Geant4 9.6.0
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
No Matches
G4QDiffractionRatio Class Reference

#include <G4QDiffractionRatio.hh>

Public Member Functions

 ~G4QDiffractionRatio ()
G4double GetRatio (G4double pIU, G4int prPDG, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN)
G4QHadronVectorProjFragment (G4int pPDG, G4LorentzVector p4M, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN)
G4QHadronVectorTargFragment (G4int pPDG, G4LorentzVector p4M, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN)
G4double GetTargSingDiffXS (G4double pIU, G4int prPDG, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN)

Static Public Member Functions

static G4QDiffractionRatioGetPointer ()

Protected Member Functions

 G4QDiffractionRatio ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 53 of file G4QDiffractionRatio.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ G4QDiffractionRatio()

G4QDiffractionRatio::G4QDiffractionRatio ( )

Definition at line 57 of file G4QDiffractionRatio.hh.

57{} // Constructor

◆ ~G4QDiffractionRatio()

G4QDiffractionRatio::~G4QDiffractionRatio ( )

Definition at line 61 of file G4QDiffractionRatio.hh.

61{} // Destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetPointer()

G4QDiffractionRatio * G4QDiffractionRatio::GetPointer ( )

Definition at line 48 of file

50 static G4QDiffractionRatio theRatios; // *** Static body of the Diffraction Ratio ***
51 return &theRatios;

Referenced by G4ProjectileDiffractiveChannel::G4ProjectileDiffractiveChannel(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QDiffraction::PostStepDoIt().

◆ GetRatio()

G4double G4QDiffractionRatio::GetRatio ( G4double  pIU,
G4int  prPDG,
G4int  tgZ,
G4int  tgN 

Definition at line 55 of file

57 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass()/GeV; // in GeV
58 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass()/GeV; // in GeV
59 static const G4double mN=.5*(mNeut+mProt); // mean nucleon mass in GeV
60 static const G4double dmN=mN+mN; // doubled nuc. mass in GeV
61 static const G4double mN2=mN*mN; // squared nuc. mass in GeV^2
62 // Table parameters
63 static const G4int nps=100; // Number of steps in the R(s) LinTable
64 static const G4int mps=nps+1; // Number of elements in the R(s) LinTable
65 static const G4double sma=6.; // The first LinTabEl(sqs=0)=1., sqs>sma -> logTab
66 static const G4double ds=sma/nps; // Step of the linear Table
67 static const G4int nls=150; // Number of steps in the R(lns) logTable
68 static const G4int mls=nls+1; // Number of elements in the R(lns) logTable
69 static const G4double lsi=1.79; // The min ln(sqs) logTabEl(sqs=5.99 < sma=6.)
70 static const G4double lsa=8.; // The max ln(sqs) logTabEl(sqs=5.99 - 2981 GeV)
71 static const G4double mi=std::exp(lsi);// The min s of logTabEl(~ 5.99 GeV)
72 static const G4double max_s=std::exp(lsa);// The max s of logTabEl(~ 2981 GeV)
73 static const G4double dl=(lsa-lsi)/nls;// Step of the logarithmic Table
74 static const G4double edl=std::exp(dl);// Multiplication step of the logarithmic Table
75 static const G4double toler=.0001; // Tolarence (GeV) defining the same sqs
76 static G4double lastS=0.; // Last sqs value for which R was calculated
77 static G4double lastR=0.; // Last ratio R which was calculated
78 // Local Associative Data Base:
79 static std::vector<G4int> vA; // Vector of calculated A
80 //static std::vector<G4double> vH; // Vector of max sqs initialized in the LinTable
81 //static std::vector<G4int> vN; // Vector of topBin number initialized in LinTab
82 //static std::vector<G4double> vM; // Vector of relMax ln(sqs) initialized in LogTab
83 //static std::vector<G4int> vK; // Vector of topBin number initialized in LogTab
84 static std::vector<G4double*> vT; // Vector of pointers to LinTable in C++ heap
85 static std::vector<G4double*> vL; // Vector of pointers to LogTable in C++ heap
86 // Last values of the Associative Data Base:
87 //static G4int lastPDG=0; // Last PDG for which R was calculated (now fake)
88 static G4int lastA=0; // theLast of calculated A
89 //static G4double lastH=0.; // theLast max sqs initialized in the LinTable
90 //static G4int lastN=0; // theLast of topBin number initialized in LinTab
91 //static G4double lastM=0.; // theLast relMax ln(sqs) initialized in LogTab
92 //static G4int lastK=0; // theLast of topBin number initialized in LogTab
93 static G4double* lastT=0; // theLast of pointer to LinTable in the C++ heap
94 static G4double* lastL=0; // theLast of pointer to LogTable in the C++ heap
95 // LogTable is created only if necessary. R(sqs>2981GeV) calcul by formula for any nuclei
96 G4int A=tgN+tgZ;
97 if(pIU<toler || A<1) return 1.; // Fake use of toler as non zero number
98 if(A>238)
99 {
100 G4cout<<"-*-Warning-*-G4QuasiFreeRatio::GetRatio: A="<<A<<">238, return zero"<<G4endl;
101 return 0.;
102 }
103 //lastPDG=pPDG; // @@ at present ratio is PDG independent @@
104 // Calculate sqs
105 G4double pM=G4QPDGCode(pPDG).GetMass()/GeV; // Projectile mass in GeV
106 G4double pM2=pM*pM;
107 G4double mom=pIU/GeV; // Projectile momentum in GeV
108 G4double s_value=std::sqrt(mN2+pM2+dmN*std::sqrt(pM2+mom*mom)); // in GeV
109 G4int nDB=vA.size(); // A number of nuclei already initialized in AMDB
110 if(nDB && lastA==A && std::fabs(s_value-lastS)<toler) return lastR;
111 if(s_value>max_s)
112 {
113 lastR=CalcDiff2Prod_Ratio(s_value,A); // @@ Probably user ought to be notified about bigS
114 return lastR;
115 }
116 G4bool found=false;
117 G4int i=-1;
118 if(nDB) for (i=0; i<nDB; i++) if(A==vA[i]) // Sirch for this A in AMDB
119 {
120 found=true; // The A value is found
121 break;
122 }
123 if(!nDB || !found) // Create new line in the AMDB
124 {
125 lastA = A;
126 lastT = new G4double[mps]; // Create the linear Table
127 //lastN = static_cast<int>(s_value/ds)+1; // MaxBin to be initialized
128 //if(lastN>nps) // ===> Now initialize all lin table
129 //{
130 // lastN=nps;
131 // lastH=sma;
132 //}
133 //else lastH = lastN*ds; // Calculate max initialized s for LinTab
134 G4double sv=0;
135 lastT[0]=1.;
136 //for(G4int j=1; j<=lastN; j++) // Calculate LinTab values
137 for(G4int j=1; j<=nps; j++) // Calculate LinTab values
138 {
139 sv+=ds;
140 lastT[j]=CalcDiff2Prod_Ratio(sv,A);
141 }
142 lastL = new G4double[mls]; // Create the logarithmic Table
143 //G4double ls=std::log(s_value);
144 //lastK = static_cast<int>((ls-lsi)/dl)+1; // MaxBin to be initialized in LogTaB
145 //if(lastK>nls) // ===> Now initialize all lin table
146 //{
147 // lastK=nls;
148 // lastM=lsa-lsi;
149 //}
150 //else lastM = lastK*dl; // Calculate max initialized ln(s)-lsi for LogTab
151 sv=mi;
152 //for(G4int j=0; j<=lastK; j++) // Calculate LogTab values
153 for(G4int j=0; j<=nls; j++) // Calculate LogTab values
154 {
155 lastL[j]=CalcDiff2Prod_Ratio(sv,A);
156 //if(j!=lastK) sv*=edl;
157 sv*=edl;
158 }
159 i++; // Make a new record to AMDB and position on it
160 vA.push_back(lastA);
161 //vH.push_back(lastH);
162 //vN.push_back(lastN);
163 //vM.push_back(lastM);
164 //vK.push_back(lastK);
165 vT.push_back(lastT);
166 vL.push_back(lastL);
167 }
168 else // The A value was found in AMDB
169 {
170 lastA=vA[i];
171 //lastH=vH[i];
172 //lastN=vN[i];
173 //lastM=vM[i];
174 //lastK=vK[i];
175 lastT=vT[i];
176 lastL=vL[i];
177 // ==> Now all bins of the tables are initialized immediately for the A
178 //if(s_value>lastH) // At least LinTab must be updated
179 //{
180 // G4int nextN=lastN+1; // The next bin to be initialized
181 // if(lastN<nps)
182 // {
183 // lastN = static_cast<int>(s_value/ds)+1;// MaxBin to be initialized
184 // G4double sv=lastH;
185 // if(lastN>nps)
186 // {
187 // lastN=nps;
188 // lastH=sma;
189 // }
190 // else lastH = lastN*ds; // Calculate max initialized s for LinTab
191 // for(G4int j=nextN; j<=lastN; j++)// Calculate LogTab values
192 // {
193 // sv+=ds;
194 // lastT[j]=CalcDiff2Prod_Ratio(sv,A);
195 // }
196 // } // End of LinTab update
197 // if(lastN>=nextN)
198 // {
199 // vH[i]=lastH;
200 // vN[i]=lastN;
201 // }
202 // G4int nextK=lastK+1;
203 // if(s_value>sma && lastK<nls) // LogTab must be updated
204 // {
205 // G4double sv=std::exp(lastM+lsi); // Define starting poit (lastM will be changed)
206 // G4double ls=std::log(s_value);
207 // lastK = static_cast<int>((ls-lsi)/dl)+1; // MaxBin to be initialized in LogTaB
208 // if(lastK>nls)
209 // {
210 // lastK=nls;
211 // lastM=lsa-lsi;
212 // }
213 // else lastM = lastK*dl; // Calcul. max initialized ln(s)-lsi for LogTab
214 // for(G4int j=nextK; j<=lastK; j++)// Calculate LogTab values
215 // {
216 // sv*=edl;
217 // lastL[j]=CalcDiff2Prod_Ratio(sv,A);
218 // }
219 // } // End of LogTab update
220 // if(lastK>=nextK)
221 // {
222 // vM[i]=lastM;
223 // vK[i]=lastK;
224 // }
225 //}
226 }
227 // Now one can use tabeles to calculate the value
228 if(s_value<sma) // Use linear table
229 {
230 G4int n=static_cast<int>(s_value/ds); // Low edge number of the bin
231 G4double d=s_value-n*ds; // Linear shift
232 G4double v=lastT[n]; // Base
233 lastR=v+d*(lastT[n+1]-v)/ds; // Result
234 }
235 else // Use log table
236 {
237 G4double ls=std::log(s_value)-lsi; // ln(s)-l_min
238 G4int n=static_cast<int>(ls/dl); // Low edge number of the bin
239 G4double d=ls-n*dl; // Log shift
240 G4double v=lastL[n]; // Base
241 lastR=v+d*(lastL[n+1]-v)/dl; // Result
242 }
243 if(lastR<0.) lastR=0.;
244 if(lastR>1.) lastR=1.;
245 return lastR;
246} // End of GetRatio
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:64
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:66
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:67
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:52
G4DLLIMPORT std::ostream G4cout
G4double GetMass()

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4ProjectileDiffractiveChannel::GetFraction().

◆ GetTargSingDiffXS()

G4double G4QDiffractionRatio::GetTargSingDiffXS ( G4double  pIU,
G4int  prPDG,
G4int  tgZ,
G4int  tgN 

Definition at line 1290 of file

1292 G4double mom=pIU/gigaelectronvolt; // Projectile momentum in GeV
1293 if ( mom < 1. || (pPDG != 2212 && pPDG != 2112) )
1294 G4cerr<<"G4QDiffractionRatio::GetTargSingDiffXS isn't applicable p="<<mom<<" GeV, PDG="
1295 <<pPDG<<G4endl;
1296 G4double A=Z+N; // A of the target
1297 //return 4.5*std::pow(A,.364)*millibarn; // Result
1298 return 3.7*std::pow(A,.364)*millibarn; // Result after mpi0 correction
1300} // End of ProjFragment
G4DLLIMPORT std::ostream G4cerr

◆ ProjFragment()

G4QHadronVector * G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment ( G4int  pPDG,
G4LorentzVector  p4M,
G4int  tgZ,
G4int  tgN 

Definition at line 484 of file

487 static const G4double pFm= 250.; // Fermi momentum in MeV (delta function)
488 static const G4double pFm2= pFm*pFm; // Squared Fermi momentum in MeV^2 (delta function)
489 static const G4double mPi0= G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass(); // pi0 mass (MeV =min diffraction)
490 static const G4double mPi= G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass(); // pi+- mass (MeV)
491 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
492 static const G4double mNeut2=mNeut*mNeut;
493 static const G4double dmNeut=mNeut+mNeut;
494 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
495 static const G4double mProt2=mProt*mProt;
496 static const G4double dmProt=mProt+mProt;
497 static const G4double maxDM=mProt*12.;
498 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
499 static const G4double mSigZ= G4QPDGCode(3212).GetMass();
500 static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
501 static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
502 static const G4double eps=.003;
503 //
504 G4LorentzVector pr4M=p4M/megaelectronvolt; // Convert 4-momenta in MeV (keep p4M)
505 // prepare the DONOTHING answer
506 G4QHadronVector* ResHV = new G4QHadronVector;// !! MUST BE DESTROYE/DDELETER by CALLER !!
507 G4QHadron* hadron = new G4QHadron(pPDG,p4M); // Hadron for not scattered projectile
508 ResHV->push_back(hadron); // It must be cleaned up for real scattering sec
509 // @@ diffraction is simulated as noncoherent (coherent is small)
510 G4int tgA=tgZ+tgN; // A of the target
511 G4int tPDG=90000000+tgZ*1000+tgN; // PDG code of the targetNucleus/recoilNucleus
512 G4double tgM=G4QPDGCode(tPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of the target nucleus
513 G4int rPDG=2112; // prototype of PDG code of the recoiled nucleon
514 if(tgA*G4UniformRand()>tgN) // Substitute by a proton
515 {
516 rPDG=2212; // PDG code of the recoiled QF nucleon
517 tPDG-=1000; // PDG code of the recoiled nucleus
518 }
519 else tPDG-=1; // PDG code of the recoiled nucleus
520 G4double tM=G4QPDGCode(tPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of the recoiled nucleus
521 G4double tE=std::sqrt(tM*tM+pFm2);
523 G4LorentzVector t4M(tP,tE); // 4M of the recoil nucleus
524 G4LorentzVector tg4M(0.,0.,0.,tgM);
525 G4LorentzVector N4M=tg4M-t4M; // Quasi-free target nucleon
526 G4LorentzVector tot4M=N4M+p4M; // total momentum of quasi-free diffraction
527 G4double mT=mNeut;
528 G4double mT2=mNeut2; // Squared mass of the free nucleon spectator
529 G4double dmT=dmNeut;
530 //G4int Z=0;
531 //G4int N=1;
532 if(rPDG==2212)
533 {
534 mT=mProt;
535 mT2=mProt2;
536 dmT=dmProt;
537 //Z=1;
538 //N=0;
539 }
540 G4double mP2=pr4M.m2(); // Squared mass of the projectile
541 if(mP2<0.) mP2=0.; // A possible problem for photon (m_min = 2*m_pi0)
542 G4double s_value=tot4M.m2(); // @@ Check <0 ...
543 G4double E=(s_value-mT2-mP2)/dmT; // Effective interactin energy (virt. nucl. target)
544 G4double E2=E*E;
545 if(E<0. || E2<mP2)
546 {
547#ifdef pdebug
548 G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4DifR::PFra:<NegativeEnergy>E="<<E<<",E2="<<E2<<"<M2="<<mP2<<G4endl;
550 return ResHV; // Do Nothing Action
551 }
552 G4double mP=std::sqrt(mP2);
553 if(mP<.1)mP=mPi0; // For photons min diffraction is gamma+P->Pi0+Pi0
554 G4double mMin=mP+mPi0; // Minimum diffractive mass
555 G4double ss=std::sqrt(s_value); // CM compound mass (sqrt(s))
556 G4double mMax=ss-mT; // Maximum diffraction mass
557 if(mMax>maxDM) mMax=maxDM; // Restriction to avoid too big masses
558 if(mMin>=mMax)
559 {
560#ifdef pdebug
561 G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4DifR::PFra:ZeroDiffractionMRange, mi="<<mMin<<",ma="<<mMax<<G4endl;
563 return ResHV; // Do Nothing Action
564 }
566 G4double mDif=std::exp(R*std::log(mMax)+(1.-R)*std::log(mMin)); // LowMassApproximation
567 G4double mDif2=mDif*mDif;
568 G4double ds=s_value-mT2-mDif2;
569 //G4double e=ds/dmT;
570 //G4double P=std::sqrt(e*e-mDif2); // Momentum in pseudo laboratory system
571#ifdef debug
572 G4cout<<"G4QDiffR::PFra: Before XS, P="<<P<<", Z="<<Z<<", N="<<N<<", PDG="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
574 // @@ Temporary NN t-dependence for all hadrons
575 if(pPDG>3400 || pPDG<-3400) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QDifR::Fragment: pPDG="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
576 G4double tsl=140000.; // slope in MeV^2
577 G4double t=-std::log(G4UniformRand())*tsl;
578 G4double maxt=(ds*ds-4*mT2*mDif2)/s_value; // maximum possible -t
579#ifdef pdebug
580 G4cout<<"G4QDifR::PFra:ph="<<pPDG<<",P="<<P<<",t="<<mint<<"<"<<maxt<<G4endl;
582#ifdef nandebug
583 if(mint>-.0000001); // To make the Warning for NAN
584 else G4cout<<"******G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: -t="<<mint<<G4endl;
586 G4double rt=t/maxt;
587 G4double cost=1.-rt-rt; // cos(theta) in CMS
588#ifdef ppdebug
589 G4cout<<"G4QDiffRatio::ProjFragment: -t="<<t<<", maxt="<<maxt<<", cost="<<cost<<G4endl;
591 if(cost>1. || cost<-1. || !(cost>-1. || cost<=1.))
592 {
593 if (cost>1.) cost=1.;
594 else if(cost<-1.) cost=-1.;
595 else
596 {
597 G4cerr<<"G4QDiffRat::ProjFragm: *NAN* cost="<<cost<<",t="<<t<<",tmax="<<maxt<<G4endl;
598 return ResHV; // Do Nothing Action
599 }
600 }
601 G4LorentzVector r4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mT); // 4mom of the recoil nucleon
602 G4LorentzVector d4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mDif); // 4mom of the diffract. Quasmon
603 G4LorentzVector dir4M=tot4M-G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,(tot4M.e()-mT)*.01);
604 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).RelDecayIn2(d4M, r4M, dir4M, cost, cost))
605 {
606 G4cerr<<"G4QDifR::PFr:M="<<tot4M.m()<<",T="<<mT<<",D="<<mDif<<",T+D="<<mT+mDif<<G4endl;
607 //G4Exception("G4QDifR::Fragm:","009",FatalException,"Decay of ElasticComp");
608 return ResHV; // Do Nothing Action
609 }
610#ifdef debug
611 G4cout<<"G4QDiffR::ProjFragm:d4M="<<d4M<<"+r4M="<<r4M<<"="<<d4M+r4M<<"="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
613 // Now everything is ready for fragmentation and DoNothing projHadron must be wiped out
614 delete hadron; // Delete the fake (doNothing) projectile hadron
615 ResHV->pop_back(); // Clean up pointer to the fake (doNothing) projectile
616 hadron = new G4QHadron(tPDG,t4M); // Hadron for the recoil neucleus
617 ResHV->push_back(hadron); // Fill the recoil nucleus
618#ifdef debug
619 G4cout<<"G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: *Filled* RecNucleus="<<t4M<<tPDG<<G4endl;
621 hadron = new G4QHadron(rPDG,r4M); // Hadron for the recoil nucleon
622 ResHV->push_back(hadron); // Fill the recoil nucleon
623#ifdef debug
624 G4cout<<"G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: *Filled* RecNucleon="<<r4M<<rPDG<<G4endl;
626 G4LorentzVector sum4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
627 // Now the (pPdg,d4M) Quasmon must be fragmented
628 G4QHadronVector* leadhs = 0; // Prototype of QuasmOutput G4QHadronVector
629 G4QContent dQC=G4QPDGCode(pPDG).GetQuarkContent(); // Quark Content of the projectile
630 G4Quasmon* pan= new G4Quasmon(dQC,d4M); // --->---->---->----->-----> DELETED -->---*
631 try // |
632 { // |
633 G4QNucleus vac(90000000); // |
634 leadhs=pan->Fragment(vac,1); // DELETED after it is copied to ResHV vector -->---+-*
635 } // | |
636 catch (G4QException& error) // | |
637 { // | |
638 G4cerr<<"***G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: G4Quasmon Exception"<<G4endl; //| |
639 // G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment","72",FatalException,"*Quasmon");//| |
640 G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment()", "HAD_CHPS_0072",
641 FatalException, "*Quasmon");
642 } // | |
643 delete pan; // Delete the Nuclear Environment <----<---* |
644 G4int qNH=leadhs->size(); // A#of collected hadrons from diff.frag. |
645 if(qNH) for(G4int iq=0; iq<qNH; iq++) // Loop over hadrons to fill the result |
646 { // |
647 G4QHadron* loh=(*leadhs)[iq]; // Pointer to the output hadron |
648 G4int nL=loh->GetStrangeness(); // A number of Lambdas in the Hypernucleus |
649 G4int nB=loh->GetBaryonNumber(); // Total Baryon Number of the Hypernucleus |
650 G4int nC = loh->GetCharge(); // Charge of the Hypernucleus |
651 G4int oPDG = loh->GetPDGCode(); // Original CHIPS PDG Code of the hadron |
652 //if((nC>nB || nC<0) && nB>0 && nL>=0 && nL<=nB && oPDG>80000000) // Iso-nucleus |
653 if(2>3) // Closed because "G4QDR::F:90002999,M=-7.768507e-04,B=2,S=0,C=3" is found |
654 {
655 G4LorentzVector q4M = loh->Get4Momentum(); // Get 4-momentum of the Isonucleus |
656 G4double qM=q4M.m(); // Real mass of the Isonucleus
657#ifdef fdebug
658 G4cout<<"G4QDR::PF:"<<oPDG<<",M="<<qM<<",B="<<nB<<",S="<<nL<<",C="<<nC<<G4endl;// |
660 G4int qPN=nC-nB; // Number of pions in the Isonucleus |
661 G4int fPDG = 2212; // Prototype for nP+(Pi+) case |
662 G4int sPDG = 211;
663 tPDG = 3122; // @@ Sigma0 (?) |
664 G4double fMass= mProt;
665 G4double sMass= mPi;
666 G4double tMass= mLamb; // @@ Sigma0 (?) |
667 G4bool cont=true; // Continue flag |
668 // =--------= Negative state =---------=
669 if(nC<0) // =----= Only Pi- can help |
670 {
671 if(nL&&nB==nL) // --- n*Lamb + k*(Pi-) State --- |
672 {
673 sPDG = -211;
674 if(-nC==nL && nL==1) // Only one Sigma- like (nB=1) |
675 {
676 if(std::fabs(qM-mSigM)<eps)
677 {
678 loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(3112)); // This is Sigma- |
679 cont=false; // Skip decay |
680 }
681 else if(qM>mLamb+mPi) //(2) Sigma- => Lambda + Pi- decay |
682 {
683 fPDG = 3122;
684 fMass= mLamb;
685 }
686 else if(qM>mSigM) //(2) Sigma+=>Sigma++gamma decay |
687 {
688 fPDG = 3112;
689 fMass= mSigM;
690 sPDG = 22;
691 sMass= 0.;
692 }
693 else //(2) Sigma-=>Neutron+Pi- decay |
694 {
695 fPDG = 2112;
696 fMass= mNeut;
697 }
698 qPN = 1; // #of (Pi+ or gamma)'s = 1 |
699 }
700 else if(-nC==nL) //(2) a few Sigma- like |
701 {
702 qPN = 1; // One separated Sigma- |
703 fPDG = 3112;
704 sPDG = 3112;
705 sMass= mSigM;
706 nB--;
707 fMass= mSigM;
708 }
709 else if(-nC>nL) //(2) n*(Sigma-)+m*(Pi-) |
710 {
711 qPN = -nC-nL; // #of Pi-'s |
712 fPDG = 3112;
713 fMass= mSigM;
714 }
715 else //(2) n*(Sigma-)+m*Lambda(-nC<nL) |
716 {
717 nB += nC; // #of Lambda's |
718 fPDG = 3122;
719 fMass= mLamb;
720 qPN = -nC; // #of Sigma+'s |
721 sPDG = 3112;
722 sMass= mSigM;
723 }
724 nL = 0; // Only decays in two are above |
725 }
726 else if(nL) // ->n*Lamb+m*Neut+k*(Pi-) State (nL<nB) |
727 {
728 nB -= nL; // #of neutrons |
729 fPDG = 2112;
730 fMass= mNeut;
731 G4int nPin = -nC; // #of Pi-'s
732 if(nL==nPin) //(2) m*Neut+n*Sigma- |
733 {
734 qPN = nL; // #of Sigma- |
735 sPDG = 3112;
736 sMass= mSigM;
737 nL = 0;
738 }
739 else if(nL>nPin) //(3) m*P+n*(Sigma+)+k*Lambda |
740 {
741 nL-=nPin; // #of Lambdas |
742 qPN = nPin; // #of Sigma+ |
743 sPDG = 3112;
744 sMass= mSigM;
745 }
746 else //(3) m*N+n*(Sigma-)+k*(Pi-) (nL<nPin) |
747 {
748 qPN = nPin-nL; // #of Pi- |
749 sPDG = -211;
750 tPDG = 3112;
751 tMass= mSigM;
752 }
753 }
754 else //(2) n*N+m*(Pi-) (nL=0) |
755 {
756 sPDG = -211;
757 qPN = -nC;
758 fPDG = 2112;
759 fMass= mNeut;
760 }
761 }
762 else if(!nC) // *** Should not be here *** |
763 {
764 if(nL && nL<nB) //(2) n*Lamb+m*N ***Should not be here*** |
765 {
766 qPN = nL;
767 fPDG = 2112; // mN+nL case |
768 sPDG = 3122;
769 sMass= mLamb;
770 nB -= nL;
771 fMass= mNeut;
772 nL = 0;
773 }
774 else if(nL>1 && nB==nL) //(2) m*Lamb(m>1) ***Should not be here*** |
775 {
776 qPN = 1;
777 fPDG = 3122;
778 sPDG = 3122;
779 sMass= mLamb;
780 nB--;
781 fMass= mLamb;
782 }
783 else if(!nL && nB>1) //(2) n*Neut(n>1) ***Should not be here*** |
784 {
785 qPN = 1;
786 fPDG = 2112;
787 sPDG = 2112;
788 sMass= mNeut;
789 nB--;
790 fMass= mNeut;
791 }
792 else G4cout<<"*?*G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: (1) oPDG="<<oPDG<<G4endl;// |
793 }
794 else if(nC>0) // n*Lamb+(m*P)+(k*Pi+) |
795 {
796 if(nL && nL+nC==nB) //(2) n*Lamb+m*P ***Should not be here*** |
797 {
798 qPN = nL;
799 nL = 0;
800 fPDG = 2212;
801 sPDG = 3122;
802 sMass= mLamb;
803 nB = nC;
804 fMass= mProt;
805 }
806 else if(nL && nC<nB-nL) //(3)n*L+m*P+k*N ***Should not be here*** |
807 {
808 qPN = nC; // #of protons |
809 fPDG = 2112; // mP+nL case |
810 sPDG = 2212;
811 sMass= mProt;
812 nB -= nL+nC; // #of neutrons |
813 fMass= mNeut;
814 }
815 else if(nL && nB==nL) // ---> n*L+m*Pi+ State |
816 {
817 if(nC==nL && nL==1) // Only one Sigma+ like State |
818 {
819 if(std::fabs(qM-mSigP)<eps)
820 {
821 loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(3222)); // This is GS Sigma+ |
822 cont=false; // Skip decay |
823 }
824 else if(qM>mLamb+mPi) //(2) Sigma+=>Lambda+Pi+ decay |
825 {
826 fPDG = 3122;
827 fMass= mLamb;
828 }
829 else if(qM>mNeut+mPi) //(2) Sigma+=>Neutron+Pi+ decay |
830 {
831 fPDG = 2112;
832 fMass= mNeut;
833 }
834 else if(qM>mSigP) //(2) Sigma+=>Sigma++gamma decay |
835 {
836 fPDG = 3222;
837 fMass= mSigP;
838 sPDG = 22;
839 sMass= 0.;
840 }
841 else //(2) Sigma+=>Proton+gamma decay |
842 {
843 fPDG = 2212;
844 fMass= mProt;
845 sPDG = 22;
846 sMass= 0.;
847 }
848 qPN = 1; // #of (Pi+ or gamma)'s = 1 |
849 }
850 else if(nC==nL) //(2) a few Sigma+ like hyperons |
851 {
852 qPN = 1;
853 fPDG = 3222;
854 sPDG = 3222;
855 sMass= mSigP;
856 nB--;
857 fMass= mSigP;
858 }
859 else if(nC>nL) //(2) n*(Sigma+)+m*(Pi+) |
860 {
861 qPN = nC-nL; // #of Pi+'s |
862 fPDG = 3222;
863 nB = nL; // #of Sigma+'s |
864 fMass= mSigP;
865 }
866 else //(2) n*(Sigma+)+m*Lambda |
867 {
868 nB -= nC; // #of Lambda's |
869 fPDG = 3122;
870 fMass= mLamb;
871 qPN = nC; // #of Sigma+'s |
872 sPDG = 3222;
873 sMass= mSigP;
874 }
875 nL = 0; // All above are decays in 2 |
876 }
877 else if(nL && nC>nB-nL) // n*Lamb+m*P+k*Pi+ |
878 {
879 nB -= nL; // #of protons |
880 G4int nPip = nC-nB; // #of Pi+'s |
881 if(nL==nPip) //(2) m*P+n*Sigma+ |
882 {
883 qPN = nL; // #of Sigma+ |
884 sPDG = 3222;
885 sMass= mSigP;
886 nL = 0;
887 }
888 else if(nL>nPip) //(3) m*P+n*(Sigma+)+k*Lambda |
889 {
890 nL -= nPip; // #of Lambdas |
891 qPN = nPip; // #of Sigma+ |
892 sPDG = 3222;
893 sMass= mSigP;
894 }
895 else //(3) m*P+n*(Sigma+)+k*(Pi+) |
896 {
897 qPN = nPip-nL; // #of Pi+ |
898 tPDG = 3222;
899 tMass= mSigP;
900 }
901 }
902 if(nC<nB) //(2) n*P+m*N ***Should not be here*** |
903 {
904 fPDG = 2112;
905 fMass= mNeut;
906 qPN = nC;
907 sPDG = 2212;
908 sMass= mProt;
909 }
910 else if(nB==nC && nC>1) //(2) m*Prot(m>1) ***Should not be here*** |
911 {
912 qPN = 1;
913 fPDG = 2212;
914 sPDG = 2212;
915 sMass= mProt;
916 nB--;
917 fMass= mProt;
918 }
919 else if(nC<=nB||!nB) G4cout<<"*?*G4QDR::ProjFragm: (2) oPDG="<<oPDG<<G4endl; // |
920 // !nL && nC>nB //(2) Default condition n*P+m*(Pi+) |
921 }
922 if(cont) // Make a decay |
923 {
924 G4double tfM=nB*fMass;
925 G4double tsM=qPN*sMass;
926 G4double ttM=0.;
927 if(nL) ttM=nL*tMass;
928 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tfM);
929 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tsM);
930 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,ttM);
931 G4double sum=tfM+tsM+ttM;
932 if(std::fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
933 {
934 f4Mom=q4M*(tfM/sum);
935 s4Mom=q4M*(tsM/sum);
936 if(nL) t4Mom=q4M*(ttM/sum);
937 }
938 else if(!nL && (qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))) // Error |
939 {
940 //#ifdef fdebug
941 G4cout<<"***G4QDR::PrFragm:fPDG="<<fPDG<<"*"<<nB<<"(fM="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sPDG
942 <<"*"<<qPN<<"(sM="<<sMass<<")"<<"="<<sum<<" > TM="<<qM<<q4M<<oPDG<<G4endl;
943 //#endif
944 // throw G4QException("*G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: Bad decay in 2"); // |
946 ed << "***G4QDR::PrFragm:fPDG=" << fPDG << "*" << nB << "(fM="
947 << fMass << ")+sPDG=" << sPDG << "*" << qPN << "(sM=" << sMass
948 << ")" << "=" << sum << " > TM=" << qM << q4M << oPDG << G4endl;
949 G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment()", "HAD_CHPS_0002",
950 FatalException, ed);
951 }
952 else if(nL && (qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom, s4Mom, t4Mom)))// Error|
953 {
954 //#ifdef fdebug
955 G4cout<<"***G4DF::PrFrag: "<<fPDG<<"*"<<nB<<"("<<fMass<<")+"<<sPDG<<"*"<<qPN<<"("
956 <<sMass<<")+Lamb*"<<nL<<"="<<sum<<" > TotM="<<qM<<q4M<<oPDG<<G4endl;
957 //#endif
958 // throw G4QException("*G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: Bad decay in 3"); // |
960 ed << "***G4DF::PrFrag: " << fPDG << "*" << nB << "(" << fMass << ")+"
961 << sPDG << "*" << qPN << "(" << sMass << ")+Lamb*" << nL << "="
962 << sum << " > TotM=" << qM << q4M << oPDG << G4endl;
963 G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment()", "HAD_CHPS_0003",
964 FatalException, ed);
965 }
966#ifdef fdebug
967 G4cout<<"G4QDF::ProjFragm: *DONE* n="<<nB<<f4Mom<<fPDG<<", m="<<qPN<<s4Mom<<sPDG
968 <<", l="<<nL<<t4Mom<<G4endl;
970 G4bool notused=true;
971 if(nB) // There are baryons |
972 {
973 f4Mom/=nB;
974 loh->Set4Momentum(f4Mom); // ! Update the Hadron ! |
975 loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(fPDG)); // Baryons |
976 notused=false; // Loh was used |
977 if(nB>1) for(G4int ih=1; ih<nB; ih++) // Loop over the rest of baryons |
978 {
979 G4QHadron* Hi = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4Mom); // Create a Hadron for Baryon |
980 ResHV->push_back(Hi); // Fill in the additional nucleon |
981#ifdef fdebug
982 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
983 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFrag: *additional Nucleon*="<<f4Mom<<fPDG<<G4endl; // |
985 }
986 }
987 if(qPN) // There are pions |
988 {
989 s4Mom/=qPN;
990 G4int min=0;
991 if(notused)
992 {
993 loh->Set4Momentum(s4Mom); // ! Update the Hadron 4M ! |
994 loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(sPDG)); // Update PDG |
995 notused=false; // loh was used |
996 min=1; // start value |
997 }
998 if(qPN>min) for(G4int ip=min; ip<qPN; ip++) // Loop over pions |
999 {
1000 G4QHadron* Hj = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4Mom); // Create a Hadron for the meson |
1001 ResHV->push_back(Hj); // Fill in the additional pion |
1002#ifdef fdebug
1003 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1004 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFragm: *additional Pion*="<<f4Mom<<fPDG<<G4endl; // |
1006 }
1007 }
1008 if(nL) // There are Hyperons |
1009 {
1010 t4Mom/=nL;
1011 G4int min=0;
1012 if(notused)
1013 {
1014 loh->Set4Momentum(t4Mom); // ! Update the Hadron 4M ! |
1015 loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(tPDG));// Update PDG |
1016 notused=false; // loh was used |
1017 min=1; //
1018 }
1019 if(nL>min) for(G4int il=min; il<nL; il++) // Loop over Hyperons |
1020 {
1021 G4QHadron* Hk = new G4QHadron(tPDG,t4Mom); // Create a Hadron for Lambda |
1022 ResHV->push_back(Hk); // Fill in the additional pion |
1023#ifdef fdebug
1024 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1025 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFragm: *additional Hyperon*="<<f4Mom<<fPDG<<G4endl; // |
1027 }
1028 }
1029 } // --> End of decay |
1030 } // -> End of Iso-nuclear treatment |
1031 else if( (nL > 0 && nB > 1) || (nL < 0 && nB < -1) )
1032 { // Hypernucleus is found |
1033 G4bool anti=false; // Default=Nucleus (true=antinucleus |
1034 if(nB<0) // Anti-nucleus |
1035 {
1036 anti=true; // Flag of anti-hypernucleus |
1037 nB=-nB; // Reverse the baryon number |
1038 nC=-nC; // Reverse the charge |
1039 nL=-nL; // Reverse the strangeness |
1040 }
1041 G4int hPDG = 90000000+nL*999999+nC*999+nB; // CHIPS PDG Code for Hypernucleus |
1042 G4int nSM=0; // A#0f unavoidable Sigma- |
1043 G4int nSP=0; // A#0f unavoidable Sigma+ |
1044 if(nC<0) // Negative hypernucleus |
1045 {
1046 if(-nC<=nL) // Partial compensation by Sigma- |
1047 {
1048 nSM=-nC; // Can be compensated by Sigma- |
1049 nL+=nC; // Reduce the residual strangeness |
1050 }
1051 else // All Charge is compensated by Sigma- |
1052 {
1053 nSM=nL; // The maximum number of Sigma- |
1054 nL=0; // Kill the residual strangeness |
1055 }
1056 }
1057 else if(nC>nB-nL) // Extra positive hypernucleus |
1058 {
1059 if(nC<=nB) // Partial compensation by Sigma+ |
1060 {
1061 G4int dH=nB-nC; // Isotopic shift |
1062 nSP=nL-dH; // Can be compensated by Sigma+ |
1063 nL=dH; // Reduce the residual strangeness |
1064 }
1065 else // All Charge is compensated by Sigma+ |
1066 {
1067 nSP=nL; // The maximum number of Sigma+ |
1068 nL=0; // Kill the residual strangeness |
1069 }
1070 }
1071 r4M=loh->Get4Momentum(); // Real 4-momentum of the hypernucleus !
1072 G4double reM=r4M.m(); // Real mass of the hypernucleus |
1073#ifdef fdebug
1074 G4cout<<"G4QDiffRatio::PrFrag:oPDG=="<<oPDG<<",hPDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<reM<<G4endl;//|
1076 G4int rlPDG=hPDG-nL*1000000-nSP*1000999-nSM*999001;// Subtract Lamb/Sig from Nucl.|
1077 G4int sPDG=3122; // Prototype for the Hyperon PDG (Lambda)|
1078 G4double MLa=mLamb; // Prototype for one Hyperon decay |
1079#ifdef fdebug
1080 G4cout<<"G4QDiffRatio::PrFrag:*G4*nS+="<<nSP<<",nS-="<<nSM<<",nL="<<nL<<G4endl;// |
1082 if(nSP||nSM) // Sigma+/- improvement |
1083 {
1084 if(nL) // By mistake Lambda improvement is found |
1085 {
1086 G4cout<<"***G4QDR::PFr:HypN="<<hPDG<<": bothSigm&Lamb -> ImproveIt"<<G4endl;//|
1087 //throw G4QException("*G4QDiffractionRatio::Fragment:BothLambda&SigmaInHN");//|
1088 // @@ Correction, which does not conserv the charge !! (-> add decay in 3) |
1089 if(nSP) nL+=nSP; // Convert Sigma+ to Lambda |
1090 else nL+=nSM; // Convert Sigma- to Lambda |
1091 }
1092 if(nSP) // Sibma+ should be decayed |
1093 {
1094 nL=nSP; // #of decaying hyperons |
1095 sPDG=3222; // PDG code of decaying hyperons |
1096 MLa=mSigP; // Mass of decaying hyperons |
1097 }
1098 else // Sibma+ should be decayed |
1099 {
1100 nL=nSM; // #of decaying hyperons |
1101 sPDG=3112; // PDG code of decaying hyperons |
1102 MLa=mSigM; // Mass of decaying hyperons |
1103 }
1104 }
1105#ifdef fdebug
1106 G4cout<<"G4QDiffRat::ProjFrag:*G4*mS="<<MLa<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<",nL="<<nL<<G4endl;//|
1108 if(nL>1) MLa*=nL; // Total mass of the decaying hyperons |
1109 G4double rlM=G4QNucleus(rlPDG).GetMZNS();// Mass of the NonstrangeNucleus |
1110 if(!nSP&&!nSM&&nL==1&&reM>rlM+mSigZ&&G4UniformRand()>.5) // Conv Lambda->Sigma0 |
1111 {
1112 sPDG=3212; // PDG code of a decaying hyperon |
1113 MLa=mSigZ; // Mass of the decaying hyperon |
1114 }
1115 G4int rnPDG = hPDG-nL*999999; // Convert Lambdas to neutrons (for convInN) |
1116 G4QNucleus rnN(rnPDG); // New nonstrange nucleus |
1117 G4double rnM=rnN.GetMZNS(); // Mass of the new nonstrange nucleus |
1118 // @@ In future take into account Iso-Hypernucleus (Add PI+,R & Pi-,R decays) |
1119 if(rlPDG==90000000) // Multy Hyperon (HyperNuc of only hyperons) |
1120 {
1121 if(nL>1) r4M=r4M/nL; // split the 4-mom for the MultyLambda |
1122 for(G4int il=0; il<nL; il++) // loop over Lambdas |
1123 {
1124 if(anti) sPDG=-sPDG; // For anti-nucleus case |
1125 G4QHadron* theLam = new G4QHadron(sPDG,r4M); // Make NewHadr for the Hyperon |
1126 ResHV->push_back(theLam); // Fill in the Lambda |
1127#ifdef fdebug
1128 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1129 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFrag: *additional Lambda*="<<r4M<<sPDG<<G4endl; // |
1131 }
1132 }
1133 else if(reM>rlM+MLa-eps) // Lambda (or Sigma) can be split |
1134 {
1135 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,rlM); // 4-mom of the residual nucleus |
1136 G4LorentzVector h4M(0.,0.,0.,MLa); // 4-mom of the Hyperon |
1137 G4double sum=rlM+MLa; // Safety sum |
1138 if(std::fabs(reM-sum)<eps) // At rest in CMS |
1139 {
1140 n4M=r4M*(rlM/sum); // Split tot 4-mom for resNuc |
1141 h4M=r4M*(MLa/sum); // Split tot 4-mom for Hyperon |
1142 }
1143 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(n4M,h4M)) // Error in decay |
1144 {
1145 G4cerr<<"***G4QDF::PF:HypN,M="<<reM<<"<A+n*L="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-reM<<G4endl;//|
1146 // throw G4QException("***G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment:HypernuclusDecay");//|
1147 G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment()", "HAD_CHPS_0100",
1148 FatalException, "Error in hypernuclus decay");
1149 }
1150#ifdef fdebug
1151 G4cout<<"*G4QDR::PF:HypN="<<r4M<<"->A="<<rlPDG<<n4M<<",n*L="<<nL<<h4M<<G4endl;//|
1153 loh->Set4Momentum(n4M); // ! Update the Hadron ! |
1154 if(anti && rlPDG==90000001) rlPDG=-2112; // Convert to anti-neutron |
1155 if(anti && rlPDG==90001000) rlPDG=-2212; // Convert to anti-proton |
1156 loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(rlPDG)); // ConvertedHypernucleus to nonstrange(@anti)|
1157 if(rlPDG==90000002) // Additional action with loH changed to 2n |
1158 {
1159 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.; // Split 4-momentum |
1160 loh->Set4Momentum(newLV); // Reupdate the hadron |
1161 if(anti) loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(-2112)); // Make anti-neutron PDG |
1162 else loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(2112)); // Make neutron PDG |
1163 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(loh); // Duplicate the neutron |
1164 ResHV->push_back(secHadr); // Fill in the additional neutron |
1165#ifdef fdebug
1166 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1167 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProgFrag: *additional Neutron*="<<r4M<<sPDG<<G4endl; // |
1169 }
1170 else if(rlPDG==90002000) // Additional action with loH change to 2p |
1171 {
1172 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.; // Split 4-momentum |
1173 loh->Set4Momentum(newLV); // Reupdate the hadron |
1174 if(anti) loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(-2212)); // Make anti-neutron PDG |
1175 else loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(2112)); // Make neutron PDG |
1176 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(loh); // Duplicate the proton |
1177 ResHV->push_back(secHadr); // Fill in the additional neutron |
1178#ifdef fdebug
1179 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1180 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFrag: *additional Proton*="<<r4M<<sPDG<<G4endl; // |
1182 }
1183 // @@(?) Add multybaryon decays if necessary (Now it anyhow is made later) |
1184#ifdef fdebug
1185 G4cout<<"*G4QDiffractionRatio::PrFrag:resNucPDG="<<loh->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;// |
1187 if(nL>1) h4M=h4M/nL; // split the lambda's 4-mom if necessary |
1188 for(G4int il=0; il<nL; il++) // A loop over excessive hyperons |
1189 {
1190 if(anti) sPDG=-sPDG; // For anti-nucleus case |
1191 G4QHadron* theLamb = new G4QHadron(sPDG,h4M); // Make NewHadr for the Hyperon |
1192 ResHV->push_back(theLamb); // Fill in the additional neutron |
1193#ifdef fdebug
1194 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1195 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFrag: *additional Hyperon*="<<r4M<<sPDG<<G4endl; // |
1197 }
1198 }
1199 else if(reM>rnM+mPi0-eps&&!nSP&&!nSM)// Lambda->N only if Sigmas are absent |
1200 {
1201 G4int nPi=static_cast<G4int>((reM-rnM)/mPi0); // Calc. pion multiplicity |
1202 if (nPi>nL) nPi=nL; // Cut the pion multiplicity |
1203 G4double npiM=nPi*mPi0; // Total pion mass |
1204 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,rnM); // Residual nucleus 4-momentum |
1205 G4LorentzVector h4M(0.,0.,0.,npiM);// 4-momentum of pions |
1206 G4double sum=rnM+npiM; // Safety sum |
1207 if(std::fabs(reM-sum)<eps) // At rest |
1208 {
1209 n4M=r4M*(rnM/sum); // The residual nucleus part |
1210 h4M=r4M*(npiM/sum); // The pion part |
1211 }
1212 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(n4M,h4M)) // Error in decay |
1213 {
1214 G4cerr<<"*G4QDR::PF:HypN,M="<<reM<<"<A+n*Pi0="<<sum<<",d="<<sum-reM<<G4endl;//|
1215 // throw G4QException("***G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment:HypernuclDecay"); // |
1216 G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment()", "HAD_CHPS_0101",
1217 FatalException, "Error in HypernuclDecay");
1218 }
1219 loh->Set4Momentum(n4M); // ! Update the Hadron ! |
1220 if(anti && rnPDG==90000001) rnPDG=-2112; // Convert to anti-neutron |
1221 if(anti && rnPDG==90001000) rnPDG=-2212; // Convert to anti-proton |
1222 loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(rnPDG)); // convert hyperNuc to nonstrangeNuc(@@anti) |
1223#ifdef fdebug
1224 G4cout<<"*G4QDR::PF:R="<<r4M<<"->A="<<rnPDG<<n4M<<",n*Pi0="<<nPi<<h4M<<G4endl;//|
1226 if(nPi>1) h4M=h4M/nPi; // Split the 4-mom if necessary |
1227 for(G4int ihn=0; ihn<nPi; ihn++) // A loop over additional pions |
1228 {
1229 G4QHadron* thePion = new G4QHadron(111,h4M); // Make a New Hadr for the pi0 |
1230 ResHV->push_back(thePion); // Fill in the Pion |
1231#ifdef fdebug
1232 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1233 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFrag: *additional Pion*="<<r4M<<sPDG<<G4endl; // |
1235 }
1236 if(rnPDG==90000002) // Additional action with loH change to 2n |
1237 {
1238 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.; // Split 4-momentum |
1239 loh->Set4Momentum(newLV); // Reupdate the hadron |
1240 if(anti) loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(-2112)); // Make anti-neutron PDG |
1241 else loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(2112)); // Make neutron PDG |
1242 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(loh); // Duplicate the neutron |
1243 ResHV->push_back(secHadr); // Fill in the additional neutron |
1244#ifdef fdebug
1245 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1246 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFrag: *additional Neutron*="<<r4M<<sPDG<<G4endl; // |
1248 }
1249 else if(rnPDG==90002000) // Additional action with loH change to 2p |
1250 {
1251 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.; // Split 4-momentum |
1252 loh->Set4Momentum(newLV); // Reupdate the hadron |
1253 if(anti) loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(-2212)); // Make anti-neutron PDG |
1254 else loh->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(2112)); // Make neutron PDG |
1255 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(loh); // Duplicate the proton |
1256 ResHV->push_back(secHadr); // Fill in the additional neutron |
1257#ifdef fdebug
1258 sum4M+=r4M; // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1259 G4cout<<"G4QDR::ProjFrag: *additional Proton*="<<r4M<<sPDG<<G4endl; // |
1261 }
1262 // @@ Add multybaryon decays if necessary |
1263 }
1264 else // If this Excepton shows up (lowProbable appearance) => include gamma decay |
1265 {
1266 G4double d=rlM+MLa-reM; // Hyperon Excessive energy |
1267 G4cerr<<"G4QDR::PF:R="<<rlM<<",S+="<<nSP<<",S-="<<nSM<<",L="<<nL<<",d="<<d<<G4endl;
1268 d=rnM+mPi0-reM; // Pion Excessive energy |
1269 G4cerr<<"G4QDR::PF:"<<oPDG<<","<<hPDG<<",M="<<reM<<"<"<<rnM+mPi0<<",d="<<d<<G4endl;
1270 // throw G4QException("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: Hypernuclear conver");// |
1271 G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment()", "HAD_CHPS_0102",
1272 FatalException, "Excessive hypernuclear energy");
1273 }
1274 } // => End of G4 Hypernuclear decay |
1275 ResHV->push_back(loh); // Fill in the result |
1276#ifdef debug
1277 sum4M+=loh->Get4Momentum(); // Sum 4-momenta for the EnMom check |
1278 G4cout<<"G4QDR::PrFra:#"<<iq<<","<<loh->Get4Momentum()<<loh->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;//|
1280 } // |
1281 leadhs->clear();// |
1282 delete leadhs; // <----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<--*
1283#ifdef debug
1284 G4cout<<"G4QDiffractionRatio::ProjFragment: *End* Sum="<<sum4M<<" =?= d4M="<<d4M<<G4endl;
1286 return ResHV; // Result
1287} // End of ProjFragment
@ FatalException
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector G4LorentzVector
std::vector< G4QHadron * > G4QHadronVector
G4ThreeVector G4RandomDirection()
#define G4UniformRand()
Definition: Randomize.hh:53
G4LorentzVector Get4Momentum() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:79
G4int GetBaryonNumber() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:181
G4int GetCharge() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:179
G4int GetPDGCode() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:170
G4bool DecayIn2(G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom)
void SetQPDG(const G4QPDGCode &QPDG)
void Set4Momentum(const G4LorentzVector &aMom)
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:187
G4int GetStrangeness() const
Definition: G4QHadron.hh:180
G4double GetMZNS() const
Definition: G4QNucleus.hh:80
G4QContent GetQuarkContent() const
G4QHadronVector * Fragment(G4QNucleus &nucEnviron, G4int nQ=1)
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *comments)
std::ostringstream G4ExceptionDescription
Definition: globals.hh:76

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4ProjectileDiffractiveChannel::Scatter().

◆ TargFragment()

G4QHadronVector * G4QDiffractionRatio::TargFragment ( G4int  pPDG,
G4LorentzVector  p4M,
G4int  tgZ,
G4int  tgN 

Definition at line 303 of file

306 static const G4double pFm= 0.; // Fermi momentum in MeV (delta function)
307 //static const G4double pFm= 250.; // Fermi momentum in MeV (delta function)
308 static const G4double pFm2= pFm*pFm; // Squared Fermi momentum in MeV^2 (delta function)
309 static const G4double mPi0= G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass(); // pi0 mass (MeV =min diffraction)
310 //static const G4double mPi= G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass(); // pi+- mass (MeV)
311 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
312 static const G4double mNeut2=mNeut*mNeut;
313 static const G4double dmNeut=mNeut+mNeut;
314 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
315 static const G4double mProt2=mProt*mProt;
316 static const G4double dmProt=mProt+mProt;
317 static const G4double maxDM=mProt*12.;
318 //static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
319 //static const G4double mSigZ= G4QPDGCode(3212).GetMass();
320 //static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
321 //static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
322 //static const G4double eps=.003;
323 static const G4double third=1./3.;
324 //
325 G4LorentzVector pr4M=p4M/megaelectronvolt; // Convert 4-momenta in MeV (keep p4M)
326 // prepare the DONOTHING answer
327 G4QHadronVector* ResHV = new G4QHadronVector;// !! MUST BE DESTROYE/DDELETER by CALLER !!
328 G4QHadron* hadron = new G4QHadron(pPDG,p4M); // Hadron for not scattered projectile
329 ResHV->push_back(hadron); // It must be cleaned up for real scattering sec
330 // @@ diffraction is simulated as noncoherent (coherent is small)
331 G4int tgA=tgZ+tgN; // A of the target
332 G4int tPDG=90000000+tgZ*1000+tgN; // PDG code of the targetNucleus/recoilNucleus
333 G4double tgM=G4QPDGCode(tPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of the target nucleus
334 G4int rPDG=2112; // prototype of PDG code of the recoiled nucleon
335 if(tgA*G4UniformRand()>tgN) // Substitute by a proton
336 {
337 rPDG=2212; // PDG code of the recoiled QF nucleon
338 tPDG-=1000; // PDG code of the recoiled nucleus
339 }
340 else tPDG-=1; // PDG code of the recoiled nucleus
341 G4double tM=G4QPDGCode(tPDG).GetMass(); // Mass of the recoiled nucleus
342 G4double tE=std::sqrt(tM*tM+pFm2); // Free energy of the recoil nucleus
343 G4ThreeVector tP=pFm*G4RandomDirection();// 3-mom of the recoiled nucleus
344 G4LorentzVector t4M(tP,tE); // 4M of the recoil nucleus
345 G4LorentzVector tg4M(0.,0.,0.,tgM); // Full target 4-momentum
346 G4LorentzVector N4M=tg4M-t4M; // 4-mom of Quasi-free target nucleon
347 G4LorentzVector tot4M=N4M+p4M; // total momentum of quasi-free diffraction
348 G4double mT=mNeut; // Prototype of mass of QF nucleon
349 G4double mT2=mNeut2; // Squared mass of a free nucleon to be excited
350 G4double dmT=dmNeut; // Doubled mass
351 //G4int Z=0; // Prototype of the isotope Z
352 //G4int N=1; // Prototype of the Isotope N
353 if(rPDG==2212) // Correct it, if this is a proton
354 {
355 mT=mProt; // Prototype of mass of QF nucleon to be excited
356 mT2=mProt2; // Squared mass of the free nucleon
357 dmT=dmProt; // Doubled mass
358 //Z=1; // Z of the isotope
359 //N=0; // N of the Isotope
360 }
361 G4double mP2=pr4M.m2(); // Squared mass of the projectile
362 if(mP2<0.) mP2=0.; // Can be a problem for photon (m_min = 2*m_pi0)
363 G4double s_value=tot4M.m2(); // @@ Check <0 ...
364 G4double E=(s_value-mT2-mP2)/dmT; // Effective interactionEnergy (virtNucl target)
365 G4double E2=E*E;
366 if(E<0. || E2<mP2) // Impossible to fragment: return projectile
367 {
368#ifdef pdebug
369 G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4DifR::TFra:<NegativeEnergy>E="<<E<<",E2="<<E2<<"<M2="<<mP2<<G4endl;
371 return ResHV; // *** Do Nothing Action ***
372 }
373 G4double mP=std::sqrt(mP2); // Calculate mass of the projectile (to be exc.)
374 if(mP<.1) mP=mPi0; // For photons minDiffraction is gam+P->P+Pi0
375 //G4double dmP=mP+mP; // Doubled mass of the projectile
376 G4double mMin=mP+mPi0; // Minimum diffractive mass
377 G4double tA=tgA; // Real A of the target
378 G4double sA=5./std::pow(tA,third); // Mass-screaning
379 //mMin+=mPi0+G4UniformRand()*(mP*sA+mPi0); // *Experimental*
380 mMin+=G4UniformRand()*(mP*sA+mPi0); // *Experimental*
381 G4double ss=std::sqrt(s_value); // CM compound mass (sqrt(s))
382 G4double mMax=ss-mP; // Maximum diffraction mass of the projectile
383 if(mMax>maxDM) mMax=maxDM; // Restriction to avoid too big masses
384 if(mMin>=mMax)
385 {
386#ifdef pdebug
387 G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4DifR::TFra:ZeroDiffractionMRange, mi="<<mMin<<",ma="<<mMax<<G4endl;
389 return ResHV; // Do Nothing Action
390 }
392 G4double mDif=std::exp(R*std::log(mMax)+(1.-R)*std::log(mMin)); // Low Mass Approximation
393 G4double mDif2=mDif*mDif;
394 G4double ds=s_value-mP2-mDif2;
395 //G4double e=ds/dmP;
396 //G4double P=std::sqrt(e*e-mDif2); // Momentum in pseudo laboratory system
397#ifdef debug
398 G4cout<<"G4QDiffR::TargFrag:Before XS, P="<<P<<",Z="<<Z<<",N="<<N<<",PDG="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
400 // @@ Temporary NN t-dependence for all hadrons
401 if(pPDG>3400 || pPDG<-3400) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QDifR::Fragment: pPDG="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
402 G4double maxt=(ds*ds-4*mP2*mDif2)/s_value; // maximum possible -t
403 G4double tsl=140000.; // slope in MeV^2
404 G4double t=-std::log(G4UniformRand())*tsl;
405#ifdef pdebug
406 G4cout<<"G4QDifR::TFra:ph="<<pPDG<<",P="<<P<<",t="<<t<<"<"<<maxt<<G4endl;
408#ifdef nandebug
409 if(mint>-.0000001); // To make the Warning for NAN
410 else G4cout<<"******G4QDiffractionRatio::TargFragment: -t="<<mint<<G4endl;
412 G4double rt=t/maxt;
413 G4double cost=1.-rt-rt; // cos(theta) in CMS
414#ifdef ppdebug
415 G4cout<<"G4QDiffraRatio::TargFragment: -t="<<t<<", maxt="<<maxt<<", cost="<<cost<<G4endl;
417 if(cost>1. || cost<-1. || !(cost>-1. || cost<=1.))
418 {
419 if (cost>1.) cost=1.;
420 else if(cost<-1.) cost=-1.;
421 else
422 {
423 G4cerr<<"G4QDiffRat::TargFragm: *NAN* cost="<<cost<<",t="<<t<<",tmax="<<maxt<<G4endl;
424 return ResHV; // Do Nothing Action
425 }
426 }
427 G4LorentzVector r4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mP); // 4mom of the leading nucleon
428 G4LorentzVector d4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mDif); // 4mom of the diffract. Quasmon
429 G4LorentzVector dir4M=tot4M-G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,(tot4M.e()-mT)*.01);
430 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).RelDecayIn2(r4M, d4M, dir4M, cost, cost))
431 {
432 G4cerr<<"G4QDifR::TFr:M="<<tot4M.m()<<",T="<<mT<<",D="<<mDif<<",T+D="<<mT+mDif<<G4endl;
433 //G4Exception("G4QDifR::Fragm:","009",FatalException,"Decay of ElasticComp");
434 return ResHV; // Do Nothing Action
435 }
436#ifdef debug
437 G4cout<<"G4QDifRat::TargFragm:d4M="<<d4M<<"+r4M="<<r4M<<"="<<d4M+r4M<<"="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
439 // Now everything is ready for fragmentation and DoNothing projHadron must be wiped out
440 delete hadron; // Delete the fake (doNothing) projectile hadron
441 ResHV->pop_back(); // Clean up pointer to the fake (doNothing) projectile
442 hadron = new G4QHadron(pPDG,r4M); // Hadron for the recoil nucleon
443 ResHV->push_back(hadron); // Fill the recoil nucleon
444#ifdef debug
445 G4cout<<"G4QDiffractionRatio::TargFragm: *Filled* LeadingNuc="<<r4M<<pPDG<<G4endl;
447 G4QHadronVector* leadhs = 0; // Prototype of Quasmon Output G4QHadronVector ---->---*
448 G4QContent dQC=G4QPDGCode(rPDG).GetQuarkContent(); // QuarkContent of quasiFreeNucleon |
449 G4Quasmon* quasm = new G4Quasmon(dQC,d4M); // Quasmon=DiffractionExcitationQuasmon-* |
450#ifdef debug
451 G4cout<<"G4QDiffRatio::TgFrag:tPDG="<<tPDG<<",rPDG="<<rPDG<<",d4M="<<d4M<<G4endl;//| |
453 G4QEnvironment* pan= new G4QEnvironment(G4QNucleus(tPDG));// --> DELETED --->---* | |
454 pan->AddQuasmon(quasm); // Add diffractiveQuasmon to Environ.| | |
455#ifdef debug
456 G4cout<<"G4QDiffractionRatio::TargFragment: EnvPDG="<<tPDG<<G4endl; // | | |
458 try // | | |
459 { // | | |
460 leadhs = pan->Fragment();// DESTROYED in the end of the LOOP work space | | <-|
461 } // | | |
462 catch (G4QException& error)// | | |
463 { // | | |
464 //#ifdef pdebug
465 G4cerr<<"***G4QDiffractionRatio::TargFrag: G4QException is catched"<<G4endl;//| | |
466 //#endif
467 // G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::TargFragm:","27",FatalException,"*Nucl");// | | |
468 G4Exception("G4QDiffractionRatio::TargFragment()","HAD_CHPS_0027",
469 FatalException, "Nucl");
470 } // | | |
471 delete pan; // Delete the Nuclear Environment <-<--*--* |
472 G4int qNH=leadhs->size(); // A#of collected hadrons from diff.frag. |
473 if(qNH) for(G4int iq=0; iq<qNH; iq++) // Loop over hadrons to fill the result |
474 { // |
475 G4QHadron* loh=(*leadhs)[iq]; // Pointer to the output hadron |
476 ResHV->push_back(loh); // Fill in the result |
477 } // |
478 leadhs->clear();// |
479 delete leadhs; // <----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<----<---*
480 return ResHV; // Result
481} // End of TargFragment
void AddQuasmon(G4Quasmon *Q)
G4QHadronVector * Fragment()

Referenced by G4QDiffraction::PostStepDoIt().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: