Geant4 10.7.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
No Matches
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2// ********************************************************************
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4// * *
5// * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6// * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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9// * include a list of copyright holders. *
10// * *
11// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18// * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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24// ********************************************************************
26// class G4SmartVoxelHeader implementation
28// Define G4GEOMETRY_VOXELDEBUG for debugging information on G4cout
30// 29.04.02 Use 3D voxelisation for non consuming replication - G.C.
31// 18.04.01 Migrated to STL vector - G.C.
32// 12.02.99 Introduction of new quality/smartless: max for (slices/cand) - S.G.
33// 11.02.99 Voxels at lower levels are now built for collapsed slices - S.G.
34// 21.07.95 Full implementation, supporting non divided physical volumes - P.K.
35// 14.07.95 Initial version - stubb definitions only - P.K.
36// --------------------------------------------------------------------
38#include "G4SmartVoxelHeader.hh"
40#include "G4ios.hh"
42#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
43#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
44#include "G4VoxelLimits.hh"
46#include "voxeldefs.hh"
47#include "G4AffineTransform.hh"
48#include "G4VSolid.hh"
51// ***************************************************************************
52// Constructor for topmost header, to begin voxel construction at a
53// given logical volume.
54// Constructs target List of volumes, calls "Build and refine" constructor.
55// Assumes all daughters represent single volumes (ie. no divisions
56// or parametric)
57// ***************************************************************************
60 G4int pSlice)
61 : fminEquivalent(pSlice),
62 fmaxEquivalent(pSlice),
63 fparamAxis(kUndefined)
65 size_t nDaughters = pVolume->GetNoDaughters();
66 G4VoxelLimits limits; // Create `unlimited' limits object
68 // Determine whether daughter is replicated
69 //
70 if ((nDaughters!=1) || (!pVolume->GetDaughter(0)->IsReplicated()))
71 {
72 // Daughter not replicated => conventional voxel Build
73 // where each daughters extents are computed
74 //
75 BuildVoxels(pVolume);
76 }
77 else
78 {
79 // Single replicated daughter
80 //
81 BuildReplicaVoxels(pVolume);
82 }
85// ***************************************************************************
86// Protected constructor:
87// builds and refines voxels between specified limits, considering only
88// the physical volumes numbered `pCandidates'. `pSlice' is used to set max
89// and min equivalent slice nos for the header - they apply to the level
90// of the header, not its nodes.
91// ***************************************************************************
94 const G4VoxelLimits& pLimits,
95 const G4VolumeNosVector* pCandidates,
96 G4int pSlice)
97 : fminEquivalent(pSlice),
98 fmaxEquivalent(pSlice),
99 fparamAxis(kUndefined)
102 G4cout << "**** G4SmartVoxelHeader::G4SmartVoxelHeader" << G4endl
103 << " Limits " << pLimits << G4endl
104 << " Candidate #s = " ;
105 for (auto i=0; i<pCandidates->size(); ++i)
106 {
107 G4cout << (*pCandidates)[i] << " ";
108 }
109 G4cout << G4endl;
112 BuildVoxelsWithinLimits(pVolume,pLimits,pCandidates);
115// ***************************************************************************
116// Destructor:
117// deletes all proxies and underlying objects.
118// ***************************************************************************
122 // Manually destroy underlying nodes/headers
123 // Delete collected headers and nodes once only
124 //
125 size_t node, proxy, maxNode=fslices.size();
126 G4SmartVoxelProxy* lastProxy = nullptr;
127 G4SmartVoxelNode *dyingNode, *lastNode=nullptr;
128 G4SmartVoxelHeader *dyingHeader, *lastHeader=nullptr;
130 for (node=0; node<maxNode; ++node)
131 {
132 if (fslices[node]->IsHeader())
133 {
134 dyingHeader = fslices[node]->GetHeader();
135 if (lastHeader != dyingHeader)
136 {
137 lastHeader = dyingHeader;
138 lastNode = nullptr;
139 delete dyingHeader;
140 }
141 }
142 else
143 {
144 dyingNode = fslices[node]->GetNode();
145 if (dyingNode != lastNode)
146 {
147 lastNode = dyingNode;
148 lastHeader = nullptr;
149 delete dyingNode;
150 }
151 }
152 }
153 // Delete proxies
154 //
155 for (proxy=0; proxy<maxNode; ++proxy)
156 {
157 if (fslices[proxy] != lastProxy)
158 {
159 lastProxy = fslices[proxy];
160 delete lastProxy;
161 }
162 }
163 // Don't need to clear slices
164 // fslices.clear();
167// ***************************************************************************
168// Equality operator: returns true if contents are equivalent.
169// Implies a deep search through contained nodes/header.
170// Compares headers' axes,sizes,extents. Returns false if different.
171// For each contained proxy, determines whether node/header, compares and
172// returns if different. Compares and returns if proxied nodes/headers
173// are different.
174// ***************************************************************************
178 if ( (GetAxis() == pHead.GetAxis())
179 && (GetNoSlices() == pHead.GetNoSlices())
180 && (GetMinExtent() == pHead.GetMinExtent())
181 && (GetMaxExtent() == pHead.GetMaxExtent()) )
182 {
183 size_t node, maxNode;
184 G4SmartVoxelProxy *leftProxy, *rightProxy;
185 G4SmartVoxelHeader *leftHeader, *rightHeader;
186 G4SmartVoxelNode *leftNode, *rightNode;
188 maxNode = GetNoSlices();
189 for (node=0; node<maxNode; ++node)
190 {
191 leftProxy = GetSlice(node);
192 rightProxy = pHead.GetSlice(node);
193 if (leftProxy->IsHeader())
194 {
195 if (rightProxy->IsNode())
196 {
197 return false;
198 }
199 else
200 {
201 leftHeader = leftProxy->GetHeader();
202 rightHeader = rightProxy->GetHeader();
203 if (!(*leftHeader == *rightHeader))
204 {
205 return false;
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 else
210 {
211 if (rightProxy->IsHeader())
212 {
213 return false;
214 }
215 else
216 {
217 leftNode = leftProxy->GetNode();
218 rightNode = rightProxy->GetNode();
219 if (!(*leftNode == *rightNode))
220 {
221 return false;
222 }
223 }
224 }
225 }
226 return true;
227 }
228 else
229 {
230 return false;
231 }
234// ***************************************************************************
235// Builds voxels for daughters specified volume, in NON-REPLICATED case
236// o Create List of target volume nos (all daughters; 0->noDaughters-1)
237// o BuildWithinLimits does Build & also determines mother dimensions.
238// ***************************************************************************
242 G4VoxelLimits limits; // Create `unlimited' limits object
243 size_t nDaughters = pVolume->GetNoDaughters();
245 G4VolumeNosVector targetList;
246 targetList.reserve(nDaughters);
247 for (size_t i=0; i<nDaughters; ++i)
248 {
249 targetList.push_back(i);
250 }
251 BuildVoxelsWithinLimits(pVolume, limits, &targetList);
254// ***************************************************************************
255// Builds voxels for specified volume containing a single replicated volume.
256// If axis is not specified (i.e. "kUndefined"), 3D voxelisation is applied,
257// and the best axis is determined according to heuristics as for placements.
258// ***************************************************************************
262 G4VPhysicalVolume* pDaughter = nullptr;
264 // Replication data
265 //
266 EAxis axis;
267 G4int nReplicas;
268 G4double width,offset;
269 G4bool consuming;
271 // Consistency check: pVolume should contain single replicated volume
272 //
273 if ( (pVolume->GetNoDaughters()==1)
274 && (pVolume->GetDaughter(0)->IsReplicated()==true) )
275 {
276 // Obtain replication data
277 //
278 pDaughter = pVolume->GetDaughter(0);
279 pDaughter->GetReplicationData(axis,nReplicas,width,offset,consuming);
280 fparamAxis = axis;
281 if ( consuming == false )
282 {
283 G4VoxelLimits limits; // Create `unlimited' limits object
284 G4VolumeNosVector targetList;
285 targetList.reserve(nReplicas);
286 for (auto i=0; i<nReplicas; ++i)
287 {
288 targetList.push_back(i);
289 }
290 if (axis != kUndefined)
291 {
292 // Apply voxelisation along the specified axis only
294 G4ProxyVector* pSlices=BuildNodes(pVolume,limits,&targetList,axis);
295 faxis = axis;
296 fslices = *pSlices;
297 delete pSlices;
299 // Calculate and set min and max extents given our axis
300 //
301 const G4AffineTransform origin;
302 pVolume->GetSolid()->CalculateExtent(faxis, limits, origin,
304 // Calculate equivalent nos
305 //
307 CollectEquivalentNodes(); // Collect common nodes
308 }
309 else
310 {
311 // Build voxels similarly as for normal placements considering
312 // all three cartesian axes.
314 BuildVoxelsWithinLimits(pVolume, limits, &targetList);
315 }
316 }
317 else
318 {
319 // Replication is consuming -> Build voxels directly
320 //
321 // o Cartesian axes - range is -width*nREplicas/2 to +width*nREplicas/2
322 // nReplicas replications result
323 // o Radial axis (rho) = range is 0 to width*nReplicas
324 // nReplicas replications result
325 // o Phi axi - range is offset to offset+width*nReplicas radians
326 //
327 // Equivalent slices no computation & collection not required - all
328 // slices are different
329 //
330 switch (axis)
331 {
332 case kXAxis:
333 case kYAxis:
334 case kZAxis:
335 fminExtent = -width*nReplicas*0.5;
336 fmaxExtent = width*nReplicas*0.5;
337 break;
338 case kRho:
339 fminExtent = offset;
340 fmaxExtent = width*nReplicas+offset;
341 break;
342 case kPhi:
343 fminExtent = offset;
344 fmaxExtent = offset+width*nReplicas;
345 break;
346 default:
347 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildReplicaVoxels()",
348 "GeomMgt0002", FatalException, "Illegal axis.");
349 break;
350 }
351 faxis = axis; // Set axis
352 BuildConsumedNodes(nReplicas);
353 if ( (axis==kXAxis) || (axis==kYAxis) || (axis==kZAxis) )
354 {
355 // Sanity check on extent
356 //
357 G4double emin = kInfinity, emax = -kInfinity;
358 G4VoxelLimits limits;
359 G4AffineTransform origin;
360 pVolume->GetSolid()->CalculateExtent(axis, limits, origin, emin, emax);
361 if ( (std::fabs((emin-fminExtent)/fminExtent) +
362 std::fabs((emax-fmaxExtent)/fmaxExtent)) > 0.05)
363 {
364 std::ostringstream message;
365 message << "Sanity check: wrong solid extent." << G4endl
366 << " Replicated geometry, logical volume: "
367 << pVolume->GetName();
368 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildReplicaVoxels",
369 "GeomMgt0002", FatalException, message);
370 }
371 }
372 }
373 }
374 else
375 {
376 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildReplicaVoxels", "GeomMgt0002",
377 FatalException, "Only one replicated daughter is allowed !");
378 }
381// ***************************************************************************
382// Builds `consumed nodes': nReplicas nodes each containing one replication,
383// numbered in sequence 0->nReplicas-1
384// o Modifies fslices `in place'
385// o faxis,fminExtent,fmaxExtent NOT modified.
386// ***************************************************************************
390 G4int nNode, nVol;
391 G4SmartVoxelNode* pNode;
392 G4SmartVoxelProxy* pProxyNode;
394 // Create and fill nodes in temporary G4NodeVector (on stack)
395 //
396 G4NodeVector nodeList;
397 nodeList.reserve(nReplicas);
398 for (nNode=0; nNode<nReplicas; ++nNode)
399 {
400 pNode = new G4SmartVoxelNode(nNode);
401 if (pNode == nullptr)
402 {
403 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildConsumedNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
404 FatalException, "Node allocation error.");
405 }
406 nodeList.push_back(pNode);
407 }
408 for (nVol=0; nVol<nReplicas; ++nVol)
409 {
410 nodeList[nVol]->Insert(nVol); // Insert replication of number
411 } // identical to voxel number
413 // Create & fill proxy List `in place' by modifying instance data fslices
414 //
415 fslices.clear();
416 for (nNode=0; nNode<nReplicas; ++nNode)
417 {
418 pProxyNode = new G4SmartVoxelProxy(nodeList[nNode]);
419 if (!pProxyNode)
420 {
421 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildConsumedNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
422 FatalException, "Proxy node allocation error.");
423 }
424 fslices.push_back(pProxyNode);
425 }
428// ***************************************************************************
429// Builds and refines voxels between specified limits, considering only
430// the physical volumes numbered `pCandidates'.
431// o Chooses axis
432// o Determines min and max extents (of mother solid) within limits.
433// ***************************************************************************
437 G4VoxelLimits pLimits,
438 const G4VolumeNosVector* pCandidates)
440 // Choose best axis for slicing by:
441 // 1. Trying all unlimited cartesian axes
442 // 2. Select axis which gives greatest no slices
444 G4ProxyVector *pGoodSlices=nullptr, *pTestSlices, *tmpSlices;
445 G4double goodSliceScore=kInfinity, testSliceScore;
446 EAxis goodSliceAxis = kXAxis;
447 EAxis testAxis = kXAxis;
448 size_t node, maxNode, iaxis;
449 G4VoxelLimits noLimits;
451 // Try all non-limited cartesian axes
452 //
453 for (iaxis=0; iaxis<3; ++iaxis)
454 {
455 switch(iaxis)
456 {
457 case 0:
458 testAxis = kXAxis;
459 break;
460 case 1:
461 testAxis = kYAxis;
462 break;
463 case 2:
464 testAxis = kZAxis;
465 break;
466 }
467 if (!pLimits.IsLimited(testAxis))
468 {
469 pTestSlices = BuildNodes(pVolume,pLimits,pCandidates,testAxis);
470 testSliceScore = CalculateQuality(pTestSlices);
471 if ( (!pGoodSlices) || (testSliceScore<goodSliceScore) )
472 {
473 goodSliceAxis = testAxis;
474 goodSliceScore = testSliceScore;
475 tmpSlices = pGoodSlices;
476 pGoodSlices = pTestSlices;
477 pTestSlices = tmpSlices;
478 }
479 if (pTestSlices)
480 {
481 // Destroy pTestSlices and all its contents
482 //
483 maxNode=pTestSlices->size();
484 for (node=0; node<maxNode; ++node)
485 {
486 delete (*pTestSlices)[node]->GetNode();
487 }
488 G4SmartVoxelProxy* tmpProx;
489 while (pTestSlices->size()>0) // Loop checking, 06.08.2015, G.Cosmo
490 {
491 tmpProx = pTestSlices->back();
492 pTestSlices->pop_back();
493 for (auto i=pTestSlices->cbegin(); i!=pTestSlices->cend(); )
494 {
495 if (*i==tmpProx)
496 {
497 i = pTestSlices->erase(i);
498 }
499 else
500 {
501 ++i;
502 }
503 }
504 if ( tmpProx ) { delete tmpProx; }
505 }
506 delete pTestSlices;
507 }
508 }
509 }
510 // Check for error case.. when limits already 3d,
511 // so cannot select a new axis
512 //
513 if (!pGoodSlices)
514 {
515 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildVoxelsWithinLimits()",
516 "GeomMgt0002", FatalException,
517 "Cannot select more than 3 axis for optimisation.");
518 return;
519 }
521 //
522 // We have selected pGoodSlices, with a score testSliceScore
523 //
525 // Store chosen axis, slice ptr
526 //
527 fslices =* pGoodSlices; // Set slice information, copy ptrs in collection
528 delete pGoodSlices; // Destroy slices vector, but not contained
529 // proxies or nodes
530 faxis = goodSliceAxis;
533 G4cout << G4endl << " Volume = " << pVolume->GetName()
534 << G4endl << " Selected axis = " << faxis << G4endl;
535 for (auto islice=0; islice<fslices.size(); ++islice)
536 {
537 G4cout << " Node #" << islice << " = {";
538 for (auto j=0; j<fslices[islice]->GetNode()->GetNoContained(); ++j)
539 {
540 G4cout << " " << fslices[islice]->GetNode()->GetVolume(j);
541 }
542 G4cout << " }" << G4endl;
543 }
544 G4cout << G4endl;
547 // Calculate and set min and max extents given our axis
548 //
549 G4VSolid* outerSolid = pVolume->GetSolid();
550 const G4AffineTransform origin;
551 if(!outerSolid->CalculateExtent(faxis,pLimits,origin,fminExtent,fmaxExtent))
552 {
553 outerSolid->CalculateExtent(faxis,noLimits,origin,fminExtent,fmaxExtent);
554 }
556 // Calculate equivalent nos
557 //
559 CollectEquivalentNodes(); // Collect common nodes
560 RefineNodes(pVolume, pLimits); // Refine nodes creating headers
562 // No common headers can exist because collapsed by construction
565// ***************************************************************************
566// Calculates and stores the minimum and maximum equivalent neighbour
567// values for all slices at our level.
569// Precondition: all slices are nodes.
570// For each potential start of a group of equivalent nodes:
571// o searches forwards in fslices to find group end
572// o loops from start to end setting start and end slices.
573// ***************************************************************************
577 size_t sliceNo, minNo, maxNo, equivNo;
578 size_t maxNode = fslices.size();
579 G4SmartVoxelNode *startNode, *sampleNode;
580 for (sliceNo=0; sliceNo<maxNode; ++sliceNo)
581 {
582 minNo = sliceNo;
584 // Get first node (see preconditions - will throw exception if a header)
585 //
586 startNode = fslices[minNo]->GetNode();
588 // Find max equivalent
589 //
590 for (equivNo=minNo+1; equivNo<maxNode; ++equivNo)
591 {
592 sampleNode = fslices[equivNo]->GetNode();
593 if (!((*startNode) == (*sampleNode))) { break; }
594 }
595 maxNo = equivNo-1;
596 if (maxNo != minNo)
597 {
598 // Set min and max nos
599 //
600 for (equivNo=minNo; equivNo<=maxNo; ++equivNo)
601 {
602 sampleNode = fslices[equivNo]->GetNode();
603 sampleNode->SetMinEquivalentSliceNo(minNo);
604 sampleNode->SetMaxEquivalentSliceNo(maxNo);
605 }
606 // Advance outer loop to end of equivalent group
607 //
608 sliceNo = maxNo;
609 }
610 }
613// ***************************************************************************
614// Collects common nodes at our level, deleting all but one to save
615// memory, and adjusting stored slice pointers appropriately.
617// Preconditions:
618// o the slices have not previously be "collected"
619// o all of the slices are nodes.
620// ***************************************************************************
624 size_t sliceNo, maxNo, equivNo;
625 size_t maxNode=fslices.size();
626 G4SmartVoxelNode* equivNode;
627 G4SmartVoxelProxy* equivProxy;
629 for (sliceNo=0; sliceNo<maxNode; ++sliceNo)
630 {
631 equivProxy=fslices[sliceNo];
633 // Assumption (see preconditions): all slices are nodes
634 //
635 equivNode = equivProxy->GetNode();
636 maxNo = equivNode->GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo();
637 if (maxNo != sliceNo)
638 {
640 G4cout << "**** G4SmartVoxelHeader::CollectEquivalentNodes" << G4endl
641 << " Collecting Nodes = "
642 << sliceNo << " - " << maxNo << G4endl;
644 // Do collection between sliceNo and maxNo inclusive
645 //
646 for (equivNo=sliceNo+1; equivNo<=maxNo; ++equivNo)
647 {
648 delete fslices[equivNo]->GetNode();
649 delete fslices[equivNo];
650 fslices[equivNo] = equivProxy;
651 }
652 sliceNo = maxNo;
653 }
654 }
657// ***************************************************************************
658// Collects common headers at our level, deleting all but one to save
659// memory, and adjusting stored slice pointers appropriately.
661// Preconditions:
662// o if a header forms part of a range of equivalent slices
663// (ie. GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo()>GetMinEquivalentSliceNo()),
664// it is assumed that all slices in the range are headers.
665// o this will be true if a constant Expression is used to evaluate
666// when to refine nodes.
667// ***************************************************************************
671 size_t sliceNo, maxNo, equivNo;
672 size_t maxNode = fslices.size();
673 G4SmartVoxelHeader *equivHeader, *sampleHeader;
674 G4SmartVoxelProxy *equivProxy;
676 for (sliceNo=0; sliceNo<maxNode; ++sliceNo)
677 {
678 equivProxy = fslices[sliceNo];
679 if (equivProxy->IsHeader())
680 {
681 equivHeader = equivProxy->GetHeader();
682 maxNo = equivHeader->GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo();
683 if (maxNo != sliceNo)
684 {
685 // Attempt collection between sliceNo and maxNo inclusive:
686 // look for common headers. All slices between sliceNo and maxNo
687 // are guaranteed to be headers but may not have equal contents
688 //
690 G4cout << "**** G4SmartVoxelHeader::CollectEquivalentHeaders" << G4endl
691 << " Collecting Headers =";
693 for (equivNo=sliceNo+1; equivNo<=maxNo; ++equivNo)
694 {
695 sampleHeader = fslices[equivNo]->GetHeader();
696 if ( (*sampleHeader) == (*equivHeader) )
697 {
699 G4cout << " " << equivNo;
701 // Delete sampleHeader + proxy and replace with equivHeader/Proxy
702 //
703 delete sampleHeader;
704 delete fslices[equivNo];
705 fslices[equivNo] = equivProxy;
706 }
707 else
708 {
709 // Not equal. Set this header to be
710 // the current header for comparisons
711 //
712 equivProxy = fslices[equivNo];
713 equivHeader = equivProxy->GetHeader();
714 }
716 }
718 G4cout << G4endl;
720 // Skip past examined slices
721 //
722 sliceNo = maxNo;
723 }
724 }
725 }
728// ***************************************************************************
729// Builds the nodes corresponding to slices between the specified limits
730// and along the specified axis, using candidate volume no.s in the vector
731// pCandidates. If the `daughters' are replicated volumes (ie. the logical
732// volume has a single replicated/parameterised volume for a daughter)
733// the candidate no.s are interpreted as PARAMETERISED volume no.s &
734// PARAMETERISATIONs are applied to compute transformations & solid
735// dimensions appropriately. The volume must be parameterised - ie. has a
736// parameterisation object & non-consuming) - in this case.
738// Returns pointer to built node "structure" (guaranteed non NULL) consisting
739// of G4SmartVoxelNodeProxies referring to G4SmartVoxelNodes.
740// ***************************************************************************
743 G4VoxelLimits pLimits,
744 const G4VolumeNosVector* pCandidates,
745 EAxis pAxis)
747 G4double motherMinExtent= kInfinity, motherMaxExtent= -kInfinity,
748 targetMinExtent= kInfinity, targetMaxExtent= -kInfinity;
749 G4VPhysicalVolume* pDaughter = nullptr;
750 G4VPVParameterisation* pParam = nullptr;
751 G4VSolid *targetSolid;
752 G4AffineTransform targetTransform;
753 G4bool replicated;
754 size_t nCandidates = pCandidates->size();
755 size_t nVol, nNode, targetVolNo;
756 G4VoxelLimits noLimits;
759 G4cout << "**** G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes" << G4endl
760 << " Limits = " << pLimits << G4endl
761 << " Axis = " << pAxis << G4endl
762 << " Candidates = " << nCandidates << G4endl;
765 // Compute extent of logical volume's solid along this axis
766 // NOTE: results stored locally and not preserved/reused
767 //
768 G4VSolid* outerSolid = pVolume->GetSolid();
769 const G4AffineTransform origin;
770 if( !outerSolid->CalculateExtent(pAxis, pLimits, origin,
771 motherMinExtent, motherMaxExtent) )
772 {
773 outerSolid->CalculateExtent(pAxis, noLimits, origin,
774 motherMinExtent, motherMaxExtent);
775 }
776 G4VolumeExtentVector minExtents(nCandidates,0.);
777 G4VolumeExtentVector maxExtents(nCandidates,0.);
779 if ( (pVolume->GetNoDaughters() == 1)
780 && (pVolume->GetDaughter(0)->IsReplicated() == true) )
781 {
782 // Replication data not required: only parameterisation object
783 // and volume no. List used
784 //
785 pDaughter = pVolume->GetDaughter(0);
786 pParam = pDaughter->GetParameterisation();
787 if (pParam == nullptr)
788 {
789 std::ostringstream message;
790 message << "PANIC! - Missing parameterisation." << G4endl
791 << " Replicated volume with no parameterisation object !";
792 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
793 FatalException, message);
794 return nullptr;
795 }
797 // Setup daughter's transformations
798 //
799 targetTransform = G4AffineTransform(pDaughter->GetRotation(),
800 pDaughter->GetTranslation());
801 replicated = true;
802 }
803 else
804 {
805 replicated = false;
806 }
808 // Compute extents
809 //
810 for (nVol=0; nVol<nCandidates; ++nVol)
811 {
812 targetVolNo = (*pCandidates)[nVol];
813 if (replicated == false)
814 {
815 pDaughter = pVolume->GetDaughter(targetVolNo);
817 // Setup daughter's transformations
818 //
819 targetTransform = G4AffineTransform(pDaughter->GetRotation(),
820 pDaughter->GetTranslation());
821 // Get underlying (and setup) solid
822 //
823 targetSolid = pDaughter->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid();
824 }
825 else
826 {
827 // Find solid
828 //
829 targetSolid = pParam->ComputeSolid(targetVolNo,pDaughter);
831 // Setup solid
832 //
833 targetSolid->ComputeDimensions(pParam,targetVolNo,pDaughter);
835 // Setup transform
836 //
837 pParam->ComputeTransformation(targetVolNo,pDaughter);
838 targetTransform = G4AffineTransform(pDaughter->GetRotation(),
839 pDaughter->GetTranslation());
840 }
841 // Calculate extents
842 //
843 if(!targetSolid->CalculateExtent(pAxis, pLimits, targetTransform,
844 targetMinExtent, targetMaxExtent))
845 {
846 targetSolid->CalculateExtent(pAxis, noLimits, targetTransform,
847 targetMinExtent,targetMaxExtent);
848 }
849 minExtents[nVol] = targetMinExtent;
850 maxExtents[nVol] = targetMaxExtent;
853 G4cout << "---------------------------------------------------" << G4endl
854 << " Volume = " << pDaughter->GetName() << G4endl
855 << " Min Extent = " << targetMinExtent << G4endl
856 << " Max Extent = " << targetMaxExtent << G4endl
857 << "---------------------------------------------------" << G4endl;
860 // Check not entirely outside mother when processing toplevel nodes
861 //
862 if ( (!pLimits.IsLimited()) && ((targetMaxExtent<=motherMinExtent)
863 ||(targetMinExtent>=motherMaxExtent)) )
864 {
865 std::ostringstream message;
866 message << "PANIC! - Overlapping daughter with mother volume." << G4endl
867 << " Daughter physical volume "
868 << pDaughter->GetName() << G4endl
869 << " is entirely outside mother logical volume "
870 << pVolume->GetName() << " !!";
871 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()", "GeomMgt0002",
872 FatalException, message);
873 }
876 // Check for straddling volumes when debugging.
877 // If a volume is >kStraddlePercent percent over the mother
878 // boundary, print a warning.
879 //
880 if (!pLimits.IsLimited())
881 {
882 G4double width;
883 G4int kStraddlePercent = 5;
884 width = maxExtents[nVol]-minExtents[nVol];
885 if ( (((motherMinExtent-minExtents[nVol])*100/width) > kStraddlePercent)
886 ||(((maxExtents[nVol]-motherMaxExtent)*100/width) > kStraddlePercent) )
887 {
888 G4cout << "**** G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes" << G4endl
889 << " WARNING : Daughter # " << nVol
890 << " name = " << pDaughter->GetName() << G4endl
891 << " Crosses mother boundary of logical volume, name = "
892 << pVolume->GetName() << G4endl
893 << " by more than " << kStraddlePercent
894 << "%" << G4endl;
895 }
896 }
898 }
900 // Extents of all daughters known
902 // Calculate minimum slice width, only including volumes inside the limits
903 //
904 G4double minWidth = kInfinity;
905 G4double currentWidth;
906 for (nVol=0; nVol<nCandidates; ++nVol)
907 {
908 // currentWidth should -always- be a positive value. Inaccurate computed extent
909 // from the solid or situations of malformed geometries (overlaps) may lead to
910 // negative values and therefore unpredictable crashes !
911 //
912 currentWidth = std::abs(maxExtents[nVol]-minExtents[nVol]);
913 if ( (currentWidth<minWidth)
914 && (maxExtents[nVol]>=pLimits.GetMinExtent(pAxis))
915 && (minExtents[nVol]<=pLimits.GetMaxExtent(pAxis)) )
916 {
917 minWidth = currentWidth;
918 }
919 }
921 // No. of Nodes formula - nearest integer to
922 // mother width/half min daughter width +1
923 //
924 G4double noNodesExactD = ((motherMaxExtent-motherMinExtent)*2.0/minWidth)+1.0;
926 // Compare with "smartless quality", i.e. the average number of slices
927 // used per contained volume.
928 //
929 G4double smartlessComputed = noNodesExactD / nCandidates;
930 G4double smartlessUser = pVolume->GetSmartless();
931 G4double smartless = (smartlessComputed <= smartlessUser)
932 ? smartlessComputed : smartlessUser;
933 G4double noNodesSmart = smartless*nCandidates;
934 G4int noNodesExactI = G4int(noNodesSmart);
935 G4long noNodes = ((noNodesSmart-noNodesExactI)>=0.5)
936 ? noNodesExactI+1 : noNodesExactI;
937 if( noNodes == 0 ) { noNodes=1; }
940 G4cout << " Smartless computed = " << smartlessComputed << G4endl
941 << " Smartless volume = " << smartlessUser
942 << " => # Smartless = " << smartless << G4endl;
943 G4cout << " Min width = " << minWidth
944 << " => # Nodes = " << noNodes << G4endl;
947 if (noNodes>kMaxVoxelNodes)
948 {
949 noNodes=kMaxVoxelNodes;
951 G4cout << " Nodes Clipped to = " << kMaxVoxelNodes << G4endl;
953 }
954 G4double nodeWidth = (motherMaxExtent-motherMinExtent)/noNodes;
956 // Create G4VoxelNodes. Will Add proxies before setting fslices
957 //
958 G4NodeVector* nodeList = new G4NodeVector();
959 if (nodeList == nullptr)
960 {
961 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
962 FatalException, "NodeList allocation error.");
963 return nullptr;
964 }
965 nodeList->reserve(noNodes);
967 for (nNode=0; G4long(nNode)<noNodes; ++nNode)
968 {
969 G4SmartVoxelNode *pNode;
970 pNode = new G4SmartVoxelNode(nNode);
971 if (pNode == nullptr)
972 {
973 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
974 FatalException, "Node allocation error.");
975 return nullptr;
976 }
977 nodeList->push_back(pNode);
978 }
980 // All nodes created (empty)
982 // Fill nodes: Step through extent lists
983 //
984 for (nVol=0; nVol<nCandidates; ++nVol)
985 {
986 G4long nodeNo, minContainingNode, maxContainingNode;
987 minContainingNode = (minExtents[nVol]-motherMinExtent)/nodeWidth;
988 maxContainingNode = (maxExtents[nVol]-motherMinExtent)/nodeWidth;
990 // Only add nodes that are inside the limits of the axis
991 //
992 if ( (maxContainingNode>=0) && (minContainingNode<noNodes) )
993 {
994 // If max extent is on max boundary => maxContainingNode=noNodes:
995 // should be one less as nodeList has noNodes entries
996 //
997 if (maxContainingNode>=noNodes)
998 {
999 maxContainingNode = noNodes-1;
1000 }
1001 //
1002 // Protection against protruding volumes
1003 //
1004 if (minContainingNode<0)
1005 {
1006 minContainingNode = 0;
1007 }
1008 for (nodeNo=minContainingNode; nodeNo<=maxContainingNode; ++nodeNo)
1009 {
1010 (*nodeList)[nodeNo]->Insert((*pCandidates)[nVol]);
1011 }
1012 }
1013 }
1015 // All nodes filled
1017 // Create proxy List : caller has deletion responsibility
1018 // (but we must delete nodeList *itself* - not the contents)
1019 //
1020 G4ProxyVector* proxyList = new G4ProxyVector();
1021 if (proxyList == nullptr)
1022 {
1023 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
1024 FatalException, "Proxy list allocation error.");
1025 return nullptr;
1026 }
1027 proxyList->reserve(noNodes);
1029 //
1030 // Fill proxy List
1031 //
1032 for (nNode=0; G4long(nNode)<noNodes; ++nNode)
1033 {
1034 // Get rid of possible excess capacity in the internal node vector
1035 //
1036 ((*nodeList)[nNode])->Shrink();
1037 G4SmartVoxelProxy* pProxyNode = new G4SmartVoxelProxy((*nodeList)[nNode]);
1038 if (pProxyNode == nullptr)
1039 {
1040 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::BuildNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
1041 FatalException, "Proxy node allocation failed.");
1042 return nullptr;
1043 }
1044 proxyList->push_back(pProxyNode);
1045 }
1046 delete nodeList;
1047 return proxyList;
1050// ***************************************************************************
1051// Calculate a "quality value" for the specified vector of voxels.
1052// The value returned should be >0 and such that the smaller the number
1053// the higher the quality of the slice.
1055// Preconditions: pSlice must consist of G4SmartVoxelNodeProxies only
1056// Process:
1057// o Examine each node in turn, summing:
1058// no. of non-empty nodes
1059// no. of volumes in each node
1060// o Calculate Quality=sigma(volumes in nod)/(no. of non-empty nodes)
1061// if all nodes empty, return kInfinity
1062// o Call G4Exception on finding a G4SmartVoxelHeaderProxy
1063// ***************************************************************************
1067 G4double quality;
1068 size_t nNodes = pSlice->size();
1069 size_t noContained, maxContained=0, sumContained=0, sumNonEmptyNodes=0;
1070 G4SmartVoxelNode *node;
1072 for (size_t i=0; i<nNodes; ++i)
1073 {
1074 if ((*pSlice)[i]->IsNode())
1075 {
1076 // Definitely a node. Add info to running totals
1077 //
1078 node = (*pSlice)[i]->GetNode();
1079 noContained = node->GetNoContained();
1080 if (noContained)
1081 {
1082 ++sumNonEmptyNodes;
1083 sumContained += noContained;
1084 //
1085 // Calc maxContained for statistics
1086 //
1087 if (noContained>maxContained)
1088 {
1089 maxContained = noContained;
1090 }
1091 }
1092 }
1093 else
1094 {
1095 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::CalculateQuality()", "GeomMgt0001",
1096 FatalException, "Not applicable to replicated volumes.");
1097 }
1098 }
1100 // Calculate quality with protection against no non-empty nodes
1101 //
1102 if (sumNonEmptyNodes)
1103 {
1104 quality = sumContained/sumNonEmptyNodes;
1105 }
1106 else
1107 {
1108 quality = kInfinity;
1109 }
1112 G4cout << "**** G4SmartVoxelHeader::CalculateQuality" << G4endl
1113 << " Quality = " << quality << G4endl
1114 << " Nodes = " << nNodes
1115 << " of which " << sumNonEmptyNodes << " non empty" << G4endl
1116 << " Max Contained = " << maxContained << G4endl;
1119 return quality;
1122// ***************************************************************************
1123// Examined each contained node, refines (creates a replacement additional
1124// dimension of voxels) when there is more than one voxel in the slice.
1125// Does not refine further if already limited in two dimensions (=> this
1126// is the third level of limits)
1128// Preconditions: slices (nodes) have been built.
1129// ***************************************************************************
1132 G4VoxelLimits pLimits)
1134 size_t refinedDepth=0, minVolumes;
1135 size_t maxNode = fslices.size();
1137 if (pLimits.IsXLimited())
1138 {
1139 ++refinedDepth;
1140 }
1141 if (pLimits.IsYLimited())
1142 {
1143 ++refinedDepth;
1144 }
1145 if (pLimits.IsZLimited())
1146 {
1147 ++refinedDepth;
1148 }
1150 // Calculate minimum number of volumes necessary to refine
1151 //
1152 switch (refinedDepth)
1153 {
1154 case 0:
1155 minVolumes=kMinVoxelVolumesLevel2;
1156 break;
1157 case 1:
1158 minVolumes=kMinVoxelVolumesLevel3;
1159 break;
1160 default:
1161 minVolumes=10000; // catch refinedDepth=3 and errors
1162 break;
1163 }
1165 if (refinedDepth<2)
1166 {
1167 size_t targetNo, noContainedDaughters, minNo, maxNo, replaceNo, i;
1168 G4double sliceWidth = (fmaxExtent-fminExtent)/maxNode;
1169 G4VoxelLimits newLimits;
1170 G4SmartVoxelNode* targetNode;
1171 G4SmartVoxelProxy* targetNodeProxy;
1172 G4SmartVoxelHeader* replaceHeader;
1173 G4SmartVoxelProxy* replaceHeaderProxy;
1174 G4VolumeNosVector* targetList;
1175 G4SmartVoxelProxy* lastProxy;
1177 for (targetNo=0; targetNo<maxNode; ++targetNo)
1178 {
1179 // Assume all slices are nodes (see preconditions)
1180 //
1181 targetNodeProxy = fslices[targetNo];
1182 targetNode = targetNodeProxy->GetNode();
1184 if (targetNode->GetNoContained() >= minVolumes)
1185 {
1186 noContainedDaughters = targetNode->GetNoContained();
1187 targetList = new G4VolumeNosVector();
1188 if (targetList == nullptr)
1189 {
1190 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::RefineNodes()",
1191 "GeomMgt0003", FatalException,
1192 "Target volume node list allocation error.");
1193 return;
1194 }
1195 targetList->reserve(noContainedDaughters);
1196 for (i=0; i<noContainedDaughters; ++i)
1197 {
1198 targetList->push_back(targetNode->GetVolume(i));
1199 }
1200 minNo = targetNode->GetMinEquivalentSliceNo();
1201 maxNo = targetNode->GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo();
1204 G4cout << "**** G4SmartVoxelHeader::RefineNodes" << G4endl
1205 << " Refining nodes " << minNo
1206 << " - " << maxNo << " inclusive" << G4endl;
1208 if (minNo > maxNo) // Delete node and list to be replaced
1209 { // and avoid further action ...
1210 delete targetNode;
1211 delete targetList;
1212 return;
1213 }
1215 // Delete node proxies at start of collected sets of nodes/headers
1216 //
1217 lastProxy=0;
1218 for (replaceNo=minNo; replaceNo<=maxNo; ++replaceNo)
1219 {
1220 if (lastProxy != fslices[replaceNo])
1221 {
1222 lastProxy=fslices[replaceNo];
1223 delete lastProxy;
1224 }
1225 }
1226 // Delete node to be replaced
1227 //
1228 delete targetNode;
1230 // Create new headers + proxies and replace in fslices
1231 //
1232 newLimits = pLimits;
1233 newLimits.AddLimit(faxis,fminExtent+sliceWidth*minNo,
1234 fminExtent+sliceWidth*(maxNo+1));
1235 replaceHeader = new G4SmartVoxelHeader(pVolume,newLimits,
1236 targetList,replaceNo);
1237 if (replaceHeader == nullptr)
1238 {
1239 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::RefineNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
1240 FatalException, "Refined VoxelHeader allocation error.");
1241 return;
1242 }
1243 replaceHeader->SetMinEquivalentSliceNo(minNo);
1244 replaceHeader->SetMaxEquivalentSliceNo(maxNo);
1245 replaceHeaderProxy = new G4SmartVoxelProxy(replaceHeader);
1246 if (replaceHeaderProxy == nullptr)
1247 {
1248 G4Exception("G4SmartVoxelHeader::RefineNodes()", "GeomMgt0003",
1249 FatalException, "Refined VoxelProxy allocation error.");
1250 return;
1251 }
1252 for (replaceNo=minNo; replaceNo<=maxNo; ++replaceNo)
1253 {
1254 fslices[replaceNo] = replaceHeaderProxy;
1255 }
1256 // Finished replacing current `equivalent' group
1257 //
1258 delete targetList;
1259 targetNo=maxNo;
1260 }
1261 }
1262 }
1265// ***************************************************************************
1266// Returns true if all slices have equal contents.
1267// Preconditions: all equal slices have been collected.
1268// Procedure:
1269// o checks all slice proxy pointers are equal
1270// o returns true if only one slice or all slice proxies pointers equal.
1271// ***************************************************************************
1275 size_t noSlices = fslices.size();
1276 G4SmartVoxelProxy* refProxy;
1278 if (noSlices>1)
1279 {
1280 refProxy=fslices[0];
1281 for (size_t i=1; i<noSlices; ++i)
1282 {
1283 if (refProxy!=fslices[i])
1284 {
1285 return false;
1286 }
1287 }
1288 }
1289 return true;
1292// ***************************************************************************
1293// Streaming operator for debugging.
1294// ***************************************************************************
1296std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const G4SmartVoxelHeader& h)
1298 os << "Axis = " << G4int(h.faxis) << G4endl;
1299 G4SmartVoxelProxy *collectNode=nullptr, *collectHead=nullptr;
1300 G4int collectNodeNo = 0;
1301 G4int collectHeadNo = 0;
1302 size_t i, j;
1303 G4bool haveHeaders = false;
1305 for (i=0; i<h.fslices.size(); ++i)
1306 {
1307 os << "Slice #" << i << " = ";
1308 if (h.fslices[i]->IsNode())
1309 {
1310 if (h.fslices[i]!=collectNode)
1311 {
1312 os << "{";
1313 for (size_t k=0; k<h.fslices[i]->GetNode()->GetNoContained(); ++k)
1314 {
1315 os << " " << h.fslices[i]->GetNode()->GetVolume(k);
1316 }
1317 os << " }" << G4endl;
1318 collectNode = h.fslices[i];
1319 collectNodeNo = i;
1320 }
1321 else
1322 {
1323 os << "As slice #" << collectNodeNo << G4endl;
1324 }
1325 }
1326 else
1327 {
1328 haveHeaders=true;
1329 if (h.fslices[i] != collectHead)
1330 {
1331 os << "Header" << G4endl;
1332 collectHead = h.fslices[i];
1333 collectHeadNo = i;
1334 }
1335 else
1336 {
1337 os << "As slice #" << collectHeadNo << G4endl;
1338 }
1339 }
1340 }
1342 if (haveHeaders)
1343 {
1344 collectHead=0;
1345 for (j=0; j<h.fslices.size(); ++j)
1346 {
1347 if (h.fslices[j]->IsHeader())
1348 {
1349 os << "Header at Slice #" << j << " = ";
1350 if (h.fslices[j] != collectHead)
1351 {
1352 os << G4endl
1353 << (*(h.fslices[j]->GetHeader()));
1354 collectHead = h.fslices[j];
1355 collectHeadNo = j;
1356 }
1357 else
1358 {
1359 os << "As slice #" << collectHeadNo << G4endl;
1360 }
1361 }
1362 }
1363 }
1364 return os;
@ FatalException
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const G4SmartVoxelHeader &h)
std::vector< G4SmartVoxelProxy * > G4ProxyVector
std::vector< G4SmartVoxelNode * > G4NodeVector
std::vector< G4double > G4VolumeExtentVector
std::vector< G4int > G4VolumeNosVector
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
long G4long
Definition: G4Types.hh:87
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:57
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4VSolid * GetSolid() const
size_t GetNoDaughters() const
G4double GetSmartless() const
G4VPhysicalVolume * GetDaughter(const G4int i) const
const G4String & GetName() const
G4ProxyVector * BuildNodes(G4LogicalVolume *pVolume, G4VoxelLimits pLimits, const G4VolumeNosVector *pCandidates, EAxis pAxis)
G4int GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo() const
G4double GetMaxExtent() const
void SetMinEquivalentSliceNo(G4int pMin)
G4double GetMinExtent() const
void BuildVoxelsWithinLimits(G4LogicalVolume *pVolume, G4VoxelLimits pLimits, const G4VolumeNosVector *pCandidates)
G4double CalculateQuality(G4ProxyVector *pSlice)
EAxis GetAxis() const
void BuildReplicaVoxels(G4LogicalVolume *pVolume)
G4SmartVoxelHeader(G4LogicalVolume *pVolume, G4int pSlice=0)
G4bool operator==(const G4SmartVoxelHeader &pHead) const
G4SmartVoxelProxy * GetSlice(G4int n) const
void BuildConsumedNodes(G4int nReplicas)
G4bool AllSlicesEqual() const
size_t GetNoSlices() const
void BuildVoxels(G4LogicalVolume *pVolume)
void SetMaxEquivalentSliceNo(G4int pMax)
void RefineNodes(G4LogicalVolume *pVolume, G4VoxelLimits pLimits)
G4int GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo() const
G4int GetVolume(G4int pVolumeNo) const
void SetMaxEquivalentSliceNo(G4int pMax)
size_t GetNoContained() const
void SetMinEquivalentSliceNo(G4int pMin)
G4int GetMinEquivalentSliceNo() const
G4bool IsNode() const
G4SmartVoxelNode * GetNode() const
G4SmartVoxelHeader * GetHeader() const
G4bool IsHeader() const
virtual G4VSolid * ComputeSolid(const G4int, G4VPhysicalVolume *)
virtual void ComputeTransformation(const G4int, G4VPhysicalVolume *) const =0
virtual G4bool IsReplicated() const =0
const G4RotationMatrix * GetRotation() const
const G4ThreeVector GetTranslation() const
G4LogicalVolume * GetLogicalVolume() const
virtual void GetReplicationData(EAxis &axis, G4int &nReplicas, G4double &width, G4double &offset, G4bool &consuming) const =0
const G4String & GetName() const
virtual G4VPVParameterisation * GetParameterisation() const =0
virtual G4bool CalculateExtent(const EAxis pAxis, const G4VoxelLimits &pVoxelLimit, const G4AffineTransform &pTransform, G4double &pMin, G4double &pMax) const =0
virtual void ComputeDimensions(G4VPVParameterisation *p, const G4int n, const G4VPhysicalVolume *pRep)
G4double GetMinExtent(const EAxis pAxis) const
G4bool IsYLimited() const
void AddLimit(const EAxis pAxis, const G4double pMin, const G4double pMax)
G4bool IsXLimited() const
G4double GetMaxExtent(const EAxis pAxis) const
G4bool IsZLimited() const
G4bool IsLimited() const
Definition: geomdefs.hh:54
@ kPhi
Definition: geomdefs.hh:60
@ kYAxis
Definition: geomdefs.hh:56
@ kXAxis
Definition: geomdefs.hh:55
@ kZAxis
Definition: geomdefs.hh:57
@ kUndefined
Definition: geomdefs.hh:61
@ kRho
Definition: geomdefs.hh:58
const G4int kMaxVoxelNodes
Definition: voxeldefs.hh:36
const G4int kMinVoxelVolumesLevel3
Definition: voxeldefs.hh:46
const G4int kMinVoxelVolumesLevel2
Definition: voxeldefs.hh:42