Geant4 11.2.2
Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
No Matches
G4ViewParameters Class Reference

#include <G4ViewParameters.hh>

Public Types

enum  DrawingStyle {
  wireframe , hlr , hsr , hlhsr ,
enum  CutawayMode { cutawayUnion , cutawayIntersection }
enum  RotationStyle { constrainUpDirection , freeRotation }
enum  SMROption { meshAsDefault , meshAsDots , meshAsSurfaces }

Public Member Functions

 G4ViewParameters ()
 ~G4ViewParameters ()
G4bool operator!= (const G4ViewParameters &) const
DrawingStyle GetDrawingStyle () const
G4int GetNumberOfCloudPoints () const
G4bool IsAuxEdgeVisible () const
G4bool IsCulling () const
G4bool IsCullingInvisible () const
G4bool IsDensityCulling () const
G4double GetVisibleDensity () const
G4bool IsCullingCovered () const
G4int GetCBDAlgorithmNumber () const
const std::vector< G4double > & GetCBDParameters () const
G4bool IsSection () const
const G4Plane3DGetSectionPlane () const
G4bool IsCutaway () const
CutawayMode GetCutawayMode () const
const G4PlanesGetCutawayPlanes () const
G4bool IsExplode () const
G4double GetExplodeFactor () const
const G4Point3DGetExplodeCentre () const
G4int GetNoOfSides () const
const G4Vector3DGetViewpointDirection () const
const G4Vector3DGetUpVector () const
G4double GetFieldHalfAngle () const
G4double GetZoomFactor () const
const G4Vector3DGetScaleFactor () const
const G4Point3DGetCurrentTargetPoint () const
G4double GetDolly () const
G4bool GetLightsMoveWithCamera () const
const G4Vector3DGetLightpointDirection () const
G4Vector3DGetActualLightpointDirection ()
const G4VisAttributesGetDefaultVisAttributes () const
const G4VisAttributesGetDefaultTextVisAttributes () const
const G4VMarkerGetDefaultMarker () const
G4double GetGlobalMarkerScale () const
G4double GetGlobalLineWidthScale () const
G4bool IsMarkerNotHidden () const
unsigned int GetWindowSizeHintX () const
unsigned int GetWindowSizeHintY () const
G4int GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX (G4int) const
G4int GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY (G4int) const
G4int GetWindowLocationHintX () const
G4int GetWindowLocationHintY () const
G4bool IsWindowLocationHintXNegative () const
G4bool IsWindowLocationHintYNegative () const
const G4StringGetXGeometryString () const
bool IsWindowSizeHintX () const
bool IsWindowSizeHintY () const
bool IsWindowLocationHintX () const
bool IsWindowLocationHintY () const
G4bool IsAutoRefresh () const
const G4ColourGetBackgroundColour () const
G4bool IsPicking () const
RotationStyle GetRotationStyle () const
const std::vector< G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier > & GetVisAttributesModifiers () const
G4double GetStartTime () const
G4double GetEndTime () const
G4double GetFadeFactor () const
G4bool IsDisplayHeadTime () const
G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeX () const
G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeY () const
G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeSize () const
G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeRed () const
G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeGreen () const
G4double GetDisplayHeadTimeBlue () const
G4bool IsDisplayLightFront () const
G4double GetDisplayLightFrontX () const
G4double GetDisplayLightFrontY () const
G4double GetDisplayLightFrontZ () const
G4double GetDisplayLightFrontT () const
G4double GetDisplayLightFrontRed () const
G4double GetDisplayLightFrontGreen () const
G4double GetDisplayLightFrontBlue () const
G4bool IsSpecialMeshRendering () const
SMROption GetSpecialMeshRenderingOption () const
const std::vector< G4ModelingParameters::PVNameCopyNo > & GetSpecialMeshVolumes () const
G4double GetCameraDistance (G4double radius) const
G4double GetNearDistance (G4double cameraDistance, G4double radius) const
G4double GetFarDistance (G4double cameraDistance, G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const
G4double GetFrontHalfHeight (G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const
void SetDrawingStyle (G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle style)
G4int SetNumberOfCloudPoints (G4int)
void SetAuxEdgeVisible (G4bool)
void SetCulling (G4bool)
void SetCullingInvisible (G4bool)
void SetDensityCulling (G4bool)
void SetVisibleDensity (G4double visibleDensity)
void SetCullingCovered (G4bool)
void SetCBDAlgorithmNumber (G4int)
void SetCBDParameters (const std::vector< G4double > &)
void SetSectionPlane (const G4Plane3D &sectionPlane)
void UnsetSectionPlane ()
void SetCutawayMode (CutawayMode)
void AddCutawayPlane (const G4Plane3D &cutawayPlane)
void ChangeCutawayPlane (size_t index, const G4Plane3D &cutawayPlane)
void ClearCutawayPlanes ()
void SetExplodeFactor (G4double explodeFactor)
void UnsetExplodeFactor ()
void SetExplodeCentre (const G4Point3D &explodeCentre)
G4int SetNoOfSides (G4int nSides)
void SetViewpointDirection (const G4Vector3D &viewpointDirection)
void SetViewAndLights (const G4Vector3D &viewpointDirection)
void SetUpVector (const G4Vector3D &upVector)
void SetFieldHalfAngle (G4double fieldHalfAngle)
void SetOrthogonalProjection ()
void SetPerspectiveProjection (G4double fieldHalfAngle=30. *CLHEP::deg)
void SetZoomFactor (G4double zoomFactor)
void MultiplyZoomFactor (G4double zoomFactorMultiplier)
void SetScaleFactor (const G4Vector3D &scaleFactor)
void MultiplyScaleFactor (const G4Vector3D &scaleFactorMultiplier)
void SetCurrentTargetPoint (const G4Point3D &currentTargetPoint)
void SetDolly (G4double dolly)
void IncrementDolly (G4double dollyIncrement)
void SetLightpointDirection (const G4Vector3D &lightpointDirection)
void SetLightsMoveWithCamera (G4bool moves)
void SetPan (G4double right, G4double up)
void IncrementPan (G4double right, G4double up)
void IncrementPan (G4double right, G4double up, G4double forward)
void SetDefaultVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes &)
void SetDefaultColour (const G4Colour &)
void SetDefaultTextVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes &)
void SetDefaultTextColour (const G4Colour &)
void SetDefaultMarker (const G4VMarker &defaultMarker)
void SetGlobalMarkerScale (G4double globalMarkerScale)
void SetGlobalLineWidthScale (G4double globalLineWidthScale)
void SetMarkerHidden ()
void SetMarkerNotHidden ()
void SetWindowSizeHint (G4int xHint, G4int yHint)
void SetWindowLocationHint (G4int xHint, G4int yHint)
void SetXGeometryString (const G4String &)
void SetAutoRefresh (G4bool)
void SetBackgroundColour (const G4Colour &)
void SetPicking (G4bool)
void SetRotationStyle (RotationStyle)
void ClearVisAttributesModifiers ()
void AddVisAttributesModifier (const G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier &)
void SetStartTime (G4double)
void SetEndTime (G4double)
void SetFadeFactor (G4double)
void SetDisplayHeadTime (G4bool)
void SetDisplayHeadTimeX (G4double)
void SetDisplayHeadTimeY (G4double)
void SetDisplayHeadTimeSize (G4double)
void SetDisplayHeadTimeRed (G4double)
void SetDisplayHeadTimeGreen (G4double)
void SetDisplayHeadTimeBlue (G4double)
void SetDisplayLightFront (G4bool)
void SetDisplayLightFrontX (G4double)
void SetDisplayLightFrontY (G4double)
void SetDisplayLightFrontZ (G4double)
void SetDisplayLightFrontT (G4double)
void SetDisplayLightFrontRed (G4double)
void SetDisplayLightFrontGreen (G4double)
void SetDisplayLightFrontBlue (G4double)
void SetSpecialMeshRendering (G4bool)
void SetSpecialMeshRenderingOption (SMROption)
void SetSpecialMeshVolumes (const std::vector< G4ModelingParameters::PVNameCopyNo > &)
G4String CameraAndLightingCommands (const G4Point3D standardTargetPoint) const
G4String DrawingStyleCommands () const
G4String SceneModifyingCommands () const
G4String TouchableCommands () const
G4String TimeWindowCommands () const
void PrintDifferences (const G4ViewParameters &v) const

Static Public Member Functions

static G4ViewParametersCatmullRomCubicSplineInterpolation (const std::vector< G4ViewParameters > &views, G4int nInterpolationPoints=50)


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle style)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, G4ViewParameters::SMROption option)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const G4ViewParameters &v)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 90 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CutawayMode


Definition at line 102 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

102 {
103 cutawayUnion, // Union (addition) of result of each cutaway plane.
104 cutawayIntersection // Intersection (multiplication).
105 };

◆ DrawingStyle


Definition at line 94 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

94 {
95 wireframe, // Draw edges - no hidden line removal.
96 hlr, // Draw edges - hidden lines removed.
97 hsr, // Draw surfaces - hidden surfaces removed.
98 hlhsr, // Draw surfaces and edges - hidden removed.
99 cloud // Draw volume as a cloud of dots.
100 };

◆ RotationStyle


Definition at line 107 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

107 {
108 constrainUpDirection, // Standard, HEP convention.
109 freeRotation // Free, Google-like rotation, using mouse-grab.
110 };

◆ SMROption


Definition at line 112 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

112 { // Special Mesh Rendering Option
116 };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ G4ViewParameters()

G4ViewParameters::G4ViewParameters ( )

Definition at line 45 of file

45 :
46 fDrawingStyle (wireframe),
47 fNumberOfCloudPoints(10000),
48 fAuxEdgeVisible (false),
49 fCulling (true),
50 fCullInvisible (true),
51 fDensityCulling (false),
52 fVisibleDensity (0.01 * g / cm3),
53 fCullCovered (false),
54 fCBDAlgorithmNumber (0),
55 fSection (false),
56 fSectionPlane (),
57 fCutawayMode (cutawayUnion),
58 fCutawayPlanes (),
59 fExplodeFactor (1.),
60 fNoOfSides (),
61 fViewpointDirection (G4Vector3D (0., 0., 1.)), // On z-axis.
62 fUpVector (G4Vector3D (0., 1., 0.)), // y-axis up.
63 fFieldHalfAngle (0.), // Orthogonal projection.
64 fZoomFactor (1.),
65 fScaleFactor (G4Vector3D (1., 1., 1.)),
66 fCurrentTargetPoint (),
67 fDolly (0.),
68 fLightsMoveWithCamera (false),
69 fRelativeLightpointDirection (G4Vector3D (1., 1., 1.)),
70 fActualLightpointDirection (G4Vector3D (1., 1., 1.)),
71 fDefaultVisAttributes (),
72 fDefaultTextVisAttributes (G4Colour (0., 0., 1.)),
73 fDefaultMarker (),
74 fGlobalMarkerScale (1.),
75 fGlobalLineWidthScale (1.),
76 fMarkerNotHidden (true),
77 fWindowSizeHintX (600),
78 fWindowSizeHintY (600),
79 fWindowLocationHintX(0),
80 fWindowLocationHintY(0),
81 fWindowLocationHintXNegative(true),
82 fWindowLocationHintYNegative(false),
83 fGeometryMask(0),
84 fAutoRefresh (false),
85 fBackgroundColour (G4Colour(0.,0.,0.)), // Black
86 fPicking (false),
87 fRotationStyle (constrainUpDirection),
90 fFadeFactor(0.),
91 fDisplayHeadTime(false),
92 fDisplayHeadTimeX(-0.9),
93 fDisplayHeadTimeY(-0.9),
94 fDisplayHeadTimeSize(24.),
95 fDisplayHeadTimeRed(0.),
96 fDisplayHeadTimeGreen(1.),
97 fDisplayHeadTimeBlue(1.),
98 fDisplayLightFront(false),
99 fDisplayLightFrontX(0.),
100 fDisplayLightFrontY(0.),
101 fDisplayLightFrontZ(0.),
102 fDisplayLightFrontT(0.),
103 fDisplayLightFrontRed(0.),
104 fDisplayLightFrontGreen(1.),
105 fDisplayLightFrontBlue(0.),
106 fSpecialMeshRendering(false),
107 fSpecialMeshRenderingOption(meshAsDefault)
109 // Pick up default no of sides from G4Polyhedron.
110 // Note that this parameter is variously called:
111 // No of sides
112 // NumberOfRotationSteps
113 // Line segments per circle
114 // It refers to the approximation of a circle by a polygon of
115 // stated number of sides.
118 fDefaultMarker.SetScreenSize (5.);
119 // Markers are 5 pixels "overall" size, i.e., diameter.
void SetScreenSize(G4double)
static constexpr G4double fVeryLongTime
static G4int GetNumberOfRotationSteps()

◆ ~G4ViewParameters()

G4ViewParameters::~G4ViewParameters ( )

Definition at line 122 of file


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCutawayPlane()

void G4ViewParameters::AddCutawayPlane ( const G4Plane3D & cutawayPlane)

Definition at line 184 of file

184 {
185 if (fCutawayPlanes.size () < 3 ) {
186 fCutawayPlanes.push_back (cutawayPlane);
187 }
188 else {
189 G4warn <<
190 "ERROR: G4ViewParameters::AddCutawayPlane:"
191 "\n A maximum of 3 cutaway planes supported." << G4endl;
192 }
#define G4warn
#define G4endl
Definition G4ios.hh:67

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerAddCutawayPlane::SetNewValue().

◆ AddVisAttributesModifier()

void G4ViewParameters::AddVisAttributesModifier ( const G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier & vam)

Definition at line 301 of file

302 {
303 // If target exists with same signifier just change vis attributes.
304 G4bool duplicateTarget = false;
305 auto i = fVisAttributesModifiers.begin();
306 for (; i < fVisAttributesModifiers.end(); ++i) {
307 if (vam.GetPVNameCopyNoPath() == (*i).GetPVNameCopyNoPath() &&
308 vam.GetVisAttributesSignifier() == (*i).GetVisAttributesSignifier()) {
309 duplicateTarget = true;
310 break;
311 }
312 }
313 if (duplicateTarget) (*i).SetVisAttributes(vam.GetVisAttributes());
314 else fVisAttributesModifiers.push_back(vam);
bool G4bool
Definition G4Types.hh:86
const PVNameCopyNoPath & GetPVNameCopyNoPath() const
VisAttributesSignifier GetVisAttributesSignifier() const
const G4VisAttributes & GetVisAttributes() const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsTouchableSet::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandViewerSave::SetNewValue(), G4VViewer::TouchableSetColour(), and G4VViewer::TouchableSetVisibility().

◆ CameraAndLightingCommands()

G4String G4ViewParameters::CameraAndLightingCommands ( const G4Point3D standardTargetPoint) const

Definition at line 317 of file

320 std::ostringstream oss;
322 oss << "#\n# Camera and lights commands";
324 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector "
325 << fViewpointDirection.x()
326 << ' ' << fViewpointDirection.y()
327 << ' ' << fViewpointDirection.z();
329 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/upVector "
330 << fUpVector.x()
331 << ' ' << fUpVector.y()
332 << ' ' << fUpVector.z();
334 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/projection ";
335 if (fFieldHalfAngle == 0.) {
336 oss
337 << "orthogonal";
338 } else {
339 oss
340 << "perspective "
341 << fFieldHalfAngle/deg
342 << " deg";
343 }
345 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/zoomTo "
346 << fZoomFactor;
348 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/scaleTo "
349 << fScaleFactor.x()
350 << ' ' << fScaleFactor.y()
351 << ' ' << fScaleFactor.z();
353 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/targetPoint "
354 << G4BestUnit(standardTargetPoint+fCurrentTargetPoint,"Length")
355 << "\n# Note that if you have not set a target point, the vis system sets"
356 << "\n# a target point based on the scene - plus any panning and dollying -"
357 << "\n# so don't be alarmed by strange coordinates here.";
359 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/dollyTo "
360 << G4BestUnit(fDolly,"Length");
362 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/lightsMove ";
363 if (fLightsMoveWithCamera) {
364 oss << "camera";
365 } else {
366 oss << "object";
367 }
369 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/lightsVector "
370 << fRelativeLightpointDirection.x()
371 << ' ' << fRelativeLightpointDirection.y()
372 << ' ' << fRelativeLightpointDirection.z();
374 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/rotationStyle ";
375 if (fRotationStyle == constrainUpDirection) {
376 oss << "constrainUpDirection";
377 } else {
378 oss << "freeRotation";
379 }
381 G4Colour c = fBackgroundColour;
382 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/background "
383 << c.GetRed()
384 << ' ' << c.GetGreen()
385 << ' ' << c.GetBlue()
386 << ' ' << c.GetAlpha();
388 c = fDefaultVisAttributes.GetColour();
389 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/defaultColour "
390 << c.GetRed()
391 << ' ' << c.GetGreen()
392 << ' ' << c.GetBlue()
393 << ' ' << c.GetAlpha();
395 c = fDefaultTextVisAttributes.GetColour();
396 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/defaultTextColour "
397 << c.GetRed()
398 << ' ' << c.GetGreen()
399 << ' ' << c.GetBlue()
400 << ' ' << c.GetAlpha();
402 oss << std::endl;
404 return oss.str();
#define G4BestUnit(a, b)
G4double GetBlue() const
Definition G4Colour.hh:154
G4double GetAlpha() const
Definition G4Colour.hh:155
G4double GetRed() const
Definition G4Colour.hh:152
G4double GetGreen() const
Definition G4Colour.hh:153
const G4Colour & GetColour() const

◆ CatmullRomCubicSplineInterpolation()

G4ViewParameters * G4ViewParameters::CatmullRomCubicSplineInterpolation ( const std::vector< G4ViewParameters > & views,
G4int nInterpolationPoints = 50 )

Definition at line 1447 of file

1451 // Returns a null pointer when no more to be done. For example:
1452 // do {
1453 // G4ViewParameters* vp =
1454 // G4ViewParameters::CatmullRomCubicSplineInterpolation(viewVector,nInterpolationPoints);
1455 // if (!vp) break;
1456 // ...
1457 // } while (true);
1459 // See
1461 // Assumes equal intervals
1463 if (views.size() < 2) {
1465 ("G4ViewParameters::CatmullRomCubicSplineInterpolation",
1466 "visman0301", JustWarning,
1467 "There must be at least two views.");
1468 return 0;
1469 }
1471 if (nInterpolationPoints < 1) {
1473 ("G4ViewParameters::CatmullRomCubicSplineInterpolation",
1474 "visman0302", JustWarning,
1475 "Number of interpolation points cannot be zero or negative.");
1476 return 0;
1477 }
1479 const size_t nIntervals = views.size() - 1;
1480 const G4double dt = 1./nInterpolationPoints;
1482 static G4ViewParameters holdingValues;
1483 static G4double t = 0.; // 0. <= t <= 1.
1484 static G4int iInterpolationPoint = 0;
1485 static size_t iInterval = 0;
1487// G4cout << "Interval " << iInterval << ", t = " << t << G4endl;
1489 // Hermite polynomials.
1490 const G4double h00 = 2.*t*t*t - 3.*t*t +1;
1491 const G4double h10 = t*t*t -2.*t*t + t;
1492 const G4double h01 = -2.*t*t*t + 3.*t*t;
1493 const G4double h11 = t*t*t - t*t;
1495 // Aliases (to simplify code)
1496 const size_t& n = nIntervals;
1497 size_t& i = iInterval;
1498 const std::vector<G4ViewParameters>& v = views;
1500 // The Catmull-Rom cubic spline prescription is as follows:
1501 // Slope at first way point is v[1] - v[0].
1502 // Slope at last way point is v[n] - v[n-1].
1503 // Otherwise slope at way point i is 0.5*(v[i+1] - v[i-1]).
1504 // Result = h00*v[i] + h10*m[i] + h01*v[i+1] + h11*m[i+1],
1505 // where m[i] amd m[i+1] are the slopes at the start and end
1506 // of the interval for the particular value.
1507 // If (n == 1), linear interpolation results.
1508 // If (n == 2), quadratic interpolation results.
1510 // Working variables
1511 G4double mi, mi1, real, x, y, z;
1513 // First, a crude interpolation of all parameters. Then, below, a
1514 // smooth interpolation of those for which it makes sense.
1515 holdingValues = t < 0.5? v[i]: v[i+1];
1517 // Catmull-Rom cubic spline interpolation
1518#define INTERPOLATE(param) \
1519/* This works out the interpolated param in i'th interval */ \
1520/* Assumes n >= 1 */ \
1521if (i == 0) { \
1522/* First interval */ \
1523mi = v[1].param - v[0].param; \
1524/* If there is only one interval, make start and end slopes equal */ \
1525/* (This results in a linear interpolation) */ \
1526if (n == 1) mi1 = mi; \
1527/* else the end slope of the interval takes account of the next waypoint along */ \
1528else mi1 = 0.5 * (v[2].param - v[0].param); \
1529} else if (i >= n - 1) { \
1530/* Similarly for last interval */ \
1531mi1 = v[i+1].param - v[i].param; \
1532/* If there is only one interval, make start and end slopes equal */ \
1533if (n == 1) mi = mi1; \
1534/* else the start slope of the interval takes account of the previous waypoint */ \
1535else mi = 0.5 * (v[i+1].param - v[i-1].param); \
1536} else { \
1537/* Full Catmull-Rom slopes use previous AND next waypoints */ \
1538mi = 0.5 * (v[i+1].param - v[i-1].param); \
1539mi1 = 0.5 * (v[i+2].param - v[i ].param); \
1540} \
1541real = h00 * v[i].param + h10 * mi + h01 * v[i+1].param + h11 * mi1;
1543#define INTERPOLATELOG(param) \
1544if (i == 0) { \
1545mi = std::log(v[1].param) - std::log(v[0].param); \
1546if (n == 1) mi1 = mi; \
1547else mi1 = 0.5 * (std::log(v[2].param) - std::log(v[0].param)); \
1548} else if (i >= n - 1) { \
1549mi1 = std::log(v[i+1].param) - std::log(v[i].param); \
1550if (n == 1) mi = mi1; \
1551else mi = 0.5 * (std::log(v[i+1].param) - std::log(v[i-1].param)); \
1552} else { \
1553mi = 0.5 * (std::log(v[i+1].param) - std::log(v[i-1].param)); \
1554mi1 = 0.5 * (std::log(v[i+2].param) - std::log(v[i ].param)); \
1555} \
1556real = std::exp(h00 * std::log(v[i].param) + h10 * mi + h01 * std::log(v[i+1].param) + h11 * mi1);
1558 // Real parameters
1559 INTERPOLATE(fVisibleDensity);
1560 if (real < 0.) real = 0.;
1561 holdingValues.fVisibleDensity = real;
1562 INTERPOLATELOG(fExplodeFactor);
1563 holdingValues.fExplodeFactor = real;
1564 INTERPOLATE(fFieldHalfAngle);
1565 if (real < 0.) real = 0.;
1566 holdingValues.fFieldHalfAngle = real;
1567 INTERPOLATELOG(fZoomFactor);
1568 holdingValues.fZoomFactor = real;
1569 INTERPOLATE(fDolly);
1570 holdingValues.fDolly = real;
1571 INTERPOLATE(fGlobalMarkerScale);
1572 if (real < 0.) real = 0.;
1573 holdingValues.fGlobalMarkerScale = real;
1574 INTERPOLATE(fGlobalLineWidthScale);
1575 if (real < 0.) real = 0.;
1576 holdingValues.fGlobalLineWidthScale = real;
1578 // Unit vectors
1579#define INTERPOLATEUNITVECTOR(vector) \
1580INTERPOLATE(vector.x()); x = real; \
1581INTERPOLATE(vector.y()); y = real; \
1582INTERPOLATE(vector.z()); z = real;
1583 INTERPOLATEUNITVECTOR(fViewpointDirection);
1584 holdingValues.fViewpointDirection = G4Vector3D(x,y,z).unit();
1586 holdingValues.fUpVector = G4Vector3D(x,y,z).unit();
1587 INTERPOLATEUNITVECTOR(fRelativeLightpointDirection);
1588 holdingValues.fRelativeLightpointDirection = G4Vector3D(x,y,z).unit();
1589 INTERPOLATEUNITVECTOR(fActualLightpointDirection);
1590 holdingValues.fActualLightpointDirection = G4Vector3D(x,y,z).unit();
1592 // Un-normalised vectors
1593#define INTERPOLATEVECTOR(vector) \
1594INTERPOLATE(vector.x()); x = real; \
1595INTERPOLATE(vector.y()); y = real; \
1596INTERPOLATE(vector.z()); z = real;
1598 holdingValues.fScaleFactor = G4Vector3D(x,y,z);
1600 // Points
1601#define INTERPOLATEPOINT(point) \
1602INTERPOLATE(point.x()); x = real; \
1603INTERPOLATE(point.y()); y = real; \
1604INTERPOLATE(point.z()); z = real;
1605 INTERPOLATEPOINT(fExplodeCentre);
1606 holdingValues.fExplodeCentre = G4Point3D(x,y,z);
1607 INTERPOLATEPOINT(fCurrentTargetPoint);
1608 holdingValues.fCurrentTargetPoint = G4Point3D(x,y,z);
1610 // Colour
1611 G4double red, green, blue, alpha;
1612#define INTERPOLATECOLOUR(colour) \
1613INTERPOLATE(colour.GetRed()); red = real; \
1614INTERPOLATE(colour.GetGreen()); green = real; \
1615INTERPOLATE(colour.GetBlue()); blue = real; \
1616INTERPOLATE(colour.GetAlpha()); alpha = real;
1617 INTERPOLATECOLOUR(fBackgroundColour);
1618 // Components are clamped to 0. <= component <= 1.
1619 holdingValues.fBackgroundColour = G4Colour(red,green,blue,alpha);
1621 // For some parameters we need to check some continuity
1622 G4bool continuous;
1623#define CONTINUITY(quantity) \
1624 continuous = false; \
1625 /* This follows the logic of the INTERPOLATE macro above; see comments therein */ \
1626 if (i == 0) { \
1627 if (v[1].quantity == v[0].quantity) { \
1628 if (n == 1) continuous = true; \
1629 else if (v[2].quantity == v[0].quantity) \
1630 continuous = true; \
1631 } \
1632 } else if (i >= n - 1) { \
1633 if (v[i+1].quantity == v[i].quantity) { \
1634 if (n == 1) continuous = true; \
1635 else if (v[i+1].quantity == v[i-1].quantity) \
1636 continuous = true; \
1637 } \
1638 } else { \
1639 if (v[i-1].quantity == v[i].quantity && \
1640 v[i+1].quantity == v[i].quantity && \
1641 v[i+2].quantity == v[i].quantity) \
1642 continuous = true; \
1643 }
1645 G4double a, b, c, d;
1646#define INTERPOLATEPLANE(plane) \
1647INTERPOLATE(plane.a()); a = real; \
1648INTERPOLATE(plane.b()); b = real; \
1649INTERPOLATE(plane.c()); c = real; \
1650INTERPOLATE(plane.d()); d = real;
1652 // Section plane
1653 CONTINUITY(fSection);
1654 if (continuous) {
1655 INTERPOLATEPLANE(fSectionPlane);
1656 holdingValues.fSectionPlane = G4Plane3D(a,b,c,d);
1657 }
1659 // Cutaway planes
1660 if (v[i].fCutawayPlanes.size()) {
1661 CONTINUITY(fCutawayPlanes.size());
1662 if (continuous) {
1663 for (size_t j = 0; j < v[i].fCutawayPlanes.size(); ++j) {
1664 INTERPOLATEPLANE(fCutawayPlanes[j]);
1665 holdingValues.fCutawayPlanes[j] = G4Plane3D(a,b,c,d);
1666 }
1667 }
1668 }
1670 // Vis attributes modifiers
1671 // Really, we are only interested in colour - other attributes can follow
1672 // the "crude" interpolation that is guaranteed above.
1673 static G4VisAttributes workingVA;
1674 if (v[i].fVisAttributesModifiers.size()) {
1675 CONTINUITY(fVisAttributesModifiers.size());
1676 if (continuous) {
1677 for (size_t j = 0; j < v[i].fVisAttributesModifiers.size(); ++j) {
1678 CONTINUITY(fVisAttributesModifiers[j].GetPVNameCopyNoPath());
1679 if (continuous) {
1680 CONTINUITY(fVisAttributesModifiers[j].GetVisAttributesSignifier());
1681 if (continuous) {
1682 if (v[i].fVisAttributesModifiers[j].GetVisAttributesSignifier() ==
1684 INTERPOLATECOLOUR(fVisAttributesModifiers[j].GetVisAttributes().GetColour());
1685 workingVA = v[i].fVisAttributesModifiers[j].GetVisAttributes();
1686 workingVA.SetColour(G4Colour(red,green,blue,alpha));
1687 holdingValues.fVisAttributesModifiers[j].SetVisAttributes(workingVA);
1688 }
1689 }
1690 }
1691 }
1692 }
1693 }
1695 // Time window parameters (for showing particles in flight)
1696 // Only two parameters are interpolated. The others are usually chosen
1697 // once and for all by the user for a given series of views - or at least,
1698 // if not, they will be interpolated by the default "crude" method above.
1699 INTERPOLATE(fStartTime)
1700 holdingValues.fStartTime = real;
1701 INTERPOLATE(fEndTime)
1702 holdingValues.fEndTime = real;
1704 // Increment counters
1705 iInterpolationPoint++;
1706 t += dt;
1707 if (iInterpolationPoint > nInterpolationPoints) {
1708 iInterpolationPoint = 1; // Ready for next interval.
1709 t = dt;
1710 iInterval++;
1711 }
1712 if (iInterval >= nIntervals) {
1713 iInterpolationPoint = 0; // Ready for a complete restart.
1714 t = 0.;
1715 iInterval = 0;
1716 return 0;
1717 }
1719 return &holdingValues;
@ JustWarning
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
HepGeom::Plane3D< G4double > G4Plane3D
Definition G4Plane3D.hh:34
HepGeom::Point3D< G4double > G4Point3D
Definition G4Point3D.hh:34
double G4double
Definition G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition G4Types.hh:85
HepGeom::Vector3D< G4double > G4Vector3D
Definition G4Vector3D.hh:34
#define INTERPOLATE(param)
#define CONTINUITY(quantity)
#define INTERPOLATELOG(param)
void SetColour(const G4Colour &)
BasicVector3D< T > unit() const

Referenced by G4VVisCommand::InterpolateViews().

◆ ChangeCutawayPlane()

void G4ViewParameters::ChangeCutawayPlane ( size_t index,
const G4Plane3D & cutawayPlane )

Definition at line 195 of file

196 {
197 if (index >= fCutawayPlanes.size()) {
198 G4warn <<
199 "ERROR: G4ViewParameters::ChangeCutawayPlane:"
200 "\n Plane " << index << " does not exist." << G4endl;
201 } else {
202 fCutawayPlanes[index] = cutawayPlane;
203 }

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerChangeCutawayPlane::SetNewValue().

◆ ClearCutawayPlanes()

void G4ViewParameters::ClearCutawayPlanes ( )

◆ ClearVisAttributesModifiers()

void G4ViewParameters::ClearVisAttributesModifiers ( )

◆ DrawingStyleCommands()

G4String G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyleCommands ( ) const

Definition at line 407 of file

409 std::ostringstream oss;
411 oss << "#\n# Drawing style commands";
413 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/style ";
414 switch (fDrawingStyle) {
415 case wireframe:
416 case hlr:
417 oss << "wireframe";
418 break;
419 case hsr:
420 case hlhsr:
421 oss << "surface";
422 break;
423 case cloud:
424 oss << "cloud";
425 break;
426 }
428 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/hiddenEdge ";
429 if (fDrawingStyle == hlr || fDrawingStyle == hlhsr) {
430 oss << "true";
431 } else {
432 oss << "false";
433 }
435 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/auxiliaryEdge ";
436 if (fAuxEdgeVisible) {
437 oss << "true";
438 } else {
439 oss << "false";
440 }
442 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/hiddenMarker ";
443 if (fMarkerNotHidden) {
444 oss << "false";
445 } else {
446 oss << "true";
447 }
449 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/globalLineWidthScale "
450 << fGlobalLineWidthScale;
452 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/globalMarkerScale "
453 << fGlobalMarkerScale;
455 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/numberOfCloudPoints "
456 << fNumberOfCloudPoints;
458 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/specialMeshRendering ";
459 if (fSpecialMeshRendering) {
460 oss << "true";
461 } else {
462 oss << "false";
463 }
465 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/specialMeshRenderingOption "
466 << fSpecialMeshRenderingOption;
468 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/specialMeshVolumes";
469 for (const auto& volume : fSpecialMeshVolumes) {
470 oss << ' ' << volume.GetName() << ' ' << volume.GetCopyNo();
471 }
473 oss << std::endl;
475 return oss.str();

◆ GetActualLightpointDirection()

G4Vector3D & G4ViewParameters::GetActualLightpointDirection ( )

Definition at line 131 of file

131 {
132 SetViewAndLights (fViewpointDirection);
133 return fActualLightpointDirection;
void SetViewAndLights(const G4Vector3D &viewpointDirection)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), G4OpenGLViewer::SetView(), G4RayTracerViewer::SetView(), and G4ToolsSGViewer< SG_SESSION, SG_VIEWER >::SetView().

◆ GetBackgroundColour()

◆ GetCameraDistance()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetCameraDistance ( G4double radius) const

Definition at line 144 of file

144 {
145 G4double cameraDistance;
146 if (fFieldHalfAngle == 0.) {
147 cameraDistance = radius;
148 }
149 else {
150 cameraDistance = radius / std::sin (fFieldHalfAngle) - fDolly;
151 }
152 return cameraDistance;

Referenced by G4OpenGLStoredViewer::DrawDisplayLists(), G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneDepth(), G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneFarWidth(), G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneNearWidth(), G4OpenGLViewer::SetView(), G4OpenInventorViewer::SetView(), G4Qt3DViewer::SetView(), G4RayTracerViewer::SetView(), G4ToolsSGViewer< SG_SESSION, SG_VIEWER >::SetView(), and G4VtkViewer::SetView().

◆ GetCBDAlgorithmNumber()

◆ GetCBDParameters()

◆ GetCurrentTargetPoint()

◆ GetCutawayMode()

◆ GetCutawayPlanes()

◆ GetDefaultMarker()

const G4VMarker & G4ViewParameters::GetDefaultMarker ( ) const

◆ GetDefaultTextVisAttributes()

◆ GetDefaultVisAttributes()

◆ GetDisplayHeadTimeBlue()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayHeadTimeBlue ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayHeadTimeGreen()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayHeadTimeGreen ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayHeadTimeRed()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayHeadTimeRed ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayHeadTimeSize()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayHeadTimeSize ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayHeadTimeX()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayHeadTimeX ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayHeadTimeY()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayHeadTimeY ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayLightFrontBlue()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayLightFrontBlue ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayLightFrontGreen()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayLightFrontGreen ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayLightFrontRed()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayLightFrontRed ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayLightFrontT()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayLightFrontT ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayLightFrontX()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayLightFrontX ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayLightFrontY()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayLightFrontY ( ) const

◆ GetDisplayLightFrontZ()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDisplayLightFrontZ ( ) const

◆ GetDolly()

◆ GetDrawingStyle()

◆ GetEndTime()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetEndTime ( ) const

◆ GetExplodeCentre()

const G4Point3D & G4ViewParameters::GetExplodeCentre ( ) const

◆ GetExplodeFactor()

◆ GetFadeFactor()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetFadeFactor ( ) const

◆ GetFarDistance()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetFarDistance ( G4double cameraDistance,
G4double nearDistance,
G4double radius ) const

Definition at line 163 of file

165 {
166 G4double farDistance = cameraDistance + radius;
167 if (farDistance < nearDistance) farDistance = nearDistance;
168 return farDistance;

Referenced by G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneDepth(), G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneFarWidth(), G4OpenGLViewer::SetView(), G4Qt3DViewer::SetView(), and G4ToolsSGViewer< SG_SESSION, SG_VIEWER >::SetView().

◆ GetFieldHalfAngle()

◆ GetFrontHalfHeight()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetFrontHalfHeight ( G4double nearDistance,
G4double radius ) const

Definition at line 171 of file

172 {
173 G4double frontHalfHeight;
174 if (fFieldHalfAngle == 0.) {
175 frontHalfHeight = radius / fZoomFactor;
176 }
177 else {
178 frontHalfHeight = nearDistance * std::tan (fFieldHalfAngle) / fZoomFactor;
179 }
180 return frontHalfHeight;

Referenced by G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneFarWidth(), G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneNearWidth(), G4OpenGLViewer::SetView(), G4Qt3DViewer::SetView(), G4RayTracerViewer::SetView(), and G4ToolsSGViewer< SG_SESSION, SG_VIEWER >::SetView().

◆ GetGlobalLineWidthScale()

◆ GetGlobalMarkerScale()

◆ GetLightpointDirection()

◆ GetLightsMoveWithCamera()

◆ GetNearDistance()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetNearDistance ( G4double cameraDistance,
G4double radius ) const

Definition at line 155 of file

156 {
157 const G4double small = 1.e-6 * radius;
158 G4double nearDistance = cameraDistance - radius;
159 if (nearDistance < small) nearDistance = small;
160 return nearDistance;

Referenced by G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneDepth(), G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneFarWidth(), G4OpenGLViewer::getSceneNearWidth(), G4OpenGLViewer::SetView(), G4Qt3DViewer::SetView(), G4RayTracerViewer::SetView(), and G4ToolsSGViewer< SG_SESSION, SG_VIEWER >::SetView().

◆ GetNoOfSides()

◆ GetNumberOfCloudPoints()

◆ GetRotationStyle()

◆ GetScaleFactor()

◆ GetSectionPlane()

◆ GetSpecialMeshRenderingOption()

◆ GetSpecialMeshVolumes()

◆ GetStartTime()

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetStartTime ( ) const

◆ GetUpVector()

◆ GetViewpointDirection()

◆ GetVisAttributesModifiers()

◆ GetVisibleDensity()

◆ GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX()

G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX ( G4int sizeX) const

Definition at line 1303 of file

1303 {
1304 if ( fWindowLocationHintXNegative ) {
1305 return sizeX + fWindowLocationHintX - fWindowSizeHintX;
1306 }
1307 return fWindowLocationHintX;

Referenced by G4OpenGLQtViewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4OpenGLWin32Viewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4OpenGLXmViewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4OpenGLXViewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4ToolsSGOffscreenViewer::Initialise(), and G4ToolsSGViewer< SG_SESSION, SG_VIEWER >::Initialise().

◆ GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY()

G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY ( G4int sizeY) const

Definition at line 1310 of file

1310 {
1311 if ( fWindowLocationHintYNegative ) {
1312 return sizeY + fWindowLocationHintY - fWindowSizeHintY;
1313 }
1314 return fWindowLocationHintY;

Referenced by G4OpenGLQtViewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4OpenGLWin32Viewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4OpenGLXmViewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4OpenGLXViewer::CreateMainWindow(), G4ToolsSGOffscreenViewer::Initialise(), and G4ToolsSGViewer< SG_SESSION, SG_VIEWER >::Initialise().

◆ GetWindowLocationHintX()

G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowLocationHintX ( ) const

Referenced by G4VtkViewer::Initialise().

◆ GetWindowLocationHintY()

G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowLocationHintY ( ) const

Referenced by G4VtkViewer::Initialise().

◆ GetWindowSizeHintX()

◆ GetWindowSizeHintY()

◆ GetXGeometryString()

◆ GetZoomFactor()

◆ IncrementDolly()

void G4ViewParameters::IncrementDolly ( G4double dollyIncrement)

◆ IncrementPan() [1/2]

void G4ViewParameters::IncrementPan ( G4double right,
G4double up )

◆ IncrementPan() [2/2]

void G4ViewParameters::IncrementPan ( G4double right,
G4double up,
G4double forward )

Definition at line 295 of file

295 {
296 G4Vector3D unitRight = (fUpVector.cross (fViewpointDirection)).unit();
297 G4Vector3D unitUp = (fViewpointDirection.cross (unitRight)).unit();
298 fCurrentTargetPoint += right * unitRight + up * unitUp + distance * fViewpointDirection;
BasicVector3D< T > cross(const BasicVector3D< T > &v) const

◆ IsAutoRefresh()

◆ IsAuxEdgeVisible()

◆ IsCulling()

◆ IsCullingCovered()

◆ IsCullingInvisible()

◆ IsCutaway()

◆ IsDensityCulling()

◆ IsDisplayHeadTime()

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsDisplayHeadTime ( ) const

◆ IsDisplayLightFront()

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsDisplayLightFront ( ) const

◆ IsExplode()

◆ IsMarkerNotHidden()

◆ IsPicking()

◆ IsSection()

◆ IsSpecialMeshRendering()

◆ IsWindowLocationHintX()

bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowLocationHintX ( ) const

◆ IsWindowLocationHintXNegative()

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowLocationHintXNegative ( ) const

Referenced by G4VtkViewer::Initialise().

◆ IsWindowLocationHintY()

bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowLocationHintY ( ) const

◆ IsWindowLocationHintYNegative()

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowLocationHintYNegative ( ) const

Referenced by G4VtkViewer::Initialise().

◆ IsWindowSizeHintX()

bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowSizeHintX ( ) const

◆ IsWindowSizeHintY()

bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowSizeHintY ( ) const

◆ MultiplyScaleFactor()

void G4ViewParameters::MultiplyScaleFactor ( const G4Vector3D & scaleFactorMultiplier)

Definition at line 124 of file

125 {
126 fScaleFactor.setX(fScaleFactor.x() * scaleFactorMultiplier.x());
127 fScaleFactor.setY(fScaleFactor.y() * scaleFactorMultiplier.y());
128 fScaleFactor.setZ(fScaleFactor.z() * scaleFactorMultiplier.z());

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerScale::SetNewValue().

◆ MultiplyZoomFactor()

void G4ViewParameters::MultiplyZoomFactor ( G4double zoomFactorMultiplier)

◆ operator!=()

G4bool G4ViewParameters::operator!= ( const G4ViewParameters & v) const

Definition at line 1102 of file

1102 {
1104 // Put performance-sensitive parameters first.
1105 if (
1106 // This first to optimise spin, etc.
1107 (fViewpointDirection != v.fViewpointDirection) ||
1109 // No particular order from here on.
1110 (fDrawingStyle != v.fDrawingStyle) ||
1111 (fNumberOfCloudPoints != v.fNumberOfCloudPoints) ||
1112 (fAuxEdgeVisible != v.fAuxEdgeVisible) ||
1113 (fCulling != v.fCulling) ||
1114 (fCullInvisible != v.fCullInvisible) ||
1115 (fDensityCulling != v.fDensityCulling) ||
1116 (fCullCovered != v.fCullCovered) ||
1117 (fCBDAlgorithmNumber != v.fCBDAlgorithmNumber) ||
1118 (fSection != v.fSection) ||
1119 (IsCutaway() != v.IsCutaway()) ||
1120 (IsExplode() != v.IsExplode()) ||
1121 (fNoOfSides != v.fNoOfSides) ||
1122 (fUpVector != v.fUpVector) ||
1123 (fFieldHalfAngle != v.fFieldHalfAngle) ||
1124 (fZoomFactor != v.fZoomFactor) ||
1125 (fScaleFactor != v.fScaleFactor) ||
1126 (fCurrentTargetPoint != v.fCurrentTargetPoint) ||
1127 (fDolly != v.fDolly) ||
1128 (fRelativeLightpointDirection != v.fRelativeLightpointDirection) ||
1129 (fLightsMoveWithCamera != v.fLightsMoveWithCamera) ||
1130 (fDefaultVisAttributes != v.fDefaultVisAttributes) ||
1131 (fDefaultTextVisAttributes != v.fDefaultTextVisAttributes) ||
1132 (fDefaultMarker != v.fDefaultMarker) ||
1133 (fGlobalMarkerScale != v.fGlobalMarkerScale) ||
1134 (fGlobalLineWidthScale != v.fGlobalLineWidthScale) ||
1135 (fMarkerNotHidden != v.fMarkerNotHidden) ||
1136 (fWindowSizeHintX != v.fWindowSizeHintX) ||
1137 (fWindowSizeHintY != v.fWindowSizeHintY) ||
1138 (fXGeometryString != v.fXGeometryString) ||
1139 (fGeometryMask != v.fGeometryMask) ||
1140 (fAutoRefresh != v.fAutoRefresh) ||
1141 (fBackgroundColour != v.fBackgroundColour) ||
1142 (fPicking != v.fPicking) ||
1143 (fRotationStyle != v.fRotationStyle) ||
1144 (fSpecialMeshRendering != v.fSpecialMeshRendering) ||
1145 (fSpecialMeshRenderingOption != v.fSpecialMeshRenderingOption)
1146 )
1147 return true;
1149 if (fDensityCulling &&
1150 (fVisibleDensity != v.fVisibleDensity)) return true;
1152 if (fCBDAlgorithmNumber > 0) {
1153 if (fCBDParameters.size() != v.fCBDParameters.size()) return true;
1154 else if (fCBDParameters != v.fCBDParameters) return true;
1155 }
1157 if (fSection &&
1158 (!(fSectionPlane == v.fSectionPlane))) return true;
1160 if (IsCutaway()) {
1161 if (fCutawayPlanes.size () != v.fCutawayPlanes.size ())
1162 return true;
1163 else {
1164 for (size_t i = 0; i < fCutawayPlanes.size (); i++) {
1165 if (!(fCutawayPlanes[i] == v.fCutawayPlanes[i])) return true;
1166 }
1167 }
1168 }
1170 if (IsExplode() &&
1171 ((fExplodeFactor != v.fExplodeFactor) ||
1172 (fExplodeCentre != v.fExplodeCentre))) return true;
1174 if (fVisAttributesModifiers != v.fVisAttributesModifiers) return true;
1176 if (fStartTime != v.fStartTime ||
1177 fEndTime != v.fEndTime ||
1178 fFadeFactor != v.fFadeFactor) return true;
1180 if (fDisplayHeadTime != v.fDisplayHeadTime) return true;
1181 if (fDisplayHeadTime) {
1182 if (fDisplayHeadTimeX != v.fDisplayHeadTimeX ||
1183 fDisplayHeadTimeY != v.fDisplayHeadTimeY ||
1184 fDisplayHeadTimeSize != v.fDisplayHeadTimeSize ||
1185 fDisplayHeadTimeRed != v.fDisplayHeadTimeRed ||
1186 fDisplayHeadTimeGreen != v.fDisplayHeadTimeGreen ||
1187 fDisplayHeadTimeBlue != v.fDisplayHeadTimeBlue) {
1188 return true;
1189 }
1190 }
1192 if (fDisplayLightFront != v.fDisplayLightFront) return true;
1193 if (fDisplayLightFront) {
1194 if (fDisplayLightFrontX != v.fDisplayLightFrontX ||
1195 fDisplayLightFrontY != v.fDisplayLightFrontY ||
1196 fDisplayLightFrontZ != v.fDisplayLightFrontZ ||
1197 fDisplayLightFrontT != v.fDisplayLightFrontT ||
1198 fDisplayLightFrontRed != v.fDisplayLightFrontRed ||
1199 fDisplayLightFrontGreen != v.fDisplayLightFrontGreen ||
1200 fDisplayLightFrontBlue != v.fDisplayLightFrontBlue) {
1201 return true;
1202 }
1203 }
1205 if (fSpecialMeshRendering) {
1206 if (fSpecialMeshVolumes != v.fSpecialMeshVolumes)
1207 return true;;
1208 }
1210 return false;
G4bool IsCutaway() const
G4bool IsExplode() const

◆ PrintDifferences()

void G4ViewParameters::PrintDifferences ( const G4ViewParameters & v) const

Definition at line 759 of file

759 {
761 // Put performance-sensitive parameters first.
762 if (
763 // This first to optimise spin, etc.
764 (fViewpointDirection != v.fViewpointDirection) ||
766 // No particular order from here on.
767 (fDrawingStyle != v.fDrawingStyle) ||
768 (fNumberOfCloudPoints != v.fNumberOfCloudPoints) ||
769 (fAuxEdgeVisible != v.fAuxEdgeVisible) ||
770 (fCulling != v.fCulling) ||
771 (fCullInvisible != v.fCullInvisible) ||
772 (fDensityCulling != v.fDensityCulling) ||
773 (fVisibleDensity != v.fVisibleDensity) ||
774 (fCullCovered != v.fCullCovered) ||
775 (fCBDAlgorithmNumber != v.fCBDAlgorithmNumber) ||
776 (fSection != v.fSection) ||
777 (fNoOfSides != v.fNoOfSides) ||
778 (fUpVector != v.fUpVector) ||
779 (fFieldHalfAngle != v.fFieldHalfAngle) ||
780 (fZoomFactor != v.fZoomFactor) ||
781 (fScaleFactor != v.fScaleFactor) ||
782 (fCurrentTargetPoint != v.fCurrentTargetPoint) ||
783 (fDolly != v.fDolly) ||
784 (fRelativeLightpointDirection != v.fRelativeLightpointDirection) ||
785 (fLightsMoveWithCamera != v.fLightsMoveWithCamera) ||
786 (fDefaultVisAttributes != v.fDefaultVisAttributes) ||
787 (fDefaultTextVisAttributes != v.fDefaultTextVisAttributes) ||
788 (fDefaultMarker != v.fDefaultMarker) ||
789 (fGlobalMarkerScale != v.fGlobalMarkerScale) ||
790 (fGlobalLineWidthScale != v.fGlobalLineWidthScale) ||
791 (fMarkerNotHidden != v.fMarkerNotHidden) ||
792 (fWindowSizeHintX != v.fWindowSizeHintX) ||
793 (fWindowSizeHintY != v.fWindowSizeHintY) ||
794 (fXGeometryString != v.fXGeometryString) ||
795 (fGeometryMask != v.fGeometryMask) ||
796 (fAutoRefresh != v.fAutoRefresh) ||
797 (fBackgroundColour != v.fBackgroundColour) ||
798 (fPicking != v.fPicking) ||
799 (fRotationStyle != v.fRotationStyle)
800 )
801 G4cout << "Difference in 1st batch." << G4endl;
803 if (fCBDAlgorithmNumber > 0) {
804 if (fCBDParameters.size() != v.fCBDParameters.size()) {
805 G4cout << "Difference in number of colour by density parameters." << G4endl;
806 } else if (fCBDParameters != v.fCBDParameters) {
807 G4cout << "Difference in values of colour by density parameters." << G4endl;
808 }
809 }
811 if (fSection) {
812 if (!(fSectionPlane == v.fSectionPlane))
813 G4cout << "Difference in section planes batch." << G4endl;
814 }
816 if (IsCutaway()) {
817 if (fCutawayPlanes.size () != v.fCutawayPlanes.size ()) {
818 G4cout << "Difference in no of cutaway planes." << G4endl;
819 }
820 else {
821 for (size_t i = 0; i < fCutawayPlanes.size (); i++) {
822 if (!(fCutawayPlanes[i] == v.fCutawayPlanes[i]))
823 G4cout << "Difference in cutaway plane no. " << i << G4endl;
824 }
825 }
826 }
828 if (IsExplode()) {
829 if (fExplodeFactor != v.fExplodeFactor)
830 G4cout << "Difference in explode factor." << G4endl;
831 if (fExplodeCentre != v.fExplodeCentre)
832 G4cout << "Difference in explode centre." << G4endl;
833 }
835 if (fVisAttributesModifiers != v.fVisAttributesModifiers) {
836 G4cout << "Difference in vis attributes modifiers." << G4endl;
837 }
839 if (fStartTime != v.fStartTime ||
840 fEndTime != v.fEndTime) {
841 G4cout << "Difference in time window." << G4endl;
842 }
844 if (fFadeFactor != v.fFadeFactor) {
845 G4cout << "Difference in time window fade factor." << G4endl;
846 }
848 if (fDisplayHeadTime != v.fDisplayHeadTime) {
849 G4cout << "Difference in display head time flag." << G4endl;
850 } else {
851 if (fDisplayHeadTimeX != v.fDisplayHeadTimeX ||
852 fDisplayHeadTimeY != v.fDisplayHeadTimeY ||
853 fDisplayHeadTimeSize != v.fDisplayHeadTimeSize ||
854 fDisplayHeadTimeRed != v.fDisplayHeadTimeRed ||
855 fDisplayHeadTimeGreen != v.fDisplayHeadTimeGreen ||
856 fDisplayHeadTimeBlue != v.fDisplayHeadTimeBlue) {
857 G4cout << "Difference in display head time parameters." << G4endl;
858 }
859 }
861 if (fDisplayLightFront != v.fDisplayLightFront) {
862 G4cout << "Difference in display light front flag." << G4endl;
863 } else {
864 if (fDisplayLightFrontX != v.fDisplayLightFrontX ||
865 fDisplayLightFrontY != v.fDisplayLightFrontY ||
866 fDisplayLightFrontZ != v.fDisplayLightFrontZ ||
867 fDisplayLightFrontT != v.fDisplayLightFrontT ||
868 fDisplayLightFrontRed != v.fDisplayLightFrontRed ||
869 fDisplayLightFrontGreen != v.fDisplayLightFrontGreen ||
870 fDisplayLightFrontBlue != v.fDisplayLightFrontBlue) {
871 G4cout << "Difference in display light front parameters." << G4endl;
872 }
873 }
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout

◆ SceneModifyingCommands()

G4String G4ViewParameters::SceneModifyingCommands ( ) const

Definition at line 478 of file

480 std::ostringstream oss;
482 oss << "#\n# Scene-modifying commands";
484 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/culling global ";
485 if (fCulling) {
486 oss << "true";
487 } else {
488 oss << "false";
489 }
491 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/culling invisible ";
492 if (fCullInvisible) {
493 oss << "true";
494 } else {
495 oss << "false";
496 }
498 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/culling density ";
499 if (fDensityCulling) {
500 oss << "true " << fVisibleDensity/(g/cm3) << " g/cm3";
501 } else {
502 oss << "false";
503 }
505 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/culling coveredDaughters ";
506 if (fCullCovered) {
507 oss << "true";
508 } else {
509 oss << "false";
510 }
512 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/colourByDensity "
513 << fCBDAlgorithmNumber << " g/cm3";
514 for (auto p: fCBDParameters) {
515 oss << ' ' << p/(g/cm3);
516 }
518 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/sectionPlane ";
519 if (fSection) {
520 oss << "on "
521 << G4BestUnit(fSectionPlane.point(),"Length")
522 << fSectionPlane.normal().x()
523 << ' ' << fSectionPlane.normal().y()
524 << ' ' << fSectionPlane.normal().z();
525 } else {
526 oss << "off";
527 }
529 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/cutawayMode ";
530 if (fCutawayMode == cutawayUnion) {
531 oss << "union";
532 } else {
533 oss << "intersection";
534 }
536 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/clearCutawayPlanes";
537 if (fCutawayPlanes.size()) {
538 for (size_t i = 0; i < fCutawayPlanes.size(); i++) {
539 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/addCutawayPlane "
540 << G4BestUnit(fCutawayPlanes[i].point(),"Length")
541 << fCutawayPlanes[i].normal().x()
542 << ' ' << fCutawayPlanes[i].normal().y()
543 << ' ' << fCutawayPlanes[i].normal().z();
544 }
545 } else {
546 oss << "\n# No cutaway planes defined.";
547 }
549 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/explodeFactor "
550 << fExplodeFactor
551 << ' ' << G4BestUnit(fExplodeCentre,"Length");
553 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/lineSegmentsPerCircle "
554 << fNoOfSides;
556 oss << std::endl;
558 return oss.str();
Point3D< T > point(const Point3D< T > &p) const
Definition Plane3D.h:115
Normal3D< T > normal() const
Definition Plane3D.h:97

◆ SetAutoRefresh()

◆ SetAuxEdgeVisible()

◆ SetBackgroundColour()

void G4ViewParameters::SetBackgroundColour ( const G4Colour & )

◆ SetCBDAlgorithmNumber()

void G4ViewParameters::SetCBDAlgorithmNumber ( G4int )

◆ SetCBDParameters()

void G4ViewParameters::SetCBDParameters ( const std::vector< G4double > & )

◆ SetCulling()

◆ SetCullingCovered()

void G4ViewParameters::SetCullingCovered ( G4bool )

◆ SetCullingInvisible()

void G4ViewParameters::SetCullingInvisible ( G4bool )

◆ SetCurrentTargetPoint()

◆ SetCutawayMode()

void G4ViewParameters::SetCutawayMode ( CutawayMode )

◆ SetDefaultColour()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultColour ( const G4Colour & )

◆ SetDefaultMarker()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultMarker ( const G4VMarker & defaultMarker)

◆ SetDefaultTextColour()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultTextColour ( const G4Colour & )

◆ SetDefaultTextVisAttributes()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultTextVisAttributes ( const G4VisAttributes & )

◆ SetDefaultVisAttributes()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultVisAttributes ( const G4VisAttributes & )

◆ SetDensityCulling()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDensityCulling ( G4bool )

◆ SetDisplayHeadTime()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayHeadTime ( G4bool )

◆ SetDisplayHeadTimeBlue()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayHeadTimeBlue ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayHeadTimeGreen()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayHeadTimeGreen ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayHeadTimeRed()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayHeadTimeRed ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayHeadTimeSize()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayHeadTimeSize ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayHeadTimeX()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayHeadTimeX ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayHeadTimeY()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayHeadTimeY ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayLightFront()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFront ( G4bool )

◆ SetDisplayLightFrontBlue()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFrontBlue ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayLightFrontGreen()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFrontGreen ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayLightFrontRed()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFrontRed ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayLightFrontT()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFrontT ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayLightFrontX()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFrontX ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayLightFrontY()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFrontY ( G4double )

◆ SetDisplayLightFrontZ()

void G4ViewParameters::SetDisplayLightFrontZ ( G4double )

◆ SetDolly()

◆ SetDrawingStyle()

◆ SetEndTime()

void G4ViewParameters::SetEndTime ( G4double )

◆ SetExplodeCentre()

void G4ViewParameters::SetExplodeCentre ( const G4Point3D & explodeCentre)

◆ SetExplodeFactor()

void G4ViewParameters::SetExplodeFactor ( G4double explodeFactor)

◆ SetFadeFactor()

void G4ViewParameters::SetFadeFactor ( G4double )

◆ SetFieldHalfAngle()

◆ SetGlobalLineWidthScale()

void G4ViewParameters::SetGlobalLineWidthScale ( G4double globalLineWidthScale)

◆ SetGlobalMarkerScale()

◆ SetLightpointDirection()

void G4ViewParameters::SetLightpointDirection ( const G4Vector3D & lightpointDirection)

Definition at line 279 of file

280 {
281 fRelativeLightpointDirection = lightpointDirection;
282 SetViewAndLights (fViewpointDirection);

Referenced by G4VVisCommand::CopyCameraParameters(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

◆ SetLightsMoveWithCamera()

◆ SetMarkerHidden()

◆ SetMarkerNotHidden()

void G4ViewParameters::SetMarkerNotHidden ( )

◆ SetNoOfSides()

G4int G4ViewParameters::SetNoOfSides ( G4int nSides)

Definition at line 223 of file

223 {
224 const G4int nSidesMin = fDefaultVisAttributes.GetMinLineSegmentsPerCircle();
225 if (nSides < nSidesMin) {
226 nSides = nSidesMin;
227 G4warn << "G4ViewParameters::SetNoOfSides: attempt to set the"
228 "\nnumber of sides per circle < " << nSidesMin
229 << "; forced to " << nSides << G4endl;
230 }
231 fNoOfSides = nSides;
232 return fNoOfSides;
static G4int GetMinLineSegmentsPerCircle()

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

◆ SetNumberOfCloudPoints()

G4int G4ViewParameters::SetNumberOfCloudPoints ( G4int nPoints)

Definition at line 235 of file

235 {
236 const G4int nPointsMin = 100;
237 if (nPoints < nPointsMin) {
238 nPoints = nPointsMin;
239 G4warn << "G4ViewParameters::SetNumberOfCloudPoints:"
240 "\nnumber of points per cloud set to minimum " << nPoints
241 << G4endl;
242 }
243 fNumberOfCloudPoints = nPoints;
244 return fNumberOfCloudPoints;

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

◆ SetOrthogonalProjection()

void G4ViewParameters::SetOrthogonalProjection ( )

◆ SetPan()

void G4ViewParameters::SetPan ( G4double right,
G4double up )

Definition at line 285 of file

285 {
286 G4Vector3D unitRight = (fUpVector.cross (fViewpointDirection)).unit();
287 G4Vector3D unitUp = (fViewpointDirection.cross (unitRight)).unit();
288 fCurrentTargetPoint = right * unitRight + up * unitUp;

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerPan::SetNewValue().

◆ SetPerspectiveProjection()

void G4ViewParameters::SetPerspectiveProjection ( G4double fieldHalfAngle = 30. *CLHEP::deg)

◆ SetPicking()

void G4ViewParameters::SetPicking ( G4bool )

◆ SetRotationStyle()

void G4ViewParameters::SetRotationStyle ( RotationStyle )

◆ SetScaleFactor()

void G4ViewParameters::SetScaleFactor ( const G4Vector3D & scaleFactor)

◆ SetSectionPlane()

void G4ViewParameters::SetSectionPlane ( const G4Plane3D & sectionPlane)

◆ SetSpecialMeshRendering()

void G4ViewParameters::SetSpecialMeshRendering ( G4bool )

◆ SetSpecialMeshRenderingOption()

void G4ViewParameters::SetSpecialMeshRenderingOption ( SMROption )

◆ SetSpecialMeshVolumes()

void G4ViewParameters::SetSpecialMeshVolumes ( const std::vector< G4ModelingParameters::PVNameCopyNo > & )

◆ SetStartTime()

void G4ViewParameters::SetStartTime ( G4double )

◆ SetUpVector()

◆ SetViewAndLights()

void G4ViewParameters::SetViewAndLights ( const G4Vector3D & viewpointDirection)

Definition at line 247 of file

248 {
250 fViewpointDirection = viewpointDirection;
252 // If the requested viewpoint direction is parallel to the up
253 // vector, the orientation of the view is undefined...
254 if (fViewpointDirection.unit() * fUpVector.unit() > .9999) {
255 static G4bool firstTime = true;
256 if (firstTime) {
257 firstTime = false;
258 G4warn <<
259 "WARNING: Viewpoint direction is very close to the up vector direction."
260 "\n Change the up vector or \"/vis/viewer/set/rotationStyle freeRotation\"."
261 << G4endl;
262 }
263 }
265 // Move the lights too if requested...
266 if (fLightsMoveWithCamera) {
267 G4Vector3D zprime = fViewpointDirection.unit ();
268 G4Vector3D xprime = (fUpVector.cross (zprime)).unit ();
269 G4Vector3D yprime = zprime.cross (xprime);
270 fActualLightpointDirection =
271 fRelativeLightpointDirection.x () * xprime +
272 fRelativeLightpointDirection.y () * yprime +
273 fRelativeLightpointDirection.x () * zprime;
274 } else {
275 fActualLightpointDirection = fRelativeLightpointDirection;
276 }

Referenced by GetActualLightpointDirection(), SetLightpointDirection(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4OpenGLXmViewer::wobble_timer_callback().

◆ SetViewpointDirection()

◆ SetVisibleDensity()

void G4ViewParameters::SetVisibleDensity ( G4double visibleDensity)

Definition at line 206 of file

206 {
207 const G4double reasonableMaximum = 10.0 * g / cm3;
208 if (visibleDensity < 0) {
209 G4warn << "G4ViewParameters::SetVisibleDensity: attempt to set negative "
210 "density - ignored." << G4endl;
211 }
212 else {
213 if (visibleDensity > reasonableMaximum) {
214 G4warn << "G4ViewParameters::SetVisibleDensity: density > "
215 << G4BestUnit (reasonableMaximum, "Volumic Mass")
216 << " - did you mean this?"
217 << G4endl;
218 }
219 fVisibleDensity = visibleDensity;
220 }

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

◆ SetWindowLocationHint()

void G4ViewParameters::SetWindowLocationHint ( G4int xHint,
G4int yHint )

◆ SetWindowSizeHint()

void G4ViewParameters::SetWindowSizeHint ( G4int xHint,
G4int yHint )

◆ SetXGeometryString()

void G4ViewParameters::SetXGeometryString ( const G4String & geomString)

Definition at line 1213 of file

1215 const G4String delimiters("xX+-");
1216 G4String::size_type i = geomString.find_first_of(delimiters);
1217 if (i == G4String::npos) {
1218 // Does not contain "xX+-".
1219 // Is it a single number?
1220 std::istringstream iss(geomString);
1221 G4int size;
1222 iss >> size;
1223 if (iss) {
1224 // It is a number
1225 fWindowSizeHintX = size;
1226 fWindowSizeHintY = size;
1227 }
1228 // Accept other or all defaults (in G4ViewParameters constructor)
1229 // Reconstruct a geometry string coherent with the above
1230 char signX, signY;
1231 if (fWindowLocationHintXNegative) signX = '-'; else signX ='+';
1232 if (fWindowLocationHintYNegative) signY = '-'; else signY ='+';
1233 std::ostringstream oss;
1234 oss << fWindowSizeHintX << 'x' << fWindowSizeHintY
1235 << signX << fWindowLocationHintX << signY << fWindowLocationHintY;
1236 fXGeometryString = oss.str();
1237 return;
1238 }
1240 // Assume it's a parseable X geometry string
1241 G4int x = 0, y = 0;
1242 unsigned int w = 0, h = 0;
1243 fGeometryMask = ParseGeometry( geomString, &x, &y, &w, &h );
1245 // Handle special case :
1246 if ((fGeometryMask & fYValue) == 0)
1247 { // Using default
1248 y = fWindowLocationHintY;
1249 }
1250 if ((fGeometryMask & fXValue) == 0)
1251 { // Using default
1252 x = fWindowLocationHintX;
1253 }
1255 // Check errors
1256 // if there is no Width and Height
1257 if ( ((fGeometryMask & fHeightValue) == 0 ) &&
1258 ((fGeometryMask & fWidthValue) == 0 )) {
1259 h = fWindowSizeHintY;
1260 w = fWindowSizeHintX;
1261 } else if ((fGeometryMask & fHeightValue) == 0 ) {
1263 // if there is only Width. Special case to be backward compatible
1264 // We set Width and Height the same to obtain a square windows.
1266 G4warn << "Unrecognised geometry string \""
1267 << geomString
1268 << "\". No Height found. Using Width value instead"
1269 << G4endl;
1270 h = w;
1271 }
1272 if ( ((fGeometryMask & fXValue) == 0 ) ||
1273 ((fGeometryMask & fYValue) == 0 )) {
1274 //Using defaults
1275 x = fWindowLocationHintX;
1276 y = fWindowLocationHintY;
1277 }
1278 // Set the string
1279 fXGeometryString = geomString;
1281 // Set values
1282 fWindowSizeHintX = w;
1283 fWindowSizeHintY = h;
1284 fWindowLocationHintX = x;
1285 fWindowLocationHintY = y;
1287 if ( ((fGeometryMask & fXValue)) &&
1288 ((fGeometryMask & fYValue))) {
1290 if ( (fGeometryMask & fXNegative) ) {
1291 fWindowLocationHintXNegative = true;
1292 } else {
1293 fWindowLocationHintXNegative = false;
1294 }
1295 if ( (fGeometryMask & fYNegative) ) {
1296 fWindowLocationHintYNegative = true;
1297 } else {
1298 fWindowLocationHintYNegative = false;
1299 }
1300 }

Referenced by G4VisManager::CreateViewer(), and G4VisCommandViewerCreate::SetNewValue().

◆ SetZoomFactor()

◆ TimeWindowCommands()

G4String G4ViewParameters::TimeWindowCommands ( ) const

Definition at line 704 of file

706 std::ostringstream oss;
708 oss << "#\n# Time window commands";
710 oss
711 << "\n/vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/startTime "
712 << fStartTime/ns << " ns ";
714 oss
715 << "\n/vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/endTime "
716 << fEndTime/ns << " ns ";
718 oss << "\n/vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/fadeFactor "
719 << fFadeFactor;
721 oss
722 << "\n/vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/displayHeadTime ";
723 if (!fDisplayHeadTime) {
724 oss << "false";
725 } else {
726 oss
727 << "true"
728 << ' ' << fDisplayHeadTimeX
729 << ' ' << fDisplayHeadTimeY
730 << ' ' << fDisplayHeadTimeSize
731 << ' ' << fDisplayHeadTimeRed
732 << ' ' << fDisplayHeadTimeGreen
733 << ' ' << fDisplayHeadTimeBlue;
734 }
736 oss
737 << "\n/vis/viewer/set/timeWindow/displayLightFront ";
738 if (!fDisplayLightFront) {
739 oss << "false";
740 } else {
741 oss
742 << "true"
743 << ' ' << fDisplayLightFrontX/mm
744 << ' ' << fDisplayLightFrontY/mm
745 << ' ' << fDisplayLightFrontZ/mm
746 << " mm"
747 << ' ' << fDisplayLightFrontT/ns
748 << " ns"
749 << ' ' << fDisplayLightFrontRed
750 << ' ' << fDisplayLightFrontGreen
751 << ' ' << fDisplayLightFrontBlue;
752 }
754 oss << std::endl;
756 return oss.str();

◆ TouchableCommands()

G4String G4ViewParameters::TouchableCommands ( ) const

Definition at line 561 of file

563 std::ostringstream oss;
565 oss << "#\n# Touchable commands";
567 const std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier>& vams =
568 fVisAttributesModifiers;
570 if (vams.empty()) {
571 oss
572 << "\n# None"
573 << "\n/vis/viewer/clearVisAttributesModifiers";
574 oss << std::endl;
575 return oss.str();
576 }
578 oss
579 << "\n/vis/viewer/clearVisAttributesModifiers";
582 std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier>::const_iterator
583 iModifier;
584 for (iModifier = vams.begin();
585 iModifier != vams.end();
586 ++iModifier) {
588 iModifier->GetPVNameCopyNoPath();
589 if (vamPath != lastPath) {
590 lastPath = vamPath;
591 oss << "\n/vis/set/touchable";
593 for (iVAM = vamPath.begin();
594 iVAM != vamPath.end();
595 ++iVAM) {
596 oss << ' ' << iVAM->GetName() << ' ' << iVAM->GetCopyNo();
597 }
598 }
599 const G4VisAttributes& vamVisAtts = iModifier->GetVisAttributes();
600 const G4Colour& c = vamVisAtts.GetColour();
601 switch (iModifier->GetVisAttributesSignifier()) {
603 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/visibility ";
604 if (vamVisAtts.IsVisible()) {
605 oss << "true";
606 } else {
607 oss << "false";
608 }
609 break;
611 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/daughtersInvisible ";
612 if (vamVisAtts.IsDaughtersInvisible()) {
613 oss << "true";
614 } else {
615 oss << "false";
616 }
617 break;
619 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/colour "
620 << c.GetRed()
621 << ' ' << c.GetGreen()
622 << ' ' << c.GetBlue()
623 << ' ' << c.GetAlpha();
624 break;
626 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/lineStyle ";
627 switch (vamVisAtts.GetLineStyle()) {
629 oss << "unbroken";
630 break;
632 oss << "dashed";
633 break;
635 oss << "dotted";
636 }
637 break;
639 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/lineWidth "
640 << vamVisAtts.GetLineWidth();
641 break;
643 if (vamVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
645 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/forceWireframe ";
646 if (vamVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
647 oss << "true";
648 } else {
649 oss << "false";
650 }
651 }
652 }
653 break;
655 if (vamVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
656 if (vamVisAtts.GetForcedDrawingStyle() == G4VisAttributes::solid) {
657 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/forceSolid ";
658 if (vamVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
659 oss << "true";
660 } else {
661 oss << "false";
662 }
663 }
664 }
665 break;
667 if (vamVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
668 if (vamVisAtts.GetForcedDrawingStyle() == G4VisAttributes::cloud) {
669 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/forceCloud ";
670 if (vamVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
671 oss << "true";
672 } else {
673 oss << "false";
674 }
675 }
676 }
677 break;
679 if (vamVisAtts.IsForceAuxEdgeVisible()) {
680 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/forceAuxEdgeVisible ";
681 if (vamVisAtts.IsForcedAuxEdgeVisible()) {
682 oss << "true";
683 } else {
684 oss << "false";
685 }
686 }
687 break;
689 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/lineSegmentsPerCircle "
690 << vamVisAtts.GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle();
691 break;
693 oss << "\n/vis/touchable/set/numberOfCloudPoints "
694 << vamVisAtts.GetForcedNumberOfCloudPoints();
695 break;
696 }
697 }
699 oss << std::endl;
701 return oss.str();
std::vector< PVNameCopyNo > PVNameCopyNoPath
PVNameCopyNoPath::const_iterator PVNameCopyNoPathConstIterator
G4int GetForcedNumberOfCloudPoints() const
G4double GetLineWidth() const
G4bool IsDaughtersInvisible() const
G4int GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle() const
LineStyle GetLineStyle() const
G4bool IsVisible() const
G4bool IsForceAuxEdgeVisible() const
G4bool IsForcedAuxEdgeVisible() const
ForcedDrawingStyle GetForcedDrawingStyle() const
G4bool IsForceDrawingStyle() const

◆ UnsetExplodeFactor()

void G4ViewParameters::UnsetExplodeFactor ( )

◆ UnsetSectionPlane()

void G4ViewParameters::UnsetSectionPlane ( )

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator<< [1/3]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
const G4ViewParameters & v )

Definition at line 909 of file

909 {
910 os << "View parameters and options:";
912 os << "\n Drawing style: " << v.fDrawingStyle;
914 os << "\n Number of cloud points: " << v.fNumberOfCloudPoints;
916 os << "\n Auxiliary edges: ";
917 if (!v.fAuxEdgeVisible) os << "in";
918 os << "visible";
920 os << "\n Culling: ";
921 if (v.fCulling) os << "on";
922 else os << "off";
924 os << "\n Culling invisible objects: ";
925 if (v.fCullInvisible) os << "on";
926 else os << "off";
928 os << "\n Density culling: ";
929 if (v.fDensityCulling) {
930 os << "on - invisible if density less than "
931 << v.fVisibleDensity / (1. * g / cm3) << " g cm^-3";
932 }
933 else os << "off";
935 os << "\n Culling daughters covered by opaque mothers: ";
936 if (v.fCullCovered) os << "on";
937 else os << "off";
939 os << "\n Colour by density: ";
940 if (v.fCBDAlgorithmNumber <= 0) {
941 os << "inactive";
942 } else {
943 os << "Algorithm " << v.fCBDAlgorithmNumber << ", Parameters:";
944 for (auto p: v.fCBDParameters) {
945 os << ' ' << G4BestUnit(p,"Volumic Mass");
946 }
947 }
949 os << "\n Section flag: ";
950 if (v.fSection) os << "true, section/cut plane: " << v.fSectionPlane;
951 else os << "false";
953 if (v.IsCutaway()) {
954 os << "\n Cutaway planes: ";
955 for (size_t i = 0; i < v.fCutawayPlanes.size (); i++) {
956 os << ' ' << v.fCutawayPlanes[i];
957 }
958 }
959 else {
960 os << "\n No cutaway planes";
961 }
963 os << "\n Explode factor: " << v.fExplodeFactor
964 << " about centre: " << v.fExplodeCentre;
966 os << "\n No. of sides used in circle polygon approximation: "
967 << v.fNoOfSides;
969 os << "\n Viewpoint direction: " << v.fViewpointDirection;
971 os << "\n Up vector: " << v.fUpVector;
973 os << "\n Field half angle: " << v.fFieldHalfAngle;
975 os << "\n Zoom factor: " << v.fZoomFactor;
977 os << "\n Scale factor: " << v.fScaleFactor;
979 os << "\n Current target point: " << v.fCurrentTargetPoint;
981 os << "\n Dolly distance: " << v.fDolly;
983 os << "\n Light ";
984 if (v.fLightsMoveWithCamera) os << "moves";
985 else os << "does not move";
986 os << " with camera";
988 os << "\n Relative lightpoint direction: "
989 << v.fRelativeLightpointDirection;
991 os << "\n Actual lightpoint direction: "
992 << v.fActualLightpointDirection;
994 os << "\n Derived parameters for standard view of object of unit radius:";
995 G4ViewParameters tempVP = v;
996 tempVP.fDolly = 0.;
997 tempVP.fZoomFactor = 1.;
998 const G4double radius = 1.;
999 const G4double cameraDistance = tempVP.GetCameraDistance (radius);
1000 const G4double nearDistance =
1001 tempVP.GetNearDistance (cameraDistance, radius);
1002 const G4double farDistance =
1003 tempVP.GetFarDistance (cameraDistance, nearDistance, radius);
1004 const G4double right = tempVP.GetFrontHalfHeight (nearDistance, radius);
1005 os << "\n Camera distance: " << cameraDistance;
1006 os << "\n Near distance: " << nearDistance;
1007 os << "\n Far distance: " << farDistance;
1008 os << "\n Front half height: " << right;
1010 os << "\n Default VisAttributes:\n " << v.fDefaultVisAttributes;
1012 os << "\n Default TextVisAttributes:\n " << v.fDefaultTextVisAttributes;
1014 os << "\n Default marker: " << v.fDefaultMarker;
1016 os << "\n Global marker scale: " << v.fGlobalMarkerScale;
1018 os << "\n Global lineWidth scale: " << v.fGlobalLineWidthScale;
1020 os << "\n Marker ";
1021 if (v.fMarkerNotHidden) os << "not ";
1022 os << "hidden by surfaces.";
1024 os << "\n Window size hint: "
1025 << v.fWindowSizeHintX << 'x'<< v.fWindowSizeHintX;
1027 os << "\n X geometry string: " << v.fXGeometryString;
1028 os << "\n X geometry mask: "
1029 << std::showbase << std::hex << v.fGeometryMask
1030 << std::noshowbase << std::dec;
1032 os << "\n Auto refresh: ";
1033 if (v.fAutoRefresh) os << "true";
1034 else os << "false";
1036 os << "\n Background colour: " << v.fBackgroundColour;
1038 os << "\n Picking requested: ";
1039 if (v.fPicking) os << "true";
1040 else os << "false";
1042 os << "\n Rotation style: ";
1043 switch (v.fRotationStyle) {
1045 os << "constrainUpDirection (conventional HEP view)"; break;
1047 os << "freeRotation (Google-like rotation, using mouse-grab)"; break;
1048 default: os << "unrecognised"; break;
1049 }
1051 os << "\n Vis attributes modifiers: ";
1052 const std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier>& vams =
1053 v.fVisAttributesModifiers;
1054 if (vams.empty()) {
1055 os << "None";
1056 } else {
1057 os << vams;
1058 }
1060 os << "\n Time window parameters:"
1061 << "\n Start time: " << v.fStartTime/ns << " ns"
1062 << "\n End time: " << v.fEndTime/ns << " ns"
1063 << "\n Fade factor: " << v.fFadeFactor;
1064 if (!v.fDisplayHeadTime) {
1065 os << "\n Head time display not requested.";
1066 } else {
1067 os
1068 << "\n Head time position: "
1069 << v.fDisplayHeadTimeX << ' ' << v.fDisplayHeadTimeY
1070 << "\n Head time size: " << v.fDisplayHeadTimeSize
1071 << "\n Head time colour: " << v.fDisplayHeadTimeRed
1072 << ' ' << v.fDisplayHeadTimeGreen << ' ' << v.fDisplayHeadTimeBlue;
1073 }
1074 if (!v.fDisplayLightFront) {
1075 os << "\n Light front display not requested.";
1076 } else {
1077 os
1078 << "\n Light front position: "
1079 << v.fDisplayLightFrontX/mm << ' ' << v.fDisplayLightFrontY/mm
1080 << ' ' << v.fDisplayLightFrontZ/mm << " mm"
1081 << "\n Light front time: " << v.fDisplayLightFrontT/ns << " ns"
1082 << "\n Light front colour: " << v.fDisplayLightFrontRed
1083 << ' ' << v.fDisplayLightFrontGreen << ' ' << v.fDisplayLightFrontBlue;
1084 }
1086 os << "\n Special Mesh Rendering";
1087 if (v.fSpecialMeshRendering) {
1088 os << " requested with option \"" << v.fSpecialMeshRenderingOption;
1089 os << "\" for ";
1090 if (v.fSpecialMeshVolumes.empty()) {
1091 os << "any mesh";
1092 } else {
1093 os << "selected meshes";
1094 for (const auto& vol: v.fSpecialMeshVolumes) {
1095 os << "\n " << vol.GetName() << ':' << vol.GetCopyNo();
1096 }
1097 }
1098 } else os << ": off";
1099 return os;
G4double GetCameraDistance(G4double radius) const
G4double GetFarDistance(G4double cameraDistance, G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const
G4double GetFrontHalfHeight(G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const
G4double GetNearDistance(G4double cameraDistance, G4double radius) const

◆ operator<< [2/3]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle style )

Definition at line 876 of file

879 switch (style) {
881 os << "wireframe"; break;
883 os << "hlr - hidden lines removed"; break;
885 os << "hsr - hidden surfaces removed"; break;
887 os << "hlhsr - hidden line, hidden surface removed"; break;
889 os << "cloud - draw volume as a cloud of dots"; break;
890 default: os << "unrecognised"; break;
891 }
892 return os;

◆ operator<< [3/3]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
G4ViewParameters::SMROption option )

Definition at line 895 of file

898 switch (option) {
900 os << "default"; break;
902 os << "dots"; break;
904 os << "surfaces"; break;
905 }
906 return os;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: