Geant4 11.2.2
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
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G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles Class Reference

Multipion, mesonic Resonances and strange cross sections. More...

#include <G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh>

+ Inheritance diagram for G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles:

Public Member Functions

 CrossSectionsAntiparticles ()
virtual G4double total (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 second new total particle-particle cross section
virtual G4double elastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 old elastic particle-particle cross section
virtual G4double NNbarElastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-AntiNucleon to Nucleon-AntiNucleon cross sections.
virtual G4double NNbarCEX (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNbarToLLbar (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNbarToNNbarpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-AntiNucleon to Nucleon-AntiNucleon + pions cross sections.
virtual G4double NNbarToNNbar2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNbarToNNbar3pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNbarToAnnihilation (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-AntiNucleon total annihilation cross sections.
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsStrangeness
 CrossSectionsStrangeness ()
virtual G4double piNToxPiN (const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 correction to old cross section
virtual G4double NNToxPiNN (const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for X pion production - NN Channel.
virtual G4double NYelastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 elastic scattering for Nucleon-Strange Particles cross sections
virtual G4double NKbelastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKelastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNToNLK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-Nucleon to Stange particles cross sections.
virtual G4double NNToNSK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNToNLKpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNToNSKpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNToNLK2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNToNSK2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNToNNKKb (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNToMissingStrangeness (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToNLK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-Delta to Stange particles cross sections.
virtual G4double NDeltaToNSK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToDeltaLK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToDeltaSK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToNNKKb (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToLK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-Pion to Stange particles cross sections.
G4double p_pimToLK0 (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToSK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double p_pipToSpKp (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double p_pimToSzKz (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double p_pimToSmKp (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double p_pizToSzKp (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToLKpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToSKpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToLK2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToSK2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToNKKb (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NpiToMissingStrangeness (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NLToNS (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-Hyperon quasi-elastic cross sections.
virtual G4double NSToNL (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NSToNS (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKToNK (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-Kaon cross sections.
virtual G4double NKToNKpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKToNK2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToNKb (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Nucleon-antiKaon cross sections.
virtual G4double NKbToSpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToLpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double p_kmToL_pz (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToS2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToL2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double p_kmToL_pp_pm (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToNKbpi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToNKb2pi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances
 CrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances ()
virtual G4double piNToEtaN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross sections for mesonic resonance production - piN Channel.
virtual G4double piNToOmegaN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for PiN->OmegaN.
virtual G4double piNToEtaPrimeN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for PiN->EtaPrimeN.
virtual G4double etaNToPiN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - piN Channel.
virtual G4double omegaNToPiN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for OmegaN->PiN.
virtual G4double etaPrimeNToPiN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for EtaPrimeN->PiN.
virtual G4double etaNToPiPiN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - pipiN Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEta (Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
 Cross section for Eta production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaExclu (Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
 Cross section for Eta production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmega (Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
 Cross section for Omega production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaExclu (Particle const *const particle1, Particle const *const particle2)
 Cross section for Omega production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaxPi (const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for X pion production - NNEta Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNDeltaEta (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for N-Delta-Eta production - NNEta Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaxPi (const G4int xpi, Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for X pion production - NNOmega Channel.
virtual G4double NNToNDeltaOmega (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for N-Delta-Eta production - NNOmega Channel.
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions
 CrossSectionsMultiPions ()
virtual G4double NDeltaToNN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for NDelta->NN.
virtual G4double NNToNDelta (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for Delta production - NN Channel.
virtual G4double piNToDelta (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for Delta production - piN Channel.
virtual G4double calculateNNAngularSlope (G4double energyCM, G4int iso)
 Calculate the slope of the NN DDXS.
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::ICrossSections
 ICrossSections ()
virtual ~ICrossSections ()

Protected Attributes

const HornerC7 s11pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pz.
const HornerC8 s01ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pp.
const HornerC4 s01pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pz.
const HornerC4 s11pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pm.
const HornerC5 s12pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pm.
const HornerC3 s12ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pp.
const HornerC4 s12zzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12zz.
const HornerC4 s02pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pz.
const HornerC6 s02pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pm.
const HornerC4 s12mzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12mz.
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsStrangeness
const HornerC7 s11pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pz.
const HornerC8 s01ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pp.
const HornerC4 s01pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pz.
const HornerC4 s11pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pm.
const HornerC5 s12pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pm.
const HornerC3 s12ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pp.
const HornerC4 s12zzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12zz.
const HornerC4 s02pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pz.
const HornerC6 s02pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pm.
const HornerC4 s12mzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12mz.
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances
const HornerC7 s11pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pz.
const HornerC8 s01ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pp.
const HornerC4 s01pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pz.
const HornerC4 s11pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pm.
const HornerC5 s12pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pm.
const HornerC3 s12ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pp.
const HornerC4 s12zzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12zz.
const HornerC4 s02pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pz.
const HornerC6 s02pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pm.
const HornerC4 s12mzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12mz.
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions
const HornerC7 s11pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pz.
const HornerC8 s01ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pp.
const HornerC4 s01pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s01pz.
const HornerC4 s11pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s11pm.
const HornerC5 s12pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pm.
const HornerC3 s12ppHC
 Horner coefficients for s12pp.
const HornerC4 s12zzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12zz.
const HornerC4 s02pzHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pz.
const HornerC6 s02pmHC
 Horner coefficients for s02pm.
const HornerC4 s12mzHC
 Horner coefficients for s12mz.

Static Protected Attributes

static const G4int nMaxPiNN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in NN collisions.
static const G4int nMaxPiPiN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in piN collisions.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsStrangeness
static const G4int nMaxPiNN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in NN collisions.
static const G4int nMaxPiPiN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in piN collisions.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances
static const G4int nMaxPiNN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in NN collisions.
static const G4int nMaxPiPiN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in piN collisions.
static const G4double s11pzOOT = 0.0035761542037692665889
 One over threshold for s11pz.
static const G4double s01ppOOT = 0.003421025623481919853
 One over threshold for s01pp.
static const G4double s01pzOOT = 0.0035739814152966403123
 One over threshold for s01pz.
static const G4double s11pmOOT = 0.0034855350296270480281
 One over threshold for s11pm.
static const G4double s12pmOOT = 0.0016672224074691565119
 One over threshold for s12pm.
static const G4double s12ppOOT = 0.0016507643038726931312
 One over threshold for s12pp.
static const G4double s12zzOOT = 0.0011111111111111111111
 One over threshold for s12zz.
static const G4double s02pzOOT = 0.00125
 One over threshold for s02pz.
static const G4double s02pmOOT = 0.0016661112962345883443
 One over threshold for s02pm.
static const G4double s12mzOOT = 0.0017047391749062392793
 One over threshold for s12mz.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions
static const G4int nMaxPiNN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in NN collisions.
static const G4int nMaxPiPiN = 4
 Maximum number of outgoing pions in piN collisions.
static const G4double s11pzOOT = 0.0035761542037692665889
 One over threshold for s11pz.
static const G4double s01ppOOT = 0.003421025623481919853
 One over threshold for s01pp.
static const G4double s01pzOOT = 0.0035739814152966403123
 One over threshold for s01pz.
static const G4double s11pmOOT = 0.0034855350296270480281
 One over threshold for s11pm.
static const G4double s12pmOOT = 0.0016672224074691565119
 One over threshold for s12pm.
static const G4double s12ppOOT = 0.0016507643038726931312
 One over threshold for s12pp.
static const G4double s12zzOOT = 0.0011111111111111111111
 One over threshold for s12zz.
static const G4double s02pzOOT = 0.00125
 One over threshold for s02pz.
static const G4double s02pmOOT = 0.0016661112962345883443
 One over threshold for s02pm.
static const G4double s12mzOOT = 0.0017047391749062392793
 One over threshold for s12mz.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPionsAndResonances
G4double piMinuspToEtaN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Internal function for pion cross sections.
G4double piMinuspToEtaN (const G4double ECM)
G4double piMinuspToOmegaN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piMinuspToOmegaN (const G4double ECM)
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaIso (const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
 Cross section for One (more) pion production - piN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaExcluIso (const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
 Isotopic Cross section for Eta production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaOnePi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaOnePiOrDelta (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaTwoPi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaThreePi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNEtaFourPi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 4-pion production - NNEta channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaIso (const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
 Isotopic Cross section for Omega production (inclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaExcluIso (const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
 Isotopic Cross section for Omega production (exclusive) - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaOnePi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaOnePiOrDelta (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaTwoPi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaThreePi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double NNToNNOmegaFourPi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 4-pion production - NNOmega channel.
virtual G4double etaNElastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - elastic Channel.
virtual G4double omegaNElastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double omegaNInelastic (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - inelastic Channel.
virtual G4double omegaNToPiPiN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross sections for omega-induced 2Pi emission on nucleon.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions
G4double NNElastic (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Internal implementation of the NN elastic cross section.
G4double NNElasticFixed (const G4double s, const G4int i)
 Internal implementation of the NN elastic cross section with fixed isospin.
G4double NNTot (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Internal implementation of the NN total cross section.
G4double NNTotFixed (const G4double s, const G4int i)
 Internal implementation of the NN total cross section with fixed isospin.
G4double NNInelasticIso (const G4double ener, const G4int iso)
 Internal implementation of the isospin dependent NN reaction cross section.
virtual G4double NNOnePiOrDelta (const G4double ener, const G4int iso, const G4double xsiso)
 Cross section for direct 1-pion production + delta production - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNTwoPi (const G4double ener, const G4int iso, const G4double xsiso)
 Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNThreePi (const G4double ener, const G4int iso, const G4double xsiso, const G4double xs1pi, const G4double xs2pi)
 Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNOnePi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNOnePiOrDelta (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 1-pion production - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNTwoPi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 2-pion production - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNThreePi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 3-pion production - NN entrance channel.
virtual G4double NNFourPi (Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
 Cross section for direct 4-pion production - NN entrance channel.
G4double spnPiPlusPHE (const G4double x)
 Internal function for pion cross sections.
G4double spnPiMinusPHE (const G4double x)
 Internal function for pion cross sections.
G4double piNIne (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piNTot (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piNTopiN (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piPluspIne (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piMinuspIne (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piPluspOnePi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piMinuspOnePi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piPluspTwoPi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double piMinuspTwoPi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double piNOnePi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for One (more) pion production - piN entrance channel.
virtual G4double piNTwoPi (Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
 Cross section for Two (more) pion production - piN entrance channel.

Detailed Description

Multipion, mesonic Resonances and strange cross sections.

Definition at line 56 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CrossSectionsAntiparticles()

G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::CrossSectionsAntiparticles ( )

Definition at line 66 of file

66 :
67 s11pzHC(-2.228000000000294018,8.7560000000005723725,-0.61000000000023239325,-5.4139999999999780324,3.3338333333333348023,-0.75835000000000022049,0.060623611111111114688),
68 s01ppHC(2.0570000000126518344,-6.029000000012135826,36.768500000002462784,-45.275666666666553533,25.112666666666611953,-7.2174166666666639187,1.0478875000000000275,-0.060804365079365080846),
69 s01pzHC(0.18030000000000441851,7.8700999999999953598,-4.0548999999999990425,0.555199999999999959),
70 s11pmHC(0.20590000000000031866,3.3450999999999993936,-1.4401999999999997825,0.17076666666666664973),
71 s12pmHC(-0.77235999999999901328,4.2626599999999991117,-1.9008899999999997323,0.30192266666666663379,-0.012270833333333331986),
72 s12ppHC(-0.75724999999999975664,2.0934399999999998565,-0.3803099999999999814),
73 s12zzHC(-0.89599999999996965072,7.882999999999978632,-7.1049999999999961928,1.884333333333333089),
74 s02pzHC(-1.0579999999999967036,11.113999999999994089,-8.5259999999999990196,2.0051666666666666525),
75 s02pmHC(2.4009000000012553286,-7.7680000000013376183,20.619000000000433505,-16.429666666666723928,5.2525708333333363472,-0.58969166666666670206),
76 s12mzHC(-0.21858699999999976269,1.9148999999999999722,-0.31727500000000001065,-0.027695000000000000486)
77 {
78 }
const HornerC5 s12pmHC
Horner coefficients for s12pm.
const HornerC8 s01ppHC
Horner coefficients for s01pp.
const HornerC6 s02pmHC
Horner coefficients for s02pm.
const HornerC4 s11pmHC
Horner coefficients for s11pm.
const HornerC4 s12zzHC
Horner coefficients for s12zz.
const HornerC4 s12mzHC
Horner coefficients for s12mz.
const HornerC4 s02pzHC
Horner coefficients for s02pz.
const HornerC3 s12ppHC
Horner coefficients for s12pp.
const HornerC4 s01pzHC
Horner coefficients for s01pz.
const HornerC7 s11pzHC
Horner coefficients for s11pz.

Member Function Documentation

◆ elastic()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::elastic ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

old elastic particle-particle cross section

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsStrangeness.

Definition at line 125 of file

125 {
126 if ((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()) || (p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()))
127 return NNbarElastic(p1, p2);
128 if((p1->isNucleon()||p1->isDelta()) && (p2->isNucleon()||p2->isDelta())){ // N-N, N-Delta, Delta-Delta
130 }
131 else if ((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isPion()) || (p2->isNucleon() && p1->isPion())){
133 }
134 else if ((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isEta()) || (p2->isNucleon() && p1->isEta())){
136 }
137 else if ((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isHyperon()) || (p2->isNucleon() && p1->isHyperon())){
139 }
140 else if ((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isKaon()) || (p2->isNucleon() && p1->isKaon())){
142 }
143 else if ((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiKaon()) || (p2->isNucleon() && p1->isAntiKaon())){
145 }
146 else {
147 return 0.0;
148 }
149 }
virtual G4double NNbarElastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Nucleon-AntiNucleon to Nucleon-AntiNucleon cross sections.
virtual G4double etaNElastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - elastic Channel.
virtual G4double elastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Elastic particle-particle cross section.
virtual G4double NKbelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NYelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
elastic scattering for Nucleon-Strange Particles cross sections

Referenced by total().

◆ NNbarCEX()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::NNbarCEX ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions.

Definition at line 151 of file

151 {
152 //brief ppbar
153 // p pbar -> n nbar (BFMM 204)
154 //
155 //brief nnbar
156 // n nbar -> p pbar (same as BFMM 204, but no threshold)
157 //
159// assert((p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) || (p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()));
161 G4double sigma=0.;
162 const G4int iso=ParticleTable::getIsospin(p1->getType()) + ParticleTable::getIsospin(p2->getType());
163 // iso == 2 || iso == -2 (n pbar or p nbar)
165 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM204 = {7.549, -0.041, -2.959, -6.835, 1.629, 0.114};
166 //{6.875, 0.590, -0.003, -6.629, 1.532, 0.114}
167 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_NNbar = 0.114;
168 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM204nn = {7.549, -0.041, -2.959, -6.835, 1.629};
169 //const G4double Eth_NNbar_PPbar = 0.0;
171 const Particle *antinucleon;
172 const Particle *nucleon;
174 if (p1->isAntiNucleon()) {
175 antinucleon = p1;
176 nucleon = p2;
177 }
178 else {
179 antinucleon = p2;
180 nucleon = p1;
181 }
183 const G4double pLab = 0.001*KinematicsUtils::momentumInLab(antinucleon, nucleon); // GeV
185 if(iso == 2 || iso == -2){ //npbar or pnbar
186 sigma = 0.0;
187 return sigma;
188 }
189 else{ // ppbar or nnbar
190 if(p1->getType()==antiProton || p1->getType()==Proton)
191 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM204, pLab); // ppbar case
192 else
193 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM204nn, pLab); // nnbar case
194 return sigma;
195 }
196 }
double G4double
Definition G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition G4Types.hh:85
G4double compute_xs(const std::vector< G4double > coefficients, const G4double pLab)
G4double momentumInLab(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
gives the momentum in the lab frame of two particles.
G4int getIsospin(const ParticleType t)
Get the isospin of a particle.
G4bool antinucleon(G4int ityp)
G4bool nucleon(G4int ityp)

Referenced by total().

◆ NNbarElastic()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::NNbarElastic ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

Nucleon-AntiNucleon to Nucleon-AntiNucleon cross sections.

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions.

Definition at line 198 of file

198 {
199 //brief ppbar
200 // p pbar -> p pbar (BFMM 2)
201 //
202 //brief npbar
203 // n pbar -> n pbar (BFMM 472)
204 //
205 //brief nnbar
206 // n nbar -> n nbar (same as BFMM 2)
207 //
208 //brief pnbar
209 // p nbar -> p nbar (same as BFMM 472)
210 //
212// assert((p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) || (p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()));
214 G4double sigma=0.;
215 const G4int iso=ParticleTable::getIsospin(p1->getType()) + ParticleTable::getIsospin(p2->getType());
216 // iso == 2 || iso == -2 (n pbar or p nbar)
218 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM2 = {110.496, -65.605, -0.198, -34.813, 4.317};
219 //elastic ppbar;
220 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM472 = {14.625, 23.413, -0.288, -9.002, 1.084};
221 //elastic pnbar;
223 const Particle *antinucleon;
224 const Particle *nucleon;
226 if (p1->isAntiNucleon()) {
227 antinucleon = p1;
228 nucleon = p2;
229 }
230 else {
231 antinucleon = p2;
232 nucleon = p1;
233 }
235 const G4double pLab = 0.001*KinematicsUtils::momentumInLab(antinucleon, nucleon); // GeV
237 if(iso == 2 || iso == -2){ //npbar or pnbar
238 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM472, pLab);
239 return sigma;
240 }
241 else{ // ppbar or nnbar
242 if(p1->getType()==antiProton || p1->getType()==Proton)
243 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM2, pLab); // ppbar case
244 else
245 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM2, pLab); // nnbar case
246 return sigma;
247 }
248 }

Referenced by elastic().

◆ NNbarToAnnihilation()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::NNbarToAnnihilation ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

Nucleon-AntiNucleon total annihilation cross sections.

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions.

Definition at line 548 of file

548 {
549 //brief ppbar
550 /*
551 This part only contains total annihilation xs, the choice of a particular final state
552 will be done in the channel file.
553 As long as we only have good data for ppbar, we assume that for npbar, pnbar and nnbar the xs
554 will be the same, but in order to compensate for the Coulombic effect the ppbar annihilation xs
555 is multiplied by the pnbar total xs and divided by the ppbar total xs.
556 */
558// assert((p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) || (p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()));
560 G4double sigma=0.;
561 const G4int iso=ParticleTable::getIsospin(p1->getType()) + ParticleTable::getIsospin(p2->getType());
562 // iso == 2 || iso == -2 (n pbar or p nbar)
564 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM6 = {66.098, 0.153, -4.576, -38.319, 6.625}; //ppbar annihilation xs
565 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM1 = {119.066, 6.251, -0.006, -60.046, 11.958}; //ppbar total xs
566 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM471 = {108.104, 15.708, 0.832, -54.632, -6.958}; //npbar total xs
568 const Particle *antinucleon;
569 const Particle *nucleon;
571 if (p1->isAntiNucleon()) {
572 antinucleon = p1;
573 nucleon = p2;
574 }
575 else {
576 antinucleon = p2;
577 nucleon = p1;
578 }
580 const G4double pLab = 0.001*KinematicsUtils::momentumInLab(antinucleon, nucleon); // GeV
582 if(iso == 2 || iso == -2){ // pnbar or npbar
583 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM6, pLab)*KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM471, pLab)/KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM1, pLab);
584 return sigma;
585 }
586 else if(p1->getType()==antiProton || p2->getType()==Proton){ // ppbar case
587 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM6, pLab);
588 return sigma;
589 }
590 else{ // nnbar case
591 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM6, pLab)*KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM471, pLab)/KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM1, pLab);
592 return sigma;
593 }
594 }

Referenced by total().

◆ NNbarToLLbar()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::NNbarToLLbar ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions.

Definition at line 250 of file

250 {
251 // this channel includes all states with lambdas, sigmas and xis and their antiparticles
253 //brief ppbar
254 // p pbar -> l lbar (BFMM 121)
255 // ppbar -> l lbar pi0 (BFMM 113)
256 // ppbar -> splus pim lbar || sminusbar pim l (BFMM 136)
257 // ppbar -> sminus pip lbar || splusbar l pip (BFMM 146)
258 // ppbar -> sp spbar (BFMM 139)
259 // ppbar -> sm smbar (BFMM 149)
260 // ppbar -> szero szerobar (BFMM 144)
261 // ppbar -> ximinus ximinusbar (BFMM 101)
262 // ppbar -> szero lbar || szerobar l (BFMM 143)
263 //
264 //
265 //brief npbar
266 // n pbar -> l lbar pi- (BFMM 487)
267 // n pbar -> l sbarplus || lbar sminus (BFMM 488)
268 //
269 //
270 //brief nnbar
271 // all same as for ppbar
272 //
273 //
274 //brief pnbar
275 // p nbar -> l lbar pi+ (same as BFMM 487)
276 // p nbar -> l sbarminus || lbar splus (same as BFMM 488)
277 //
279 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM121 = {2.379, -2.738, -1.260, -1.915, 0.430, 1.437};
280 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_LLbar = 1.437;
281 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM113 = {-0.105, 0.000, -5.099, 0.188, -0.050, 1.820};
282 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_LLbar_pi0 = 1.820;
283 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM139 = {0.142, -0.291, -1.702, -0.058, 0.001, 1.851};
284 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_SpSpbar = 1.851;
285 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM149 = {1.855, -2.238, -1.002, -1.279, 0.252, 1.896};
286 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_SmSmbar = 1.896;
287 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM136 = {1.749, -2.506, -1.222, -1.262, 0.274, 2.042};
288 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_SpLbar_pim = 2.042;
289 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM146 = {1.037, -1.437, -1.155, -0.709, 0.138, 2.065};
290 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_SmLbar_pip = 2.065;
291 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM143 = {0.652, -1.006, -1.805, -0.537, 0.121, 1.653};
292 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_Szero_Lbar = 1.653;
294// assert((p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) || (p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()));
296 G4double sigma=0.;
297 const G4int iso=ParticleTable::getIsospin(p1->getType()) + ParticleTable::getIsospin(p2->getType());
298 // iso == 2 || iso == -2 (n pbar or p nbar)
300 const Particle *antinucleon;
301 const Particle *nucleon;
303 if (p1->isAntiNucleon()) {
304 antinucleon = p1;
305 nucleon = p2;
306 }
307 else {
308 antinucleon = p2;
309 nucleon = p1;
310 }
312 const G4double pLab = 0.001*KinematicsUtils::momentumInLab(antinucleon, nucleon); // GeV
314 //fixed due to limited data
315 G4double BFMM144;
316 if(pLab > 1.868) BFMM144 = 0.008; //sigmazero sigmazerobar
317 else BFMM144 = 0.0;
318 G4double BFMM101;
319 if(pLab > 1.868) BFMM101 = 0.002; //xizero xizerobar
320 else BFMM101 = 0.0;
322 // npbar cross sections (fixed due to limited data)
323 G4double BFMM487;
324 if(pLab > 2.1) BFMM487 = 0.048; //llbar piminus
325 else BFMM487 = 0.0;
326 G4double BFMM488;
327 if(pLab > 2.0) BFMM488 = 0.139; //lsigmaminus +cc
328 else BFMM488 = 0.0;
330 if(iso == 2 || iso == -2){ //npbar or pnbar
331 sigma = BFMM487 + BFMM488;
332 return sigma;
333 }
334 else{ // ppbar or nnbar
335 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM113, pLab)
336 +KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM139, pLab) +KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM136, pLab)
337 +KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM146, pLab)+KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM143, pLab)
338 +KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM121, pLab)+KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM149, pLab)
339 +BFMM144 +BFMM101; // nnbar case totally same as ppbar
340 return sigma;
341 }
342 }

Referenced by total().

◆ NNbarToNNbar2pi()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::NNbarToNNbar2pi ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions.

Definition at line 414 of file

414 {
415 //brief ppbar
416 // p pbar -> p pbar pi+ pi- (BFMM 167)
417 // p pbar -> p nbar pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 490)
418 // p pbar -> n pbar pi+ pi0 (same as BFMM 490)
419 // p pbar -> n nbar pi+ pi- (BFMM 198)
420 //
421 //brief npbar
422 // n pbar -> p pbar pi- pi0 (BFMM 490)
423 // n pbar -> p nbar pi- pi- (BFMM 492)
424 // n pbar -> n pbar pi+ pi- (BFMM 494)
425 // n pbar -> n nbar pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 490)
426 //
427 //brief nnbar
428 // n nbar -> n nbar pi+ pi- (same as BFMM 167)
429 // n nbar -> p nbar pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 490)
430 // n nbar -> n pbar pi+ pi0 (same as BFMM 490)
431 // n nbar -> p pbar pi+ pi- (same as BFMM 198)
432 //
433 //brief pnbar
434 // p nbar -> p pbar pi+ pi0 (same as BFMM 490)
435 // p nbar -> n pbar pi+ pi+ (same as BFMM 492)
436 // p nbar -> p nbar pi+ pi- (same as BFMM 494)
437 // p nbar -> n nbar pi+ pi0 (same as BFMM 490)
438 //
439 //
440 // BFMM 188,199 are very close in value, 491 is larger
442// assert((p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) || (p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()));
444 G4double sigma=0.;
445 const G4int iso=ParticleTable::getIsospin(p1->getType()) + ParticleTable::getIsospin(p2->getType());
446 // iso == 2 || iso == -2 (n pbar or p nbar)
448 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM167 = {-6.885, 0.476, 1.206, 13.857, -5.728, 1.220};
449 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_PPbar_pip_pim = 1.220;
450 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM198 = {1.857, -21.213, -3.448, 0.827, -0.390, 1.231};
451 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_NNbar_pip_pim = 1.231;
452 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM490 = {-3.594, 0.811, 0.306, 5.108, -1.625, 1.201};
453 //const G4double Eth_PNbar_PPbar_pim_pi0 = 1.201;
454 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM492 = {-5.443, 7.254, -2.936, 8.441, -2.588, 1.221};
455 //const G4double Eth_PNbar_NPbar_pim_pim = 1.221;
456 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM494 = {21.688, -38.709, -2.062, -17.783, 3.895, 1.221};
457 //const G4double Eth_NPbar_NPbar_pip_pim = 1.221;
459 const Particle *antinucleon;
460 const Particle *nucleon;
462 if (p1->isAntiNucleon()) {
463 antinucleon = p1;
464 nucleon = p2;
465 }
466 else {
467 antinucleon = p2;
468 nucleon = p1;
469 }
471 const G4double pLab = 0.001*KinematicsUtils::momentumInLab(antinucleon, nucleon); // GeV
473 if(iso == 2 || iso == -2){ // pnbar or npbar
474 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM490, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM490, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM167, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM198, pLab);
475 return sigma;
476 }
477 else{ // ppbar or nnbar
478 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM490, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM490, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM492, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM494, pLab);
479 return sigma;
480 }
481 }

Referenced by total().

◆ NNbarToNNbar3pi()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::NNbarToNNbar3pi ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions.

Definition at line 483 of file

483 {
484 //brief ppbar
485 // p pbar -> p pbar pi+ pi- pi0 (BFMM 161)
486 // p pbar -> p nbar 2pi- pi+ (BFMM 169)
487 // p pbar -> n pbar 2pi+ pi- (BFMM 201)
488 // p pbar -> n nbar pi+ pi- pi0 (BFMM 197)
489 //
490 //brief npbar
491 // n pbar -> p pbar 2pi- pi+ (same as BFMM 169)
492 // n pbar -> p nbar 2pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 197)
493 // n pbar -> n pbar pi+ pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 161)
494 // n pbar -> n nbar 2pi- pi+ (same as BFMM 169)
495 //
496 //brief nnbar
497 // n nbar -> n nbar pi+ pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 161)
498 // n nbar -> p nbar 2pi- pi+ (same as BFMM 169)
499 // n nbar -> n pbar 2pi+ pi- (same as BFMM 201)
500 // n nbar -> p pbar pi+ pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 197)
501 //
502 //brief pnbar
503 // p nbar -> p pbar 2pi+ pi- (same as BFMM 169)
504 // p nbar -> n pbar 2pi+ pi0 (same as BFMM 197)
505 // p nbar -> p nbar pi+ pi- pi0 (same as BFMM 161)
506 // p nbar -> n nbar 2pi+ pi- (same as BFMM 169)
507 //
509// assert((p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) || (p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()));
511 G4double sigma=0.;
512 const G4int iso=ParticleTable::getIsospin(p1->getType()) + ParticleTable::getIsospin(p2->getType());
513 // iso == 2 || iso == -2 (n pbar or p nbar)
515 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM161 = {-6.434, 1.351, -5.185, 7.754, -1.692, 1.604};
516 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_PPbar_pip_pim_pi0 = 1.604;
517 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM169 = {3.696, -5.356, -0.053, 1.941, -0.432, 1.624};
518 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_PNbar_2pim_pip = 1.624;
519 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM201 = {-1.070, -0.636, -0.009, 2.335, -0.499, 1.624};
520 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_NPbar_2pip_pim = 1.624;
521 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM197 = {1.857, -21.213, -3.448, 0.827, -0.390, 1.616};
522 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_NNbar_pip_pim_pi0 = 1.616;
524 const Particle *antinucleon;
525 const Particle *nucleon;
527 if (p1->isAntiNucleon()) {
528 antinucleon = p1;
529 nucleon = p2;
530 }
531 else {
532 antinucleon = p2;
533 nucleon = p1;
534 }
536 const G4double pLab = 0.001*KinematicsUtils::momentumInLab(antinucleon, nucleon); // GeV
538 if(iso == 2 || iso == -2){ // pnbar or npbar
539 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM169, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM169, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM197, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM161, pLab);
540 return sigma;
541 }
542 else{ // ppbar or nnbar
543 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM161, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM169, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM197, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM201, pLab);
544 return sigma;
545 }
546 }

Referenced by total().

◆ NNbarToNNbarpi()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::NNbarToNNbarpi ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

Nucleon-AntiNucleon to Nucleon-AntiNucleon + pions cross sections.

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions.

Definition at line 344 of file

344 {
345 //brief ppbar
346 // p pbar -> p pbar pi0 (BFMM 185)
347 // p pbar -> p nbar pi- (BFMM 188)
348 // p pbar -> n pbar pi+ (BFMM 199)
349 // p pbar -> n nbar pi0 (no data)
350 //
351 //brief npbar
352 // n pbar -> p pbar pi- (BFMM 491)
353 // n pbar -> p nbar pion (impossible)
354 // n pbar -> n pbar pi0 (BFMM 495)
355 // n pbar -> n nbar pi- (same as BFMM 188)
356 //
357 //brief nnbar
358 // n nbar -> n nbar pi0 (same as BFMM 185)
359 // n nbar -> p nbar pi- (same as BFMM 188)
360 // n nbar -> n pbar pi+ (same as BFMM 199)
361 // n nbar -> p pbar pi0 (no data)
362 //
363 //brief pnbar
364 // p nbar -> p pbar pi+ (same as BFMM 491)
365 // p nbar -> n pbar pion (impossible)
366 // p nbar -> p nbar pi0 (BFMM 495)
367 // p nbar -> n nbar pi- (same as BFMM 188)
368 //
369 //
370 // BFMM 188,199 are very close in value, 491 is larger
372// assert((p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) || (p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()));
374 G4double sigma=0.;
375 const G4int iso=ParticleTable::getIsospin(p1->getType()) + ParticleTable::getIsospin(p2->getType());
376 // iso == 2 || iso == -2 (n pbar or p nbar)
378 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM185 = {-0.734, 0.841, 0.905, 3.415, -2.316, 0.775};
379 //{22.781, -22.602, -0.752, -11.036, 1.548, 0.775}
380 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_PPbar_pi0 = 0.775;
381 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM188 = { -0.442, 0.501, 0.002, 3.434, -1.201, 0.798};
382 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_PNbar_pim = 0.798;
383 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM199 = {-2.025, 2.055, -2.355, 6.064, -2.004, 0.798};
384 //const G4double Eth_PPbar_NPbar_pip = 0.798;
385 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM491 = {24.125, -20.669, -1.534, -19.573, 4.493, 0.787};
386 //const G4double Eth_NPbar_PPbar_pim = 0.787;
387 const std::vector<G4double> BFMM495 = {-0.650, -0.140, -0.058, 5.166, -1.705, 0.777};
388 //const G4double Eth_NPbar_NPbar_pi0 = 0.777;
390 const Particle *antinucleon;
391 const Particle *nucleon;
393 if (p1->isAntiNucleon()) {
394 antinucleon = p1;
395 nucleon = p2;
396 }
397 else {
398 antinucleon = p2;
399 nucleon = p1;
400 }
402 const G4double pLab = 0.001*KinematicsUtils::momentumInLab(antinucleon, nucleon); // GeV
404 if(iso == 2 || iso == -2){ //npbar or pnbar
405 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM491, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM185, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM188, pLab);
406 return sigma;
407 }
408 else{ // ppbar or nnbar
409 sigma = KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM199, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM185, pLab) + KinematicsUtils::compute_xs(BFMM188, pLab);
410 return sigma;
411 }
412 }

Referenced by total().

◆ total()

G4double G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::total ( Particle const *const p1,
Particle const *const p2 )

second new total particle-particle cross section

redefining previous cross sections

Reimplemented from G4INCL::CrossSectionsStrangeness.

Definition at line 82 of file

82 {
83 G4double inelastic;
84 if ((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiNucleon()) || (p1->isAntiNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()))
85 inelastic = NNbarCEX(p1, p2) + NNbarToNNbarpi(p1, p2) + NNbarToNNbar2pi(p1, p2) + NNbarToNNbar3pi(p1, p2) + NNbarToAnnihilation(p1, p2) + NNbarToLLbar(p1, p2);
86 else if(p1->isNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()) {
87 return CrossSectionsMultiPions::NNTot(p1, p2);
88 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isDelta()) ||
89 (p1->isDelta() && p2->isNucleon())) {
90 inelastic = CrossSectionsMultiPions::NDeltaToNN(p1, p2) + NDeltaToNLK(p1, p2) + NDeltaToNSK(p1, p2) + NDeltaToDeltaLK(p1, p2) + NDeltaToDeltaSK(p1, p2) + NDeltaToNNKKb(p1, p2);
91 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isPion()) ||
92 (p1->isPion() && p2->isNucleon())) {
94 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isEta()) ||
95 (p1->isEta() && p2->isNucleon())) {
97 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isOmega()) ||
98 (p1->isOmega() && p2->isNucleon())) {
100 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isEtaPrime()) ||
101 (p1->isEtaPrime() && p2->isNucleon())) {
103 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isLambda()) ||
104 (p1->isLambda() && p2->isNucleon())) {
105 inelastic = CrossSectionsStrangeness::NLToNS(p1,p2);
106 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isSigma()) ||
107 (p1->isSigma() && p2->isNucleon())) {
109 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isKaon()) ||
110 (p1->isKaon() && p2->isNucleon())) {
112 } else if((p1->isNucleon() && p2->isAntiKaon()) ||
113 (p1->isAntiKaon() && p2->isNucleon())) {
114 inelastic = CrossSectionsStrangeness::NKbToLpi(p1,p2)
118 } else {
119 inelastic = 0.;
120 }
121 return inelastic + elastic(p1, p2);
122 }
virtual G4double NNbarCEX(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNbarToAnnihilation(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Nucleon-AntiNucleon total annihilation cross sections.
virtual G4double elastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
old elastic particle-particle cross section
virtual G4double NNbarToLLbar(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNbarToNNbarpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Nucleon-AntiNucleon to Nucleon-AntiNucleon + pions cross sections.
virtual G4double NNbarToNNbar3pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NNbarToNNbar2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double etaNToPiPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - pipiN Channel.
virtual G4double omegaNInelastic(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - inelastic Channel.
virtual G4double etaPrimeNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for EtaPrimeN->PiN.
virtual G4double etaNToPiN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross sections for mesonic resonance absorption on nucleon - piN Channel.
G4double piNTot(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
G4double NNTot(Particle const *const part1, Particle const *const part2)
Internal implementation of the NN total cross section.
virtual G4double NDeltaToNN(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Cross section for NDelta->NN.
virtual G4double NKbToNKb2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToNKbpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToL2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NLToNS(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Nucleon-Hyperon quasi-elastic cross sections.
virtual G4double NKToNK2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToDeltaSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKToNKpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToNSK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToLpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NSToNS(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NSToNL(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToS2pi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKbToSpi(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NKToNK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Nucleon-Kaon cross sections.
virtual G4double NDeltaToNNKKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToDeltaLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
virtual G4double NDeltaToNLK(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Nucleon-Delta to Stange particles cross sections.
virtual G4double NKbToNKb(Particle const *const p1, Particle const *const p2)
Nucleon-antiKaon cross sections.

Member Data Documentation

◆ nMaxPiNN

const G4int G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::nMaxPiNN = 4

Maximum number of outgoing pions in NN collisions.

Definition at line 82 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ nMaxPiPiN

const G4int G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::nMaxPiPiN = 4

Maximum number of outgoing pions in piN collisions.

Definition at line 85 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s01ppHC

const HornerC8 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s01ppHC

Horner coefficients for s01pp.

Definition at line 90 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s01pzHC

const HornerC4 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s01pzHC

Horner coefficients for s01pz.

Definition at line 92 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s02pmHC

const HornerC6 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s02pmHC

Horner coefficients for s02pm.

Definition at line 104 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s02pzHC

const HornerC4 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s02pzHC

Horner coefficients for s02pz.

Definition at line 102 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s11pmHC

const HornerC4 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s11pmHC

Horner coefficients for s11pm.

Definition at line 94 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s11pzHC

const HornerC7 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s11pzHC

Horner coefficients for s11pz.

Definition at line 88 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s12mzHC

const HornerC4 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s12mzHC

Horner coefficients for s12mz.

Definition at line 106 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s12pmHC

const HornerC5 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s12pmHC

Horner coefficients for s12pm.

Definition at line 96 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s12ppHC

const HornerC3 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s12ppHC

Horner coefficients for s12pp.

Definition at line 98 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

◆ s12zzHC

const HornerC4 G4INCL::CrossSectionsAntiparticles::s12zzHC

Horner coefficients for s12zz.

Definition at line 100 of file G4INCLCrossSectionsAntiparticles.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: