315 void fillInverseKinematics(
const Double_t gamma);
Bool_t pionAbsorption
True if the event is absorption.
void reset()
Reset the EventInfo members.
Int_t nCollisionAvatars
Number of collision avatars.
Short_t origin[maxSizeParticles]
Origin of the particle.
Bool_t forcedDeltasOutside
Event involved forced delta decays outside the nucleus.
Short_t At
Mass number of the target nucleus.
Short_t Zp
Charge number of the projectile nucleus.
Int_t nDecays
Number of accepted Delta decays.
Float_t pTransBalance
Transverse momentum-conservation balance [MeV/c].
static Int_t eventNumber
Number of the event.
Float_t Ep
Projectile kinetic energy given as input.
Short_t nCascadeParticles
Number of cascade particles.
Bool_t transparent
True if the event is transparent.
Float_t theta[maxSizeParticles]
Particle momentum polar angle [radians].
Short_t A[maxSizeParticles]
Particle mass number.
Bool_t deltasInside
Event involved deltas in the nucleus at the end of the cascade.
Float_t EBalance
Energy-conservation balance [MeV].
Float_t EKinRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant kinetic energy [MeV].
Float_t jzRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant angular momentum, z component [hbar].
Bool_t nucleonAbsorption
True if the event is absorption.
Float_t emissionTime[maxSizeParticles]
Emission time [fm/c].
static const Short_t maxSizeRemnants
Maximum array size for remnants.
Float_t EStarRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant excitation energy [MeV].
Float_t effectiveImpactParameter
Number of reflection avatars.
Float_t stoppingTime
Cascade stopping time [fm/c].
Float_t phi[maxSizeParticles]
Particle momentum azimuthal angle [radians].
Short_t Ap
Mass number of the projectile nucleus.
Short_t Z[maxSizeParticles]
Particle charge number.
Bool_t forcedCompoundNucleus
True if the event is a forced CN.
Float_t JRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant spin [ ].
Float_t thetaRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant momentum polar angle [radians].
std::vector< std::string > history
History of the particle.
Float_t EKin[maxSizeParticles]
Particle kinetic energy [MeV].
Float_t jxRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant angular momentum, x component [hbar].
Int_t nBlockedDecays
Number of decays blocked by Pauli or CDPP.
Bool_t clusterDecay
Event involved cluster decay.
Float_t px[maxSizeParticles]
Particle momentum, x component [MeV/c].
Bool_t forcedDeltasInside
Event involved forced delta decays inside the nucleus.
Float_t pxRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant momentum, x component [MeV/c].
Float_t pyRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant momentum, y component [MeV/c].
Float_t firstCollisionTime
Time of the first collision [fm/c].
Short_t Zt
Charge number of the target nucleus.
Int_t nParticles
Total number of emitted particles.
Float_t phiRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant momentum azimuthal angle [radians].
ParticleType projectileType
Protjectile particle type.
Float_t pzRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant momentum, z component [MeV/c].
Float_t impactParameter
Impact parameter [fm].
Float_t pz[maxSizeParticles]
Particle momentum, z component [MeV/c].
Int_t nCollisions
Number of accepted two-body collisions.
Int_t nRemnants
Number of remnants.
Int_t nUnmergedSpectators
Number of dynamical spectators that were merged back into the projectile remnant.
Int_t nBlockedCollisions
Number of two-body collisions blocked by Pauli or CDPP.
static const Short_t maxSizeParticles
Maximum array size for emitted particles.
Float_t jyRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant angular momentum, y component [hbar].
Float_t py[maxSizeParticles]
Particle momentum, y component [MeV/c].
Short_t ARem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant mass number.
Short_t ZRem[maxSizeRemnants]
Remnant charge number.
Float_t firstCollisionXSec
Cross section of the first collision (mb)
Float_t pLongBalance
Longitudinal momentum-conservation balance [MeV/c].
Int_t nDecayAvatars
Number of decay avatars.