM="
7522 <<sMass<<",2sM+fM="<<2*sMass+fMass<<" > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7523 //G4cerr<<"*G4QNuc::DecayAlphaBar: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7524 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar: t/nn,He3/pp DecayIn3 didn't");
7525 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7526 return;
7527 }
7528#ifdef debug
7529 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::DecAlB: *DONE*, f="<<fPDG<<f4Mom<<", s="<<sPDG<<s4Mom<<t4Mom<<G4endl;
7531 delete qH;
7532 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
7533 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7534 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
7535 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7536 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 3-d baryon
7537 evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H3" (delete equivalent)
7538 }
7539 else if(qPDG==94000001||qPDG==94001000||qPDG==91000004||qPDG==91004000)
7540 {
7541 G4int fPDG = 3122; // Prototype for "4L+n" case
7542 G4double fMass= mLamb+mLamb;
7543 G4int sPDG = 2112;
7544 G4double sMass= mNeut;
7545 if (qPDG==94001000) // "4L+p" case
7546 {
7547 sPDG = 2212;
7548 sMass= mProt;
7549 }
7550 else if(qPDG==91000004) // "4n+L" case
7551 {
7552 fPDG = 2112;
7553 fMass= mNeut+mNeut;
7554 sPDG = 3122;
7555 sMass= mLamb;
7556 }
7557 else if(qPDG==91004000) // "4p+L" case
7558 {
7559 fPDG = 2212;
7560 fMass= mProt+mProt;
7561 sPDG = 3122;
7562 sMass= mLamb;
7563 }
7564 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass+fMass);
7565 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
7566 G4double sum=fMass+fMass+sMass;
7567 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7568 {
7569 f4Mom=q4M*((fMass+fMass)/sum);
7570 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
7571 }
7572 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
7573 {
7574 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QNucl::DecAlphBar:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(2*fM="<<fMass<<")*2="
7575 <<2*fMass<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<"(sM="<<sMass<<" > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7576 //G4cerr<<"*G4QNuc::DecayAlphaBar: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7577 //throw G4QException("G4QNucl::DecayAlphaBar:QuintBaryon DecayIn2 didn't succeed");
7578 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7579 return;
7580 }
7581#ifdef debug
7582 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecAlphaB: *DONE*, fPDG="<<fPDG<<f4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
7584 delete qH;
7585 G4LorentzVector rf4Mom=f4Mom/4;
7586 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,rf4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
7587 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7588 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7589 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7590 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7591 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
7592 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7593 }
7594 else if(qPDG==90003002||qPDG==90002003||qPDG==91002002)
7595 {
7596 G4int fPDG = 90002002; // Prototype for "alpha+n" case
7597 G4int sPDG = 2112;
7598 G4double fMass= mAlph;
7599 G4double sMass= mNeut;
7600 if(qPDG==90003002) // "alpha+p" case
7601 {
7602 sPDG = 2212;
7603 sMass= mProt;
7604 }
7605 else if(qPDG==9100202) // "alpha+l" case
7606 {
7607 sPDG = 3122;
7608 sMass= mLamb;
7609 }
7610 else if(qPDG!=90002003)
7611 {
7612 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill hadron as it is (delete equivalent)
7613 //EvaporateNucleus(qH, evaHV); // Evaporate Nucleus (delete equivivalent)
7614 return;
7615 }
7616 G4double dM=fMass+sMass-qM;
7617 if(dM>0.&&dM<1.)
7618 {
7619#ifdef debug
7620 G4cout<<"***Corrected***G4QNuc::DecayAlphaBar:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")+ sPDG="
7621 <<sPDG<<"(sM="<<sMass<<")="<<fMass+sMass<<" > TotM="<<qM<<q4M<<G4endl;
7623 G4double hdM=dM/2;
7624 fMass-=hdM;
7625 sMass-=hdM;
7626 }
7627 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7628 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass); // Mass is random since probab. time
7629 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
7630 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7631 {
7632 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
7633 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
7634 }
7635 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
7636 {
7637 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QNuc::DecAlphaBar:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG
7638 <<"(sM="<<sMass<<")="<<fMass+sMass<<"="<<sum<<" > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7639 //G4cout<<"*G4QNuc::DecayAlphaBar: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7640 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucl::DecayAlphaBar:Alpha+Baryon DecIn2 didn't succeed");
7641 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7642 return;
7643 }
7644#ifdef debug
7645 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::DecAlBar:*DONE*a4M="<<f4Mom<<",s4M="<<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<G4endl;
7647 delete qH;
7648 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the alpha
7649 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7650 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the baryon
7651 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7652 }
7653 else G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar: Unknown PDG="<<qPDG<<G4endl;
7654#ifdef qdebug
7655 if (qH)
7656 {
7657 G4cout << "G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar: deleted at end - PDG: "
7658 << qH->GetPDGCode() << G4endl;
7659 delete qH;
7660 }
7662} // End of DecayAlphaBar
G4int GetCharge() const
G4int GetBaryonNumber() const
G4int GetStrangeness() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:184
void DecayMultyBaryon(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DecayAlphaDiN()

void G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaDiN ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 7331 of file

7333 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
7334 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
7335 static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);
7336 static const G4double mHel6= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,4,0);
7337 static const G4double eps=0.003;
7338 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the AlphaDibaryon
7339 G4double qM = q4M.m(); // Real mass of the AlphaDibaryon
7340 G4int qPDG = qH->GetPDGCode(); // PDG Code of the decayin AlphaDybaryon
7341#ifdef debug
7342 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecayAlphaDiN: *Called* PDG="<<qPDG<<",4M="<<q4M<<G4endl;
7344 G4int fPDG = 2212; // Prototype for alpha+pp case
7345 G4double fMass= mProt;
7346 G4int sPDG = 90002002;
7347 G4double sMass= mAlph;
7348 if (qPDG==90002004) // "alpha+2neutrons" case
7349 {
7350 if(fabs(qM-mHel6)<eps)
7351 {
7352 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill as it is (delete equivalent)
7353 return;
7354 }
7355 else if(mNeut+mNeut+mAlph<qM)
7356 {
7357 fPDG = 2112;
7358 fMass= mNeut;
7359 }
7360 else
7361 {
7362 delete qH;
7363 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNu::DecAlDiN:M(He6="<<mHel6<<")="<<qM<<"<"<<mNeut+mNeut+mAlph<<G4endl;
7364 // throw G4QException("G4QNuc::DecayAlphaDiN: Cannot decay excited He6 with this mass");
7366 ed << "Cannot decay excited He6 with this mass: M(He6=" << mHel6 << ")="
7367 << qM << "<" << mNeut+mNeut+mAlph << G4endl;
7368 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaDiN()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
7369 FatalException, ed);
7370 }
7371 }
7372 else if(qPDG!=90004002) // "Bad call" case
7373 {
7374 delete qH;
7375 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayAlphaDiN: PDG="<<qPDG<<G4endl;
7376 // throw G4QException("G4QNuc::DecayAlphaDiN: Can not decay this PDG Code");
7378 ed << "Can not decay this PDG Code: PDG=" << qPDG << G4endl;
7379 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaDiN()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
7380 FatalException, ed);
7381 }
7382 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7383 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7384 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
7385 G4double sum=fMass+fMass+sMass;
7386 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7387 {
7388 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
7389 s4Mom=f4Mom;
7390 t4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
7391 }
7392 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom))
7393 {
7394 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNuc::DecayAlphaDiN:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")*2+mAlpha = "
7395 <<sum<<" >? TotM="<<qM<<q4M<<", d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7396 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayAlphaDiN: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7397 //throw G4QException("G4QNuc::DecayAlphaDiN: Alpha+N+N DecayIn3 error");
7398 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7399 return;
7400 }
7401#ifdef debug
7402 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecAl2N: fPDG="<<fPDG<<",f="<<f4Mom<<",s="<<s4Mom<<",t="<<t4Mom<<G4endl;
7404 delete qH;
7405 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
7406 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7407 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
7408 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7409 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the alpha
7410 evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H3" (delete equivalent)
7411} // End of DecayAlphaDiN

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DecayAntiDibaryon()

void G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 6591 of file

6593 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
6594 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
6595 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
6596 static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
6597 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
6598 static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
6599 static const G4double mKsiM= G4QPDGCode(3312).GetMass();
6600 static const G4double mKsiZ= G4QPDGCode(3322).GetMass();
6601 static const G4double mDeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);
6602 static const G4double mPiN = mPi+mNeut;
6603 static const G4double mPiP = mPi+mProt;
6604 static const G4double dmPiN= mPiN+mPiN;
6605 static const G4double dmPiP= mPiP+mPiP;
6606 static const G4double nnPi = mNeut+mPiN;
6607 static const G4double ppPi = mProt+mPiP;
6608 static const G4double lnPi = mLamb+mPiN;
6609 static const G4double lpPi = mLamb+mPiP;
6610 static const G4double dNeut= mNeut+mNeut;
6611 static const G4double dProt= mProt+mProt;
6612 static const G4double dLamb= mLamb+mLamb;
6613 static const G4double dLaNe= mLamb+mNeut;
6614 static const G4double dLaPr= mLamb+mProt;
6615 static const G4double dSiPr= mSigP+mProt;
6616 static const G4double dSiNe= mSigM+mNeut;
6617 static const G4double dKsPr= mKsiZ+mProt;
6618 static const G4double dKsNe= mKsiM+mNeut;
6619 static const G4double eps = 0.003;
6620 static const G4QNucleus vacuum(90000000);
6621 G4bool four=false; // defFALSE for 4-particle decay of diDelta
6622 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the Dibaryon
6623 G4int qPDG = qH->GetPDGCode(); // PDG Code of the decaying dybaryon
6624 G4double qM = q4M.m(); // Mass of the decaying anti-di-baryon
6625 G4double rM = qM+eps; // Just to avoid the computer accuracy
6626#ifdef debug
6627 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::DecayAntiDibar:*Called* PDG="<<qPDG<<",4Mom="<<q4M<<", M="<<qM<<G4endl;
6629 // Select a chanel of the dibaryon decay (including Delta+Delta-> 4 particle decay
6630 G4int fPDG = -2212; // Prototype for anti-pp case
6631 G4int sPDG = -2212;
6632 G4int tPDG = 0; // Zero prototype to separate 3 from 2
6633 G4double fMass= mProt;
6634 G4double sMass= mProt;
6635 G4double tMass= mPi;
6636 if (qPDG==89996002 && rM>=dmPiP) // "anti-diDelta++" case
6637 {
6638 sPDG = -211;
6639 sMass= mPi;
6640 four = true;
6641 }
6642 else if(qPDG==90001996 && rM>=dmPiN) // "diDelta--" case
6643 {
6644 sPDG = 211;
6645 fPDG = -2112;
6646 sMass= mPi;
6647 fMass= mNeut;
6648 four = true;
6649 }
6650 else if(qPDG==89999998 && rM>=dNeut) // "dineutron" case
6651 {
6652 fPDG = -2112;
6653 sPDG = -2112;
6654 fMass= mNeut;
6655 sMass= mNeut;
6656 }
6657 else if(qPDG==89998999 && rM>=mDeut) // "exited deutron" case
6658 {
6659 if(fabs(qM-mDeut)<eps)
6660 {
6661 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill as it is (delete equivalent)
6662 return;
6663 }
6664 else if(mProt+mNeut<rM)
6665 {
6666 fPDG = -2112;
6667 fMass= mNeut;
6668 }
6669 else
6670 {
6671 fPDG = 22;
6672 sPDG = 89998999; // Anti-deuteron
6673 fMass= 0.;
6674 sMass= mDeut;
6675 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QNucl::DecayAntiDibar:ANTI-DEUTERON is created M="<<rM<<G4endl;
6676 }
6677 }
6678 else if(qPDG==88999999 && rM>=dLaNe) // "Lambda-neutron" case
6679 {
6680 fPDG = -2112;
6681 sPDG = -3122;
6682 fMass= mNeut;
6683 sMass= mLamb;
6684 }
6685 else if(qPDG==88999999 && rM>=dLaPr) // "Lambda-proton" case
6686 {
6687 sPDG = -3122;
6688 sMass= mLamb;
6689 }
6690 else if(qPDG==90000997 && rM>=nnPi) // "neutron/Delta-" case
6691 {
6692 fPDG = -2112;
6693 sPDG = -2112;
6694 tPDG = 211;
6695 fMass= mNeut;
6696 sMass= mNeut;
6697 }
6698 else if(qPDG==89997001 && rM>=ppPi) // "proton/Delta++" case
6699 {
6700 tPDG = -211;
6701 }
6702 else if(qPDG==89000998 && rM>=lnPi) // "lambda/Delta-" case
6703 {
6704 fPDG = -2112;
6705 sPDG = -3122;
6706 tPDG = 211;
6707 fMass= mNeut;
6708 sMass= mLamb;
6709 }
6710 else if(qPDG==889998001 && rM>=lpPi) // "lambda/Delta+" case
6711 {
6712 sPDG = -3122;
6713 tPDG = -211;
6714 sMass= mLamb;
6715 }
6716 else if(qPDG==89000998 && rM>=dSiNe) // "Sigma-/neutron" case
6717 {
6718 fPDG = -2112;
6719 sPDG = -3112;
6720 fMass= mNeut;
6721 sMass= mSigM;
6722 }
6723 else if(qPDG==88998001 && rM>=dSiPr) // "Sigma+/proton" case
6724 {
6725 sPDG = -3222;
6726 sMass= mSigP;
6727 }
6728 else if(qPDG==88000000 && rM>=dLamb) // "diLambda" case
6729 {
6730 fPDG = -3122;
6731 sPDG = -3122;
6732 fMass= mLamb;
6733 sMass= mLamb;
6734 }
6735 else if(qPDG==88000999 && rM>=dKsNe) // "Ksi-/neutron" case
6736 {
6737 fPDG = -2112;
6738 sPDG = -3312;
6739 fMass= mNeut;
6740 sMass= mKsiM;
6741 }
6742 else if(qPDG==87999001 && rM>=dKsPr) // "Ksi0/proton" case
6743 {
6744 sPDG = -3322;
6745 sMass= mKsiZ;
6746 }
6747 else if(qPDG!=89998000|| rM<dProt) // Other possibilities (if not a default)
6748 {
6749 G4int qS = qH->GetStrangeness();
6750 G4int qB = qH->GetBaryonNumber();
6751 if(qB>0&&qS<0) // Antistrange diBarion
6752 {
6753 DecayAntiStrange(qH,evaHV);
6754 return;
6755 }
6756 else
6757 {
6758 delete qH;
6759 G4cerr<<"**G4QNuc::DecayAntiDiBar: badPDG="<<qPDG<<" or smallM="<<qM<<", 2mP="<<dProt
6760 <<", 2mN="<<dNeut<<G4endl;
6761 // @@ Nothing to do. Just 2 GeV disappears... Very rare! Just to avoid the exception.
6762 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayDibar: Unknown PDG code or small Mass of DB");
6763 }
6764 }
6765 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
6766 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
6767 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tMass);
6768 if(!tPDG&&!four)
6769 {
6770 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
6771 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6772 {
6773 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6774 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6775 }
6776 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
6777 {
6778 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::DecAntiDib:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG
6779 <<"(M="<<sMass<<")="<<sum<<" >? TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
6780 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::DecayDiBar: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
6781 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon: DiBaryon DecayIn2 error");
6782 evaHV->push_back(qH);
6783 return;
6784 }
6785#ifdef debug
6786 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon:(2) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG
6787 <<", s4M="<<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<G4endl;
6789 delete qH;
6790 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6791 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6792 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6793 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6794 }
6795 else if(four)
6796 {
6797 q4M=q4M/2.; // Divided in 2 !!!
6798 qM/=2.; // Divide the mass in 2 !
6799 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
6800 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6801 {
6802 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6803 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6804 }
6805 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
6806 {
6807 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::DecAntiDib:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG
6808 <<"(M="<<sMass<<")"<<"="<<sum<<">tM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
6809 //G4cerr<<"***G4QN::DecayDibaryon: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
6810 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucleus::DecDibaryon: Dibaryon DecayIn2 error");
6811 evaHV->push_back(qH);
6812 return;
6813 }
6814#ifdef debug
6815 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon:(3) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG
6816 <<", s4M="<<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<G4endl;
6818 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6819 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6820 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6821 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6822 // Now the second pair mus be decayed
6823 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6824 {
6825 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6826 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6827 }
6828 else if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
6829 {
6830 // Should not be here as sum was already compared with qM above for the first delta
6831 delete qH;
6832 // G4cerr<<"**G4QNucl::DecAntiDibar:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG<<"(sM="
6833 // <<sMass<<")="<<sum<<" >? (DD2,Can't be here) TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
6834 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon: General DecayIn2 error");
6836 ed << " General DecayIn2 error: fPDG=" << fPDG << "(fM=" << fMass
6837 << ")+sPDG=" << sPDG << "(sM=" << sMass << ")=" << sum
6838 << " >? (DD2,Can't be here) TotM=" << q4M.m() << q4M << G4endl;
6839 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
6840 FatalException, ed);
6841 }
6842#ifdef debug
6843 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::DecayAntiDibaryon:(4) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG
6844 <<", s4M="<<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<G4endl;
6846 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6847 evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6848 G4QHadron* H4 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6849 evaHV->push_back(H4); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6850 delete qH;
6851 }
6852 else
6853 {
6854 G4double sum=fMass+sMass+tMass;
6855 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6856 {
6857 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6858 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6859 t4Mom=q4M*(tMass/sum);
6860 }
6861 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom))
6862 {
6863 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QN::DecAntiDib:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG<<"(M="
6864 <<sMass<<")+tPDG="<<tPDG<<"(tM="<<tMass<<")="<<sum<<">TotM="<<q4M.m()<<G4endl;
6865 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayDibaryon:qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
6866 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon: diBar DecayIn3 error");
6867 evaHV->push_back(qH);
6868 return;
6869 }
6870#ifdef debug
6871 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecayAbtiDibaryon:(5) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG<<", s4M="
6872 <<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<", t4M="<<t4Mom<<",tPDG="<<tPDG<<G4endl;
6874 //qH->SetNFragments(2); // Fill a#of fragments to decaying Dibaryon
6875 //evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill hadron with nf=2 (delete equivalent)
6876 // Instead
6877 delete qH;
6878 //
6879 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6880 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6881 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6882 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6883 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(tPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the meson
6884 evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H3" (delete equivalent)
6885 }
6886#ifdef qdebug
6887 if (qH)
6888 {
6889 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayDiBaryon: deleted at end - PDG="<<qH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
6890 delete qH;
6891 }
6893} // End of DecayAntiDibaryon
void DecayAntiStrange(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DecayAntiStrange()

void G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 6896 of file

6898 static const G4double mK = G4QPDGCode(321).GetMass();
6899 static const G4double mK0 = G4QPDGCode(311).GetMass();
6900 static const G4double eps = 0.003;
6901 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-mom of the AntiStrangeNuclearState
6902 G4double qM = q4M.m(); // Real mass of the AntiStrangeNuclearState
6903 G4QContent qQC= qH->GetQC(); // PDGCode of theDecayingAntiStrangeNuclSt.
6904 G4int qS = qH->GetStrangeness(); // Strangness of the AntiStrangeNuclearState
6905 G4int qB = qH->GetBaryonNumber(); // BaryonNumber of the AntiStrangeNuclearSt.
6906 G4int qP = qH->GetCharge(); // Charge of the AntiStranNuclState (a#of p)
6907#ifdef debug
6908 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecAntS:QC="<<qQC<<",S="<<qS<<",B="<<qB<<",C="<<qP<<",4M="<<q4M<<G4endl;
6910 G4int qN = qB-qP-qS; // a#of neuterons
6911 if(qS>=0 || qB<1)
6912 {
6913 delete qH;
6914 // G4cerr<<"G4QNuc::DecayAntiStrange:QC="<<qQC<<",S="<<qS<<",B="<<qB<<",4M="<<q4M<<G4endl;
6915 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange: not an Anti Strange Nucleus");
6917 ed << "not an Anti Strange Nucleus: QC=" << qQC << ",S=" << qS << ",B="
6918 << qB << ",4M=" << q4M << G4endl;
6919 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
6920 FatalException, ed);
6921 }
6922 G4int n1=1; // prototype of a#of K0's
6923 G4double k1M=mK0;
6924 G4int k1PDG=311; // K0 (as a prototype)
6925 G4int n2=0; // prototype of a#of K+'s
6926 G4double k2M=mK;
6927 G4int k2PDG=321; // K+
6928 G4int aS=-qS; // -Strangness = antistrangeness
6929 G4int sH=aS/2; // a small half of the antistrangeness
6930 G4int bH=aS-sH; // a big half to take into account all the antistrangeness
6931 if(qP>0 && qP>qN) // a#of protons > a#of neutrons
6932 {
6933 if(qP>=bH) // => "Enough protons in nucleus" case
6934 {
6935 if(qN>=sH)
6936 {
6937 n1=sH;
6938 n2=bH;
6939 }
6940 else
6941 {
6942 G4int dPN=qP-qN;
6943 if(dPN>=aS)
6944 {
6945 n1=0;
6946 n2=aS;
6947 }
6948 else
6949 {
6950 G4int sS=(aS-dPN)/2;
6951 G4int bS=aS-dPN-sS;
6952 sS+=dPN;
6953 if(qP>=sS && qN>=bS)
6954 {
6955 n1=bS;
6956 n2=sS;
6957 }
6958 else if(qP<sS)
6959 {
6960 n1=aS-qP;
6961 n2=qP;
6962 }
6963 else
6964 {
6965 n1=qN;
6966 n2=aS-qN;
6967 }
6968 }
6969 }
6970 }
6971 }
6972 else if(qN>=bH)
6973 {
6974 if(qP>=sH)
6975 {
6976 n2=sH;
6977 n1=bH;
6978 }
6979 else
6980 {
6981 G4int dNP=qN-qP;
6982 if(dNP>=aS)
6983 {
6984 n1=aS;
6985 n2=0;
6986 }
6987 else
6988 {
6989 G4int sS=(aS-dNP)/2;
6990 G4int bS=aS-sS;
6991 if(qN>=bS && qP>=sS)
6992 {
6993 n1=bS;
6994 n2=sS;
6995 }
6996 else if(qN<bS)
6997 {
6998 n1=qN;
6999 n2=aS-qN;
7000 }
7001 else
7002 {
7003 n1=aS-qP;
7004 n2=qP;
7005 }
7006 }
7007 }
7008 }
7009 G4int qPDG=90000000+(qP-n2)*1000+(qN-n1); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
7010 G4double nucM = G4QNucleus(qPDG).GetGSMass(); // Mass of the Residual Nucleus
7011#ifdef debug
7012 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAnStran:nK0="<<n1<<",nK+="<<n2<<", nucM="<<nucM<<G4endl;
7014 G4int m1=0; // prototype of a#of K0's
7015 G4int m2_value=qP; // prototype of a#of K+'s
7016 if(qP>=-qS) m2_value=-qS; // Enough charge for K+'s
7017 else if(qP>0) m1=-qS-qP; // Anti-Lambdas are partially compensated by neutrons
7018 G4int sPDG=90000000+(qP-m2_value)*1000+(qN-m1); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
7019 G4double mucM = G4QNucleus(sPDG).GetGSMass(); // Mass of the Residual Nucleus
7020 if(mucM+m1*mK+m2_value*mK0<nucM+n1*mK+n2*mK0) // New is smaller
7021 {
7022 qPDG=sPDG;
7023 nucM=mucM;
7024 n1=m1;
7025 n2=m2_value;
7026 }
7027#ifdef debug
7028 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAnStran: n1="<<n1<<", n2="<<n2<<", nM="<<nucM<<G4endl;
7030 if(!n1||!n2) // AntiKaons of only one sort are found
7031 {
7032 if(!n1) // No K0's only K+'s
7033 {
7034 if(n2==1 && mK+nucM>qM+.0001) // Mass limit: switch to K0
7035 {
7036 k1M=mK0;
7037 n1=1;
7038 qPDG=90000000+qP*1000+qN-1; // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
7039 nucM = G4QNucleus(qPDG).GetGSMass(); // Mass of the Residual Nucleus
7040 }
7041 else
7042 {
7043 k1M=mK;
7044 k1PDG=321; // Only K+'s (default K0's)
7045 n1=n2; // only n1 is used
7046 }
7047 }
7048 else // No K+'s only K0's
7049 {
7050 if(n1==1 && mK0+nucM>qM+.0001) // Mass limit: switch to K+
7051 {
7052 k1M=mK;
7053 k1PDG=321; // K+ instead of K0
7054 qPDG=90000000+(qP-1)*1000+qN; // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
7055 nucM = G4QNucleus(qPDG).GetGSMass(); // Mass of the Residual Nucleus
7056 }
7057 else k1M=mK0; // Only anti-K0's (default k1PDG)
7058 }
7059#ifdef debug
7060 G4int naPDG=90000000+(qP-1)*1000+qN; // Prot PDG of the Alternative Residual Nucleus
7061 G4double naM=G4QNucleus(naPDG).GetGSMass(); // Prot Mass of the Alt. Residual Nucleus
7062 G4double kaM=mK; // Prot Mass of the Alternative kaon (K+)
7063 if(k1PDG==321) // Calculate alternative to K+
7064 {
7065 naPDG=90000000+qP*1000+qN-1; // PDG of the Alternative Residual Nucleus
7066 naM=G4QNucleus(naPDG).GetGSMass(); // Mass of the Alt. Residual Nucleus
7067 kaM=mK0; // Prot Mass of the Alternative kaon (K0)
7068 }
7069 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAnStran:M="<<qM<<",kM="<<k1M<<"+nM="<<nucM<<"="<<k1M+nucM
7070 <<",m="<<kaM<<"+n="<<naM<<"="<<kaM+naM<<G4endl;
7072 G4double n1M=n1*k1M;
7073 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,n1M);
7074 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
7075 G4double sum=nucM+n1M;
7076 if(sum>qM+eps && n1==1) // Try to use another K if this is the only kaon
7077 {
7078 G4int naPDG=90000000+(qP-1)*1000+qN; // Prot PDG of the Alternative Residual Nucleus
7079 G4double naM=G4QNucleus(naPDG).GetGSMass(); // Prot Mass of the Alt. Residual Nucleus
7080 G4int akPDG=321; // Prototype PDGCode of the AlternativeKaon (K+)
7081 G4double kaM=mK; // Prototype Mass of the AlternativeKaon (K+)
7082 if(k1PDG==321) // Calculate alternative to the K+ meson
7083 {
7084 naPDG=90000000+qP*1000+qN-1; // PDG of the Alternative Residual Nucleus
7085 naM=G4QNucleus(naPDG).GetGSMass(); // Mass of the Alt. Residual Nucleus
7086 akPDG=311; // PDG Code of the Alternative kaon (K0)
7087 kaM=mK0; // Mass of the Alternative kaon (K0)
7088 }
7089 G4double asum=naM+kaM;
7090 if(asum<sum) // Make a KSwap correction
7091 {
7092 nucM=naM;
7093 n1M=kaM;
7094 k1M=kaM;
7095 k1PDG=akPDG;
7096 qPDG=naPDG;
7097 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,n1M);
7098 s4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
7099 }
7100 }
7101 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7102 {
7103 f4Mom=q4M*(n1M/sum);
7104 s4Mom=q4M*(nucM/sum);
7105 }
7106 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
7107 {
7108#ifdef debug
7109 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QNuc::DASt:AsItIs, H="<<qQC<<q4M<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<"=(F)"
7110 <<nucM<<"+(kK)"<<n1M<<G4endl;
7112 evaHV->push_back(qH); // @@ Can cause problems with particle conversion in G4
7113 return;
7114 }
7115#ifdef debug
7116 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecAntiS: nK+N "<<n1<<"*K="<<k1PDG<<f4Mom<<",N="<<qPDG<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
7118 delete qH;
7119 //
7120 f4Mom/=n1;
7121 for(G4int i1=0; i1<n1; i1++)
7122 {
7123 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(k1PDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the Kaon
7124 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7125 }
7126 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(qPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the Nucleus
7127 //evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7128 EvaporateNucleus(H2,evaHV); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7129#ifdef debug
7130 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecAntiStr:*** After EvaporateNucleus nH="<<evaHV->size()<<G4endl;
7132 }
7133 else
7134 {
7135 G4double n1M=n1*k1M;
7136 G4double n2M=n2*k2M;
7137 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,n1M);
7138 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,n2M);
7139 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
7140 G4double sum=nucM+n1M+n2M;
7141 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7142 {
7143 f4Mom=q4M*(n1M/sum);
7144 s4Mom=q4M*(n2M/sum);
7145 t4Mom=q4M*(nucM/sum);
7146 }
7147 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom))
7148 {
7149 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::DASt:nPDG="<<qPDG<<"(M="<<nucM<<")+1="<<k1PDG<<"(M="<<k1M
7150 <<")+2="<<k2PDG<<"(M="<<k2M<<")="<<nucM+n1*k1M+n2*k2M<<">tM="<<qM<<q4M<<G4endl;
7151 evaHV->push_back(qH); // @@ Can cause problems with particle conversion in G4
7152 return;
7153 }
7154#ifdef debug
7155 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecAntiS:*DONE* nPDG="<<qPDG<<",1="<<f4Mom<<",2="<<s4Mom<<",n="<<t4Mom
7156 <<G4endl;
7158 delete qH;
7159 //
7160 f4Mom/=n1;
7161 for(G4int i1=0; i1<n1; i1++)
7162 {
7163 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(k1PDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the K0
7164 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7165 }
7166 s4Mom/=n2;
7167 for(G4int i2=0; i2<n2; i2++)
7168 {
7169 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(k2PDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the K+
7170 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7171 }
7172 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(qPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the nucleus
7173 //evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H3" (delete equivalent)
7174 EvaporateNucleus(H3,evaHV); // Fill "H3" (delete equivalent)
7175 }
7176#ifdef qdebug
7177 if (qH)
7178 {
7179 G4cout << "G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange: deleted at end - PDG: "
7180 << qH->GetPDGCode() << G4endl;
7181 delete qH;
7182 }
7184#ifdef debug
7185 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange: ===> End of DecayAntiStrangness"<<G4endl;
7187} // End of DecayAntiStrange
void EvaporateNucleus(G4QHadron *hA, G4QHadronVector *oHV)

Referenced by DecayAntiDibaryon(), DecayDibaryon(), and EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DecayDibaryon()

void G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 6286 of file

6288 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
6289 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
6290 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
6291 static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
6292 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
6293 static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
6294 static const G4double mKsiM= G4QPDGCode(3312).GetMass();
6295 static const G4double mKsiZ= G4QPDGCode(3322).GetMass();
6296 static const G4double mDeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);
6297 static const G4double mPiN = mPi+mNeut;
6298 static const G4double mPiP = mPi+mProt;
6299 static const G4double dmPiN= mPiN+mPiN;
6300 static const G4double dmPiP= mPiP+mPiP;
6301 static const G4double nnPi = mNeut+mPiN;
6302 static const G4double ppPi = mProt+mPiP;
6303 static const G4double lnPi = mLamb+mPiN;
6304 static const G4double lpPi = mLamb+mPiP;
6305 static const G4double dNeut= mNeut+mNeut;
6306 static const G4double dProt= mProt+mProt;
6307 static const G4double dLamb= mLamb+mLamb;
6308 static const G4double dLaNe= mLamb+mNeut;
6309 static const G4double dLaPr= mLamb+mProt;
6310 static const G4double dSiPr= mSigP+mProt;
6311 static const G4double dSiNe= mSigM+mNeut;
6312 static const G4double dKsPr= mKsiZ+mProt;
6313 static const G4double dKsNe= mKsiM+mNeut;
6314 static const G4double eps = 0.003;
6315 static const G4QNucleus vacuum(90000000);
6316 G4bool four=false; // defFALSE for 4-particle decay of diDelta
6317 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the Dibaryon
6318 G4int qPDG = qH->GetPDGCode(); // PDG Code of the decaying dybaryon
6319 G4double qM = q4M.m();
6320 G4double rM = qM+eps; // Just to avoid the computer accuracy
6321#ifdef debug
6322 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::DecayDibaryon: *Called* PDG="<<qPDG<<",4Mom="<<q4M<<", M="<<qM<<G4endl;
6324 // Select a chanel of the dibaryon decay (including Delta+Delta-> 4 particle decay
6325 G4int fPDG = 2212; // Prototype for pp case
6326 G4int sPDG = 2212;
6327 G4int tPDG = 0; // Zero prototype to separate 3 from 2
6328 G4double fMass= mProt;
6329 G4double sMass= mProt;
6330 G4double tMass= mPi;
6331 if (qPDG==90003998 && rM>=dmPiP) // "diDelta++" case
6332 {
6333 sPDG = 211;
6334 sMass= mPi;
6335 four = true;
6336 }
6337 else if(qPDG==89998004 && rM>=dmPiN) // "diDelta--" case
6338 {
6339 sPDG = -211;
6340 fPDG = 2112;
6341 sMass= mPi;
6342 fMass= mNeut;
6343 four = true;
6344 }
6345 else if(qPDG==90000002 && rM>=dNeut) // "dineutron" case
6346 {
6347 fPDG = 2112;
6348 sPDG = 2112;
6349 fMass= mNeut;
6350 sMass= mNeut;
6351 }
6352 else if(qPDG==90001001 && rM>=mDeut) // "exited deutron" case
6353 {
6354 if(fabs(qM-mDeut)<eps)
6355 {
6356 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill as it is (delete equivalent)
6357 return;
6358 }
6359 else if(mProt+mNeut<rM)
6360 {
6361 fPDG = 2112;
6362 fMass= mNeut;
6363 }
6364 else
6365 {
6366 fPDG = 22;
6367 sPDG = 90001001;
6368 fMass= 0.;
6369 sMass= mDeut;
6370 }
6371 }
6372 else if(qPDG==91000001 && rM>=dLaNe) // "Lambda-neutron" case
6373 {
6374 fPDG = 2112;
6375 sPDG = 3122;
6376 fMass= mNeut;
6377 sMass= mLamb;
6378 }
6379 else if(qPDG==91001000 && rM>=dLaPr) // "Lambda-proton" case
6380 {
6381 sPDG = 3122;
6382 sMass= mLamb;
6383 }
6384 else if(qPDG==89999003 && rM>=nnPi) // "neutron/Delta-" case
6385 {
6386 fPDG = 2112;
6387 sPDG = 2112;
6388 tPDG = -211;
6389 fMass= mNeut;
6390 sMass= mNeut;
6391 }
6392 else if(qPDG==90002999 && rM>=ppPi) // "proton/Delta++" case
6393 {
6394 tPDG = 211;
6395 }
6396 else if(qPDG==90999002 && rM>=lnPi) // "lambda/Delta-" case
6397 {
6398 fPDG = 2112;
6399 sPDG = 3122;
6400 tPDG = -211;
6401 fMass= mNeut;
6402 sMass= mLamb;
6403 }
6404 else if(qPDG==91001999 && rM>=lpPi) // "lambda/Delta+" case
6405 {
6406 sPDG = 3122;
6407 tPDG = 211;
6408 sMass= mLamb;
6409 }
6410 else if(qPDG==90999002 && rM>=dSiNe) // "Sigma-/neutron" case
6411 {
6412 fPDG = 2112;
6413 sPDG = 3112;
6414 fMass= mNeut;
6415 sMass= mSigM;
6416 }
6417 else if(qPDG==91001999 && rM>=dSiPr) // "Sigma+/proton" case
6418 {
6419 sPDG = 3222;
6420 sMass= mSigP;
6421 }
6422 else if(qPDG==92000000 && rM>=dLamb) // "diLambda" case
6423 {
6424 fPDG = 3122;
6425 sPDG = 3122;
6426 fMass= mLamb;
6427 sMass= mLamb;
6428 }
6429 else if(qPDG==91999001 && rM>=dKsNe) // "Ksi-/neutron" case
6430 {
6431 fPDG = 2112;
6432 sPDG = 3312;
6433 fMass= mNeut;
6434 sMass= mKsiM;
6435 }
6436 else if(qPDG==92000999 && rM>=dKsPr) // "Ksi0/proton" case
6437 {
6438 sPDG = 3322;
6439 sMass= mKsiZ;
6440 }
6441 else if(qPDG!=90002000|| rM<dProt) // Other possibilities (if not a default)
6442 {
6443 G4int qS = qH->GetStrangeness();
6444 G4int qB = qH->GetBaryonNumber();
6445 if(qB>0&&qS<0) // Antistrange diBarion
6446 {
6447 DecayAntiStrange(qH,evaHV);
6448 return;
6449 }
6450 else
6451 {
6452 delete qH;
6453 G4cerr<<"***G4QN::DecDiBar: badPDG="<<qPDG<<" or smallM="<<qM<<",2mP="<<dProt
6454 <<",2mN="<<dNeut<<G4endl;
6455 // @@ Nothing to do. Just 2 GeV disappears... Very rare! Just to avoid the exception.
6456 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayDibar: Unknown PDG code or small Mass of DB");
6457 }
6458 }
6459 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
6460 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
6461 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tMass);
6462 if(!tPDG&&!four)
6463 {
6464 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
6465 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6466 {
6467 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6468 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6469 }
6470 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
6471 {
6472 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::DecDib:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG<<"(M="
6473 <<sMass<<")="<<sum<<" >? TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
6474 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::DecayDiBar: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
6475 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon: DiBaryon DecayIn2 error");
6476 evaHV->push_back(qH);
6477 return;
6478 }
6479#ifdef debug
6480 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon:(2) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG
6481 <<", s4M="<<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<G4endl;
6483 delete qH;
6484 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6485 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6486 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6487 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6488 }
6489 else if(four)
6490 {
6491 q4M=q4M/2.; // Divided in 2 !!!
6492 qM/=2.; // Divide the mass in 2 !
6493 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
6494 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6495 {
6496 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6497 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6498 }
6499 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
6500 {
6501 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::DecDib:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG<<"(M="
6502 <<sMass<<")"<<"="<<sum<<">tM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
6503 //G4cerr<<"***G4QN::DecayDibaryon: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
6504 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucleus::DecDibaryon: Dibaryon DecayIn2 error");
6505 evaHV->push_back(qH);
6506 return;
6507 }
6508#ifdef debug
6509 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon:(3) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG
6510 <<", s4M="<<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<G4endl;
6512 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6513 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6514 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6515 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6516 // Now the second pair mus be decayed
6517 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6518 {
6519 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6520 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6521 }
6522 else if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
6523 {
6524 // Should not be here as sum was already compared with qM above for the first delta
6525 delete qH;
6526 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::DecDibar:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(fM="<<fMass<<") + sPDG="<<sPDG<<"(sM="
6527 // <<sMass<<")="<<sum<<" >? (DD2,Can't be here) TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
6528 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon: General DecayIn2 error");
6530 ed << "General DecayIn2 error: fPDG=" << fPDG << "(fM=" << fMass
6531 << ") + sPDG=" << sPDG <<"(sM=" << sMass << ")=" << sum
6532 << " >? (DD2,Can't be here) TotM=" << q4M.m() << q4M << G4endl;
6533 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
6534 FatalException, ed);
6535 }
6536#ifdef debug
6537 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::DecayDibaryon:(4) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG
6538 <<", s4M="<<s4Mom<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<G4endl;
6540 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6541 evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6542 G4QHadron* H4 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6543 evaHV->push_back(H4); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6544 delete qH;
6545 }
6546 else
6547 {
6548 G4double sum=fMass+sMass+tMass;
6549 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6550 {
6551 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
6552 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
6553 t4Mom=q4M*(tMass/sum);
6554 }
6555 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom))
6556 {
6557 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::DecDib:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG<<"(M="
6558 <<sMass<<")+tPDG="<<tPDG<<"(tM="<<tMass<<")="<<sum<<">TotM="<<q4M.m()<<G4endl;
6559 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayDibaryon:qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
6560 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon: diBar DecayIn3 error");
6561 evaHV->push_back(qH);
6562 return;
6563 }
6564#ifdef debug
6565 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecayDibaryon:(5) *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fPDG<<", s4M="<<s4Mom
6566 <<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<", t4M="<<t4Mom<<",tPDG="<<tPDG<<G4endl;
6568 //qH->SetNFragments(2); // Fill a#of fragments to decaying Dibaryon
6569 //evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill hadron with nf=2 (delete equivalent)
6570 // Instead
6571 delete qH;
6572 //
6573 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
6574 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
6575 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
6576 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
6577 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(tPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the meson
6578 evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H3" (delete equivalent)
6579 }
6580#ifdef qdebug
6581 if (qH)
6582 {
6583 G4cout << "G4QNucleus::DecayDiBaryon: deleted at end - PDG: "
6584 << qH->GetPDGCode() << G4endl;
6585 delete qH;
6586 }
6588} // End of DecayDibaryon

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DecayIsonucleus()

void G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 5925 of file

5927 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
5928 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
5929 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
5930 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
5931 //static const G4double mSigZ= G4QPDGCode(3212).GetMass();
5932 static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
5933 static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
5934 static const G4double eps = 0.003;
5935 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the Isonucleus
5936 G4double qM=q4M.m(); // Real mass of the Isonucleus
5937 G4QContent qQC = qH->GetQC(); // Get QuarcContent of the Isonucleus
5938 G4int qBN=qQC.GetBaryonNumber(); // Baryon number of the IsoNucleus
5939 G4int qC=qQC.GetCharge(); // Charge of the IsoNucleus
5940 G4int qS=qQC.GetStrangeness(); // Strangness of the IsoNucleus
5941#ifdef debug
5942 G4cout<<"G4QNuc:DecayIson:QC="<<qQC<<",M="<<qM<<",B="<<qBN<<",S="<<qS<<",C="<<qC<<G4endl;
5944 if(qS<0||qS>qBN) // *** Should not be here ***
5945 {
5946 G4cout<<"--Warning(Upgrade)--G4QNuc::DecIsonuc:FillAsIs,4M="<<q4M<<",QC="<<qQC<<G4endl;
5947 evaHV->push_back(qH); // fill as it is (delete equivalent)
5948 return;
5949 }
5950 G4int qPN=qC-qBN; // Number of pions in the Isonucleus
5951 G4int fPDG = 2212; // Prototype for nP+(Pi+) case
5952 G4int sPDG = 211;
5953 G4int tPDG = 3122; // @@ Sigma0 (?)
5954 G4double fMass= mProt;
5955 G4double sMass= mPi;
5956 G4double tMass= mLamb; // @@ Sigma0 (?)
5957 // =---------= Negative state =-----------=
5958 if(qC<0) // =-------= Only Pi- can help
5959 {
5960 if(qS&&qBN==qS) // --- n*Lamb + k*(Pi-) State ---
5961 {
5962 sPDG = -211;
5963 if(-qC==qS && qS==1) // Only one Sigma- like (qBN=1)
5964 {
5965 if(fabs(qM-mSigM)<eps)
5966 {
5967 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill Sigma- as it is
5968 return;
5969 }
5970 else if(qM>mLamb+mPi) //(2) Sigma- => Lambda + Pi- decay
5971 {
5972 fPDG = 3122;
5973 fMass= mLamb;
5974 }
5975 else if(qM>mSigM) //(2) Sigma+ => Sigma+ + gamma decay
5976 {
5977 fPDG = 3112;
5978 fMass= mSigM;
5979 sPDG = 22;
5980 sMass= 0.;
5981 }
5982 else //(2) Sigma- => Neutron + Pi- decay
5983 {
5984 fPDG = 2112;
5985 fMass= mNeut;
5986 }
5987 qPN = 1; // #of (Pi+ or gamma)'s = 1
5988 }
5989 else if(-qC==qS) //(2) a few Sigma- like
5990 {
5991 qPN = 1; // One separated Sigma-
5992 fPDG = 3112;
5993 sPDG = 3112;
5994 sMass= mSigM;
5995 qBN--;
5996 fMass= mSigM;
5997 }
5998 else if(-qC>qS) //(2) n*(Sigma-)+m*(Pi-)
5999 {
6000 qPN = -qC-qS; // #of Pi-'s
6001 fPDG = 3112;
6002 fMass= mSigM;
6003 }
6004 else //(2) n*(Sigma-)+m*Lambda (-qC<qS)
6005 {
6006 qBN += qC; // #of Lambda's
6007 fPDG = 3122;
6008 fMass= mLamb;
6009 qPN = -qC; // #of Sigma+'s
6010 sPDG = 3112;
6011 sMass= mSigM;
6012 }
6013 qS = 0; // Only decays in two are above
6014 }
6015 else if(qS) // ->n*Lamb+m*Neut+k*(Pi-) State (qS<qBN)
6016 {
6017 qBN -= qS; // #of neutrons
6018 fPDG = 2112;
6019 fMass= mNeut;
6020 G4int nPin = -qC; // #of Pi-'s
6021 if(qS==nPin) //(2) m*Neut+n*Sigma-
6022 {
6023 qPN = qS; // #of Sigma-
6024 sPDG = 3112;
6025 sMass= mSigM;
6026 qS = 0;
6027 }
6028 else if(qS>nPin) //(3) m*P+n*(Sigma+)+k*Lambda
6029 {
6030 qS-=nPin; // #of Lambdas
6031 qPN = nPin; // #of Sigma+
6032 sPDG = 3112;
6033 sMass= mSigM;
6034 }
6035 else //(3) m*N+n*(Sigma-)+k*(Pi-) (qS<nPin)
6036 {
6037 qPN = nPin-qS; // #of Pi-
6038 sPDG = -211;
6039 tPDG = 3112;
6040 tMass= mSigM;
6041 }
6042 }
6043 else //(2) n*N+m*(Pi-) (qS=0)
6044 {
6045 sPDG = -211;
6046 qPN = -qC;
6047 fPDG = 2112;
6048 fMass= mNeut;
6049 }
6050 }
6051 else if(!qC) // *** Should not be here ***
6052 {
6053 if(qS && qS<qBN) //(2) n*Lamb+m*N ***Should not be here***
6054 {
6055 qPN = qS;
6056 fPDG = 2112; // mN+nL case
6057 sPDG = 3122;
6058 sMass= mLamb;
6059 qBN -= qS;
6060 fMass= mNeut;
6061 qS = 0;
6062 }
6063 else if(qS>1 && qBN==qS) //(2) m*Lamb(m>1) ***Should not be here***
6064 {
6065 qPN = 1;
6066 fPDG = 3122;
6067 sPDG = 3122;
6068 sMass= mLamb;
6069 qBN--;
6070 fMass= mLamb;
6071 }
6072 else if(!qS && qBN>1) //(2) n*Neut(n>1) ***Should not be here***
6073 {
6074 qPN = 1;
6075 fPDG = 2112;
6076 sPDG = 2112;
6077 sMass= mNeut;
6078 qBN--;
6079 fMass= mNeut;
6080 }
6081 else G4cout<<"*?*G4QNuc::DecayIsonucleus: (1) QC="<<qQC<<G4endl;
6082 }
6083 else if(qC>0) // n*Lamb+(m*P)+(k*Pi+)
6084 {
6085 if(qS && qS+qC==qBN) //(2) n*Lamb+m*P ***Should not be here***
6086 {
6087 qPN = qS;
6088 qS = 0;
6089 fPDG = 2212;
6090 sPDG = 3122;
6091 sMass= mLamb;
6092 qBN = qC;
6093 fMass= mProt;
6094 }
6095 else if(qS && qC<qBN-qS) //(3)n*L+m*P+k*N ***Should not be here***
6096 {
6097 qPN = qC; // #of protons
6098 fPDG = 2112; // mP+nL case
6099 sPDG = 2212;
6100 sMass= mProt;
6101 qBN -= qS+qC; // #of neutrons
6102 fMass= mNeut;
6103 }
6104 else if(qS && qBN==qS) // ---> n*L+m*Pi+ State
6105 {
6106 if(qC==qS && qS==1) // Only one Sigma+ like State
6107 {
6108 if(fabs(qM-mSigP)<eps) // Fill Sigma+ as it is
6109 {
6110 evaHV->push_back(qH);
6111 return;
6112 }
6113 else if(qM>mLamb+mPi) //(2) Sigma+ => Lambda + Pi+ decay
6114 {
6115 fPDG = 3122;
6116 fMass= mLamb;
6117 }
6118 else if(qM>mNeut+mPi) //(2) Sigma+ => Neutron + Pi+ decay
6119 {
6120 fPDG = 2112;
6121 fMass= mNeut;
6122 }
6123 else if(qM>mSigP) //(2) Sigma+ => Sigma+ + gamma decay
6124 {
6125 fPDG = 3222;
6126 fMass= mSigP;
6127 sPDG = 22;
6128 sMass= 0.;
6129 }
6130 else //(2) Sigma+ => Proton + gamma decay
6131 {
6132 fPDG = 2212;
6133 fMass= mProt;
6134 sPDG = 22;
6135 sMass= 0.;
6136 }
6137 qPN = 1; // #of (Pi+ or gamma)'s = 1
6138 }
6139 else if(qC==qS) //(2) a few Sigma+ like hyperons
6140 {
6141 qPN = 1;
6142 fPDG = 3222;
6143 sPDG = 3222;
6144 sMass= mSigP;
6145 qBN--;
6146 fMass= mSigP;
6147 }
6148 else if(qC>qS) //(2) n*(Sigma+)+m*(Pi+)
6149 {
6150 qPN = qC-qS; // #of Pi+'s
6151 fPDG = 3222;
6152 qBN = qS; // #of Sigma+'s
6153 fMass= mSigP;
6154 }
6155 else //(2) n*(Sigma+)+m*Lambda
6156 {
6157 qBN -= qC; // #of Lambda's
6158 fPDG = 3122;
6159 fMass= mLamb;
6160 qPN = qC; // #of Sigma+'s
6161 sPDG = 3222;
6162 sMass= mSigP;
6163 }
6164 qS = 0; // All above are decays in 2
6165 }
6166 else if(qS && qC>qBN-qS) // n*Lamb+m*P+k*Pi+
6167 {
6168 qBN -= qS; // #of protons
6169 G4int nPip = qC-qBN; // #of Pi+'s
6170 if(qS==nPip) //(2) m*P+n*Sigma+
6171 {
6172 qPN = qS; // #of Sigma+
6173 sPDG = 3222;
6174 sMass= mSigP;
6175 qS = 0;
6176 }
6177 else if(qS>nPip) //(3) m*P+n*(Sigma+)+k*Lambda
6178 {
6179 qS -= nPip; // #of Lambdas
6180 qPN = nPip; // #of Sigma+
6181 sPDG = 3222;
6182 sMass= mSigP;
6183 }
6184 else //(3) m*P+n*(Sigma+)+k*(Pi+)
6185 {
6186 qPN = nPip-qS; // #of Pi+
6187 tPDG = 3222;
6188 tMass= mSigP;
6189 }
6190 }
6191 if(qC<qBN) //(2) n*P+m*N ***Should not be here***
6192 {
6193 fPDG = 2112;
6194 fMass= mNeut;
6195 qPN = qC;
6196 sPDG = 2212;
6197 sMass= mProt;
6198 }
6199 else if(qBN==qC && qC>1) //(2) m*Prot(m>1) ***Should not be here***
6200 {
6201 qPN = 1;
6202 fPDG = 2212;
6203 sPDG = 2212;
6204 sMass= mProt;
6205 qBN--;
6206 fMass= mProt;
6207 }
6208 else if(qC<=qBN||!qBN) G4cout<<"*?*G4QNuc::DecayIsonucleus: (2) QC="<<qQC<<G4endl;
6209 // !qS && qC>qBN //(2) Default condition n*P+m*(Pi+)
6210 }
6211 G4double tfM=qBN*fMass;
6212 G4double tsM=qPN*sMass;
6213 G4double ttM=0.;
6214 if(qS) ttM=qS*tMass;
6215 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tfM);
6216 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tsM);
6217 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,ttM);
6218 G4double sum=tfM+tsM+ttM;
6219 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
6220 {
6221 f4Mom=q4M*(tfM/sum);
6222 s4Mom=q4M*(tsM/sum);
6223 if(qS) t4Mom=q4M*(ttM/sum);
6224 }
6225 else if(!qS && (qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom)))
6226 {
6227#ifdef debug
6228 G4cout<<"***G4QNuc::DecIsonuc:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"*"<<qBN<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG
6229 <<"*"<<qPN<<"(sM="<<sMass<<")"<<"="<<sum<<" > TotM="<<qM<<q4M<<qQC<<qS<<G4endl;
6231 evaHV->push_back(qH); // fill as it is (delete equivalent)
6232 return;
6233 }
6234 else if(qS && (qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom)))
6235 {
6236#ifdef debug
6237 G4cout<<"***G4QNuc::DecIsonuc: "<<fPDG<<"*"<<qBN<<"("<<fMass<<")+"<<sPDG<<"*"<<qPN<<"("
6238 <<sMass<<")+Lamb*"<<qS<<"="<<sum<<" > TotM="<<qM<<q4M<<qQC<<G4endl;
6240 evaHV->push_back(qH); // fill as it is (delete equivalent)
6241 return;
6242 }
6243#ifdef debug
6244 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecayIsonucleus: *DONE* n="<<qPN<<f4Mom<<fPDG<<", m="<<qPN<<s4Mom<<sPDG
6245 <<", l="<<qS<<t4Mom<<G4endl;
6247 delete qH;
6248 if(qBN)
6249 {
6250 f4Mom/=qBN;
6251 for(G4int ih=0; ih<qBN; ih++)
6252 {
6253 G4QHadron* Hi = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the hyperon
6254 evaHV->push_back(Hi); // Fill "Hi" (delete equivalent)
6255 }
6256 }
6257 if(qPN)
6258 {
6259 s4Mom/=qPN;
6260 for(G4int ip=0; ip<qPN; ip++)
6261 {
6262 G4QHadron* Hj = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the meson
6263 evaHV->push_back(Hj); // Fill "Hj" (delete equivalent)
6264 }
6265 }
6266 if(qS)
6267 {
6268 t4Mom/=qS;
6269 for(G4int il=0; il<qS; il++)
6270 {
6271 G4QHadron* Hk = new G4QHadron(tPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the lambda
6272 evaHV->push_back(Hk); // Fill "Hk" (delete equivalent)
6273 }
6274 }
6275#ifdef qdebug
6276 if (qH)
6277 {
6278 G4cout << "G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus: deleted at end - PDG: "
6279 << qH->GetPDGCode() << G4endl;
6280 delete qH;
6281 }
6283} // End of DecayIsonucleus

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DecayMultyBaryon()

void G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon ( G4QHadron dB,
G4QHadronVector oHV 

Definition at line 7190 of file

7192 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
7193 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
7194 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
7195 static const G4double eps=0.003;
7196 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the MultyBaryon
7197 G4double qM = q4M.m(); // Mass of the Multybaryon
7198 G4int qPDG = qH->GetPDGCode(); // PDG Code of the decaying multybar
7199 G4QContent qQC = qH->GetQC(); // PDG Code of the decaying multibar
7200#ifdef debug
7201 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecayMultyBaryon: *Called* PDG="<<qPDG<<",4M="<<q4M<<qQC<<G4endl;
7203 G4int totS=qQC.GetStrangeness(); // Total Strangeness (L) ^
7204 G4int totC=qQC.GetCharge(); // Total Charge (p) ^
7205 G4int totBN=qQC.GetBaryonNumber();// Total Baryon Number (A) ^
7206 G4int totN=totBN-totS-totC; // Total Number of Neutrons (n) ^
7207 G4int fPDG = 3122; // Prototype for A lambdas case
7208 G4double fMass= mLamb;
7209 if (totN==totBN) // "A-neutron" case
7210 {
7211 fPDG = 2112;
7212 fMass= mNeut;
7213 }
7214 else if(totC==totBN) // "A-protons" case
7215 {
7216 fPDG = 2212;
7217 fMass= mProt;
7218 }
7219 else if(totS!=totBN) // "Bad call" case
7220 {
7221 delete qH;
7222 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayMultyBaryon: PDG="<<qPDG<<G4endl;
7223 // throw G4QException("***G4QNuc::DecayMultyBaryon: Can not decay this PDG Code");
7225 ed << "Can not decay this PDG Code: PDG=" << qPDG << G4endl;
7226 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
7227 FatalException, ed);
7228 }
7229#ifdef debug
7230 else
7231 {
7232 delete qH;
7233 // G4cerr<<"**G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon: PDG="<<qPDG<<G4endl;
7234 // throw G4QException("***G4QNuc::DecayMultyBaryon: Unknown PDG code of the MultiBaryon");
7236 ed << "Unknown PDG code of the MultiBaryon: PDG=" << qPDG << G4endl;
7237 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
7238 FatalException, ed);
7239 }
7241 if(totBN==1) evaHV->push_back(qH);
7242 else if(totBN==2)
7243 {
7244 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7245 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7246 G4double sum=fMass+fMass;
7247 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7248 {
7249 f4Mom=q4M/2.;
7250 s4Mom=f4Mom;
7251 }
7252 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
7253 {
7254 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNucl::DecayMultyBar:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")*2="<<sum
7255 <<" > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7256 //G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::DecayMultyBaryon:qM="<<qM<<"<sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7257 //throw G4QException("G4QNuc::DecayMultyBaryon:diBaryon DecayIn2 didn't succeed");
7258 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7259 return;
7260 }
7261#ifdef debug
7262 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecMulBar:*DONE* fPDG="<<fPDG<<",f="<<f4Mom<<",s="<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
7264 delete qH;
7265 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
7266 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7267 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
7268 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7269 }
7270 else if(totBN==3)
7271 {
7272 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7273 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7274 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
7275 G4double sum=fMass+fMass+fMass;
7276 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
7277 {
7278 f4Mom=q4M/3.;
7279 s4Mom=f4Mom;
7280 t4Mom=f4Mom;
7281 }
7282 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom))
7283 {
7284 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNuc::DecayMultyBaryon: fPDG="<<fPDG<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")*3 = "
7285 <<3*fMass<<" >? TotM="<<q4M.m()<<q4M<<G4endl;
7286 //G4cerr<<"***G4QN::DecayMultyBar: qM="<<qM<<" < sum="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-qM<<G4endl;
7287 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBar:ThreeBaryonDecayIn3 didn't succeed");
7288 evaHV->push_back(qH);
7289 return;
7290 }
7291#ifdef debug
7292 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::DecMBar:*DONE*, fPDG="<<fPDG<<",f="<<f4Mom<<",s="<<s4Mom<<",t="
7293 <<t4Mom<<G4endl;
7295 delete qH;
7296 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 1-st baryon
7297 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7298 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 2-nd baryon
7299 evaHV->push_back(H2); // Fill "H2" (delete equivalent)
7300 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the 3-d baryon
7301 evaHV->push_back(H3); // Fill "H3" (delete equivalent)
7302 }
7303 else
7304 {
7305 // @@It must be checked, that they are not under the mass shell
7306 // !! OK !! Checked by the warning print that they are mostly in the Ground State !!
7307 G4LorentzVector f4Mom=q4M/totBN; // @@ Too simple solution (split in two parts!)
7308#ifdef debug
7309 // Warning for the future development
7310 G4cout<<"*G4QNul::DecMulBar:SplitMultiBar inEqParts M="<<totBN<<"*"<<f4Mom.m()<<G4endl;
7311 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::DecMultyBaryon: *DONE* fPDG="<<fPDG<<", f="<<f4Mom<<G4endl;
7313 delete qH;
7314 for(G4int h=0; h<totBN; h++)
7315 {
7316 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the baryon
7317 evaHV->push_back(H1); // Fill "H1" (delete equivalent)
7318 }
7319 }
7320#ifdef qdebug
7321 if (qH)
7322 {
7323 G4cout << "G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon: deleted at end - PDG: "
7324 << qH->GetPDGCode() << G4endl;
7325 delete qH;
7326 }
7328} // End of DecayMultyBaryon
G4bool DecayIn2(G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom)
G4bool DecayIn3(G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &t4Mom)

Referenced by DecayAlphaBar(), and EvaporateNucleus().

◆ DeleteNucleons()

void G4QNucleus::DeleteNucleons ( )

Definition at line 697 of file

699 G4QHadronVector::iterator u; // iterator for the nucleons
700 for(u=theNucleons.begin(); u!=theNucleons.end(); u++) delete *u;
701 theMomentum=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
G4LorentzVector theMomentum
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:143

Referenced by G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ DoLorentzBoost() [1/2]

void G4QNucleus::DoLorentzBoost ( const G4LorentzVector theBoost)

Definition at line 155 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

156 {
157 theMomentum.boost(theBoost);
158 for(unsigned i=0; i<theNucleons.size(); i++) theNucleons[i]->Boost(theBoost);
159 }
HepLorentzVector & boost(double, double, double)
void Boost(const G4LorentzVector &theBoost)

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), and Init3D().

◆ DoLorentzBoost() [2/2]

void G4QNucleus::DoLorentzBoost ( const G4ThreeVector theBeta)

Definition at line 165 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

166 {
167 theMomentum.boost(theBeta);
168 for(unsigned i=0; i<theNucleons.size(); i++) theNucleons[i]->Boost(theBeta);
169 }

◆ DoLorentzContraction() [1/2]

void G4QNucleus::DoLorentzContraction ( const G4LorentzVector B)

Definition at line 170 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

Hep3Vector vect() const
void DoLorentzContraction(const G4LorentzVector &B)
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:170

Referenced by DoLorentzContraction().

◆ DoLorentzContraction() [2/2]

void G4QNucleus::DoLorentzContraction ( const G4ThreeVector theBeta)

Definition at line 3960 of file

3962 G4double bet2=theBeta.mag2();
3963 G4double factor=(1.-sqrt(1.-bet2))/bet2; // 1./(beta2*gamma2)
3964 G4int theA=theNucleons.size();
3965 if(theA) for (G4int i=0; i< theA; i++)
3966 {
3967 G4ThreeVector pos=theNucleons[i]->GetPosition();
3968 pos -= factor*(theBeta*pos)*theBeta;
3969 theNucleons[i]->SetPosition(pos);
3970 }
3971} // End of DoLorentzContraction(G4ThreeVector)

◆ DoLorentzRotation()

void G4QNucleus::DoLorentzRotation ( const G4LorentzRotation theLoRot)

Definition at line 160 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

161 {
162 theMomentum=theLoRot*theMomentum;
163 for(unsigned i=0; i<theNucleons.size(); i++) theNucleons[i]->LorentzRotate(theLoRot);
164 }
void LorentzRotate(const G4LorentzRotation &rotation)
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:112

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ DoTranslation()

void G4QNucleus::DoTranslation ( const G4ThreeVector theShift)

Definition at line 3974 of file

3976 G4int theA=theNucleons.size();
3977 if(theA) for(G4int i=0; i<theA; i++)
3978 theNucleons[i]->SetPosition(theNucleons[i]->GetPosition() + theShift);
3979} // End of DoTranslation

◆ EvaporateBaryon()

G4bool G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon ( G4QHadron h1,
G4QHadron h2 

Definition at line 951 of file

953 //static const G4double uWell=2.7; // EffectiveDepth of potential well B
954 //static const G4double uWell=7.; // EffectiveDepth of potential well B
955 static const G4double uWell=1.7; // EffectiveDepth of potential well B
956 //static const G4double uWell=0.0; // EffectiveDepth of potential well B
957 //////////static const G4double gunA=80.; // Switch A-parameter for BaryonGun
958 //static const G4double gunB=exp(1)/gunA;
959 ///////////////////static const G4double gunB=exp(2)/4/gunA/gunA;
960 //////////////static const G4double gunP2=200000.; // Switch P2-parameter for BaryonGun
961 //////////////static const G4double maSht=1.2; // shift for maximal x approximation
962 ///////////static const G4double coSht=.19; // multiple for maximal x approximation
963 //////////////static const G4double third=1./3.;// power for maximal x approximation
964 static const G4int gPDG = 22; // PDGCode of gamma
965 static const G4QPDGCode gQPDG(gPDG); // QPDGCode of gamma
966 static const G4int nPDG = 2112; // PDGCode of neutron
967 static const G4QPDGCode nQPDG(nPDG); // QPDGCode of neutron
968 static const G4QPDGCode anQPDG(-nPDG); // QPDGCode of anti-neutron
969 static const G4int pPDG = 2212; // PDGCode of proton
970 static const G4QPDGCode pQPDG(pPDG); // QPDGCode of proton
971 static const G4QPDGCode apQPDG(-pPDG); // QPDGCode of anti-proton
972 static const G4int lPDG = 3122; // PDGCode of Lambda
973 static const G4QPDGCode lQPDG(lPDG); // QPDGCode of Lambda
974 static const G4QPDGCode aDppQPDG(-2224); // QPDGCode of anti-Delta++
975 static const G4QPDGCode aDmQPDG(-1114); // QPDGCode of anti-Delta-
976 static const G4QPDGCode alQPDG(-lPDG); // QPDGCode of anti-Lambda
977 static const G4int dPDG = 90001001; // PDGCode of deutron
978 static const G4int aPDG = 90002002; // PDGCode of ALPHA
979 static const G4QPDGCode aQPDG(aPDG); // QPDGCode of ALPHA
980 static const G4QPDGCode NPQPDG(dPDG); // QPDGCode of deutron
981 static const G4QPDGCode NNQPDG(90000002); // QPDGCode of n+n
982 static const G4QPDGCode PPQPDG(90002000); // QPDGCode of p+p
983 static const G4QPDGCode NLQPDG(91000001); // QPDGCode of n+L
984 static const G4QPDGCode PLQPDG(91001000); // QPDGCode of p+L
985 static const G4QPDGCode LLQPDG(92000000); // QPDGCode of L+L
986 static const G4QPDGCode NAQPDG(90002003); // QPDGCode of N+ALPHA
987 static const G4QPDGCode PAQPDG(90003002); // QPDGCode of L+ALPHA
988 static const G4QPDGCode LAQPDG(91002002); // QPDGCode of L+ALPHA
989 static const G4QPDGCode AAQPDG(90004004); // QPDGCode of ALPHA+ALPHA
990 static const G4QPDGCode PIPQPDG(211); // QPDGCode of PI+
991 static const G4QPDGCode PIMQPDG(-211); // QPDGCode of PI+
992 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(nPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of neutron
993 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(pPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of proton
994 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(lPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of Lambda
995 static const G4double mDeut= G4QPDGCode(nPDG).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);// Mass of deutr
996 static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(nPDG).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);// Mass of alpha
997 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass(); // Mass of charged pion
998 static const G4double mN2 = mNeut*mNeut; // Mass^2 of neutron
999 static const G4double mP2 = mProt*mProt; // Mass^2 of proton
1000 static const G4double mL2 = mLamb*mLamb; // Mass^2 of Lambda
1001 static const G4double mA2 = mAlph*mAlph; // Mass^2 of Alpha
1002 static const G4double mNP = mNeut+mProt; // proton and neutron mass
1003 //static const G4double mNN = mNeut+mNeut; // 2 neutrons mass
1004 //static const G4double mPP = mProt+mProt; // 2 protons mass
1005 //static const G4double mNL = mNeut+mLamb; // neutron and Lambda mass
1006 //static const G4double mPL = mProt+mLamb; // proton and Lambda mass
1007 //static const G4double mLL = mLamb+mLamb; // 2 Lambdas mass
1008 G4bool barf=true; // Take into account CB in limits
1009 G4double uW=uWell;
1010 G4int a = GetA();
1011 G4double evalph=0.1; // Probability for alpha to evaporate
1012 //if(a>4.5) evalph=2.7/sqrt(a-4.); // Probability for alpha to evaporate
1013 //G4double evalph=clustProb*clustProb*clustProb;
1014#ifdef debug
1015 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporBaryon: *Called*, a="<<a<<GetThis()<<",alph="<<evalph<<G4endl;
1017 G4double a1= a-1;
1018 //////////G4double z = Z;
1019 //////////G4double zn= Z+N;
1020 G4double PBarr= CoulombBarrier(1,1); // CoulombBarrier for proton
1021 G4double PPBarr= CoulombBarrier(1,1,1,1); // CoulombBarrier for proton (after prot)
1022 G4double PABarr= CoulombBarrier(1,1,2,4); // CoulombBarrier for proton (after alph)
1023 G4double APBarr= CoulombBarrier(2,4,1,1); // CoulombBarrier for alpha (after prot)
1024 G4double ABarr= CoulombBarrier(2,4); // CoulombBarrier for alpha
1025 G4double AABarr= CoulombBarrier(2,4,2,4); // CoulombBarrier for alpha (after alpha)
1026 //G4double PPPBarr= CoulombBarrier(1,1,2,2); // CoulombBarrier for proton (after 2 pr)
1027 //G4double AAABarr= CoulombBarrier(2,4,4,8); // CoulombBarrier for alpha (after 2alph)
1028 //////G4double APABarr= CoulombBarrier(2,4,3,5);// CoulombBarrier for alpha (after p+al)
1029 //G4double PPABarr= CoulombBarrier(1,1,3,5); // CoulombBarrier for proton (after p+al)
1030 G4double SPPBarr=PBarr+PPBarr; // SummedCoulombBarrier for p+p pair
1031 G4double SAABarr=ABarr+AABarr; // SummedCoulombBarrier for 2 alpha pair
1032 //G4double SPPPBarr=SPPBarr+PPPBarr; // SummedCoulombBarrier for 3 protons
1033 //G4double SAAABarr=SAABarr+AAABarr; // SummedCoulombBarrier for 3 alphas
1034 G4double SAPBarr=PABarr+ABarr; // SummedCoulombBarrier for alpha+p pair
1035 G4double DAPBarr=APBarr+PBarr; // Other SummedCoulombBarrier for alph+2p
1036 if(DAPBarr>SAPBarr)SAPBarr=DAPBarr; // Get max to make possible BothSequences
1037 ///////G4double SAPABarr=APABarr+SAPBarr; // Summed Coulomb Barrier for alph+p+alph
1038 //G4double SPPABarr=PPABarr+SAPBarr; // Summed Coulomb Barrier for p+p+alpha
1039 G4LorentzVector h1mom;
1040 G4LorentzVector h2mom;
1041 G4LorentzVector h3mom;
1042 G4double totMass= GetMass(); // Total mass of the Nucleus
1043#ifdef debug
1044 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:pB="<<PBarr<<",aB="<<ABarr<<",ppB="<<PPBarr<<",paB="<<PABarr<<G4endl;
1046 if(a==-2)
1047 {
1048 if(Z==1 || N==1)
1049 {
1050 G4int nucPDG = -2112;
1051 G4int piPDG = 211;
1052 G4double nucM = mNeut;
1053 G4QPDGCode del = aDmQPDG;
1054 G4QPDGCode nuc = anQPDG;
1055 if(N>0)
1056 {
1057 nucPDG = -2212;
1058 piPDG = -211;
1059 nucM = mProt;
1060 del = aDppQPDG;
1061 nuc = apQPDG;
1062 }
1063 if(totMass > mPi+nucM+nucM)
1064 {
1065 G4LorentzVector n14M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
1066 G4LorentzVector n24M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
1067 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
1068 if(!DecayIn3(n14M, n24M, pi4M))
1069 {
1070 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::EvapBary: (anti) tM="<<totMass<<"-> 2N="<<nucPDG<<"(M="
1071 <<nucM<<") + pi="<<piPDG<<"(M="<<mPi<<")"<<G4endl;
1072 //throw G4QException("G4QNucl::EvapBary:ISO-dibaryon DecayIn3 did not succeed");
1073 return false;
1074 }
1075 n14M+=pi4M;
1076 h1->SetQPDG(del);
1077 h2->SetQPDG(nuc);
1078 h1->Set4Momentum(n14M);
1079 h2->Set4Momentum(n24M);
1080 return true;
1081 }
1082 else
1083 {
1084 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: M="<<totMass
1085 <<", M="<<totMass<<" < M_2N+Pi, d="<<totMass-2*nucM-mPi<<G4endl;
1086 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: ISO-dibaryon under Mass Shell");
1087 return false;
1088 }
1089 }
1090 else if(Z==2 || N==2)
1091 {
1092 G4int nucPDG = -2112;
1093 G4int piPDG = 211;
1094 G4double nucM = mNeut;
1095 G4QPDGCode del = aDmQPDG;
1096 if(N==2)
1097 {
1098 nucPDG = -2212;
1099 piPDG = -211;
1100 nucM = mProt;
1101 del = aDppQPDG;
1102 }
1103 if(totMass > mPi+mPi+nucM+nucM)
1104 {
1105 G4LorentzVector n14M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
1106 G4LorentzVector n24M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
1107 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi+mPi);
1108 if(!DecayIn3(n14M, n24M, pi4M))
1109 {
1110 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::EvapBary: (anti) tM="<<totMass<<"-> 2N="<<nucPDG<<"(M="
1111 <<nucM<<") + 2pi="<<piPDG<<"(M="<<mPi<<")"<<G4endl;
1112 //throw G4QException("G4QNucl::EvapBary:ISO-dibaryon DecayIn3 did not succeed");
1113 return false;
1114 }
1115 G4LorentzVector hpi4M=pi4M/2.;
1116 n14M+=hpi4M;
1117 n24M+=hpi4M;
1118 h1->SetQPDG(del);
1119 h2->SetQPDG(del);
1120 h1->Set4Momentum(n14M);
1121 h2->Set4Momentum(n24M);
1122 return true;
1123 }
1124 else
1125 {
1126 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: M="<<totMass
1127 <<", M="<<totMass<<" < M_2N+Pi, d="<<totMass-2*nucM-mPi<<G4endl;
1128 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: ISO-dibaryon under Mass Shell");
1129 return false;
1130 }
1131 }
1132 else if(Z==-2)
1133 {
1134 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
1135 h2mom=h1mom;
1136 h1->SetQPDG(apQPDG);
1137 h2->SetQPDG(apQPDG);
1138 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1139 }
1140 else if(N==-2)
1141 {
1142 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
1143 h2mom=h1mom;
1144 h1->SetQPDG(anQPDG);
1145 h2->SetQPDG(anQPDG);
1146 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1147 }
1148 else if(N==-1 && Z==-1)
1149 {
1150 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
1151 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
1152 h1->SetQPDG(apQPDG);
1153 h2->SetQPDG(anQPDG);
1154 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1155 }
1156 else if(Z==-1 && S==-1)
1157 {
1158 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
1159 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mLamb);
1160 h1->SetQPDG(apQPDG);
1161 h2->SetQPDG(alQPDG);
1162 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1163 }
1164 else
1165 {
1166 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
1167 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mLamb);
1168 h1->SetQPDG(anQPDG);
1169 h2->SetQPDG(alQPDG);
1170 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1171 }
1172 h1->Set4Momentum(h1mom);
1173 h2->Set4Momentum(h2mom);
1174 return true;
1175 }
1176 else if(a==2)
1177 {
1178 if(Z<0||N<0)
1179 {
1180 G4int nucPDG = 2112;
1181 G4double nucM = mNeut;
1182 G4int piPDG = -211;
1183 G4QPDGCode db = NNQPDG;
1184 G4QPDGCode pi_value = PIMQPDG;
1185 if(N<0)
1186 {
1187 nucPDG = 2212;
1188 nucM = mProt;
1189 piPDG = 211;
1190 db = PPQPDG;
1191 pi_value = PIPQPDG;
1192 }
1193 if(totMass>mPi+nucM+nucM)
1194 {
1195 G4LorentzVector n14M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
1196 G4LorentzVector n24M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
1197 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
1198 if(!DecayIn3(n14M,n24M,pi4M))
1199 {
1200 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::EvapBary: tM="<<totMass<<"-> 2N="<<nucPDG<<"(M="
1201 <<nucM<<") + pi="<<piPDG<<"(M="<<mPi<<")"<<G4endl;
1202 //throw G4QException("G4QNucl::EvapBary:ISO-dibaryon DecayIn3 did not succeed");
1203 return false;
1204 }
1205 n14M+=n24M;
1206 h1->SetQPDG(db);
1207 h2->SetQPDG(pi_value);
1208 h1->Set4Momentum(n14M);
1209 h2->Set4Momentum(pi4M);
1210 return true;
1211 }
1212 else
1213 {
1214 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: M="<<totMass
1215 <<", M="<<totMass<<" < M_2N+Pi, d="<<totMass-2*nucM-mPi<<G4endl;
1216 //throw G4QException("***G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: ISO-dibaryon under Mass Shell");
1217 return false;
1218 }
1219 }
1220 else if(Z==2)
1221 {
1222 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
1223 h2mom=h1mom;
1224 h1->SetQPDG(pQPDG);
1225 h2->SetQPDG(pQPDG);
1226 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1227 }
1228 else if(N==2)
1229 {
1230 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
1231 h2mom=h1mom;
1232 h1->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
1233 h2->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
1234 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1235 }
1236 else if(N==1&&Z==1)
1237 {
1238 if(totMass<=mNP)
1239 {
1240#ifdef debug
1241 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: Photon ### d+g ###, dM="<<totMass-mNP<<G4endl;
1243 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
1244 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mDeut);
1245 h1->SetQPDG(gQPDG);
1246 h2->SetQPDG(NPQPDG);
1247 }
1248 else
1249 {
1250 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
1251 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
1252 h1->SetQPDG(pQPDG);
1253 h2->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
1254 }
1255 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1256 }
1257 else if(Z==1&&S==1)
1258 {
1259 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
1260 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mLamb);
1261 h1->SetQPDG(pQPDG);
1262 h2->SetQPDG(lQPDG);
1263 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1264 }
1265 else
1266 {
1267 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
1268 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mLamb);
1269 h1->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
1270 h2->SetQPDG(lQPDG);
1271 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom)) return false;
1272 }
1273 h1->Set4Momentum(h1mom);
1274 h2->Set4Momentum(h2mom);
1275 return true;
1276 }
1277 else if(a>2)
1278 {
1279 G4bool nFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate neutron
1280 G4bool pFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate proton
1281 G4bool lFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate lambda
1282 G4bool aFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate alpha
1283 G4bool nnFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate 2 neutrons
1284 G4bool npFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate neutron+proton
1285 G4bool nlFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate neutron+lambda
1286 G4bool ppFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate 2 protons
1287 G4bool plFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate proton+lambda
1288 G4bool llFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate 2 lambdas
1289 G4bool paFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate proton+alpha
1290 G4bool naFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate neutron+alpha
1291 G4bool laFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate lambda+alpha
1292 G4bool aaFlag = false; // Flag of possibility to radiate alpha+alpha
1293 //G4bool nnnF = false; // Evaporation brunch is closed
1294 //G4bool nnpF = false;
1295 //G4bool nppF = false;
1296 //G4bool pppF = false;
1297 //G4bool nnlF = false;
1298 //G4bool nplF = false;
1299 //G4bool pplF = false;
1300 //G4bool nllF = false;
1301 //G4bool pllF = false;
1302 //G4bool lllF = false;
1303 //G4bool nnaF = false;
1304 //G4bool npaF = false;
1305 //G4bool ppaF = false;
1306 //G4bool nlaF = false;
1307 //G4bool plaF = false;
1308 //G4bool llaF = false;
1309 //G4bool paaF = false;
1310 //G4bool naaF = false;
1311 //G4bool laaF = false;
1312 //G4bool aaaF = false;
1313 G4double GSMass = GetGSMass(); // Ground State mass of the Nucleus
1314 G4double GSResNN= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+n
1315 G4double GSResNP= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+p
1316 G4double GSResNL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+l
1317 G4double GSResPP= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+p
1318 G4double GSResPL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+l
1319 G4double GSResLL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for l+l
1320 G4double GSResNA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+alpha
1321 G4double GSResPA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+alpha
1322 G4double GSResLA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for l+alpha
1323 G4double GSResAA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for alpha+alpha
1324 G4double GSResNa= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for alpha
1325 /*
1326 // DHW 16 June 2011 : these variables set but not used. Comment out to fix
1327 // compiler warnings
1328 G4double GSReNNN= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+n+n
1329 G4double GSReNNP= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+n+p
1330 G4double GSReNPP= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+p+p
1331 G4double GSRePPP= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+p+p
1332 G4double GSReNNL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+n+l
1333 G4double GSReNPL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+p+l
1334 G4double GSRePPL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+p+l
1335 G4double GSReNLL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+l+l
1336 G4double GSRePLL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+l+l
1337 G4double GSReLLL= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for l+l+l
1338 G4double GSReNNA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+n+a
1339 G4double GSReNPA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+p+a
1340 G4double GSRePPA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+p+a
1341 G4double GSReNLA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+l+a
1342 G4double GSRePLA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+l+a
1343 G4double GSReLLA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for l+l+a
1344 G4double GSRePAA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for p+a+a
1345 G4double GSReNAA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for n+a+a
1346 G4double GSReLAA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for l+a+a
1347 G4double GSReAAA= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for a+a+a
1348 */
1349 G4QPDGCode PQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to proton
1350 G4QPDGCode NQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to neutron
1351 G4QPDGCode LQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to lambda
1352 G4QPDGCode AQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to alpha
1353 G4QPDGCode nnQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to nn-dibar.
1354 G4QPDGCode npQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to np-dibar.
1355 G4QPDGCode nlQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to nl-dibar.
1356 G4QPDGCode ppQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to pp-dibar.
1357 G4QPDGCode plQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to pl-dibar.
1358 G4QPDGCode llQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to ll-dibar.
1359 G4QPDGCode naQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to n+alpha
1360 G4QPDGCode paQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to p+alpha
1361 G4QPDGCode laQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to l+alpha
1362 G4QPDGCode aaQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG for ResidualNucleus to alph+alph
1363 G4QPDGCode dbQPDG(22); // Prototype of chosen dibaryon QPDG
1364 G4QPDGCode fQPDG(22); // Prototype of QPDG of the Second Baryon
1365 G4double rMass = 0.; // Prototype of mass of Residual Nucleus
1366 G4double eMass = 0.; // Prototype of mass of Evaporated Baryon
1367 G4double fMass = 0.; // Prototype of mass of the Second Baryon
1368#ifdef debug
1369 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaB:a>2, totM="<<totMass<<" > GSMass="<<GSMass<<",d="<<totMass-GSMass
1370 <<G4endl;
1372 G4double tM2 = totMass*totMass;
1373 G4double qtM2 = 4*tM2;
1374 G4double GSResNp= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for proton
1375 G4double pExcess= 0.; // Prototype of excess energy for proton
1376 G4double aExcess= 0.; // Prototype of excess energy for alpha
1377 G4double pp2m = 0.; // Prototype of max square momentum for proton
1378 G4double ap2m = 0.; // Prototype of max square momentum for proton
1379 G4double pBnd = 0.; // Binding energy for proton
1380 G4double aBnd = 0.; // Binding energy for proton
1381 G4bool three=false; // Prototype of the Flag of b+b+ResNuc decay
1382 if(Z>0)
1383 {
1384 PQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-1)+N);
1385 GSResNp=PQPDG.GetMass();
1386 G4double mpls=GSResNp+mProt;
1387 G4double mmin=GSResNp-mProt;
1388 pp2m=(tM2-mpls*mpls)*(tM2-mmin*mmin)/qtM2;
1389 if(pp2m>=0.000001)
1390 {
1391 pFlag=true;
1392 pBnd=mProt-GSMass+GSResNp; // Binding energy for proton
1393 G4double eMax=sqrt(mP2+pp2m);
1394#ifdef debug
1395 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon:pm="<<eMax+sqrt(pp2m+GSResNp*GSResNp)<<" = M="<<totMass
1396 <<", sm="<<GSResNp+mProt+PBarr<<",pp2="<<pp2m<<",pB="<<pBnd<<G4endl;
1398 pExcess=eMax-mProt+pBnd; // Max Kin Energy from bottom
1399 }
1400 else pExcess=pBnd;
1401 if(Z>1)
1402 {
1403 ppQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-2)+N);
1404 GSResPP=ppQPDG.GetMass();
1405#ifdef debug
1406 G4double sm=GSResPP+mProt+mProt+SPPBarr;
1407 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBaryon: ppM="<<GSResPP<<",T="<<sm-GSMass<<",E="<<totMass-sm
1408 <<",C="<<PBarr<<G4endl;
1410 if(GSResPP+mProt+mProt+SPPBarr<totMass) ppFlag=true;
1411 if(Z>2&&a>3)
1412 {
1413 /*
1414 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1415 GSRePPP=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-3,N,S);
1416 */
1417 //if(GSRePPP+mProt+mProt+mProt+SPPPBarr<totMass) pppF=true;
1418 if(N>1&&a>5)
1419 {
1420 paQPDG =G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-3)+N-2);
1421 GSResPA=paQPDG.GetMass();
1422#ifdef debug
1423 G4double s_value=GSResPA+mAlph+mProt+SAPBarr;
1424 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:paM="<<GSResPA<<",T="<<s_value-GSMass<<",E="<<totMass-s_value<<G4endl;
1426 if(GSResPA+mProt+SAPBarr+mAlph<totMass) paFlag=true;
1427 }
1428 }
1429 if(N>0&&a>3)
1430 {
1431 /*
1432 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1433 GSReNPP=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-2,N-1,S);
1434 */
1435 //if(GSReNPP+mProt+mProt+SPPBarr+mNeut<totMass) nppF=true;
1436 }
1437 if(S>0&&a>3)
1438 {
1439 /*
1440 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1441 GSRePPL=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-2,N,S-1);
1442 */
1443 //if(GSRePPL+mProt+mProt+SPPBarr+mLamb<totMass) pplF=true;
1444 }
1445 if(N>1&&a>4)
1446 {
1447 if(a>6)
1448 {
1449 if(S>1)
1450 {
1451 /*
1452 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1453 GSReLLA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-2,N-2,S-2);
1454 */
1455 //if(GSReLLA+mAlph+ABarr+mLamb+mLamb<totMass) llaF=true;
1456 }
1457 if(N>2&&S>0)
1458 {
1459 /*
1460 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1461 GSReNLA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-2,N-3,S-1);
1462 */
1463 //if(GSReNLA+mAlph+ABarr+mNeut+mLamb<totMass) nlaF=true;
1464 }
1465 if(Z>2&&S>0)
1466 {
1467 /*
1468 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1469 GSRePLA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-3,N-2,S-1);
1470 */
1471 //if(GSRePLA+mAlph+SAPBarr+mProt+mLamb<totMass) plaF=true;
1472 }
1473 if(N>3)
1474 {
1475 /*
1476 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1477 GSReNNA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-2,N-4,S);
1478 */
1479 //if(GSReNNA+mAlph+ABarr+mNeut+mNeut<totMass) nnaF=true;
1480 }
1481 if(Z>2&&N>2)
1482 {
1483 /*
1484 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1485 GSReNPA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-3,N-3,S);
1486 */
1487 //if(GSReNPA+mAlph+SAPBarr+mProt+mNeut<totMass) npaF=true;
1488 }
1489 if(N>3)
1490 {
1491 /*
1492 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1493 GSRePPA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-4,N-2,S);
1494 */
1495 //if(GSRePPA+mAlph+SPPABarr+mProt+mProt<totMass) ppaF=true;
1496 }
1497 if(a>9)
1498 {
1499 if(Z>3&&N>3&&S>0)
1500 {
1501 /*
1502 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1503 GSReLAA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-4,N-4,S-1);
1504 */
1505 //if(GSReLAA+mLamb+mAlph+mAlph+SAABarr<totMass) laaF=true;
1506 }
1507 if(Z>3&&N>4)
1508 {
1509 /*
1510 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1511 GSReNAA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-4,N-5,S);
1512 */
1513 //if(GSReNAA+mNeut+mAlph+mAlph+SAABarr<totMass) naaF=true;
1514 }
1515 if(Z>4&&N>3)
1516 {
1517 /*
1518 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1519 GSRePAA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-5,N-4,S);
1520 */
1521 //if(GSRePAA+mProt+mAlph+mAlph+SAABarr<totMass) paaF=true;
1522 }
1523 if(a>12&&N>5&&Z>5)
1524 {
1525 /*
1526 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1527 GSReAAA=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-6,N-6,S);
1528 */
1529 //if(GSReAAA+mAlph+mAlph+mAlph+SAAABarr<totMass) aaaF=true;
1530 }
1531 }
1532 }
1533 if(N>3&&Z>3&&a>8)
1534 {
1535 aaQPDG =G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-4)+N-4);
1536 GSResAA=aaQPDG.GetMass();
1537#ifdef debug
1538 G4double s_value=GSResAA+mAlph+mAlph+SAABarr;
1539 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBaryon: a="<<GSResNP<<",T="<<s_value-GSMass<<",E="<<totMass-s_value
1540 <<",A="<<SAABarr<<G4endl;
1542 if(GSResAA+mAlph+mAlph+SAABarr<totMass) aaFlag=true;
1543 }
1544 if(N>2&&a>5)
1545 {
1546 naQPDG =G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-2)+N-3);
1547 GSResNA=naQPDG.GetMass();
1548#ifdef debug
1549 G4double s_value=GSResNA+mAlph+mNeut;
1550 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBary: M="<<GSResNA<<",T="<<s_value-GSMass<<",E="<<totMass-s_value
1551 <<",C="<<ABarr<<G4endl;
1553 if(GSResNA+mNeut+mAlph+ABarr<totMass) naFlag=true;
1554 }
1555 if(S>0&&a>5)
1556 {
1557 laQPDG =G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-1002)+N-2);
1558 GSResLA=laQPDG.GetMass();
1559 if(GSResLA+mLamb+mAlph+ABarr<totMass) laFlag=true;
1560 }
1561 AQPDG =G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-2)+N-2);
1562 GSResNa=AQPDG.GetMass();
1563 mpls=GSResNa+mAlph;
1564 mmin=GSResNa-mAlph;
1565 ap2m=(tM2-mpls*mpls)*(tM2-mmin*mmin)/qtM2;
1566 if(ap2m>=0.000001)
1567 {
1568 aFlag=true;
1569 aBnd=mAlph-GSMass+GSResNa; // Binding energy for ALPHA
1570 G4double eMax=sqrt(mA2+ap2m);
1571#ifdef debug
1572 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBar:m="<<eMax+sqrt(ap2m+GSResNa*GSResNa)<<" = M="<<totMass
1573 <<", sm="<<GSResNp+mProt+PBarr<<",pp2="<<pp2m<<",pB="<<pBnd<<G4endl;
1575 aExcess=eMax-mAlph+aBnd; // Max Kin Energy from bottom
1576 }
1577 else aExcess=pBnd;
1578 }
1579 }
1580 if(N>0)
1581 {
1582 if(Z>0)
1583 {
1584 npQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z-1)+N-1);
1585 GSResNP=npQPDG.GetMass();
1586#ifdef debug
1587 G4double s_value=GSResNP+mNeut+mProt;
1588 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBaryon: npM="<<GSResNP<<",T="<<s_value-GSMass<<",E="<<totMass-s_value
1589 <<",C="<<PBarr<<G4endl;
1591 if(GSResNP+mNeut+mProt+PBarr<totMass) npFlag=true;
1592 }
1593 if(N>1)
1594 {
1595 /*
1596 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317;
1597 GSReNNP=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-1,N-2,S);
1598 */
1599 //if(GSReNNP+mProt+PBarr+mNeut+mNeut<totMass) nnpF=true;
1600 }
1601 if(S>0)
1602 {
1603 /*
1604 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317;
1605 GSReNPL=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-1,N-1,S-1);
1606 */
1607 //if(GSReNPL+mProt+PBarr+mNeut+mLamb<totMass) nplF=true;
1608 }
1609 }
1610 if(S>0)
1611 {
1612 if(Z>0)
1613 {
1614 plQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*(S-1)+Z-1)+N);
1615 GSResPL=plQPDG.GetMass();
1616 if(GSResPL+mProt+PBarr+mLamb<totMass) plFlag=true;
1617 }
1618 if(S>1)
1619 {
1620 /*
1621 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317;
1622 GSRePLL=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z-1,N,S-2);
1623 */
1624 //if(GSRePLL+mProt+PBarr+mLamb+mLamb<totMass) pllF=true;
1625 }
1626 }
1627 }
1628 G4double GSResNn= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for neutron
1629 G4double nExcess= 0.; // Prototype of excess energy for neutron
1630 G4double np2m = 0.; // Prototype of max square momentum for neutron
1631 G4double nBnd = 0.; // Binding energy for neutron
1632 if(N>0)
1633 {
1634 NQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z)+N-1);
1635 GSResNn=NQPDG.GetMass();
1636#ifdef debug
1637 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvapBaryon: M(A-N)="<<GSResNn<<",Z="<<Z
1638 <<",N="<<N<<",S="<<S<<G4endl;
1640 G4double mpls=GSResNn+mNeut;
1641 G4double mmin=GSResNn-mNeut;
1642 np2m=(tM2-mpls*mpls)*(tM2-mmin*mmin)/qtM2;
1643 if(np2m>=0.000001)
1644 {
1645 nFlag=true;
1646 nBnd=mNeut-GSMass+GSResNn; // Binding energy for neutron
1647 G4double eMax=sqrt(mN2+np2m);
1648#ifdef debug
1649 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon:nm="<<eMax+sqrt(np2m+GSResNn*GSResNn)<<" = M="<<totMass
1650 <<", sm="<<GSResNn+mNeut<<",np2="<<np2m<<",nB="<<nBnd<<G4endl;
1652 nExcess=eMax-mNeut+nBnd;
1653 }
1654 else nExcess=nBnd;
1655 if(N>1)
1656 {
1657 nnQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*S+Z)+N-2);
1658 GSResNN=nnQPDG.GetMass();
1659 if(GSResNN+mNeut+mNeut<totMass) nnFlag=true;
1660 if(N>2)
1661 {
1662 /*
1663 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1664 GSReNNN=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z,N-3,S);
1665 */
1666 //if(GSReNNN+mNeut*3<totMass) nnnF=true;
1667 }
1668 if(S>0)
1669 {
1670 /*
1671 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1672 GSReNNL=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z,N-2,S-1);
1673 */
1674 //if(GSReNNL+mNeut+mNeut+mLamb<totMass) nnlF=true;
1675 }
1676 }
1677 if(S>0)
1678 {
1679 nlQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*(S-1)+Z)+N-1);
1680 GSResNL=nlQPDG.GetMass();
1681 if(GSResNL+mNeut+mLamb<totMass) nlFlag=true;
1682 if(S>1)
1683 {
1684 /*
1685 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1686 GSReNLL=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z,N-1,S-2);
1687 */
1688 //if(GSReNLL+mNeut+mLamb+mLamb<totMass) nllF=true;
1689 }
1690 }
1691 }
1692 G4double GSResNl= GSMass; // Prototype of Residual Nuclear Mass for Lambda
1693 G4double lExcess= 0.; // Prototype of excess energy for Lambda
1694 G4double lp2m = 0.; // Prototype of max square momentum for lambda
1695 G4double lBnd = 0.; // Binding energy for lambda
1696 if(S>0)
1697 {
1698 LQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*(S-1)+Z)+N);
1699 GSResNl=LQPDG.GetMass();
1700 G4double mpls=GSResNl+mLamb;
1701 G4double mmin=GSResNl-mLamb;
1702 lp2m=(tM2-mpls*mpls)*(tM2-mmin*mmin)/qtM2;
1703 if(lp2m>=0.000001)
1704 {
1705 lFlag=true;
1706 lBnd=mLamb-GSMass+GSResNl; // Binding energy for lambda
1707 G4double eMax=sqrt(mL2+lp2m);
1708#ifdef debug
1709 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon:lm="<<eMax+sqrt(lp2m+GSResNl*GSResNl)<<" = M="<<totMass
1710 <<", sm="<<GSResNl+mLamb<<",lp2="<<lp2m<<",lB="<<lBnd<<G4endl;
1712 lExcess=eMax-mLamb+lBnd;
1713 }
1714 else lExcess=lBnd;
1715 if(S>1)
1716 {
1717 llQPDG=G4QPDGCode(90000000+1000*(1000*(S-2)+Z)+N);
1718 GSResLL=llQPDG.GetMass();
1719 if(GSResLL+mLamb+mLamb<totMass) llFlag=true;
1720 if(S>2)
1721 {
1722 /*
1723 // DHW 16 June 2011: variable set but not used. See note at line 1317.
1724 GSReLLL=G4QPDGCode().GetNuclMass(Z,N,S-3);
1725 */
1726 //if(GSReLLL+mLamb*3<totMass) lllF=true;
1727 }
1728 }
1729 }
1730 G4bool nSecF = nnFlag||npFlag||nlFlag||naFlag; // Pos of second radiation after neutron
1731 G4bool pSecF = npFlag||ppFlag||plFlag||paFlag; // Pos of second radiation after proton
1732 G4bool lSecF = nlFlag||plFlag||llFlag||laFlag; // Pos of second radiation after lambda
1733 G4bool aSecF = naFlag||paFlag||laFlag||aaFlag; // Pos of second radiation after alpha
1734 //G4bool nTrF=nnnF||nnpF||nppF||nnlF||nplF||nllF; //Pos of 3-d baryon radiation after n
1735 //G4bool pTrF=nnpF||nppF||pppF||nplF||pplF||pllF; //Pos of 3-d baryon radiation after p
1736 //G4bool lTrF=nnlF||nplF||pplF||nllF||pllF||lllF; //Pos of 3-d baryon radiation after l
1737 //G4bool aTrF=nnaF||npaF||ppaF||nlaF||plaF||llaF; //Pos of 3-d baryon radiation after a
1738 G4bool secB = nSecF||pSecF||lSecF||aSecF; // Possibili to decay in TwoBaryons (Alphas)
1739 //G4bool thdB = nTrF||pTrF||lTrF||aTrF||naaF||paaF||laaF||aaaF;// Pos to radiate three
1740#ifdef debug
1741 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBary:n="<<nSecF<<",p="<<pSecF<<",l="<<lSecF<<",a="<<aSecF<<",nn="
1742 <<nnFlag<<", np="<<npFlag<<",pp="<<ppFlag<<",pa="<<paFlag<<",na="<<naFlag<<",aa="
1743 <<aaFlag<<G4endl;
1745 G4QPDGCode bQPDG;
1746 G4QPDGCode rQPDG;
1747 if(secB) // Decay in two baryons is possible
1748 //if(thdB) //@@CHECK@@ Decay in three baryons is possible
1749 {
1750 if(!nSecF) nFlag=false;
1751 if(!pSecF) pFlag=false;
1752 if(!lSecF) lFlag=false;
1753 if(!aSecF) aFlag=false;
1754#ifdef debug
1755 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EB:nF="<<nFlag<<",pF="<<pFlag<<",lF="<<lFlag<<",aF="<<aFlag<<G4endl;
1757 G4double maxE=0.; // Prototype for maximum energy
1758 if(nFlag&&nExcess>maxE) maxE=nExcess;
1759 if(pFlag&&pExcess>maxE) maxE=pExcess;
1760 if(lFlag&&lExcess>maxE) maxE=lExcess;
1761 if(lFlag&&aExcess>maxE) maxE=aExcess;
1762 G4double pMin=pBnd; // Binding energy for proton
1763 if(pFlag)pMin+= PBarr; // Add Coulomb Barrier for protons
1764 G4double nMin=nBnd; // Binding energy for neutron
1765 G4double lMin=lBnd; // Binding energy for Lambda
1766 G4double aMin=aBnd; // Binding energy for alpha
1767 if(aFlag)aMin+= ABarr; // Add Coulomb Barrier for alpha
1768 G4double minE=GSMass; // Prototype for mimimum energy
1769 if(nFlag&&nMin<minE) minE=nMin;
1770 if(pFlag&&pMin<minE) minE=pMin;
1771 if(lFlag&&lMin<minE) minE=lMin;
1772 if(evalph&&aFlag&&aMin<minE) minE=aMin;
1774#ifdef debug
1775 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvapBaryon: nE="<<nExcess<<">"<<nMin<<",pE="<<pExcess<<">"<<pMin
1776 <<",sE="<<lExcess<<">"<<lMin<<",E="<<aExcess<<">"<<aMin<<",miE="<<minE<<"<maE="
1777 <<maxE<<G4endl;
1779 // @@ Here one can put a condition for the Baryon Gun
1780 G4int cntr= 0;
1781 //G4int cntm= 27;
1782 //G4int cntm= 72; // Important difference !!DOn't change
1783 //G4int cntm= 80; // Important difference !!DOn'tChange"IsoNuclei"
1784 //G4int cntm= 90; // Important difference !!DOn'tChange "Lept/Hyper"
1785 G4int cntm= 53; // @@ NonClusters in CHIPSWorld (cntm=nQHM in G4QPDGCode.hh)
1786 if( ( (pFlag && pExcess > pMin) ||
1787 (nFlag && nExcess > nMin) ||
1788 (lFlag && lExcess > lMin) ||
1789 (aFlag && aExcess > aMin) ) && minE<maxE )
1790 {
1791 G4double mi=uWell+minE; // Minimum Kinetic Energy for minimal nucleon
1792 G4double mm_value=uWell+maxE; // Personal maximum for Kinetic Energy
1793 G4double ma=uWell*a+maxE; // Total Kinetic Energy of baryons (@@alphas?)
1794 if(mi<0.)
1795 {
1796 uW-=mi;
1797 mm_value-=mi;
1798 mi=0.;
1799 }
1800 //G4bool good=true;
1801 if(ma<mm_value)
1802 {
1803 ma=mm_value;
1804 //good=false;
1805 }
1806#ifdef debug
1807 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBary:iE="<<minE<<",aE="<<maxE<<",mi="<<mi<<",mm="<<mm_value<<",ma="
1808 <<ma<<G4endl;
1810 G4double xMi=mi/ma; // Minimal value of x
1811 G4double xMm=mm_value/ma; // Personal maximum x
1812 //G4double xCa=maSht-coSht*log(a); // Maximal value of x (approximation)
1813 //G4double xMa=xCa; // Maximal value of x
1814 //if(xMm<xMa) xMa=xMm;
1815 G4double xMa=xMm;
1816 if(xMa>1.)xMa=1.;
1817 if(xMi<0.)xMi=0.;
1818 if(xMi>xMa)
1819 {
1820 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvapBaryon: M="<<mm_value/ma<<",xi="<<xMi<<",xa="<<xMa<<G4endl;
1821 return false;
1822 }
1823 xMi=sqrt(xMi); // @@ ?
1824 xMa=sqrt(xMa); // @@ ?
1825#ifdef debug
1826 G4cout<<"G4QNuc:EvapBaryon:mi="<<mi<<",ma="<<ma<<", xi="<<xMi<<",xa="<<xMa<<G4endl;
1828 G4double powr=1.5*a1; // Power for low & up limits
1829 G4double revP=1./powr; // Reversed power for randomization
1830#ifdef debug
1831 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Power="<<powr<<",RevPower="<<revP<<G4endl;
1833 G4double minR=pow(1.-xMa*xMa,powr); // Look on @@ ? (up)
1834 G4double maxR=pow(1.-xMi*xMi,powr);
1835#ifdef debug
1836 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: miR="<<minR<<", maR="<<maxR<<G4endl;
1838 G4bool cond=true;
1839 G4int PDG = 0;
1840 G4double tk = 0.; // Kinetic energy over the well
1841 while(cond&&cntr<cntm)
1842 {
1843 G4double R = minR+(maxR-minR)*G4UniformRand();
1844 //if(!good)R = maxR;
1845 G4double x2= 1.-pow(R,revP);
1846 G4double x = sqrt(x2);
1847 if(x<xMi||x>xMa)
1848 {
1849#ifdef debug
1850 G4cerr<<"**G4QNucl::EvapB:R="<<R<<",xi="<<xMi<<" < "<<x<<" < xa="<<xMa<<G4endl;
1852 if(x<xMi) x=xMi;
1853 else x=xMa;
1854 x2 = x*x;
1855 }
1857 //if(rn<x/xMa||!good)
1858 if(rn<x/xMa) // Randomization cut
1859 {
1860 tk= ma*x2-uW; // Kinetic energy of the fragment
1861 G4double psum =0.;
1862 G4double zCBPP=0.; // Probabylity for a proton
1863#ifdef debug
1864 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapB:t="<<tk<<",pM="<<pMin<<",pB="<<pBnd<<",n="<<nMin<<",a="
1865 <<aMin<<G4endl;
1867 if(pFlag&&tk>pMin)
1868 {
1869 G4double kin=tk-pBnd;
1870 //if(barf) kin-=PBarr; //@@ This is a mistake
1871#ifdef debug
1872 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:Proton="<<kin<<",CB="<<PBarr<<",B="<<pBnd<<",M="<<pMin
1873 <<",p="<<CoulBarPenProb(PBarr,kin,1,1)<<G4endl;
1875 zCBPP=Z*CoulBarPenProb(PBarr,kin,1,1)*sqrt(kin);
1876 }
1877 psum+=zCBPP;
1878 G4double nCBPP=0.; // Probability for a neutron (=> p+n)
1879 if(nFlag&&tk>nMin)
1880 {
1881 G4double kin=tk-nBnd;
1882#ifdef debug
1883 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:Neutron="<<kin<<",p="<<CoulBarPenProb(0.,kin,0,1)<<G4endl;
1885 nCBPP=N*CoulBarPenProb(0.,kin,0,1)*sqrt(kin);
1886 }
1887 psum+=nCBPP;
1888 nCBPP+=zCBPP;
1889 G4double lCBPP=0.; // Probability for a lambda (=> p+n+l)
1890 if(lFlag&&tk>lMin)
1891 {
1892 G4double kin=tk-lBnd;
1893#ifdef debug
1894 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:Lambda="<<kin<<",p="<<CoulBarPenProb(0,kin,0,1)<<G4endl;
1896 lCBPP=S*CoulBarPenProb(0.,kin,0,1)*sqrt(kin);
1897 }
1898 psum+=lCBPP;
1899 lCBPP+=nCBPP;
1900 if(evalph&&aFlag&&tk>aMin)
1901 {
1902 G4double kin=tk-aBnd;
1903 //if(barf) kin-=ABarr; //@@ This is a mistake
1904#ifdef debug
1905 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:Alpha="<<kin<<",CB="<<ABarr<<",p="
1906 <<CoulBarPenProb(ABarr,kin,2,4)<<G4endl;
1908 psum+=CoulBarPenProb(ABarr,kin,2,4)*sqrt(kin)*evalph*Z*(Z-1)*N*(N-1)
1909 *6/a1/(a-2)/(a-3);
1910 }
1911 G4double r = psum*G4UniformRand();
1912#ifdef debug
1913 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapB:"<<r<<",p="<<zCBPP<<",pn="<<nCBPP<<",pnl="<<lCBPP<<",t="
1914 <<psum<<G4endl;
1916 cond = false;
1917 if (r&&r>lCBPP)
1918 {
1919#ifdef debug
1920 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaB:ALPHA is selected for evap, r="<<r<<">"<<lCBPP<<G4endl;
1922 PDG=aPDG;
1923 }
1924 else if(r&&r>nCBPP&&r<=lCBPP)
1925 {
1926#ifdef debug
1927 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaB:LAMBDA is selected for evap,r="<<r<<"<"<<lCBPP<<G4endl;
1929 PDG=lPDG;
1930 }
1931 else if(r&&r>zCBPP&&r<=nCBPP)
1932 {
1933#ifdef debug
1934 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaBar: N is selected for evapor,r="<<r<<"<"<<nCBPP<<G4endl;
1936 PDG=nPDG;
1937 }
1938 else if(r&&r<=zCBPP)
1939 {
1940#ifdef debug
1941 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaBar: P is selected for evapor,r="<<r<<"<"<<zCBPP<<G4endl;
1943 PDG=pPDG;
1944 }
1945 else cond=true;
1946 }
1947#ifdef debug
1948 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBar:c="<<cond<<",x="<<x<<",cnt="<<cntr<<",R="<<R<<",ma="<<ma
1949 <<",rn="<<rn<<"<r="<<x/xMa<<",tk="<<tk<<",ni="<<nMin<<",pi="<<pMin<<G4endl;
1951 cntr++;
1952 }
1953 if(cntr<cntm) // => Succeeded to find the evaporation channel
1954 {
1955 G4double p2=0.;
1956 if (PDG==aPDG)
1957 {
1958 tk-=aBnd-mAlph; // Pays for binding and convert to total energy
1959 p2=tk*tk-mA2;
1960 if(p2>ap2m)
1961 {
1962 p2=ap2m;
1963 tk=sqrt(p2+mA2);
1964 }
1965 eMass=mAlph;
1966 bQPDG=aQPDG;
1968 }
1969 else if(PDG==pPDG)
1970 {
1971 tk-=pBnd-mProt; // Pays for binding and convert to total energy
1972 p2=tk*tk-mP2;
1973 if(p2>pp2m)
1974 {
1975 p2=pp2m;
1976 tk=sqrt(p2+mP2);
1977 }
1978 eMass=mProt;
1979 bQPDG=pQPDG;
1981 }
1982 else if(PDG==nPDG)
1983 {
1984 tk-=nBnd-mNeut; // Pays for binding and convert to total energy
1985 p2=tk*tk-mN2;
1986#ifdef debug
1987 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon:np2="<<p2<<",np2m="<<np2m<<G4endl;
1989 if(p2>np2m)
1990 {
1991 p2=np2m;
1992 tk=sqrt(p2+mN2);
1993 }
1994 eMass=mNeut;
1995 bQPDG=nQPDG;
1997 }
1998 else if(PDG==lPDG)
1999 {
2000 tk-=lBnd-mLamb; // Pays for binding and convert to total energy
2001 p2=tk*tk-mL2;
2002 if(p2>lp2m)
2003 {
2004 p2=lp2m;
2005 tk=sqrt(p2+mL2);
2006 }
2007 eMass=mLamb;
2008 bQPDG=lQPDG;
2010 }
2011 else G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: PDG="<<PDG<<G4endl;
2012 G4double rEn=totMass-tk;
2013 G4double rEn2=rEn*rEn;
2014 if (rEn2 > p2) rMass=sqrt(rEn2-p2); // Mass of the Residual Nucleus
2015 else rMass=0.0;
2016 // Find out if the ResidualNucleus is below of the SecondBaryonDecayLimit
2017 //@@ Calculate it depending on PDG !!!!!!!
2018 G4bool nnCond = !nnFlag || (nnFlag && GSResNN+mNeut > rMass);
2019 G4bool npCond = !npFlag || (npFlag && GSResNP+mProt+PBarr > rMass);
2020 G4bool nlCond = !nlFlag || (nlFlag && GSResNL+mLamb > rMass);
2021 G4bool naCond = !naFlag || (naFlag && GSResNA+mAlph+ABarr > rMass);
2022 G4bool pnCond = !npFlag || (npFlag && GSResNP+mNeut > rMass);
2023 if(barf) pnCond = !npFlag || (npFlag && GSResNP+mNeut+PBarr > rMass);
2024 G4bool ppCond = !ppFlag || (ppFlag && GSResPP+mProt+PPBarr > rMass);
2025 if(barf) ppCond = !ppFlag || (ppFlag && GSResPP+mProt+SPPBarr > rMass);
2026 G4bool plCond = !plFlag || (plFlag && GSResPL+mLamb > rMass);
2027 if(barf) plCond = !plFlag || (plFlag && GSResPL+mLamb+PBarr > rMass);
2028 G4bool paCond = !paFlag || (paFlag && GSResPA+mAlph+APBarr > rMass);
2029 if(barf) paCond = !paFlag || (paFlag && GSResPA+mAlph+SAPBarr > rMass);
2030 G4bool lnCond = !nlFlag || (nlFlag && GSResNL+mNeut > rMass);
2031 G4bool lpCond = !plFlag || (plFlag && GSResPL+mProt+PBarr > rMass);
2032 G4bool llCond = !llFlag || (llFlag && GSResLL+mLamb > rMass);
2033 G4bool laCond = !laFlag || (laFlag && GSResLA+mAlph+ABarr > rMass);
2034 G4bool anCond = !naFlag || (naFlag && GSResNA+mNeut > rMass);
2035 if(barf) anCond = !naFlag || (naFlag && GSResNA+mNeut+ABarr > rMass);
2036 G4bool apCond = !paFlag || (paFlag && GSResPA+mProt+PABarr > rMass);
2037 if(barf) apCond = !paFlag || (paFlag && GSResPA+mProt+SAPBarr > rMass);
2038 G4bool alCond = !laFlag || (laFlag && GSResLA+mLamb > rMass);
2039 if(barf) alCond = !laFlag || (laFlag && GSResLA+mLamb+ABarr > rMass);
2040 G4bool aaCond = !aaFlag || (aaFlag && GSResAA+mAlph+AABarr > rMass);
2041 if(barf) aaCond = !aaFlag || (aaFlag && GSResAA+mAlph+SAABarr > rMass);
2042#ifdef debug
2043 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaB:"<<PDG<<", E="<<tk<<", rM="<<rMass<<", ";
2044 if(PDG==pPDG) G4cout<<"PN="<<GSResNP+mNeut<<"("<<pnCond<<"),PP="
2045 <<GSResPP+mProt+PPBarr<<"("<<ppCond<<"),PL="
2046 <<GSResPL+mLamb<<"("<<plCond<<"),PA="
2047 <<GSResPA+mAlph+APBarr<<"("<<paCond;
2048 else if(PDG==nPDG) G4cout<<"NN="<<GSResNN+mNeut<<"("<<nnCond<<"),NP="
2049 <<GSResNP+mProt+PBarr<<"("<<npCond<<"),NL="
2050 <<GSResNL+mLamb<<"("<<nlCond<<"),NA="
2051 <<GSResNA+mAlph+ABarr<<"("<<naCond;
2052 else if(PDG==lPDG) G4cout<<"LN="<<GSResNL+mNeut<<"("<<lnCond<<"),LP="
2053 <<GSResPL+mProt+PBarr<<"("<<lpCond<<"),LL="
2054 <<GSResLL+mLamb<<"("<<llCond<<"),LA="
2055 <<GSResLA+mAlph+ABarr<<"("<<laCond;
2056 else if(PDG==aPDG) G4cout<<"AN="<<GSResNA+mNeut<<"("<<anCond<<"),AP="
2057 <<GSResPA+mProt+PABarr<<"("<<apCond<<"),AL="
2058 <<GSResLA+mLamb<<"("<<alCond<<"),AA="
2059 <<GSResAA+mAlph+AABarr<<"("<<aaCond;
2060 G4cout<<")"<<G4endl;
2062 three=false; // Flag of b+b+ResNuc decay
2063 //if(3>2)three=false; // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2064 //else if(PDG==pPDG&&(pnCond&&ppCond&&plCond&&paCond)) // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2065 if(PDG==pPDG&&(pnCond&&ppCond&&plCond&&paCond))//p+RN decay, p+b+RN dec is closed
2066 {
2067#ifdef debug
2068 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:*p*: n="<<pnCond<<",p="<<ppCond<<",l="<<plCond<<",a="<<paCond
2069 <<G4endl;
2071 fMass=mProt;
2072 fQPDG=pQPDG;
2073 G4double nLim=0.;
2074 if(N&&GSResNP!=GSMass&&fMass+PBarr+mNeut+GSResNP<totMass)
2075 {
2076 if(barf) nLim+=(N+N)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mProt-PBarr-GSResNP,2);
2077 else nLim+=(N+N)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mProt-GSResNP,2);
2078 }
2079 G4double zLim=nLim;
2080 if(Z>1&&GSResPP!=GSMass&&fMass+mProt+SPPBarr+GSResPP<totMass)
2081 {
2082 if(barf) zLim+=(Z-1)*pow(totMass-mProt-mProt-SPPBarr-GSResPP,2);
2083 else zLim+=(Z-1)*pow(totMass-mProt-mProt-GSResPP,2);
2084 }
2085 G4double sLim=zLim;
2086 if(S&&GSResPL!=GSMass&&fMass+PBarr+mLamb+GSResPL<totMass)
2087 {
2088 if(barf) sLim+=(S+S)*pow(totMass-mProt-mLamb-PBarr-GSResPL,2);
2089 else sLim+=(S+S)*pow(totMass-mProt-mLamb-GSResPL,2);
2090 }
2091 G4double aLim=sLim;
2092 if(evalph&&Z>2&&N>1&&a>4&&GSResPL!=GSMass&&fMass+SAPBarr+mAlph+GSResPA<totMass)
2093 {
2094 if(barf) aLim+=pow(totMass-mProt-mAlph-SAPBarr-GSResPA,2)*evalph*
2095 (Z-1)*(Z-2)*N*(N-1)*12/(a-2)/(a-3)/(a-4);
2096 else aLim+=pow(totMass-mProt-mAlph-GSResPA,2)*evalph*(Z-1)*(Z-2)*N*(N-1)
2097 *12/(a-2)/(a-3)/(a-4);
2098 }
2099 G4double r = aLim*G4UniformRand();
2100#ifdef debug
2101 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaB:p, r="<<r<<",n="<<nLim<<",z="<<zLim<<",s="<<sLim<<",a="
2102 <<aLim<<G4endl;
2104 three=true; // Flag of b+b+ResNuc decay
2105 if(!aLim) three=false;
2106 else if(r>sLim)
2107 {
2108 eMass = mAlph;
2109 dbQPDG= PAQPDG;
2110 rMass = GSResPA;
2111 rQPDG = paQPDG;
2112#ifdef debug
2113 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: P+A"<<G4endl;
2115 }
2116 else if(zLim<sLim&&r>zLim&&r<=sLim)
2117 {
2118 eMass = mLamb;
2119 dbQPDG= PLQPDG;
2120 rMass = GSResPL;
2121 rQPDG = plQPDG;
2122#ifdef debug
2123 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: P+L"<<G4endl;
2125 }
2126 else if(nLim<zLim&&r>nLim&&r<=zLim)
2127 {
2128 eMass = mProt;
2129 dbQPDG= PPQPDG;
2130 rMass = GSResPP;
2131 rQPDG = ppQPDG;
2132#ifdef debug
2133 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: P+P"<<G4endl;
2135 }
2136 else if(r<=nLim)
2137 {
2138 eMass = mNeut;
2139 dbQPDG= NPQPDG;
2140 rMass = GSResNP;
2141 rQPDG = npQPDG;
2142#ifdef debug
2143 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: P+N"<<G4endl;
2145 }
2146 else three=false;
2147 }
2148 else if(PDG==nPDG&&(nnCond&&npCond&&nlCond&&naCond)) // n+b+RN decay can't happen
2149 { //@@ Take into account Coulomb Barier Penetration Probability
2150#ifdef debug
2151 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:*n*: n="<<nnCond<<",p="<<npCond<<",l="<<nlCond<<",a="<<naCond
2152 <<G4endl;
2154 fMass=mNeut;
2155 fQPDG=nQPDG;
2156 G4double nLim=0.;
2157 if(N>1&&GSResNN!=GSMass&&fMass+mNeut+GSResNN<totMass)
2158 nLim+=(N-1)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mNeut-GSResNN,2);
2159 G4double zLim=nLim;
2160 if(Z&&GSResNP!=GSMass&&fMass+mProt+PBarr+GSResNP<totMass)
2161 {
2162 if(barf) zLim+=(Z+Z)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mProt-PBarr-GSResNP,2);
2163 else zLim+=(Z+Z)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mProt-GSResNP,2);
2164 }
2165 G4double sLim=zLim;
2166 if(S&&GSResNL!=GSMass&&fMass+mLamb+GSResNL<totMass)
2167 sLim+=(S+S)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mLamb-GSResNL,2);
2168 G4double aLim=sLim;
2169 if(evalph&&Z>1&&N>2&&a>4&&GSResNA!=GSMass&&fMass+mAlph+ABarr+GSResNA<totMass)
2170 {
2171 if(barf) aLim+=pow(totMass-mNeut-mAlph-ABarr-GSResNA,2)*
2172 evalph*Z*(Z-1)*(N-1)*(N-2)*12/(a-2)/(a-3)/(a-4);
2173 else aLim+=pow(totMass-mNeut-mAlph-GSResNA,2)*
2174 evalph*Z*(Z-1)*(N-1)*(N-2)*12/(a-2)/(a-3)/(a-4);
2175 }
2176 G4double r = aLim*G4UniformRand();
2177#ifdef debug
2178 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:n, r="<<r<<",n="<<nLim<<",z="<<zLim<<",s="<<sLim<<",a="<<aLim
2179 <<G4endl;
2181 three=true; // Flag of b+b+ResNuc decay
2182 if(!aLim) three=false;
2183 else if(r>sLim)
2184 {
2185 eMass = mAlph;
2186 dbQPDG= NAQPDG;
2187 rMass = GSResNA;
2188 rQPDG = naQPDG;
2189#ifdef debug
2190 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: N+A"<<G4endl;
2192 }
2193 else if(zLim<sLim&&r>zLim&&r<=sLim)
2194 {
2195 eMass = mLamb;
2196 dbQPDG= NLQPDG;
2197 rMass = GSResNL;
2198 rQPDG = nlQPDG;
2199#ifdef debug
2200 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: N+L"<<G4endl;
2202 }
2203 else if(nLim<zLim&&r>nLim&&r<=zLim)
2204 {
2205 eMass = mProt;
2206 dbQPDG= NPQPDG;
2207 rMass = GSResNP;
2208 rQPDG = npQPDG;
2209#ifdef debug
2210 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: N+P"<<G4endl;
2212 }
2213 else if(r<=nLim)
2214 {
2215 eMass = mNeut;
2216 dbQPDG= NNQPDG;
2217 rMass = GSResNN;
2218 rQPDG = nnQPDG;
2219#ifdef debug
2220 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: N+N"<<G4endl;
2222 }
2223 else three=false;
2224 }
2225 else if(PDG==lPDG&&(lnCond&&lpCond&&llCond&&laCond)) // l+b+RN decay can't happen
2226 { //@@ Take into account Coulomb Barier Penetration Probability
2227#ifdef debug
2228 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:*l*: n="<<lnCond<<",p="<<lpCond<<",l="<<llCond<<",a="<<laCond
2229 <<G4endl;
2231 fMass=mLamb;
2232 fQPDG=lQPDG;
2233 G4double nLim=0.;
2234 if(N&&GSResNL!=GSMass&&fMass+mNeut+GSResNL<totMass)
2235 nLim+=(N+N)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mLamb-GSResNL,2);
2236 G4double zLim=nLim;
2237 if(Z&&GSResPL!=GSMass&&fMass+mProt+PBarr+GSResPL<totMass)
2238 {
2239 if(barf) zLim+=(Z+Z)*pow(totMass-mProt-mLamb-PBarr-GSResPL,2);
2240 else zLim+=(Z+Z)*pow(totMass-mProt-mLamb-GSResPL,2);
2241 }
2242 G4double sLim=zLim;
2243 if(S>1&&GSResLL!=GSMass&&fMass+mLamb+GSResLL<totMass)
2244 sLim+=(S-1)*pow(totMass-mLamb-mLamb-GSResLL,2);
2245 G4double aLim=sLim;
2246 if(evalph&&Z>1&&N>1&&a>4&&GSResLA!=GSMass&&fMass+mAlph+ABarr+GSResLA<totMass)
2247 {
2248 if(barf) aLim+=pow(totMass-mLamb-mAlph-ABarr-GSResLA,2)*
2249 evalph*Z*(Z-1)*N*(N-1)*12/(a-2)/(a-3)/(a-4);
2250 else aLim+=pow(totMass-mLamb-mAlph-GSResLA,2)*
2251 evalph*Z*(Z-1)*N*(N-1)*12/(a-2)/(a-3)/(a-4);
2252 }
2253 G4double r = aLim*G4UniformRand();
2254#ifdef debug
2255 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:l, r="<<r<<",n="<<nLim<<",z="<<zLim<<",s="<<sLim<<",a="<<aLim
2256 <<G4endl;
2258 three=true; // Flag of b+b+ResNuc decay
2259 if(!aLim) three=false;
2260 else if(r>sLim)
2261 {
2262 eMass = mAlph;
2263 dbQPDG= LAQPDG;
2264 rMass = GSResLA;
2265 rQPDG = laQPDG;
2266#ifdef debug
2267 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: L+A"<<G4endl;
2269 }
2270 else if(zLim<sLim&&r>zLim&&r<=sLim)
2271 {
2272 eMass = mLamb;
2273 dbQPDG= LLQPDG;
2274 rMass = GSResLL;
2275 rQPDG = llQPDG;
2276#ifdef debug
2277 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: L+L"<<G4endl;
2279 }
2280 else if(nLim<zLim&&r>nLim&&r<=zLim)
2281 {
2282 eMass = mProt;
2283 dbQPDG= PLQPDG;
2284 rMass = GSResPL;
2285 rQPDG = plQPDG;
2286#ifdef debug
2287 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: L+P"<<G4endl;
2289 }
2290 else if(r<=nLim)
2291 {
2292 eMass = mNeut;
2293 dbQPDG= NLQPDG;
2294 rMass = GSResNL;
2295 rQPDG = nlQPDG;
2296#ifdef debug
2297 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: L+N"<<G4endl;
2299 }
2300 else three=false;
2301 }
2302 else if(PDG==aPDG&&(anCond&&apCond&&alCond&&aaCond)) // a+b+RN decay can't happen
2303 { //@@ Take into account Coulomb Barier Penetration Probability
2304#ifdef debug
2305 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:*a*: n="<<anCond<<",p="<<apCond<<",l="<<alCond<<",a="<<aaCond
2306 <<G4endl;
2308 fMass=mAlph;
2309 fQPDG=aQPDG;
2310 G4double nLim=0.;
2311 if(N>2&&GSResNA!=GSMass&&fMass+mNeut+ABarr+GSResNA<totMass)
2312 {
2313 if(barf) nLim+=(N-2)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mAlph-ABarr-GSResNA,2);
2314 else nLim+=(N-2)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mAlph-GSResNA,2);
2315 }
2316 G4double zLim=nLim;
2317 if(Z>2&&GSResPA!=GSMass&&fMass+mProt+SAPBarr+GSResPA<totMass)
2318 {
2319 if(barf) zLim+=(Z-2)*pow(totMass-mProt-mAlph-SAPBarr-GSResPA,2);
2320 else zLim+=(Z-2)*pow(totMass-mProt-mAlph-GSResPA,2);
2321 }
2322 G4double sLim=zLim;
2323 if(S&&GSResLA!=GSMass&&fMass+mLamb+ABarr+GSResLA<totMass)
2324 {
2325 if(barf) sLim+=S*pow(totMass-mLamb-mAlph-ABarr-GSResLA,2);
2326 else sLim+=S*pow(totMass-mLamb-mAlph-GSResLA,2);
2327 }
2328 G4double aLim=sLim;
2329 if(evalph&&Z>3&&N>3&&a>7&&GSResAA!=GSMass&&fMass+mAlph+SAABarr+GSResAA<totMass)
2330 {
2331 if(barf) aLim+=pow(totMass-mAlph-mAlph-SAABarr-GSResAA,2)*
2332 evalph*(Z-2)*(Z-3)*(N-2)*(N-3)*12/(a-5)/(a-6)/(a-7);
2333 else aLim+=pow(totMass-mAlph-mAlph-GSResAA,2)*
2334 evalph*(Z-2)*(Z-3)*(N-2)*(N-3)*12/(a-5)/(a-6)/(a-7);
2335 }
2336 G4double r = aLim*G4UniformRand();
2337#ifdef debug
2338 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:a, r="<<r<<",n="<<nLim<<",z="<<zLim<<",s="<<sLim<<",a="<<aLim
2339 <<G4endl;
2341 three=true; // Flag of b+b+ResNuc decay
2342 if(!aLim) three=false;
2343 else if(r>sLim)
2344 {
2345 eMass = mAlph;
2346 dbQPDG= AAQPDG;
2347 rMass = GSResAA;
2348 rQPDG = aaQPDG;
2349#ifdef debug
2350 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: A+A"<<G4endl;
2352 }
2353 else if(zLim<sLim&&r>zLim&&r<=sLim)
2354 {
2355 eMass = mLamb;
2356 dbQPDG= LAQPDG;
2357 rMass = GSResLA;
2358 rQPDG = laQPDG;
2359#ifdef debug
2360 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: A+L"<<G4endl;
2362 }
2363 else if(nLim<zLim&&r>nLim&&r<=zLim)
2364 {
2365 eMass = mProt;
2366 dbQPDG= PAQPDG;
2367 rMass = GSResPA;
2368 rQPDG = paQPDG;
2369#ifdef debug
2370 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: A+P"<<G4endl;
2372 }
2373 else if(r<=nLim)
2374 {
2375 eMass = mNeut;
2376 dbQPDG= NAQPDG;
2377 rMass = GSResNA;
2378 rQPDG = naQPDG;
2379#ifdef debug
2380 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary: A+N"<<G4endl;
2382 }
2383 else three=false;
2384 }
2385 else three=false;
2386 if(rMass<1600.)
2387 {
2388 if (rQPDG==pQPDG)rMass=mProt;
2389 else if(rQPDG==nQPDG)rMass=mNeut;
2390 else if(rQPDG==lQPDG)rMass=mLamb;
2391 }
2392#ifdef debug
2393 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBary:evaBar="<<eMass<<bQPDG<<",resN="<<rMass<<rQPDG
2394 <<",secB="<<fMass<<",three="<<three<<G4endl;
2396 }
2397 }
2398 else // =-------------=> Just decay in a baryon and a residual (to avoid gamma-decay)
2399 { //@@ Take into account Coulomb Barier Penetration Probability (?? - Emergency)
2400 G4double nLim=0.;
2401 if(nFlag&&mNeut+GSResNn<totMass)
2402 {
2403 G4double ken=totMass-mNeut-GSResNn;
2404 nLim+=N*CoulBarPenProb(0.,ken,0,1)*sqrt(ken);
2405 }
2406 G4double zLim=nLim;
2407 if(pFlag&&mProt+PBarr+GSResNp<totMass)
2408 {
2409 G4double ken=totMass-mProt-GSResNp;
2410 if(barf) ken-=PBarr;
2411 zLim+=Z*CoulBarPenProb(PBarr,ken,1,1)*sqrt(ken);
2412 }
2413 G4double sLim=zLim;
2414 if(lFlag&&mLamb+GSResNl<totMass)
2415 {
2416 G4double ken=totMass-mLamb-GSResNl;
2417 sLim+=S*CoulBarPenProb(0.,ken,0,1)*sqrt(ken);
2418 }
2419 G4double aLim=sLim;
2420 if(evalph&&aFlag&&mAlph+GSResNa+ABarr<totMass)
2421 {
2422 G4double ken=totMass-mAlph-GSResNa;
2423 if(barf) ken-=ABarr;
2424 aLim+=CoulBarPenProb(ABarr,ken,2,4)*sqrt(ken)*evalph*Z*(Z-1)*N*(N-1)
2425 *6/a1/(a-2)/(a-3);
2426 }
2427 G4double r = aLim*G4UniformRand();
2428#ifdef debug
2429 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBar:2Decay r="<<r<<",nLim="<<nLim<<",zLim="<<zLim<<",sLim="
2430 <<sLim<<",nF="<<nFlag<<",pF="<<pFlag<<",lF="<<lFlag<<",aF="<<aFlag<<G4endl;
2432 if (aFlag&&r>sLim)
2433 {
2434 bQPDG=aQPDG;
2435 eMass=mAlph;
2437 rMass=GSResNa;
2438 }
2439 else if(lFlag&&r>=zLim&&r<=sLim&&zLim<sLim)
2440 {
2441 bQPDG=lQPDG;
2442 eMass=mLamb;
2444 rMass=GSResNl;
2445 }
2446 else if(nFlag&&r>=nLim&&r<=zLim&&nLim<zLim)
2447 {
2448 bQPDG=pQPDG;
2449 eMass=mProt;
2451 rMass=GSResNp;
2452 }
2453 else if(pFlag&&r<nLim)
2454 {
2455 bQPDG=nQPDG;
2456 eMass=mNeut;
2458 rMass=GSResNn;
2459 }
2460 else
2461 {
2462#ifdef debug
2463 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Photon #2-B#, dM="<<totMass-GSMass<<G4endl;
2465 bQPDG=gQPDG;
2466 rQPDG=GetQPDG();
2467 eMass=0.;
2468 rMass=GSMass;
2469 }
2470#ifdef debug
2471 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: b="<<eMass<<bQPDG<<",r="<<rMass<<rQPDG<<G4endl;
2473 }
2474 if(three) // Decay in two baryons + Residual Nucleus
2475 {
2476#ifdef debug
2477 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon:Decay in 3 particles"<<G4endl;
2479 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,eMass);
2480 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rMass);
2481 h3mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
2482 if(!DecayIn3(h1mom,h2mom,h3mom))
2483 {
2484#ifdef debug
2485 G4cout<<"*G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon:Decay M="<<totMass<<",b="<<eMass<<bQPDG
2486 <<",f="<<fMass<<fQPDG<<",r="<<rMass<<rQPDG<<G4endl;
2488 return false;
2489 }
2490 h1mom+=h3mom;
2491 bQPDG=dbQPDG;
2492 }
2493 else
2494 {
2495 if(eMass+rMass<totMass&&cntr<cntm)
2496 {
2497#ifdef debug
2498 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaB:eM="<<eMass<<"+rM="<<rMass<<" ="<<eMass+rMass<<" < "<<totMass
2499 <<",c="<<cntr<<" < cm="<<cntm<<", bPDG="<<bQPDG<<", rPDG="<<rQPDG<<G4endl;
2501 if(rMass<1600.)
2502 {
2503 if (rQPDG==pQPDG)rMass=mProt;
2504 else if(rQPDG==nQPDG)rMass=mNeut;
2505 else if(rQPDG==lQPDG)rMass=mLamb;
2506 }
2507 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,eMass);
2508 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rMass);
2509 }
2510 else if(totMass>mNeut+GSResNn) // Neutron if 2-Decay failed
2511 {
2512#ifdef debug
2513 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: Neutron , dM="<<totMass-GSResNn-mNeut<<G4endl;
2515 bQPDG=nQPDG;
2517 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
2518 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,GSResNn);
2519 }
2520 else if(totMass>mProt+PBarr+GSResNp) // Proton if 2-Decay failed
2521 {
2522#ifdef debug
2523 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: Proton , dM="<<totMass-GSResNp-mProt<<G4endl;
2525 bQPDG=pQPDG;
2527 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
2528 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,GSResNp);
2529 }
2530 else if(totMass>mAlph+ABarr+GSResNa) // Alpha if 2-Decay failed
2531 {
2532#ifdef debug
2533 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: Alpha , dM="<<totMass-GSResNa-mAlph<<G4endl;
2535 bQPDG=aQPDG;
2537 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
2538 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,GSResNa);
2539 }
2540 else if(totMass>GSMass) // Photon if 2-Decay failed
2541 {
2542#ifdef debug
2543 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon:Photon ### 2 ###, dM="<<totMass-GSMass<<G4endl;
2545 bQPDG=gQPDG;
2546 rQPDG=GetQPDG();
2547 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
2548 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,GSMass);
2549 }
2550 else
2551 {
2552 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon: Cann't evaporate even gamma (1)"<<G4endl;
2553 return false;
2554 }
2555 }
2556 }
2557 else // ==> Decay in 3 Baryons + Residual is impossible at this point
2558 {
2559 if(secB) // Decay in 2Baryons(2a,a+bary)+ResidN is possible
2560 //if(2>3)
2561 {
2562#ifdef debug
2563 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Decay in 2 baryons"<<G4endl;
2565 G4bool tpd=true;
2566 //@@ Coulomb Barrier penetration can be added
2567 G4double alp=0.;
2568 if(aSecF)alp=evalph*Z*(Z-1)*N*(N-1)*10/(a-2)/(a-3)/(a-4);
2569 G4double nnLim=0.;
2570 if(nnFlag&&totMass>mNeut+mNeut+GSResNN)
2571 nnLim+=N*(N-1)*pow(totMass-mNeut-mNeut-GSResNN,2);
2572 G4double nzLim=nnLim;
2573 if(npFlag&&totMass>mNeut+mProt+PBarr+GSResNP)
2574 {
2575 if(barf) nzLim+=2*N*Z*pow(totMass-mNeut-mProt-PBarr-GSResNP,2);
2576 else nzLim+=2*N*Z*pow(totMass-mNeut-mProt-GSResNP,2);
2577 }
2578 G4double zzLim=nzLim;
2579 if(ppFlag&&totMass>mProt+mProt+SPPBarr+GSResPP)
2580 {
2581 if(barf) zzLim+=Z*(Z-1)*pow(totMass-mProt-mProt-SPPBarr-GSResPP,2);
2582 else zzLim+=Z*(Z-1)*pow(totMass-mProt-mProt-GSResPP,2);
2583 }
2584 G4double nlLim=zzLim;
2585 if(nlFlag&&totMass>mNeut+mLamb+GSResNL)
2586 nlLim+=2*N*S*pow(totMass-mNeut-mLamb-GSResNL,2);
2587 G4double zlLim=nlLim;
2588 if(plFlag&&totMass>mProt+PBarr+mLamb+GSResPL)
2589 {
2590 if(barf) zlLim+=2*Z*S*pow(totMass-mProt-mLamb-PBarr-GSResPL,2);
2591 else zlLim+=2*Z*S*pow(totMass-mProt-mLamb-GSResPL,2);
2592 }
2593 G4double llLim=zlLim;
2594 if(llFlag&&totMass>mLamb+mLamb+GSResLL)
2595 llLim+=S*(S-1)*pow(totMass-mLamb-mLamb-GSResLL,2);
2596 G4double naLim=llLim;
2597 if(naFlag&&totMass>mNeut+mAlph+ABarr+GSResNA)
2598 {
2599 if(barf) naLim+=(N-3)*alp*pow(totMass-mNeut-mAlph-ABarr-GSResNA,2);
2600 else naLim+=(N-3)*alp*pow(totMass-mNeut-mAlph-GSResNA,2);
2601 }
2602 G4double zaLim=naLim;
2603 if(paFlag&&totMass>mProt+SAPBarr+mAlph+GSResPA)
2604 {
2605 if(barf) zaLim+=(Z-3)*alp*pow(totMass-mProt-mAlph-SAPBarr-GSResPA,2);
2606 else zaLim+=(Z-3)*alp*pow(totMass-mProt-mAlph-GSResPA,2);
2607 }
2608 G4double laLim=zaLim;
2609 if(laFlag&&totMass>mLamb+mAlph+ABarr+GSResLA)
2610 {
2611 if(barf) laLim+=S*alp*pow(totMass-mLamb-mAlph-ABarr-GSResLA,2);
2612 else laLim+=S*alp*pow(totMass-mLamb-mAlph-GSResLA,2);
2613 }
2614 G4double aaLim=laLim;
2615 if(evalph&&aaFlag&&totMass>mAlph+mAlph+SAABarr+GSResAA)
2616 {
2617 if(barf) aaLim+=alp*pow(totMass-mAlph-mAlph-SAABarr-GSResAA,2)*
2618 evalph*(Z-2)*(Z-3)*(N-2)*(N-3)*7/(a-5)/(a-6)/(a-7);
2619 else aaLim+=alp*pow(totMass-mAlph-mAlph-GSResAA,2)*
2620 evalph*(Z-2)*(Z-3)*(N-2)*(N-3)*7/(a-5)/(a-6)/(a-7);
2621 }
2622 G4double r = aaLim*G4UniformRand();
2623 if (aaLim&&laLim<r)
2624 {
2625 dbQPDG= AAQPDG;
2626 eMass=mAlph;
2627 fMass=mAlph;
2628 rQPDG=aaQPDG;
2629 rMass=GSResAA;
2630#ifdef debug
2631 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: A+A, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2633 }
2634 else if(aaLim&&zaLim<r&&r<laLim)
2635 {
2636 dbQPDG= LAQPDG;
2637 eMass=mAlph;
2638 fMass=mLamb;
2639 rQPDG=laQPDG;
2640 rMass=GSResLA;
2641#ifdef debug
2642 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: A+L, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2644 }
2645 else if(aaLim&&naLim<r&&r<zaLim)
2646 {
2647 dbQPDG= PAQPDG;
2648 eMass=mAlph;
2649 fMass=mProt;
2650 rQPDG=paQPDG;
2651 rMass=GSResPA;
2652#ifdef debug
2653 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: A+P, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2655 }
2656 else if(aaLim&&llLim<r&&r<naLim)
2657 {
2658 dbQPDG= NAQPDG;
2659 eMass=mAlph;
2660 fMass=mNeut;
2661 rQPDG=naQPDG;
2662 rMass=GSResNA;
2663#ifdef debug
2664 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: A+N, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2666 }
2667 else if(aaLim&&zlLim<r&&r<llLim)
2668 {
2669 dbQPDG= LLQPDG;
2670 eMass=mLamb;
2671 fMass=mLamb;
2672 rQPDG=llQPDG;
2673 rMass=GSResLL;
2674#ifdef debug
2675 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: L+L, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2677 }
2678 else if(aaLim&&nlLim<r&&r<zlLim)
2679 {
2680 dbQPDG= PLQPDG;
2681 eMass=mLamb;
2682 fMass=mProt;
2683 rQPDG=plQPDG;
2684 rMass=GSResPL;
2685#ifdef debug
2686 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: L+p, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2688 }
2689 else if(aaLim&&zzLim<r&&r<nlLim)
2690 {
2691 dbQPDG= NLQPDG;
2692 eMass=mLamb;
2693 fMass=mNeut;
2694 rQPDG=nlQPDG;
2695 rMass=GSResNL;
2696#ifdef debug
2697 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: L+n, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2700 }
2701 else if(aaLim&&nzLim<r&&r<zzLim)
2702 {
2703 dbQPDG= PPQPDG;
2704 eMass=mProt;
2705 fMass=mProt;
2706 rQPDG=ppQPDG;
2707 rMass=GSResPP;
2708#ifdef debug
2709 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: p+p, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2711 }
2712 else if(aaLim&&nnLim<r&&r<nzLim)
2713 {
2714 dbQPDG= NPQPDG;
2715 eMass=mNeut;
2716 fMass=mProt;
2717 rQPDG=npQPDG;
2718 rMass=GSResNP;
2719#ifdef debug
2720 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: n+p, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2722 }
2723 else if(aaLim&&r<nnLim)
2724 {
2725 dbQPDG= NNQPDG;
2726 eMass=mNeut;
2727 fMass=mNeut;
2728 rQPDG=nnQPDG;
2729 rMass=GSResNN;
2730#ifdef debug
2731 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: n+n, e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",r="<<rMass<<G4endl;
2733 }
2734 //Two particle decay only possible (not frequent event!)
2735 else if(nFlag)
2736 {
2737#ifdef debug
2738 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon:Photon ### Decay in neutron ###"<<G4endl;
2740 tpd=false;
2741 bQPDG=nQPDG;
2743 eMass=mNeut;
2744 rMass=GSResNn;
2745 }
2746 else if(pFlag)
2747 {
2748#ifdef debug
2749 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon:Photon ### Decay in proton ###"<<G4endl;
2751 tpd=false;
2752 bQPDG=pQPDG;
2754 eMass=mProt;
2755 rMass=GSResNp;
2756 }
2757 else if(aFlag)
2758 {
2759#ifdef debug
2760 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon:Photon ### Decay in alpha ###"<<G4endl;
2762 tpd=false;
2763 bQPDG=aQPDG;
2765 eMass=mAlph;
2766 rMass=GSResNa;
2767 }
2768 else if(lFlag)
2769 {
2770#ifdef debug
2771 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon:Photon ### Decay in Lambda ###"<<G4endl;
2773 tpd=false;
2774 bQPDG=lQPDG;
2776 eMass=mLamb;
2777 rMass=GSResNl;
2778 }
2779 else
2780 {
2781#ifdef debug
2782 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaporBaryon: Photon ### 3-Big ###,dM="<<totMass-GSMass<<G4endl;
2784 tpd=false;
2785 bQPDG=gQPDG;
2786 rQPDG=GetQPDG();
2787 eMass=0.;
2788 rMass=GSMass;
2789 }
2790 if(tpd)
2791 {
2792 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,eMass);
2793 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rMass);
2794 h3mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
2795 if(!DecayIn3(h1mom,h2mom,h3mom))
2796 {
2797#ifdef debug
2798 G4cout<<"*G4QNucl::EvaporateBaryon:Decay M="<<totMass<<",b="<<eMass<<bQPDG
2799 <<",f="<<fMass<<fQPDG<<",r="<<rMass<<rQPDG<<G4endl;
2801 return false;
2802 }
2803 h1mom+=h3mom;
2804 bQPDG=dbQPDG;
2805#ifdef debug
2806 G4double sma=h1mom.m();
2807 G4double dma=sma-eMass-fMass;
2808 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBar:s="<<sma<<",e="<<eMass<<",f="<<fMass<<",d="<<dma<<",rM="
2809 <<rMass<<G4endl;
2811 }
2812 else
2813 {
2814 if(rMass<1600.)
2815 {
2816 if (rQPDG==pQPDG)rMass=mProt;
2817 else if(rQPDG==nQPDG)rMass=mNeut;
2818 else if(rQPDG==lQPDG)rMass=mLamb;
2819 }
2820 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,eMass);
2821 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rMass);
2822 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom))
2823 {
2824#ifdef debug
2825 G4cout<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Emergency Decay M="<<totMass<<",b="
2826 <<bQPDG<<h1->GetQC()<<eMass<<",r="<<rQPDG<<h2->GetQC()<<rMass<<G4endl;
2828 return false;
2829 }
2830 h1->SetQPDG(bQPDG);
2831 h2->SetQPDG(rQPDG);
2832 h1->Set4Momentum(h1mom);
2833 h2->Set4Momentum(h2mom);
2834#ifdef debug
2835 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: Emergency decay is done for b="<<bQPDG<<h1->GetQC()
2836 <<h1mom<<h1mom.m()<<", r="<<rQPDG<<h2->GetQC()<<h2mom<<h2mom.m()<<G4endl;
2838 return true;
2839 }
2840 }
2841 else // Only decay in Baryon+Residual is possible
2842 {
2843#ifdef debug
2844 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Decay in Baryon+Resid"<<G4endl;
2846 //@@ Take into account Coulomb Barier Penetration Probability
2847 G4double nLim=0.;
2848 if(nFlag&&mNeut+GSResNn<totMass)
2849 {
2850 G4double ken=totMass-mNeut-GSResNn;
2851 nLim+=N*CoulBarPenProb(0.,ken,0,1)*sqrt(ken);
2852 }
2853 G4double zLim=nLim;
2854 if(pFlag&&mProt+PBarr+GSResNp<totMass)
2855 {
2856 G4double ken=totMass-mProt-GSResNp;
2857 if(barf) ken-=PBarr;
2858 zLim+=Z*CoulBarPenProb(PBarr,ken,1,1)*sqrt(ken);
2859 }
2860 G4double sLim=zLim;
2861 if(lFlag&&mLamb+GSResNl<totMass)
2862 {
2863 G4double ken=totMass-mLamb-GSResNl;
2864 sLim+=S*CoulBarPenProb(0.,ken,0,1)*sqrt(ken);
2865 }
2866 G4double aLim=sLim;
2867 if(aFlag&&mAlph+GSResNa+ABarr<totMass)
2868 {
2869 G4double ken=totMass-mAlph-GSResNa;
2870 if(barf) ken-=ABarr;
2871 aLim+=CoulBarPenProb(ABarr,ken,2,4)*sqrt(ken)*evalph*Z*(Z-1)*N*(N-1)
2872 *6/a1/(a-2)/(a-3);
2873#ifdef debug
2874 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon:al="<<evalph<<",k="<<ken<<",P="
2875 <<CoulBarPenProb(ABarr,ken,2,4)<<G4endl;
2877 }
2878 G4double r = aLim*G4UniformRand();
2879#ifdef debug
2880 G4cout<<"G4QN::EB:DecIn2#2#r="<<r<<",nL="<<nLim<<",zL="<<zLim<<",sL="<<sLim<<",aL="
2881 <<aLim<<",nF="<<nFlag<<",pF="<<pFlag<<",lF="<<lFlag<<",aF="<<aFlag<<G4endl;
2883 if (aFlag&&r>sLim)
2884 {
2885 bQPDG=aQPDG;
2886 eMass=mAlph;
2888 rMass=GSResNa;
2889#ifdef debug
2890 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Decay in A + rA="<<GSResNa+mAlph<<G4endl;
2892 }
2893 else if(lFlag&&r>zLim&&r<sLim)
2894 {
2895 bQPDG=lQPDG;
2896 eMass=mLamb;
2898 rMass=GSResNl;
2899#ifdef debug
2900 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Decay in L + rA="<<GSResNl+mLamb<<G4endl;
2902 }
2903 else if(pFlag&&r>nLim&&r<zLim)
2904 {
2905 bQPDG=pQPDG;
2906 eMass=mProt;
2908 rMass=GSResNp;
2909#ifdef debug
2910 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Decay in P + rA="<<GSResNp+mProt<<G4endl;
2912 }
2913 else if(nFlag&&r<nLim)
2914 {
2915 bQPDG=nQPDG;
2916 eMass=mNeut;
2918 rMass=GSResNn;
2919#ifdef debug
2920 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Decay in N + rA="<<GSResNn+mNeut<<G4endl;
2922 }
2923 else if(mProt+GSResNp<totMass)
2924 {
2925#ifdef debug
2926 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBar: Emergency Proton, dM="<<totMass-GSResNp-mProt<<G4endl;
2928 bQPDG=pQPDG;
2930 eMass=mProt;
2931 rMass=GSResNp;
2932 }
2933 else if(mAlph+GSResNa<totMass)
2934 {
2935#ifdef debug
2936 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvapBar: Emergency Alpha, dM="<<totMass-GSResNa-mAlph<<G4endl;
2938 bQPDG=aQPDG;
2940 eMass=mAlph;
2941 rMass=GSResNa;
2942 }
2943 else
2944 {
2945#ifdef debug
2946 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvapBaryon: Photon ### 4-Big ###, dM="<<totMass-GSMass<<G4endl;
2948 bQPDG=gQPDG;
2949 rQPDG=GetQPDG();
2950 eMass=0.;
2951 rMass=GSMass;
2952 }
2953 if(rMass<1600.)
2954 {
2955 if (rQPDG==pQPDG)rMass=mProt;
2956 else if(rQPDG==nQPDG)rMass=mNeut;
2957 else if(rQPDG==lQPDG)rMass=mLamb;
2958 }
2959 h1mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,eMass);
2960 h2mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,rMass);
2961 }
2962 }
2963 if(!DecayIn2(h1mom,h2mom))
2964 {
2965#ifdef debug
2966 G4cout<<"*G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Decay M="<<totMass<<",b="<<bQPDG<<h1->GetQC()
2967 <<eMass<<",r="<<rQPDG<<h2->GetQC()<<rMass<<G4endl;
2969 return false;
2970 }
2971#ifdef debug
2972 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaB: **RESULT** b="<<bQPDG<<h1mom<<", r="<<rQPDG<<h2mom<<G4endl;
2974 h1->SetQPDG(bQPDG);
2975 h2->SetQPDG(rQPDG);
2976 h1->Set4Momentum(h1mom);
2977 h2->Set4Momentum(h2mom);
2978#ifdef debug
2979 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: Evaporation is done for b="<<bQPDG<<h1->GetQC()
2980 <<h1mom<<h1mom.m()<<", r="<<rQPDG<<h2->GetQC()<<h2mom<<h2mom.m()<<G4endl;
2982 return true;
2983 }
2984 else if(a==1)
2985 {
2986#ifdef debug
2987 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: ??? A=1"<<G4endl;
2989 h1->SetQPDG(gQPDG);
2990 h1->Set4Momentum(G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
2991 if (Z>0)
2992 {
2993 h2->SetQPDG(pQPDG);
2994 h2->Set4Momentum(G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt));
2995 }
2996 else if(N>0)
2997 {
2998 h2->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
2999 h2->Set4Momentum(G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut));
3000 }
3001 else if(S>0)
3002 {
3003 h2->SetQPDG(lQPDG);
3004 h2->Set4Momentum(G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mLamb));
3005 }
3006 else return false;
3007 return true;
3008 }
3009 if(a<-2) G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon: A="<<a<<G4endl;
3010 return false;
G4double GetMass() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:176
G4double CoulBarPenProb(const G4double &CB, const G4double &E, const G4int &C, const G4int &B)

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ EvaporateNucleus()

void G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus ( G4QHadron hA,
G4QHadronVector oHV 


@@ *** ^^^ END OF TEMPORARY ^^^ *** @@

!When kill,DON'T forget to del. theLastQHadron as an instance!!

!When kill,DON'T forget to delete theLastQHadron asAnInstance!!

Definition at line 4171 of file

4173 static const G4double mHel6 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,4,0);
4174 static const G4double mAlph = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);
4175 static const G4double mDeut = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);
4176 static const G4double mNeut = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
4177 static const G4double mProt = G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
4178 static const G4double mLamb = G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
4179 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
4180 static const G4double mPi0 = G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();
4181 static const G4double mK = G4QPDGCode(321).GetMass();
4182 static const G4double mK0 = G4QPDGCode(311).GetMass();
4183 static const G4QContent neutQC(2,1,0,0,0,0);
4184 static const G4QContent protQC(1,2,0,0,0,0);
4185 static const G4QContent lambQC(1,1,1,0,0,0);
4186 static const G4QContent deutQC(3,3,0,0,0,0);
4187 static const G4QContent alphQC(6,6,0,0,0,0);
4188 G4int thePDG = qH->GetPDGCode(); // Get PDG code of the Residual Nucleus
4189 G4QContent theQC = qH->GetQC(); // Quark Content of the hadron
4190#ifdef pdebug
4191 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:-Called-PDG="<<thePDG<<",QC="<<theQC<<G4endl;
4193 G4int theBN = qH->GetBaryonNumber();// Baryon number of the nucleus
4194#ifdef pdebug
4195 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: theBN="<<theBN<<G4endl;
4197 if((thePDG || thePDG==10) && theQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) thePDG=theQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
4198 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of theTotalNucleus
4199 if(!theBN || thePDG<80000000 || thePDG==90000000) // Hadron, anti-nucleous, or vacuum
4200 {
4201#ifdef debug
4202 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Nucleus="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
4204 if(thePDG==90000000)
4205 {
4206#ifdef qdebug
4207 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (1) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4209 delete qH;
4210 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvapNuc:vacuum,4Mom="<<q4M<<G4endl;
4211 }
4212 else // Put input to the output (delete equivalent)
4213 {
4214 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvapNuc:vacuum, Called for Meson PDG="<<thePDG<<G4endl;
4215 evaHV->push_back(qH);
4216 }
4217 return;
4218 }
4219 /// @@@@@@@ *** TEMPORARY TO AVOID HYPERMUCLEI FOR GEANT4 *** @@@@@@@
4220 if(thePDG>91000000) //@@MadeForGeant4@@: If there is a Lambda, substitute it by A neutron
4221 {
4222 G4int SSS=(thePDG-90000000)/1000000; // A # of Lambdas
4223 thePDG-=SSS*999999; // S Neutrons instead of S Lambdas
4224 qH->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(thePDG));
4225 theQC = qH->GetQC(); // Quark Content of the hadron
4226#ifdef debug
4227 G4cout<<"=>Hyper Change=>G4QNucleus::EvaporateNuceus: NewNucPDG="<<thePDG<<G4endl;
4229 }
4230 /// @@@ *** ^^^ END OF TEMPORARY ^^^ *** @@@
4231 if(thePDG<80000000)
4232 {
4233#ifdef debug
4234 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaporateNuc: FundamentalParticle="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
4236 evaHV->push_back(qH); // TheFundamentalParticles must be FilledAsTheyAre (del.eq)
4237 return;
4238 }
4239 G4int theC=theQC.GetCharge(); // P
4240 G4int theS=theQC.GetStrangeness(); // S
4241 G4int theN=theBN-theC-theS; // N
4242 G4double totGSM = G4QNucleus(thePDG).GetGSMass();// TheGroundStateMass of theTotalNucleus
4243 G4double totMass = q4M.m(); // Get the Real(Excited?)Mass of theTotalNucleus
4244#ifdef debug
4245 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(EVA):===IN==> PDG="<<thePDG<<",4Mom="<<q4M<<", B="
4246 <<theBN<<", Z="<<theC<<", N="<<theN<<", S="<<theS<<G4endl;
4248 if(theBN<-2)
4249 {
4250 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNuc::EvapNuc: Evapor of anti-nuclei is not implemented yet PDG="
4251 <<thePDG<<G4endl;
4252 evaHV->push_back(qH);
4253 return;
4254 }
4255 else if(thePDG==91000000||thePDG==90001000||thePDG==90000001) // Excited Lambda* or N*
4256 //else if(2>3)// One can easily close this decay as it will be done later (time of calc?)
4257 {
4258 G4double gsM=mNeut;
4259 if(thePDG==90001000) gsM=mProt;
4260 else if(thePDG==91000000) gsM=mLamb;
4261 if(fabs(totMass-gsM)<.001)
4262 {
4263#ifdef debug
4264 G4cout<<"G4QNu::EvaporateNucl:GSM="<<gsM<<", H="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
4266 evaHV->push_back(qH); // (delete equivalent)
4267 return;
4268 }
4269 else if(totMass<gsM)
4270 {
4271#ifdef qdebug
4272 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (2) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4274 delete qH;
4275 // G4cerr<<"***G4QN::EvaNuc:Baryon "<<thePDG<<" is belowMassShell, M="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4276 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Baryon is below Mass Shell");
4278 ed << "Baryon is below Mass Shell: Baryon " << thePDG
4279 << " is belowMassShell, M=" << totMass << G4endl;
4280 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
4281 FatalException, ed);
4282 }
4283 else // Decay in gamma or charged pion (@@ neutral)
4284 {
4285 G4double d=totMass-gsM;
4286#ifdef debug
4287 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaporNucl: PDG="<<thePDG<<",M="<<totMass<<">"<<gsM<<",d="<<d<<G4endl;
4289 G4int decPDG=22;
4290 G4double decM=0.;
4291 if(d>142.) // @@ to avoid more precise calculations
4292 {
4293 if(thePDG==90001000) // p* -> n + pi+
4294 {
4295 gsM=mNeut;
4296 thePDG=90000001;
4297 decPDG=211;
4298 decM=mPi;
4299 }
4300 else if(thePDG==90000001) // n* -> p + pi-
4301 {
4302 gsM=mProt;
4303 thePDG=90001000;
4304 decPDG=-211;
4305 decM=mPi;
4306 }
4307 else // decay in Pi0
4308 {
4309 decPDG=111;
4310 decM=mPi0;
4311 }
4312 }
4313 G4LorentzVector h4Mom(0.,0.,0.,gsM); // GSMass must be updated in previous while-LOOP
4314 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,decM);
4315 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(h4Mom, g4Mom))
4316 {
4317#ifdef qdebug
4318 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (3) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4320 delete qH;
4321 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaNuc:h="<<thePDG<<"(GSM="<<gsM<<")+gam>tM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4322 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:BaryonDecay In Baryon+Gam Error");
4324 ed << "BaryonDecay In Baryon+Gam Error: h=" << thePDG << "(GSM="
4325 << gsM << ")+gam>tM=" << totMass << G4endl;
4326 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
4327 FatalException, ed);
4328 }
4329#ifdef debug
4330 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaNuc:"<<totMass<<q4M<<"->"<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<"+g="<<g4Mom<<",n="
4331 <<evaHV->size()<<G4endl;
4333 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(thePDG,h4Mom);
4334#ifdef debug
4335 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Hadr="<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
4337 evaHV->push_back(curH); // Fill Baryon (delete equiv.)
4338 G4QHadron* curG = new G4QHadron(decPDG,g4Mom);
4339#ifdef debug
4340 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Gamma(pion)4M="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
4342 evaHV->push_back(curG); // Fill gamma/pion (delete equivalent)
4343#ifdef qdebug
4344 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (4) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4346 delete qH;
4347 }
4348 }
4349 else if(thePDG==89000000||thePDG==89999000||thePDG==89999999) // anti-Lambda* or anti-N*
4350 //else if(2>3)// One can easily close this decay as it will be done later (time of calc?)
4351 {
4352 G4double gsM=mNeut;
4353 if(thePDG==89999000) gsM=mProt;
4354 else if(thePDG==89000000) gsM=mLamb;
4355 if(fabs(totMass-gsM)<.001)
4356 {
4357#ifdef debug
4358 G4cout<<"G4QNu::EvaNucl:(aB*),GSM="<<gsM<<", H="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
4360 evaHV->push_back(qH); // (delete equivalent)
4361 return;
4362 }
4363 else if(totMass<gsM)
4364 {
4365#ifdef qdebug
4366 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (2a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4368 delete qH;
4369 // G4cerr<<"*G4QN::EvaNuc:antiBaryon="<<thePDG<<" below MassShell, M="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4370 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: anti-Baryon is below Mass Shell");
4372 ed << "anti-Baryon is below Mass Shell: antiBaryon=" << thePDG
4373 << " below MassShell, M=" << totMass << G4endl;
4374 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0002",
4375 FatalException, ed);
4376 }
4377 else // Decay in gamma or charged pion (@@ neutral)
4378 {
4379 G4double d=totMass-gsM;
4380#ifdef debug
4381 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaporNucl: PDG="<<thePDG<<",M="<<totMass<<">"<<gsM<<",d="<<d<<G4endl;
4383 G4int decPDG=22;
4384 G4double decM=0.;
4385 if(d>142.) // @@ to avoid more precise calculations
4386 {
4387 if(thePDG==89999000) // anti (p* -> n + pi+)
4388 {
4389 gsM=mNeut;
4390 thePDG=89999999;
4391 decPDG=-211;
4392 decM=mPi;
4393 }
4394 else if(thePDG==89999999) // anti (n* -> p + pi-)
4395 {
4396 gsM=mProt;
4397 thePDG=89999000;
4398 decPDG=211;
4399 decM=mPi;
4400 }
4401 else // decay in Pi0
4402 {
4403 decPDG=111;
4404 decM=mPi0;
4405 }
4406 }
4407 G4LorentzVector h4Mom(0.,0.,0.,gsM); // GSMass must be updated in previous while-LOOP
4408 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,decM);
4409 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(h4Mom, g4Mom))
4410 {
4411#ifdef qdebug
4412 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (3a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4414 delete qH;
4415 // G4cerr<<"**G4QNuc::EvaNuc:ah="<<thePDG<<"(GSM="<<gsM<<")+gam>tM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4416 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:BaryonDecay In Baryon+Gam Error");
4418 ed << "BaryonDecay In Baryon+Gam Error: ah=" << thePDG << "(GSM="
4419 << gsM << ")+gam>tM=" << totMass << G4endl;
4420 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0003",
4421 FatalException, ed);
4422 }
4423#ifdef debug
4424 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaNuc:aM="<<totMass<<q4M<<"->"<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<"+g="<<g4Mom<<",n="
4425 <<evaHV->size()<<G4endl;
4427 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(thePDG, h4Mom);
4428#ifdef debug
4429 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: antiHadr="<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
4431 evaHV->push_back(curH); // Fill Baryon (delete equiv.)
4432 G4QHadron* curMes = new G4QHadron(decPDG, g4Mom);
4433#ifdef debug
4434 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (anti) Gamma(pion)4M="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
4436 evaHV->push_back(curMes); // Fill gamma/pion (delete equivalent)
4437#ifdef qdebug
4438 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (4a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4440 delete qH;
4441 }
4442 }
4443 else if((thePDG==90001999||thePDG==89999002) && totMass>1080.) // @@ to avoid threshold
4444 //else if(2>3)// One can easily close this decay as it will be done later (time of calc?)
4445 {
4446 G4double gsM=mNeut;
4447 G4int barPDG=2112;
4448 G4int mesPDG=-211;
4449 if(thePDG==90001999)
4450 {
4451 gsM=mProt;
4452 barPDG=2212;
4453 mesPDG=211;
4454 }
4455 if(fabs(totMass-gsM-mPi)<.001)
4456 {
4457#ifdef debug
4458 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaporateNuc:(D)GSM="<<gsM<<",H="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
4460 G4LorentzVector h4Mom=q4M*(gsM/totMass); // At rest in CM
4461 G4QHadron* curB = new G4QHadron(barPDG,h4Mom);
4462 evaHV->push_back(curB); // (delete equivalent)
4463 G4LorentzVector g4Mom=q4M*(mPi/totMass);
4464 G4QHadron* curM = new G4QHadron(mesPDG,g4Mom);
4465 evaHV->push_back(curM); // (delete equivalent)
4466#ifdef qdebug
4467 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (5) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4469 delete qH;
4470 return;
4471 }
4472 else if(totMass<gsM+mPi)
4473 {
4474#ifdef qdebug
4475 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (6) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4477 delete qH;
4478 // G4cerr<<"***G4QN::EvaNuc:Delta "<<thePDG<<" is belowMassShell, M="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4479 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Delta is below Mass Shell");
4481 ed << "Delta is below Mass Shell: Delta " << thePDG
4482 << " is belowMassShell, M=" << totMass << G4endl;
4483 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0004",
4484 FatalException, ed);
4485 }
4486 else // Decay in gamma or charged pion (@@ neutral)
4487 {
4488 G4LorentzVector h4Mom(0.,0.,0.,gsM); // GSMass must be updated in previous while-LOOP
4489 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
4490 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(h4Mom, g4Mom))
4491 {
4492#ifdef qdebug
4493 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (7) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4495 delete qH;
4496 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaNuc:Dh="<<thePDG<<"N+pi="<<gsM+mPi<<">tM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4497 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: DeltaDecInBaryon+Pi Error");
4499 ed << "DeltaDecInBaryon+Pi Error: Dh=" << thePDG << "N+pi=" << gsM+mPi
4500 << ">tM=" << totMass << G4endl;
4501 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0005",
4502 FatalException, ed);
4503 }
4504#ifdef debug
4505 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaNuc:"<<totMass<<q4M<<"->"<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<"+pi="<<g4Mom<<", nH="
4506 <<evaHV->size()<<G4endl;
4508 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(barPDG,h4Mom);
4509#ifdef debug
4510 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucl: Nucleon="<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
4512 evaHV->push_back(curH); // Fill the nucleon (delete equiv.)
4513 G4QHadron* curG = new G4QHadron(mesPDG,g4Mom);
4514#ifdef debug
4515 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateR: Pion="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
4517 evaHV->push_back(curG); // Fill the pion (delete equivalent)
4518#ifdef qdebug
4519 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (8) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4521 delete qH;
4522 }
4523 }
4524 else if((thePDG==89998001||thePDG==90000998) && totMass>1080.) // @@ to avoid threshold
4525 //else if(2>3)// One can easily close this decay as it will be done later (time of calc?)
4526 {
4527 G4double gsM=mNeut;
4528 G4int barPDG=-2112;
4529 G4int mesPDG=211;
4530 if(thePDG==89998001)
4531 {
4532 gsM=mProt;
4533 barPDG=-2212;
4534 mesPDG=-211;
4535 }
4536 if(fabs(totMass-gsM-mPi)<.001)
4537 {
4538#ifdef debug
4539 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaporateNuc:(A)GSM="<<gsM<<",H="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
4541 G4LorentzVector h4Mom=q4M*(gsM/totMass); // At rest in CM
4542 G4QHadron* curB = new G4QHadron(barPDG,h4Mom);
4543 evaHV->push_back(curB); // (delete equivalent)
4544 G4LorentzVector g4Mom=q4M*(mPi/totMass);
4545 G4QHadron* curM = new G4QHadron(mesPDG,g4Mom);
4546 evaHV->push_back(curM); // (delete equivalent)
4547#ifdef qdebug
4548 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (5a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4550 delete qH;
4551 return;
4552 }
4553 else if(totMass<gsM+mPi)
4554 {
4555#ifdef qdebug
4556 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (6a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4558 delete qH;
4559 // G4cerr<<"***G4QN::EvaNuc:aDelta "<<thePDG<<" is belowMassShell, M="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4560 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: anti-Delta is below Mass Shell");
4562 ed << "anti-Delta is below Mass Shell: aDelta " << thePDG
4563 << " is belowMassShell, M=" << totMass << G4endl;
4564 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0006",
4565 FatalException, ed);
4566 }
4567 else // Decay in gamma or charged pion (@@ neutral)
4568 {
4569 G4LorentzVector h4Mom(0.,0.,0.,gsM); // GSMass must be updated in previous while-LOOP
4570 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
4571 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(h4Mom, g4Mom))
4572 {
4573#ifdef qdebug
4574 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (7a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4576 delete qH;
4577 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaNuc:aD="<<thePDG<<"N+pi="<<gsM+mPi<<">tM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
4578 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:AntiDeltaDecayInBaryon+Pi Error");
4580 ed << "AntiDeltaDecayInBaryon+Pi Error: aD=" << thePDG << "N+pi="
4581 << gsM+mPi << ">tM=" << totMass << G4endl;
4582 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0007",
4583 FatalException, ed);
4584 }
4585#ifdef debug
4586 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaNuc:(aD) "<<totMass<<q4M<<"->"<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<" + pi="<<g4Mom
4587 <<", nH="<<evaHV->size()<<G4endl;
4589 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(barPDG,h4Mom);
4590#ifdef debug
4591 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucl: Nucleon="<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
4593 evaHV->push_back(curH); // Fill the nucleon (delete equiv.)
4594 G4QHadron* curMes = new G4QHadron(mesPDG,g4Mom);
4595#ifdef debug
4596 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateR: Pion="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
4598 evaHV->push_back(curMes); // Fill the pion (delete equivalent)
4599#ifdef qdebug
4600 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (8a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4602 delete qH;
4603 }
4604 }
4605 else if(theBN>0&&theS<0) DecayAntiStrange(qH,evaHV); // "AntyStrangeNucleus" (del.eq.)
4606 else if(theBN>0&&(theC<0||theC>theBN-theS))DecayIsonucleus(qH,evaHV);//"Isonucleus"(d.e.)
4607 else if((thePDG==89999003 || thePDG==90002999) && totMass>2020.) //=> "ISO-dibarion"
4608 {
4609 // @@ Check that it never comes here !!
4610 G4int nucPDG = 2112;
4611 G4double nucM = mNeut;
4612 G4int piPDG = -211;
4613 if(thePDG==90002999)
4614 {
4615 nucPDG = 2212;
4616 nucM = mProt;
4617 piPDG = 211;
4618 }
4619 if(totMass>mPi+nucM+nucM)
4620 {
4621 G4LorentzVector n14M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
4622 G4LorentzVector n24M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
4623 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
4624 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(n14M,n24M,pi4M))
4625 {
4626#ifdef qdebug
4627 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (9) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4629 delete qH;
4630 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: tM="<<totMass<<"-> 2N="<<nucPDG<<"(M="
4631 // <<nucM<<") + pi="<<piPDG<<"(M="<<mPi<<")"<<G4endl;
4632 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: ISO-Dibaryon DecayIn3 error");
4634 ed << " ISO-Dibaryon DecayIn3 error: tM=" << totMass << "-> 2N="
4635 << nucPDG << "(M=" << nucM << ") + pi=" << piPDG << "(M="
4636 << mPi << ")" << G4endl;
4637 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0008",
4638 FatalException, ed);
4639 }
4640#ifdef qdebug
4641 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (10) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4643 delete qH;
4644 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(nucPDG,n14M);
4645#ifdef debug
4646 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Bar1="<<nucPDG<<n14M<<G4endl;
4648 evaHV->push_back(h1H); // (delete equivalent)
4649 G4QHadron* h2H = new G4QHadron(nucPDG,n24M);
4650#ifdef debug
4651 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Bar2="<<nucPDG<<n24M<<G4endl;
4653 evaHV->push_back(h2H); // (delete equivalent)
4654 G4QHadron* piH = new G4QHadron(piPDG,pi4M);
4655#ifdef debug
4656 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Pi="<<piPDG<<pi4M<<G4endl;
4658 evaHV->push_back(piH); // (delete equivalent)
4659 }
4660 else
4661 {
4662#ifdef qdebug
4663 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (11) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4665 delete qH;
4666 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvapNucleus: IdPDG="<<thePDG<<", q4M="<<q4M<<", M="<<totMass
4667 // <<" < M_2N+Pi, d="<<totMass-2*nucM-mPi<<G4endl;
4668 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:ISO-DiBaryon is under MassShell");
4670 ed << "ISO-DiBaryon is under MassShell: IdPDG=" << thePDG << ", q4M="
4671 << q4M << ", M=" << totMass << " < M_2N+Pi, d=" << totMass-2*nucM-mPi
4672 << G4endl;
4673 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0009",
4674 FatalException, ed);
4675 }
4676 }
4677 else if((thePDG==90000002||thePDG==90001001||thePDG==90002000)&&totMass>2020.) //=> IsoBP
4678 {
4679 // @@ Pi0 can be taken into account !
4680 G4int n1PDG = 2212;
4681 G4int n2PDG = 2112;
4682 G4int piPDG = -211;
4683 G4double n1M = mProt;
4684 G4double n2M = mNeut;
4685 if (thePDG==90002000) piPDG = 211; // pp -> np + pi-
4686 else if(thePDG==90000002) piPDG = -211; // nn -> np + pi-
4687 else // np -> 50%(nnpi+) 50%(pppi-)
4688 {
4689 if(G4UniformRand()>.5)
4690 {
4691 n1PDG=2112;
4692 n1M=mNeut;
4693 piPDG = 211;
4694 }
4695 else
4696 {
4697 n2PDG=2212;
4698 n2M=mProt;
4699 piPDG = -211;
4700 }
4701 }
4702 if(totMass>mPi+n1M+n2M)
4703 {
4704 G4LorentzVector n14M(0.,0.,0.,n1M);
4705 G4LorentzVector n24M(0.,0.,0.,n2M);
4706 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
4707 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(n14M,n24M,pi4M))
4708 {
4709 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::EvapNucleus:IsoDN, tM="<<totMass<<"-> N1="<<n1PDG<<"(M="<<n1M
4710 // <<") + N2="<<n2PDG<<"(M="<<n2M<<") + pi="<<piPDG<<" (Mpi="<<mPi<<")"<<G4endl;
4711 // throw G4QException("G4QNucl::EvaporateNucleus:ISO-dibaryon excit. DecayIn3 error");
4713 ed << "ISO-dibaryon excit. DecayIn3 error: IsoDN, tM=" << totMass
4714 << "-> N1=" << n1PDG << "(M=" << n1M << ") + N2=" << n2PDG
4715 << "(M=" << n2M << ") + pi=" << piPDG << " (Mpi=" << mPi << ")"
4716 << G4endl;
4717 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0010",
4718 FatalException, ed);
4719 }
4720#ifdef qdebug
4721 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (12) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4723 delete qH;
4724 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(n1PDG,n14M);
4725#ifdef debug
4726 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Bar1="<<n1PDG<<n14M<<G4endl;
4728 evaHV->push_back(h1H); // (delete equivalent)
4729 G4QHadron* h2H = new G4QHadron(n2PDG,n24M);
4730#ifdef debug
4731 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Bar2="<<n2PDG<<n24M<<G4endl;
4733 evaHV->push_back(h2H); // (delete equivalent)
4734 G4QHadron* piH = new G4QHadron(piPDG,pi4M);
4735#ifdef debug
4736 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Pi="<<piPDG<<pi4M<<G4endl;
4738 evaHV->push_back(piH); // (delete equivalent)
4739 }
4740 else
4741 {
4742#ifdef qdebug
4743 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (13) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4745 delete qH;
4746 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaporateNucleus: IdPDG="<<thePDG<<", q4M="<<q4M<<", M="<<totMass
4747 // <<" < M1+M2+Pi, d="<<totMass-n1M-n2M-mPi<<G4endl;
4748 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:IsoDiBarState is under MassShell");
4750 ed << "IsoDiBarState is under MassShell: IdPDG=" << thePDG << ", q4M="
4751 << q4M << ", M=" << totMass << " < M1+M2+Pi, d="
4752 << totMass-n1M-n2M-mPi << G4endl;
4753 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0011",
4754 FatalException, ed);
4755 }
4756 }
4757 else if(theBN==2) DecayDibaryon(qH, evaHV); //=> "Dibaryon" case (del eq.)
4758 else if((thePDG==90000997 || thePDG==89997001) && totMass>2020.) //=> "anti-ISO-dibarion"
4759 {
4760 // @@ Check that it never comes here !!
4761 G4int nucPDG = -2112;
4762 G4double nucM = mNeut;
4763 G4int piPDG = 211;
4764 if(thePDG==90002999)
4765 {
4766 nucPDG = -2212;
4767 nucM = mProt;
4768 piPDG = -211;
4769 }
4770 if(totMass>mPi+nucM+nucM)
4771 {
4772 G4LorentzVector n14M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
4773 G4LorentzVector n24M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
4774 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
4775 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(n14M,n24M,pi4M))
4776 {
4777#ifdef qdebug
4778 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (9a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4780 delete qH;
4781 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:antiM="<<totMass<<"-> 2aN="<<nucPDG<<"(M="
4782 // <<nucM<<") + pi="<<piPDG<<"(M="<<mPi<<")"<<G4endl;
4783 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:Anti-ISO-DibaryonDecayIn3 error");
4785 ed << "Anti-ISO-DibaryonDecayIn3 error: antiM=" << totMass
4786 << "-> 2aN=" << nucPDG << "(M=" << nucM << ") + pi=" << piPDG
4787 << "(M=" << mPi << ")" << G4endl;
4788 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0012",
4789 FatalException, ed);
4790 }
4791#ifdef qdebug
4792 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (10a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4794 delete qH;
4795 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(nucPDG,n14M);
4796#ifdef debug
4797 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(I) antiBar1="<<nucPDG<<n14M<<G4endl;
4799 evaHV->push_back(h1H); // (delete equivalent)
4800 G4QHadron* h2H = new G4QHadron(nucPDG,n24M);
4801#ifdef debug
4802 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(I) antiBar2="<<nucPDG<<n24M<<G4endl;
4804 evaHV->push_back(h2H); // (delete equivalent)
4805 G4QHadron* piH = new G4QHadron(piPDG,pi4M);
4806#ifdef debug
4807 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(I) (anti) Pi="<<piPDG<<pi4M<<G4endl;
4809 evaHV->push_back(piH); // (delete equivalent)
4810 }
4811 else
4812 {
4813#ifdef qdebug
4814 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (11a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4816 delete qH;
4817 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvapNucleus: aIdPDG="<<thePDG<<", q4M="<<q4M<<", M="<<totMass
4818 // <<" < M_2N+Pi, d="<<totMass-2*nucM-mPi<<G4endl;
4819 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:AntiISODiBaryon is underMassShell");
4821 ed << "AntiISODiBaryon is underMassShell: aIdPDG=" << thePDG << ", q4M="
4822 << q4M << ", M=" << totMass << " < M_2N+Pi, d=" << totMass-2*nucM-mPi
4823 << G4endl;
4824 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0013",
4825 FatalException, ed);
4826 }
4827 }
4828 else if((thePDG==89999998||thePDG==89998999||thePDG==89998000)&&totMass>2020.)//=>AnIsoBP
4829 {
4830 // @@ Pi0 can be taken into account !
4831 G4int n1PDG = -2212;
4832 G4int n2PDG = -2112;
4833 G4int piPDG = 211; // dummy initialization
4834 G4double n1M = mProt;
4835 G4double n2M = mNeut;
4836 if (thePDG==89998000) piPDG = -211; // anti ( pp -> np + pi- )
4837 else if(thePDG==89999998) piPDG = 211; // anti ( nn -> np + pi- )
4838 else // anti ( np -> 50%(nnpi+) 50%(pppi-) )
4839 {
4840 if(G4UniformRand()>.5)
4841 {
4842 n1PDG=-2112;
4843 n1M=mNeut;
4844 piPDG = -211;
4845 }
4846 else
4847 {
4848 n2PDG=-2212;
4849 n2M=mProt;
4850 piPDG = 211;
4851 }
4852 }
4853 if(totMass>mPi+n1M+n2M)
4854 {
4855 G4LorentzVector n14M(0.,0.,0.,n1M);
4856 G4LorentzVector n24M(0.,0.,0.,n2M);
4857 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
4858 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(n14M,n24M,pi4M))
4859 {
4860 // G4cerr<<"**G4QNucl::EvapNucleus:IsoDN,antiM="<<totMass<<"-> N1="<<n1PDG<<"(M="<<n1M
4861 // <<") + N2="<<n2PDG<<"(M="<<n2M<<") + pi="<<piPDG<<" (Mpi="<<mPi<<")"<<G4endl;
4862 // throw G4QException("G4QNucl::EvaporateNucleus:AntiExcitedDibaryon DecayIn3 error");
4864 ed << "AntiExcitedDibaryon DecayIn3 error: IsoDN,antiM=" << totMass
4865 << "-> N1=" << n1PDG << "(M=" << n1M << ") + N2=" << n2PDG << "(M="
4866 << n2M << ") + pi=" << piPDG << " (Mpi=" << mPi << ")" << G4endl;
4867 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0014",
4868 FatalException, ed);
4869 }
4870#ifdef qdebug
4871 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (12a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4873 delete qH;
4874 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(n1PDG,n14M);
4875#ifdef debug
4876 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: antiBar1="<<n1PDG<<n14M<<G4endl;
4878 evaHV->push_back(h1H); // (delete equivalent)
4879 G4QHadron* h2H = new G4QHadron(n2PDG,n24M);
4880#ifdef debug
4881 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: antiBar2="<<n2PDG<<n24M<<G4endl;
4883 evaHV->push_back(h2H); // (delete equivalent)
4884 G4QHadron* piH = new G4QHadron(piPDG,pi4M);
4885#ifdef debug
4886 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (anti)Pi="<<piPDG<<pi4M<<G4endl;
4888 evaHV->push_back(piH); // (delete equivalent)
4889 }
4890 else
4891 {
4892#ifdef qdebug
4893 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (13a) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4895 delete qH;
4896 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaporateNucleus:andPDG="<<thePDG<<", q4M="<<q4M<<", M="<<totMass
4897 // <<" < M1+M2+Pi, d="<<totMass-n1M-n2M-mPi<<G4endl;
4898 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:AntiDiBarState is under MassShell");
4900 ed << "AntiDiBarState is under MassShell: andPDG=" << thePDG << ", q4M="
4901 << q4M << ", M=" << totMass << " < M1+M2+Pi, d="
4902 << totMass-n1M-n2M-mPi << G4endl;
4903 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0015",
4904 FatalException, ed);
4905 }
4906 }
4907 else if(theBN==-2) DecayAntiDibaryon(qH,evaHV); //=> "Anti-Dibaryon" case (del eq.)
4908 else if(fabs(totMass-totGSM)<.001) // Fill as it is or decay Be8, He5, Li5 (@@ add more)
4909 {
4910#ifdef debug
4911 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaNuc:GS "<<qH->GetQC()<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<" FillAsIs"<<G4endl;
4913 if(thePDG==90004004)
4914 {
4915 DecayAlphaAlpha(qH,evaHV);
4916 } // "Alpha+Alpha Decay" case (del eq.)
4917 else if(thePDG==90004002)
4918 {
4919 DecayAlphaDiN(qH,evaHV);
4920 } // Decay alpha+2p(alpha+2n is stable)
4921 else if((theC==theBN||theN==theBN||theS==theBN)&&theBN>1)
4922 {
4923 DecayMultyBaryon(qH,evaHV);
4924 }
4925 else if(theBN==5)
4926 {
4927 DecayAlphaBar(qH,evaHV);
4928 } // Decay unstable A5 system (del eq.)
4929 else
4930 {
4931 evaHV->push_back(qH);
4932 } // Fill as it is (del eq.)
4933 }
4934 else if(theBN>1 && thePDG>88000000 && thePDG<89000000) //==> 2antiK in the nucleus
4935 {
4936 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNucl::EvaNuc:MustNotBeHere.PDG="<<thePDG<<",S="<<theS<<G4endl;
4937 G4int bZ=theQC.GetCharge();
4938 G4int bN=theBN-bZ;
4939 G4int k1PDG = 321;
4940 G4double mK1= mK;
4941 G4int k2PDG = 321;
4942 G4double mK2= mK;
4943 G4int nucPDG = thePDG;
4944 if(bZ>=bN) nucPDG+=999000;
4945 else
4946 {
4947 nucPDG+=999999;
4948 k1PDG = 311;
4949 mK1= mK0;
4950 }
4951 if(bZ>bN) nucPDG+=999000;
4952 else
4953 {
4954 nucPDG+=999999;
4955 k2PDG = 311;
4956 mK2= mK0;
4957 }
4958 G4double nucM = G4QNucleus(nucPDG).GetGSMass();
4959 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QN::EvN:M="<<nucM<<","<<nucPDG<<",1="<<k1PDG<<",2="<<k2PDG<<G4endl;
4960 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
4961 G4LorentzVector k14M(0.,0.,0.,mK1);
4962 G4LorentzVector k24M(0.,0.,0.,mK2);
4963 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(n4M,k14M,k24M))
4964 {
4965#ifdef qdebug
4966 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (14) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4968 delete qH;
4969 // G4cout<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaNuc:tM="<<totMass<<"-> N="<<nucPDG<<"(M="<<nucM<<") + k1="
4970 // <<k1PDG<<"(M="<<mK1<<") + k2="<<k2PDG<<"(M="<<mK2<<")"<<G4endl;
4971 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Nucleus+2antiK DecayIn3 error");
4973 ed << " Nucleus+2antiK DecayIn3 error: tM=" << totMass << "-> N="
4974 << nucPDG << "(M=" << nucM << ") + k1=" << k1PDG << "(M=" << mK1
4975 << ") + k2=" << k2PDG << "(M=" << mK2 << ")" << G4endl;
4976 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0016",
4977 FatalException, ed);
4978 }
4979#ifdef qdebug
4980 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (15) qH=0"<<G4endl;
4982 delete qH;
4983 G4QHadron* k1H = new G4QHadron(k1PDG,k14M);
4984#ifdef debug
4985 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: k1="<<k1PDG<<k14M<<G4endl;
4987 evaHV->push_back(k1H); // (delete equivalent)
4988 G4QHadron* k2H = new G4QHadron(k2PDG,k24M);
4989#ifdef debug
4990 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: k2="<<k2PDG<<k24M<<G4endl;
4992 evaHV->push_back(k2H); // (delete equivalent)
4993 G4QHadron* nH = new G4QHadron(nucPDG,n4M);
4994#ifdef debug
4995 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Nuc="<<nucPDG<<n4M<<G4endl;
4997 evaHV->push_back(nH); // (delete equivalent)
4998 }
4999 // ***>> From here the EVA code starts (baryons/hyperons can be excited) <<***
5000 else if ( (thePDG > 80000000 && thePDG != 90000000) ||
5001 thePDG == 2112 || thePDG == 2212 || thePDG == 3122)
5002 { // @@ Improve for Sigma+, Sigma-, Ksi0 & Ksi- content in the Total Np/Nn Nuclei
5003 if(thePDG<80000000) // Switch from QHadronCode to QNuclearCode
5004 {
5005 if (thePDG==2112) thePDG=90000001; // n
5006 else if(thePDG==2212) thePDG=90001000; // p
5007 else if(thePDG==3122) thePDG=91000000; // lambda
5008 }
5009 G4QNucleus qNuc(q4M,thePDG); // Make a Nucleus for theTotalResidNucleus
5010 G4double GSMass =qNuc.GetGSMass(); // GSMass of the Total Residual Nucleus
5011 G4QContent totQC=qNuc.GetQCZNS(); // QuarkCont of theTotalResidNucleus (theQC)
5012 G4int bA =qNuc.GetA(); // A#of baryons in Total Residual Nucleus
5013 G4int bZ =qNuc.GetZ(); // A#of protons in the Total ResidualNucleus
5014 G4int bN =qNuc.GetN(); // A#of neutrons in the TotalResidualNucleus
5015#ifdef ppdebug
5016 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaNuc: theBN="<<theBN<<", bA="<<bA<<", bZ="<<bZ<<", bN="<<bN<<G4endl;
5018 G4int bS =qNuc.GetS(); // A#of lambdas in the Total ResidualNucleus
5019#ifdef debug
5020 if(bZ==2&&bN==5)G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaNucl: (2,5) GSM="<<GSMass<<" > "
5021 <<G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,4,0)+mNeut<<G4endl;
5022 if(bZ==1&&bN==3)G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaNucl: (1,3) GSM="<<GSMass<<" > "
5023 <<G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,2,0)+mNeut<<G4endl;
5024 G4double dM=totMass-GSMass;
5025 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaNuc:"<<qNuc<<",PDG="<<thePDG<<",M="<<totMass<<",dM="<<dM<<G4endl;
5026 ////////if(dM>7.) throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Big Excitation");
5028 G4int bsCond =qNuc.SplitBaryon(); // (Bary/Deut/Alph)SeparCond for TotResNucl
5029 G4bool dbsCond=qNuc.Split2Baryons(); // (Two Baryons)SeparCond for TotResidNucl
5030#ifdef debug
5031 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNuc: bs="<<bsCond<<", dbs="<<dbsCond<<", A="<<bA<<G4endl;
5033 if(fabs(totMass-GSMass)<.003&&!bsCond&&!dbsCond) // GS or can't split 1(2)B FillAsItIs
5034 {
5035#ifdef debug
5036 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaNuc: GS direct "<<qH->GetQC()<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<" AsIs"<<G4endl;
5038 evaHV->push_back(qH);
5039 return;
5040 }
5041 else if ( ( bA == 1 || (!bsCond && !dbsCond) ) && totMass > GSMass+.003 )//=>Fuse&Decay
5042 //else if(2>3) // Close "Fuse&Decay Technology"***@@@***
5043 {
5044#ifdef debug
5045 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaN:SplitBar, s="<<bsCond<<",M="<<totMass<<" > GSM="<<GSMass<<G4endl;
5047 G4int nOfOUT = evaHV->size(); // Total#of QHadrons in Vector at this point
5048 G4bool bnfound=true; // Cure "back fusion fragment not found"
5049 while(nOfOUT) // Try BackFusionDecays till something is in
5050 {
5051 G4QHadron* theLast = (*evaHV)[nOfOUT-1];
5052 G4int lastBN = theLast->GetBaryonNumber();
5053 G4int nFrag = theLast->GetNFragments();
5054 //////////////////G4int gam = theLast->GetPDGCode();
5055#ifdef debug
5056 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaNuc:*BackFus*,BN="<<lastBN<<",nF="<<nFrag<<",n="<<nOfOUT<<G4endl;
5058 while(nFrag) // => "Delete Last Decayed Hadron" case
5059 {
5060 G4QHadron* thePrev = (*evaHV)[nOfOUT-2];
5061 nFrag = thePrev->GetNFragments();
5062 G4int prevBN = thePrev->GetBaryonNumber();
5063#ifdef debug
5064 G4int prevPDG = thePrev->GetPDGCode();
5065 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaNucl: DelTheLast, nFr="<<nFrag<<", pPDG="<<prevPDG<<G4endl;
5067 evaHV->pop_back(); // the prev QHadron is excluded from OUTPUT
5068 delete theLast;//!!When kill,DON'T forget to del. theLastQHadron as an instance!!
5069 theLast = thePrev; // Update theLastPntr(Prev instead of Last)
5070 lastBN=prevBN;
5071 nOfOUT--; // Reduce the stack for the Last decayed hadron
5072 }
5073 if(nOfOUT)
5074 {
5075 if(lastBN<1&&nOfOUT>1) // Try Once To Skip Mesons/Gammas & Antibaryons
5076 {
5077 G4QHadron* thePrev = (*evaHV)[nOfOUT-2];//***Exchange between Last & Prev***
5078 evaHV->pop_back(); // the last QHadron is excluded from OUTPUT
5079 evaHV->pop_back(); // the prev QHadron is excluded from OUTPUT
5080 evaHV->push_back(theLast); // the Last becomes the Prev (1st part of exch)
5081 evaHV->push_back(thePrev); // the Prev becomes the Last (2nd part of exch)
5082 theLast = thePrev; // Update theLastPointer (Prev instead of Last)
5083 }
5084 G4LorentzVector last4M = theLast->Get4Momentum(); // Selected the last 4-Mom
5085 G4QContent lastQC = theLast->GetQC();
5086 G4double lastM = last4M.m(); // Mass of the Probable Last BackFused Fragment
5087 totQC+=lastQC; // Update (increase) the total QC (prototype)
5088 q4M+=last4M; // Update (increase) the total 4-momentum
5089 totMass=q4M.m(); // Calculate new real total mass of the fused
5090 G4int totPDG=totQC.GetSPDGCode();// The updated PDG for the TotalResidualNucleus
5091 if(totPDG==10&&totQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) totPDG=totQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
5092 G4int totBN=totQC.GetBaryonNumber();// BaryonNumber of the Total Residual Nucleus
5093 G4double dM=totMass-GSMass-lastM;
5094#ifdef debug
5095 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaNuc: tM="<<totMass<<"-LM="<<lastM<<lastQC<<"-GSM="<<GSMass<<"="
5096 <<dM<<G4endl;
5098 if(dM>-0.001) // Decay in the qH and the last is impossible
5099 {
5100 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totPDG,q4M); // Create QHadron for CompResidNuc
5101 if(dM<=0.)
5102 {
5103 evaHV->pop_back(); // lastQHadron is excluded from QHadrV asIs in TRN
5104 delete theLast; //When kill, DON'T forget to delete lastQHadron asAnInstance!
5105#ifdef qdebug
5106 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (16) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5108 delete qH;
5109#ifdef debug
5110 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucl: EVH "<<totPDG<<q4M<<" fill AsIs"<<G4endl;
5112 if(totBN==2)DecayDibaryon(evH,evaHV); // Fill dibaryon (with decay products)
5113 else evaHV->push_back(evH);// Fill TRN to HVect asIs (delete equivalent)
5114 }
5115 else // Decay TotalResidualNucleus in GSM+Last
5116 {
5117 G4LorentzVector r4Mom(0.,0.,0.,GSMass);
5118 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(last4M,r4Mom)) // Decay failed
5119 {
5120 evaHV->pop_back(); // lastQHadron is excluded from QHadrV as is in TRN
5121 delete theLast; //When kill,DON'T forget to delete lastQHadron asAnInstance
5122#ifdef qdebug
5123 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (17) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5125 delete qH;
5126#ifdef debug
5127 G4cout<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaNucl: EVH "<<totPDG<<q4M<<" fill AsIs"<<G4endl;
5129 evaHV->push_back(evH);// Fill TRN to Vect as it is (delete equivalent)
5130#ifdef debug
5131 G4cout<<"***G4QN::EvaN:DecayIn L"<<lastQC<<"+RN"<<totQC<<" failed"<<G4endl;
5133 }
5134 else // Decay in GSM+theLast succeeded
5135 {
5136 delete evH;
5137#ifdef qdebug
5138 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (18) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5140 delete qH;
5141 theLast->Set4Momentum(last4M);// Already exists:don't create&fill,->set4Mom
5142 G4QHadron* nucH = new G4QHadron(thePDG,r4Mom); // Create QHadron for qH-nuc
5143#ifdef debug
5144 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaNuc:fill NH "<<totPDG<<r4Mom<<G4endl;
5146 // @@ What about others, not DB possibilities?
5147 if(thePDG==92000000||thePDG==90002000||thePDG==90000002)
5148 DecayDibaryon(nucH,evaHV);//DekayDibarions
5149 else evaHV->push_back(nucH);// Fill the Residual Nucleus (del.eq.)
5150 }
5151 }
5152 bnfound=false;
5153 break;
5154 }
5155 thePDG=totPDG; // Make ResidualNucleus outOf theTotResidualNucl
5156 GSMass=G4QPDGCode(thePDG).GetMass();// Update the Total Residual Nucleus mass
5157 evaHV->pop_back(); // the last QHadron is excluded from OUTPUT
5158 delete theLast;//!!When kill,DON'T forget to delete theLastQHadron asAnInstance!!
5159 nOfOUT--; // Update the value of OUTPUT entries
5160 }
5161 }
5162 if(bnfound)
5163 {
5164 G4LorentzVector h4Mom(0.,0.,0.,GSMass);//GSMass must be updated inPreviousWhileLOOP
5165 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,0.);
5166 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(h4Mom, g4Mom))
5167 {
5168#ifdef qdebug
5169 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (19) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5171 delete qH;
5172 // G4cerr<<"**G4QN::EvaNuc:h="<<thePDG<<"(GSM="<<GSMass<<")+g>tM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
5173 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Decay in Gamma failed");
5175 ed << " Decay in Gamma failed: h=" << thePDG << "(GSM=" << GSMass
5176 << ")+g>tM=" << totMass << G4endl;
5177 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0017",
5178 FatalException, ed);
5179 }
5180#ifdef debug
5181 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaNuc: "<<q4M<<"->totResN="<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<"+g="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
5183 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(thePDG,h4Mom);
5184#ifdef debug
5185 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Fill a Fragment="<<thePDG<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
5187 if(thePDG==92000000||thePDG==90002000||thePDG==90000002) DecayDibaryon(curH,evaHV);
5188 else evaHV->push_back(curH); // Fill the TotalResidualNucleus (del.equiv.)
5189 G4QHadron* curG = new G4QHadron(22,g4Mom);
5190#ifdef debug
5191 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Fill a Gamma="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
5193 evaHV->push_back(curG); // Fill the gamma (delete equivalent)
5194#ifdef qdebug
5195 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (20) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5197 delete qH;
5198 }
5199 }
5200 else if(bA>0&&bS<0) DecayAntiStrange(qH,evaHV);// Decay nucleus with antistrangeness
5201 else if(bA==2) DecayDibaryon(qH,evaHV); // Decay the residual dibaryon (del.equivalent)
5202 else if(bA==-2) DecayAntiDibaryon(qH,evaHV); // Decay residual anti-dibaryon (del.eq)
5203 else if(totMass<GSMass+.003&&(bsCond||dbsCond))//==>" M<GSM but decay is possible" case
5204 {
5205#ifdef pdebug
5206 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvN:2B="<<dbsCond<<",B="<<bsCond<<",M="<<totMass<<"<"<<GSMass<<G4endl;
5208 //G4double gResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a gamma
5209 G4int gResPDG=0; // Prototype of residualPDGCode for a gamma
5210 if(bN==4&&bZ==2&&!bS) // It's He6 nucleus
5211 {
5212 gResPDG= thePDG; // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5213 //gResM = mHel6; // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5214 }
5215 G4double nResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a neutron
5216 G4int nResPDG=0; // Prototype of ResidualPDGCode for a neutron
5217 if(bsCond==2112&&bN>0&&bA>1) // There's aNeutr in theNucl, which can be split
5218 {
5219 G4QContent resQC=totQC-neutQC;
5220 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5221 nResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5222 if (nResPDG==90000001) nResM=mNeut;
5223 else if(nResPDG==90001000) nResM=mProt;
5224 else if(nResPDG==91000000) nResM=mLamb;
5225 else nResM=resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5226 }
5227 G4double pResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a proton
5228 G4int pResPDG=0; // Prototype of PDGCode of residual for a proton
5229 if(bsCond==2212&&bZ>0&&bA>1) // There's aProton in Nucl, which can be split
5230 {
5231 G4QContent resQC=totQC-protQC;
5232 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5233 pResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5234 if (pResPDG==90000001) pResM=mNeut;
5235 else if(pResPDG==90001000) pResM=mProt;
5236 else if(pResPDG==91000000) pResM=mLamb;
5237 else pResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5238 }
5239 G4double lResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a Lambda
5240 G4int lResPDG=0; // Prototype of PDGCode of residual for a Lambda
5241 if(bsCond==3122&&bS>0&&bA>1) // There's aLambd in theNucl, which can be split
5242 {
5243 G4QContent resQC=totQC-lambQC;
5244 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5245 lResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5246 if (lResPDG==90000001) lResM=mNeut;
5247 else if(lResPDG==90001000) lResM=mProt;
5248 else if(lResPDG==91000000) lResM=mLamb;
5249 else lResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5250 }
5251 G4double dResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a Alpha
5252 G4int dResPDG=0; // Prototype of PDGCode of residual for a Alpha
5253 if(bsCond==90001001&&bN>0&&bZ>0&&bA>2)// There's aDeuter in Nucl, which canBeRadiated
5254 {
5255 G4QContent resQC=totQC-deutQC;
5256 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5257 dResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5258 if (dResPDG==90000001) dResM=mNeut;
5259 else if(dResPDG==90001000) dResM=mProt;
5260 else if(dResPDG==91000000) dResM=mLamb;
5261 else dResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // minMass of the Residual Nucleus
5262 }
5263 G4double aResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a Alpha
5264 G4int aResPDG=0; // Prototype of PDGCode of residual for a Alpha
5265 if(bsCond==90002002&&bN>1&&bZ>1&&bA>4)// There's Alpha in theNucl, which can be split
5266 {
5267 G4QContent resQC=totQC-alphQC;
5268 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5269 aResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5270 if (aResPDG==90000001) aResM=mNeut;
5271 else if(aResPDG==90001000) aResM=mProt;
5272 else if(aResPDG==91000000) aResM=mLamb;
5273 else aResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // minMass of the Residual Nucleus
5274 }
5275 G4double nnResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a dineutron
5276 G4int nnResPDG=0; // Prototype of ResidualPDGCode for a dineutron
5277 if(dbsCond&&bN>1&&bA>2) // It's nucleus and there is a dineutron
5278 {
5279 G4QContent resQC=totQC-neutQC-neutQC;
5280 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5281 nnResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5282 if (nnResPDG==90000001) nnResM=mNeut;
5283 else if(nnResPDG==90001000) nnResM=mProt;
5284 else if(nnResPDG==91000000) nnResM=mLamb;
5285 else nnResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5286 }
5287 G4double ppResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a diproton
5288 G4int ppResPDG=0; // Prototype of ResidualPDGCode for a diproton
5289 if(dbsCond&&bZ>1&&bA>2) // It's nucleus and there is a diproton
5290 {
5291 G4QContent resQC=totQC-protQC-protQC;
5292 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5293 ppResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5294 if (ppResPDG==90000001) ppResM=mNeut;
5295 else if(ppResPDG==90001000) ppResM=mProt;
5296 else if(ppResPDG==91000000) ppResM=mLamb;
5297 else ppResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5298 }
5299 G4double npResM =1000000.; // Prototype of ResidualMass for proton+neutron
5300 G4int npResPDG=0; // Prototype of ResidualPDGCode for a prot+neut
5301 if(dbsCond&&bN>0&&bZ>0&&bA>2) // It's nucleus and there is aProton & aNeutron
5302 {
5303 G4QContent resQC=totQC-neutQC-protQC;
5304 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5305 npResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5306 if (npResPDG==90000001) npResM=mNeut;
5307 else if(npResPDG==90001000) npResM=mProt;
5308 else if(npResPDG==91000000) npResM=mLamb;
5309 else npResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5310 }
5311 G4double lnResM =1000000.; // Prototype of residualMass for lambda+neutron
5312 G4int lnResPDG=0; // Prototype of ResidualPDGCode for aLambda+Neut
5313 if(dbsCond&&bN>0&&bS>0&&bA>2) // It's nucleus and there is aLambda & aNeutron
5314 {
5315 G4QContent resQC=totQC-lambQC-protQC;
5316 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5317 lnResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5318 if (lnResPDG==90000001) lnResM=mNeut;
5319 else if(lnResPDG==90001000) lnResM=mProt;
5320 else if(lnResPDG==91000000) lnResM=mLamb;
5321 else lnResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5322 }
5323 G4double lpResM =1000000.; // Prototype of residualMass for a proton+lambda
5324 G4int lpResPDG=0; // Prototype of ResidualPDGCode for theProt+lamb
5325 if(dbsCond&&bS>0&&bZ>0&&bA>2) // It's nucleus and there is aProton and aLambda
5326 {
5327 G4QContent resQC=totQC-neutQC-protQC;
5328 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5329 lpResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5330 if (lpResPDG==90000001) lpResM=mNeut;
5331 else if(lpResPDG==90001000) lpResM=mProt;
5332 else if(lpResPDG==91000000) lpResM=mLamb;
5333 else lpResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // minMass of the Residual Nucleus
5334 }
5335 G4double llResM =1000000.; // Prototype of mass of residual for a di-lambda
5336 G4int llResPDG=0; // Prototype of ResidPDGCode for the di-lambda
5337 if(dbsCond&&bS>1&&bA>2) // It's nucleus and there is a di-lambda
5338 {
5339 G4QContent resQC=totQC-neutQC-protQC;
5340 G4QNucleus resN(resQC); // Pseudo nucleus for the Residual Nucleus
5341 llResPDG=resN.GetPDG(); // PDG of the Residual Nucleus
5342 if (llResPDG==90000001) llResM=mNeut;
5343 else if(llResPDG==90001000) llResM=mProt;
5344 else if(llResPDG==91000000) llResM=mLamb;
5345 else llResM =resN.GetMZNS(); // min mass of the Residual Nucleus
5346 }
5347#ifdef debug
5348 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaNucl: rP="<<pResPDG<<",rN="<<nResPDG<<",rL="<<lResPDG<<",N="
5349 <<bN<<",Z="<<bZ<<",nL="<<bS<<",totM="<<totMass<<",n="<<totMass-nResM-mNeut
5350 <<",p="<<totMass-pResM-mProt<<",l="<<totMass-lResM-mLamb<<G4endl;
5352 if ( thePDG == 90004004 ||
5353 (thePDG == 90002004 && totMass > mHel6+.003) ||
5354 (bA > 4 && bsCond && bN > 1 && bZ > 1 && totMass > aResM+mAlph) ||
5355 (bA > 1 && bsCond && ( (bN > 0 && totMass > nResM+mNeut) ||
5356 (bZ > 0 && totMass > pResM+mProt) ||
5357 (bS > 0 && totMass > lResM+mLamb) ) ) ||
5358 (bA > 2 &&
5359 (( bN > 0 && bZ > 0 &&
5360 ( (bsCond && totMass > dResM+mDeut) || (dbsCond && totMass > dResM+mDeut) )
5361 ) || ( dbsCond && ( (bN > 1 && totMass > nnResM+mNeut+mNeut) ||
5362 (bZ > 1 && totMass > ppResM+mProt+mProt) ||
5363 (bS > 1 && totMass > llResM+mLamb+mLamb) ||
5364 (bN && bS && totMass > lnResM+mLamb+mNeut) ||
5365 (bZ && bS && totMass > lpResM+mLamb+mProt)
5366 )
5367 )
5368 )
5369 )
5370 )
5371 {
5372 G4int barPDG = 90002002; // Just for the default case of Be8->alpha+alpha
5373 G4int resPDG = 90002002;
5374 G4int thdPDG = 0;
5375 G4double barM= mAlph;
5376 G4double resM= mAlph;
5377 G4double thdM= mNeut; // This default value is used in the IF
5378 G4double tMC=totMass+.0002;
5379 if(gResPDG&&tMC>mHel6+.003) // Can make radiative decay of He6 (priority 0)
5380 {
5381 barPDG=90002004;
5382 resPDG=22;
5383 barM =mHel6;
5384 resM =0.;
5385 }
5386 else if(nResPDG&&tMC>nResM+mNeut) // Can radiate a neutron (priority 1)
5387 {
5388 barPDG=90000001;
5389 resPDG=nResPDG;
5390 barM =mNeut;
5391 resM =nResM;
5392 }
5393 else if(pResPDG&&totMass+.001>pResM+mProt) // Can radiate a proton (priority 2)
5394 {
5395 barPDG=90001000;
5396 resPDG=pResPDG;
5397 barM =mProt;
5398 resM =pResM;
5399 }
5400 else if(lResPDG&&tMC>lResM+mLamb) // Can radiate a Lambda (priority 3) @@ Sigma0
5401 {
5402 barPDG=91000000;
5403 resPDG=lResPDG;
5404 barM =mLamb;
5405 resM =lResM;
5406 }
5407 else if(thePDG!=90004004&&bN>1&&bZ>1&&bA>4&&tMC>aResM+mAlph)// Decay in alpha (p4)
5408 {
5409 barPDG=90002002;
5410 resPDG=aResPDG;
5411 barM =mAlph;
5412 resM =aResM;
5413 }
5414 else if(dResPDG&&tMC>dResM+mDeut) // Can radiate a Deuteron (priority 5)
5415 {
5416 barPDG=90001001;
5417 resPDG=dResPDG;
5418 barM =mDeut;
5419 resM =dResM;
5420 }
5421 else if(ppResPDG&&tMC>ppResM+mProt+mProt)// Can radiate a DiProton (priority 6)
5422 {
5423 barPDG=90001000;
5424 resPDG=ppResPDG;
5425 thdPDG=90001000;
5426 barM =mProt;
5427 resM =ppResM;
5428 thdM =mProt;
5429 }
5430 else if(nnResPDG&&tMC>nnResM+mNeut+mNeut)// Can radiate a DiNeutron (priority 7)
5431 {
5432 barPDG=90000001;
5433 resPDG=nnResPDG;
5434 thdPDG=90000001;
5435 barM =mNeut;
5436 resM =nnResM;
5437 }
5438 else if(npResPDG&&tMC>npResM+mProt+mNeut)// Can radiate a neutron+proton (prior 8)
5439 {
5440 barPDG=90001000;
5441 resPDG=npResPDG;
5442 thdPDG=90000001;
5443 barM =mProt;
5444 resM =npResM;
5445 }
5446 else if(lnResPDG&&tMC>lnResM+mLamb+mNeut)// Can radiate a Lambda+neutron (prior 9)
5447 {
5448 barPDG=91000000; // @@ Sigma0
5449 resPDG=lnResPDG;
5450 thdPDG=90000001;
5451 barM =mLamb;
5452 resM =lnResM;
5453 }
5454 else if(lpResPDG&&tMC>lpResM+mLamb+mProt)// Can radiate a Lambda+proton (prior 10)
5455 {
5456 barPDG=91000000; // @@ Sigma0
5457 resPDG=lpResPDG;
5458 thdPDG=90001000;
5459 barM =mLamb;
5460 resM =lpResM;
5461 thdM =mProt;
5462 }
5463 else if(llResPDG&&tMC>llResM+mLamb+mLamb)// Can radiate a DiLambda (priority 11)
5464 {
5465 barPDG=91000000; // @@ Sigma0
5466 resPDG=llResPDG;
5467 thdPDG=91000000; // @@ Sigma0
5468 barM =mLamb;
5469 resM =llResM;
5470 thdM =mLamb;
5471 }
5472 else if(thePDG!=90004004&&tMC>GSMass)// If it's not Be8 decay in gamma & GSM
5473 {
5474 barPDG=thePDG;
5475 resPDG=22;
5476 barM =GSMass;
5477 resM =0.;
5478 }
5479 else if(thePDG!=90004004)
5480 {
5481 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaN:PDG="<<thePDG<<",M="<<totMass<<"< GSM="<<GSMass<<G4endl;
5482 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: M<GSM & can't decayInPNL");
5484 ed << "M<GSM & can't decayInPNL: PDG=" << thePDG << ",M=" << totMass
5485 << "< GSM=" << GSMass << G4endl;
5486 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0018",
5487 FatalException, ed);
5488 }
5489 G4LorentzVector a4Mom(0.,0.,0.,barM);
5490 G4LorentzVector b4Mom(0.,0.,0.,resM);
5491 if(!thdPDG)
5492 {
5493 if(!qH->DecayIn2(a4Mom,b4Mom))
5494 {
5495 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill as it is (delete equivalent)
5496 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QNucleus::EvaNuc:rP="<<pResPDG<<",rN="<<nResPDG<<",rL="
5497 <<lResPDG<<",N="<<bN<<",Z="<<bZ<<",L="<<bS<<",totM="<<totMass<<",n="
5498 <<totMass-nResM-mNeut<<",p="<<totMass-pResM-mProt<<",l="
5499 <<totMass-lResM-mLamb<<G4endl;
5500 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::EvN:DecIn2Error b="<<barPDG<<",r="<<resPDG<<G4endl;
5501 return;
5502 }
5503 else
5504 {
5505#ifdef qdebug
5506 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (21) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5508 delete qH;
5509 G4QHadron* HadrB = new G4QHadron(barPDG,a4Mom);
5510#ifdef debug
5511 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaNucleus:(1) Baryon="<<barPDG<<a4Mom<<G4endl;
5513 evaHV->push_back(HadrB); // Fill the baryon (delete equivalent)
5514 G4QHadron* HadrR = new G4QHadron(resPDG,b4Mom);
5515#ifdef debug
5516 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaNucleus:(1) Residual="<<resPDG<<b4Mom<<G4endl;
5518 // @@ Self-call !!
5519 if(HadrR->GetBaryonNumber()>1) EvaporateNucleus(HadrR,evaHV);//ContinueDecay
5520 else evaHV->push_back(HadrR); // Fill ResidNucl=Baryon to OutHadronVector
5521 }
5522 }
5523 else
5524 {
5525 G4LorentzVector c4Mom(0.,0.,0.,thdM);
5526 if(!qH->DecayIn3(a4Mom,b4Mom,c4Mom))
5527 {
5528 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Fill as it is (delete equivalent)
5529 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::EvN:rNN="<<nnResPDG<<",rNP="<<npResPDG<<",rPP="
5530 <<ppResPDG<<",N="<<bN<<",Z="<<bZ<<",L="<<bS<<",tM="<<totMass<<",nn="
5531 <<totMass-nnResM-mNeut-mNeut<<",np="<<totMass-npResM-mProt-mNeut<<",pp="
5532 <<totMass-ppResM-mProt-mProt<<G4endl;
5533 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QN::EvN:DecIn2Error,b="<<barPDG<<",r="<<resPDG<<G4endl;
5534 return;
5535 }
5536 else
5537 {
5538#ifdef qdebug
5539 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (22) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5541 delete qH;
5542 G4QHadron* HadrB = new G4QHadron(barPDG,a4Mom);
5543#ifdef debug
5544 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(2) Baryon1="<<barPDG<<a4Mom<<G4endl;
5546 evaHV->push_back(HadrB); // Fill the first baryon (del.equiv.)
5547 G4QHadron* HadrC = new G4QHadron(thdPDG,c4Mom);
5548#ifdef debug
5549 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(2) Baryon2="<<thdPDG<<c4Mom<<G4endl;
5551 evaHV->push_back(HadrC); // Fill the second baryon (del.equiv.)
5552 G4QHadron* HadrR = new G4QHadron(resPDG,b4Mom);
5553#ifdef debug
5554 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(2) Residual="<<resPDG<<b4Mom<<G4endl;
5556 // @@ Self-call !!
5557 if(HadrR->GetBaryonNumber()>1) EvaporateNucleus(HadrR,evaHV); // Continue decay
5558 else evaHV->push_back(HadrR); // Fill ResidNucl=Baryon to OutputHadrVector
5559 }
5560 }
5561 }
5562 else if (fabs(totMass-GSMass)<.003) // @@ Looks like a duplication of the prev. check
5563 {
5564#ifdef debug
5565 G4cout<<"*|*|*|*G4QNucleus::EvaporateNuc: fill AsIs. Should never be here"<<G4endl;
5567 evaHV->push_back(qH); // FillAsItIs (del.eq.)
5568 return;
5569 }
5570 else // "System is below mass shell and can't decay" case
5571 {
5572#ifdef debug
5573 G4cout<<"***G4QNucl::EvaNuc: tM="<<totMass<<"("<<thePDG<<") < GSM="<<GSMass<<", d="
5574 <<totMass-GSMass<<", QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<"*AsIs*"<<G4endl;
5576 evaHV->push_back(qH); // Correct or fill as it is
5577 return;
5578 }
5579 }
5580 else // ===> Evaporation of the excited system
5581 {
5582#ifdef pdebug
5583 G4cout<<"G4QN::EvaNuc:***EVA***tPDG="<<thePDG<<",M="<<totMass<<">GSM="<<GSMass<<",d="
5584 <<totMass-GSMass<<", N="<<qNuc.Get4Momentum()<<qNuc.Get4Momentum().m()<<G4endl;
5586 G4LorentzVector b4M;
5587 G4LorentzVector r4M;
5588 G4bool evC=true; // @@ It makes only one attempt to be possible
5589 G4int bPDG=0;
5590 G4int rPDG=0;
5591 //G4double bM = 0.; // Prototype of Real Mass of the EvaporatedDibaryon
5592 G4double rM = 0.; // Prototype of Real Mass of the residual nucleus
5593 G4int bB=0; // Proto of Baryon Number of the evaporated baryon
5594 G4int rB=0; // Proto of Baryon Number of the residual nucleus
5595 G4QHadron* bHadron = new G4QHadron;// Proto of the evaporated baryon @@where deleted?
5596 G4QHadron* rHadron = new G4QHadron;// Proto of the residual nucleus @@where deleted?
5597 G4int evcn=0;
5598 //G4int evcm=27;
5599 G4int evcm=9; // Max numder of attempts to evaporate
5600 // @@ Does not look like it can make two attempts @@ Improve, Simplify @@
5601 while(evC&&evcn<evcm)
5602 {
5603 evC=true;
5604 evcn++;
5605 if(!qNuc.EvaporateBaryon(bHadron,rHadron)) // Evaporation did not succeed
5606 {
5607#ifdef debug
5608 G4cout<<"***G4QNuc::EvaNuc:***EVA Failed***PDG="<<thePDG<<",M="<<totMass<<G4endl;
5610 delete bHadron;
5611 delete rHadron;
5612#ifdef debug
5613 G4cout<<"***G4QNucl::EvaNuc: Residual="<<qH->GetQC()<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
5615 evaHV->push_back(qH); // fill AsItIs
5616 return;
5617 }
5618 evC=false;
5619 b4M=bHadron->Get4Momentum();
5620 r4M=rHadron->Get4Momentum();
5621 //bM = b4M.m(); // Real mass of the evaporated dibaryon
5622 rM = r4M.m(); // Real mass of the residual nucleus
5623 bB=bHadron->GetBaryonNumber(); // Baryon number of the evaporated baryon
5624 rB=rHadron->GetBaryonNumber(); // Baryon number of the residual nucleus
5625 bPDG=bHadron->GetPDGCode();
5626 rPDG=rHadron->GetPDGCode();
5627#ifdef debug
5628 G4int bC=bHadron->GetCharge(); // Baryon number of the evaporated baryon
5629 //G4int rC=rHadron->GetCharge(); // Baryon number of the residual nucleus
5630 G4double bCB=qNuc.CoulombBarrier(bC,bB);
5631 //G4double rCB=qNuc.CoulombBarrier(rC,rB);
5632 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaNuc:Attempt #"<<evcn<<" > "<<evcm<<", rPDG="<<rPDG<<", bPDG="
5633 <<bPDG<<", bE="<<b4M.e()-b4M.m()<<" > bCB="<<bCB<<G4endl;
5635 //if(b4M.e()-b4M.m()<bCB&&evcn<evcm) evC=true;
5636 } // End of while
5637#ifdef debug
5638 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::EvaNuc:*** EVA IS DONE *** F="<<bPDG<<b4M<<",bB="<<bB<<", ResNuc="
5639 <<rPDG<<r4M<<",rB="<<rB<<G4endl;
5641#ifdef qdebug
5642 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (23) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5644 delete qH;
5645 if(bB<2) evaHV->push_back(bHadron); // Fill EvaporatedBaryon (del.equivalent)
5646 else if(bB==2) DecayDibaryon(bHadron,evaHV);// => "Dibaryon" case needs decay
5647 else if(bB==4) evaHV->push_back(bHadron); // "Alpha radiation" case (del.eq.)
5648 else if(bB==5) DecayAlphaBar(bHadron,evaHV);// "Alpha+Baryon Decay" case (del.equiv.)
5649 else if(bPDG==90004002) DecayAlphaDiN(bHadron,evaHV); // alph+2p(alph+2n is stable)
5650 else if(bPDG==90004004) DecayAlphaAlpha(bHadron,evaHV);// Alph+Alph Decay (del.eq.)
5651 else
5652 {
5653 delete bHadron;
5654 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaNuc:bB="<<bB<<">2 - unexpected evaporated fragment"<<G4endl;
5655 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Wrong evaporation act");
5657 ed << "Wrong evaporation act: EvaNuc:bB=" << bB
5658 << ">2 - unexpected evaporated fragment" << G4endl;
5659 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0019",
5660 FatalException, ed);
5661 }
5662 if(rB>2) EvaporateNucleus(rHadron,evaHV); // Continue evaporation (@@ Self-call)
5663 else if(rB==2) // => "Dibaryon" case needs decay @@ DecayDibaryon
5664 {
5665 G4double rGSM = rHadron->GetQPDG().GetMass(); // Ground State mass of the dibaryon
5666#ifdef debug
5667 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::EvaNuc:ResidDibM="<<rM<<",GSM="<<rGSM<<",M-GSM="<<rM-rGSM<<G4endl;
5669 if(rM<=rGSM-0.01)
5670 {
5671 delete rHadron;
5672 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporNucl: <residual> M="<<rM<<" < GSM="<<rGSM<<G4endl;
5673 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Evaporation below MassShell");
5675 ed << "Evaporation below MassShell: <residual> M=" << rM << " < GSM="
5676 << rGSM << G4endl;
5677 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0020",
5678 FatalException, ed);
5679 }
5680 else if(fabs(rM-rGSM)<0.01&&rPDG==90001001) evaHV->push_back(rHadron); // (DE)
5681 else DecayDibaryon(rHadron,evaHV); // => "Dibaryon Decay" case (del.equivalent)
5682 }
5683 else if(rB==5) DecayAlphaBar(rHadron,evaHV);// "Alpha+Baryon Decay" case (del.equiv.)
5684 else if(rPDG==90004002) DecayAlphaDiN(rHadron,evaHV);//alph+2p (alph+2n is stable)
5685 else if(rPDG==90004004) DecayAlphaAlpha(rHadron,evaHV);//Alpha+Alpha Decay (delEq)
5686 else evaHV->push_back(rHadron); // Fill ResidNucl=Baryon to OutputHadronVector
5687 } // End of Evaporation of excited system
5688#ifdef debug
5689 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: === End of the evaporation attempt"<<G4endl;
5691 }
5692 else // => "Decay if impossible evaporate" case
5693 {
5694#ifdef debug
5695 G4cout<<"*G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: InputHadron4M="<<q4M<<", PDG="<<thePDG<<G4endl;
5697 if(thePDG)
5698 {
5699 if(thePDG==10) // "Chipolino decay" case
5700 {
5701 G4QContent totQC = qH->GetQC(); // Quark content of the hadron
5702 G4QChipolino resChip(totQC); // define the Residual as a Chipolino
5703 G4QPDGCode h1=resChip.GetQPDG1();
5704 G4double m1 =h1.GetMass(); // Mass of the first hadron
5705 G4QPDGCode h2=resChip.GetQPDG2();
5706 G4double m2_value =h2.GetMass(); // Mass of the second hadron
5707 if(totMass+.0001>m1+m2_value)
5708 {
5709#ifdef qdebug
5710 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (24) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5712 delete qH; // Chipolino should not be in a sequence
5713 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,m1);
5714 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,m2_value);
5715 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M))
5716 {
5717 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaNuc:tM="<<totMass<<"-> h1M="<<m1<<" + h2M="<<m2_value<<G4endl;
5718 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Chipol->h1+h2 DecIn2 error");
5720 ed << "Chipol->h1+h2 DecIn2 error: tM=" << totMass << "-> h1M="
5721 << m1 <<" + h2M=" << m2_value << G4endl;
5722 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0021",
5723 FatalException, ed);
5724 }
5725 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(h2.GetPDGCode(),qe4M);
5726#ifdef debug
5727 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(2) h2="<<h2.GetPDGCode()<<qe4M<<G4endl;
5729 evaHV->push_back(H2); // (delete equivalent)
5730 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(h1.GetPDGCode(),fq4M);
5731#ifdef debug
5732 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(2) h1="<<h1.GetPDGCode()<<fq4M<<G4endl;
5734 evaHV->push_back(H1); // (delete equivalent)
5735 }
5736 else
5737 {
5738#ifdef qdebug
5739 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (25) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5741 delete qH;
5742 // G4cerr<<"**G4QN::EN:M="<<totMass<<"<"<<m1<<"+"<<m2_value<<",d="<<m1+m2_value-totMass<<G4endl;
5743 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Chipolino is under MassShell");
5745 ed << "Chipolino is under MassShell: M=" << totMass << "<" << m1
5746 << "+" << m2_value << ",d=" << m1+m2_value-totMass << G4endl;
5747 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0022",
5748 FatalException, ed);
5749 }
5750 }
5751 else // "Hadron" case
5752 {
5753 G4double totM=G4QPDGCode(thePDG).GetMass();
5754 if(fabs(totMass-totM)<0.001||abs(thePDG)-10*(abs(thePDG)/10)>2)
5755 {
5756#ifdef debug
5757 G4cout<<"**G4QNuc::EvaNuc:EmerFill(2) "<<qH->GetQC()<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
5759 evaHV->push_back(qH);
5760 }
5761 else if ((thePDG==221||thePDG==331)&&totMass>mPi+mPi) // "Decay in pipi" case
5762 {
5763#ifdef qdebug
5764 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (26) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5766 delete qH;
5767 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
5768 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
5769 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M))
5770 {
5771 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:tM="<<totMass<<"-> pi+ + pi-"<<G4endl;
5772 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: H->Pi+Pi DecayIn2 error");
5774 ed << "H->Pi+Pi DecayIn2 error: tM=" << totMass << "-> pi+ + pi-"
5775 << G4endl;
5776 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0023",
5777 FatalException, ed);
5778 }
5779 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(211,fq4M);
5780#ifdef debug
5781 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(3) PiPlus="<<fq4M<<G4endl;
5783 evaHV->push_back(H1); // (delete equivalent)
5784 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(-211,qe4M);
5785#ifdef debug
5786 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(3) PiMinus="<<qe4M<<G4endl;
5788 evaHV->push_back(H2); // (delete equivalent)
5789 }
5790 else if ((thePDG==221||thePDG==331)&&totMass>mPi0+mPi0) // "Decay in 2pi0" case
5791 {
5792#ifdef qdebug
5793 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (27) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5795 delete qH;
5796 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi0);
5797 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi0);
5798 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M))
5799 {
5800 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:tM="<<totMass<<"-> pi0 + pi0"<<G4endl;
5801 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: H->Pi+Pi DecayIn2 error");
5803 ed << "H->Pi+Pi DecayIn2 error: tM=" << totMass << "-> pi0 + pi0"
5804 << G4endl;
5805 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0024",
5806 FatalException, ed);
5807 }
5808 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(111,fq4M);
5809#ifdef debug
5810 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(4) Pi01="<<fq4M<<G4endl;
5812 evaHV->push_back(H1); // (delete equivalent)
5813 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(111,qe4M);
5814#ifdef debug
5815 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(4) Pi02="<<qe4M<<G4endl;
5817 evaHV->push_back(H2); // (delete equivalent)
5818 }
5819 else if (totMass>totM) // "Radiative Hadron decay" case
5820 {
5821#ifdef qdebug
5822 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (28) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5824 delete qH;
5825 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
5826 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,totM);
5827 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M))
5828 {
5829 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNuc::EvaporateNuc:tM="<<totMass<<"->h1M="<<totM<<"+gam"<<G4endl;
5830 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: H*->H+gamma DecIn2 error");
5832 ed << "H*->H+gamma DecIn2 error: tM=" << totMass << "->h1M="
5833 << totM << "+gam" << G4endl;
5834 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0025",
5835 FatalException, ed);
5836 }
5837 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(thePDG,qe4M);
5838#ifdef debug
5839 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(5) tot="<<thePDG<<qe4M<<G4endl;
5841 evaHV->push_back(H2); // (delete equivalent)
5842 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(22,fq4M);
5843#ifdef debug
5844 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(5) GamFortot="<<fq4M<<G4endl;
5846 evaHV->push_back(H1); // (delete equivalent)
5847 }
5848 else if (thePDG==111||thePDG==221||thePDG==331) // "Gamma+Gamma decay" case
5849 {
5850#ifdef qdebug
5851 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (29) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5853 delete qH;
5854 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
5855 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
5856 if(!G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M))
5857 {
5858 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::EvaporateNucleus:tM="<<totMass<<"->gamma + gamma"<<G4endl;
5859 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: pi/eta->g+g DecIn2 error");
5861 ed << "pi/eta->g+g DecIn2 error: tM=" << totMass
5862 << "->gamma + gamma" << G4endl;
5863 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0026",
5864 FatalException, ed);
5865 }
5866 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(22,qe4M);
5867#ifdef debug
5868 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(6) gam1="<<qe4M<<G4endl;
5870 evaHV->push_back(H2); // (delete equivalent)
5871 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(22,fq4M);
5872#ifdef debug
5873 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus:(6) gam2="<<fq4M<<G4endl;
5875 evaHV->push_back(H1); // (delete equivalent)
5876 }
5877 else
5878 {
5879#ifdef qdebug
5880 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (30) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5882 delete qH;
5883 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucl::EvaNuc: Nuc="<<thePDG<<theQC<<", q4M="<<q4M<<", M="<<totMass
5884 // <<" < GSM="<<totM<<", 2Pi="<<mPi+mPi<<", 2Pi0="<<mPi0+mPi0<<G4endl;
5885 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: Hadron is under MassShell");
5887 ed << "Hadron is under MassShell: Nuc=" << thePDG << theQC
5888 << ", q4M=" << q4M << ", M=" << totMass <<" < GSM=" << totM
5889 <<", 2Pi=" << mPi+mPi << ", 2Pi0=" << mPi0+mPi0 << G4endl;
5890 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0027",
5891 FatalException, ed);
5892 }
5893 }
5894 }
5895 else
5896 {
5897#ifdef qdebug
5898 if(!qH) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (31) qH=0"<<G4endl;
5900 delete qH;
5901 // G4cerr<<"**G4QNuc::EvaNuc:RN="<<thePDG<<theQC<<",q4M="<<q4M<<",qM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
5902 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: This is not aNucleus nor aHadron");
5904 ed << "This is not aNucleus nor aHadron: RN=" << thePDG << theQC
5905 << ",q4M=" << q4M <<",qM=" << totMass << G4endl;
5906 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus()", "HAD_CHPS_0028",
5907 FatalException, ed);
5908 }
5909 }
5910#ifdef qdebug
5911 if (qH)
5912 {
5913 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: deletedAtEnd, PDG="<<qH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
5914 if(!qH) G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: (20) qH="<<G4endl;
5915 else delete qH;
5916 }
5918#ifdef debug
5919 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus: =---=>> End. "<<G4endl;
5921 return;
5922} // End of EvaporateNucleus
G4int GetN() const
G4int GetSPDGCode() const
G4int GetZNSPDGCode() const
Definition: G4QContent.hh:217
G4int GetBaryonNumber() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:181
G4int GetCharge() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:179
void DecayAlphaBar(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAntiDibaryon(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayIsonucleus(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAlphaAlpha(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayDibaryon(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
void DecayAlphaDiN(G4QHadron *dB, G4QHadronVector *oHV)
G4int GetPDGCode() const
Definition: G4QPDGCode.hh:326

Referenced by DecayAntiStrange(), EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::EvaporateResidual(), and G4QLowEnergy::PostStepDoIt().

◆ FissionCoulombBarrier()

G4double G4QNucleus::FissionCoulombBarrier ( const G4double cZ,
const G4double cA,
G4double  dZ = 0.,
G4double  dA = 0. 

Definition at line 3403 of file

3406 static const G4double third=1./3.;
3407 if(cZ<=0.) return 0.;
3408 G4double rA=GetA()-cA;
3409 if(dA) rA-=dA; // Reduce rA f CB is calculated for wounded nucleus
3410 G4double rZ=Z-cZ;
3411 if(delZ) rZ-=delZ; // Reduce rZ f CB is calculated for wounded nucleus
3412 G4double zz=rZ*cZ; // Product of charges
3413 G4double r=(pow(rA,third)+pow(cA,third))*(1.51+.00921*zz)/(1.+.009443*zz);
3414 return 1.44*zz/r;
3415} // End of "FissionCoulombBarier"

◆ GetA()

◆ GetBThickness() [1/2]

std::vector< G4double > const * G4QNucleus::GetBThickness ( )

Definition at line 114 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

114{return &Tb;} // T(b) function, step .1 fm

Referenced by GetThickness().

◆ GetBThickness() [2/2]

G4double G4QNucleus::GetBThickness ( G4double  b)

Definition at line 4032 of file

4034 static const G4double dfermi=fermi/10.;
4035 static const G4double sfermi=fermi*fermi;
4036 if(!TbActive) ActivateBThickness();
4037 G4double bf = b/dfermi;
4038 G4int nb = static_cast<int>(bf);
4039 G4int eb = nb+1;
4040 G4int nt = Tb.size();
4041 if(eb>=nt) return 0.;
4042 G4double nT=Tb[nb];
4043 G4double eT=Tb[eb];
4044 return (nT-(bf-nb)*(nT-eT))/sfermi; // Independent units
void ActivateBThickness()

◆ GetDA()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetDA ( ) const

Definition at line 77 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

77{return dZ+dN+dS;} // Get A of the dense part of nucleus

◆ GetDensity()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetDensity ( const G4ThreeVector aPos)

Definition at line 90 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

90{return rho0*GetRelativeDensity(aPos);}
G4double GetRelativeDensity(const G4ThreeVector &aPosition)

Referenced by ChooseFermiMomenta(), ChoosePositions(), and GetDeriv().

◆ GetDeriv()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetDeriv ( const G4ThreeVector point)

Definition at line 3735 of file

3737 if(radius==0.) InitDensity();
3738 G4double rPos=aPosition.mag();
3739 if(GetA()<17) return -GetDensity(aPosition)*(rPos+rPos)/radius; // Gaussian density
3740 // Wood-Saxon density distribution
3741 G4double dens=GetRelativeDensity(aPosition);
3742 return -exp((rPos-radius)/WoodSaxonSurf)*dens*dens*rho0/WoodSaxonSurf;
3743} // End of GetDeriv
void InitDensity()

◆ GetDN()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetDN ( ) const

Definition at line 75 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

75{return dN;} // Get a#of neutrons in dense region

◆ GetDS()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetDS ( ) const

Definition at line 76 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

76{return dS;} // Get a#of lambdas in dense region

◆ GetDZ()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetDZ ( ) const

Definition at line 74 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

74{return dZ;} // Get a#of protons in dense region

◆ GetFermiMomentum()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetFermiMomentum ( G4double  density)

Definition at line 3765 of file

3767 static const G4double third=1./3.;
3768 static const G4double constofpmax=hbarc*pow(3.*pi2,third);
3769 return constofpmax * pow(density*GetA(),third);
3770} // End of GetFermiMomentum

Referenced by ChooseFermiMomenta(), and ChoosePositions().

◆ GetGSMass()

◆ GetMaxClust()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetMaxClust ( ) const

Definition at line 78 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

78{return maxClust;} // Get Max BarNum of Clusters

◆ GetMZNS()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetMZNS ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

80{return GetQPDG().GetNuclMass(Z,N,S);} // not H or Q

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), and G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment().

◆ GetN()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetN ( ) const

Definition at line 71 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

71{return N;} // Get a#of neutrons

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), and operator<<().

◆ GetNDefBaryonC()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetNDefBaryonC ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

89{return nDefBaryonC;};// max#of predefed baryonCandidates

◆ GetNDefMesonC()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetNDefMesonC ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

88{return nDefMesonC;}; // max#of predefed mesonCandidates

◆ GetNextNucleon()

G4QHadron * G4QNucleus::GetNextNucleon ( )

Definition at line 100 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

101 {
102 //G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::GetNextNucleon: cN="<<currentNucleon<<", A="<<GetA()<<G4endl;
103 return (currentNucleon>=0&&currentNucleon<GetA()) ? theNucleons[currentNucleon++] : 0;
104 }

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ GetNucleons4Momentum()

G4LorentzVector G4QNucleus::GetNucleons4Momentum ( )

Definition at line 107 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

108 {
109 G4LorentzVector sum(0.,0.,0.,0.);
110 for(unsigned i=0; i<theNucleons.size(); i++) sum += theNucleons[i]->Get4Momentum();
111 sum.setE(std::sqrt(sqr(GetGSMass())+sum.v().mag2())); // Energy is corrected !
112 return sum;
113 }
T sqr(const T &x)
Definition: templates.hh:145

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ GetOuterRadius()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetOuterRadius ( )

Definition at line 3947 of file

3949 G4double maxradius2=0;
3950 G4int theA=theNucleons.size();
3951 if(theA) for(G4int i=0; i<theA; i++)
3952 {
3953 G4double nucr2=theNucleons[i]->GetPosition().mag2();
3954 if(nucr2 > maxradius2) maxradius2=nucr2;
3955 }
3956 return sqrt(maxradius2)+nucleonDistance;
3957} // End of GetOuterRadius

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ GetPDG()

◆ GetProbability()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetProbability ( G4int  bn = 0) const

Definition at line 79 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

79{return probVect[bn];} // clust(BarN)probabil

Referenced by G4Quasmon::Fragment().

◆ GetQCZNS()

G4QContent G4QNucleus::GetQCZNS ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

84 {
85 if(S>=0) return G4QContent(Z+N+N+S,Z+Z+N+S,S,0,0,0);
86 else return G4QContent(Z+N+N+S,Z+Z+N+S,0,0,0,-S);
87 }

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QIonIonCollision::Fragment(), Split2Baryons(), and SplitBaryon().

◆ GetRadius()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetRadius ( const G4double  maxRelativeDenisty = 0.5)

Definition at line 3746 of file

3748 if(radius==0.) InitDensity();
3749 if(GetA()<17) // Gaussian density distribution
3750 return (maxRelDens>0 && maxRelDens <= 1. ) ? sqrt(-radius*log(maxRelDens) ) : DBL_MAX;
3751 // Wood-Saxon density distribution
3752 return (maxRelDens>0 && maxRelDens <= 1. ) ? (radius + WoodSaxonSurf*
3753 log((1.-maxRelDens+exp(-radius/WoodSaxonSurf))/maxRelDens) ) : DBL_MAX;
3754} // End of GetRadius (check @@ radius=sqr0 (fm^2) for A<17, r0 (fm) for A>16 (units)
#define DBL_MAX
Definition: templates.hh:83

Referenced by ChoosePositions().

◆ GetRelativeDensity()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetRelativeDensity ( const G4ThreeVector aPosition)

Definition at line 3757 of file

3759 if(radius==0.) InitDensity();
3760 if(GetA()<17) return GetRelOMDensity(aPosition.mag2());// Gaussian distribution (OscMod?)
3761 return GetRelWSDensity(aPosition.mag()); // Wood-Saxon density distribution
3762} // End of GetRelativeDensity
double mag() const

Referenced by GetDensity(), and GetDeriv().

◆ GetRelOMDensity()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetRelOMDensity ( const G4double r2)

Definition at line 95 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

95{return std::exp(-r2/radius);} // OscModelRelDens

Referenced by ChoosePositions(), and GetRelativeDensity().

◆ GetRelWSDensity()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetRelWSDensity ( const G4double r)

Definition at line 93 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

94 {return 1./(1.+std::exp((r-radius)/WoodSaxonSurf));}

Referenced by ChoosePositions(), and GetRelativeDensity().

◆ GetRho0()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetRho0 ( )

Definition at line 91 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

91{return rho0;} // One nucleon prob-density

◆ GetS()

G4int G4QNucleus::GetS ( ) const

Definition at line 72 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

72{return S;} // Get a#of lambdas

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus(), and operator<<().

◆ GetTbIntegral()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetTbIntegral ( )

Definition at line 4018 of file

4020 if(!TbActive) ActivateBThickness();
4021 G4int nt = Tb.size();
4022 G4double sum=0.;
4023 for(G4int i=0; i<nt; ++i) sum+=i*Tb[i];
4024 sum*=.02*pi;
4025#ifdef debug
4026 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::GetTbIntegral:TI="<<sum<<", RI="<<4*pi*rho0*pow(radius,3)/3<<G4endl;
4028 return sum;

◆ GetThickness()

G4double G4QNucleus::GetThickness ( G4double  b)

Definition at line 4048 of file

4050 G4int tA=GetA();
4051 if(tA<1)
4052 {
4053 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::GetThickness: for A="<<tA<<", => return 0"<<G4endl;
4054 return 0.;
4055 }
4056 else if(tA==1) return 0.;
4057 if(!TbActive) ActivateBThickness();
4058 if(!RhoActive) InitDensity();
4059 return GetBThickness(b)/rho0/tA;
std::vector< G4double > const * GetBThickness()
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:114

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ GetZ()

◆ HadrToNucPDG()

G4int G4QNucleus::HadrToNucPDG ( G4int  hPDG)

Definition at line 4117 of file

4119 G4int nPDG=hPDG;
4120 if (hPDG==2212) nPDG=90001000; // p
4121 else if(hPDG==2112) nPDG=90000001; // n
4122 else if(hPDG==3122||hPDG==3212) nPDG=91000000; // Lambda
4123 else if(hPDG== 211) nPDG=90000999; // pi+
4124 else if(hPDG==-211) nPDG=89999001; // pi-
4125 else if(hPDG== 311) nPDG=89000001; // K0 (anti-strange)
4126 else if(hPDG== 321) nPDG=89001000; // K+ (anti-strange)
4127 else if(hPDG==-311) nPDG=90999999; // anti-K0 (strange)
4128 else if(hPDG==-321) nPDG=90999000; // K- (strange)
4129 else if(hPDG==1114) nPDG=89999002; // Delta-
4130 else if(hPDG==2224) nPDG=90001999; // Delta++
4131 else if(hPDG==3112) nPDG=90999000; // Sigma-
4132 else if(hPDG==3222) nPDG=91000999; // Sigma+
4133 else if(hPDG==3312) nPDG=91999000; // Ksi-
4134 else if(hPDG==3322) nPDG=91999999; // Ksi0
4135 else if(hPDG==3334) nPDG=92998999; // Omega-
4136 else if(hPDG==-2212) nPDG=8999000; // anti-p
4137 else if(hPDG==-2112) nPDG=8999999; // anti-n
4138 else if(hPDG==-3122||hPDG==3212) nPDG=89000000; //anti- Lambda
4139 else if(hPDG==-3112) nPDG=89000999; // anti-Sigma-
4140 else if(hPDG==-3222) nPDG=88999001; // anti-Sigma+
4141 else if(hPDG==-3312) nPDG=88001000; // anti-Ksi-
4142 else if(hPDG==-3322) nPDG=88000001; // anti-Ksi0
4143 else if(hPDG==-3334) nPDG=87001001; // anti-Omega-
4144 return nPDG;

Referenced by InitByPDG().

◆ IncProbability()

void G4QNucleus::IncProbability ( G4int  bn)

◆ Increase() [1/2]

void G4QNucleus::Increase ( G4int  PDG,
G4LorentzVector  LV = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.) 

Definition at line 729 of file

731 static const G4int NUCPDG=90000000;
732 if(cPDG>80000000&&cPDG!=NUCPDG)
733 {
734 G4int newPDG=GetPDG()+cPDG-NUCPDG; // PDG Code of the New Nucleus
735 InitByPDG(newPDG); // Reinit the Nucleus
736 if (c4M!=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.))
737 {
738 G4LorentzVector t4M = Get4Momentum(); // 4Mom of the nucleus
739 t4M +=c4M;
740 Set4Momentum(t4M);
741 }
742 }
743 else G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::Increase: PDGCode="<<cPDG<<",4M="<<c4M<<G4endl;

◆ Increase() [2/2]

void G4QNucleus::Increase ( G4QContent  QC,
G4LorentzVector  LV = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.) 

Definition at line 747 of file

749 G4LorentzVector t4M = Get4Momentum(); // 4Mom of the old nucleus
750 G4QContent newQC = GetQC()+qQC; // Quark Content of the New Nucleus
751 InitByQC(newQC); // Reinit the Nucleus
752 t4M +=q4M;
753 Set4Momentum(t4M); // 4Mom of the new nucleus
void InitByQC(G4QContent newQC)
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:136

◆ Init3D()

void G4QNucleus::Init3D ( )

Definition at line 3910 of file

3912#ifdef debug
3913 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Init3D: is called currentNucleon="<<currentNucleon<<G4endl;
3915 for_each(theNucleons.begin(),theNucleons.end(),DeleteQHadron());
3916 theNucleons.clear();
3917 G4int theA = GetA();
3919#ifdef debug
3920 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Init3D: Nucleons are initialized, nN="<<theNucleons.size()<<G4endl;
3922 InitDensity();
3923#ifdef debug
3924 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::Init3D: DensityPars for A="<<theA<<":R="<<radius <<",r0="<<rho0<<G4endl;
3926 ChoosePositions(); // CMS positions! No Lorentz boost! Use properely!
3927#ifdef debug
3928 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Init3D: Nucleons are positioned in the coordinate space"<<G4endl;
3930 ChooseFermiMomenta(); // CMS Fermi Momenta! Must be transfered to the LS if not at rest!
3931 G4ThreeVector n3M=Get3Momentum(); // Velocity of the nucleus in LS
3932 if(n3M.x() || n3M.y() || n3M.z()) // Boost the nucleons to LS
3933 {
3934 n3M/=GetEnergy(); // Now this is the boost velocity
3935 DoLorentzBoost(n3M); // Now nucleons are in LS
3936 }
3937#ifdef debug
3938 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Init3D: Nucleons are positioned in the momentum space"<<G4endl;
3940 G4double Ebind= BindingEnergy()/theA;
3941 for (G4int i=0; i<theA; i++) theNucleons[i]->SetBindingEnergy(Ebind); // @@ ? M.K.
3942 currentNucleon=0; // Automatically starts the LOOP
3943 return;
3944} // End of Init3D
double z() const
double x() const
double y() const
G4ThreeVector Get3Momentum() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:80
G4double GetEnergy() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:81
void SetBindingEnergy(G4double aBindE)
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:109
G4double BindingEnergy(const G4double &cZ=0, const G4double &cA=0, G4double dZ=0., G4double dA=0.)
void DoLorentzBoost(const G4LorentzVector &theBoost)
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:155
void ChooseFermiMomenta()
void ChooseNucleons()
void ChoosePositions()

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ InitByPDG()

void G4QNucleus::InitByPDG ( G4int  newPDG)

Definition at line 371 of file

373 static const G4int NUCPDG = 90000000;
374#ifdef debug
375 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitByPDG: >Called< PDG="<<nucPDG<<G4endl;
377 dZ=0;
378 dN=0;
379 dS=0;
380 probVect[0]=mediRatio; // init Vacuum/Medium probability
381 for(G4int i=1; i<256; i++) {probVect[i] = 0.;}
382 //std::uninitialized_fill( probVect+1, probVect+256, 0.0 ); // Worse in performance!
383 if(nucPDG<80000000) nucPDG=HadrToNucPDG(nucPDG); // Convert HadrPDGCode to NucPDGCode
384 G4int s_value=0;
385 G4int z=0;
386 G4int n=0;
387 if(nucPDG>80000000 && nucPDG<100000000) // Try to convert the NUCCoding to PDGCoding
388 {
389 G4QPDGCode(22).ConvertPDGToZNS(nucPDG, z, n, s_value);
390 Z =z;
391 N =n;
392 S =s_value;
393#ifdef debug
394 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitByPDG:Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<",S="<<S<<G4endl;
396 SetZNSQC(Z,N,S); // @@ ??
397 G4QPDGCode nPDG(nucPDG);
398 G4double PDGMass=0.;
399 if(nucPDG!=NUCPDG) PDGMass=nPDG.GetMass();
400 SetQPDG(nPDG);
401 G4LorentzVector p(0.,0.,0.,PDGMass);
402 Set4Momentum(p);
403 SetNFragments(0);
404#ifdef debug
405 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitByPDG:->QPDG="<<nPDG<<": 4M="<<p<<G4endl;
407 }
408 else
409 {
410 G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::InitByPDG:Initialized by not nuclear PDGCode="<<nucPDG<<G4endl;
411 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::InitByPDG:PDGCode can't be converted to NucPDGCode");
412 }
G4int HadrToNucPDG(G4int hPDG)
void ConvertPDGToZNS(G4int PDG, G4int &z, G4int &n, G4int &s)

Referenced by G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), G4QNucleus(), Increase(), InitByQC(), Reduce(), and SubtractNucleon().

◆ InitByQC()

void G4QNucleus::InitByQC ( G4QContent  newQC)

Definition at line 136 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

137 {G4int PDG=G4QPDGCode(newQC).GetPDGCode(); InitByPDG(PDG);}

Referenced by Increase().

◆ InitCandidateVector()

void G4QNucleus::InitCandidateVector ( G4QCandidateVector theQCandidates,
G4int  nM = 45,
G4int  nB = 72,
G4int  nC = 117 

Definition at line 3037 of file

3040 static const G4int nOfMesons =45; //a#of S=0,1,2,3,4 Mesons, => candidates to hadrons
3041 static const G4int nOfBaryons=72; //a#of 1/2,3/2,5/2,7/2 Baryons => candidates to hadrons
3042 // Scalar resonances (0): Eta,Pi0,Pi+,APi-,Ka0,Ka+,AKa0,AKa-,Eta*
3043 static G4int mesonPDG[nOfMesons] = {221,111,211,-211,311,321,-311,-321,331, // 0- 8
3044 // Vector resonances (1): omega,Rh0,Rh+,Rho-,K0*,K+*,AK0*,AK-*,Phi
3045 223,113,213,-213,313,323,-313,-323,333, // 9-18
3046 // Tensor D-resonances (2): f2 ,a20,a2+, a2-,K20,K2+,AK20,AK2-,f2'
3047 225,115,215,-215,315,325,-315,-325,335, // 19-27
3048 // Tensor F-resonances (3): om3,ro3,r3+,rh3-,K30,K3+,AK30,AK3-,Phi3
3049 227,117,217,-217,317,327,-317,-327,337, // 28-35
3050 // Tensor G-resonances (4): f4 ,a40,a4+, a4-,K40,K4+,AK40,AK4-,f4'
3051 229,119,219,-219,319,329,-319,-329,339}; // 36-44
3052 // Baryon octet (1/2): n , an , p , ap ,lamb,alamb, sig-,asig-
3053 static G4int baryonPDG[nOfBaryons]={2112,-2112,2212,-2212,3122,-3122,3112,-3112, // 45-52
3054 // Hyperon octet (1/2): sig0,asig0,sig+,asig+,ksi-,aksi-,ksi0,aksi0
3055 3212,-3212,3222,-3222,3312,-3312,3322,-3322, // 53-60
3056 // Baryon decuplet (3/2): del-,adel-,del0,adel0,del+,adel+,dl++,adl++,sis-,asis-
3057 1114,-1114,2114,-2114,2214,-2214,2224,-2224,3114,-3114,//70
3058 // sis0,asis0,sis+,asis+,kss-,akss-,kss0,akss0,omeg,aomeg
3059 3214,-3214,3224,-3224,3314,-3314,3324,-3324,3334,-3334,//80
3060 // Baryon octet (5/2): n5/2,an5/2,p5/2,ap5/2,l5/2,al5/2,si5-,asi5-
3061 2116,-2116,2216,-2216,3126,-3126,3116,-3116, // 81-88
3062 // si50,asi50,si5+,asi5+,ks5-,aks5-,ks50,aks50
3063 3216,-3216,3226,-3226,3316,-3316,3326,-3326, // 89-96
3064 // Baryon decuplet (7/2): dl5-,adl5-,dl50,adl50,dl5+,adl5+,d5++,ad5++,si5-,asi5-
3065 1118,-1118,2118,-2118,2218,-2218,2228,-2228,3118,-3118, //106
3066 // si50,asi50,si5+,asi5+,ks5-,aks5-,ks50,aks50,ome5,aome5
3067 3218,-3218,3228,-3228,3318,-3318,3328,-3328,3338,-3338};//116
3068 G4int i=0;
3069#ifdef debug
3070 G4int ind=0;
3072 G4int iQC = theQCandidates.size();
3073 if(iQC) for(G4int jq=0; jq<iQC; jq++) delete theQCandidates[jq];
3074 theQCandidates.clear();
3075 if(maxMes>nOfMesons) maxMes=nOfMesons;
3076 if(maxMes>=0) for (i=0; i<maxMes; i++)
3077 {
3078 theQCandidates.push_back(new G4QCandidate(mesonPDG[i]));
3079#ifdef debug
3080 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitCandidateVector: "<<ind++<<", Meson # "<<i<<" with code = "
3081 <<mesonPDG[i]<<", QC="<<theQCandidates[i]->GetQC()<<" is initialized"<<G4endl;
3083 }
3084 if(maxBar>nOfBaryons) maxBar=nOfBaryons;
3085 if(maxBar>=0) for (i=0; i<maxBar; i++)
3086 {
3087#ifdef debug
3088 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitCandidateVector: define PDG="<<baryonPDG[i]<<G4endl;
3090 G4QCandidate* curBar=new G4QCandidate(baryonPDG[i]);
3091#ifdef debug
3092 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitCandidateVector: current baryon is defined"<<G4endl;
3094 theQCandidates.push_back(curBar); // delete equivalent
3095#ifdef debug
3096 G4cout<<"G4Nucleus::InitCandidateVector: "<<ind++<<", Baryon # "<<i<<" with code = "
3097 <<baryonPDG[i]<< ", QC="<<theQCandidates[i]->GetQC()<<" is initialized"<<G4endl;
3099 }
3100 if(maxClst>=0) for (i=0; i<maxClst; i++)
3101 {
3102 G4int clustQCode = i+G4QPDGCode().GetNQHadr(); //Q-codes of cluster in the CHIPS world
3103 G4QPDGCode clustQPDG;
3104 clustQPDG.InitByQCode(clustQCode);
3105 G4int clusterPDG=clustQPDG.GetPDGCode();
3106 theQCandidates.push_back(new G4QCandidate(clusterPDG)); // delete equivalent
3107#ifdef debug
3108 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitCandidateVector:"<<ind++<<", Cluster # "<<i<<" with code = "
3109 <<clusterPDG<<", QC="<<clustQPDG.GetQuarkContent()<<" is initialized"<<G4endl;
3111 }
3112} // End of "InitCandidateVector"
G4QContent GetQuarkContent() const
G4int GetNQHadr()
Definition: G4QPDGCode.hh:236
void InitByQCode(G4int QCode)
Definition: G4QPDGCode.hh:356

◆ InitDensity()

void G4QNucleus::InitDensity ( )

Definition at line 3692 of file

3694 static const G4double r0sq=0.8133*fermi*fermi; // Base for A-dep of rel.mean.radius
3695 static const G4double third=1./3.;
3696 G4int iA = GetA();
3697 G4double rA = iA;
3698 G4double At = pow(rA,third);
3699 G4double At2= At*At;
3700#ifdef debug
3701 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::InitDensity: rA=iA=A="<<iA<<", A^1/3="<<At<<", A^2/3="<<At2<<G4endl;
3703 if(iA<17) // Gaussian density distribution
3704 {
3705 radius = r0sq*At2; // R2 Mean Squared Radius (fm^2)
3706 if(radius<=0.)
3707 {
3708 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucl::ChoosePositions:L,iA="<<iA<<",Radius(?)="<<radius<<G4endl;
3709 radius=1.;
3710 }
3711 rho0 = pow(2*pi*radius, -1.5); // Central Density (M.K. 2 is added)
3712 // V=4pi*R2*sqrt(pi*R2/2)=(sqrt(2*pi*R2))^3
3713 }
3714 else // Wood-Saxon density distribution
3715 {
3716 G4double r0=1.16*(1.-1.16/At2)*fermi; // Base for A-dependent radius
3717 radius = r0*At; // Half Density Radius (fm)
3718 if(radius<=0.)
3719 {
3720 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucl::ChoosePositions:H,iA="<<iA<<",Radius(?)="<<radius<<G4endl;
3721 radius=1.;
3722 }
3723 G4double rd=WoodSaxonSurf/radius; // Relative thickness of the surface
3724 if(!(rd<=0.1) && !(rd>-0.1)) // NAN for rd
3725 {
3726 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucl::ChoosePositions:H,NAN,iA="<<iA<<", rd="<<rd<<G4endl;
3727 rd=1.;
3728 }
3729 rho0=0.75/(pi*pow(radius,3)*(1.+rd*rd*pi2)); // Central Density
3730 }
3731 RhoActive=true;
3732} // End of InitDensity

Referenced by GetDeriv(), GetRadius(), GetRelativeDensity(), GetThickness(), and Init3D().

◆ NucToHadrPDG()

G4int G4QNucleus::NucToHadrPDG ( G4int  nPDG)

Definition at line 4148 of file

4150 G4int hPDG=nPDG;
4151 if (nPDG==90001000) hPDG=2212; // p
4152 else if(nPDG==90000001) hPDG=2112; // n
4153 else if(nPDG==91000000) hPDG=3122; // Lambda
4154 else if(nPDG==90000999) hPDG= 211; // pi+
4155 else if(nPDG==89999001) hPDG=-211; // pi-
4156 else if(nPDG==89001000) hPDG= 213; // K0 (anti-strange)
4157 else if(nPDG==89000001) hPDG= 213; // K+ (anti-strange)
4158 else if(nPDG==90999000) hPDG=-213; // anti-K0 (strange)
4159 else if(nPDG==90999999) hPDG=-213; // K- (strange)
4160 else if(nPDG==90001999) hPDG=1114; // Delta-
4161 else if(nPDG==89999002) hPDG=2224; // Delta++
4162 else if(nPDG==91000999) hPDG=3112; // Sigma-
4163 else if(nPDG==90999001) hPDG=3222; // Sigma+
4164 else if(nPDG==91999999) hPDG=3312; // Ksi-
4165 else if(nPDG==91999000) hPDG=3322; // Ksi0
4166 else if(nPDG==92998999) hPDG=3334; // Omega-
4167 return hPDG;

◆ operator!=()

G4bool G4QNucleus::operator!= ( const G4QNucleus right) const

Definition at line 67 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

67{return this!=&right;}

◆ operator*=()

G4QNucleus G4QNucleus::operator*= ( const G4int rhs)

Definition at line 4099 of file

4101 Z*=rhs;
4102 N*=rhs;
4103 S*=rhs;
4104 dZ*=rhs;
4105 dN*=rhs;
4106 dS*=rhs;
4107 // Atributes of aHadron
4108 G4int newPDG= rhs*(GetPDGCode() - 90000000) + 90000000;
4109 SetQPDG (newPDG);
4110 G4QContent newQC = rhs*GetQC();
4111 SetQC (newQC);
4112 theMomentum *= rhs;
4113 return *this;

◆ operator+=()

G4QNucleus G4QNucleus::operator+= ( const G4QNucleus rhs)

Definition at line 4063 of file

4065 Z+=rhs.Z;
4066 N+=rhs.N;
4067 S+=rhs.S;
4068 dZ+=rhs.dZ;
4069 dN+=rhs.dN;
4070 dS+=rhs.dS;
4071 // Atributes of aHadron
4072 G4int newPDG= GetPDGCode() + rhs.GetPDGCode() - 90000000;
4073 SetQPDG (newPDG);
4074 G4QContent newQC = GetQC() + rhs.GetQC();
4075 SetQC (newQC);
4076 theMomentum += rhs.Get4Momentum();
4077 return *this;

◆ operator-=()

G4QNucleus G4QNucleus::operator-= ( const G4QNucleus rhs)

Definition at line 4081 of file

4083 Z-=rhs.Z;
4084 N-=rhs.N;
4085 S-=rhs.S;
4086 dZ-=rhs.dZ;
4087 dN-=rhs.dN;
4088 dS-=rhs.dS;
4089 // Atributes of aHadron
4090 G4int newPDG= GetPDGCode() - rhs.GetPDGCode() + 90000000;
4091 SetQPDG (newPDG);
4092 G4QContent newQC = GetQC() - rhs.GetQC();
4093 SetQC (newQC);
4094 theMomentum -= rhs.Get4Momentum();
4095 return *this;

◆ operator=()

const G4QNucleus & G4QNucleus::operator= ( const G4QNucleus right)

Definition at line 307 of file

309 if(this != &right) // Beware of self assignment
310 {
311 currentNucleon= -1;
312 TbActive = right.TbActive;
313 Tb = right.Tb;
314 RhoActive = right.RhoActive;
315 rho0 = right.rho0;
316 radius = right.radius;
317 G4int nn = right.theNucleons.size();
318 for(G4int i=0; i < nn; ++i)
319 {
320 G4QHadron* nucleon = new G4QHadron(right.theNucleons[i]);
321 theNucleons.push_back(nucleon);
322 }
323 Set4Momentum (right.Get4Momentum());
324 SetQPDG (right.GetQPDG());
325 SetQC (right.GetQC());
327 Z = right.Z;
328 N = right.N;
329 S = right.S;
330 dZ = right.dZ;
331 dN = right.dN;
332 dS = right.dS;
333 maxClust = right.maxClust;
334 for(G4int i=0; i<=maxClust; i++) probVect[i] = right.probVect[i];
335 probVect[254] = right.probVect[254];
336 probVect[255] = right.probVect[255];
337 }
338 return *this;

◆ operator==()

G4bool G4QNucleus::operator== ( const G4QNucleus right) const

Definition at line 66 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

66{return this==&right;}

◆ PrepareCandidates()

void G4QNucleus::PrepareCandidates ( G4QCandidateVector theQCandidates,
G4bool  piF = false,
G4bool  gaF = false,
G4LorentzVector  LV = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.) 

Definition at line 3115 of file

3118 static const G4LorentzVector zeroLV(0.,0.,0.,0.);
3119 G4double ze = Z;
3120 G4double ne = N;
3121 G4double se = S;
3122 G4double ae = Z+N+S;
3123 G4double aea = ae*(ae-1);
3124 G4double ae2 = aea/2.;
3125 G4double ze1 = dZ + 1;
3126 G4double ne1 = dN + 1;
3127 G4double se1 = dS + 1;
3128 G4double ae0 = dZ + dN + dS;
3129 G4double ae1 = ae0 + 1;
3130 G4double pos = probVect[0]; // Value of Pre-Probability for VacuumHadronization
3131#ifdef cldebug
3132 G4int mac=6; // Maximum cluster # for fixed baryon number
3134 G4int cca=0; // Counter of clusters for the same baryon number
3135 G4int acm=0; // Threshold ac value
3136 G4int mCand=theQCandidates.size(); // Full set of candidates made in UpdateClusters
3137 G4double s_value=0.; // Prototype of summ for constant A (=ac>2)
3138 G4double comb=ae0*(ae0-1)/2; // Product up to ac=2
3139 if(comb<=0.) comb=1.;
3140#ifdef cldebug
3141 G4double sZ=0.; // Percent of protons
3142 G4double sN=0.; // Percent of neutrons
3143 G4cout<<"G4QN::PC:C#"<<mCand<<",dZ="<<dZ<<",dN="<<dN<<",ZNS="<<Z<<","<<N<<","<<S<<G4endl;
3145 for (G4int index=0; index<mCand; index++)
3146 {
3147 G4QCandidate* curCand=theQCandidates[index];
3148 G4int cPDG = curCand->GetPDGCode();
3149 G4int cBN = curCand->GetBaryonNumber();
3150 G4int cST = curCand->GetStrangeness();
3151 // ***********************************************************************************
3152 // These are first 117 candidates which are defined in G4QNucleus::InitCandidateVector
3153 // ***!!!*** if they are changed there the corresponding change must be done here
3154 //static const G4int nOfMesons =45;//a#of S=0,1,2,3,4 Mesons, => candidates to hadrons
3155 //static const G4int nOfBaryons=72;//a#of 1/2,3/2,5/2,7/2 Baryons => cand's to hadrons
3156 // Scalar resonances (0): Eta,Pi0,Pi+,APi-,Ka0,Ka+,AKa0,AKa-,Eta*
3157 //static G4int mesonPDG[45] = {221,111,211,-211,311,321,-311,-321,331, // 0- 8
3158 // Vector resonances (1): omega,Rh0,Rh+,Rho-,K0*,K+*,AK0*,AK-*,Phi
3159 // 223,113,213,-213,313,323,-313,-323,333, // 9-18
3160 // Tensor D-resonances (2): f2 ,a20,a2+, a2-,K20,K2+,AK20,AK2-,f2'
3161 // 225,115,215,-215,315,325,-315,-325,335, // 19-27
3162 // Tensor F-resonances (3): om3,ro3,r3+,rh3-,K30,K3+,AK30,AK3-,Phi3
3163 // 227,117,217,-217,317,327,-317,-327,337, // 28-35
3164 // Tensor G-resonances (4): f4 ,a40,a4+, a4-,K40,K4+,AK40,AK4-,f4'
3165 // 229,119,219,-219,319,329,-319,-329,339}; // 36-44
3166 // Baryon octet (1/2): n , an , p , ap ,lamb,alamb, sig-,asig-
3167 //static G4int baryonPDG[72]={2112,-2112,2212,-2212,3122,-3122,3112,-3112, // 45-52
3168 // Hyperon octet (1/2): sig0,asig0,sig+,asig+,ksi-,aksi-,ksi0,aksi0
3169 // 3212,-3212,3222,-3222,3312,-3312,3322,-3322, // 53-60
3170 // Baryon decuplet (3/2): del-,adel-,del0,adel0,del+,adel+,dl++,adl++,sis-,asis-
3171 // 1114,-1114,2114,-2114,2214,-2214,2224,-2224,3114,-3114,//70
3172 // sis0,asis0,sis+,asis+,kss-,akss-,kss0,akss0,omeg,aomeg
3173 // 3214,-3214,3224,-3224,3314,-3314,3324,-3324,3334,-3334,//80
3174 // Baryon octet (5/2): n5/2,an5/2,p5/2,ap5/2,l5/2,al5/2,si5-,asi5-
3175 // 2116,-2116,2216,-2216,3126,-3126,3116,-3116, // 81-88
3176 // si50,asi50,si5+,asi5+,ks5-,aks5-,ks50,aks50
3177 // 3216,-3216,3226,-3226,3316,-3316,3326,-3326, // 89-96
3178 // Baryon decuplet (7/2): dl5-,adl5-,dl50,adl50,dl5+,adl5+,d5++,ad5++,si5-,asi5-
3179 // 1118,-1118,2118,-2118,2218,-2218,2228,-2228,3118,-3118, //106
3180 // si50,asi50,si5+,asi5+,ks5-,aks5-,ks50,aks50,ome5,aome5
3181 // 3218,-3218,3228,-3228,3318,-3318,3328,-3328,3338,-3338};//116
3182 // One should take into account, that #of mesons & baryons can be cut in G4Quas::HadrQE
3183 //G4int nP= theWorld->GetQPEntries(); // A#of initialized particles in CHIPS World
3184 ////@@ Make special parametyer to cut high resonances for nuclear fragmentation !!
3185 //G4int nMesons = 45;
3186 //if (nP<34) nMesons = 9;
3187 //else if(nP<51) nMesons = 18;
3188 //else if(nP<65) nMesons = 27;
3189 //else if(nP<82) nMesons = 36;
3190 //G4int nBaryons = 72;
3191 //if (nP<45) nBaryons = 16;
3192 //else if(nP<59) nBaryons = 36;
3193 //else if(nP<76) nBaryons = 52;
3194 // **********************************************************************************
3195 //G4int cS = curCand->GetStrangeness();
3196 //if(piF&&gaF&&cPDG!=90000001&&cPDG!=90001000) // Both flags, in case of pi-first-int
3197 //if(piF&&gaF&&cBN!=1&&cBN!=3) // Both flags, which is in case of pi-first-int
3198 if(piF&&gaF&&cBN!=1)// @@ Should be both, which is in case of pi-first-interaction @@ ?
3199 //if(piF&&gaF&&cBN!=1&&cBN!=4) // Should be both, in case of pi-first-interaction
3200 {
3201 curCand->SetPreProbability(0.);
3202 curCand->SetDenseProbability(0.);
3203 curCand->SetPossibility(false);
3204#ifdef cldebug
3205 if(cPDG==90001001) G4cout<<"G4QNuc::PrepCand: piF/gaF fragments are blocked"<<G4endl;
3207 }
3208 // @@ in case of the Ksi or Omega- capture it can disturb the simulation
3209 else if(cPDG<80000000&&(abs(cPDG)%10>4||cST>2))// @@ PreClosed HighSpin/HighStrange
3210 {
3211 curCand->SetPreProbability(0.);
3212 curCand->SetDenseProbability(0.);
3213 curCand->SetPossibility(false);
3214 }
3215 else
3216 {
3217 G4double tnM=GetQPDG().GetMass(); // Total mass of this nucleus
3218 if(cPDG>80000000&&cPDG!=90000000) // ===> Cluster case
3219 {
3220 G4int sc = cST; // "S" of the cluster
3221 G4int zc = curCand->GetCharge(); // "Z" of the cluster
3222 G4int ac = cBN; // "A" of the cluster
3223 G4int nc = ac-zc-sc; // "N" of the cluster
3224 G4double cM=tnM-G4QNucleus(Z-zc,N-nc,S-sc).GetGSMass(); // BoundMass of the cluster
3225 G4LorentzVector intLV=pLV+G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,cM); // 4-mom of the proj+clust
3226 pos = probVect[ac]; // Cluster Probability NormalizationFactor
3227 if(ac<=maxClust&&pos>0.&&(pLV==zeroLV||intLV.m()>.00001+cM))
3228 {
3230#ifdef cldebug
3231 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::PrepareCand: ac="<<ac<<", pV="<<pos<<G4endl;
3233 G4int dac=ac+ac;
3234 if(ac && (piF || gaF)) // zc>=0
3235 {
3236 if (piF&&!gaF&&zc+ac) pos*=(zc+ac)/ac; // piF interaction (#of u-quarks)
3237 else if(gaF&&!piF&&zc+dac) pos*=(zc+dac)/ac; // gaF interaction (sum of Q_q^2)
3238 }
3239 G4double dense=1.;
3240 if (ac==1&&pos>0.)dense=probVect[254]/pos;
3241 else if(ac==2&&pos>0.)dense=probVect[255]/pos;
3242#ifdef cldebug
3243 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::PrepC: cPDG="<<cPDG<<",norm="<<pos<<",zc="<<zc<<",nc="<<nc
3244 <<",sc="<<sc<<",ac="<<ac<<",ze1="<<ze1<<",ne1="<<ne1<<",se1="<<se1<<G4endl;
3245 G4double mp=pos;
3247 if (ac==1 && ae) // ae=0 protection (since here no /pos)
3248 {
3249 if (zc) pos*=ze/ae;
3250 else if(nc) pos*=ne/ae;
3251 else if(sc) pos*=se/ae;
3252 //if (zc) pos*=ze;
3253 //else if(nc) pos*=ne;
3254 //else if(sc) pos*=se;
3255 acm=1;
3256#ifdef cldebug
3257 if(pos)
3258 G4cout<<"G4QN::PrC:mp="<<mp<<",pos="<<pos<<",ae="<<ae
3259 <<",Z="<<zc<<",N="<<nc<<",mac="<<mac<<G4endl;
3260 sZ+=pos*zc;
3261 sN+=pos*nc;
3263 }
3264 else if(ac==2)
3265 {
3266 if(ze<zc||ne<nc||se<sc) pos=0.;
3267 else if(aea) // Protection against aea=0.
3268 {
3269 if (zc==2) pos*=ze*(ze-1)/aea;
3270 else if(nc==2) pos*=ne*(ne-1)/aea;
3271 else if(sc==2) pos*=se*(se-1)/aea;
3272 else if(zc==1&&nc==1) pos*=ze*ne/ae2;
3273 else if(zc==1&&sc==1) pos*=ze*se/ae2;
3274 else if(sc==1&&nc==1) pos*=se*ne/ae2;
3275 //if (zc==2) pos*=ze*(ze-1)/2.;
3276 //else if(nc==2) pos*=ne*(ne-1)/2.;
3277 //else if(sc==2) pos*=se*(se-1)/2.;
3278 //else if(zc==1&&nc==1) pos*=ze*ne;
3279 //else if(zc==1&&sc==1) pos*=ze*se;
3280 //else if(sc==1&&nc==1) pos*=se*ne;
3281 else G4cout<<"***G4QNucl::PrepCand: z="<<zc<<", n="<<nc<<", s="<<sc<<G4endl;
3282 // Normalization for only not strange matter
3283 }
3284 acm=2;
3285#ifdef cldebug
3286 if(pos)
3287 G4cout<<"G4QN::PrC:mp="<<mp<<",p="<<pos<<",A=2,(Z="<<zc<<",N="<<nc<<"),m="
3288 <<mac<<G4endl;
3289 sZ+=pos*zc;
3290 sN+=pos*nc;
3292 }
3293 else // ac>2
3294 {
3295 if(acm<ac) // first time that big cluster
3296 {
3297 if(ac<ae1 && ac>0) comb*=(ae1-ac)/ac;
3298 acm=ac;
3299 s_value=0.;
3300 cca=0;
3301#ifdef cldebug
3302 if(ac%2) mac=7; // @@Change it if cluster set is changed
3303 else mac=8; // @@ It is not yet automatic
3304 G4cout<<"G4QNuc::PrepCl:c="<<comb<<",ac="<<ac<<"("<<index<<"),m="<<mac<<",a="
3305 <<ae0<<G4endl;
3307 }
3308 G4double prod=1.;
3309 if(ze1<=zc||ne1<=nc||se1<=sc) prod=0.;
3310 else
3311 {
3312 if(zc>0) for(int iz=1; iz<=zc; iz++) prod*=(ze1-iz)/iz;
3313 if(nc>0) for(int in=1; in<=nc; in++) prod*=(ne1-in)/in;
3314 if(sc>0) for(int is=1; is<=sc; is++) prod*=(se1-is)/is;
3315 }
3316 s_value+=prod;
3317 pos*=prod;
3318 pos/=comb;
3319#ifdef cldebug
3320 if(pos) G4cout<<"G4QN::PreC:c="<<cPDG<<",p="<<pos<<",i="<<index<<",m="<<mac
3321 <<",pr="<<prod<<",c="<<cca<<G4endl;
3322 sZ+=pos*zc;
3323 sN+=pos*nc;
3325 cca++;
3326 }
3327 curCand->SetPreProbability(pos);
3328 curCand->SetDenseProbability(pos*dense);
3329#ifdef cldebug
3330 G4cout<<"G4QN::PrepC: ClusterPDG="<<cPDG<<",preProb="<<pos<<",d="<<dense<<G4endl;
3332 }
3333 else // => "Cluster is too big" case
3334 {
3335 curCand->SetPreProbability(0.);
3336 curCand->SetDenseProbability(0.);
3337 curCand->SetPossibility(false); // This candidate is not possible
3338 }
3339 }
3340 else
3341 {
3342#ifdef cldebug
3343 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::PrepCand:cPDG="<<cPDG<<",pos="<<pos<<G4endl;
3345 curCand->SetPreProbability(pos); // ===> Hadronic case in Vacuum
3346 curCand->SetDenseProbability(0.); // ===> Hadronic case in Vacuum
3347 }
3348 curCand->SetPossibility(true); // All candidates are possible at this point
3349 }
3350 } // End of the LOOP over Candidates
3351#ifdef cldebug
3352 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::PrepCand:covP="<<ae*sZ/ze<<",covN="<<ae*sN/ne<<",totP="<<sZ+sN<<G4endl;
3353 //throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::PrepareCandidate: Temporary stop");
3355}// End of PrepareCandidates
void SetPreProbability(G4double prep)
void SetPossibility(G4bool choice)
void SetDenseProbability(G4double prep)
G4int GetStrangeness() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:180

◆ RandomizeBinom()

G4int G4QNucleus::RandomizeBinom ( G4double  p,
G4int  N 

Definition at line 3015 of file

3017 G4double r = G4UniformRand();
3018 G4double d = 1.-p;
3019 if(d<=0.) return 0;
3020 G4double v = pow(d,aN);
3021 G4double s_value = v;
3022 if(r<s_value) return 0;
3023 G4int i=0;
3024 G4int j=aN+1;
3025 G4double f=p/d;
3026 while(r>s_value && i<aN)
3027 {
3028 j--;
3029 i++;
3030 v*=j*f/i;
3031 s_value+=v;
3032 }
3033 return i;

Referenced by UpdateClusters().

◆ Reduce()

void G4QNucleus::Reduce ( G4int  PDG)

Definition at line 705 of file

707 static const G4int NUCPDG=90000000;
708 if(cPDG>80000000&&cPDG!=NUCPDG)
709 {
710 G4int curPDG=GetPDG();
711 G4int newPDG=curPDG-cPDG+NUCPDG; // PDG Code of Residual Nucleus
712 if(newPDG==NUCPDG) InitByPDG(NUCPDG); // Empty
713 else
714 {
715 //if(abs(newPDG)<NUCPDG)
716 //{
717 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::Reduce:iPDG="<<curPDG<<"=newPDG="<<newPDG<<"+cPDG="<<cPDG
718 // <<G4endl;
719 // throw G4QException("*E*:::G4QNucleus::Reduce: Abnormal Nuclear Reduction");
720 //}
721 InitByPDG(newPDG); // Reinit the Nucleus
722 }
723 }
724 else if(cPDG!=NUCPDG) G4cerr<<"***G4QN::Reduce:Subtract not nuclear PDGC="<<cPDG<<G4endl;
725 // in case of cPDG=90000000 - subtract nothing

◆ ReduceSum()

G4bool G4QNucleus::ReduceSum ( G4ThreeVector vectors,
G4ThreeVector  sum 

Definition at line 3861 of file

3863 G4int theA=GetA(); // A#of nucleons
3864 if(theA<3) // Can not reduce for 1 or 2 nucleons
3865 {
3866 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::ReduceSum: *Failed* A="<<theA<<" < 3"<<G4endl;
3867 return false;
3868 }
3869 // The last vector must have the same direction as the SUM (do not take into account
3870 G4int am1=theA-1; // A-1 elements, which canBeCorrected
3871 G4double sum2=sum.mag2(); // Initial squared sum
3872 G4double hsum2=sum2/2; // Half squared sum
3873 G4double* dp= new G4double[am1]; // Displacements
3874 G4int m_value=am1; // #0fVectors used for correction
3875 G4double minS=DBL_MAX; // Min value of Fermi Momentum
3876 G4int minI=0; // Index of maximum Fermi Momentum
3877 for(G4int i=0; i<am1; i++) dp[i][i]);// Calculation of dot-products
3878 while(m_value)
3879 {
3880 m_value=0;
3881 for(G4int i=0; i<am1; i++) if(dp[i]>0 && dp[i]<sum2) // can be used for the reduction
3882 {
3883 m_value++;
3884 G4double shift=fabs(dp[i]-hsum2);
3885 if(shift < minS)
3886 {
3887 minS=shift;
3888 minI=i;
3889 }
3890 }
3891 if(m_value) // There is a vector reducing the sum
3892 {
3893 G4ThreeVector x=(dp[minI]/hsum2)*sum; // turn-reduction of the sum-vector
3894 vect[minI]-=x; // turn the minI-th vector
3895 sum-=x; // reduce the sum
3896 sum2=sum.mag2(); // Current squared sum
3897 hsum2=sum2/2; // Current half squared sum
3898 }
3899 }
3900 if(sum2 > 0.)
3901 {
3902 sum/=theA;
3903 for(G4int i=0; i<theA; i++) vect[i]-=sum; // Final reduction
3904 }
3905 delete[] dp;
3906 return true;
3907} // End of ReduceSum
double dot(const Hep3Vector &) const

Referenced by ChoosePositions().

◆ SetMaxClust()

void G4QNucleus::SetMaxClust ( G4int  maxC)

Definition at line 143 of file G4QNucleus.hh.

143{maxClust=maxC;}// Set Max BarNum of Clusters

◆ SetParameters()

◆ SimpleSumReduction()

void G4QNucleus::SimpleSumReduction ( G4ThreeVector vectors,
G4ThreeVector  sum 

Definition at line 3853 of file

3855 G4int theA=GetA(); // A#of nucleons
3856 sum/=theA;
3857 for(G4int i=0; i<theA; i++) vect[i]-=sum; // Simple reduction

Referenced by ChooseFermiMomenta().

◆ Split2Baryons()

G4bool G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons ( )

Definition at line 863 of file

865 static const G4QContent neutQC(2,1,0,0,0,0);
866 static const G4QContent protQC(1,2,0,0,0,0);
867 static const G4QContent lambQC(1,1,1,0,0,0);
868 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
869 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
870 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
871 G4int baryn=GetA(); // Baryon Number of the Nucleus
872 if(baryn<3) return false;
873 G4double totM=theMomentum.m(); // Real Mass value of the Nucleus
874 G4QContent valQC=GetQCZNS(); // Quark Content of the Nucleus
875#ifdef debug
876 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons: B="<<baryn<<", M="<<totM<<valQC<<G4endl;
878 G4int NQ=valQC.GetN();
879 if(NQ>1) // ===> "Can try to split 2 neutrons" case
880 {
881 G4QContent resQC=valQC-neutQC-neutQC; // QC of ResidNucleus for the Two Neutrons
882 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of ResidNucleus for 2 Neutrons
883 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();// GS Mass of the Residual Nucleus
884 G4double sM=resMas+mNeut+mNeut;
885#ifdef debug
886 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons: (2 neutrons), sM="<<sM<<", d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
888 if(sM<totM) return true;
889 }
890 G4int PQ=valQC.GetP();
891 if(PQ>1) // ===> "Can try to split 2 protons" case
892 {
893 G4QContent resQC=valQC-protQC-protQC; // QC of ResidualNucleus for 2 Protons
894 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of Residual Nucleus for 2 Proton
895 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();// GS Mass of the Residual Nucleus
896 G4double sM=resMas+mProt+mProt;
897#ifdef debug
898 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons: (2 protons), sM="<<sM<<", d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
900 if(sM<totM) return true;
901 }
902 if(PQ&&NQ) // ===> "Can try to split proton+neutron"
903 {
904 G4QContent resQC=valQC-protQC-neutQC; // QC of ResidNucleus for Proton+Neutron
905 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of ResidNucleus for Proton+Neutron
906 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();// GS Mass of the Residual Nucleus
907 G4double sM=resMas+mProt+mNeut;
908#ifdef debug
909 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons:(proton+neutron), sM="<<sM<<", d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
911 if(sM<totM) return true;
912 }
913 G4int LQ=valQC.GetL();
914 if(LQ&&NQ) // ===> "Can try to split lambda+neutron"
915 {
916 G4QContent resQC=valQC-lambQC-neutQC; // QC of ResidNucleus for Lambda+Neutron
917 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of ResidNucleus for Lambda+Neutron
918 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();// GS Mass of the Residual Nucleus
919 G4double sM=resMas+mLamb+mNeut;
920#ifdef debug
921 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons:(lambda+neutron), sM="<<sM<<", d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
923 if(sM<totM) return true;
924 }
925 if(LQ&&PQ) // ===> "Can try to split lambda+proton"
926 {
927 G4QContent resQC=valQC-protQC-lambQC; // QC of ResidNucleus for Proton+Lambda
928 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of ResidNucleus for Proton+Lambda
929 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();// GS Mass of the Residual Nucleus
930 G4double sM=resMas+mProt+mLamb;
931#ifdef debug
932 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons: (proton+lambda), sM="<<sM<<", d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
934 if(sM<totM) return true;
935 }
936 if(LQ>1) // ===> "Can try to split 2 lambdas" case
937 {
938 G4QContent resQC=valQC-lambQC-lambQC; // QC of ResidNucleus for the Two Lambdas
939 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of ResidNucleus for the Two Lambdas
940 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();// GS Mass of the Residual Nucleus
941 G4double sM=resMas+mLamb+mLamb;
942#ifdef debug
943 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons: (two lambdas), sM="<<sM<<", d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
945 if(sM<totM) return true;
946 }
947 return false;
G4int GetL() const
G4int GetP() const
G4QContent GetQCZNS() const
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:83

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus().

◆ SplitBaryon()

G4int G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon ( )

Definition at line 774 of file

776 static const G4QContent neutQC(2,1,0,0,0,0);
777 static const G4QContent protQC(1,2,0,0,0,0);
778 static const G4QContent lambQC(1,1,1,0,0,0);
779 static const G4QContent deutQC(3,3,0,0,0,0);
780 static const G4QContent alphQC(6,6,0,0,0,0);
781 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
782 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
783 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
784 static const G4double mDeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);
785 static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);
786 G4int baryn=GetA(); // Baryon Number of the Nucleus
787 if(baryn<2) return 0;
788 //G4double totM=GetGSMass(); // GS Mass value of the Nucleus
789 G4double totM=Get4Momentum().m(); // Real Mass value of the Nucleus
790 G4QContent valQC=GetQCZNS(); // Quark Content of the Nucleus
791#ifdef debug
792 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon: B="<<baryn<<", M="<<totM<<valQC<<G4endl;
794 G4int NQ=valQC.GetN();
795 if(NQ) // ===> "Can try to split a neutron" case
796 {
797 G4QContent resQC=valQC-neutQC; // QC of Residual for the Neutron
798 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of Residual for the Neutron
799 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass(); // GS Mass of the Residual
800 G4double sM=resMas+mNeut;
801#ifdef debug
802 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon: (neutron),sM="<<sM<<",d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
804 if(sM<totM+.001) return 2112;
805 }
806 G4int PQ=valQC.GetP();
807 if(PQ) // ===> "Can try to split a proton" case
808 {
809 G4QContent resQC=valQC-protQC; // QC of Residual for the Proton
810 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of Residual for the Proton
811 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass(); // GS Mass of the Residual
812 G4double CB=CoulombBarrier(1,1); // Coulomb Barrier for the proton
813 G4double sM=resMas+mProt+CB;
814 /////////G4double sM=resMas+mProt;
815#ifdef debug
816 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon: (proton),sM="<<sM<<",d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
818 if(sM<totM+.001) return 2212;
819 }
820 G4int LQ=valQC.GetL();
821 if(LQ) // ===> "Can try to split a lambda" case
822 {
823 G4QContent resQC=valQC-lambQC; // QC of Residual for the Lambda
824 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of Residual for the Lambda
825 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass(); // GS Mass of the Residual
826 G4double sM=resMas+mLamb;
827#ifdef debug
828 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon: (lambda),sM="<<sM<<",d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
830 if(sM<totM+.001) return 3122;
831 }
832 G4int AQ=NQ+PQ+LQ;
833 if(NQ>0&&PQ>0&&AQ>2) // ===> "Can try to split deuteron" case
834 {
835 G4QContent resQC=valQC-deutQC; // QC of Residual for the Deuteron
836 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of Residual for the Deuteron
837 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass(); // GS Mass of the Residual
838 G4double CB=CoulombBarrier(1,2); // Coulomb Barrier for the Deuteron
839 G4double sM=resMas+mDeut+CB;
840 //G4double sM=resMas+mDeut;
841#ifdef debug
842 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon: (deuteron),sM="<<sM<<",d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
844 if(sM<totM+.001) return 90001001;
845 }
846 if(NQ>1&&PQ>1&&AQ>4) // ===> "Can try to split an alpha" case
847 {
848 G4QContent resQC=valQC-alphQC; // QC of Residual for the Alpha
849 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode(); // PDG of Residual for the Alpha
850 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass(); // GS Mass of the Residual
851 G4double CB=CoulombBarrier(2,4); // Coulomb Barrier for the Alpha
852 G4double sM=resMas+mAlph;
853 if(NQ!=4||PQ!=4) sM+=CB;
854#ifdef debug
855 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon: (alpha),sM="<<sM<<",d="<<totM-sM<<G4endl;
857 if(sM<totM+.001) return 90002002;
858 }
859 return 0;

Referenced by EvaporateNucleus(), and G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment().

◆ StartLoop()

G4bool G4QNucleus::StartLoop ( )

Definition at line 3982 of file

3984 G4int theA=theNucleons.size();
3985 if(theA) currentNucleon=0;
3986 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QNucleus::StartLoop: LOOP starts for uninited nucleons"<<G4endl;
3987 return theA;
3988} // End of StartLoop

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ SubtractNucleon()

void G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon ( G4QHadron pNucleon)

Definition at line 612 of file

614 G4int NotFound=true; // Not found flag
615 G4QHadronVector::iterator u; // iterator of the used nucleon
616 for(u=theNucleons.begin(); u!=theNucleons.end(); u++)
617 {
618#ifdef debug
619 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: LOOP 4M="<<(*u)->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
621 if (uNuc==*u) // Find uNuceon-pointer
622 {
623 NotFound=false;
624 break;
625 }
626 }
627// if(NotFound) throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: The nucleon isn't found");
628 if (NotFound) G4Exception("G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
629 FatalException, "The nucleon isn't found");
630 else
631 {
632 G4int tPDG=GetPDGCode(); // Nucleus PDG before the subtraction
633 G4LorentzVector t4M=Get4Momentum(); // Nucleus 4-mom before the subtraction
634#ifdef debug
635 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: InitialNucleus 4M="<<t4M<<", PDG="<<tPDG<<", nN="
636 <<theNucleons.size()<<G4endl;
638 G4int uPDG=(*u)->GetPDGCode(); // PDG code of the subtracted nucleon
639 G4LorentzVector u4M=(*u)->Get4Momentum(); // 4-momentum of the subtracted nucleon
640#ifdef debug
641 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: subtractNucleon 4M="<<u4M<<",PDG="<<uPDG<<G4endl;
643 delete *u; // Delete the nucleon as an object
644 theNucleons.erase(u); // exclude the nucleon pointer from the HV
645 --currentNucleon; // Continue selection from theSame position
646 t4M-=u4M; // Update the nucleus 4-momentum VALUE
647 if (uPDG==2212) tPDG-=1000; // Reduce the nucleus PDG Code by a proton
648 else if(uPDG==2112) tPDG--; // Reduce the nucleus PDG Code by a neutron
649 else
650 {
651 // G4cerr<<"***G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: Unexpected Nucleon PDGCode ="<<uPDG<<G4endl;
652 // throw G4QException("G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: Impossible nucleon PDG Code");
654 ed << "Impossible nucleon PDG Code: Unexpected Nucleon PDGCode ="
655 << uPDG << G4endl;
656 G4Exception("G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
657 FatalException, ed);
658 }
659#ifdef debug
660 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: theResidualNucleus PDG="<<tPDG<<", 4M="<<t4M
661 <<", nN="<<theNucleons.size()<<G4endl;
663 InitByPDG(tPDG); // Reinitialize the nucleus, not 3D nucleus
664 theMomentum=t4M; // Fill the residual 4-momentum
665 //#ifdef debug
666 G4double mR2=sqr(GetGSMass()); // Real squared residual nucleus mass
667 G4double tM2=t4M.m2(); // Squared residual nucleus mass from 4M
668#ifdef debug
669 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon: rAm2="<<mR2<<" =? 4Mm2="<<tM2<<G4endl;
670 G4int cnt=0; // Counter of nucleons for print
672 if(std::fabs(mR2-tM2)>.01)G4cout<<"*G4QNucleus::SubNucleon:rM="<<mR2<<"#"<<tM2<<G4endl;
673 //#endif
674 G4double tE=t4M.e(); // Energy of the residual nucleus (in CM!)
675 G4double m2p=sqr(G4QNucleus(tPDG-1000).GetGSMass()); // subResid. nuclearM2 for protons
676 G4double m2n=sqr(G4QNucleus(tPDG-1).GetGSMass()); // subResidual nuclearM2 for neutrons
677 for(u=theNucleons.begin(); u!=theNucleons.end(); u++) // Correct the nucleon's energies
678 {
679 G4LorentzVector n4M=(*u)->Get4Momentum(); // 4-mom of the current nucleon
680 G4double srP2=(t4M-n4M).vect().mag2(); // p2 of the subResNucleus
681 G4double m2_value=m2n; // default subResNucleusM2 (for neutrons)
682 if((*u)->GetPDGCode()==2212) m2_value=m2p;// change it to subResNucleusM2 for protons
683 G4double srE=std::sqrt(srP2+m2_value); // Energy of the subResNucleus
684#ifdef debug
685 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon:#"<<cnt++<<", correctedEnergy="<<tE-srE<<G4endl;
687 n4M.setE(tE-srE); // Update the energy of the nucleon
688 (*u)->Set4Momentum(n4M); // Update the 4-momentum of the nucleon
689 }
690 }
691#ifdef debug
692 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon:ResNuc4M="<<theMomentum<<",Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<G4endl;

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

◆ UpdateClusters()

G4int G4QNucleus::UpdateClusters ( G4bool  din)

Definition at line 417 of file

419 //static const G4double r0 = 1.1; // fm, for nuclear radius: r=r0*A^(1/3)
420 //static const G4double del= .55; // fm, for a difused surface of the nucleus
421 //static const G4double rCl= 2.0; // clusterization radius @@??
422 //static const G4double freeibuc = 0.10; // probab. of the quasi-free baryon on surface
423 //static const G4double freeDib = 0.05; // probab. of the quasi-free dibar. on surface
424 //static const G4double clustProb = 4.0; // clusterization probability in dense region
425 //static const G4double prQ = 1.0; // relative probability for a Quasmon
426 //static const G4double prQ = 0.; //@@for pi@@relative probability for Quasmon
427 //G4double probSInt[254]; // integratedStaticProbabilities @@ not used
428 probVect[0]=mediRatio;
429 for (G4int in=1; in<256; in++) probVect[in]=0.; // Make preinit to avoid the postinit
430 //probSInt[0]=0; // integrated static probabilities
431 dZ=0;
432 dN=0;
433 dS=0;
434 G4int a = Z + N + S; // atomic number
435#ifdef debug
436 G4cout<<"G4QN::UpdateCl:A="<<a<<"(Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<",S="<<S<<"),mR="<<mediRatio<<G4endl;
438 G4double A=a;
439 if(A<=0.)
440 {
441#ifdef debug
442 G4cout<<"***G4QNucleus::UpdateClusters:No clusters can be calculated as A="<<A<<G4endl;
444 return 0;
445 }
446 G4double surf=freeNuc+freeDib; // surface relative population
447 G4double surA=A*surf; // surface absolute population
448 G4int sA=static_cast<G4int>(surA);
449 if(surf>0.||surf<1.)sA=RandomizeBinom(surf,a); // randomize SurfaceNucleons by Binomial
450#ifdef debug
451 G4cout<<"G4QN::UpdateCl:surf="<<surf<<"= N="<<freeNuc<<"+D="<<freeDib<<",A="<<sA<<G4endl;
453 G4int dA=a-sA; // a#of nucleons in dense part of the nucleus
454 if (din && dA<2 && a>2)
455 {
456 dA=2;
457 sA=a-2;
458 }
459#ifdef debug
460 G4cout<<"G4QN::UpdtC:dA="<<dA<<",A="<<A<<",s="<<surf<<",S="<<sA<<",C="<<maxClust<<G4endl;
462 G4int maxi=1; // A#of elements filled by the progran
463 G4double pA=0.;
464 G4double uA=0.;
465 if(surf>0.)
466 {
467 pA=0.5*freeDib*sA/surf; //@@Randomize(?)// a#of quasi-free Nucleon Pairs on the surface
468 uA=sA-pA-pA; // a#of quasi-free nucleons on Nuclear Surface
469 }
470 uA=uA/A; // Normalization of probability
471 pA=pA/A;
472 G4double sum =0.;
473 if(dA<2) // There is no dense phase at all
474 {
475 //probVect[1]= dA/A; // a#of quasi-free nucleons (only dense)
476 //probVect[1]= (uA+dA)/A; // a#of quasi-free nucleons (different norm)
477 probVect[1]= uA+dA/A; // a#of quasi-free nucleons (correct)
478 sum = probVect[1];
479 //probSInt[1]=sum; // integrated static probabilities
480 maxi=2;
481 probVect[254]= 0; // a#of dense nucleons (correct)
482 if(A>1 && pA>0.)
483 {
484 //probVect[2]= (pA+pA)/A/(A-1); // a#of quasi-free "dibaryons" (correct)
485 probVect[2]= pA; // a#of quasi-free "dibaryons" (correct)
486 //probVect[2]= 0; // a#of quasi-free "dibaryons" (only dense)
487 sum+= probVect[2]+probVect[2];
488 //probSInt[2]=sum; // integrated static probabilities
489 maxi=3;
490 probVect[255]= 0; // a#of dense "dibaryons" (correct)
491 }
492#ifdef debug
493 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::UpdateClust:Only quasi-free nucleons pV[1]="<<probVect[1]<<G4endl;
495 }
496 else
497 {
498 G4double wrd=clustProb/dA; // relative volume of clusterization (omega)
499 G4double sud=pow(1.+wrd,dA-1); // normalization factor for the dense region
500 // dA=C*Sum_k=1-A[n*C^A_k*wrd^(k-1)]=C*dA*(1+wrd)^(dA-1) => C=1/sud, sud=(1+wrd)^(dA-1)
501 // =1
502 G4double rd= dA/sud/A;
503 //G4double comb=A;
504 //G4double prb=rd; // (only dense)
505 G4double prb=rd+uA;
506 sum =prb;
507#ifdef debug
508 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::UpdateCl:sud="<<sud<<",v[1]=s="<<sum<<",dA="<<dA<<",uA="<<uA<<G4endl;
510 //probVect[1]= prb/comb; // a#of quasi-free nucleons (correct)
511 //probVect[254]= rd/comb; // a#of dense nucleons (correct)
512 probVect[1]= prb; // a#of quasi-free nucleons (correct)
513 probVect[254]= rd; // a#of dense nucleons (correct)
514 //probSInt[1]=sum; // integrated static probabilities
515 // =2
516 rd*=wrd*(dA-1.)/2;
517 //comb*=(A-1.)/2;
518 //prb=rd; // (only dense)
519 prb=rd+pA;
520 sum+=prb+prb;
521#ifdef debug
522 G4cout<<"G4QNucl::UpdateCl:sud="<<sud<<",v[2]="<<prb<<",s="<<sum<<",pA="<<pA<<G4endl;
524 //probVect[2]= prb/comb; // a#of quasi-free "dibaryons" (correct)
525 //probVect[255]= rd/comb; // a#of dense "dibaryons" (correct)
526 probVect[2]= prb; // a#of quasi-free "dibaryons" (correct)
527 probVect[255]= rd; // a#of dense "dibaryons" (correct)
528 //probSInt[2]=sum; // integrated static probabilities
529 // >2
530 maxi=3;
531#ifdef debug
532 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::UpdateClusters:p1="<<probVect[1]<<", p2="<<probVect[2]<<",sA="<<sA
533 <<",uA="<<uA<<",pA="<<pA<<",wrd="<<wrd<<",sud="<<sud<<G4endl;
535 if(dA>2)
536 {
537 ///////////G4double itA=A+1.;
538 G4double idA=dA+1.;
539 G4int dLim=dA;
540 if(maxClust<dA) dLim=maxClust;
541 for (int i=3; i<=dLim; i++)
542 {
543 rd*=wrd*(idA-i)/i;
544 sum+=rd*i;
545#ifdef debug
546 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::UpdateCl:sud="<<sud<<", v["<<i<<"]="<<rd<<", s="<<sum<<G4endl;
548 //comb*=(itA-i)/i;
549 //probVect[i]=rd/comb; // Divide by sum of combinations for N+Z+S
550 probVect[i]=rd; // Comb's for N,Z,S are canceled later(G4QNuc)
551 //probSInt[i]=sum; // integrated static probabilities
552 maxi=i+1;
553#ifdef debug
554 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::UpdateCl:Cluster of "<<i<<" baryons,pV="<<probVect[i]<<G4endl;
556 }
557 }
558 dS = S; // @@ Lambdas are always in the dense region
559 dZ = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>((dA-dS)*Z)/(Z+N) + 0.5);
560 dN = dA - dZ;
561 }
562#ifdef debug
563 G4cout<<"G4QNucleus::UpdateClusters: Sum of weighted probabilities s="<<sum<<G4endl;
565 maxClust=maxi-1;
566 //for (G4int j=maxi; j<255; j++) probVect[j]=0.;//Make the rest to be 0 [preinited above]
567 // =----------------= From here probability randomization starts =---------------=
568 // G4int rA=a; // Residual number of nucleons
569 //#ifdef debug
570 //G4cout<<"G4QNuc::UpdateClust:A="<<A<<",M="<<k<<",P1="<<probVect[1]<<",P2="<<probVect[2]
571 // <<G4endl;
572 //#endif
573 //if (k>1) for (j=k; j>1; j--) // nucleons are not randomized
574 //{
575 // G4int jmax=rA/j; // Max number of this kind of clusters
576 // if (jmax)
577 // {
578 // G4double prob=probVect[j]/probSInt[j]; // Probab of the cluster in the dest nucleus
579 //#ifdef debug
580 // G4cout<<"G4QNucl::UpdateClusters: j="<<j<<",sP="<<probVect[j]<<",iP="<<probSInt[j]
581 // <<G4endl;
582 //#endif
583 // G4int m=RandomizeBinom(prob,jmax); // A#of clusters of this type
584 // if(m)
585 // {
586 // probVect[j]=m;
587 // rA-=m*j;
588 // }
589 // else
590 // {
591 // probVect[j]=0.;
592 // if(j==maxClust) maxClust--;
593 // }
594 //#ifdef debug
595 // G4cout<<"G4QNucl::UpdateClust:p="<<prob<<",r="<<rA<<",m="<<jmax<<",P="<<probVect[j]
596 // <<G4endl;
597 //#endif
598 // }
599 // else
600 // {
601 // probVect[j]=0.;
602 // if(j==maxClust) maxClust--;
603 // }
604 //}
605 //probVect[1]=rA;
606 // =------------------= From here probability randomization starts =-------------------=
607 return maxClust;
G4int RandomizeBinom(G4double p, G4int N)

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